Tuesday 24 November 2020

Biblical Hebrew Roots - aw

A sampling of what is in this section: fire / offering fire / offerings fire, slope, Ashdod, is null / wife / woman / women, Ashur, Eshkol / cluster, bear guilt / declared guilty / guilt offering / guilty / offend / offense, astrologist, quiver, Ashkelon, Asher / and as / and that / and that which / and to those who / and what / and who / and whoever / and whom / as / as if / for / happy / how / in that / of which / of whom / step / that / that as / that which / to whom / what / when / where / wherever / which / who / whoever / whom / whose / with which, fetish, Eshtaol.

aw Fire aiwo2 ־אִשּׁ֣וֹhis fireDeu 4:36(11)
אִשּֽׁוֹits fireJob 18:5(8)
aw154 ־אֵ֑שׁfireLev 13:24(7) Eze 39:10(13) Psa 39:4(6) Psa 68:3(7) Psa 78:63(3) Pro 26:20(4)
־אֵ֔שׁa fireIsa 44:16(4)
־אֵ֔שׁfireExo 12:9(11) Isa 64:1(6) Eze 1:27(17) Eze 8:2(5) Hab 2:13(9)
־אֵ֖שׁfireExo 3:2(6) Num 9:15(16) Num 9:16(7) Jer 51:58(20) Eze 5:4(14) Eze 28:14(12)
־אֵ֖שׁthe fire ofIsa 26:11(11)
־אֵ֗שׁa fireIsa 44:19(13)
־אֵ֗שׁfireEze 1:13(5)
־אֵ֛שׁfireJer 15:14(8) Jer 17:4(15)
־אֵ֝֗שׁfirePsa 79:5(8)
־אֵ֞שׁfireLev 16:12(5) Jer 48:45(7)
־אֵ֣שׁfireExo 12:8(7) Eze 30:8(6) Eze 39:6(2) Hos 8:14(12) Amo 2:2(2) Psa 89:47(8) Lam 4:11(9)
־אֵ֤שׁfireEze 1:27(5) Eze 15:5(9) Eze 28:18(8)
־אֵ֥שׁa firePsa 106:18(2)
־אֵ֥שׁfireLam 1:13(3)
־אֵֽשׁfire2Sa 22:13(5) Isa 66:15(13) Eze 28:16(15) Psa 18:13(7) Psa 18:14(9) Job 28:5(8)
־אֵשׁ֙a fireIsa 43:2(12)
־אֵשׁ֙fireNum 21:28(2) Deu 32:22(2) Jdg 15:5(2) 2Kgs 2:11(8) Eze 10:2(17)
אֵ֑שׁfireIsa 1:7(5) Isa 64:10(9) Eze 8:2(9)
אֵ֔שׁa fire1Kgs 19:12(3)
אֵ֔שׁfireGen 15:17(10) Exo 35:3(3) Lev 10:1(10) Num 16:18(6) Jdg 16:9(18) 2Kgs 2:11(10) Isa 9:18(9) Joe 2:3(3) Joe 2:5(9) Nah 3:15(3) Dan 10:6(8)
אֵ֖שׁfireExo 9:23(12) Exo 13:21(11) Exo 14:24(10) Lev 1:7(5) Num 14:14(29) 2Kgs 6:17(21) Isa 33:11(6) Isa 50:11(4) Jer 49:27(2) Eze 22:20(12) Eze 30:14(5) Eze 39:9(17) Amo 1:4(2) Amo 1:7(2) Amo 1:10(2) Amo 1:12(2) Amo 2:5(2) Nah 3:13(11) Zec 2:9(7) Zec 11:1(5) Song 8:6(17)
אֵ֖שׁfire ofPsa 105:32(4)
אֵ֗שׁfireLev 6:6(1) Isa 5:24(5) Jer 43:12(2) Joe 1:19(5)
אֵ֚שׁa fireIsa 33:14(10)
אֵ֛שׁfireLev 10:2(2)
אֵ֜שׁfireExo 22:5(3) Num 17:11(10) Jdg 9:20(14) Eze 19:14(2) Oba 1:18(4)
אֵ֝֗שׁfireJob 41:19(5)
אֵ֡שׁfireNum 16:7(3) Eze 21:3(14)
אֵ֣שׁa fireDeu 9:3(9) Isa 30:30(12) Psa 104:4(5) Job 20:26(6)
אֵ֣שׁfireLev 10:1(17) Isa 47:14(4) Isa 64:1(2) Jer 17:27(18) Eze 38:22(9) Zec 12:6(8) Psa 11:6(5) Psa 148:8(1) Job 31:12(2)
אֵ֣שׁthe fire ofNum 11:1(13) Job 1:16(7)
אֵ֤שׁfireIsa 30:33(12)
אֵ֥שׁa fieryDeu 33:2(15)
אֵ֥שׁa fireDeu 4:24(4) Isa 29:6(12)
אֵ֥שׁfireIsa 4:5(14) Isa 65:5(12) Eze 19:12(13)
אֵ֥שׁthe fire ofNum 11:3(9)
אֵ֨שׁfireNum 3:4(7)
אֵ֬שׁfirePro 6:27(3)
אֵ֭שׁfirePsa 97:3(1)
אֵֽשׁfireIsa 9:4(12) Isa 10:16(13) Psa 21:10(10) Psa 29:7(5) Psa 78:14(7) Job 22:20(7)
אֵשׁfireNum 26:61(5) Psa 50:3(5)
אֵשׁthe fire of1Kgs 18:38(2) 2Kgs 1:12(18)
אֵשׁ֙fireLev 9:24(2) Jdg 9:15(18) Jdg 9:20(4) 2Kgs 1:10(12) 2Kgs 1:10(20) 2Kgs 1:12(10) 2Kgs 1:14(3) Isa 30:14(13) Jer 11:16(13) Jer 21:14(8) Jer 50:32(8) Eze 10:6(9) Eze 30:16(2) Amo 1:14(2) Zec 12:6(11) Neh 9:12(6)
אֵשׁ֮firePsa 21:10(3)
awa1 אֶשָּֽׁאfireDan 7:11(21)
awcm1 אֶשְׁכֶ֗םyour fireIsa 50:11(9)
baw129 ־בָאֵ֥שׁthrough the firePsa 66:12(5)
בְאֵשׁin the fire ofEze 38:19(2)
בָ֭אֵשׁfirePsa 74:7(2)
בָאֵ֑שׁin the fire2Sa 14:30(14) Jer 34:22(13) Jer 51:32(6) Neh 2:17(14)
בָאֵ֔שׁin fireLev 16:27(18)
בָאֵ֔שׁin the fireExo 32:24(9) Mic 1:7(7) 2Ch 36:19(12)
בָאֵ֔שׁwith fireJdg 15:14(20)
בָאֵ֖שׁin the fireDeu 12:31(21) Jos 6:24(3) 1Kgs 19:12(5)
בָאֵ֖שׁwith fire1Kgs 18:24(12)
בָאֵ֗שׁin the fireNum 31:23(5)
בָאֵ֜שׁin fireDeu 13:17(9)
בָאֵ֣שׁin the firePsa 80:17(2)
בָאֵֽשׁfireJdg 1:8(13)
בָאֵֽשׁin fireJdg 20:48(22)
בָאֵֽשׁin the fireJdg 18:27(26) 1Sa 30:14(14) Jer 37:8(9) Neh 1:3(18) Neh 2:3(18) Neh 2:13(21)
בָאֵֽשׁwith fireJdg 9:52(12)
בָאֵשׁ֙in the fireNum 31:23(7) Isa 66:16(2) 1Ch 21:26(13)
בְּאֵ֖שׁin the fireEze 24:12(8)
בְּאֵ֣שׁin the fireIsa 54:16(6)
בְּאֵ֣שׁin the fire ofEze 22:21(5) Zep 3:8(22)
בְּאֵ֥שׁin the fire ofEze 21:36(4) Eze 22:31(4)
בְּאֵ֨שׁin the fire ofEze 36:5(8)
בְּאֵשׁfieryNah 2:4(7)
בָּאֵ֑שׁin fireJdg 14:15(20)
בָּאֵ֑שׁin the fireExo 19:18(10) Lev 4:12(18) Deu 5:23(9) Deu 7:25(4) Deu 9:15(7) Deu 18:10(7) 1Sa 30:3(8) Jer 7:31(13) Jer 36:32(24) Jer 38:17(25) Jer 38:18(14) Jer 39:8(9) Eze 5:4(11)
בָּאֵ֑שׁto the fire2Kgs 19:18(4) Isa 37:19(4)
בָּאֵ֑שׁwith fireJdg 9:49(17)
בָּאֵ֔שׁin the fireExo 3:2(13) Exo 29:14(9) Exo 29:34(12) Exo 32:20(7) Lev 8:17(10) Lev 9:11(6) Deu 12:3(9) Jos 7:15(5) Jos 7:25(16) Jos 8:8(8) 2Kgs 16:3(9) 2Kgs 17:17(6) 2Kgs 17:31(10) 2Kgs 21:6(4) Eze 16:41(3) 2Ch 28:3(9)
בָּאֵ֔שׁthrough the fireZec 13:9(4)
בָּאֵ֔שׁwith fire1Kgs 9:16(9)
בָּאֵ֖שׁin the fireLev 6:23(13) Lev 7:17(6) Lev 7:19(8) Lev 8:32(4) Lev 13:52(26) Lev 13:55(18) Lev 19:6(9) Lev 21:9(11) Num 31:23(17) 2Kgs 23:10(15) Jer 32:29(11) Amo 7:4(8) 2Ch 35:13(3)
בָּאֵ֖שׁwith fire1Kgs 16:18(17)
בָּאֵ֖שׁwith the fire ofJer 19:5(8)
בָּאֵ֜שׁin the fireEze 20:31(5)
בָּאֵ֞שׁin the fireLev 20:14(10)
בָּאֵ֣שׁin fireDeu 1:33(8) Isa 66:15(4)
בָּאֵ֣שׁin the fireLev 13:57(15) Jer 51:58(12)
בָּאֵ֣שׁwith fireJer 49:2(18)
בָּאֵ֥שׁin fireZec 9:4(8)
בָּאֵ֥שׁin the fireExo 12:10(10) Isa 33:12(7) Eze 23:47(12)
בָּאֵ֥שׁinto the firePsa 140:11(4)
בָּאֵֽשׁin the fireNum 31:10(9) Deu 7:5(14) Jos 8:19(15) Jos 11:6(25) Jos 11:9(14) Jos 11:11(17) 1Sa 30:1(19) 2Sa 14:30(20) 2Sa 14:31(16) 2Kgs 23:11(23) 2Kgs 25:9(17) Jer 21:10(16) Jer 29:22(18) Jer 34:2(26) Jer 37:10(20) Jer 38:23(22) Jer 43:13(14) Jer 52:13(17) Eze 23:25(19) Psa 46:10(12) 1Ch 14:12(8)
בָּאֵֽשׁwith fireJdg 12:1(21) Jdg 15:6(22)
בָּאֵשׁ֒in the fireDeu 9:21(10)
בָּאֵשׁ֙in the fireLev 2:14(8) Deu 4:11(7) 2Ch 33:6(5)
בָּאֵשׁ֙into the fire2Kgs 8:12(17)
haw43 ־הָאֵ֑שׁthe fireLev 1:17(14) Lev 3:5(13) Num 18:9(7)
־הָאֵ֔שׁthe fireLev 1:8(15) Lev 1:12(15) Num 6:18(16) Jer 7:18(7)
־הָאֵ֖שׁthe fireGen 22:6(13) Lev 16:13(5) Num 17:2(13) Jer 36:23(12) Jer 36:23(21) Eze 1:13(16)
־הָאֵ֛שׁthe fireDeu 4:33(7) Deu 5:26(12)
־הָאֵ֨שׁfireDeu 18:16(19)
־הָאֵֽשׁthe fireLev 1:7(11) Jer 22:7(11)
־הָאֵשׁ֙the fireEze 10:7(8)
הָאֵ֑שׁthe fireDeu 4:12(5) Deu 5:24(14)
הָאֵ֔שׁthe fireDeu 5:5(16) 1Kgs 19:12(8) Eze 5:4(8) Eze 24:10(4) Mic 1:4(8) 2Ch 7:3(6)
הָאֵ֖שׁfireExo 13:22(7)
הָאֵ֖שׁthe fireDeu 9:10(20) Deu 10:4(15)
הָאֵ֗שׁthe fireNum 26:10(12)
הָאֵ֛שׁthe fireLev 6:3(15)
הָאֵ֜שׁthe fireJdg 6:21(13)
הָאֵ֤שׁthe fireNeh 9:19(18)
