Monday 30 November 2020

Reading SimHebrew

I have completed the scheduling of posts for the next 30 days so that as of Dec 30, the full concordance of a planned SimHebrew Bible is available for review.

Many years ago, Joel M. Hoffman issued a blog-challenge to translate Isaiah 54:1 at God Didn't Say That. I had 'finished' my translation of the Psalms and a few other favorite books at that time, and I was considering translating the whole Hebrew canon, so we had a few interactions. (It could be that he meant the challenge only for his students?)

What does the Hebrew canon teach us that God maybe did say and do in those formative days for humanity? Joel like my son-in-law is a linguist, for which I am both glad and slightly jealous. I suspect that word sounds and origins have some fascinating patterns of development. I wonder too what could be imagined about word families just from studying the words that share roots in Hebrew, or even just the first two characters of a root. 

So how do we pronounce these words? Why are there so many gutturals in Hebrew? Do we have equivalents in English? Are they related to each other? What happens really to hollow verbs, those roots that have a vav as their middle letter? How did the grammatical letters take on their roles? Why are some consonants strong and others weak so that they get lost in pronunciation?

All these things can be studied directly just by scanning the concordance in the form that I have it in. Also exposed is my categorization of the words by semantic domain. This alone is a huge job, and there are undoubtedly some blunders in my work. I found a few while doing the individual posts. I can update the data and republish a post in about 5 minutes or less. If you find anomalies or even question a gloss I have used, please comment on the post.

Pronouncing the SimHebrew letters,

  1. a א is a guttural. Think of it as a glottal stop and there may be a vowel with it. The first few I look at are mostly short /a/, but then there one that is like an a as in hay. And there is the odd /i/ but in the case at the link above, the a is almost ignored, sitting in the place of a preceding definite article (h). Well it's like English. Eventually, you just know what it sounds like.
  2. b ב is b or v.
  3. g ג is g.
  4. d ד is d.
  5. h ה is the lighter aspirate, but it counts as a guttural too. a and h both have significant grammatical roles.
  6. v ו is the connector and sounds variably as /u/ /o/  or /v/. SimHebrew tells you explicitly for this letter. v is part of the grammatical team.
  7. z ז is z.
  8. k ח is /ch/ the serious aspirate, much like ch in loch. 
  9. 't ט is t. 't is a minor player on the grammatical team, occasional metastasis in a word.
  10. i י is i.
  11. c כ is a hard c with a little h as well.
  12. l ל is l.
  13. m מ is m.
  14. n נ is n. i, c, l, m, n all play grammatical roles.
  15. s ס is s. Even though it may look like an o and be difficult to distinguish from an m sofit. Not a problem in SimHebrew.
  16. y ע is the heavier-duty guttural - sort of like an emphasized 'excellent' in English. And it may take any vowel. (You might note that the English any begins with an 'e' - so Hebrew is no different here.)
  17. p פ is p, or f if the last letter of a word.
  18. x צ is ts.
  19. q ק is q.
  20. r ר is r.
  21. w שׁ is shin or sin (and you just hafta know). w is a minor player on the grammatical team, the prefix /sh/.
  22. t ת is t. t is a grammatical letter. 

Jonathan Orr-Stav has a nice response on Tiberian pronunciation here.

So: five gutturals, a, h, k, y, and r. (May be disputed.) Several (16) strong letters that do not disappear in word forms: b, g, d, z, 't,  / k, c, l, s, y,  / p, x ,q, r, w, t. Several (6) weak letters that do disappear in some word forms a, h, v, i, m, n. In particular, v and i often morph into each other. Is all this true? Investigate!

There does not seem to be anything particularly tidy about the Hebrew sequence of letters. They were aware of a sequence of letters as evidenced by the acrostic poems and the poems of the Lamentations with the reversed order of p and y. There are ancient abecedaries that agree with this. But why the sequence of letters as it is? Why have two t's and two s's with no particular distinction apparent to them?

So this is sort of 'first base' for the investigation of my glossary to see what we can learn from it. I hope some of you will join in. 

Biblical Hebrew Roots - gm-gt

Here's a sampling of what is in this section: also / yea / moreover, and furthermore, even / both / likewise, or just plain and, mature / reward / wean / camel / recompense, garden, stolen / thief, defend, vine, pitch, meddle, dice / lot, threshing-floor, cud / gullet, outland, expel, heavy rain / shower, loathe, rebuke, shaken.

The location noted in Joshua (yin-gnim) must have been a garden with springs.

