Psalms 68: Syllables: 766; Longest recitation: 12; Tenor: f#
Ornament density: 13.6%; Average phrase length: 10. In contrast to Psalm 69, the tenor here is f# for every set of verses taken four at a time except for verses 17 to 20 where the tenor is C (35.64%).
Psalms 68: (Verses 1 to 13) Syllables: 274; Longest recitation: 10;
Tenor: f# 33.94%; Ornament density: 11.4%; Average phrase length: 10.5. |
1 For the leader. Of David. A psalm. A song. (1-1) | |||
א למנצ֥ח לדו֗ד מזמ֥ור שֽיר | 10 |
a lmnxk ldvid mzmor wir | |
2 God will arise. His enemies will be
dispersed. And those hating him will withdraw from his presence. (1-4-1) |
ב יק֣ום א֭להים יפ֣וצו אויב֑יו וינ֥וסו מ֝שנא֗יו מפנֽיו |
10 10 |
b iqum alohim ipuxu aoibiv vinusu mwnaiv mpniv |
3 As smoke is blown you will blow, as melting wax from the presence of fire, the wicked will perish from the presence of God. (1-2-4-1) |
ג כהנד֥ף עש֗ן ת֫נד֥ף כהמ֣ס ד֭ונג מפני־א֑ש יאבד֥ו ר֝שע֗ים מפנ֥י אלהֽים |
7 8 10 |
g chndof ywn tndof chims dong mpni-aw iabdu rwyim mpni alohim |
4 But the righteous will be glad. They will be elated in the presence of God and they will joy in gladness. (1-1) | |||
ד וֽצדיק֗ים ישמח֣ו יֽ֭עלצו לפנ֥י אלה֗ים ויש֥ישו בשמחֽה | 22 |
d vxdiqim iwmku iylxu lpni alohim viwiwu bwmkh | |
5 ♪C Sing to God. Sing a psalm to his
name. Extol the one riding in the evenings by Yah his name, and exult in his presence. (C-1-2-1) |
ה ש֤ירו לֽאלהים֮ זמר֪ו ש֫מ֥ו ס֡לו לרכ֣ב ב֭ערבות בי֥ה שמ֗ו ועלז֥ו לפנֽיו |
9 19 |
h wiru lalohim zmru wmo solu lrocb byrbot bih wmo vylzu lpniv |
6 A father of orphans and advocate of
widows, God in the habitation of his sanctuary. (1-4-1) |
ו אב֣י י֭תומים ודי֣ן אלמנ֑ות א֝לה֗ים במע֥ון קדשֽו |
11 7 |
v abi itomim vdiin almnot alohim bmyon qodwo |
7 God seating the solitary in a
household, bringing out prisoners into success. Surely the rebellious will dwell in a scorched place. (1-4-1) |
ז אלה֤ים מ֘וש֤יב יחיד֨ים ב֗יתה מוצ֣יא א֭סירים בכושר֑ות א֥ך ס֝ורר֗ים שכנ֥ו צחיחֽה |
19 9 |
z alohim mowib ikidim bith moxia asirim
bcowrot aç sorrim wcnu xkikh |
8 O God, when you go forth in the
presence of your people, when you march in a wasteland, Selah. (1-4-1) |
ח אֽלה֗ים ב֭צאתך לפנ֣י עמ֑ך בצעדך֖ בישימ֣ון סֽלה |
10 9 |
k alohim bxatç lpni ymç bxydç biwimon slh |
9 ♪C earth quaked, also the heavens
dropped from the presence of God, (that is Sinai), from the presence of God, the God of Israel. (C-1-2-4-1) |
ט א֤רץ רע֨שה אף־שמ֣ים נטפו֮ מפנ֪י אל֫ה֥ים ז֥ה סינ֑י מפנ֥י א֝לה֗ים אלה֥י ישראֽל |
15 3 11 |
T arx rywh af-wmiim nTpu mpni alohim
zh sinii mpni alohim alohi iwral |
10 ♪B Willing showers you sprinkled, O
God. Your inheritance though she was impatient, you yourself established. (B-1-4-1) |
י ג֣שם נ֭דבות תנ֣יף אלה֑ים נחלתך֥ ו֝נלא֗ה את֥ה כֽוננתֽה |
10 12 |
i gwm ndbot tnif alohim nkltç vnlah ath connth |
11 Those you gave life sit there. You will establish your goodness for the poor, O God. (1-4-1) |
יא חיתך֥ יֽשבו־ב֑ה ת֤כ֥ין בטובתך֖ לענ֣י אלהֽים |
6 12 |
ia kitç iwbu-bh tcin bTobtç lyni alohim |
12 My Lord gave a promise. The women publishing are an abundant host. (1-4-1) |