הָאֵ֥שׁfireDeu 5:25(6)
הָאֵֽשׁthe fireNum 11:2(10) Deu 4:15(15) Deu 4:36(16) Deu 5:4(8) Eze 1:4(19)
הָאֵשׁ֙the fireGen 22:7(13) Deu 5:22(11) Eze 15:4(9)
vaiwm1 וְאִשָּׁם֙and their fireIsa 66:24(11)
vaw17 וְ֝אֵ֗שׁand firePsa 105:39(4) Pro 30:16(8) Job 15:34(5)
וְ֭אֵשׁand firePsa 78:21(5)
וְאֵ֕שׁand fireExo 9:24(3) Exo 40:38(7) Joe 1:20(10)
וְאֵ֖שׁand fire1Kgs 18:23(13) 1Kgs 18:23(24) 1Kgs 18:25(17)
וְאֵ֣שׁand fireEze 1:4(10)
וְאֵ֥שׁand fireNum 16:35(1) 2Sa 22:9(4)
וְאֵ֥שׁand the fire ofLev 6:2(20)
וְאֵשׁand firePsa 18:9(4)
וָאֵ֑שׁand fireGen 19:24(8)
וָאֵ֔שׁand fireJoe 3:3(6)
ubaw2 וּבְאֵשׁ֙but in the fire ofZep 1:18(11)
וּבָאֵ֕שׁand in fire2Sa 23:7(8)
vhaw3 וְהָאֵ֖שׁand the fireEze 15:7(7)
וְהָאֵ֗שׁthe fire2Ch 7:1(4)
וְהָאֵ֨שׁand the fireLev 6:5(1)
caw16 כָאֵ֔שׁas fireNah 1:6(11)
כָאֵ֜שׁas fireJer 4:4(12) Jer 21:12(15)
כָאֵשׁ֙as fireIsa 9:17(3)
כְּאֵ֣שׁas a fieryLam 2:3(14)
כְּאֵ֣שׁas a fireMal 3:2(11)
כְּאֵ֣שׁas fireJer 20:9(10) Pro 16:27(7)
כְּאֵ֣שׁlike a fire ofPsa 118:12(4)
כְּאֵ֥שׁas a fireHos 7:6(13)
כְּאֵ֥שׁas firePsa 83:15(1)
כְּאֵ֥שׁis as fireIsa 30:27(14)
כְּאֵ֥שׁwas as fireExo 24:17(4)
כָּאֵ֖שׁare as fireJer 23:29(4)
כָּאֵ֖שׁas fireLam 2:4(15)
כָּאֵשׁ֙as the fire ofAmo 5:6(7)
law7 לְאֵ֑שׁfor firePro 26:21(4)
לְאֵ֔שׁa fireIsa 10:17(4)
לְאֵ֗שׁfor fireJer 5:14(16)
לָאֵ֔שׁthe fire isEze 1:13(14)
לָאֵ֖שׁto fireEze 15:4(2) Eze 15:6(13)
לָאֵ֤שׁfor the fireEze 21:37(1)
maiwi7 מֵאִשֵּׁ֖יfrom the fire ofLev 6:11(9) Lev 7:35(6) Lev 10:13(10)
מֵאִשֵּׁ֣יfrom the fire ofLev 10:12(15)
מֵאִשֵּׁ֥יfrom the fire ofLev 2:3(8) Lev 2:10(8) Lev 24:9(12)
maiwii1 מֵאִשָּׁ֑יfrom the fireLev 6:10(7)
maw2 מֵאֵ֖שׁfrom fireJer 6:29(3)
מֵאֵֽשׁfrom fireZec 3:2(18)
mhaw1 מֵהָאֵ֣שׁfrom the fireEze 15:7(5)
Offer aiwh45 אִשֵּׁ֛הan offering by fireLev 1:13(13) Lev 1:17(17) Lev 2:2(20) Lev 2:9(9) Lev 3:5(14) Num 28:8(11)
אִשֵּׁ֥הan offering by fireLev 1:9(11) Lev 23:18(20) Num 15:10(6) Num 15:13(8) Num 15:14(10) Num 28:24(7)
אִשֵּׁ֨הan offering by fireNum 29:13(3) Num 29:36(3)
אִשֶּׁ֖הan offering by fireExo 29:41(14) Exo 30:20(15) Lev 2:16(10) Lev 3:3(4) Lev 3:11(5) Lev 3:14(4) Lev 7:5(5) Lev 7:25(10) Lev 22:27(18) Lev 23:25(7) Lev 23:27(17) Lev 23:36(4) Lev 24:7(9) Num 28:6(8) Num 28:13(12) Num 29:6(12)
אִשֶּׁ֖הfor an offering by fireLev 2:11(17)
אִשֶּׁ֛הan offering by fireLev 23:8(2) Num 18:17(22)
אִשֶּׁ֜הan offering by fireLev 23:37(10)
אִשֶּׁ֣הan offering by fireLev 3:9(4) Num 15:25(17)
אִשֶּׁ֤הan offering by fireLev 23:36(13) Num 15:3(2) Num 28:19(2)
אִשֶּׁ֥הan offering by fireExo 29:18(11) Exo 29:25(12) Lev 8:21(17) Lev 8:28(14) Lev 23:13(7)
אִשֶּׁה֙an offering by fireLev 3:16(5)
aiwi9 ־אִשֵּׁ֖יthe offerings by fire of1Sa 2:28(21)
־אִשֵּׁ֣יthe offerings by fire ofLev 21:21(13)
־אִשֵּׁ֨יthe offerings by fire ofLev 21:6(10)
אִשֵּׁ֣יthe offerings by fire ofLev 4:35(16) Lev 5:12(14) Lev 7:30(4)
אִשֵּׁ֤יthe offerings by fire ofLev 10:15(6)
אִשֵּׁ֧יthe offerings by fire ofDeu 18:1(12)
אִשֵּׁ֨יthe offerings by fire ofJos 13:14(7)
haiwh1 הָֽאִשֶּׁ֔הthe offering by fireNum 28:3(4)
vaiwh1 וְאִשֶּׁ֗הan offering by fireLev 22:22(16)
laiwii1 לְאִשַּׁ֗יfor my offering by fireNum 28:2(10)
awbl Person awbl1 אַשְׁבֵּל֙Ashbel1Ch 8:1(6)
vawbl1 וְאַשְׁבֵּ֔לand AshbelGen 46:21(5)
lawbl1 לְאַשְׁבֵּ֕לof AshbelNum 26:38(7)
awbli People hawbli1 הָֽאַשְׁבֵּלִ֑יthe AshbelitesNum 26:38(9)
awbn Person vawbn2 וְאֶשְׁבָּ֖ןand EshbanGen 36:26(5) 1Ch 1:41(7)
awby Person awby1 אַשְׁבֵּֽעַAshbea1Ch 4:21(16)
awd Water awdot3 אַשְׁדּ֥וֹתthe slopes ofJos 12:3(17)
אַשְׁדֹּ֥תthe slopes ofDeu 3:17(11) Deu 4:49(10)
vawd1 וְאֶ֙שֶׁד֙and the slope ofNum 21:15(1)
ubawdot1 וּבָ֣אֲשֵׁד֔וֹתand on the slopesJos 12:8(4)
vhawdot1 וְהָאֲשֵׁד֗וֹתand the slopesJos 10:40(9)
awdvd Location awdod7 ־אַשְׁדּ֖וֹדAshdod1Sa 5:6(11) 1Sa 5:7(3)
אַשְׁדּ֑וֹדAshdod2Ch 26:6(13)
אַשְׁדּ֖וֹדAshdodJos 15:46(7)
אַשְׁדּ֗וֹדAshdodZep 2:4(7)
אַשְׁדּ֞וֹדAshdodJos 15:47(1)
אַשְׁדּֽוֹדAshdodJer 25:20(22)
awdodh2 אַשְׁדּ֔וֹדָהto AshdodIsa 20:1(4)
אַשְׁדּֽוֹדָהto Ashdod1Sa 5:1(9)
awdodim1 אַשְׁדּוֹדִים֙of Ashdod1Sa 5:3(2)
bawdod5 בְּאַשְׁדּ֑וֹדAshdodZec 9:6(3)
בְּאַשְׁדּ֑וֹדin Ashdod1Sa 5:5(14)
בְּאַשְׁדּ֔וֹדin AshdodAmo 3:9(4)
בְּאַשְׁדּ֖וֹדagainst AshdodIsa 20:1(11)
בְּאַשְׁדּ֖וֹדin Ashdod2Ch 26:6(16)
hawdodim1 ־הָאַשְׁדּוֹדִ֖יםthose of Ashdod1Sa 5:6(5)
vawdot1 וְאַשְׁדּ֥וֹתand AshdodJos 13:20(3)
ubawdod1 וּבְאַשְׁדּ֖וֹדand in AshdodJos 11:22(10)
vhawdodim1 וְהָאַשְׁדּוֹדִ֗יםand those of AshdodNeh 4:1(8)
lawdod1 לְאַשְׁדּ֨וֹדfor Ashdod1Sa 6:17(9)
mawdod1 מֵֽאַשְׁדּ֔וֹדfrom AshdodAmo 1:8(3)
awdvdi People awdvdiiot1 אַשְׁדֳּדִיּ֔וֹתAshdoditeNeh 13:23(9)
awdodit1 אַשְׁדּוֹדִ֔יתAshdoditeNeh 13:24(4)
vhawdodi1 וְהָאַשְׁדּוֹדִי֙and the AshdoditesJos 13:3(17)
awh Family aiwh147 ־אִשָּׁ֑הa womanJob 31:9(5)
־אִשָּׁ֑הeach woman1Ch 16:3(7)
־אִשָּׁ֔הa wifeHos 3:1(7)
־אִשָּׁ֔הa womanLev 13:38(3) Deu 22:5(6)
־אִשָּׁ֔הwomanJdg 4:9(17) 1Sa 22:19(10)
־אִשָּׁ֔הwomenJos 6:21(8) Jos 8:25(8) Neh 8:2(10)
־אִשָּׁ֖הa womanExo 21:28(8) Lev 18:19(2)
־אִשָּׁ֗הa womanLev 20:27(3) Num 5:6(7) Num 6:2(9) Deu 17:2(13)
־אִשָּׁ֗הwomanNum 31:17(7) 1Sa 15:3(17)
־אִשָּׁ֛הa wifeLev 20:14(5)
־אִשָּׁ֛הwomanJdg 21:11(8)
־אִשָּׁ֜הa wifeLev 20:18(5)
־אִשָּׁ֜הa womanLev 19:20(5)
־אִשָּׁ֞הa womanDeu 29:17(6) 2Ch 2:13(2)
־אִשָּׁ֡הa woman2Sa 11:21(8)
־אִשָּׁ֣הa wifeDeu 22:22(6) Eccl 9:9(4)
־אִשָּׁ֣הa wife ofEze 23:44(5)
־אִשָּׁ֣הa woman ofJdg 11:1(8)
־אִשָּׁ֣הan womanLev 24:10(3)
־אִשָּׁ֤הwomen1Sa 21:6(9)
־אִשָּׁ֥הa womanEze 18:6(18)
־אִשָּׁ֥הa woman ofJos 2:1(21) Pro 6:26(3)
־אִשָּׁ֥הwomanExo 35:25(2) Num 12:1(12) Jdg 11:2(20)
־אִשָּֽׁהa wifeExo 19:15(11)
־אִשָּֽׁהwoman2Ch 15:13(15)
־אִשָּׁה֒each woman2Sa 6:19(9)
־אִשָּׁה֙womanJer 6:11(19)
־אִשָּׁה֩a woman1Kgs 7:14(2)
אִ֭שָּׁהa wifePro 18:22(2)
אִ֭שָּׁהa womanPro 7:10(2)
אִשָּׁ֑הa wifeGen 28:6(15) Jer 16:2(4)
אִשָּׁ֑הa womanExo 21:29(14) Lev 18:22(6) Deu 22:5(11) Deu 22:13(4)
אִשָּׁ֑הwife2Ch 21:6(14)
אִשָּׁ֑הwomanJob 14:1(3)
אִשָּׁ֔הa wifeGen 28:2(12) Exo 21:4(5) Ezr 2:61(14) Neh 7:63(14)
אִשָּׁ֔הa womanLev 13:29(3) Lev 20:13(7) Jdg 14:3(15) Rut 3:8(8) 2Ch 11:18(4)
אִשָּׁ֔הwomanGen 2:23(11) Jdg 14:3(10)
אִשָּׁ֖הa wifeGen 24:4(8) Gen 24:38(10) Gen 25:1(4) Gen 28:1(12) Gen 28:6(23) Gen 38:6(3) Jer 3:20(3) 1Ch 2:18(7)
אִשָּׁ֖הa womanGen 21:21(7) Deu 24:1(4) Jdg 16:4(5) Jdg 21:18(15) 2Sa 14:27(11)
אִשָּׁ֖הeachExo 26:3(5) Exo 26:3(11) Exo 26:5(16) Exo 26:17(6) Eze 1:23(5) Rut 1:8(7) Rut 1:9(6)
אִשָּׁ֖הeach womanZec 11:9(11)
אִשָּׁ֗הa woman ofPro 30:20(3)
אִשָּׁ֛הa wifeGen 24:7(27)
