Psalms 119: (Verses 33 to 48) Syllables: 272; Longest recitation: 10; Tenor: e 25.83%; Ornament density: 5.2%; Average phrase length: 10.8. |
(Verses 33 to 40) Syllables: 130; Longest recitation: 9; Tenor: g 30.77%;
Ornament density: 3.8%; Average phrase length: 10.
(Verses 41 to 48) Syllables: 142; Longest recitation: 10; Tenor: e 30.28%;
Ornament density: 6.4%; Average phrase length: 11.8.
33 Help me learn Yahweh the way of your statutes and I will observe with foot firmly planted. (1-1) | |||
לג הור֣ני י֭הוה ד֥רך חק֗יך ואצר֥נה עֽקב | 16 |
lg horni ihvh drç kuqiç vaxrnh yqb | |
34 ♪g Have me understand and I will observe your instruction, and I will keep it with a whole heart. (g-1-1) | |||
לד ה֭בינני ואצר֥ה תֽורת֗ך ואשמר֥נה בכל־לֽב | 19 |
ld hbinni vaxrh tortç vawmrnh bcl-lb | |
35 ♪g Have me go in the pathway of your commandments, for in it I have delighted. (g-1-4-1) | |||
לה ה֭דריכני בנת֣יב מצות֑יך כי־ב֥ו חפֽצתי |
10 4 |
lh hdricni bntib mxvotiç ci-bo kpxti | |
36 Hearten me to your testimonies and not to extortion. (1-1) | |||
לו הט־ל֭בי אל־עדות֗יך וא֣ל אל־בֽצע | 13 |
lv hT-libi al-ydvotiç val al-bxy | |
37 Hide my eyes from seeing vanity. In your way give me life. (1-4-1) | |||
לז העב֣ר ע֭יני מרא֣ות ש֑וא בדרכ֥ך חיֽני |
8 7 |
lz hybr yinii mraot wva bdrcç kiini | |
38 Hold high to your servant your promise, which is to your fear. (1-4-1) | |||
לח הק֣ם ל֭עבדך אמרת֑ך א֝ש֗ר ליראתֽך |
10 7 |
lk hqm lybdç amrtç awr liratç | |
39 Hide my reproach that I am afraid of, for your judgments are good. (1-4-1) | |||
לט העב֣ר ח֭רפתי אש֣ר יג֑רתי כ֖י משפט֣יך טובֽים |
11 7 |
lT hybr krpti awr igorti ci mwpTiç Tobim | |
40 ♪g Here I have longed for your precepts. In your righteousness give me life. (g-1-4-1) | |||
מ ה֭נה תא֣בתי לפקד֑יך בצדקתך֥ חיֽני |
10 7 |
m hnh tabti lpiqudiç bxdqtç kiini | |
41 Well come to me is your mercy, Yahweh, your salvation as your promise. (1-4-1) | |||
מא וֽיבא֣ני חסד֣ך יהו֑ה ת֝ש֥ועתך֗ כאמרתֽך |
9 9 |
ma viboauni ksdiç ihvh twuytç camrtç | |
42 With which I will answer a word to one reproaching me, for I trust in your word. (1-4-1) | |||
מב ואֽענ֣ה חרפ֣י דב֑ר כ֖י־ב֝טחתי בדברֽך |
8 7 |
mb vaynh korpi dbr ci-bTkti bdbrç | |
43 Word of truth do not remove from my mouth utterly, for of your judgments, I have hope. (1-4-1) | |||
מג וֽאל־תצ֬ל מפ֣י דבר־אמ֣ת עד־מא֑ד כ֖י למשפט֣ך יחֽלתי |
13 9 |
mg val-txl mpi dbr-amt yd-maod ci lmwpTiç iiklti | |
44 Watch over your instruction I will continually forever and ever. (1-1) | |||
מד ואשמר֖ה תורתך֥ תמ֗יד לעול֥ם ועֽד | 14 |
md vawmrh tortç tmid lyolm vyd | |
45 Walk in a spacious room I will, for your precepts I have searched out. (1-4-1) | |||
מה ואתהלכ֥ה ברחב֑ה כ֖י פקד֣יך דרֽשתי |
7 8 |
mh vathlch brkbh ci piqudiç drwti | |
46 Words I will have of your testimonies before kings and I will not be ashamed. (1-1) | |||
מו ואדבר֣ה ב֭עדתיך נ֥גד מלכ֗ים ול֣א אבֽוש | 18 |
mv vadbrh bydotiç ngd mlcim vla abow | |
47 Wherefore my revel will be in your commandments which I have loved. (1-1) | |||
מז ואשתֽעש֥ע במצות֗יך אש֣ר אהֽבתי | 15 |
mz vawtywy bmxvotiç awr ahbti | |
48 Wave my palms I will to your commandments, which I have loved and I will ponder on your statutes. (1-1) | |||
מח ואשֽא־כפ֗י אֽל־מ֭צותיך אש֥ר אה֗בתי ואש֥יחה בחקֽיך | 23 |
mk vawa-cpii al-mxvotiç awr ahbti vawikh bkuqiç |
Psalms 119: (Verses 49 to 64) Syllables: 252; Longest recitation: 8; Tenor: e 21.12%; Ornament density: 10%; Average phrase length: 9. |
(Verses 49 to 56) Syllables: 123; Longest recitation: 7;
Tenor: B 22.76%;
Ornament density: 8.9%; Average phrase length: 8.8.