gm Particle bwgm1 בְּשַׁגַּ֖םin that alsoGen 6:3(8)
gm508 ־גַםalsoGen 35:17(10) Jer 46:21(7) Hos 9:12(9)
־גַםbothJer 14:18(14) Jer 23:11(2)
־גַםevenGen 20:5(8) Jer 6:11(16) Eccl 4:16(15)
־גַּםevenLev 26:44(2) Eze 21:18(5)
גַ֤םevenDeu 12:31(15) Eze 18:11(8) Eccl 8:16(15)
גַֽםalsoJob 1:6(10) Job 2:1(10)
גַֽםevenJdg 3:22(2)
גַֽםmoreover2Kgs 21:11(17)
גַםalsoGen 4:4(3) Gen 4:22(2) Gen 19:38(2) Gen 32:19(10) Gen 46:4(7) Deu 3:20(8) Jos 1:15(8) Jos 9:4(2) Jdg 8:31(6) Jdg 9:49(2) 1Sa 8:20(2) 1Sa 14:22(12) 1Sa 22:17(11) Pro 18:3(4) Job 24:19(2) 1Ch 24:31(2)
גַםandJer 14:18(16) Jer 23:11(4)
גַםand alsoGen 43:8(16)
גַםevenGen 22:20(11) Gen 27:34(15) Gen 27:38(11) Gen 30:3(11) Gen 30:30(16) Exo 7:11(7) Num 18:3(16) Num 18:28(3) Jdg 1:3(11) 1Sa 19:24(6) 1Sa 21:9(13) 1Sa 28:22(4) 2Sa 15:24(2) 2Sa 17:10(2) 2Sa 18:22(13) 1Kgs 14:23(2) Jer 12:6(2) Jer 14:5(2) Oba 1:13(9) Hab 2:16(5) Mal 1:10(2) Pro 20:12(7) Pro 23:15(7) Pro 26:4(8) Job 13:2(3) Job 33:6(7) Rut 1:5(2) Eccl 2:1(11) Eccl 2:14(8) 1Ch 19:15(8)
גַםnor1Kgs 3:26(28) Eccl 9:1(20)
גַםyeaPsa 118:11(2)
גַּ֕םevenIsa 48:8(7)
גַּ֖םalsoGen 19:21(6) Exo 8:28(5) Deu 9:19(15) 2Sa 11:17(13)
גַּ֖םeven2Sa 17:5(5)
גַּ֖םfurthermoreSong 8:1(11)
גַּ֗םalsoGen 32:21(2) 2Sa 11:21(22)
גַּ֗םevenGen 50:23(6) 1Sa 24:12(3)
גַּ֗םso even2Sa 12:14(10)
גַּ֚םalsoGen 32:20(5) Gen 32:20(8) Num 11:4(8) Deu 10:10(13)
גַּ֚םandIsa 48:8(4)
גַּ֚םand evenNeh 3:35(5)
גַּ֚םboth1Sa 2:26(6) 1Sa 26:25(9)
גַּ֚םbut alsoNeh 6:1(18)
גַּ֚םevenDeu 23:3(6) Deu 23:4(7) 1Sa 28:19(13) Jer 5:28(3) Est 1:9(1) 1Ch 11:2(5) 2Ch 20:4(5)
גַּ֚םfurthermoreHos 9:16(8)
גַּ֚םlikewiseGen 3:22(17)
גַּ֛םalsoEccl 4:11(1)
גַּ֛םand alsoGen 44:16(20)
גַּ֛םevenExo 4:10(15) Deu 3:3(5) Isa 1:15(6)
גַּ֛םfurthermoreJdg 20:48(17) Hos 8:10(1)
גַּ֝םalthoughPsa 129:2(4)
גַּ֞םmoreoverNeh 5:14(1)
גַּ֠םalsoEst 9:15(5)
גַּ֠םfurthermore2Ch 36:14(1)
גַּ֣םGod moreoverPsa 25:3(1)
גַּ֣םalsoGen 19:35(2) Gen 29:30(2) Gen 32:20(2) Gen 47:19(6) 1Sa 28:19(3) 2Sa 14:7(18) Isa 13:3(4) Est 7:9(8) 2Ch 22:5(1)
גַּ֣םbothIsa 48:8(1)
גַּ֣םevenGen 20:6(5) Exo 4:10(13) Exo 11:3(8) Exo 33:17(5) Jdg 8:22(12) Jdg 9:49(19) Jer 2:33(7) Jer 2:37(1) Pro 20:11(1) Rut 1:12(13) Rut 2:15(8) Rut 2:21(4) Eccl 2:7(8) Eccl 4:8(5) Eccl 7:14(8) Eccl 9:6(1) Eccl 10:20(1) Eccl 12:5(1) Est 7:2(4) Neh 4:16(1) 2Ch 17:11(8) 2Ch 29:7(1) 2Ch 30:12(1)
גַּ֣םfurthermoreEccl 5:18(1) Neh 6:19(1)
גַּ֣םgroaning evenLam 3:8(1)
גַּ֣םlikewiseGen 7:3(1)
גַּ֣םmoreover1Sa 12:23(1) 2Kgs 23:15(17) Job 2:10(7) Neh 6:17(1) Neh 13:23(1)
גַּ֤םalsoGen 24:19(4) Hos 12:12(10)
גַּ֤םeither1Sa 28:15(23)
גַּ֤םevenExo 4:10(11) Jer 2:34(1) Jer 2:36(7) Pro 17:26(1) Pro 17:28(1) Job 16:4(1) Job 18:5(1) Eccl 3:11(6) Eccl 7:21(1)
גַּ֤םfurthermoreDeu 28:61(1) Psa 23:4(1) Pro 19:2(1)
גַּ֤םgrandPsa 119:23(1)
גַּ֤םlikewisePsa 19:14(1)
גַּ֤םmoreover2Kgs 23:27(3)
גַּ֥םalsoGen 30:15(8) Gen 48:11(13) Isa 7:13(12) Neh 5:15(16)
גַּ֥םand2Sa 16:23(18)
גַּ֥םeven2Sa 19:31(5) Isa 26:12(6) Isa 47:3(3) Pro 22:6(6) Eccl 4:14(7) Eccl 4:16(9)
גַּ֥םfurthermoreEccl 5:16(1)
גַּ֥םmoreover2Sa 7:19(8)
גַּ֥םor1Sa 28:6(9) 1Sa 28:6(11)
גַּ֧םeither1Sa 28:6(7)
גַּ֧םevenNum 24:12(6) 1Sa 17:36(1) 1Sa 31:6(7) Jer 7:11(11) Nah 3:10(6) Mal 3:15(9)
גַּ֭םalsoPro 18:9(1)
גַּֽםalsoExo 10:24(14) Pro 21:13(5)
גַּֽםeven1Sa 12:25(6) 1Sa 25:43(7) Pro 28:9(5)
גַּֽםgrandPsa 119:24(1)
גַּֽםlikewiseGen 13:16(14) Psa 19:12(1)
גַּֽםmoreoverGen 29:30(6)
גַּֽםneitherEccl 9:1(18)
גַּםalsoGen 4:26(2) Gen 19:34(14) Gen 20:4(8) Gen 24:25(9) Gen 24:44(3) Gen 27:31(2) Gen 27:33(20) Gen 27:45(16) Gen 29:27(6) Gen 38:10(7) Gen 38:11(17) Gen 43:8(18) Gen 46:34(11) Gen 47:3(15) Gen 48:19(7) Gen 50:18(2) Exo 7:11(2) Exo 10:25(3) Deu 1:37(1) Deu 1:37(7) Deu 9:20(7) Jos 2:12(11) Jos 10:30(3) Jdg 2:21(1) Jdg 6:35(6) Jdg 8:9(2) Jdg 9:19(14) 1Sa 1:6(3) 1Sa 8:8(19) 1Sa 19:22(2) 1Sa 31:5(8) 2Sa 3:19(2) 2Sa 8:11(1) 2Sa 17:5(11) 2Sa 18:26(17) 1Kgs 4:15(3) 1Kgs 13:18(3) 2Kgs 9:27(13) 2Kgs 17:19(1) Jer 4:12(7) Jer 46:21(1) Jer 48:2(12) Jer 48:34(15) Jer 51:44(14) Jer 51:49(6) Eze 20:23(1) Eze 31:17(1) Hos 4:5(4) Hos 4:6(17) Hos 5:5(10) Hos 6:11(1) Hos 7:9(7) Pro 25:1(1) Job 7:11(1) Job 13:16(1) Job 21:7(5) Job 31:28(1) Eccl 2:21(14) Neh 5:13(1) 1Ch 10:5(8) 1Ch 18:11(1) 2Ch 21:11(1) 2Ch 22:3(1)
גַּםandGen 50:9(5) Deu 32:25(8) 1Sa 20:27(20) 1Sa 25:16(6) 1Kgs 3:13(9) Jer 6:15(9) Jer 51:12(16) Job 15:10(3)
גַּםand alsoGen 24:25(5) Jdg 19:19(3) Isa 66:8(18)
גַּםand evenPsa 107:5(2)
גַּםasPsa 133:1(11)
גַּםbothGen 24:25(3) Gen 43:8(14) Gen 44:16(18) Gen 46:34(9) Gen 47:3(13) Gen 47:19(4) Gen 50:9(3) Deu 32:25(6) 1Sa 12:14(15) 1Sa 20:27(18) 1Sa 25:16(4) 1Kgs 3:13(7) Jer 51:12(13) Job 15:10(1)
גַּםbut ... evenPsa 52:7(1)
גַּםbut alsoJob 12:3(1)
גַּםevenGen 3:6(18) Gen 10:21(3) Gen 20:6(14) Gen 22:24(5) Gen 29:33(14) Gen 31:15(8) Gen 44:10(2) Gen 44:29(2) Exo 1:10(11) Exo 5:14(18) Exo 5:14(20) Exo 7:23(9) Exo 12:31(10) Exo 12:31(12) Exo 12:32(1) Exo 12:32(3) Exo 12:32(10) Exo 18:18(3) Exo 18:18(5) Exo 34:3(11) Lev 26:24(8) Num 4:22(6) Num 12:2(8) Num 16:10(10) Num 16:13(13) Num 18:3(18) Num 22:19(5) Num 22:33(13) Num 23:25(5) Num 23:25(9) Num 27:13(6) Deu 12:30(21) Deu 22:22(10) Deu 23:19(16) Jdg 1:22(4) Jdg 3:31(15) Jdg 5:4(9) Jdg 5:4(12) Jdg 7:18(9) Jdg 8:22(8) Jdg 8:22(10) Jdg 10:9(7) 1Sa 12:16(1) 1Sa 12:25(4) 1Sa 14:15(10) 1Sa 16:8(9) 1Sa 16:9(5) 1Sa 17:36(4) 1Sa 19:20(23) 1Sa 19:21(7) 1Sa 19:21(15) 1Sa 19:23(8) 1Sa 19:24(2) 1Sa 22:7(10) 1Sa 25:13(13) 1Sa 28:20(11) 2Sa 3:17(8) 2Sa 3:17(10) 2Sa 3:19(7) 2Sa 4:2(20) 2Sa 5:2(1) 2Sa 5:2(3) 2Sa 11:12(7) 2Sa 15:19(8) 2Sa 17:12(22) 2Sa 17:13(21) 2Sa 18:2(25) 1Kgs 3:18(6) 1Kgs 14:14(15) 1Kgs 21:19(27) 2Kgs 2:3(21) 2Kgs 2:5(20) 2Kgs 17:41(11) Isa 14:8(1) Isa 14:10(5) Isa 23:12(13) Isa 28:29(1) Isa 30:33(5) Isa 44:12(11) Isa 49:15(7) Isa 49:25(5) Isa 57:6(7) Isa 57:7(7) Isa 66:4(1) Jer 2:16(1) Jer 3:8(23) Jer 6:15(5) Jer 8:7(1) Jer 8:12(5) Jer 12:2(2) Jer 12:2(5) Jer 12:6(6) Jer 12:6(10) Jer 13:23(6) Jer 23:11(7) Jer 25:14(4) Jer 27:7(14) Jer 31:37(12) Jer 33:21(1) Jer 33:26(1) Jer 46:16(3) Jer 48:7(6) Eze 5:8(8) Eze 10:16(16) Eze 21:32(5) Eze 24:5(10) Eze 24:9(9) Joe 1:12(6) Joe 1:18(11) Joe 1:20(1) Amo 7:6(5) Oba 1:11(15) Zep 1:18(1) Zep 1:18(3) Zep 2:12(1) Zep 2:14(7) Zep 2:14(9) Zec 8:6(13) Zec 8:21(18) Zec 9:7(8) Zec 9:12(5) Mal 3:15(5) Psa 14:3(9) Psa 38:11(7) Psa 41:10(1) Psa 53:4(9) Psa 71:22(1) Psa 71:24(1) Psa 83:9(1) Psa 84:4(1) Psa 84:7(6) Psa 95:9(5) Psa 132:12(8) Psa 139:10(1) Psa 139:12(1) Pro 11:25(5) Pro 16:7(5) Pro 17:15(7) Pro 19:24(5) Pro 20:10(7) Pro 24:23(1) Job 16:19(1) Job 19:18(1) Job 23:2(1) Job 30:2(1) Job 30:8(3) Song 7:14(9) Lam 2:9(12) Lam 4:21(8) Eccl 2:8(3) Eccl 2:15(6) Eccl 2:23(7) Eccl 2:23(12) Eccl 2:24(11) Eccl 2:26(18) Eccl 4:4(15) Eccl 4:8(14) Eccl 4:8(26) Eccl 5:9(11) Eccl 6:5(1) Eccl 6:9(6) Eccl 7:22(2) Eccl 7:22(8) Eccl 8:10(14) Eccl 8:12(9) Eccl 9:6(3) Eccl 9:6(5) Eccl 9:13(1) Est 4:16(18) Est 9:13(8) Neh 13:22(13) Neh 13:26(23) 1Ch 11:2(1) 1Ch 11:2(3) 2Ch 20:13(6) 2Ch 31:6(7)