אִשָּׁ֛הa womanLev 18:17(2) Num 5:29(6) Jdg 14:1(5) Jdg 14:2(6) 2Sa 11:2(14)
אִשָּׁ֜הa wife1Kgs 16:31(9)
אִשָּׁ֣הa wifeDeu 24:5(4) Deu 28:30(1) Jdg 19:1(16)
אִשָּׁ֣הa womanExo 2:7(9) Jdg 4:4(2) Jdg 9:54(15) 2Sa 14:2(6) 1Kgs 11:26(10) 2Kgs 4:8(8) Pro 6:32(2)
אִשָּׁ֣הa woman ofJdg 16:1(6)
אִשָּׁ֣הeachEze 3:13(5)
אִשָּׁ֣הeach womanAmo 4:3(3)
אִשָּׁ֣הwomanZec 5:7(6)
אִשָּׁ֤הa womanExo 3:22(2) Exo 21:22(5)
אִשָּׁ֤הa woman of1Sa 1:15(6) Jer 3:3(7)
אִשָּׁ֤הeachExo 26:6(8)
אִשָּׁ֥הa wifeLev 21:13(2)
אִשָּׁ֥הa womanGen 12:11(14) 2Sa 20:16(2) 1Kgs 17:9(11) 1Kgs 17:10(10) Jer 48:41(12) Jer 49:22(16) Pro 31:30(5)
אִשָּׁ֥הa woman ofPro 11:22(5) Pro 19:14(6)
אִשָּׁ֥הeachIsa 34:15(12) Isa 34:16(10) Eze 1:9(2)
אִשָּׁ֥הwife1Ch 2:26(2) 2Ch 8:11(16)
אִשָּׁ֥הwomanJdg 9:53(2)
אִשָּׁ֨הa wifeGen 27:46(13) Lev 21:7(1)
אִשָּֽׁהa wifeLev 21:14(14) Pro 19:13(8)
אִשָּֽׁהa woman2Sa 14:5(8)
אִשָּֽׁהa woman ofEze 16:30(12)
אִשָּֽׁהwomanJdg 21:16(11) Job 15:14(8) Job 25:4(9)
אִשָּׁה֙a wifeGen 24:3(10) Gen 24:37(6) Gen 24:40(13) Gen 24:51(7) Gen 26:34(7) Exo 21:3(8) Deu 20:7(5) 1Kgs 11:19(9) 1Ch 7:15(3)
אִשָּׁה֙a womanLev 12:2(6) Isa 49:15(2)
aiwot1 אִשֹּׁ֖תwomenEze 23:44(13)
awt96 ־אֵ֙שֶׁת֙the wife ofLev 18:20(2) 2Sa 12:10(13)
־אֵ֣שֶׁתthe wife ofGen 39:8(4) Lev 20:10(5) Lev 20:10(10) Lev 20:11(5) Deu 22:24(27) Deu 23:1(5) Deu 27:20(4) Eze 22:11(3)
־אֵ֣שֶׁתthe woman ofPro 6:29(4)
־אֵ֤שֶׁתthe wife ofGen 38:9(12) Lev 18:11(3) Eze 18:6(13)
־אֵ֥שֶׁתthe wife ofGen 38:8(6) Lev 20:21(5) Eze 18:11(13) Eze 18:15(13) Eze 33:26(8)
־אֵ֥שֶׁתthe woman ofJer 5:8(7)
אֵ֖שֶׁתa womanDeu 21:11(3)
אֵ֖שֶׁתthe wife ofGen 11:31(15) Jdg 4:4(4) Jdg 5:24(4) 2Sa 11:3(12)
אֵ֖שֶׁתwife of1Sa 30:5(8) 2Sa 2:2(10) 2Sa 3:3(4)
אֵ֖שֶּׁתthe wife ofJdg 4:17(7)
אֵ֝֗שֶׁתa woman'sPsa 58:9(6)
אֵ֣שֶׁתa woman1Sa 28:7(6) Pro 9:13(1)
אֵ֣שֶׁתthe wife ofGen 16:1(2) Exo 18:2(7) Exo 20:17(7) Num 26:59(2) Deu 5:21(3) Deu 13:7(11) Deu 25:11(8) Jdg 14:20(2) 1Sa 14:50(2) 2Sa 11:26(2) 1Kgs 14:2(11) 1Kgs 14:5(6) 1Kgs 14:17(2) 2Kgs 22:14(11) Mal 2:14(10) 2Ch 34:22(8)
אֵ֣שֶׁתwife1Kgs 14:4(3) 1Ch 4:19(2)
אֵ֣שֶׁתwife ofGen 36:10(8) Gen 36:14(9) Gen 36:18(4) Gen 46:19(3) 1Sa 25:14(2) 2Sa 3:5(4) 1Kgs 14:6(11)
אֵ֤שֶׁתa wife ofHos 1:2(12)
אֵ֤שֶׁתthe wife ofLev 18:15(5)
אֵ֥שֶׁתa woman1Sa 28:7(17) Jer 13:21(16)
אֵ֥שֶׁתa woman ofRut 3:11(16)
אֵ֥שֶׁתthe wife ofGen 20:18(13) 1Kgs 9:16(18) 2Kgs 5:2(11) 1Ch 2:29(2)
אֵ֥שֶׁתwife ofGen 12:17(12) Gen 24:15(14) Gen 36:10(13) Gen 36:12(14) Gen 36:13(12) Gen 36:17(22) Gen 36:18(17)
אֵ֨שֶׁתthe wife ofJdg 14:16(2) Rut 4:10(5)
אֵ֨שֶׁתwife ofGen 24:36(3)
אֵֽשֶׁתa woman ofPro 11:16(1) Pro 12:4(1) Pro 31:10(1)
אֵֽשֶׁתthe wife ofGen 16:3(3) Gen 20:7(3) Gen 38:12(6) Gen 39:7(6) Lev 18:8(2) Lev 18:16(2) Deu 25:5(13) Jdg 4:21(3) Jdg 11:2(2) 1Sa 4:19(2) 2Sa 12:15(11) Rut 4:5(11) 1Ch 7:16(3)
אֵֽשֶׁתwifeGen 11:29(7) Gen 11:29(11)
אֵֽשֶׁתwife of1Sa 27:3(16)
אֵשֶׁת֩the wife of2Ch 22:11(26)
awto66 ־אִשְׁתּ֑וֹhis wifeGen 39:9(15) Num 5:30(10) Jdg 13:21(10)
־אִשְׁתּ֔וֹhis wifeGen 4:17(4) Gen 4:25(5) Num 5:14(17) Jdg 15:6(13) 2Sa 12:9(15) 1Ch 7:23(3)
־אִשְׁתּ֖וֹhis wifeGen 12:20(8) Num 5:14(7) Jdg 13:22(4)
־אִשְׁתּ֗וֹhis wifeGen 19:16(6) 1Sa 2:20(6)
־אִשְׁתּ֛וֹhis wifeGen 20:17(10)
־אִשְׁתּ֣וֹhis wifeExo 4:20(4)
־אִשְׁתּ֥וֹhis wifeDeu 24:5(21)
־אִשְׁתּוֹ֙his wifeLev 18:14(7) Jdg 15:1(9) 1Sa 30:22(27)
־אִשְׁתּוֹ֩his wifeJer 3:1(6)
־אִשְׁתּוֹ֮his wifeNum 5:15(4)
אִשְׁתּ֑וֹhis wifeGen 4:1(5) Gen 49:31(14) Jdg 13:11(5) 1Kgs 21:5(4) 1Ch 8:9(4)
אִשְׁתּ֔וֹhis wifeGen 12:11(9) Gen 25:21(5) Gen 49:31(7) 1Sa 1:19(15) 1Sa 25:37(8) 2Sa 12:24(6) 1Kgs 11:19(12) 1Kgs 21:7(4) Job 2:9(3)
אִשְׁתּ֔וֹwifeNum 5:12(11)
אִשְׁתּ֖וֹhis wifeGen 3:20(4) Gen 19:26(2) Gen 20:2(5) Exo 21:3(11) Jdg 21:21(15) Jdg 21:22(17) 1Sa 25:3(5) 1Ch 8:29(6) 1Ch 9:35(7)
אִשְׁתּ֗וֹhis wifeGen 23:19(7) Gen 39:19(6) Jdg 13:23(3) 1Sa 1:4(7) Est 6:13(15)
אִשְׁתּ֜וֹhis wifeGen 12:5(5) Est 5:14(4)
אִשְׁתּ֣וֹhis wifeGen 12:12(7)
אִשְׁתּ֤וֹhis wifeGen 36:39(13) 1Ch 1:50(11)
אִשְׁתּ֨וֹhis wifeRut 1:2(5)
אִשְׁתּֽוֹhis wifeGen 20:14(13) Gen 25:10(12) Gen 25:21(14) Gen 26:8(19) 1Kgs 21:25(15) Est 5:10(12) 1Ch 3:3(7)
אִשְׁתּוֹ֙his wife1Sa 19:11(13) Est 6:13(4)
awti11 ־אִשְׁתִּ֑יmy wife2Sa 11:11(26)
־אִשְׁתִּ֔יmy wifeGen 29:21(7)
־אִשְׁתִּ֖יmy wifeExo 21:5(9) Jdg 15:1(15)
־אִשְׁתִּי֙my wife2Sa 3:14(12)
אִשְׁתִּ֑יmy wifeJob 31:10(3)
אִשְׁתִּ֔יmy wifeGen 26:7(11) Hos 2:4(7)
אִשְׁתִּ֖יmy wifeEze 24:18(6)
אִשְׁתִּֽיmy wifeGen 20:11(14) Gen 44:27(11)
awtç12 ־אִשְׁתְּךָ֜your wifeGen 19:15(11)
־אִשְׁתֶּ֔ךָyour wifeGen 26:10(12)
אִשְׁתְּךָ֔your wifeGen 17:15(6)
אִשְׁתְּךָ֖your wifeGen 12:18(14) Gen 12:19(11)
אִשְׁתְּךָ֗your wifeGen 17:19(5)
אִשְׁתְּךָ֙your wifeGen 26:9(7)
אִשְׁתְּךָ֞your wifeAmo 7:17(5)
אִשְׁתֶּ֑ךָyour wifeGen 18:9(5) Gen 18:10(10)
אִשְׁתֶּךָ֒your wifeGen 3:17(6)
אֶשְׁתְּךָ֤your wifePsa 128:3(1)
baiwh1 בְּאִשָּׁ֔הas a wifeHos 12:13(7)
bawto1 בְּאִשְׁתּ֔וֹto his womanGen 2:24(10)
bnwim4 בַּנָּשִׁ֑יםamong womenSong 1:8(6) Song 5:9(5) Song 6:1(5)
בַּנָּשִׁ֔יםamong the womenNum 31:18(3)
haiwh103 ־הָ֣אִשָּׁ֔הthe wifeGen 12:14(8)
־הָ֣אִשָּׁ֔הthe womanGen 3:1(13) Num 5:24(3) 1Sa 28:23(9) 2Sa 14:18(5)
־הָֽאִשָּׁ֑הthe womanGen 3:4(4)
־הָֽאִשָּׁ֨הthe womanLev 24:11(3)
־הָֽאִשָּׁה֙the womanNum 5:19(6) Num 5:30(13) Jos 6:22(15) Eccl 7:26(6)
־הָֽאִשָּׁה֮the womanNum 5:21(4)
־הָאִשָּׁ֑הthe womanDeu 17:5(21) Jdg 13:3(5) Jdg 14:10(4)
־הָאִשָּׁ֖הthe womanLev 20:16(11) Num 5:26(12) Num 25:8(14) Deu 22:22(15) Jdg 13:11(16) Jdg 13:13(10) 1Sa 28:8(13) 2Sa 14:8(4) 1Kgs 17:17(7)
־הָאִשָּׁ֗הthe womanJdg 13:9(10)
־הָאִשָּׁ֜הthe wifeJdg 11:2(8) Rut 4:11(11)
־הָאִשָּׁ֜הthe woman2Sa 17:20(5)
־הָאִשָּׁ֣הthe womanGen 3:16(2) Gen 20:3(12)
־הָאִשָּׁ֣הthe woman ofJos 6:22(10)
־הָאִשָּׁ֣הwoman1Sa 2:20(13) 1Kgs 3:18(7)
־הָאִשָּׁ֤הwomanDeu 22:14(11)
־הָאִשָּׁ֥הwoman1Kgs 3:19(3)
־הָאִשָּׁ֨הwomanDeu 17:5(7)
־הָאִשָּׁה֩the woman2Kgs 8:1(4)
־הָאִשָּׁה֮the womanNum 5:18(4)
הָֽאִשָּׁ֑הthe woman2Sa 11:5(2)
הָֽאִשָּׁ֔הthe womanGen 3:13(9) Gen 3:15(5) Gen 24:5(7) Exo 21:22(18) Num 5:18(10) Num 5:25(4) Num 5:28(4) Jdg 13:10(2) 1Sa 28:11(2) 2Sa 14:12(2) 2Sa 14:13(2) 2Sa 14:18(16) 2Sa 17:20(13) 2Kgs 8:2(2) 2Kgs 8:5(28) Rut 1:5(7)
הָֽאִשָּׁ֖הthe womanGen 3:2(2)
הָֽאִשָּׁ֜הthe woman1Sa 28:9(2)
הָֽאִשָּׁ֡הthe womanGen 3:6(2)
הָֽאִשָּׁ֧הthe womanNum 25:15(2)
הָֽאִשָּׁה֙the womanGen 3:12(3) Gen 24:8(4) Jdg 13:24(2) 1Sa 1:23(18) 1Sa 28:12(2) 1Sa 28:13(10) 1Sa 28:21(2) 2Sa 20:21(23) 1Kgs 17:24(2) 2Kgs 6:30(6)
הָאִשָּׁ֑הthe womanGen 38:20(12)