יב אדנ֥י יתן־א֑מר הֽ֝מבשר֗ות צב֥א רֽב |
7 6 |
ib adonii iitn-aomr hmbwrot xba rb |
13 Kings of hosts ride away ride
away. She who stayed home in the house shared the spoil. (1-4-1) |
יג מלכ֣י צ֭באות ידד֣ון ידד֑ון ונות־ב֝֗ית תחל֥ק שלֽל |
11 9 |
ig mlci xbaot iidodun iidodun
unvvt-bit tklq wll |
Psalms 68: (Verses 14 to 25) Syllables: 256; Longest recitation: 11;
Tenor: f# 23.44%; Ornament density: 16.5%; Average phrase length: 9.4. |
14 Though you lie down between the
ash-heaps, the wings of a dove canopied with silver, and her feathers with yellow-green bullion, (1-2-4-1) |
יד אֽם־תשכבון֮ ב֪ין שפ֫ת֥ים כנפ֣י י֭ונה נחפ֣ה בכ֑סף ו֝אברות֗יה בֽירקר֥ק חרֽוץ |
9 9 10 |
id am-twcbun bin wptiim cnpi ionh nkph bcsf vabrotih birqrq krux |
15 the Sufficient will spread the kings there, white as snow in Salmon. (1-1) | |||
טו בפ֘ר֤ש שד֓י מל֘כ֤ים ב֗ה תשל֥ג בצלמֽון | 14 |
Tv bprw wdii mlcim bh twlg bxlmon | |
16 The hill of God, the hill of
Bashan, the hill of mountain peaks, the hill of Bashan. (1-4-1) |
טז הר־א֭להים הר־בש֑ן ה֥ר ג֝בננ֗ים הר־בשֽן |
7 7 |
Tz hr-alohim hr-bwn hr gbnunim hr-bwn |
17 ♪C Why be envious O hills? Of
mountain peaks? This hill God finds attractive for his seat. Also, Yahweh will dwell here in perpetuity. (C-1-2-4-1) |
יז ל֤מה תֽרצדון֮ הר֪ים גבנ֫נ֥ים הה֗ר חמ֣ד אלה֣ים לשבת֑ו אף־י֝הו֗ה ישכ֥ן לנֽצח |
10 10 8 |
iz lmh trxdun hrim gbnunim hhr kmd alohim lwbto af-ihvh iwcon lnxk |
18 ♪C the chariot of God, tens of
thousands, thousands, myriads, my Lord is there, Sinai, in the sanctuary. (C-1-4-1) |
יח ר֤כב אלה֗ים רבת֣ים אלפ֣י שנא֑ן אדנ֥י ב֝֗ם סינ֥י בקֽדש |
12 9 |
ik rcb alohim ribotiim alpi wnan
adonii bm sinii bqodw |
19 ♪~ You have ascended on high.
Captives you have captured. You have received endowments for
humanity, and also the rebellious in the dwelling of Yah, God. (~1-4-1) |
יט ע֘ל֤ית למר֨ום ש֘ב֤ית ש֗בי לק֣חת מ֭תנות באד֑ם וא֥ף ס֝ורר֗ים לשכ֤ן י֬ה אלהֽים |
20 10 |
iT ylit lmrom wbit wbi lqkt mtnot badm
vaf sorrim lwcon ih alohim |
20 ♪C Blessed is my Lord. Day by day he carries us, the God of our salvation. Selah. (C-1-1) | |||
כ ב֤ר֣וך אדני֮ י֤ום י֥ום יעמס־ל֗נו ה֘א֤ל יֽשועת֬נו סֽלה | 21 |
c bruç adonii iom iom iymos-lnu hal iwuytnu slh | |
21 ♪C Our God is the God of
victories, and to Yahweh, my Lord, are the exeunts from death. (C-1-2-4-1) |
כא ה֤א֣ל לנו֮ א֤ל לֽמוש֫ע֥ות וליהו֥ה אדנ֑י ל֝מ֗ות תוצאֽות |
9 6 6 |
ca hal lnu al lmowyot vlihvh adonii lmvvt toxaot |
22 Surely God will wound the head of
his enemies, the hairy scalp, of one walking in his offense. (1-2-4-1) |
כב אך־אלה֗ים ימחץ֮ ר֤אש א֫יב֥יו קדק֥ד שע֑ר מ֝תהל֗ך באשמֽיו |
9 4 7 |
cb aç-alohim imkx raw aoibiv
qodqod wiyr mthlç bawmiv |
23 My Lord said, From Bashan I will
bring back, I will bring back from the depths of the sea, (1-4-1) |
כג אמ֣ר א֭דני מבש֣ן אש֑יב א֝ש֗יב מֽמצל֥ות יֽם |
10 6 |
cg amr adonii mbwn awib awib mmxulot im |
24 so that you will wound your foot, the tongue of your dogs in blood, from the enemies of his portion. (1-2-4-1) |
כד למ֤ען ת֥מח֥ץ רגלך֗ ב֫ד֥ם לש֥ון כלב֑יך מאיב֥ים מנֽהו |
10 6 6 |