גַּםeven Lam 4:15(11)
גַּםeven asJer 51:49(1) Lam 1:8(14)
גַּםfurthermorePro 1:26(1) Pro 14:13(1) Pro 14:20(1)
גַּםgreatLam 4:3(1)
גַּםheyPsa 49:3(1)
גַּםhoPsa 49:3(4)
גַּםlikewiseGen 26:21(5) Gen 33:7(2) Nah 3:11(1) Nah 3:11(6)
גַּםmoreoverGen 30:8(8) Jos 24:18(11) Isa 43:13(1) Isa 66:3(17) Eze 16:52(1) Hos 10:6(1) Zec 9:11(1)
גַּםneither1Kgs 3:26(26)
גַּםnowPsa 37:25(3)
גַּםor1Sa 28:15(26)
גַּםsoEccl 2:19(14)
גַּםwas both2Sa 16:23(16)
גַּםwere also1Kgs 7:20(5)
גַּםyea2Sa 12:13(11) 2Sa 12:27(9) Jer 48:26(11) Psa 85:13(1) Psa 137:1(6)
גַּםyet evenNah 3:10(1)
גַּם֩evenExo 4:9(5) Jer 31:36(8) Eccl 9:12(2)
גַּם֮also1Sa 2:15(1)
hgm8 הֲ֠גַםeven1Kgs 17:20(7) Est 7:8(18)
הֲגַ֖םevenJob 41:9(4)
הֲגַ֥םevenGen 16:13(11) 1Sa 10:11(21) 1Sa 19:24(20)
הֲגַ֥םis also1Sa 10:12(11)
הֲגַםevenPsa 78:20(8)
vgm249 וְ֝גַ֗םand evenPsa 8:8(4)
וְ֠גַםand2Ch 24:12(17)
וְ֠גַםand alsoJos 22:7(15) Jdg 19:19(7) Neh 5:16(1) 2Ch 28:5(15)
וְ֠גַםand evenLev 25:45(1) Eccl 9:11(12) 2Ch 36:13(1)
וְ֠גַםand furthermoreNum 13:27(9) Joe 4:4(1)
וְ֠גַםso even1Ch 12:39(17)
וְגַ֕םand also1Sa 18:5(17) 2Sa 19:41(13)
וְגַ֕םand even1Ch 29:24(4)
וְגַ֖םand1Sa 2:26(9)
וְגַ֖םand also2Sa 17:16(12) 1Kgs 16:16(7) Eze 16:28(8) Zec 3:7(17) 1Ch 23:26(1) 2Ch 21:4(12)
וְגַ֖םand evenDan 11:22(6)
וְגַ֖םand even ifRut 1:12(17)
וְגַ֖םand furthermore1Sa 26:25(12)
וְגַ֖םand moreoverGen 42:28(6) Jos 7:11(18) 2Sa 2:2(4)
וְגַ֗םand also2Sa 11:24(10) 2Sa 20:26(1)
וְגַ֗םand even2Sa 1:4(22)
וְגַ֛םand alsoEze 24:5(4) Rut 2:8(13)
וְגַ֛םand evenJer 5:18(1) Rut 2:16(1) Eccl 9:11(20)
וְגַ֛םand furthermore1Sa 4:17(8)
וְגַ֛םand moreoverGen 38:24(10) Jer 28:14(22) Jer 52:10(8)
וְגַ֛םbut moreoverRut 3:12(8)
וְגַ֡םand also1Kgs 16:7(1)
וְגַ֣םand alsoJdg 2:3(1) 1Ch 12:41(1) 2Ch 19:8(1)
וְגַ֣םand evenJer 40:11(1) Eccl 9:3(12) Eccl 11:2(4) Dan 11:8(1) 2Ch 6:32(1)
וְגַ֣םand furthermore1Sa 1:28(1)
וְגַ֣םand moreoverGen 6:4(6) Num 18:2(1) Jos 7:11(16) 2Sa 2:6(7) 1Kgs 2:5(1) 1Kgs 15:13(1) 2Kgs 23:24(1) Amo 4:7(1) Rut 4:10(1)
וְגַ֣םso evenExo 6:5(1)
וְגַ֤םand also2Kgs 24:4(1)
וְגַ֤םand evenPsa 71:18(1) Eccl 3:13(1)
וְגַ֤םand moreoverExo 4:14(15) Deu 2:15(1) Jos 7:11(10) Jos 7:11(14) 2Kgs 16:3(5) Eze 20:12(1) Eze 23:37(8)
וְגַ֤םbut evenJdg 2:17(1)
וְגַ֥םandExo 5:2(15)
וְגַ֥םand alsoGen 24:44(6) Gen 24:46(11) Exo 8:17(20) 2Sa 1:11(5) Eze 39:16(1)
וְגַ֥םand evenJoe 3:2(1)
וְגַ֥םand moreoverGen 14:16(11) Gen 21:13(1) Exo 21:35(16) 1Kgs 18:35(5) Isa 7:20(15)
וְגַ֧םand evenZec 12:2(11) Neh 12:43(12)
וְגַ֧םand moreoverGen 15:14(1) Gen 21:26(15) Exo 19:22(1) Zec 13:2(16) 2Ch 28:2(5)
וְגַ֧םso moreover2Kgs 22:19(23)
וְגַ֨םand alsoExo 6:4(1) Jdg 11:17(15) Zec 14:14(1)
וְגַ֨םand even1Sa 10:26(1) Jer 36:6(17) Eze 9:10(1) Eccl 1:11(4) Eccl 8:17(24) Eccl 9:11(16)
וְגַ֨םand furthermoreNeh 6:14(7)
וְגַ֨םand moreoverGen 17:16(3) Gen 38:22(7) Deu 26:13(9) 1Kgs 3:13(1) 1Kgs 21:23(1) 2Kgs 23:15(1) 2Ch 21:13(14)
וְגַֽםand also2Ch 30:1(7)
וְגַֽםand even2Ch 15:16(1)
וְגַֽםand moreoverIsa 45:16(2)
וְגַםand1Sa 12:14(17)
וְגַםand alsoGen 21:26(10) Gen 24:14(12) Gen 24:46(7) Gen 48:19(11) Num 24:24(8) Num 24:25(6) 1Sa 28:23(8) 2Sa 1:4(16) 2Sa 13:36(11) 2Sa 19:44(12) 2Sa 21:20(17) Isa 21:12(5) Isa 30:5(14) Jer 10:5(17) Eze 16:29(8) Eze 16:41(12) Hos 3:3(12) Hos 4:3(13) Zec 3:7(12) Zec 9:2(1) Zec 11:8(10) 2Ch 21:17(11) 2Ch 26:20(14) 2Ch 29:35(1)
וְגַםand bothJdg 19:19(1)
וְגַםand even1Sa 21:9(15) 1Sa 23:17(19) 1Kgs 7:31(13) 1Kgs 14:24(1) Jer 3:10(1) Jer 13:26(1) Jer 31:19(11) Jer 50:24(3) Jer 50:24(10) Eze 5:11(23) Eze 20:15(1) Eze 21:14(12) Eze 21:22(1) Eze 24:3(15) Joe 2:3(14) Joe 2:12(1) Psa 78:21(8) Psa 148:12(2) Pro 16:4(5) Job 28:27(5) Job 40:14(1) Eccl 5:15(1) Eccl 6:7(5) Eccl 7:6(9) Eccl 7:18(5) Eccl 10:3(1) Est 5:12(17) Ezr 1:1(22) Neh 5:8(12) Neh 5:10(1) Neh 6:7(1) 1Ch 10:13(13) 2Ch 1:11(18) 2Ch 9:10(1) 2Ch 14:14(1) 2Ch 36:22(22)
וְגַםand furthermore1Sa 4:17(13) 1Sa 13:4(10)
וְגַםand is evenPsa 84:3(2)
וְגַםand moreoverGen 13:5(1) Gen 20:12(1) Gen 37:7(10) Gen 40:15(6) Gen 44:9(6) Exo 2:19(7) Exo 3:9(8) Exo 10:26(1) Exo 12:38(1) Exo 12:39(18) Exo 19:9(16) Exo 21:29(17) Exo 33:12(24) Exo 34:3(5) Num 13:28(11) Deu 1:28(17) Deu 2:6(6) Jos 2:24(11) 2Sa 2:7(11) 2Sa 15:19(18) 1Kgs 1:6(9) 1Kgs 1:47(1) 1Kgs 1:48(1) 1Kgs 21:19(8) 1Kgs 22:22(11) 2Kgs 8:1(21) Isa 5:2(8) Isa 28:7(1) Isa 31:2(1) Isa 40:24(12) Isa 66:21(1) Jer 26:20(1) Eze 16:52(14) Eze 20:25(1) Amo 4:6(1) Mal 2:9(1) 1Ch 20:6(13) 2Ch 16:12(11) 2Ch 18:21(11) 2Ch 28:8(10)
וְגַםeven1Sa 14:21(11)
וְגַםfurthermoreMic 6:13(1)
וְגַםso alsoGen 42:22(14)
וְגַםso evenEze 5:11(17) Eze 8:18(1) Eze 16:43(12) 2Ch 34:27(22)
וְגַםso moreoverEze 23:35(13)
וְגַםthen evenEccl 6:3(17)
וְגַם֙andJdg 2:10(17)
וְגַם֙and evenJdg 17:2(11) 1Kgs 8:41(1) 1Kgs 10:11(1) 1Ch 29:9(10) 2Ch 24:7(9)
וְגַם֙and furthermore1Sa 15:29(1)
וְגַם֙and moreoverGen 14:7(13) Gen 30:6(5) Gen 32:7(11) Exo 18:23(10) Deu 7:20(1) Jos 7:11(3) Jdg 2:10(1) 1Kgs 1:46(1) 2Kgs 13:6(13) Jer 27:6(13) Mal 2:2(22) 2Ch 12:12(9)
וְגַם֩and moreoverGen 14:16(5) 2Kgs 21:16(1) 2Kgs 23:19(1) Jer 36:25(1)
wgm3 שֶׁגַּםthat evenEccl 1:17(9) Eccl 2:15(16) Eccl 8:14(22)
gma Planting goma3 ־גֹמֶא֮rushIsa 18:2(5)
־גֹּ֭מֶאrushJob 8:11(2)
גֹּ֔מֶאrushExo 2:3(8)
hgmiaini1 הַגְמִיאִ֥ינִיlet me gulpGen 24:17(5)
vgoma1 וָגֹֽמֶאand rushIsa 35:7(12)
igma1 יְגַמֶּאit rushesJob 39:24(3)
gmd Measure gomd1 גֹּ֣מֶדa half-cubit inJdg 3:16(8)
People vgmdim1 וְגַ֨מָּדִ֔יםand GammadimEze 27:11(7)
gmvl Person lgmul1 לְגָמ֖וּלto Gamul1Ch 24:17(4)
gmzv Location gmzo1 ־גִּמְז֖וֹGimzo2Ch 28:18(22)
gml Animal bgmlim1 בַּגְּמַלִּ֔יםagainst the camelsExo 9:3(10)
gml2 גָּמָ֑לa camelIsa 21:7(8)
גָּמָ֑לcamels2Kgs 8:9(12)
gmlihm5 גְמַלֵּיהֶ֜םtheir camelsJer 49:32(2)
גְמַלֵּיהֶֽםcamelsJdg 8:26(25)
גְמַלֵּיהֶֽםtheir camelsJdg 8:21(23)
גְּֽמַלֵּיהֶ֞םtheir camels1Ch 5:21(3)
גְּמַ֨לֵּיהֶ֔םtheir camelsEzr 2:67(1)
gmliv1 ־גְּמַלָּֽיוhis camelsGen 24:20(13)
gmliç2 ־גְּמַלֶּ֖יךָyour camelsGen 24:14(13) Gen 24:46(8)
gmlim10 גְמַלִּ֔יםcamelsEze 25:5(5)
גְמַלִּ֖יםcamelsGen 24:63(11)
גְמַלִּ֗יםcamelsJob 1:3(8)
גְמַלִּ֜יםcamelsGen 24:10(4)
גְּ֠מַלִּיםcamels1Kgs 10:2(6)
גְּמַלִּ֔יםcamelsJob 42:12(15)
גְּמַלִּ֕יםcamelsNeh 7:68(1)
גְּמַלִּ֜יםcamelsIsa 60:6(2)
גְּמַלִּ֧יםcamelsGen 32:16(1)
גְּמַלִּים֙camelsIsa 30:6(20)
hgml5 ־הַ֠גָּמָלthe camelLev 11:4(11) Deu 14:7(12)
הַגָּמָ֖לthe camelGen 31:34(7)
הַגָּמָ֣לthe camelZec 14:15(6)
הַגָּמָֽלthe camelGen 24:64(10)
hgmlim10 ־הַ֨גְּמַלִּ֔יםthe camels1Ch 27:30(2)