הָאִשָּׁ֖הthe wifeGen 12:15(10)
הָאִשָּׁ֖הthe womanGen 24:39(7) Exo 2:2(2) Num 5:22(11) Jdg 19:26(2) 2Sa 3:8(32) 2Kgs 4:17(2) 2Kgs 8:3(6) Eze 16:32(1) Rut 3:14(16)
הָאִשָּׁ֗הthe womanJdg 13:6(2) 1Sa 1:26(8) 2Sa 17:19(2)
הָאִשָּׁ֛הthe womanExo 2:9(16) Num 5:27(20) 2Sa 20:17(4)
הָאִשָּׁ֜הthe woman2Kgs 8:5(11)
הָאִשָּׁ֣הthe wifeExo 21:4(11)
הָאִשָּׁ֣הthe womanJdg 19:27(11) 2Sa 14:19(9)
הָאִשָּׁ֤הthe woman1Sa 1:18(7) 2Sa 14:4(2) 2Sa 14:9(2) 1Kgs 3:17(2)
הָאִשָּׁ֥הthe wifeJdg 20:4(5)
הָאִשָּׁ֥הthe womanNum 12:1(7)
הָאִשָּׁ֨הthe woman1Sa 28:12(9) 2Sa 20:22(2) 1Kgs 3:22(2)
הָאִשָּׁ֨הwoman2Kgs 6:28(7)
הָאִשָּׁה֩the woman1Kgs 3:26(2)
הָֽאִשָּׁ֔הbe the womanGen 24:44(10)
הָֽאִשָּׁ֛הthe womanJos 2:4(2)
hnwim40 ־הַ֨נָּשִׁ֔יםthe womenExo 35:26(2) Num 31:35(4)
־הַנָּשִׁ֑יםthe womenExo 35:22(4) Jer 44:24(8) Est 2:11(9)
־הַנָּשִׁ֔יםthe women1Sa 2:22(16) Eze 23:48(7) Est 1:17(7) Est 2:17(6)
־הַנָּשִׁ֖יםthe womenGen 14:16(13) Ezr 10:11(13)
־הַנָּשִׁ֗יםthe womenJer 38:22(3) Est 1:20(12)
־הַנָּשִׁ֣יםthe womenJer 43:6(4)
־הַנָּשִׁ֤יםthe women1Sa 30:2(3)
־הַנָּשִׁ֥יםthe womenJer 44:15(13)
־הַנָּשִׁים֙the womenGen 33:5(6) Exo 15:20(11) Jer 44:20(9) Eze 16:34(5)
הַ֠נָּשִׁיםthe womenDeu 20:14(2)
הַנָּשִׁ֑יםthe womenEst 2:3(26) Est 2:15(27)
הַנָּשִׁ֔יםthe womenJdg 21:14(7) Est 2:3(19)
הַנָּשִׁ֖יםthe womenDeu 3:6(12) Est 2:13(15) Neh 13:26(26)
הַנָּשִׁ֗יםthe women2Kgs 23:7(9)
הַנָּשִׁ֛יםthe womenNeh 12:43(13)
הַנָּשִׁ֜יםthe women1Sa 18:6(9)
הַנָּשִׁ֣יםthe womenEze 8:14(13)
הַנָּשִׁ֥יםthe women1Sa 18:7(2)
הַנָּשִֽׁיםthe womenEst 2:8(24) Est 2:9(27) Est 2:12(30)
הַנָּשִׁים֙the womenRut 4:14(2) Est 2:12(13) Est 2:14(9) Dan 11:17(11)
vaiwh22 ־וְאִשָּׁ֛הor womanJer 44:7(19)
וְאִשָּׁ֑הor woman1Sa 27:9(8)
וְאִשָּׁ֔הand womenJdg 16:27(14)
וְאִשָּׁ֔הor womanJer 51:22(4)
וְאִשָּׁ֕הand a womanLev 15:18(1) Num 30:4(1)
וְאִשָּׁ֗הa womanLev 18:23(8)
וְאִשָּׁ֗הand a womanLev 20:16(1) 2Kgs 6:26(7)
וְאִשָּׁ֗הor womanExo 35:29(3) Exo 36:6(8)
וְאִשָּׁ֛הor a wifeLev 21:7(6)
וְאִשָּׁ֜הor woman1Sa 27:11(2)
וְאִשָּׁ֡הand a womanLev 15:25(1)
וְאִשָּׁ֡הor womanEst 4:11(11)
וְאִשָּׁ֣הand a woman2Kgs 4:1(1)
וְאִשָּׁ֥הand a womanLev 18:18(1)
וְאִשָּׁ֥הand each womanJer 9:19(13)
וְאִשָּׁ֥הbut a womanEccl 7:28(11)
וְאִשָּֽׁהand womanJdg 9:49(26)
וְאִשָּׁה֙and a womanLev 15:19(1)
וְאִשָּׁה֙or womanExo 11:2(9)
vawt6 וְאֵ֣שֶׁתand the wife ofGen 7:13(11)
וְאֵ֤שֶׁתthe wife of1Ch 2:24(6)
וְאֵ֥שֶׁתand a woman ofPro 27:15(5)
וְאֵ֥שֶׁתand the wife ofMal 2:14(18)
וְאֵ֥שֶׁתbut womanPro 6:26(8)
וְאֵ֧שֶׁתand as a wife ofIsa 54:6(8)
vawto14 וְ֝אִשְׁתּוֹand his wifePsa 109:9(4)
וְאִשְׁתּ֑וֹand his womanGen 2:25(5)
וְאִשְׁתּ֑וֹand its mateGen 7:2(9)
וְאִשְׁתּ֖וֹand his wifeExo 18:5(6) Jdg 13:19(15)
וְאִשְׁתּ֖וֹhis wifeRut 1:1(17)
וְאִשְׁתּ֗וֹand his womanGen 3:8(12)
וְאִשְׁתּ֣וֹand his wife1Ch 4:18(1)
וְאִשְׁתּ֥וֹand his wifeGen 8:18(4) Jdg 13:2(9)
וְאִשְׁתּ֧וֹand his wifeGen 7:7(4)
וְאִשְׁתּ֧וֹhis wifeGen 13:1(5)
וְאִשְׁתּֽוֹand its mateGen 7:2(18)
וְאִשְׁתּוֹ֙and his wifeJdg 13:20(13)
vawtç3 וְאִ֨שְׁתְּךָ֔with your wifeExo 18:6(9)
וְאִשְׁתְּךָ֛and your wifeGen 8:16(5)
וְאִשְׁתְּךָ֥and your wifeGen 6:18(10)
ubaiwh1 וּבְאִשָּׁ֖הand as a wifeHos 12:13(8)
ubawt2 וּבְאֵ֣שֶׁתand against the wife ofDeu 28:54(9)
וּבְאֵ֥שֶׁתand against the wife ofMal 2:15(14)
ubawto1 וּבְאִשְׁתּ֖וֹor his wifeGen 26:11(10)
ubnwiç1 וּבְנָשֶׁ֖יךָand on your wives2Ch 21:14(8)
vhaiwh5 וְהָ֣אִשָּׁ֔הand the woman2Sa 11:2(18)
וְהָאִשָּׁ֑הand the womanDeu 22:22(16)
וְהָאִשָּׁ֣הand womanNum 5:31(4) 1Kgs 3:17(7)
וְהָאִשָּׁ֤הand the woman1Sa 25:3(7)
vhnwim9 וְהַנָּשִׁ֔יםand the womenJdg 16:27(4)
וְהַנָּשִׁ֖יםand the womenDeu 2:34(12) Jdg 21:10(21) Jer 7:18(8) Zec 14:2(12) Neh 8:3(16)
וְהַנָּשִׁ֗יםand the womenJdg 9:51(10)
וְהַנָּשִׁ֣יםand the womenJos 8:35(16)
וְהַנָּשִׁים֙and the womenDeu 31:12(5)
vlaiwh1 וְלָאִשָּׁ֤הand the woman had1Sa 28:24(1)
ulaiwh1 וּלְאִשָּׁ֖הand to the womanIsa 45:10(6)
ulawto1 וּלְאִשְׁתּ֛וֹand for his wifeGen 3:21(5)
vlnwicm1 וְלִנְשֵׁיכֶ֔םand for your wivesGen 45:19(11)
unwi4 וּנְשֵֽׁיand the wives ofGen 6:18(11) Gen 7:7(5) Gen 8:16(7) Gen 8:18(5)
unwihon1 וּנְשֵׁיה֑וֹןand their womenDan 6:25(16)
unwihm9 וּנְשֵׁיהֶ֖םand their wivesIsa 13:16(6) Zec 12:12(16) Zec 12:13(5) Zec 12:13(10) Zec 12:14(7) Neh 5:1(4)
וּנְשֵׁיהֶ֛םand their wives1Sa 30:3(9)
וּנְשֵׁיהֶ֣םand their wivesZec 12:12(10)
וּנְשֵׁיהֶ֥םand their wivesNum 16:27(14)
vnwiv1 וְנָשָׁ֑יוand his wives2Ch 21:17(13)
vnwiç2 וְנָשֶׁ֥יךָand your women1Kgs 20:5(15)
וְנָשֶׁ֧יךָand your women1Kgs 20:3(11)
unwicm1 וּנְשֵׁיכֶ֜םand your wivesJer 44:25(9)
vnwim8 וְנָשִׁ֑יםand womenEst 8:11(24)
וְנָשִׁ֖יםand womenJer 6:12(5)
וְנָשִׁ֜יםand womenEze 9:6(5)
וְנָשִׁ֤יםand womenJer 41:16(31)
וְנָשִׁים֙and women2Sa 5:13(5) Jer 40:7(22) Est 3:13(19) Ezr 10:1(16)
vnwinu1 וְנָשֵׁ֛ינוּand our wives2Ch 29:9(7)
caiwh2 כְאִשָּׁ֧הas a wifeIsa 54:6(2)
כְּאִשָּׁ֗הas a wife2Sa 14:2(20)
cnwim3 כַנָּשִׁ֛יםlike the women ofExo 1:19(7)
כַּנָּשִׁ֑יםlike womenIsa 19:16(5)
כַּנָּשִֽׁיםaccording to womenGen 18:11(10)
laiwh58 לְאִשָּׁ֑הas wifeGen 12:19(8) Exo 6:23(10) 2Sa 12:9(18) 2Kgs 14:9(23) 1Ch 2:35(7) 2Ch 25:18(23)
לְאִשָּׁ֑הfor a wifeGen 30:4(6) Gen 41:45(16)
לְאִשָּׁ֑הinto womanGen 2:22(10)
לְאִשָּׁ֑הwifeNum 36:8(13) 2Kgs 8:18(14)
לְאִשָּׁ֔הas wifeDeu 22:19(17) 1Sa 18:17(12)
לְאִשָּׁ֔הwifeExo 6:20(7) Exo 6:25(9) 2Sa 11:27(10) Rut 4:13(7)
לְאִשָּׁ֖הas wifeDeu 22:16(11)
לְאִשָּׁ֖הwifeGen 24:67(11) Deu 25:5(23)
לְאִשָּׁ֗הas wifeRut 4:10(9)
לְאִשָּׁ֗הwifeDeu 22:29(11) Deu 24:4(11)
לְאִשָּֽׁהas wifeDeu 21:11(10) Deu 21:13(22) Jos 15:16(14) Jos 15:17(12) Jdg 1:12(14) Jdg 1:13(14) Jdg 14:2(15) Jdg 21:1(12) 1Sa 18:19(13) 1Sa 18:27(24) 1Sa 25:39(32) 1Sa 25:40(15) 2Sa 12:10(18) 1Kgs 2:17(16) 1Kgs 2:21(8)
לְאִשָּֽׁהfor a wifeGen 30:9(13) Gen 34:4(12) Gen 34:8(14) Gen 34:12(14) Gen 38:14(24) 1Kgs 4:15(10)
לְאִשָּֽׁהwifeGen 16:3(21) Gen 20:12(13) Gen 25:20(18) Gen 28:9(17) Gen 29:28(13) Exo 22:15(13) Deu 24:3(20) 1Sa 25:42(17) 1Kgs 4:11(11)
לָֽאִשָּׁ֑הthe woman2Sa 11:3(4)
לָֽאִשָּׁ֔הto the womanNum 5:21(9)
לָאִשָּׁ֑הto the womanJdg 14:7(3)
לָאִשָּׁ֖הthe woman2Kgs 8:6(3)
לָאִשָּׁ֖הto the womanGen 3:13(4)
lawt1 לְאֵֽשֶׁתto the wife ofJdg 14:15(5)
lawto3 לְאִשְׁתּ֑וֹfor his womanNum 30:17(10)
לְאִשְׁתּ֔וֹof his wifeGen 26:7(4)
לְאִשְׁתּ֗וֹto his wife1Kgs 14:2(3)
lawti1 לְאִשְׁתִּ֑יto my wifeJob 19:17(3)
lnwiv1 לְנָשָׁ֗יוto his wivesGen 4:23(3)
lnwii1 לְנָשַׁ֤יfor my wives1Kgs 20:7(18)
lnwim16 לְנָשִׁ֑יםas womenJer 50:37(12) Jer 51:30(10)
