Psalms 71: Syllables: 512; Longest recitation: 14; Tenor: f# 23.24%; Ornament density: 11.6%; Average phrase length: 9.8. |
1 In you Yahweh I take refuge. I will never be ashamed. (1-4-1) | |||
א בךֽ־יהו֥ה חס֑יתי אל־אב֥ושה לעולֽם |
8 7 |
a bç-ihvh ksiti al-abowh lyolm | |
2 In your righteousness you will deliver me and you will secure me. Bend to me your ear and save me. (1-4-1) | |||
ב בצדקתך֗ תציל֥ני וֽתפלט֑ני הטֽה־אל֥י א֝זנך֗ והושיעֽני |
12 12 |
b bxdqtç txilni utplTni hTh-alii aoznç vhowiyni | |
3 Be to me a rock, a habitation to come to continually. You have commanded that I be saved, for my cliff and my fortress you are. (1-4-1) | |||
ג הי֤ה ל֨י לצ֥ור מע֡ון לב֗וא תמ֗יד צו֥ית להושיע֑ני כֽי־סלע֖י ומצודת֣י אֽתה |
19 9 |
g hih li lxur myon lboa tmid xivvit lhowiyni ci-slyi umxudti ath | |
4 O my God, secure me from the hand of the wicked, from the palm, from an unjust and sour person. (1-4-1) | |||
ד אֽלה֗י פ֭לטני מי֣ד רש֑ע מכ֖ף מעו֣ל וחומֽץ |
9 8 |
d alohii plTni mid rwy mcf myvvl vkomx | |
5 For you I wait, O Lord Yahweh, from my trust, from my youth. (1-4-1) | |||
ה כֽי־את֥ה תקות֑י אדנ֥י י֝הו֗ה מבטח֥י מנעורֽי |
5 11 |
h ci-ath tqvvti adonii ihvh mbTki mnyurii | |
6 By you I have been supported from the belly. From the inner parts of my mother you yourself severed me. In you is my praise continually. (1-4-1) | |||
ו על֤יך נסמ֬כתי מב֗טן ממע֣י א֭מי את֣ה גוז֑י בך֖ תהלת֣י תמֽיד |
17 8 |
v yliç nsmcti mbTn mmyi aimi ath gozi bç thilti tmid | |
7 ♪g I have become as a portent to many, but you are my strong refuge. (g-1-4-1) | |||
ז כ֭מופת הי֣יתי לרב֑ים ו֝את֗ה מֽחסי־עֽז |
9 7 |
z cmopt hiiti lrbim vath mksi-yoz | |
8 Let my mouth be filled with your praises, all the day long your adornment. (1-4-1) | |||
ח ימ֣לא פ֭י תהלת֑ך כל־ה֝י֗ום תפארתֽך |
9 7 |
k iimla pi thilotiç cl-hiom tpartç | |
9 Do not cast me off in the time of old age, when my power is consumed, do not forsake me. (1-4-1) | |||
ט אֽל־ת֭שליכני לע֣ת זקנ֑ה ככל֥ות כ֝ח֗י אֽל־תעזבֽני |
9 9 |
T al-twlicni lyt zqnh cclot coki al-tyzbni | |
10 For my enemies talk of me, and watching for my being, they conspire as one. (1-4-1) | |||
י כֽי־אמר֣ו אויב֣י ל֑י ושמר֥י נ֝פש֗י נועצ֥ו יחדֽו |
6 10 |
i ci-amru aoibii li vwomri npwi noyxu ikdiv | |
11 ♪g Saying, God has forsaken him. Pursue him and arrest him, for there is none to deliver. (g-1-4-1) | |||
יא ל֭אמר אלה֣ים עזב֑ו רֽדפ֥ו ו֝תפש֗והו כי־א֥ין מצֽיל |
8 10 |
ia lamor alohim yzbo rdpu vtpwuhu ci-ain mxil | |
12 ♪g O God do not be distant from me, My God to my help hurry. (g-1-4-1) | |||
יב א֭להים אל־תרח֣ק ממ֑ני א֝לה֗י לעזר֥תי חֽושה |
9 9 |
ib alohim al-trkq mmni alohii lyzrti kuwh | |
13 Let the accusers of my being be ashamed and consumed, let them wrap themselves with reproach and humiliation, who seek my hurt. (1-2-4-1) | |||
יג יב֣שו יכלו֮ שטנ֪י נ֫פש֥י יֽעט֣ו ח֭רפה וכלמ֑ה מ֝בקש֗י רעתֽי |
9 8 6 |
ig ibowu iclu woTni npwi iyTu krph uclimh mbqwi ryti | |
