Monday, 11 November 2024

The Song of Songs - 2

The music in these posts is entirely derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here. There are performances of the song here: 12345678. And here: 12345678

Song 2: Syllables: 429; Longest recitation: 20; Tenor: B 25.64%;
Ornament density: 13.3%; Average phrase length: 14.8.
1 I am the crocus of the plain, the lily of the valley. (1-1)
א אני֙ חבצ֣לת השר֔ון שֽושנ֖ת העמקֽים 16
a ani kbxlt hwron wownt hymqim
2 As a lily between thorns, so is my friend between the daughters. (1-1)
ב כשֽושנה֙ ב֣ין החוח֔ים כ֥ן רעית֖י ב֥ין הבנֽות 16
b cwownh bin hkokim cn ryiiti bin hbnot
3 As an apricot tree among the trees of the forest, so is my beloved between the sons.
Into his shadow I was attracted and I sat, but his fruit was sweeter to my palate. (1-4-1)
ג כתפ֙וח֙ בעצ֣י הי֔ער כ֥ן דוד֖י ב֣ין הבנ֑ים
בצלו֙ חמ֣דתי ויש֔בתי ופרי֖ו מת֥וק לחכֽי
g ctpuk byxi hiyr cn dodi bin hbnim
bxilo kimdti viwbti upriio mtoq lkici
4 He brought me to the wine house, and his banner over me was love. (1-1)
ד הביא֙ני֙ אל־ב֣ית הי֔ין ודגל֥ו על֖י אהבֽה 17
d hbiani al-bit hiin vdglo ylii ahbh
5 Support me with raisins, outspread me with apricots,
for ah, I, writhing with love am I. (1-4-1)
ה סמכ֙וני֙ בֽאשיש֔ות רפד֖וני בתפוח֑ים
כי־חול֥ת אהב֖ה אֽני
h smcuni bawiwot rpduni btpukim
ci-kolt ahbh ani
6 His left hand is under my head, and his right hand clasps me. (1-1)
ו שמאלו֙ ת֣חת לראש֔י וימינ֖ו תחבקֽני 15
v wmalo tkt lrawi vimino tkbqni
7 I have adjured you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the hosts of gazelle or by the hart of the field,
if you rouse or if you arouse this love till it delight. (1-4-1)
ז השב֨עתי אתכ֜ם בנ֤ות ירושל֙ם֙ בצבא֔ות א֖ו באיל֣ות השד֑ה
אם־תע֧ירו וֽאם־תעֽורר֛ו את־האהב֖ה ע֥ד שתחפֽץ
z hwbyti atcm bnot iruwlim bxbaot ao baiilot hwdh
am-tyiru vam-tyorru at-hahbh yd wtkpx
8 ♪B The voice of my beloved, behold, this one, coming,
leaping over the hills, springing over the hillocks. (B-1-4-1)
ח ק֣ול דוד֔י הנה־ז֖ה ב֑א
מדלג֙ על־ה֣הר֔ים מקפ֖ץ על־הגבעֽות
k qol dodi hnh-zh ba
mdlg yl-hhrim mqpx yl-hgbyot
9 My beloved is like the hosts of gazelle, or the faun of the hart.
Behold, this one, standing behind our embankment, peering through the perforations, blossoming through the lattice. (1-4-1)
ט דומ֤ה דודי֙ לצב֔י א֖ו לע֣פר הֽאיל֑ים
הנה־ז֤ה עומד֙ אח֣ר כתל֔נו משג֙יח֙ מן־הֽחלנ֔ות מצ֖יץ מן־הֽחרכֽים
T domh dodi lxbi ao lyopr haiilim
hnh-zh yomd akr cotlnu mwgik mn-hklonot mxix mn-hkrcim
10 My beloved answered and said to me:
Arise, you, my friend, my beauty, and you, come away. (1-4-1)
י ענ֥ה דוד֖י וא֣מר ל֑י
ק֥ומי ל֛ך רעית֥י יפת֖י ולכי־לֽך
i ynh dodi vamr li
qumi lç ryiiti ipti ulci-lç
11 For behold, the winter is passed.
The heavy rain has done its renewal. It has walked offstage. (1-4-1)
יא כֽי־הנ֥ה הסת֖יו עב֑ר
הג֕שם חל֖ף הל֥ך לֽו
ia ci-hnh hstiv ybr
hgwm klf hlç lo
12 The sparkles have appeared in the land, the time of psalm-singing is contagious,
and the tone of the turtledove is heard in our land. (1-4-1)
יב הנצנים֙ נרא֣ו בא֔רץ ע֥ת הזמ֖יר הג֑יע
וק֥ול הת֖ור נשמ֥ע בארצֽנו
ib hnixnim nrau barx yt hzmir hgiy
vqol htor nwmy barxnu
13 The fig tree ripens her early fruit; and the vines with a tender bud give a smell.
Arise, you, my friend, my beauty, and you, come away. (1-4-1)
יג התאנה֙ חֽנט֣ה פג֔יה והגפנ֥ים סמד֖ר נ֣תנו ר֑יח
ק֥ומי ל֛ך רעית֥י יפת֖י ולכי־לֽך
ig htanh knTh pgih vhgpnim smdr ntnu rik
qumi lç ryiiti ipti ulci-lç
14 My dove, in the clefts of the cliff, in the secret steep place, let me see your appearance, and let me hear your tone,
for your tone is dulcet and your appearance is lovely. (1-4-1)
יד יונת֞י בחגו֣י הס֗לע בס֙תר֙ המדרג֔ה הרא֙יני֙ את־מרא֔יך השמיע֖יני את־קול֑ך
כי־קול֥ך ער֖ב ומרא֥יך נאוֽה ס
id ionti bkgvvi hsly bstr hmdrgh hraini at-mraiiç hwmiyini at-qolç
ci-qolç yrb umraç navh s
15 Catch and hold fast for us, foxes; wee foxes inflicting pain on vineyards.
But our vineyards are budding tenderly. (1-4-1)
טו אֽחזו־ל֙נו֙ שֽועל֔ים שֽועל֥ים קטנ֖ים מחבל֣ים כרמ֑ים
וכרמ֖ינו סמדֽר
Tv akzu-lnu wuylim wuylim qTnim mkblim crmim
ucrminu smdr
16 My beloved is mine, and I am his; he grazes among the lilies. (1-1)
טז דוד֥י לי֙ ואנ֣י ל֔ו הרע֖ה בשושנֽים 14
Tz dodi li vani lo hroyh bwownim
17 ♪C Till the day respires and the shadows withdraw,
surround, be like, you, my beloved, the gazelle or the faun of the hart upon the rugged mountains. (C-1-4-1)
יז ע֤ד שיפ֙וח֙ הי֔ום ונ֖סו הצלל֑ים
סב֩ דמה־לך֨ דוד֜י לצב֗י א֛ו לע֥פר האיל֖ים על־ה֥רי בֽתר ס
iz yd wipuk hiom vnsu hxllim
sob dmh-lç dodi lxbi ao lyopr haiilim yl-hri btr s

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