לְנָשִׁ֑יםfor wivesJdg 21:7(5) Jdg 21:16(7)
לְנָשִׁ֑יםtheir wivesNum 36:6(12)
לְנָשִׁ֑יםto be their wivesNum 36:12(7) Eze 44:22(6)
לְנָשִׁ֔יםto be their wivesJdg 3:6(5)
לְנָשִׁ֔יםto be wivesGen 34:21(19)
לְנָשִֽׁיםas wivesJdg 21:7(13) 1Sa 25:43(10)
לְנָשִֽׁיםtheir wivesNum 36:6(18)
לְנָשִֽׁיםto be their wivesNum 36:11(11)
לְנָשִׁים֒as their wivesNum 36:3(7)
לַנָּשִׁ֔יםof womenEze 23:10(12)
לַנָּשִׁ֣יםto womenPro 31:3(3)
maiwh3 מֵאִשָּׁ֣הfrom womanPro 2:16(2) Pro 7:5(2)
מֵאִשָּֽׁהfrom women1Sa 21:5(21)
mawt5 מֵאֵ֖שֶׁתthan a wife ofPro 21:19(5)
מֵאֵ֣שֶׁתfrom the woman ofPro 6:24(2)
מֵאֵ֥שֶׁתfrom the wife ofPro 5:18(5)
מֵאֵ֥שֶׁתthan a wife ofPro 21:9(6) Pro 25:24(6)
mnwi2 מִנְּשֵׁ֖יfrom the women ofJdg 21:14(10)
מִנְּשֵׁ֣יfrom the women of2Kgs 4:1(3)
mnwim3 מִנָּשִׁ֔יםamong womenJdg 5:24(2)
מִנָּשִׁ֖יםamong women1Sa 15:33(9)
מִנָּשִׁ֥יםmore than the womenJdg 5:24(7)
nwi10 ־נְשֵׁ֣יthe wives ofJer 29:23(8)
־נְשֵׁ֤יthe wives of2Sa 12:8(7)
־נְשֵׁ֥יthe women ofNum 31:9(5)
־נְשֵׁ֨יthe wives of2Kgs 24:15(9)
נְשֵׁ֣יthe wives ofGen 46:26(9)
נְשֵׁ֣יwives ofGen 4:23(8) Gen 37:2(22)
נְשֵׁ֤יmy wifeMic 2:9(1)
נְשֵֽׁיthe wives ofGen 7:13(14) 1Sa 30:5(2)
nwihm10 ־נְשֵׁיהֶ֔םtheir wivesGen 34:29(8) Gen 46:5(14)
־נְשֵׁיהֶ֜םtheir wivesJer 8:10(4)
נְשֵׁיהֶ֑םtheir wivesEzr 10:19(4)
נְשֵׁיהֶ֔םtheir wivesJer 14:16(17)
נְשֵׁיהֶ֖םtheir wivesNeh 10:29(15)
נְשֵׁיהֶ֛םtheir wives2Ch 31:18(4)
נְשֵׁיהֶ֤םtheir wivesJer 18:21(11)
נְשֵׁיהֶ֥םtheir wives2Ch 20:13(8)
נְשֵׁיהֶם֙their wivesJer 44:15(9)
nwiv14 ־נָ֠שָׁיוhis wivesGen 36:6(4)
־נָשָׁ֖יוhis wivesGen 36:2(4)
־נָשָׁ֖יוhis womenGen 28:9(15) Gen 31:17(7) 1Kgs 11:8(4)
־נָשָׁיו֙his women2Ch 11:21(8)
נָשָׁ֑יוhis wives2Sa 2:2(6)
נָשָׁ֔יוhis wives1Sa 27:3(12)
נָשָׁ֔יוtheir wivesJer 44:9(11)
נָשָׁ֖יוhis wives1Sa 30:18(10) 1Kgs 11:3(11)
נָשָֽׁיוhis wives1Ch 8:8(11)
נָשָׁיו֙his wivesGen 32:23(7) 1Kgs 11:4(5)
nwii1 ־נָשַׁ֣יmy wivesGen 30:26(3)
nwiç4 ־נָשֶׁ֔יךָyour wives2Sa 12:11(17)
־נָשֶׁ֙יךָ֙your wives2Sa 12:11(11)
־נָשֶׁ֣יךָyour wivesJer 38:23(3)
נָשֶׁ֔יךָyour wives2Sa 19:6(22)
nwicm7 נְשֵׁיכֶ֑םyour wivesJer 44:9(16)
נְשֵׁיכֶ֔םyour wivesExo 32:2(9) Deu 29:10(2)
נְשֵׁיכֶ֖םyour wivesNeh 4:8(24)
נְשֵׁיכֶ֣םyour wivesDeu 3:19(2) Jos 1:14(1)
נְשֵׁיכֶם֙your wivesExo 22:23(7)
nwim55 ־נָשִׁ֜יםwivesEzr 10:3(7)
־נָשִׁ֣יםwomen2Sa 20:3(10)
־נָשִׁ֥יםwomenJdg 8:30(8)
נָ֭שִׁיםwomenPro 14:1(2)
נָשִׁ֑יםwivesGen 4:19(5) Gen 11:29(5) 1Ch 4:5(6)
נָשִׁ֑יםwomenEst 1:9(6)
נָשִׁ֔יםwivesGen 6:2(12) 1Sa 1:2(3) Ezr 10:44(8)
נָשִׁ֔יםwomenDeu 17:17(4) Eze 23:2(4)
נָשִׁ֕יםwomenIsa 27:11(4)
נָשִׁ֖יםtheir wives1Ch 7:4(13)
נָשִׁ֖יםwivesJdg 21:18(6) 1Ch 14:3(4)
נָשִׁ֖יםwomenGen 31:35(15) 2Ch 13:21(5)
נָשִׁ֗יםwivesDeu 21:15(5) Jer 29:6(2) Jer 29:6(8)
נָשִׁ֗יםwomen1Kgs 11:3(3)
נָשִׁ֛יםwomen2Sa 15:16(10) Dan 11:37(8)
נָשִׁ֜יםwomenIsa 4:1(3)
נָשִׁ֣יםwivesEzr 10:10(9) Ezr 10:17(5) Ezr 10:18(6) Ezr 10:44(4) 2Ch 24:3(4)
נָשִׁ֣יםwomenEze 16:41(8)
נָשִׁ֤יםwivesEzr 10:14(10)
נָשִׁ֤יםwomenLev 26:26(7) Zec 5:9(6) Lam 2:20(9) 2Ch 11:21(11)
נָשִׁ֥יםwivesEzr 10:2(13)
נָשִׁ֥יםwomen1Kgs 3:16(4) Job 42:15(3) Neh 13:27(12)
נָשִׁ֧יםwomen1Kgs 11:1(4)
נָשִֽׁיםwomen2Sa 1:26(13) 2Ch 11:23(18)
נָשִׁים֙wivesGen 31:50(7) Jdg 21:23(6) Rut 1:4(3)
נָשִׁים֙women1Sa 15:33(5) Isa 32:9(1) Jer 9:19(3) Nah 3:13(3) Lam 4:10(2) Lam 5:11(1) Neh 13:23(8) 2Ch 28:8(7)
nwinu3 נָשֵׁ֔ינוּour wivesNum 32:26(2) Jer 35:8(16)
נָשֵׁ֥ינוּour wivesNum 14:3(10)
awvr Location awur102 ־אַ֠שּׁוּרAshurIsa 20:4(4)
־אַ֭שּׁוּרAshurPsa 83:9(2)
־אַשּׁ֑וּרAshur2Kgs 19:36(6) Isa 37:37(6) Zep 2:13(7) 2Ch 32:1(8)
־אַשּׁ֔וּרAshurIsa 10:12(17) Hos 5:13(11)
־אַשּׁ֖וּרAshur2Kgs 16:8(15) 2Kgs 17:5(3) 2Kgs 18:7(10) 2Kgs 19:6(21) 2Kgs 19:20(19) Isa 37:6(21) Eze 23:5(8) 2Ch 32:22(11)
־אַשּׁ֗וּרAshur1Ch 5:26(8)
־אַשּׁ֛וּרAshur2Kgs 18:9(17) 2Kgs 18:11(3)
־אַשּׁ֜וּרAshur2Kgs 17:27(3) 2Kgs 18:14(20)
־אַשּׁ֡וּרAshur2Kgs 17:24(3) 2Kgs 18:17(3)
־אַשּׁ֣וּרAshurIsa 36:2(3)
־אַשּׁ֤וּרAshur2Kgs 19:4(13) Isa 37:4(12) 2Ch 32:9(6)
־אַשּׁ֨וּרAshur2Kgs 17:4(3)
־אַשּֽׁוּרAshurIsa 19:23(15)
־אַשּׁוּר֙Ashur2Kgs 15:19(4) 2Kgs 16:7(8) 2Kgs 16:10(8) 2Kgs 17:6(6) 2Kgs 18:13(9) 2Kgs 20:6(9) Isa 36:1(10) Isa 38:6(3) Ezr 6:22(13)
־אַשּׁוּר֩Ashur2Kgs 18:14(7)
אַשּׁ֑וּרAshurGen 2:14(8) 2Kgs 17:3(5) 2Kgs 18:23(8) Isa 20:1(9) Isa 20:6(17) Isa 36:8(7) 2Ch 28:20(6) 2Ch 32:10(5) 2Ch 32:21(12)
אַשּׁ֔וּרAshur2Kgs 15:20(13) 2Kgs 15:20(21) 2Kgs 16:9(4) 2Kgs 17:4(22) 2Kgs 18:19(14) 2Kgs 19:8(7) 2Kgs 19:32(7) Isa 7:20(10) Isa 36:4(14) Isa 37:8(7) Isa 37:33(7) Jer 2:18(12) Jer 50:17(9) Hos 8:9(4) Nah 3:18(4) Zec 10:11(13) Ezr 4:2(22) 1Ch 5:26(14) 2Ch 28:21(13) 2Ch 32:7(9) 2Ch 33:11(9)
אַשּׁ֖וּרAshur2Kgs 17:4(17) 2Kgs 23:29(9) Isa 8:7(13) Mic 7:12(6)
אַשּׁ֖וּרto AshurLam 5:6(4)
אַשּׁ֗וּרAshur2Kgs 18:31(9) Isa 36:16(9)
אַשּׁ֛וּרAshur2Kgs 19:17(5) Isa 37:18(5)
אַשּׁ֣וּרAshurMic 5:4(4)
אַשּׁ֤וּרAshur2Kgs 16:9(7)
אַשּׁ֥וּרAshurHos 7:11(9)
אַשֻּׁ֑רAshur1Ch 5:6(8)
אַשּֽׁוּרAshur2Kgs 16:18(16) 2Kgs 18:16(18) 2Kgs 18:28(15) 2Kgs 18:30(18) 2Kgs 18:33(10) 2Kgs 19:10(21) Isa 7:17(20) Isa 8:4(17) Isa 36:13(15) Isa 36:15(17) Isa 36:18(16) Isa 37:10(21) Isa 37:21(19) Jer 50:18(19) 2Ch 32:11(16)
אַשּׁוּר֒Ashur2Kgs 15:29(9)
אַשּׁוּר֙AshurIsa 31:8(2) Mic 5:5(4)
אַשּׁוּר֮Ashur2Kgs 17:26(3)
אָשֽׁוּרAshurHos 13:7(8)
awurh2 אַשּׁ֔וּרָהto Ashur2Kgs 17:23(19)
אַשּֽׁוּרָהto Ashur2Kgs 15:29(31)
bawur1 בְּאַשּׁ֑וּרinto AshurIsa 19:23(11)
hawuri1 ־הָאֲשׁוּרִ֖יthe Ashurites2Sa 2:9(5)
vawur1 וְאַשּׁ֖וּרand AshurIsa 52:4(12)
ubawur1 וּבְאַשּׁ֖וּרand in AshurHos 9:3(8)
ulawur1 וּלְאַשּׁ֑וּרand to AshurIsa 19:24(7)
umawur1 וּמֵֽאַשּׁ֖וּרand from AshurZec 10:10(4)
lawur1 לְאַשּׁ֣וּרto AshurHos 10:6(3)
mawur2 מֵֽאַשּׁ֔וּרfrom AshurMic 5:5(11)
מֵאַשּֽׁוּרfrom AshurJer 2:36(12)
Person awur30 ־אַשּׁ֖וּרAshurEze 23:7(6)
־אַשּׁ֣וּרAshurHos 12:2(13)
־אַשּׁ֥וּרAshurIsa 19:23(8)
אַשּׁ֑וּרAshurGen 10:11(5) Isa 30:31(5) Hos 11:11(6)
אַשּׁ֔וּרAshur2Kgs 19:35(9) Isa 19:25(11) Isa 27:13(10) Isa 37:36(6) Eze 16:28(4) Eze 23:9(7) Neh 9:32(27) 2Ch 32:4(17)
אַשּׁ֖וּרAshurNum 24:24(5) Isa 10:5(2) Isa 23:13(8) Eze 23:23(10) Eze 27:23(6) 2Ch 28:16(8)
אַשּׁ֛וּרAshur2Kgs 19:11(8) Isa 37:11(7)
אַשּׁ֜וּרAshurEze 31:3(2)
אַשּׁ֣וּרAshurHos 14:4(1)
אַשּׁ֥וּרAshurNum 24:22(8)
אַשּׁ֨וּרAshurEze 23:12(3)
אַשּֽׁוּרAshurIsa 7:18(14) 2Ch 30:6(29)
אַשּׁוּר֙AshurIsa 14:25(2)
אַשּׁוּר֙is AshurEze 32:22(2)
awurh4 אַשּׁ֑וּרָהAshurGen 25:18(10)
אַשּׁ֑וּרָהto Ashur2Kgs 17:6(12) 2Kgs 18:11(6)
אַשּׁ֔וּרָהto AshurIsa 19:23(6)
awurim1 אַשּׁוּרִ֥םAshurimGen 25:3(10)