(Verses 57 to 64) Syllables: 129; Longest recitation: 8; Tenor: f# 24.81%;
Ornament density: 10.9%; Average phrase length: 9.1.
49 You remember a word to your servant, on which you give me hope. (1-4-1) | |||
מט זכר־דב֥ר לעבד֑ך ע֝֗ל אש֣ר יֽחלתֽני |
8 7 |
mT zcor-dbr lybdç yl awr iikltni | |
50 ♪B Yes - this is my comfort in my poverty, for your promise gives me life. (B-1-4-1) | |||
נ ז֣את נחמת֣י בעני֑י כ֖י אמרתך֣ חיֽתני |
8 7 |
n zat nkmti byonii ci amrtç kiitni | |
51 ♪g Yet though the presumptuous hold me in much scorn, from your instruction I have not swerved. (g-1-4-1) | |||
נא ז֭דים הליצ֣ני עד־מא֑ד מ֝ת֥ורתך֗ ל֣א נטֽיתי |
9 8 |
na zdim hlixuni yd-maod mtortç la nTiti | |
52 ♪~ Your judgments I bring to remembrance from of old Yahweh and I comfort myself. (~1-1) | |||
נב ז֘כ֤רתי משפט֖יך מעול֥ם יהו֗ה וֽאתנחֽם | 16 |
nb zcrti mwpTiç myolm ihvh vatnkm | |
53 Yang of fire grasps me from the wicked, forsaking your instruction. (1-4-1) | |||
נג זלעפ֣ה א֭חזתני מרשע֑ים ע֝זב֗י תורתֽך |
10 6 |
ng zlyph akztni mrwyim yozbi tortç | |
54 ♪g Yin of psalms your statutes have become to me in the house where I am guest. (g-1-1) | |||
נד ז֭מרות היו־ל֥י חק֗יך בב֣ית מגורֽי | 14 |
nd zmirot hiu-li kuqiç bbit mgurii | |
55 ♪~ Your name I have remembered in the night, Yahweh. I have kept your instruction. (~1-4-1) | |||
נה ז֘כ֤רתי בל֣ילה שמך֣ יהו֑ה וֽ֝אשמר֗ה תורתֽך |
10 8 |
nh zcrti blilh wmç ihvh vawmrh tortç | |
56 ♪f You are mine, for your precepts I have observed. (~1-4-1) | |||
נו ז֥את היתה־ל֑י כ֖י פקד֣יך נצֽרתי |
4 8 |
nv zat hiith-li ci piqudiç nxrti | |
57 Chosen share, mine you are, Yahweh. I have promised to keep your word. (1-1) | |||
נז חלק֖י יהו֥ה אמ֗רתי לשמ֥ר דברֽיך | 13 |
nz klqi ihvh amrti lwmor dbriç | |
58 Craved have I your presence with a whole heart, be gracious to me according to your promise. (1-4-1) | |||
נח חל֣יתי פנ֣יך בכל־ל֑ב ח֝נ֗ני כאמרתֽך |
9 8 |
nk kiliti pniç bcl-lb konni camrtç | |
59 Considered have I my ways, and turned my feet to your testimonies. (1-4-1) | |||
נט חש֥בתי דרכ֑י ואש֥יבה ר֝גל֗י אל־עדתֽיך |
6 11 |
nT kiwbti drcii vawibh rglii al-ydotiç | |
60 ♪g Came quickly I did and I would not linger, to keep your commandments. (g-1-4-1) | |||
ס ח֭שתי ול֣א התמהמ֑התי ל֝שמ֗ר מצותֽיך |
8 6 |
s kwti vla htmhmhti lwmor mxvotiç | |
61 Companies of the wicked continue around me. Your instruction I have not forgotten. (1-4-1) | |||
סא חבל֣י רשע֣ים עוד֑ני ת֥֝ורתך֗ ל֣א שכֽחתי |
8 7 |
sa kbli rwyim yivvduni tortç la wckti | |
62 Come midnight I arise to give thanks to you, over the judgments of your righteousness. (1-4-1) | |||
סב חצֽות־ל֗ילה א֭קום להוד֣ות ל֑ך ע֝֗ל משפט֥י צדקֽך |
10 7 |
sb kxot-lilh aqum lhodot lç yl mwpTi xdqç | |
63 Companion am I to all who fear you, and are keepers of your precepts. (1-4-1) | |||
סג חב֣ר א֭ני לכל־אש֣ר ירא֑וך ו֝לשמר֗י פקודֽיך |
12 7 |
sg kbr ani lcl-awr irauç ulwomri piqudiç | |
64 Covenant mercy yours, Yahweh, has filled the earth. Your statutes you will teach me. (1-1) | |||
סד חסדך֣ י֭הוה מלא֥ה הא֗רץ חק֥יך למדֽני | 16 |
sd ksdç ihvh mlah harx kuqiç lmdni |
The music in these posts is derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here.
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