cd lmyn tmkx rglç bdm lwon clbiç maoibim minhu |
25 They have seen your processions, O
God, the processions of my God, my king in the sanctuary. (1-4-1) |
כה רא֣ו הליכות֣יך אלה֑ים הל֘יכ֤ות אל֖י מלכ֣י בקֽדש |
10 10 |
ch rau hlicotiç alohim hlicot ali mlci bqodw |
Psalms 68: (Verses 26 to 36) Syllables: 236; Longest recitation: 12;
Tenor: f# 32.63%; Ornament density: 13.1%; Average phrase length: 10.3. |
26 Singers precede, after them the
orchestra, in the midst, young women drumming. (1-4-1) |
כו קדמ֣ו ש֭רים אח֣ר נגנ֑ים בת֥וך ע֝למ֗ות תופפֽות |
8 8 |
cv qidmu wrim akr nognim btoç ylmot toppot |
27 ♪g In the congregations, bless
God, Yahweh, from the fountain of Israel. (g-1-4-1) |
כז בֽ֭מקהלות ברכ֣ו אלה֑ים י֝הו֗ה ממק֥ור ישראֽל |
9 7 |
cz bmqhlot brcu alohim ihvh mmqor iwral |
28 ♪C There is diminutive Benjamin,
ruler, the nobility of Judah their crowd, the nobility of Zebulun, the nobility of Naphtali. (C-1-4-1) |
כח ש֤ם בנימ֨ן צע֡יר רד֗ם שר֣י י֭הודה רגמת֑ם שר֥י ז֝בל֗ון שר֥י נפתלֽי |
16 10 |
ck wm bnimin xyir rodm wri ihudh rgmtm
wri zbulun wri nptli |
29 Your God commanded your strength. Be
strong O God. This you have worked for us. (1-2-4-1) |
כט צו֥ה אלה֗יך ע֫ז֥ך עוז֥ה אלה֑ים ז֝֗ו פע֥לת לֽנו |
14 6 |
cT xivvh alohiç yuzç yuzh alohim
zu pylt lnu |
30 ♪g Out of your temple at
Jerusalem, to you kings will convey tribute. (g-1-4-1) |
ל מֽ֭היכלך על־ירושל֑ם לך֤ יוב֖ילו מלכ֣ים שֽי |
10 9 |
l mhiclç yl-iruwlim lç iobilu mlcim wi |
31 Rebuke the animal of the purchase,
the testimony of the mighty with the calves of the peoples, submitting
themselves in bits of silver. He will dispel peoples delighting in close combat. (1-4-1) |
לא גע֨ר חי֪ת קנ֡ה עד֤ת אביר֨ים בעגל֬י עמ֗ים מתרפ֥ס ברצי־כ֑סף בז֥ר ע֝מ֗ים קרב֥ות יחפֽצו |
23 10 |
la gyr kit qnh ydt abirim bygli ymim
mtrps brxi-csf bizr ymim qrbot ikpxu |
32 Ambassadors will arrive from
Egypt. Cush will race, its hands toward God. (1-4-1) |
לב יאת֣יו ח֭שמנים מנ֣י מצר֑ים כ֥וש תר֥יץ י֝ד֗יו לאלהֽים |
12 8 |
lb iatiu kwmnim mni mxriim cuw trix idiv lalohim |
33 Kingdoms of the earth sing to
God. Sing a psalm to my Lord. Selah. (1-4-1) |
לג ממלכ֣ות ה֭ארץ ש֣ירו לאלה֑ים זמר֖ו אדנ֣י סֽלה |
11 7 |
lg mmlcot harx wiru lalohim zmru adonii slh |
34 ♪g To the one riding in the heaven of
heavens preceding, lo he gives with his voice a voice of strength. (g-1-4-1) |
לד ל֭רכב בשמ֣י שמי־ק֑דם ה֥ן ית֥ן ב֝קולו ק֣ול עֽז |
8 8 |
ld lrocb bwmi wmi-qdm hn iitn bqolo qol yoz |
35 Give strength to God, his pride over Israel, and his strength in the skies. (1-2-4-1) |
לה תנ֥ו ע֗ז לֽאל֫ה֥ים עֽל־ישרא֥ל גאות֑ו ו֝עז֗ו בשחקֽים |
6 8 6 |
lh tnu yoz lalohim yl-iwral gavvto vyuzo bwkqim |
36 ♪C God feared from your sanctuary, the God of Israel, he gives strength and numbers to the people. Bless God. (C-1-2-1) |
לו נ֤ור֥א אלה֗ים מֽמקד֫ש֥יך א֤ל ישרא֗ל ה֤וא נת֨ן ע֖ז ותעצמ֥ות לע֗ם בר֥וך אלהֽים |
10 20 |
lv nora alohim mmqdwiç al iwral hua notn yoz vtyxumot lym bruç alohim |
The music in these posts is derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here.
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