vawur3 וְאַשּׁ֑וּרand AshurGen 10:22(4)
וְאַשּׁ֔וּרand Ashur1Ch 1:17(4)
וְאַשּׁ֖וּרbut AshurHos 11:5(6)
mawur3 מֵֽאַשּׁ֑וּרfrom AshurIsa 10:24(12) Isa 11:16(7)
מֵאַשּׁ֨וּרfrom AshurIsa 11:11(14)
awkvr Person awkur1 ־אַשְׁח֖וּרAshxur1Ch 2:24(12)
ulawkur1 וּלְאַשְׁחוּר֙and for Ashxur1Ch 4:5(1)
awih City auwia1 אֻשַּׁיָּ֛אthe foundationEzr 5:16(6)
aowiotih1 אָשְׁיוֹתֶ֔יהָher foundationsJer 50:15(7)
vauwohi1 וְאֻשּׁ֖וֹהִיthe foundationsEzr 6:3(18)
vauwia1 וְאֻשַּׁיָּ֖אand the foundationsEzr 4:12(19)
awitmh Location vawtmh1 וְאֶשְׁתְּמֹ֖הand EshtemohJos 15:50(2)
awc Bodypart awç1 אָֽשֶׁךְscrotumLev 21:20(14)
awcl Bodypart awcol2 ־אֶשְׁכּ֣וֹלclusterMic 7:1(10)
אֶשְׁכֹּ֨לa cluster ofSong 1:14(1)
awclot1 אַשְׁכְּלֹ֥תclusters ofDeu 32:32(10)
awclotih1 אַשְׁכְּלֹתֶ֖יהָher clustersGen 40:10(9)
bawcol1 בָּֽאֶשְׁכּ֔וֹלin the clusterIsa 65:8(7)
hawcol1 הָֽאֶשְׁכּ֔וֹלthe clusterNum 13:24(8)
vawcol1 וְאֶשְׁכּ֤וֹלand cluster ofNum 13:23(8)
cawclot1 כְּאֶשְׁכְּל֣וֹתas the clusters ofSong 7:9(9)
lawcolot1 לְאַשְׁכֹּלֽוֹתclustersSong 7:8(6)
Location awcol6 אֶשְׁכּ֑וֹלEshkolNum 13:24(5)
אֶשְׁכּ֗וֹלEshkolNum 32:9(4)
אֶשְׁכֹּ֑לEshkolDeu 1:24(7)
אֶשְׁכֹּ֗לEshkolNum 13:23(4)
אֶשְׁכֹּ֣לEshkolGen 14:24(12)
אֶשְׁכֹּל֙EshkolGen 14:13(12)
awcnz Location vawcnz1 וְאַשְׁכְּנָ֑זAshkenazJer 51:27(15)
Person awcnz2 אַשְׁכֲּנַ֥זAshkenazGen 10:3(3) 1Ch 1:6(3)
awl Planting awl1 אֶ֖שֶׁלa tamariskGen 21:33(2)
hawl2 ־הָאֶ֖שֶׁלthe tamarisk1Sa 31:13(6)
־הָאֶ֤שֶׁלthe tamarisk1Sa 22:6(13)
awm Offer awom1 אָשֹׁ֥םa guilt offeringLev 5:19(3)
awm9 אָשָׁ֑םa guilt offering1Sa 6:3(16)
אָשָׁ֔םa guilt offering1Sa 6:8(15)
אָשָׁ֖םa guilt offeringLev 5:19(1) Lev 7:5(7)
אָשָׁ֖םas a guilt offering1Sa 6:17(7)
אָשָׁ֛םa guilt offeringLev 14:21(10)
אָשָֽׁםthe guilt offeringLev 19:21(10)
אָשָׁם֙a guilt offeringIsa 53:10(7)
אָשָׁם֙guilt offering2Kgs 12:17(2)
awmo4 ־אֲשָׁמ֣וֹhis guilt offeringLev 5:6(3)
־אֲשָׁמ֥וֹhis guilt offeringLev 5:25(2)
־אֲשָׁמ֨וֹhis guilt offeringLev 5:15(11)
־אֲשָׁמוֹ֙his guilt offeringLev 19:21(3)
awmm1 ־אֲשָׁמָם֙their guilt offeringsNum 18:9(15)
awmto1 אַשְׁמָתֽוֹhis guilt offeringLev 5:24(18)
hawm15 ־הָאָשָׁ֑םthe guilt offeringLev 7:2(8)
־הָאָשָׁ֖םthe guilt offeringEze 46:20(10)
הָֽאָשָׁ֔םthe guilt offeringLev 14:25(8)
הָֽאָשָׁם֒the guilt offeringLev 14:25(4)
הָֽאָשָׁם֙the guilt offeringLev 19:22(5)
הָאָשָׁ֑םthe guilt offeringLev 7:1(3)
הָאָשָׁ֖םthe guilt offeringLev 5:16(18) Lev 14:24(5)
הָאָשָׁ֛םthe guilt offeringNum 5:8(8)
הָאָשָׁ֥םthe guilt offeringLev 14:13(15)
הָאָשָֽׁםthe guilt offeringLev 14:17(23) Lev 14:28(24)
הָאָשָׁם֒the guilt offeringLev 14:14(4)
הָאָשָׁם֙the guilt offeringNum 5:8(6)
הָאָשָׁם֮the guilt offering1Sa 6:4(3)
vawmim1 וַאֲשֵׁמִ֥יםa guilt offering ofEzr 10:19(5)
vhawm3 וְהָאָשָׁ֔םand the guilt offeringEze 42:13(29) Eze 44:29(3)
וְהָאָשָֽׁםand the guilt offeringEze 40:39(13)
vcawm1 וְכָאָשָֽׁםand as for guilt offeringLev 6:10(12)
vlawm1 וְלָאָשָׁ֑םand for a guilt offeringLev 7:37(6)
cawm1 כָּֽאָשָׁ֔םas the guilt offeringLev 7:7(2)
lawm5 לְאָשָׁ֑םfor a guilt offeringNum 6:12(10)
לְאָשָׁ֖םfor a guilt offeringLev 5:18(7) Lev 5:25(10) Lev 14:12(8)
לְאָשָֽׁםfor a guilt offeringLev 5:15(22)
Sin awom1 אָשׁ֖וֹם--Eze 25:12(13)
awm5 אָשַׁ֖םhe has offendedLev 5:19(4)
אָשַׁ֥םwas offendedNum 5:7(15)
אָשָׁ֑םoffensePro 14:9(3)
אָשָׁ֔םoffenseJer 51:5(12)
אָשָֽׁםan offenseGen 26:10(15)
awmh3 אַשְׁמָ֔הoffenseLev 22:16(4)
אַשְׁמָֽהoffended2Ch 33:23(12)
אַשְׁמָה֙offence2Ch 28:13(21)
awmo2 ־אֲשָׁמ֜וֹhis offenseLev 5:7(9)
־אֲשָׁמוֹ֙its offenseNum 5:7(8)
awmot1 אֲשָׁמ֔וֹתoffenses2Ch 28:10(15)
awmim1 אֲשֵׁמִ֣יםguiltyGen 42:21(6)
awmt2 ־אַשְׁמַ֥תthe offense ofEzr 10:10(13)
אָשַׁ֗מְתְּyou bear guiltEze 22:4(4)
awmtm1 ־אַשְׁמָתָֽםtheir offenseEzr 10:19(9)
awmtnu1 ־אַשְׁמָתֵ֑ינוּour offenses2Ch 28:13(18)
bawmh1 בְּאַשְׁמָ֣הoffenceEzr 9:7(4)
bawmiv1 בַּאֲשָׁמָֽיוhis offensePsa 68:22(9)
bawmt1 בְּאַשְׁמַ֣תby the guilt ofAmo 8:14(2)
bawmtm1 בְּאַשְׁמָתָ֖םin their offense2Ch 24:18(17)
bawmtnu1 בְּאַשְׁמָתֵ֔ינוּin our offensesEzr 9:15(13)
hawimm1 הַֽאֲשִׁימֵ֨םdeclare them guiltyPsa 5:11(1)
vawm8 וְאָשֵׁ֑םand been declared guiltyHab 1:11(5)
וְאָשֵׁ֖םand he is guiltyLev 5:17(15)
וְאָשֵׁ֖םand will bear guiltLev 5:4(19)
וְאָשֵֽׁםand is declared guiltyLev 4:22(14) Lev 4:27(15)
וְאָשֵֽׁםand will bear guiltLev 5:2(24) Lev 5:3(15)
וְאָשֵׁם֒and he is guiltyLev 5:23(4)
vawmh1 וְאָֽשְׁמָ֖הand has offendedNum 5:6(16)
vawmu1 וְאָשֵֽׁמוּand they are guiltyLev 4:13(18)
vawmotii1 וְ֝אַשְׁמוֹתַ֗יand my offensesPsa 69:6(5)
vawmt1 וְאָשָֽׁמְתָּand you be declared guiltyPro 30:10(8)
vawmtnu1 וְאַשְׁמָתֵ֥נוּour offenceEzr 9:6(14)
ubawmtnu1 וּבְאַשְׁמָתֵ֖נוּand in our offenseEzr 9:13(7)
viawm1 וַיֶּאְשַׁ֥םbut he bore guiltHos 13:1(7)
viawmu3 וְיֶאְשְׁמ֜וּand declared guiltyEze 6:6(9)
וַֽיֶּאְשְׁמ֖וּand were declared guiltyIsa 24:6(6)
וַיֶּאְשְׁמ֥וּand they are declared guiltyEze 25:12(12)
iawm2 ־יֶאְשַׁ֖םdo let offendHos 4:15(6)
־יֶאְשַׁ֖םhe offendsLev 5:5(3)
iawmu7 ־יֶאְשְׁמ֖וּthey bear their guiltHos 5:15(7)
יֶ֝אְשְׁמ֗וּwill bear their guiltPsa 34:23(6)
יֶאְשְׁמוּ֙they will bear guilt2Ch 19:10(20)
יֶאְשָׁ֑מוּthey bear their guiltHos 10:2(4)
יֶאְשָׁ֔מוּoffendJer 2:3(8)
יֶאְשָׁ֔מוּthey will bear guiltZec 11:5(5)
יֶאְשָֽׁמוּwill bear their guiltPsa 34:22(6)
cawm1 כְּאָשֵׁ֔םas if guilty2Sa 14:13(13)
lawmh2 לְאַשְׁמָ֖הan offense1Ch 21:3(22)
לְאַשְׁמָ֥הin offendingLev 5:26(13)
lawmt2 לְאַשְׁמַ֣תto offendLev 4:3(5)
לְאַשְׁמַ֨תto offend2Ch 28:13(9)
nawm1 נֶאְשָׁ֑םwe are guiltyJer 50:7(7)
nawmu1 נֶאְשָֽׁמוּbear the guiltJoe 1:18(14)
tawm1 תֶּאְשַׁם֙will bear its guiltHos 14:1(1)
tawmu2 תֶאְשָֽׁמוּyou will bear guilt2Ch 19:10(30)
תֶּאְשָֽׁמוּyou would have borne guiltJdg 21:22(25)
awmh God awima1 ־אֲשִׁימָֽאAshima2Kgs 17:30(16)
awnb City awnbi1 אֶשְׁנַבִּ֣יmy casementPro 7:6(5)
hawnb1 הָֽאֶשְׁנָ֑בthe casementJdg 5:28(8)
awnh Location vawnh2 וְאַשְׁנָ֖הand AshnahJos 15:43(2)
וְאַשְׁנָֽהand AshnahJos 15:33(4)
awp Office awpia2 אָֽשְׁפַיָּ֔אthe astrologistsDan 4:4(4) Dan 5:15(5)
awpin2 אָֽשְׁפִ֗יןastrologistsDan 2:27(12) Dan 5:11(23)
hawpim1 הָֽאַשָּׁפִ֔יםthe astrologistsDan 1:20(15)
vawf1 וְאָשַׁ֥ףor astrologistDan 2:10(29)
vlawpim1 וְלָֽאַשָּׁפִ֗יםand the astrologistsDan 2:2(5)
lawpia1 לְאָ֣שְׁפַיָּ֔אthe astrologistsDan 5:7(5)
awph Defense awph2 אַשְׁפָּ֑הa quiverJob 39:23(3)
אַשְׁפָּ֔הhis quiverIsa 22:6(3)
awpto3 ־אַשְׁפָּת֗וֹhis quiverPsa 127:5(6)
אַשְׁפָּת֖וֹits quiverJer 5:16(1)
אַשְׁפָּתֽוֹhis quiverLam 3:13(4)
bawpto1 בְּאַשְׁפָּת֖וֹin his quiverIsa 49:2(11)
