Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Psalm 42

Psalms 42: Syllables: 312; Longest recitation: 23; Tenor: f# 27.56%;
Ornament density: 16.1%; Average phrase length: 12.4.

This psalm is in the high range (over 15%) for ornament density. Notice the 6 tsinnor and 6 illuy. Note the difference between verses 6 (1-2-1) and 12 (1-2-4-1). Compare Psalm 43 verse 6 in the next post. And note how this shophar motif joins psalms 42-44 into relationship with each other. There are 17 verses with the characteristic leap of e B in these psalms.

Bar 23 I modified to remove the silluq that split it into two. It is the one that has the longest recitation. The whole verse is recited on two notes, C and f#. The whole is C qad,ill,qad,rev,C qad,tsi,rev,f# ole,f# f# rev,f# e.

1 For the leader. An insight of the children of Korah. (1-1)
א למנצ֗ח משכ֥יל לבני־קֽרח 9
a lmnxk mwcil lbni-qork
2 As a hart yearns over a watercourse,
so my being yearns for you, O God. (1-4-1)
ב כאי֗ל תער֥ג על־אפֽיקי־מ֑ים
כ֤ן נפש֨י תער֖ג אל֣יך אלהֽים
b caiil tyrog yl-apiqi-mim
cn npwi tyrog aliç alohim
3 My being thirsts for God, for the living One.
When will I go and see the presence of God? (1-4-1)
ג צמא֬ה נפש֨י לאלהים֮ לא֪ל ח֥י מת֥י אב֑וא
ו֝ארא֗ה פנ֣י אלהֽים
g xmah npwi lalohim lal ki mtii aboa
vairah pni alohim
4 My tears have become my bread day and night,
as if to say to me all the day long, Where is your God? (1-4-1)
ד הֽיתה־ל֬י דמעת֣י ל֭חם יומ֣ם ול֑ילה
באמ֥ר אל֥י כל־ה֝י֗ום אי֥ה אלהֽיך
d hiith-li dmyti lkm iomm vlilh
bamor alii cl-hiom aih alohiç
5 ♪C Such I remember as I pour out within me my being (for I go by undercover). I went in solemn procession with them to the house of God,
with a voice of a loud shout and thanksgiving, a tumult of festival. (C-1-2-1)
ה א֤לה אזכר֨ה ואשפכ֬ה על֨י נפש֗י כ֤י אעב֨ר בסך֮ אדד֗ם עד־ב֥ית אל֫ה֥ים
בקול־רנ֥ה ותוד֗ה המ֥ון חוגֽג
h alh azcrh vawpch ylii npwi ci aybor bsç addm yd-bit alohim
bqol-rinh vtodh hmon kogg
6 Why be depressed, O my being, and murmur in me?
Hope in God, for yet I will thank him for the salvation of his presence. (1-2-1)
ו מה־תשת֬וחח֨י נפשי֮ ותהמ֪י ע֫ל֥י
הוח֣ילי לֽ֭אלהים כי־ע֥וד אוד֗נו ישוע֥ות פנֽיו
v mh-twtokki npwi vthmi ylii
hokili lalohim ci-yod aodnu iwuyot pniv
7 My God, in me my being is depressed,
therefore I will remember you from the land of Jordan,
and the Hermons, from a small hill. (1-2-4-1)
ז א‍ֽלה֗י עלי֮ נפש֪י תשת֫וח֥ח
על־כ֗ן א֭זכרך מא֣רץ ירד֑ן
ו֝חרמונ֗ים מה֥ר מצעֽר
z alohii ylii npwi twtokk
yl-cn azcorç marx irdn
vkrmonim mhr mxyr
8 Abyss to abyss calling to the voice of your waterfalls.
All your breakers and your waves over me have passed through. (1-4-1)
ח תהֽום־אל־תה֣ום ק֭ורא לק֣ול צנור֑יך
כֽל־משבר֥יך ו֝גל֗יך על֥י עבֽרו
k thom-al-thom qora lqol xinoriç
cl-mwbriç vgliç ylii ybru
9 By day Yahweh will command his kindness and in the night his song with me,
is a prayer to the One of my life. (1-4-1)
ט יומ֤ם יצו֬ה יהו֨ה חסד֗ו ו֭בלילה שיר֣ו עמ֑י
ת֝פל֗ה לא֣ל חיֽי
T iomm ixvvh ihvh ksdo ublilh wiro yimi
tpilh lal kii
10 I will say to the One, my cliff, Why have you forgotten me?
Why mourning do I walk around in the grip of an enemy? (1-2-1)
י אומר֤ה לא֥ל סלעי֮ למ֪ה שכ֫חת֥ני
לֽמה־קד֥ר אל֗ך בל֣חץ אויֽב
i aomrh lal slyi lmh wcktni
lmh-qodr alç blkx aoib
11 With an instrument of violence in my bones, they reproach me, my foes.
While they say to me all the day long, Where is your God? (1-4-1)
יא בר֤צח בֽעצמות֗י חרפ֥וני צורר֑י
באמר֥ם אל֥י כל־ה֝י֗ום אי֥ה אלהֽיך
ia brxk byxmotii kirpuni xorrii
baomrm alii cl-hiom aih alohiç
12 Why be depressed, O my being and why murmur in me?
Hope in God for yet I will thank him,
for the salvation of my presence and my God. (1-2-4-1)
יב מה־תשת֬וחח֨י נפשי֮ וֽמה־תהמ֪י ע֫ל֥י
הוח֣ילי לֽ֭אלהים כי־ע֣וד אוד֑נו
ישוע֥ת פ֝נ֗י וֽאלהֽי
ib mh-twtokki npwi umh-thmi ylii
hokili lalohim ci-yod aodnu
iwuyot pnii valohii

The music in these posts is derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here.

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