־הַגְּמַלִּ֔יםthe camelsGen 24:61(6)
־הַגְּמַלִּ֖יםthe camelsGen 24:30(26) 1Sa 30:17(20)
־הַגְּמַלִּֽיםthe camelsGen 31:17(9)
־הַגְּמַלִּים֙the camelsJob 1:17(13)
הַגְּמַלִּ֑יםthe camelsGen 24:32(5)
הַגְּמַלִּ֖יםthe camelsGen 24:46(12)
הַגְּמַלִּ֛יםthe camelsGen 24:11(2)
הַגְּמַלִּים֙the camelsGen 24:22(4)
ubgmlim1 וּבַגְּמַלִּ֣יםand on camels1Ch 12:41(11)
ugmlihm2 וּגְמַלֵּיהֶ֖םand their camelsJer 49:29(7)
וּגְמַלֵּיהֶ֣םand their camelsGen 37:25(12)
ugmlim6 וּ֠גְמַלִּיםand camels2Ch 9:1(16)
וּגְמַלִּ֔יםand camels2Ch 14:14(8)
וּגְמַלִּ֖יםand camelsGen 24:35(15) Gen 30:43(11)
וּגְמַלִּֽיםand camelsGen 12:16(12)
וּגְמַלִּים֙and camels1Sa 27:9(13)
vlgmlihm2 וְלִגְמַלֵּיהֶ֖םand of their camelsJdg 6:5(11)
וְלִגְמַלֵּיהֶם֙and of their camelsJdg 7:12(10)
lgmliç2 לִגְמַלֶּ֖יךָfor your camelsGen 24:44(7)
לִגְמַלֶּ֙יךָ֙for your camelsGen 24:19(5)
lgmlim2 לַגְּמַלִּ֔יםfor the camelsGen 24:32(9)
לַגְּמַלִּֽיםfor the camelsGen 24:31(12)
mgml1 מִגָּמָ֖לfrom camel1Sa 15:3(24)
mgmli1 מִגְּמַלֵּ֤יfrom the camels ofGen 24:10(5)
Location gmul1 גָּמ֖וּלRewardJer 48:23(5)
Whole goml2 גֹּמֵ֖לmaturingIsa 18:5(7)
גֹּמֵ֣לmaturesPro 11:17(1)
gomlh1 ־גָּמְלָ֖הּshe had weaned1Sa 1:23(23)
gomlim2 ־גֹּמְלִ֤יםgetting evenJoe 4:4(15)
גֹּמְלִ֖יםreward2Ch 20:11(3)
gomlç1 ־גָּמְלֵ֣ךְyou have weaned1Sa 1:23(10)
gmul9 ־גְמ֥וּלthe reward ofIsa 3:11(5)
גְּ֝מ֗וּלrewardPsa 94:2(5)
גְּמ֕וּלa rewardJer 51:6(15)
גְּמ֖וּלa rewardIsa 66:6(9)
גְּמ֖וּלrewardIsa 59:18(7)
גְּמ֛וּלa rewardLam 3:64(3)
גְּמ֣וּלthe recompense ofIsa 35:4(11)
גְּמ֥וּלrewardIsa 59:18(10)
gmol1 גְּמֹ֖לgrowPsa 119:17(1)
gmul9 גָּמ֖וּלthe nursing childIsa 11:8(9)
gmulot2 גְּמֻל֛וֹתrewardsJer 51:56(13)
גְּמֻלוֹת֙rewardsIsa 59:18(2)
gmuli1 גְּמוּלֵי֙the weanedIsa 28:9(9)
gmuliv1 ־גְּמוּלָֽיוhis rewardsPsa 103:2(8)
gmulç2 ־גְּ֝מוּלֵ֗ךְrewards youPsa 137:8(8)
גְּמֻלְךָ֖your rewardOba 1:15(12)
gmulcm2 גְמֻלְכֶ֖םyour recompenseJoe 4:7(10)
גְּמֻלְכֶ֖םyour recompenseJoe 4:4(21)
gmulm1 גְּמוּלָ֣םtheir benefitPsa 28:4(11)
gml3 גָמַ֣לhe has maturedPsa 13:6(10)
גָּמַ֥לhas he rewardedPsa 103:10(7)
גָּמַ֥לhas maturedPsa 116:7(6)
gmlu1 ־גָמְל֥וּthey have rewardedIsa 3:9(13)
gmluç1 גְמָל֔וּךָthey recompensed you withGen 50:17(12)
gmlç1 גְמָלְךָ֣he has recompensed you withPro 3:30(8)
gmlm1 ־גְּמָלָ֥םhe rewarded themIsa 63:7(16)
gmlnu2 ־גְּמָלָ֖נוּrewarded usIsa 63:7(9)
גָּמַ֖לְנוּwe rewarded withGen 50:15(18)
gmlthu1 גְּמָלַ֣תְהוּshe will reward himPro 31:12(1)
gmltu1 גְּמָלַ֗תּוּshe had weaned him1Sa 1:24(4)
gmlti1 ־גָּ֭מַלְתִּיI have paid back toPsa 7:5(2)
gmltiç1 גְּמַלְתִּ֥יךָI have rewarded you with1Sa 24:18(12)
gmltni1 גְּמַלְתַּ֣נִיyou have rewarded me with1Sa 24:18(9)
hgmul1 הַגְּמ֗וּלwill get evenJoe 4:4(10)
hgmulh1 הַגְּמוּלָ֖הwith reward2Sa 19:37(11)
higml1 הִגָּמֵ֥לwas weanedGen 21:8(9)
ugmul1 וּגְמ֥וּלand the reward ofPro 12:14(6)
ugmulo1 וּ֝גְמֻל֗וֹand his rewardPro 19:17(5)
vhgmlim1 וְהַגְּמַלִּ֖יםand the camelsGen 32:8(15)
vigmol1 וַיִּגְמֹ֖לand it maturedNum 17:23(18)
viigml1 וַיִּגָּמַ֑לand it was weanedGen 21:8(3)
vtgmol1 וַתִּגְמֹ֖לand she weanedHos 1:8(1)
vtgmlhu1 וַתִּגְמְלֵ֣הוּand weaned him1Kgs 11:20(8)
igmlni3 יִגְמְלֵ֣נִיwill reward mePsa 18:21(1)
יִגְמְלֵ֣נִיwould reward me2Sa 19:37(9)
יִגְמְלֵ֥נִיwill reward me2Sa 22:21(1)
iigml1 יִגָּמֵ֤לis weaned1Sa 1:22(8)
cgmul4 ־כִגְמֻ֤לaccording to the reward2Ch 32:25(2)
־כִּגְמ֥וּלfor the recompense ofJdg 9:16(17)
כְּ֭גָמֻלas a nursing childPsa 131:2(6)
כַּגָּמֻ֖לas a nursing childPsa 131:2(9)
wgmlt1 שֶׁגָּמַ֥לְתְּas you rewardedPsa 137:8(9)
tgmol1 תִגְמֹ֣לyou will maturePsa 142:8(11)
tgmulohi1 ־תַּגְמוּל֥וֹהִיhis benefitsPsa 116:12(5)
tgmlu1 תִּגְמְלוּdo you rewardDeu 32:6(3)
gmli Person gmli1 ־גְּמַלִּֽיGemalliNum 13:12(5)
gmlial Person gmlial5 גַּמְלִיאֵ֖לGamalielNum 1:10(8) Num 2:20(7) Num 7:54(6) Num 7:59(15) Num 10:23(6)
gmr Destroy gomr1 גֹּמֵ֥רwho obliteratesPsa 57:3(5)
gmir1 גְּמִ֖ירperfect peaceEzr 7:12(11)
gmr2 ־גָמַ֣רobliteratedPsa 12:2(4)
גָּ֥מַרobliteratedPsa 77:9(4)
igmor2 יִגְמָרbe obliteratedPsa 7:10(1)
יִגְמֹ֪רwill obliteratePsa 138:8(2)
Location gomr1 גֹּ֚מֶרGomerEze 38:6(1)
Person gomr5 ־גֹּ֖מֶרGomerHos 1:3(4)
גֹּ֑מֶרGomerGen 10:3(2) 1Ch 1:6(2)
גֹּ֣מֶרGomerGen 10:2(3) 1Ch 1:5(3)
gmrih Person gmrihu2 ־גְּמַרְיָ֧הוּGemariahJer 36:11(4)
גְּמַרְיָהוּ֩GemariahJer 36:10(10)
ugmrih1 וּגְמַרְיָ֖הand GemariahJer 29:3(5)
ugmrihu2 וּגְמַרְיָ֙הוּ֙and GemariahJer 36:25(4)
וּגְמַרְיָ֧הוּand GemariahJer 36:12(20)
gn Location gnim3 ־גַּנִּ֛יםGanimJos 19:21(3)
גַּנִּ֔יםGanimJos 15:34(3)
גַּנִּ֖יםGanimJos 21:29(7)
Planting bgn9 בְגַןinto the garden ofGen 2:15(7)
בְּגַ֥ןin the garden ofEze 31:9(10)
בְּגַןin the garden of2Kgs 21:18(6) 2Kgs 21:18(8) 2Kgs 21:26(4) Eze 31:8(4) Eze 31:8(17)
בַּגָּ֑ןin the gardenGen 3:10(5)
בַּגָּ֖ןin the gardenGen 3:8(7)
bgnot1 בַּגַּנּ֔וֹתin gardensIsa 65:3(8)
bgnim2 בַּגַּנִּ֔יםin the gardensSong 6:2(7)
בַּגַּנִּ֗יםin gardensSong 8:13(2)
gint3 ־גִּנַּ֖תthe garden ofEst 7:7(7)
־גִּנַּ֤תa garden ofSong 6:11(2)
גִּנַּ֥תthe garden ofEst 1:5(18)
gn6 ־גַּ֣ןgarden2Kgs 25:4(13) Jer 52:7(16)
גַּ֣ןgardenJer 39:4(16)
גַּ֥ןa gardenSong 4:12(1)
גַּןa gardenGen 2:8(4)
גַּןthe garden ofEze 28:13(2)
gnot4 גַנּ֔וֹתgardensJer 29:5(5) Jer 29:28(14) Amo 9:14(16)
גַּנּ֖וֹתgardensEccl 2:5(3)
gnoticm1 גַּנּוֹתֵיכֶ֧םyour gardensAmo 4:9(6)
gni1 גַנִּ֖יmy gardenSong 4:16(6)
gnim1 גַּנִּ֔יםgardensSong 4:15(2)
gnto1 גַּ֝נָּת֗וֹhis gardenJob 8:16(6)
hgn8 ־הַגָּ֑ןthe gardenGen 2:10(6)
־הַגָּ֖ןthe gardenGen 2:16(9) Gen 3:2(7)
־הַגָּן֒the gardenGen 3:3(5)
הַגָּ֑ןgarden2Kgs 9:27(8)
הַגָּ֔ןthe gardenGen 2:9(15)
הַגָּֽןthe gardenGen 3:1(22) Gen 3:8(18)
hgnot1 ־הַגַּנּ֗וֹתthe gardensIsa 66:17(4)
ucgnh2 וּֽכְגַנָּ֔הas the gardenIsa 1:30(6)
וּכְגַנָּ֖הand as the gardenIsa 61:11(5)
cgn8 כְּגַ֣ןas a gardenIsa 58:11(10) Jer 31:12(21)
כְּגַ֥ןas a gardenDeu 11:10(21)
כְּגַןas the garden ofGen 13:10(20) Isa 51:3(12) Eze 36:35(6) Joe 2:3(7)
כַּגַּן֙as a gardenLam 2:6(2)
cgnot1 כְּגַנֹּ֖תas gardensNum 24:6(3)
lgn3 לְגַןgarden of1Kgs 21:2(12)
לְגַןof the garden ofGen 3:24(6) Neh 3:15(23)
lgno2 לְגַנּ֔וֹto his gardenSong 4:16(11) Song 6:2(3)
lgni1 לְגַנִּי֮into my gardenSong 5:1(2)
mgint1 מִגִּנַּ֨תfrom the garden ofEst 7:8(3)
mgn1 מִגַּןfrom the garden ofGen 3:23(4)
mhgnot1 מֵהַגַּנּ֖וֹתat the gardensIsa 1:29(7)
gnb Vexation bgnbim1 ־בְּגַנָּבִ֖יםamong thievesJer 48:27(8)
bgnibto1 בִּגְנֵבָתֽוֹfor his stealingExo 22:2(13)
gonb1 גֹּנֵ֨בstealingDeu 24:7(4)
gunbti1 גֻּנַּ֔בְתִּיI was stolenGen 40:15(3)
gunob1 ־גֻנֹּ֣ב--Gen 40:15(2)
gnb3 ־גַּ֭נָּבa thiefPro 29:24(3)
גַ֭נָּבa thiefPsa 50:18(3)
גַּנָּב֙a thiefJer 2:26(2)
gnbu2 גָּֽנְבוּ֙they have stolenJos 7:11(15)
גָּנְב֨וּhad stolen2Sa 21:12(16)