awpnz Person lawpnz1 לְאַשְׁפְּנַ֖זto AshpenazDan 1:3(3)
awpr Eat vawpr2 וְאֶשְׁפָּ֖רand a select portion1Ch 16:3(11)
וְאֶשְׁפָּ֣רand select portion2Sa 6:19(14)
awpt City awptot1 אַשְׁפַּתּֽוֹתgarbage dumpsLam 4:5(9)
hawpot3 הָאַשְׁפּ֗וֹתthe garbage dumpNeh 3:14(3)
הָאַשְׁפֹּ֑תthe garbage dumpNeh 2:13(11)
הָאַשְׁפֹּֽתof the garbage dumpNeh 12:31(16)
hwpot1 הָשֲׁפֽוֹתthe garbage dumpNeh 3:13(19)
mawpot2 מֵֽ֝אַשְׁפֹּ֗תfrom the dumpPsa 113:7(4)
מֵֽאַשְׁפֹּת֙from the dump1Sa 2:8(4)
awqlvn Location awqlon8 ־אַשְׁקְל֖וֹןAshkelonJdg 1:18(8)
־אַשְׁקְל֛וֹןAshkelonJer 47:7(7)
־אַשְׁקְל֤וֹןAshkelonJer 25:20(15)
אַשְׁקְל֑וֹןAshkelon2Sa 1:20(7)
אַשְׁקְל֖וֹןAshkelonJer 47:5(6)
אַשְׁקְל֗וֹןAshkelonZep 2:7(9)
אַשְׁקְל֜וֹןAshkelonJdg 14:19(6) Zec 9:5(2)
vawqlon2 וְאַשְׁקְל֖וֹןand AshkelonZep 2:4(5) Zec 9:5(14)
lawqlon1 לְאַשְׁקְל֣וֹןfor Ashkelon1Sa 6:17(13)
mawqlon1 מֵֽאַשְׁקְל֑וֹןfrom AshkelonAmo 1:8(6)
awr Joy aiwruni1 אִשְּׁר֖וּנִיwill consider me happyGen 30:13(5)
awr1 אֲשֶׁ֣רhad been happy toJer 32:3(1)
awru1 אַשְּׁר֣וּmake happyIsa 1:17(5)
awri36 אַ֝שְׁרֵ֗יhappy arePsa 2:12(11)
אַ֥שְֽׁרֵיhappyPsa 1:1(1) Psa 32:2(1) Psa 40:5(1) Pro 8:34(1)
אַ֭שְׁרֵיall joy forPsa 119:2(1)
אַ֭שְׁרֵיhappyPsa 41:2(1) Psa 84:5(1) Psa 106:3(1) Psa 128:1(3)
אַֽשְׁרֵ֥יhappyPsa 34:9(6) Psa 84:13(3) Psa 144:15(5)
אַשְׁרֵ֖יhappy1Kgs 10:8(3) Pro 20:7(4)
אַשְׁרֵ֖יhappy areIsa 30:18(12)
אַשְׁרֵ֗יhappy the onePsa 146:5(1)
אַשְׁרֵ֣יhappy1Kgs 10:8(1) Psa 33:12(1) Psa 84:6(1) Psa 89:16(1) Psa 144:15(1) Pro 3:13(1) Pro 28:14(1) Job 5:17(2) 2Ch 9:7(1)
אַשְׁרֵ֤יhappyIsa 56:2(1) Psa 65:5(1) Psa 94:12(1) Psa 127:5(1) Psa 137:9(1)
אַשְׁרֵ֥יall joy forPsa 119:1(1)
אַשְׁרֵ֥יhappyPsa 32:1(3) Psa 137:8(4) Dan 12:12(1)
אַשְׁרֵיhappyPsa 112:1(3)
awrihu1 אַשְׁרֵֽהוּwill be happyPro 29:18(7)
awriv2 אַשְׁרָֽיוhappy it isPro 16:20(8)
אַשְׁרָֽיוis happyPro 14:21(6)
awriç2 אַ֝שְׁרֶ֗יךָyour happinessPsa 128:2(5)
אַשְׁרֶ֨יךָhappy are youDeu 33:29(1)
awricm1 אַשְׁרֵיכֶ֕םhappy are youIsa 32:20(1)
awrç1 אַשְׁרֵ֣יךְhappy are youEccl 10:17(1)
baowri1 בְּאָשְׁרִ֕יO my happinessGen 30:13(3)
hawr1 הַאֲשֶׁ֥רwhom2Kgs 6:22(4)
vauwr1 וְאֻשַּׁ֣רand he will be considered happyPsa 41:3(4)
vaiwru1 וְאִשְּׁר֥וּand will consider happyMal 3:12(1)
vawru1 וְ֝אִשְׁר֗וּand you will be happyPro 9:6(4)
vawri2 וְ֝אַשְׁרֵ֗יhappy arePro 8:32(5)
וְאַשְׁרֵ֖יand happy2Ch 9:7(3)
viawruh2 וַֽיְאַשְּׁר֑וּהָand they make her happyPro 31:28(3)
וַֽיְאַשְּׁר֔וּהָconsidered her happySong 6:9(13)
umauwriv1 וּמְאֻשָּׁרָ֖יוand those making them happyIsa 9:15(6)
umawr2 וּמֵאֲשֶׁ֣רand from what wasGen 31:1(13)
וּמֵאֲשֶׁ֥רand from what isExo 29:27(16)
vtawrni1 וַֽתְּאַשְּׁרֵ֑נִיit thought me happyJob 29:11(4)
iawruhu1 יְאַשְּׁרֽוּהוּwill call him happyPsa 72:17(12)
lawrh1 לָאֲשֵׁרָ֑הfor her happiness1Kgs 15:13(10)
mauwr1 מְאֻשָּֽׁרare happyPro 3:18(7)
mawri1 מְאַשְּׁרֵ֥יthose who make happyIsa 9:15(2)
mawriç1 מְאַשְּׁרֶ֣יךָthose making you happyIsa 3:12(8)
mawrim1 מְאַשְּׁרִ֣יםconsider happyMal 3:15(3)
tawr1 ־תְּ֝אַשֵּׁ֗רdo be happyPro 4:14(6)
Location awr1 ־אָשֵׁ֖רAsherJdg 7:23(6)
bawr2 בְּאָשֵׁ֖רin Asher1Kgs 4:16(4)
בְּאָשֵׁ֤רin AsherJdg 6:35(11)
ubawr3 וּבְאָשֵׁ֗רand in AsherJos 17:11(4)
וּבְאָשֵׁר֙and in AsherJos 17:10(8)
וּבְאָשֵׁר֙and into AsherJos 19:34(12)
mawr1 מֵאָשֵׁ֥רfrom Asher2Ch 30:11(3)
Person awr30 ־אָ֠שֵׁרAsherJos 21:6(7) 1Ch 7:40(4)
־אָשֵׁ֖רAsherNum 26:46(3) Num 26:47(4) Num 34:27(3) Jos 19:24(6) Jos 19:31(5)
אֲשֶׁ֤רAsherEze 40:6(4)
אֲשֶׁ֥רAsherEze 43:1(5) Eze 43:4(8)
אָשֵׁ֑רAsherNum 1:41(3) Num 2:27(4) Num 7:72(7) Num 10:26(5) Deu 33:24(5)
אָשֵׁ֔רAsherNum 1:40(2) Num 2:27(7) Num 13:13(2) Jos 21:30(2) 1Ch 6:59(2)
אָשֵׁ֗רAsherGen 46:17(2) Jdg 1:31(1) Jdg 5:17(9) Eze 48:3(3) 1Ch 7:30(2)
אָשֵׁ֜רAsher1Ch 6:47(7)
אָשֵׁ֥רAsherEze 48:2(9)
אָשֵֽׁרAsherGen 30:13(10)
אָשֵׁר֙AsherEze 48:34(13)
אָשֵׁר֮AsherNum 26:44(2)
vawr4 וְאָשֵׁ֑רand AsherGen 35:26(6)
וְאָשֵׁ֔רand AsherDeu 27:13(9)
וְאָשֵֽׁרand AsherExo 1:4(4) 1Ch 2:2(6)
ulawr1 וּלְאָשֵׁ֣רand for AsherDeu 33:24(1)
umawr1 וּמֵאָשֵׁ֗רand from Asher1Ch 12:37(1)
lawr1 לְאָשֵׁ֕רof AsherNum 1:13(1)
mawr1 מֵאָשֵׁ֖רfrom AsherGen 49:20(1)
Pronoun-Sa awr4801 ־אֲשֶׁ֖רthatPro 17:8(8) Pro 21:1(9)
־אֲשֶׁ֣רthatGen 1:31(5) Gen 31:1(11) Gen 39:5(8) Gen 39:5(22) Gen 45:13(9) Gen 47:1(11) Exo 7:2(5) Lev 18:29(3) Num 16:26(15) Num 16:30(13) Jos 2:13(12) Jos 6:17(15) Jos 9:10(3) Jos 22:2(7) Jdg 7:18(5) 1Sa 14:7(7) 1Kgs 2:3(20) 1Kgs 11:38(6) 1Kgs 14:29(5) 1Kgs 15:7(5) 1Kgs 15:23(8) 1Kgs 15:31(5) 1Kgs 16:14(5) 1Kgs 22:39(5) 2Kgs 8:23(5) 2Kgs 12:20(5) 2Kgs 13:12(5) 2Kgs 15:6(5) 2Kgs 15:21(5) 2Kgs 15:26(5) 2Kgs 15:31(5) 2Kgs 18:12(13) 2Kgs 21:17(5) 2Kgs 23:28(5) 2Kgs 24:5(5) Eze 16:37(12) Eze 16:37(16) Eze 16:63(15) Est 4:1(5) Est 4:7(6) Est 6:13(9) Neh 9:6(19) 2Ch 33:8(18)
־אֲשֶׁ֣רthat is2Kgs 20:17(6) Isa 39:6(6)
־אֲשֶׁ֣רthat wasLev 14:36(15) Jos 6:21(4) Rut 4:9(13)
־אֲשֶׁ֣רthat wereExo 9:25(8) Num 19:14(12)
־אֲשֶׁ֣רwhat2Sa 19:36(17) Isa 55:11(15)
־אֲשֶׁ֣רwhoJdg 3:1(12) Psa 119:63(4)
־אֲשֶׁ֣רwho wasGen 44:1(3)
־אֲשֶׁ֣רwho wereGen 35:2(7)
־אֲשֶׁ֣רwhomExo 33:19(14)
־אֲשֶׁ֤רthatGen 39:22(15) 1Sa 25:21(8) 2Kgs 14:28(5) Jer 1:7(11) Jer 38:9(8) Eze 44:5(14) Neh 9:6(15)
־אֲשֶׁ֤רthat is2Kgs 20:15(9) Isa 39:4(9)
־אֲשֶׁ֤רthat wasGen 41:56(11)
־אֲשֶׁ֤רwhat2Sa 19:36(14)
־אֲשֶׁ֥רthatGen 31:12(18) Gen 46:32(11) Exo 6:29(15) Exo 9:19(8) Exo 10:12(22) Exo 31:6(20) Exo 35:10(9) Num 16:33(4) Deu 5:27(6) Deu 5:28(22) Deu 12:11(15) Deu 18:18(14) Deu 29:8(12) Jos 9:9(16) 1Sa 3:12(8) 1Sa 19:18(12) 1Sa 30:18(5) 1Sa 30:19(14) 2Sa 3:25(17) 2Sa 11:22(8) 2Sa 14:20(20) 1Kgs 2:3(24) 1Kgs 10:2(21) 1Kgs 11:41(5) 1Kgs 19:1(6) 1Kgs 19:1(11) 2Kgs 10:34(5) 2Kgs 13:8(5) 2Kgs 20:13(23) Isa 39:2(23) Jer 1:7(16) Jer 1:17(9) Jer 31:37(20) Eze 14:22(25) Job 42:10(13) Rut 3:16(12) Eccl 1:13(9) Eccl 8:3(11) 2Ch 9:1(30)
־אֲשֶׁ֥רthat are2Sa 16:21(23)
־אֲשֶׁ֥רthat wasGen 34:29(13) Rut 4:9(17)
־אֲשֶׁ֥רthat wereJdg 9:44(15)
־אֲשֶׁ֥רthat which isLev 5:8(7) 1Sa 30:14(6)
־אֲשֶׁ֥רwhatEst 2:15(21)
־אֲשֶׁ֥רwhat isEze 42:14(23)
־אֲשֶׁ֥רwhat wasGen 34:28(11)
־אֲשֶׁ֥רwhereverJos 1:16(11)
־אֲשֶׁ֥רwhoPro 23:1(9)
־אֲשֶׁ֥רwhomExo 33:19(18)
־אֲשֶׁ֧רthatExo 25:22(17) Num 4:26(23) Num 18:13(3)
־אֲשֶׁ֧רwhatDeu 8:2(18)
־אֲשֶׁ֨רthatExo 18:1(9) Exo 18:8(6) Exo 34:32(10) Num 15:23(3) Deu 3:21(11) Deu 5:27(15) Jos 23:3(5) 1Sa 2:22(7) Jer 32:23(12) Eccl 3:14(4) Est 2:13(8) Est 5:11(11)
־אֲשֶׁ֨רwhat1Kgs 22:14(7)
־אֲשֶׁ֨רwhereRut 1:16(11)
־אֲשֶׁ֨רwhoeverDeu 29:14(3)
־אֲשֶׁ֨רwhomJdg 11:24(11)
