Psalms 74: Syllables: 463; Longest recitation: 10; Tenor: f# 25.49%; Ornament density: 9.5%; Average phrase length: 9.6. |
1 An insight of Asaph. Why O God? will you reject us in perpetuity? Will your anger fume against the sheep of your pasture? (1-2-4-1) | |||
א משכ֗יל לא֫ס֥ף למ֣ה א֭להים זנ֣חת לנ֑צח יעש֥ן א֝פך֗ בצ֣אן מרעיתֽך |
5 11 10 |
a mwcil lasf lmh alohim znkt lnxk iywn apç bxan mryitç | |
2 Remember your assembly that you purchased of old, that you redeemed, the sceptre of your inheritance, that hill of Zion where you dwell. (1-4-1) | |||
ב זכ֤ר עדתך֨ ק֘נ֤ית ק֗דם ג֭אלת ש֣בט נחלת֑ך הר־צ֝י֗ון ז֤ה שכ֬נת בֽו |
20 8 |
b zcor ydtç qnit qdm galt wbT nkltç hr-xion zh wcnt bo | |
3 Stamp your foot in this perpetual catastrophe, all the evil of an enemy in the sanctuary. (1-4-1) | |||
ג הר֣ימה פ֭עמיך למשא֣ות נ֑צח כל־הר֖ע אוי֣ב בקֽדש |
13 8 |
g hrimh pymiç lmwuaot nxk cl-hry aoib bqodw | |
4 Your adversaries roar within your appointed place. They set up their signs as signs. (1-4-1) | |||
ד שאג֣ו צ֭רריך בק֣רב מועד֑ך ש֖מו אותת֣ם אתֽות |
13 7 |
d wagu xorriç bqrb moydç wmu aototm aotot | |
5 ♪g Famous is one who wields to the ascendant, wedges in a thicket of a tree. (g-1-4-1) | |||
ה י֭ודע כמב֣יא למ֑עלה בסבך־ע֝֗ץ קרדמֽות |
9 7 |
h iivvdy cmbia lmylh bsboç-yx qrdumot | |
6 ♪g But now her carving, together, with axes and crowbars, they smite. (g-1-4-1) | |||
ו ו֭עתה פתוח֣יה י֑חד בכש֥יל ו֝כֽילפ֗ת יהלמֽון |
9 11 |
v vyth pitukih ikd bcwil vcilpot ihlomun | |
7 They set loose fire from your sanctuary. In the land they profane the dwelling-place of your name. (1-4-1) | |||
ז שלח֣ו ב֭אש מקדש֑ך ל֝א֗רץ חלל֥ו מֽשכן־שמֽך |
8 10 |
z wlku baw mqdwç larx killu mwcn-wmç | |
8 They said in their heart, We will suppress them together. They have incinerated all the appointed places of God in the land. (1-4-1) | |||
ח אמר֣ו ב֭לבם נינ֣ם י֑חד שרפ֖ו כל־מועדי־א֣ל באֽרץ |
9 10 |
k amru blibm ninm ikd wrpu cl-moydi-al barx | |
9 Our signs we do not see. There is a prophet no longer, and none with us who knows how long. (1-2-4-1) | |||
ט אֽותת֗ינו ל֥א ר֫א֥ינו אֽין־ע֥וד נב֑יא ולֽא־א֝ת֗נו יד֥ע עד־מֽה |
8 4 9 |
T aototinu la rainu ain-yod nbia vla-aitnu iody yd-mh | |
10 How long O God will a foe reproach? Will an enemy spurn your name in perpetuity? (1-4-1) | |||
י עד־מת֣י א֭להים יח֣רף צ֑ר ינ֘א֤ץ אוי֖ב שמך֣ לנֽצח |
10 10 |
i yd-mtii alohim ikrf xr inax aoib wmç lnxk | |
11 ♪C Why do you turn your hand, even your right hand? From near your chest, finish. (C-1-4-1) | |||
יא ל֤מה תש֣יב י֭דך וֽימינ֑ך מק֖רב חֽיקך֣ כלֽה |
10 7 |
ia lmh twib idç viminç mqrb kiqç clh | |
12 ♪g But God is my king from of old, working victories within the earth. (g-1-4-1) | |||