gnbuç1 גְּנָב֨וּךָhave stolen you2Sa 19:42(12)
gnbim3 ־גַּנָּבִ֤יםthievesOba 1:5(2)
־גַּנָּבִ֥יםthievesJer 49:9(9)
גַּנָּבִ֔יםthievesIsa 1:23(4)
gnbt1 גָנַ֖בְתָּhave you stolenGen 31:30(10)
gnbtu2 גְּנָבַ֥תּוּsteals himJob 27:20(5)
גְּנָבַ֥תּוּthat stoleJob 21:18(6)
gnbtm1 גְּנָבָֽתַםhad stolen themGen 31:32(21)
gnob1 ־גָּנֹ֥בto stealExo 22:11(2)
gnub1 גָּנ֥וּבwill be considered stolenGen 30:33(19)
gnubim1 ־גְּנוּבִ֥יםstolenPro 9:17(2)
gnubti1 גְּנֻֽבְתִ֣יwhether stolenGen 31:39(9)
hgonb1 ־הַגֹּנֵ֗בwho stealZec 5:3(12)
hgnb5 הַגַּנָּ֔בthe thiefExo 22:7(4) Zec 5:4(8)
הַגַּנָּ֖בstealingExo 22:1(4)
הַגַּנָּ֖בthe thiefExo 22:6(15)
הַגַּנָּ֣בthiefDeu 24:7(13)
hgnob1 הֲגָנֹ֤בwill you stealJer 7:9(1)
hgnibh1 הַגְּנֵבָ֗הthe theftExo 22:3(5)
vgonb1 וְגֹנֵ֨בand one who stealsExo 21:16(1)
vgunb1 וְגֻנַּ֖בand it is stolenExo 22:6(10)
vgnb1 וְגַנָּ֣בthe thiefHos 7:1(11)
vgnbti1 וְגָנַ֑בְתִּיand I stealPro 30:9(9)
vgnob1 וְגָנֹ֖בand stealingHos 4:2(4)
ugnubti1 וּגְנֻֽבְתִ֖יor stolenGen 31:39(11)
vignb1 וַיְגַנֵּב֙so stole2Sa 15:6(12)
vignob1 וַיִּגְנֹ֣בand stole awayGen 31:20(1)
vitgnb1 וַיִּתְגַּנֵּ֥בand by stealth2Sa 19:4(1)
vtgnob5 וַתִּגְנֹ֖בand steal awayGen 31:27(4)
וַתִּגְנֹ֖בthat you have stolen awayGen 31:26(6)
וַתִּגְנֹ֣בand had stolenGen 31:19(6)
וַתִּגְנֹ֤בand stole2Kgs 11:2(12) 2Ch 22:11(9)
igunb1 יְגֻנָּ֑בstoleJob 4:12(3)
ignbu1 יִגְנְב֖וּthey thieveOba 1:5(11)
ignob2 יִגְנ֑וֹבit stealsPro 6:30(5)
יִגְנֹֽבstoleExo 21:37(2)
iignb1 יִגָּנֵ֖בhe stoleExo 22:11(3)
itgnb1 יִתְגַּנֵּ֗בsteal away2Sa 19:4(8)
cgnb3 כַגַּנָּֽבlike a thiefJob 24:14(9)
כַּגַּנָּֽבas for a thiefJob 30:5(6)
כַּגַּנָּֽבlike a thiefJoe 2:9(10)
lgnb1 לַ֭גַּנָּבa thiefPro 6:30(3)
mgnbi1 מְגַנְּבֵ֣יstealingJer 23:30(7)
ngnob1 נִגְנֹב֙would we stealGen 44:8(12)
tgnob2 תִּגְנֹֽ֔בyou will stealExo 20:15(2) Deu 5:19(2)
tgnobu1 תִּגְנֹ֑בוּyou will stealLev 19:11(2)
gnbt Person gnubt2 גְנֻבַת֙Genubat1Kgs 11:20(14)
גְּנֻבַ֣תGenubat1Kgs 11:20(6)
gnz Work gnzi3 ־גִּנְזֵ֥יthe depositories ofEst 3:9(18) Est 4:7(16)
גִּנְזֵ֥יthe depositories ofEzr 7:20(12)
gnzia2 גִנְזַיָּ֛אthe depositoriesEzr 6:1(10)
גִּנְזַיָּ֜אthe depositoriesEzr 5:17(8)
ubgnzi1 וּבְגִנְזֵ֖יand in depositories ofEze 27:24(7)
vgnzciv1 וְגַנְזַכָּ֧יוand its depositories1Ch 28:11(10)
gnn Defense gnon1 גָּנ֥וֹןdefendingIsa 31:5(9)
hginh1 הֲגִינָ֔הdefendingEze 42:12(12)
vgnoti4 וְגַנּוֹתִ֖יI will defendIsa 38:6(8)
וְגַנּוֹתִ֛יand I will defend2Kgs 19:34(1) Isa 37:35(1)
וְגַנּוֹתִי֙I will defend2Kgs 20:6(14)
ign3 יָגֵ֛ןwill defendIsa 31:5(4)
יָגֵ֣ןwill defendZec 9:15(3)
יָגֵ֤ןwill defendZec 12:8(3)
gntvn Person gintoi1 גִנְּת֖וֹיGinnetonNeh 12:4(2)
ginton1 גִּנְּת֖וֹןGinnetonNeh 10:7(2)
lginton1 לְגִנְּת֥וֹןof GinnetonNeh 12:16(3)
gyh Appeal vgyh1 וְגָע֔וֹand lowing1Sa 6:12(12)
igyh1 יִגְעֶהlowsJob 6:5(6)
Location goyth1 גֹּעָֽתָהtoward GoahJer 31:39(10)
gyl Death igyil1 יַגְעִ֑לit does abortJob 21:10(4)
Person gyl9 ־גַּ֥עַלGaalJdg 9:41(7)
־גַּעַל֮GaalJdg 9:36(2)
גַ֔עַלGaalJdg 9:39(2)
גַ֨עַלGaalJdg 9:31(8)
גַּ֣עַלGaalJdg 9:28(2) Jdg 9:30(7) Jdg 9:35(2)
גַּ֤עַלGaalJdg 9:26(2)
גַּעַל֮GaalJdg 9:37(3)
Sin bgoyl1 בְּגֹ֣עַלin the loathing ofEze 16:5(15)
goylt1 גֹּעֶ֥לֶתloathingEze 16:45(4)
gylh2 גָּעֲלָ֣הloathedJer 14:19(7)
גָּעֲלָ֥הloathedLev 26:43(19)
gylu1 גָּֽעֲ֙לוּ֙loatheEze 16:45(11)
gyltim1 ־גְעַלְתִּים֙I will loathe themLev 26:44(10)
vgylh1 וְגָעֲלָ֥הand will loatheLev 26:30(13)
ngyl1 נִגְעַל֙is loathed2Sa 1:21(12)
tgyl2 ־תִגְעַ֥לwill loatheLev 26:11(5)
תִּגְעַ֣לloatheLev 26:15(7)
gyr Judgment bgyrt1 בְּגַעֲרַ֣תat the rebuke of2Sa 22:16(7)
bgyrti1 בְּגַעֲרָתִ֞יat my rebukeIsa 50:2(18)
goyr2 גֹעֵ֤רrebukeMal 2:3(2)
גּוֹעֵ֤רhe rebukesNah 1:4(1)
gyr1 גְּעַ֨רrebukePsa 68:31(1)
gyrh3 גְּעָרָ֣הrebukePro 17:10(2)
גְּעָרָֽהrebukePro 13:1(8) Pro 13:8(8)
gyrt7 גָעַ֔רְתָּhave you rebukedJer 29:27(4)
גַּעֲרַ֣תthe rebuke ofIsa 30:17(4) Eccl 7:5(3)
גַּעֲרַ֥תthe rebuke ofIsa 30:17(7) Isa 51:20(12)
גָּ֭עַרְתָּgiving rebukePsa 119:21(1)
גָּעַ֣רְתָּGod you rebukedPsa 9:6(1)
gyrtç1 ־גַּעֲרָ֣תְךָ֣your rebukePsa 104:7(2)
hmgyrt1 ־הַמִּגְעֶ֔רֶתthe rebukeDeu 28:20(9)
vgyr1 וְגָ֥עַרbut rebukeIsa 17:13(6)
vgyrto1 וְגַעֲרָת֖וֹand his rebukeIsa 66:15(11)
vgyrti1 וְגָעַרְתִּ֤יand I will rebukeMal 3:11(1)
vigyr3 וְיִגְעַ֤רand may give rebukeZec 3:2(9)
וַיִּגְעַ֣רand he rebukedPsa 106:9(1)
וַיִּגְעַרand rebukedGen 37:10(6)
umgyor1 וּמִגְּעָרand from rebukingIsa 54:9(18)
igyr1 יִגְעַ֨רmay give rebukeZec 3:2(5)
mgyrt1 מִגַּעֲרַ֖תfrom the rebuke ofPsa 80:17(4)
mgyrto1 מִגַּעֲרָתֽוֹfrom his rebukeJob 26:11(5)
mgyrtç2 מִ֭גַּעֲרָ֣תְךָfrom your rebukePsa 76:7(1)
מִגַּעֲרָ֣תְךָ֣at your rebukePsa 18:16(7)
tgyru1 תִגְעֲרוּdo rebukeRut 2:16(10)
gyw Fear vhtgoywu1 וְהִֽתְגֹּֽעֲשׁ֖וּand will be shakenJer 25:16(2)
vitgyw1 וַיִּתְגָּעַ֤שׁand shakes2Sa 22:8(1)
vitgywu3 וַ֝יִּתְגָּֽעֲשׁ֗וּand are shakenPsa 18:8(7)
וַיִּֽתְגָּעֲשׁ֖וּand are shaken2Sa 22:8(7)
וַיִּֽתְגָּעֲשׁוּ֙and shakeJer 5:22(19)
vtgyw1 וַתִּגְעַ֬שׁand shakesPsa 18:8(1)
igoywu1 יְגֹעֲשׁ֣וּare shakenJob 34:20(5)
itgoywu1 יִתְגֹּ֣עֲשׁוּare shakenJer 46:8(5)
itgywu1 יִֽתְגָּעֲשׁ֖וּare shakenJer 46:7(6)
Location gyw4 ־גָּֽעַשׁGaashJos 24:30(12) Jdg 2:9(11)
גָ֔עַשׁGaash1Ch 11:32(3)
גָֽעַשׁGaash2Sa 23:30(5)
gytm Person gytm1 גַּעְתָּ֖םGatamGen 36:16(4)
vgytm2 וְגַעְתָּ֔םand Gatam1Ch 1:36(6)
וְגַעְתָּ֖םand GatamGen 36:11(7)
gp Bodypart bgpo3 ־בְּגַפּ֥וֹby himselfExo 21:3(2)
בְגַפּֽוֹby himselfExo 21:4(17)
בְּגַפּ֣וֹby himselfExo 21:3(4)
gph1 גַפַּ֜יהּits wingsDan 7:4(12)
gpi1 ־גַּ֝פֵּ֗יthe spinePro 9:3(5)
gpin1 גַּפִּ֥יןwingsDan 7:6(9)
vgpin1 וְגַפִּ֥יןthe wingsDan 7:4(3)
gpn Eat bgpn1 בַּגֶּ֜פֶןon the vineJer 8:13(7)
bgpnim1 בַּגְּפָנִ֔יםon the vinesHab 3:17(7)
gpn11 ־גֶ֖פֶןa vineGen 40:9(11)
־גָ֑פֶןvine isIsa 24:7(4)
־גֶּ֖פֶןa vineIsa 32:12(8)
גֶּ֖פֶןvineZec 3:10(11)
גֶּ֖פֶןvinesIsa 7:23(11)
גֶּ֣פֶןa vine2Kgs 4:39(8)
גֶּ֣פֶןthe vine ofIsa 16:8(5) Isa 16:9(6)
גֶּ֣פֶןvinePsa 80:15(9)
גֶּ֤פֶןa vineHos 10:1(1)
גֶּ֭פֶןa vinePsa 80:9(1)
gpnh1 גַּפְנָהּ֙her vineHos 2:14(2)
gpno4 ־גַּפְנוֹ֙their vine2Kgs 18:31(17) Isa 36:16(17)
גַּפְנ֛וֹtheir vineMic 4:4(4)
גַּפְנוֹ֙their vine1Kgs 5:5(7)
gpni1 גַּפְנִי֙my vineJoe 1:7(2)
gpnç1 גַּפְנְךָ֖your vineJer 5:17(11)
gpnm3 גַּ֭פְנָםtheir vinePsa 105:33(2)
גַּפְנָ֑םtheir vinesPsa 78:47(3)
גַּפְנָ֔םare their vinesDeu 32:32(4)
hgpn13 ־הַגֶּ֖פֶןthe vineEze 15:2(6)
־הַגֶּ֙פֶן֙the vineEze 15:6(8)
־הַגֶּ֨פֶןthe vineHag 2:19(5)
הַגֶּ֔פֶןthe vineJdg 9:13(3) Song 6:11(10) Song 7:9(10)
הַגֶּ֙פֶן֙the vineMal 3:11(13) Song 7:13(6)
הַגֶּ֜פֶןthe vineZec 8:12(4)
הַגֶּ֣פֶןO vine ofJer 48:32(5)
הַגֶּ֣פֶןthe vineJoe 1:12(1)
הַגֶּ֥פֶןthe vineJer 2:21(11)
הַגֶּ֨פֶןvineEze 17:7(10)
ubgpn1 וּבַגֶּ֖פֶןand in the vineGen 40:10(1)
vgpn3 וְגֶ֙פֶן֙or vineNum 20:5(14)