14 ♪g but I continually will hope, and I will repeatedly add to all your praises. (g-1-4-1) | |||
יד ו֭אני תמ֣יד איח֑ל ו֝הוספת֗י על־כל־תהלתֽך |
8 11 |
id vani tmid aiikl vhospti yl-cl-thilotiç | |
15 ♪C my mouth will recount your righteousness, all the day long your salvation, for I do not know the counts. (C-1-4-1) | |||
טו פ֤י יספ֬ר צדקת֗ך כל־הי֥ום תשועת֑ך כ֤י ל֖א יד֣עתי ספרֽות |
16 8 |
Tv pi ispr xdqtç cl-hiom twuytç ci la idyti sporot | |
16 I will come in valour, O Lord, Yahweh. I will remember your righteousness, yours alone. (1-4-1) | |||
טז אב֗וא ב֭גברות אדנ֣י יהו֑ה אזכ֖יר צדקתך֣ לבדֽך |
10 9 |
Tz aboa bgburot adonii ihvh azcir xdqtç lbdç | |
17 O God, you have taught me from my youth, and till now I have announced your wonderful works. (1-4-1) | |||
יז אֽלה֗ים למדת֥ני מנעור֑י ועד־ה֝֗נה אג֥יד נפלאותֽיך |
9 11 |
iz alohim limdtni mnyurii vyd-hnh agid nplaotiç | |
18 And even to old age and grey-hair, O God do not forsake me, till I have announced your arm to a generation, to all who come, your valour. (1-2-4-1) | |||
יח וג֤ם עד־זקנ֨ה ושיבה֮ אלה֪ים אֽל־תע֫זב֥ני עד־אג֣יד זרועך֣ לד֑ור לכל־י֝ב֗וא גבורתֽך |
16 9 9 |
ik vgm yd-zqnh vwibh alohim al-tyzbni yd-agid zroyç ldor lcl-iboa gburtç | |
19 And your righteousness O God is ever high, who has done great things. O God, who is like you? (1-2-4-1) | |||
יט וצדקתך֥ אלה֗ים עד־מ֫ר֥ום אשר־עש֥ית גדל֑ות א֝לה֗ים מ֣י כמֽוך |
10 8 7 |
iT vxdqtç alohim yd-mrom awr-ywit gdolot alohim mi cmoç | |
20 Who showed me many and hurtful troubles, you will turn and give me life, and from the abysses of the earth, you will turn and make me ascend. (1-2-4-1) | |||
כ אש֤ר הראית֨ני צר֥ות רב֗ות ור֫ע֥ות תש֥וב תחי֑יני וֽמתהמ֥ות ה֝א֗רץ תש֥וב תעלֽני |
13 6 13 |
c awr hraitni xrot rbot vryot twub tkiini umthomot harx twub tylni | |
21 ♪C You will increase my greatness and you will surround and comfort me. (C-1-1) | |||
כא ת֤רב גֽדלת֗י ותס֥ב תֽנחמֽני | 14 |
ca trb gdulti vtisob tnkmni | |
22 Even I, I will give thanks to you in this senseless instrument, your truth O my God. I will sing a psalm to you on a harp, the Holy One of Israel. (1-2-4-1) | |||
כב גם־אנ֤י אודך֣ בכלי־נבל֮ אמתך֪ אל֫ה֥י אזמר֣ה לך֣ בכנ֑ור ק֝ד֗וש ישראֽל |
14 8 5 |
cb gm-ani aodç bcli-nbl amitç alohii azmrh lç bcinor qdow iwral | |
23 My lips will shout for joy for I will sing a psalm to you, and my being which you have ransomed. (1-4-1) | |||
כג תרנ֣נ֣ה ש֭פתי כ֣י אזמרה־ל֑ך ו֝נפש֗י אש֣ר פדֽית |
12 8 |
cg trnnh wptii ci azmrh-lç vnpwi awr pdit | |
24 Even my tongue all the day long will meditate on your righteousness, for they are shamed, for they are disappointed who seek my hurt. (1-4-1) | |||
כד גם־לשונ֗י כל־ה֭יום תהג֣ה צדקת֑ך כי־ב֥שו כֽי־ח֝פר֗ו מבקש֥י רעתֽי |
13 11 |
cd gm-lwoni cl-hiom thgh xdqtç ci-bowu ci-kpru mbqwi ryti |
The music in these posts is derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here.
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