יב ו֭אלהים מלכ֣י מק֑דם פע֥ל י֝שוע֗ות בק֣רב האֽרץ |
8 11 |
ib valohim mlci mqdm poyl iwuyot bqrb harx | |
13 You yourself thwarted the sea by your strength. You broke the heads of the dragons over the waters. (1-4-1) | |||
יג את֤ה פור֣רת בעזך֣ י֑ם שב֖רת ראש֥י ת֝נינ֗ים על־המֽים |
9 12 |
ig ath porrt byozç im wibrt rawi tninim yl-hmim | |
14 You yourself splintered the heads of Leviathan. You gave him as food to a people of wild places. (1-4-1) | |||
יד את֣ה ר֭צצת ראש֣י לוית֑ן תתנ֥נו מ֝אכ֗ל לע֣ם לציֽים |
10 11 |
id ath rixxt rawi lvvitn titnnu macl lym lxiim | |
15 You yourself split spring and torrent. You yourself dried up the perennial rivers. (1-4-1) | |||
טו את֣ה ב֭קעת מעי֣ן ונ֑חל את֥ה ה֝וב֗שת נהר֥ות איתֽן |
10 10 |
Tv ath bqyt myiin vnkl ath hobwt nhrot aitn | |
16 To you is day indeed, to you night. You yourself established light and sun. (1-4-1) | |||
טז לך֣ י֭ום אף־לך֥ ל֑ילה את֥ה ה֝כינ֗ות מא֥ור ושֽמש |
8 11 |
Tz lç iom af-lç lilh ath hcinot maor vwmw | |
17 You yourself laid out all the borders of earth. Summer and autumn you yourself fashioned them. (1-4-1) | |||
יז את֣ה ה֭צבת כל־גבול֣ות א֑רץ ק֥יץ ו֝ח֗רף את֥ה יצרתֽם |
11 9 |
iz ath hxbt cl-gbulot arx qix vkorf ath ixrtm | |
18 Remember this, an enemy reproached Yahweh, and a senseless people spurned your name. (1-4-1) | |||
יח זכר־ז֗את א֭ויב חר֣ף יהו֑ה וע֥ם נ֝ב֗ל נֽאצ֥ו שמֽך |
9 10 |
ik zcor-zat aoib kirf ihvh vym nbl niaxu wmç | |
19 Do not give to animals the throat of your turtledove. The life of your poor do not forget in perpetuity. (1-4-1) | |||
יט אל־תת֣ן ל֭חית נ֣פש תור֑ך חי֥ת ע֝ני֗יך אל־תשכ֥ח לנֽצח |
11 12 |
iT al-titn lkit npw torç kit yniiç al-twck lnxk | |
20 Take note of the covenant, for full are the dark places of the earth, the haunts of violence. (1-4-1) | |||
כ הב֥ט לבר֑ית כ֥י מלא֥ו מחשכי־א֝֗רץ נא֣ות חמֽס |
4 12 |
c hbT lbrit ci mlau mkwci-arx naot kms | |
21 Let not the crushed return humiliated. Let the poor and needy praise your name. (1-4-1) | |||
כא אל־יש֣ב ד֣ך נכל֑ם ענ֥י ו֝אבי֗ון יֽהלל֥ו שמֽך |
6 11 |
ca al-iwob dç nclm yni vabion ihllu wmç | |
22 Arise O God, strive your strife. Remember your reproach from the senseless all the day long. (1-4-1) | |||
כב קומ֣ה א֭להים ריב֣ה ריב֑ך זכ֥ר חרפתך֥ מני־נ֝ב֗ל כל־היֽום |
10 11 |
cb qumh alohim ribh ribç zcor krptç mni-nbl cl-hiom | |
23 Do not forget the voice of your adversaries, the noise of those who arise over you ascending continually. (1-4-1) | |||
כג אל־ת֭שכח ק֣ול צרר֑יך שא֥ון ק֝מ֗יך על֥ה תמֽיד |
7 9 |
cg al-twck qol xorriç waon qmiç yolh tmid |
The music in these posts is derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here.
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