וְגֶ֥פֶןand vineDeu 8:8(4)
וָגֶ֖פֶןand vineJoe 2:22(14)
vhgpnim1 וְהַגְּפָנִ֥יםand the vinesSong 2:13(4)
cgpn5 כַגֶּ֖פֶןas a vineJer 6:9(7)
כַגֶּ֛פֶןis like a vineEze 19:10(2)
כַגָּ֑פֶןlike a vineHos 14:8(7)
כְּגֶ֥פֶןlike a vinePsa 128:3(2)
כַּגֶּ֣פֶןlike a vineJob 15:33(2)
lgpn5 לְגֶ֔פֶןas a vineEze 17:6(14)
לְגֶ֥פֶןa vineEze 17:8(14)
לְגֶ֨פֶןvineEze 17:6(3)
לַגֶּ֙פֶן֙to the vineGen 49:11(2)
לַגָּ֑פֶןto the vineJdg 9:12(3)
mgpn4 ־מִגֶּ֤פֶןfrom the vine ofDeu 32:32(2)
מִגֶּ֔פֶןfrom the vineIsa 34:4(13)
מִגֶּ֣פֶןfrom the vine ofNum 6:4(7)
מִגֶּ֨פֶןfrom the vine ofJdg 13:14(4)
gpr Fire gopr1 ־גֹ֔פֶרpitchGen 6:14(5)
goprit4 גָפְרִֽיתpitchJob 18:15(8)
גָּפְרִ֔יתpitchIsa 30:33(18)
גָּפְרִ֣יתpitchGen 19:24(7) Deu 29:22(1)
vgoprit2 וְ֭גָפְרִיתand pitchPsa 11:6(6)
וְגָפְרִ֗יתand pitchEze 38:22(10)
lgoprit1 לְגָפְרִ֑יתto pitchIsa 34:9(5)
gr Mineral gir1 ־גִר֙chalkIsa 27:9(16)
gra Person gra6 ־גֵּרָ֔אGera2Sa 16:5(16)
־גֵּרָ֗אGera2Sa 19:19(12)
־גֵּרָ֥אGera1Kgs 2:8(5)
־גֵּרָא֙GeraJdg 3:15(13) 2Sa 19:17(4)
גֵּרָ֥אGeraGen 46:21(6)
vgra3 וְגֵרָ֖אand Gera1Ch 8:3(5) 1Ch 8:7(3)
וְגֵרָ֥אand Gera1Ch 8:5(1)
grb Illness grb3 גָרָב֙scabbedLev 21:20(9) Lev 22:22(9)
גָּרֵ֑בscabbedJer 31:39(8)
ubgrb1 וּבַגָּרָ֖בand with scabDeu 28:27(6)
Person grb2 גָּרֵ֖בScab2Sa 23:38(3) 1Ch 11:40(3)
grgr Planting grgrim1 גַּרְגְּרִ֖יםolive berriesIsa 17:6(8)
grgwi People hgrgwi4 ־הַגִּרְגָּשִׁ֔יthe GirgashiteJos 3:10(21)
־הַגִּרְגָּשִׁ֖יthe GirgashiteGen 15:21(6)
הַגִּרְגָּשִֽׁיthe GirgashiteGen 10:16(6) 1Ch 1:14(6)
vhgrgwi3 וְהַגִּרְגָּשִׁ֔יand the GirgashiteJos 24:11(15)
וְהַגִּרְגָּשִׁ֖יand the GirgashiteNeh 9:8(17)
וְהַגִּרְגָּשִׁ֨יand the GirgashiteDeu 7:1(17)
grd Vexation lhtgrd1 לְהִתְגָּרֵ֖דto scrapeJob 2:8(4)
grh Time grh5 גֵּרָ֑הgramsEze 45:12(3)
גֵּרָ֖הgramsLev 27:25(7) Num 3:47(10) Num 18:16(12)
גֵּרָה֙gramsExo 30:13(12)
htgrit1 הִתְגָּרִֽיתyou have meddledJer 50:24(14)
vhtgr1 וְהִתְגָּ֥רand meddleDeu 2:24(19)
vitgrh1 וְיִתְגָּרֶ֖הand meddleDan 11:10(12)
igrh3 יְגָרֶ֣הstrokesPro 15:18(3) Pro 28:25(3) Pro 29:22(3)
itgrh1 יִתְגָּרֶה֙will be strokedDan 11:25(11)
itgru2 יִתְגָּ֥רוּmeddlePro 28:4(7)
יִתְגָּר֗וּwill meddleDan 11:10(2)
mtgrt1 מִתִּגְרַ֥תfrom the stroke ofPsa 39:11(4)
ttgr2 ־תִּתְגָּ֣רdo meddleDeu 2:19(8)
־תִּתְגָּ֥רdo meddleDeu 2:9(9)
ttgrh2 תִתְגָּרֶה֙meddle2Kgs 14:10(11) 2Ch 25:19(13)
ttgru1 ־תִּתְגָּר֣וּdo meddleDeu 2:5(2)
grz Bound ngrzti1 נִגְרַזְתִּי֮I am excludedPsa 31:23(4)
Tool bgrzn1 בַגַּרְזֶן֙with the adzeDeu 19:5(10)
grzn1 גַּרְזֶ֔ןan adzeDeu 20:19(16)
hgrzn1 הַגַּרְזֶ֔ןthe adzeIsa 10:15(2)
vhgrzn1 וְהַגַּרְזֶן֙and adze1Kgs 6:7(8)
grzm Mountain grizim4 ־גְּרִזִ֔יםGerizimJos 8:33(23) Jdg 9:7(7)
גְּרִזִ֔יםGerizimDeu 11:29(18) Deu 27:12(8)
grl Chance bgorl15 ־בְּגוֹרָ֕לby lotNum 26:55(2)
בַגּוֹרָ֗לby lot1Ch 6:50(2)
בְּגוֹרַ֖לby lotJos 14:2(1)
בְּגוֹרָ֑לby lotMic 2:5(7)
בְּגוֹרָ֔לby lotNum 34:13(12)
בְּגוֹרָ֖לby lotNum 36:2(10)
בְּגוֹרָ֜לby lotNum 33:54(4)
בְּגוֹרָ֤לby lotJos 19:51(15)
בְּגוֹרָֽלby lotJdg 20:9(8)
בַּגּוֹרָ֔לby lotJos 21:4(17) Jos 21:6(14) 1Ch 6:48(10)
בַּגּוֹרָ֖לby lotJos 21:5(12) 1Ch 6:46(10)
בַּגּוֹרָֽלby lotJos 21:8(15)
bgorlot1 בְּגוֹרָל֖וֹתby lot1Ch 24:5(2)
bgorli1 בְגוֹרָלִ֗יin my lotJdg 1:3(7)
bgorlç1 בְּגוֹרָלֶ֑ךָin your lotJdg 1:3(14)
gorl14 גּוֹרַ֛לthe lot ofJos 18:11(2)
גּוֹרַ֪לthe lot ofPsa 125:3(7)
גּוֹרָ֔לthe lotIsa 34:17(4)
גּוֹרָ֛לthe lotJos 18:8(22) Jos 18:10(4)
גּוֹרָ֤לlotJos 17:14(11)
גּוֹרָ֤לthe lot ofLev 16:8(7)
גּוֹרָ֥לlotJos 17:17(18)
גּוֹרָֽלthe lotEze 24:6(23)
גּוֹרָל֙the diceJos 18:6(12)
גוֹרָ֑לthe lotJoe 4:3(4)
גוֹרָ֔לthe lotOba 1:11(14) Nah 3:10(15)
גוֹרָֽלthe lotPsa 22:19(7)
gorlo1 גוֹרָל֖וֹhis lot1Ch 26:14(12)
gorlot8 גּֽוֹרָל֔וֹתthe diceJon 1:7(14) 1Ch 26:14(10)
גּוֹרָל֑וֹתlotsLev 16:8(6)
גּוֹרָל֜וֹתthe dice1Ch 24:31(4)
גּוֹרָל֣וֹתthe dice1Ch 25:8(2)
גֽוֹרָל֔וֹתthe diceJon 1:7(7)
גוֹרָל֜וֹתthe diceNeh 11:1(8) 1Ch 26:13(2)
gorli1 גּוֹרָלִֽיmy lotPsa 16:5(7)
gorlç3 גּ֭וֹרָ֣לְךָyour lotPro 1:14(1)
גּוֹרָלֵ֑ךְyour lotIsa 57:6(6)
גוֹרָלֵ֧ךְis your lotJer 13:25(2)
gorlm3 גּֽוֹרָלָ֔םtheir lotJos 18:11(9)
גּוֹרָלָ֔םtheir lotJos 21:40(10)
גֽוֹרָלָ֔םtheir lotJos 21:20(10)
hgorl24 ־הַגּוֹרָ֑לthe dicePro 16:33(4)
הַגּוֹרָ֑לthe dicePro 18:18(3)
הַגּוֹרָ֔לthe diceEst 9:24(16)
הַגּוֹרָ֔לthe lotNum 26:56(3)
הַגּוֹרָ֖לthe diceJon 1:7(16)
הַגּוֹרָ֖לthe lotLev 16:9(8) Num 33:54(19) Jos 21:4(2) Jos 21:10(11)
הַגּוֹרָ֗לthe lotJos 15:1(2)
הַגּוֹרָ֛לthe dice1Ch 26:14(2)
הַגּוֹרָ֜לthe diceEst 3:7(14)
הַגּוֹרָ֜לthe lotJos 16:1(2)
הַגּוֹרָ֣לlotJos 19:10(2)
הַגּוֹרָ֣לthe lotJos 19:17(3) Jos 19:24(2) Jos 19:32(4)
הַגּוֹרָ֤לlot1Ch 24:7(2)
הַגּוֹרָ֤לthe lotJos 19:1(2)
הַגּוֹרָ֥לthe lotJos 19:40(6)
הַגּוֹרָ֧לlot1Ch 25:9(2)
הַגּוֹרָֽלthe lot1Ch 6:39(12)
הַגּוֹרָל֙the lotLev 16:10(5) Jos 17:1(2)
vgorl2 וְגוֹרָ֖לand the lotIsa 17:14(11)
וְגוֹרָ֥לand the lot ofLev 16:8(10)
vhgorlot1 וְהַגּוֹרָל֨וֹתand lotsNeh 10:35(1)
umgorl1 וּמִגֹּרַ֥לand from the lot ofNum 36:3(19)
lgorlç1 לְגֹרָלְךָ֖in your lotDan 12:13(6)
grm Bodypart grm4 ־גֶּ֣רֶםthe strong bone of2Kgs 9:13(8)
־גָּֽרֶםcartilagePro 17:22(8)
־גָּֽרֶםstrong bonesPro 25:15(8)
גָּ֑רֶםis a strong-bonedGen 49:14(3)
grmu1 גָרְמ֖וּstrong bonesZep 3:3(9)
grmihon1 ־גַּרְמֵיה֖וֹןtheir strong bonesDan 6:25(27)
grmiv1 גְּ֝רָמָ֗יוhis cartilageJob 40:18(4)
Eat igrm1 יְגָרֵ֖םwill be picked cleanNum 24:8(11)
tgrmi1 תְּגָרֵ֖מִיyou will pick cleanEze 23:34(6)
grmi People hgrmi1 הַגַּרְמִ֑יthe Garmite1Ch 4:19(8)
grn Harvest bgorn8 בְּגֹ֔רֶןat the threshing-floor at1Kgs 22:10(12) 2Ch 18:9(13)
בְּגֹ֖רֶןat the threshing-floor of1Ch 21:28(8) 2Ch 3:1(18)
בְּגֹ֖רֶןin the threshing-floor of1Ch 21:18(14)
בְּגֹ֖רֶןon the threshing-floor of2Sa 24:18(13)
בְּגֹ֙רֶן֙at the threshing-floor ofGen 50:11(7)
בַּגֹּ֑רֶןon the threshing-floorJdg 6:37(7)
gorn9 ־גֹּ֖רֶןthe threshing-floor of2Sa 24:16(22) 1Ch 21:15(23)
־גֹּ֣רֶןthe threshing-floor ofGen 50:10(3) 2Sa 6:6(3) 1Ch 13:9(3)
־גֹּ֥רֶןthreshing-floorRut 3:2(13)
גֹּ֔רֶןthe threshing-floorNum 15:20(7)
גֹּ֖רֶןa threshing-floorNum 18:30(10)
גֹּ֥רֶןthreshing-floorHos 9:2(1)
gornh1 גֹּֽרְנָהheaded for the threshing-floorMic 4:12(12)
gornot1 ־גָּרְנ֥וֹתthreshing-floor ofHos 9:1(15)
gorni1 ־גָּרְנִ֑יmy threshing-floorIsa 21:10(3)
hgorn9 ־הַגֹּ֔רֶןthe threshing-floorNum 18:27(6) 1Ch 21:21(12)
־הַגֹּ֖רֶןthe threshing-floor2Kgs 6:27(8)
־הַגֹּ֗רֶןthe threshing-floor2Sa 24:21(14)
־הַגֹּ֙רֶן֙the threshing-floor2Sa 24:24(20)
הַגֹּ֑רֶןthe threshing-floorRut 3:3(7) Rut 3:6(2)
הַגֹּ֔רֶןthe threshing-floor1Ch 21:22(8)
הַגֹּֽרֶןto the threshing-floorRut 3:14(17)
hgvrnot2 ־הַגֳּרָנֽוֹתthreshing-floors1Sa 23:1(11)
הַגֳּרָנ֖וֹתthe threshing-floorsJoe 2:24(2)
vgornç1 וְֽגָרְנְךָ֥and to your threshing-floorJob 39:12(6)
