Psalms 70: Syllables: 127; Longest recitation: 8; Tenor: A 24.41%; Ornament density: 16.5%; Average phrase length: 9.1. |
1 ♪g For the leader. Of David. To remember. (~1-1) | |||
א ל֝מנצ֗ח לדו֥ד להזכֽיר | 10 |
a lmnxk ldvid lhzcir | |
2 O God to deliver me, Yahweh to my help, hurry. (1-4-1) | |||
ב אלה֥ים להציל֑ני י֝הו֗ה לעזר֥תי חֽושֽה |
8 8 |
b alohim lhxilni ihvh lyzrti kuwh | |
3 Let them be ashamed and disappointed who seek my being. Let them be repulsed and be humiliated, who delight in my hurt. (1-2-4-1) | |||
ג יב֣שו ויחפרו֮ מבקש֪י נ֫פש֥י יס֣גו א֭חור ויכלמ֑ו ח֝פצ֗י רעתֽי |
12 9 6 |
g ibowu vikpru mbqwi npwi iisogu akor viiclmu kpxi ryti | |
4 ♪g Let them turn, foot firmly planted in their shame, those saying, Aha! aha! (g-1-4-1) | |||
ד י֭שובו על־ע֣קב בשת֑ם ה֝אמר֗ים ה֘א֥ח האֽח |
8 7 |
d iwubu yl-yqb bowtm haomrim hak hak | |
5 ♪~ Let all those who seek you joy and let them be glad in you, and let them say continually, Great is God, those who love your salvation. (~1-2-4-1) | |||
ה י֘ש֤ישו וישמח֨ו בך֗ כֽל־מב֫קש֥יך ויאמר֣ו ת֭מיד יגד֣ל אלה֑ים א֝הב֗י ישועתֽך |
14 10 8 |
h iwiwu viwmku bç cl-mbqwiç viamru tmid igdl alohim aohbi iwuytç | |
6 But poor am I and needy, O God. Hurry to me. You are my help and my security. Yahweh, do not delay. (1-2-4-1) | |||
ו ואנ֤י ענ֣י ואביון֮ אלה֪ים חֽוש֫ה־ל֥י עזר֣י ומפלט֣י א֑תה י֝הו֗ה אל־תאחֽר |
14 7 6 |
v vani yni vabion alohim kuwh-li yzri umplTi ath ihvh al-takr |
The music in these posts is derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here.
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