umgornç1 וּמִֽגָּרְנְךָ֖from your threshing-floorDeu 15:14(5)
cgorn1 כְּגֹ֖רֶןis like a threshing-floorJer 51:33(10)
mgorn1 מִגֹּ֔רֶןfrom the threshing-floorHos 13:3(10)
mgornç1 מִֽגָּרְנְךָ֖from your threshing-floorDeu 16:13(8)
grs Vexation grsh1 גָּרְסָ֣הground down isPsa 119:20(1)
vigrs1 וַיַּגְרֵ֤סground upLam 3:16(1)
gry Send agry1 אֶגְרַע֙I will remove advantageEze 5:11(19)
gruyh1 גְּרֻעָ֑הcut shortJer 48:37(7)
vagry1 וָאֶגְרַ֖עand I have disadvantagedEze 16:27(5)
vngry1 וְנִגְרַ֖עand subtractLev 27:18(18)
vngryh1 וְנִגְרְעָ֤הthen will be subtractedNum 36:3(8)
vtgry2 וְתִגְרַ֖עand do you lowerJob 15:8(4)
וְתִגְרַ֥עand lowerJob 15:4(5)
igry3 ־יִגְרַ֥עhe does lowerJob 36:7(2)
יְגָרַ֣עhe lowersJob 36:27(2)
יִגְרָֽעhe will lowerExo 21:10(9)
iigry3 יִגָּרֵֽעַwill be subtractedNum 36:3(21)
יִגָּרַ֖עwill be subtractedNum 36:4(17)
יִגָּרַ֤עwould be disadvantagedNum 27:4(2)
lgroy1 לִגְרֹ֑עַto be subtractedEccl 3:14(15)
mgryot1 מִגְרָעוֹת֩recesses1Kgs 6:6(15)
ngry1 נִגְרָ֛עsubtractingExo 5:11(10)
nigry1 נִגָּרַ֗עare we disadvantagedNum 9:7(10)
tgry2 ־תִּגְרַ֖עdo subtractJer 26:2(25)
תִגְרַ֖עwill you subtractDeu 13:1(15)
tgryu3 ־תִגְרְע֥וּyou will subtractExo 5:19(9)
תִגְרְע֖וּyou will subtractExo 5:8(12) Deu 4:2(10)
grp Bodypart bagrof2 בְאֶגְרֹ֑ףwith a fistExo 21:18(10)
בְּאֶגְרֹ֣ףwith a fist ofIsa 58:4(6)
Destroy grpm1 גְּרָפָ֔םpunched themJdg 5:21(3)
Wild mgrpotihm1 מֶגְרְפֹ֣תֵיהֶ֔םtheir clumps of earthJoe 1:17(4)
grr Bodypart bgronm1 בִּגְרוֹנָֽםthrough their gulletPsa 115:7(9)
grgrotiç2 ־גַּרְגְּרֹתֶֽךָyour gulletPro 6:21(7)
־גַּרְגְּרוֹתֶ֑יךָyour gulletPro 3:3(7)
gron1 גָּר֔וֹןgulletsIsa 3:16(10)
groni1 גְּר֫וֹנִ֥יmy gulletPsa 69:4(4)
gronç1 ־גְּרוֹנֵֽךְyour gulletEze 16:11(9)
gronm1 גְּרוֹנָ֑םtheir gulletPsa 5:10(9)
ugronç1 וּגְרוֹנֵ֖ךְand your gulletJer 2:25(4)
igorhu1 יְגֹרֵ֣הוּit gullets themHab 1:15(4)
igorm1 יְגוֹרֵ֑םtheir gulletsPro 21:7(3)
lgrgrotiç2 לְגַרְגְּרֹתֶֽיךָfor your gulletPro 1:9(7) Pro 3:22(5)
Eat grh8 גֵרָ֔הruminatingDeu 14:8(8)
גֵרָ֜הthe cudLev 11:4(14)
גֵרָ֣הthe cudDeu 14:7(19)
גֵרָה֙the cudLev 11:5(5)
גֵּרָ֖הthe cudLev 11:3(8) Deu 14:6(10)
גֵּרָ֣הthe cudLev 11:7(11)
גֵּרָה֙the cudLev 11:6(5)
hgrh2 הַגֵּרָ֔הthe cudLev 11:4(7) Deu 14:7(7)
vgrh1 וְגֵרָה֙and cudLev 11:26(10)
iigr1 ־יִגָּ֑רdoes chewLev 11:7(13)
mtgorr1 מִתְגּוֹרֵ֑רruminatingJer 30:23(7)
Location bgrr2 בִּגְרָֽרin GerarGen 20:1(12) Gen 26:6(3)
grr4 ־גְּרָ֖רGerarGen 26:17(6)
גְרָ֗רGerarGen 26:20(3)
גְּרָ֔רGerarGen 20:2(11) 2Ch 14:13(6)
grrh2 גְרָ֖רָהtowards GerarGen 10:19(6)
גְּרָֽרָהto GerarGen 26:1(17)
lgrr1 ־לִגְרָר֒to Gerar2Ch 14:12(7)
mgrr1 מִגְּרָ֑רfrom GerarGen 26:26(4)
Speak bgron1 בְגָרוֹן֙aloudIsa 58:1(2)
bgronm1 בִּגְרוֹנָ֑םvocal inPsa 149:6(3)
Tool bmgrh3 בַּ֠מְּגֵרָהwith saws2Sa 12:31(7)
בַּמְּגֵרָ֖הwith saws1Kgs 7:9(8)
בַּמְּגֵרָ֜הwith the saw1Ch 20:3(7)
ubmgrot1 וּבַמְּגֵר֔וֹתand with cutting tools1Ch 20:3(10)
mgorrot1 מְגֹרָר֥וֹתsawed1Kgs 7:9(7)
grw Eat grw1 גֶּ֣רֶשׂbeaten cornLev 2:14(9)
mgrwh1 מִגִּרְשָׂהּ֙from the beaten cornLev 2:16(5)
Send agrw1 ־אֲגָרֵ֥שׁI will expelJdg 2:3(4)
agrwm1 אֲגָרְשֵׁ֑םI will expel themHos 9:15(11)
agrwnu2 אֲגָרְשֶׁ֖נּוּI will expel themExo 23:30(3)
אֲגָרְשֶׁ֛נּוּI will expel themExo 23:29(2)
gorw1 גֹרֵ֣שׁexpellingExo 34:11(9)
gorwu1 ־גֹרְשׁ֣וּthey were expelledExo 12:39(13)
girwuni1 ־גֵרְשׁ֣וּנִיthey have expelled me1Sa 26:19(23)
girwt1 גֵּרַ֨שְׁתָּyou expelGen 4:14(2)
girwtihu1 גֵּרַשְׁתִּֽהוּI have expelled himEze 31:11(9)
gruwh1 גְּרוּשָׁ֥הdivorcedLev 21:7(7)
gruwoticm1 גְרֻשֹֽׁתֵיכֶם֙your expulsionEze 45:9(16)
grw4 גֶּ֥רֶשׁthe outcome ofDeu 33:14(5)
גָּ֣רֵֽשׁexpelPro 22:10(1)
גָּרֵ֛שׁ--Exo 11:1(20)
גָּרֵ֛שׁexpelGen 21:10(3)
vagrw1 וָאֲגָרֵ֤שׁand expelledJdg 6:9(8)
vagrwnu1 וַאֲגָרְשֶׁ֖נּוּand expel itNum 22:6(17)
vgirwh1 וְגֵרְשָׁ֗הand I will expelExo 23:28(5)
vgirwti1 וְגֵֽרַשְׁתִּ֗יand I will expelExo 33:2(4)
vgirwtiv1 וְגֵרַשְׁתִּֽיוand expel itNum 22:11(18)
vgirwtmo1 וְגֵרַשְׁתָּ֖מוֹand you will expel themExo 23:31(18)
ugruwh4 וּגְרוּשָׁ֑הor divorceeNum 30:10(3)
וּגְרוּשָׁ֔הor divorceeEze 44:22(2)
וּגְרוּשָׁ֗הor divorcedLev 22:13(6)
וּגְרוּשָׁה֙or divorcedLev 21:14(2)
vigrw7 וַיְגָ֖רֶשׁand he expelledGen 3:24(1)
וַיְגָ֣רֶשׁand he expelledExo 10:11(13)
וַיְגָ֤רֶשׁand expelled1Kgs 2:27(1)
וַיְגָ֤רֶשׁand he expelledPsa 78:55(1)
וַיְגָ֧רֶשׁand expelledJdg 9:41(4)
וַיְגָ֧רֶשׁand he will expelDeu 33:27(7)
וַיְגָ֨רֶשׁand expelledJos 24:18(1)
vigrwhu1 וַֽ֝יְגָרֲשֵׁ֗הוּand he expelled himPsa 34:1(7)
vigrwu2 וַיְגָרְשׁ֣וּand they expelledJdg 11:2(9)
וַיִּגְרְשׁ֥וּand expelIsa 57:20(8)
vigrwum1 וַיְגָרְשׁ֑וּםand expelled themExo 2:17(3)
ulmgrw1 וּלְמִגְרָ֑שׁand for what is expelledEze 48:15(14)
umgrw1 וּמִגְרָ֗שׁand from the outlandsNum 35:2(11)
umgrwi1 וּמִגְרְשֵׁי֙and the outlands ofNum 35:4(1)
umgrwih1 וּמִגְרָשֶׁ֖יהָand their outlandsJos 21:42(6)
umgrwihm2 וּמִ֨גְרְשֵׁיהֶ֔םand their outlandsJos 14:4(18)
וּמִגְרְשֵׁיהֶ֗םand their outlandsNum 35:3(5)
umgrwihn5 וּמִגְרְשֵׁיהֶ֑ןand their outlandsJos 21:26(4)
וּמִגְרְשֵׁיהֶ֖ןand their outlandsJos 21:2(15)
וּמִגְרְשֵׁיהֶֽןand their outlandsJos 21:19(9) Jos 21:33(8) Jos 21:41(11)
vngrwh1 וְנִגְרְשָׁ֥הand it will be expelledAmo 8:8(13)
vtgrw1 וַתְּגָ֤רֶשׁto expelJos 24:12(5)
vtgrwuni1 וַתְּגָרְשׁ֖וּנִיand expel meJdg 11:7(9)
igorwu1 יְגֹרָ֑שׁוּexpelledJob 30:5(3)
igrw1 יְגָרֵ֥שׁhe will expelExo 11:1(21)
igrwuh1 יְגָ֣רְשׁ֔וּהָthey will expelZep 2:4(9)
igrwm1 יְגָרְשֵׁ֖םhe will expel themExo 6:1(16)
lgrw1 לְגָרֵ֗שׁto expel1Ch 17:21(18)
lgrwnu1 לְגָ֣רְשֵׁ֔נוּto expel us2Ch 20:11(6)
mgrowot1 מִגְרֹשֽׁוֹתyour outlandsEze 27:28(5)
mgrw4 מִגְרַ֤שׁthe outlands of2Ch 31:19(5)
מִגְרַ֥שׁthe outlands ofLev 25:34(2)
מִגְרָ֥שׁoutlandsEze 45:2(13)
מִגְרָשׁ֮for what is expelledEze 48:17(2)
mgrwh1 מִגְרָשָׁ֖הּto expel herEze 36:5(29)
mgrwi2 ־מִגְרְשֵׁ֥יthe outlands of1Ch 5:16(6)
מִגְרְשֵׁ֖יthe outlands ofNum 35:5(29)
mgrwih90 ־מִגְרָשֶׁ֑הָits outlandsJos 21:13(12) Jos 21:16(13) Jos 21:17(6) Jos 21:18(8) Jos 21:22(9) Jos 21:23(6) Jos 21:24(9) Jos 21:25(12) Jos 21:27(20) Jos 21:28(6) Jos 21:29(9) Jos 21:30(6) Jos 21:31(8) Jos 21:32(20) Jos 21:34(12) Jos 21:35(8) Jos 21:36(6) Jos 21:37(8) Jos 21:38(11) Jos 21:39(8)
־מִגְרָשֶׁ֑יהָits outlands1Ch 6:42(12) 1Ch 6:45(14) 1Ch 6:55(11) 1Ch 6:56(11) 1Ch 6:57(6) 1Ch 6:59(6) 1Ch 6:61(11) 1Ch 6:62(9) 1Ch 6:63(12) 1Ch 6:65(7)
־מִגְרָשֶׁ֔הָits outlandsJos 21:14(4) Jos 21:15(4) Jos 21:16(8) Jos 21:18(4) Jos 21:22(4) Jos 21:24(4) Jos 21:25(7) Jos 21:27(16) Jos 21:29(4) Jos 21:31(4) Jos 21:32(16) Jos 21:35(4) Jos 21:37(4) Jos 21:39(4)
־מִגְרָשֶׁ֔יהָits outlands1Ch 6:43(4) 1Ch 6:44(4) 1Ch 6:45(10) 1Ch 6:53(4) 1Ch 6:54(4) 1Ch 6:55(7) 1Ch 6:58(4) 1Ch 6:60(4) 1Ch 6:61(7) 1Ch 6:64(4) 1Ch 6:66(4)
־מִגְרָשֶׁ֖הָits outlandsJos 21:11(13) Jos 21:21(10)
־מִגְרָשֶׁ֖יהָits outlands1Ch 6:40(8) 1Ch 6:52(9)
־מִגְרָשֶׁ֗הָits outlandsJos 21:16(4)
־מִגְרָשֶׁ֙הָ֙its outlandsJos 21:32(11)
־מִגְרָשֶׁ֙יהָ֙its outlands1Ch 6:45(6)
־מִגְרָשֶֽׁהָits outlandsJos 21:13(16) Jos 21:14(8) Jos 21:15(8) Jos 21:17(10) Jos 21:21(16) Jos 21:23(10) Jos 21:28(10) Jos 21:30(10) Jos 21:34(16) Jos 21:36(10) Jos 21:38(15)
־מִגְרָשֶֽׁיהָits outlands1Ch 6:42(18) 1Ch 6:43(8) 1Ch 6:44(9) 1Ch 6:52(15) 1Ch 6:53(9) 1Ch 6:54(9) 1Ch 6:56(15) 1Ch 6:57(10) 1Ch 6:58(8) 1Ch 6:59(10) 1Ch 6:60(8) 1Ch 6:61(15) 1Ch 6:62(13) 1Ch 6:63(16) 1Ch 6:64(8) 1Ch 6:65(11) 1Ch 6:66(8)
mgrwihm3 ־מִגְרְשֵׁיהֶֽםoutlands1Ch 6:49(8)
־מִגְרְשֵׁיהֶם֙their outlands2Ch 11:14(5)
מִגְרְשֵׁיהֶ֑םand outlands1Ch 13:2(24)
mgrwihn3 ־מִגְרְשֵׁיהֶ֑ןtheir outlandsJos 21:8(9)
־מִגְרְשֵׁיהֶֽןtheir outlandsNum 35:7(11) Jos 21:3(13)
ngrw1 נִגְרָ֑שׁexpelledIsa 57:20(3)
ngrwti1 נִגְרַ֖שְׁתִּיI am expelledJon 2:5(3)
tgrw1 תְּגָרֵ֥שׁyou expelledPsa 80:9(4)
tgrwun1 תְּגָ֣רְשׁ֔וּןyou have expelledMic 2:9(3)
grwvm Person grwom13 ־גֵרְשׁ֖וֹםGershom1Ch 6:2(4)
־גֵּרְשׁ֣וֹםGershom1Ch 26:24(3)
־גֵּרְשֹׁ֖םGershom1Ch 6:28(4)
־גֵּרְשֹׁ֨םGershomJdg 18:30(9)
גֵרְשׁ֖וֹםGershom1Ch 23:16(2)
גֵרְשׁ֜וֹםGershom1Ch 6:47(2)
גֵּֽרְשֹׁ֔םGershomExo 18:3(7) Ezr 8:2(3)
גֵּרְשׁ֑וֹםGershom1Ch 15:7(2)
גֵּרְשֹׁ֑םGershomExo 2:22(6)
גֵּרְשֹׁ֕םGershom1Ch 6:1(3)
גֵּרְשֹׁ֖םGershom1Ch 23:15(3)
גֵּרְשׁוֹם֒Gershom1Ch 6:56(2)
lgrwom1 לְֽגֵרְשׁ֑וֹםof Gershom1Ch 6:5(1)
grwvn Person grwon13 ־גֵרְשׁ֖וֹןGershonNum 3:18(4)
־גֵרְשׁוֹן֙GershonNum 3:25(3) Num 10:17(5)
גֵרְשׁ֑וֹןGershonNum 4:38(3) Num 7:7(9)
גֵרְשׁ֔וֹןGershonNum 4:41(5)
גֵרְשׁ֖וֹןGershonNum 4:22(5)
גֵרְשׁ֗וֹןGershonJos 21:6(2)
גֵרְשׁ֛וֹןGershonExo 6:17(2)
גֵרְשׁוֹן֮GershonJos 21:27(2)
גֵּרְשׁ֕וֹןGershonGen 46:11(3) Exo 6:16(6) Num 3:17(6)
hgrwuni2 הַגֵּרְשֻׁנִּ֑יGershonNum 4:24(4)
הַגֵּרְשֻׁנִּ֖יGershonJos 21:33(3)
lgrwon3 לְגֵ֣רְשׁ֔וֹןof GershonNum 3:21(1)
לְגֵרְשׁ֖וֹןof Gershon1Ch 23:6(6)
לְגֵרְשׁ֗וֹןof GershonNum 26:57(5)
grwvni People hgrwuni9 ־הַגֵּ֣רְשֻׁנִּ֔יthe Gershonites2Ch 29:12(22)
הַגֵּ֣רְשֻׁנִּ֔יthe GershonitesNum 26:57(7)
הַגֵּרְשֻׁנִּ֑יthe GershonitesNum 3:23(2)
הַגֵּרְשֻׁנִּ֔יthe GershonitesNum 4:27(9)
הַגֵּרְשֻׁנִּ֖יthe Gershonite1Ch 26:21(9)
הַגֵּרְשֻׁנִּ֖יthe GershonitesNum 4:28(5)
הַגֵּרְשֻׁנִּ֜יthe Gershonite1Ch 26:21(4)
הַגֵּרְשֻׁנִּֽיthe Gershonite1Ch 29:8(11)
הַגֵּרְשֻׁנִּֽיthe GershonitesNum 3:21(9)
lgrwuni2 לַגֵּרְשֻׁנִּ֑יfor the GershonitesNum 3:24(4)
לַגֵּרְשֻׁנִּ֖יfor the Gershonites1Ch 23:7(1)
gwvr Location bgwur1 בִגְשׁ֛וּרin Geshur2Sa 15:8(6)
gwur6 גְּשׁ֑וּרGeshur2Sa 13:37(9) 2Sa 13:38(4) 1Ch 3:2(8)
גְּשׁ֤וּרGeshurJos 13:13(10)
גְּשֽׁוּרGeshur2Sa 3:3(14) 1Ch 2:23(2)
gwurh1 גְּשׁ֑וּרָהtoward Geshur2Sa 14:23(4)
mgwur1 מִגְּשׁ֔וּרfrom Geshur2Sa 14:32(18)
gwvri People hgwuri6 ־הַגְּשׁוּרִ֖יthe GeshuriJos 13:13(6)
־הַגְּשׁוּרִ֥יthe Geshuri1Sa 27:8(6)
־הַגְּשׁוּרִֽיthe GeshuriJos 13:2(8)
הַגְּשׁוּרִ֖יthe GeshuriDeu 3:14(11) Jos 12:5(9)
הַגְּשׁוּרִ֣יthe GeshuriJos 13:11(3)
gwm Bodypart bgwmhon1 בְּגֶשְׁמְה֗וֹןover their bodiesDan 3:27(14)
gwmh1 גִּשְׁמַ֔הּher frameDan 7:11(18)
gwmhon1 גֶשְׁמְה֗וֹןtheir bodiesDan 3:28(23)
gwmih2 גִּשְׁמֵ֣הּhis frameDan 4:30(15) Dan 5:21(17)
Person vgwm2 וְגֶ֙שֶׁם֙and GeshemNeh 2:19(7) Neh 6:2(3)
ulgwm1 וּלְגֶ֨שֶׁםand GeshemNeh 6:1(6)
Water guwmh1 גֻשְׁמָ֖הּheavy rainEze 22:24(11)
gwm12 ־גֶּ֙שֶׁם֙showersZec 10:1(10)
גֶ֔שֶׁםheavy rain2Kgs 3:17(10)
גֶ֖שֶׁםshowers1Kgs 17:7(9) Jer 14:4(7)
גֶּ֖שֶׁםshowers1Kgs 17:14(19)
גֶּ֙שֶׁם֙showersEccl 11:3(4)
גֶּ֛שֶׁםshowersJer 5:24(10) Joe 2:23(15)
גֶּ֣שֶׁםshowerEze 13:11(7)
גֶּ֣שֶׁםshowersPsa 68:10(1)
גֶּ֣שֶׁםthe showers1Kgs 18:45(11)
גָּ֑שֶׁםheavy rainPro 25:23(4)
gwmi1 גִּשְׁמֵ֥יshowers ofEze 34:26(9)
gwmihm1 גִּשְׁמֵיהֶ֣םtheir showers asPsa 105:32(2)
gwmicm1 גִשְׁמֵיכֶ֖םshowersLev 26:4(2)
gwmim1 גְּשָׁמִ֔יםheavy rainsEzr 10:13(5)
hgwm11 ־הַגֶּ֗שֶׁםthe showersAmo 4:7(6)
הַגֶּ֕שֶׁםthe heavy rainSong 2:11(5)
הַגֶּ֖שֶׁםthe heavy rainGen 7:12(2) Gen 8:2(7)
הַגֶּ֗שֶׁםthe heavy rainEze 1:28(7)
הַגֶּ֙שֶׁם֙the heavy rainEze 34:26(7)
הַגֶּ֨שֶׁםthe showerIsa 55:10(4)
הַגָּֽשֶׁםthe heavy rainZec 14:17(17)
הַגָּֽשֶׁםthe showers1Kgs 18:41(10) 1Kgs 18:44(20) Eccl 12:2(12)
vgwm6 וְ֝גֶ֗שֶׁםand the shower ofJob 37:6(8)
וְגֶ֣שֶׁםand heavy rainEze 38:22(5)
וְגֶ֣שֶׁםand showerPro 25:14(3)
וְגֶ֤שֶׁםand showerEze 13:13(10)
וְגֶ֥שֶׁםand showerJob 37:6(6)
וְגֶ֥שֶׁםthat heavy rainIsa 44:14(13)
umhgwmim1 וּמֵהַגְּשָׁמִֽיםand for the heavy rainEzr 10:9(23)
cgwm1 כַגֶּ֙שֶׁם֙as the heavy rainHos 6:3(10)
mgwimim1 מַגְשִׁמִ֔יםrain-makersJer 14:22(4)
gwmv Person vgwmu1 וְגַשְׁמ֣וּand GeshemuNeh 6:6(5)
gwn Location gown11 ־גֹּ֗שֶׁןGoshenGen 45:10(3)
גֹּ֑שֶׁןGoshenGen 47:27(6)
גֹּ֔שֶׁןGoshenGen 46:34(16) Gen 47:6(14) Exo 9:26(3)
גֹּ֖שֶׁןGoshenJos 10:41(10)
גֹּ֗שֶׁןGoshenExo 8:18(6)
גֹּֽשֶׁןGoshenGen 46:28(12) Gen 47:1(18) Gen 47:4(23) Gen 50:8(13)
gownh2 גֹּ֑שְׁנָהtoward GoshenGen 46:28(9) Gen 46:29(8)
hgown1 הַגֹּ֔שֶׁןGoshenJos 11:16(14)
vgown1 וְגֹ֥שֶׁןand GoshenJos 15:51(1)
Person vgiwn1 וְגֵישָׁ֥ןand Geshan1Ch 2:47(5)
gwpa Person vgwpa1 וְגִשְׁפָּ֖אand GishpaNeh 11:21(5)
gww Human ngwwh2 נְגַֽשְׁשָׁ֤הwe fumble forIsa 59:10(1)
נְגַשֵּׁ֑שָׁהwe fumbleIsa 59:10(6)
gt Location bgt10 בְגַ֔תin Gath2Sa 1:20(3)
בְּגַ֑תin Gath2Sa 21:20(4) 2Sa 21:22(6) 1Ch 20:6(4) 1Ch 20:8(4)
בְּגַ֛תin Gath1Sa 27:3(5)
בְּגַ֥תin GathJos 11:22(9)
בְּגַֽתare in Gath1Kgs 2:39(20)
בְּגַֽתin GathPsa 56:1(11)
בְּגַת֙in GathMic 1:10(1)
gith1 גִּתָּ֥הtowards GathJos 19:13(5)
gt21 ־גַת֙Gath1Ch 7:21(9)
־גַּ֔תGath1Sa 7:14(11)
־גַּ֖תGath1Sa 17:52(21) 2Kgs 12:18(8)
־גַּ֥תGath1Ch 18:1(11) 2Ch 11:8(2)
־גַּתGathJos 21:24(6) Jos 21:25(9) 1Ch 6:54(6)
גַֽתGath1Ch 8:13(12)
גַתGath ofAmo 6:2(9)
גַת֙Gath1Sa 27:11(7)
גַּ֑תGath1Sa 27:4(6) 1Kgs 2:39(14) Mic 1:14(6)
גַּ֖תGath1Kgs 2:41(7)
גַּ֗תGath2Ch 26:6(7)
גַּ֣תGath1Sa 5:8(15)
גַּֽתGath1Sa 21:11(12) 1Sa 21:13(12) 1Sa 27:2(15)
gth1 גַּ֙תָה֙towards Gath1Kgs 2:40(7)
vgt1 וְגַתand GathJos 19:45(4)
lgt1 לְגַ֥תfor Gath1Sa 6:17(15)
mgt5 מִגַּ֑תof Gath1Sa 17:4(8)
מִגַּ֔תfrom Gath2Sa 15:18(18)
מִגַּ֥תfrom Gath2Kgs 14:25(24)
מִגַּֽתfrom Gath1Kgs 2:40(18)
מִגַּת֙of Gath1Sa 17:23(11)
gti Location hgitit1 ־הַגִּתִּ֑יתthe Gittite settlementPsa 84:1(3)
People hgiti9 הַגִּתִּ֑יthe Gittite2Sa 18:2(18)
הַגִּתִּ֔יthe Gittite2Sa 15:19(5) 2Sa 21:19(16) 1Ch 20:5(14)
הַגִּתִּ֔יthe GittitesJos 13:3(19)
הַגִּתִּ֖יthe Gittite2Sa 6:11(7)
הַגִּתִּֽיthe Gittite2Sa 6:10(17) 1Ch 13:13(15)
הַגִּתִּי֙the Gittite2Sa 15:22(9)
hgitim1 ־הַגִּתִּ֞יםthe Gittites2Sa 15:18(11)
gtim Location gitiim1 גִּתָּֽיִםGittaimNeh 11:33(3)
gitiimh1 גִּתָּ֑יְמָהto Gittaim2Sa 4:3(3)
gtr Person vgtr2 וְגֶ֥תֶרand GeterGen 10:23(5) 1Ch 1:17(10)

Count of words: 1788.