־אֲשֶׁרthatGen 12:20(11) Gen 13:1(7) Gen 14:23(9) Gen 20:7(20) Gen 24:2(9) Gen 24:36(13) Gen 31:21(4) Gen 39:6(3) Gen 45:10(14) Gen 45:11(14) Gen 46:1(4) Gen 47:6(25) Exo 18:14(6) Exo 20:11(14) Exo 38:22(11) Exo 40:9(10) Lev 8:10(11) Lev 27:28(9) Num 1:50(13) Num 22:2(7) Deu 10:14(9) Jos 6:17(6) Jos 6:22(18) Jos 6:23(15) Jos 6:24(5) Jos 6:25(9) Jos 7:15(9) Jos 7:24(28) Jdg 9:25(12) 1Sa 15:3(9) 1Sa 25:21(14) 1Sa 25:22(11) 2Sa 3:19(15) 2Sa 6:12(13) 2Sa 21:1(23) 1Kgs 20:4(11) 2Kgs 8:6(15) Jer 26:8(7) Eze 14:23(16) Eze 40:4(25) Psa 109:11(4) Psa 146:6(8) Job 1:10(9) Job 1:11(7) Job 1:12(7) Eccl 1:16(13) Est 3:12(12) Est 8:9(16) 1Ch 10:11(7) 1Ch 13:14(19)
־אֲשֶׁרthat areNum 4:16(18) Psa 96:12(4) 1Ch 16:32(7)
־אֲשֶׁרwhatGen 32:24(7) Jer 6:18(7) 2Ch 18:13(7)
־אֲשֶׁרwhoNum 16:5(12) Deu 13:16(13) 2Kgs 15:16(8)
־אֲשֶׁר֩thatDeu 29:1(12)
־אֲשֶׁר֩whereverEze 47:9(9)
אֲ֝שֶׁ֗רthatPsa 119:85(5)
אֲ֝שֶׁ֗רwhich isPsa 119:38(4)
אֲ֠שֶׁרthatGen 7:2(12) Exo 9:24(9) Lev 27:11(5) Jos 15:8(17) 1Kgs 3:13(11) 1Kgs 22:16(9) 2Kgs 20:13(29) Isa 39:2(29) Eze 36:30(8) Neh 13:1(11) 1Ch 29:25(13) 2Ch 18:15(9)
אֲ֠שֶׁרwhere1Kgs 18:10(8)
אֲ֠שֶׁרwhichMic 2:3(11)
אֲ֠שֶׁרwhoGen 24:27(7) Rut 4:14(7) 2Ch 6:32(4)
אֲ֠שֶׁרwho isNum 17:5(10)
אֲ֠שֶׁרwho wereZec 8:9(15)
אֲ֠שֶׁרwhom2Ch 8:9(4) 2Ch 20:10(8)
אֲֽשֶׁרwhichPro 31:1(5)
אֲשֶׁ֕רanyoneLev 27:22(5)
אֲשֶׁ֕רthat2Ch 15:8(25)
אֲשֶׁ֕רthat areEst 1:16(20)
אֲשֶׁ֕רthat is2Kgs 18:17(29) Jer 19:2(6)
אֲשֶׁ֕רwhoEze 44:9(19)
אֲשֶׁ֖רas1Sa 10:16(17) Jer 48:8(13)
אֲשֶׁ֖רthatGen 1:7(13) Gen 22:2(23) Gen 25:9(15) Gen 26:2(10) Gen 30:37(15) Gen 43:19(4) Gen 50:11(20) Exo 25:26(12) Exo 26:5(11) Exo 36:12(11) Exo 37:13(12) Lev 4:2(13) Lev 5:17(10) Lev 6:8(10) Lev 10:6(27) Lev 11:47(11) Deu 3:8(10) Deu 4:47(12) Deu 6:14(8) Deu 11:7(9) Deu 21:2(7) Deu 34:1(10) Jos 9:10(8) Jos 13:25(14) Jos 17:7(6) Jos 19:11(10) Jos 22:29(19) Jos 23:16(24) Jdg 8:21(21) Jdg 16:3(25) 1Sa 14:1(16) 1Sa 15:7(8) 1Sa 17:31(3) 2Sa 14:14(7) 1Kgs 1:49(5) 1Kgs 7:20(9) 1Kgs 7:42(17) 1Kgs 11:7(9) 1Kgs 13:3(8) 1Kgs 17:3(9) 1Kgs 17:5(9) 2Kgs 11:10(9) 2Kgs 18:26(24) 2Kgs 23:17(5) Isa 36:11(22) Isa 56:5(14) Isa 65:18(7) Jer 23:40(7) Jer 25:22(12) Eze 20:26(13) Pro 22:28(5) Pro 25:7(10) Job 22:15(4) Job 36:24(5) Est 1:9(9) Est 1:12(7) Dan 1:8(15) 1Ch 27:31(9) 2Ch 4:13(17) 2Ch 17:10(8) 2Ch 23:9(12)
אֲשֶׁ֖רthat areExo 25:22(11) Exo 33:16(18) Deu 7:6(17) Deu 14:2(16) Jos 17:5(9) Jdg 10:4(19) 1Kgs 13:32(18) Jer 25:26(14) Est 8:5(31) 1Ch 19:16(12)
אֲשֶׁ֖רthat isGen 14:6(8) Gen 22:17(11) Gen 23:9(8) Gen 23:17(6) Exo 29:23(12) Exo 30:6(5) Lev 1:8(16) Lev 1:12(16) Lev 3:3(14) Lev 3:4(8) Lev 3:9(20) Lev 3:10(8) Lev 3:14(14) Lev 3:15(8) Lev 4:7(12) Lev 4:8(16) Lev 4:9(8) Lev 4:18(10) Lev 7:4(8) Lev 8:31(18) Num 12:3(7) Num 21:30(9) Num 22:36(15) Num 28:23(4) Num 31:12(22) Num 33:6(5) Deu 3:25(7) Deu 29:10(4) Deu 32:49(11) Jos 22:10(5) Jdg 21:12(20) 1Sa 23:19(15) 1Kgs 5:9(11) 1Kgs 9:25(15) 2Kgs 23:10(4) Isa 7:18(12) Isa 28:14(10) Jer 43:13(6) Jer 44:24(14) Eze 11:23(10) Eze 38:20(16) Eze 41:22(18) Eze 42:3(8) Eze 47:16(13) Est 4:6(8) Dan 8:2(8) Neh 3:25(11) Neh 8:1(8)
אֲשֶׁ֖רthat wasGen 38:14(11) Exo 12:29(18) Exo 33:7(24) 2Kgs 14:25(23) 2Kgs 25:10(9) Jer 20:2(14) Jer 32:2(14) Jer 38:14(12) Jer 52:14(10) Eze 8:14(8) 2Ch 1:6(9)
אֲשֶׁ֖רthat was in2Sa 2:32(7)
אֲשֶׁ֖רthat wereGen 39:22(10) Num 31:48(5) Jdg 8:26(23) 1Kgs 7:17(8) 1Kgs 7:41(17) 2Kgs 11:10(12) 2Kgs 23:7(5) 2Kgs 23:11(17) Eze 9:6(21) Eze 31:9(9) 1Ch 22:2(6) 2Ch 4:12(16) 2Ch 11:13(3) 2Ch 30:14(5) 2Ch 32:3(9)
אֲשֶׁ֖רthat were for1Kgs 7:48(6) 2Ch 4:19(6) 2Ch 23:9(15)
אֲשֶׁ֖רthoughPro 6:7(1)
אֲשֶׁ֖רwhatGen 18:17(6) Jer 29:23(14) Psa 66:16(7) Job 9:5(5)
אֲשֶׁ֖רwhichNum 30:2(11) Deu 17:10(11) Jos 24:26(16) Jdg 1:16(13) Job 15:28(8) Neh 6:8(8)
אֲשֶׁ֖רwhich is2Ch 13:4(6)
אֲשֶׁ֖רwhich wasEst 1:2(9)
אֲשֶׁ֖רwho2Sa 17:9(20) Mic 5:14(7) Psa 145:18(6) Rut 2:3(12) Dan 1:20(16)
אֲשֶׁ֖רwho isExo 11:5(14) 2Kgs 5:4(9)
אֲשֶׁ֖רwho was2Sa 19:17(7) 2Sa 21:18(16)
אֲשֶׁ֖רwho wereJdg 18:16(10) Jdg 21:13(8) 2Ch 21:16(9)
אֲשֶׁ֖רwhomNum 34:29(2)
אֲשֶׁ֖רwith whichPsa 79:12(7)
אֲשֶׁ֗רthatEze 6:11(17)
אֲשֶׁ֗רthat isEze 40:44(8)
אֲשֶׁ֛רin thatEccl 8:13(9)
אֲשֶׁ֛רin whomGen 41:38(8)
אֲשֶׁ֛רthatExo 20:26(6) Exo 34:10(11) Lev 17:7(7) Num 14:27(6) Num 19:15(4) Deu 13:19(10) Deu 20:15(8) Deu 28:1(13) Deu 28:15(14) Deu 30:8(10) Jos 22:31(20) Jos 22:33(18) Jdg 16:11(8) Jdg 21:8(6) Isa 62:2(11) Jer 25:16(6) Jer 25:27(17) Jer 36:3(8) Jer 43:9(8) Eze 8:9(8) Jon 4:10(7) Eccl 4:2(9) Eccl 4:13(8) Eccl 7:28(1)
אֲשֶׁ֛רthat areEze 42:8(4)
אֲשֶׁ֛רthat isExo 28:26(13) Jos 15:8(23) Jos 18:13(18) Jos 18:16(12) 1Sa 26:3(5) 2Sa 24:5(8)
אֲשֶׁ֛רthat wasExo 39:19(12) Isa 28:1(10)
אֲשֶׁ֛רthat wereEst 3:6(19)
אֲשֶׁ֛רwhereExo 30:6(14) Exo 30:36(10) Num 17:19(6) Num 22:26(8) 2Kgs 17:29(15) Jer 16:13(20) Jer 49:36(16)
אֲשֶׁ֛רwhichNum 17:20(14) Num 19:2(21) Deu 8:11(13) Deu 10:13(7) Deu 11:8(5) Deu 15:5(14) Deu 21:4(10) Deu 27:10(10) Deu 30:11(4) Jos 8:31(16) 1Sa 6:7(10) 1Kgs 13:10(7) 1Kgs 13:25(17) 1Kgs 13:31(13) Jer 19:11(20)
אֲשֶׁ֛רwhoGen 17:12(16) Num 16:34(3) Deu 23:11(5) Jdg 19:12(9) 1Kgs 8:41(4) 1Kgs 9:20(10) Jer 29:16(18) Mal 3:19(21) 2Ch 8:7(10) 2Ch 25:15(15)
אֲשֶׁ֛רwho hadEze 9:3(18)
אֲשֶׁ֛רwhomJer 11:12(9)
אֲשֶׁ֛רwhoseLev 14:32(7)
אֲשֶׁ֞רthatJdg 21:19(8)
אֲשֶׁ֡רforDan 1:10(16)
אֲשֶׁ֣ר--Gen 28:15(16) Exo 23:30(6) Lev 5:11(14) Lev 22:4(13) Deu 24:4(13) Jos 5:1(13) Jos 8:26(9) Jdg 4:24(12) Jdg 11:36(15) 1Sa 22:3(16) 1Kgs 5:8(8) 2Kgs 21:8(16) Eze 36:34(5) Psa 55:15(1) Rut 1:7(4) Rut 1:13(4) Rut 3:18(5) 2Ch 7:17(11) 2Ch 30:17(4)
אֲשֶׁ֣רamong whomEze 28:25(11)
אֲשֶׁ֣רandGen 13:16(6)
אֲשֶׁ֣רare2Kgs 6:16(6)
אֲשֶׁ֣רasGen 31:49(2) Exo 34:18(9)
אֲשֶׁ֣רas whenIsa 54:9(6)
אֲשֶׁ֣רfor1Sa 13:8(5) Jon 4:11(8)
אֲשֶׁ֣רhe whoPsa 132:2(1)
אֲשֶׁ֣רhowGen 30:29(6) 2Kgs 13:12(8)
אֲשֶׁ֣רin thatGen 34:13(11) Deu 22:29(13)
אֲשֶׁ֣רin what2Sa 24:10(16)
אֲשֶׁ֣רit is thatEze 17:19(11) Eze 17:19(14)
אֲשֶׁ֣רof whichNum 10:29(13) 2Sa 6:22(9) 1Kgs 11:2(3) 2Kgs 23:27(23) Hos 2:14(4)
אֲשֶׁ֣רof whomHos 13:10(8) Lam 4:20(7)
אֲשֶׁ֣רthatGen 2:2(6) Gen 3:12(4) Gen 4:11(6) Gen 6:21(6) Gen 7:4(17) Gen 9:3(3) Gen 9:12(15) Gen 9:17(8) Gen 12:5(13) Gen 14:5(7) Gen 14:17(12) Gen 15:17(11) Gen 17:10(3) Gen 18:8(6) Gen 20:9(20) Gen 20:16(14) Gen 22:9(4) Gen 25:6(3) Gen 26:32(12) Gen 27:17(6) Gen 28:20(12) Gen 28:22(10) Gen 29:9(8) Gen 29:27(10) Gen 30:38(4) Gen 31:18(8) Gen 33:8(7) Gen 33:11(5) Gen 33:15(8) Gen 37:10(14) Gen 38:18(4) Gen 42:38(15) Gen 44:15(7) Gen 45:27(7) Gen 50:13(11) Exo 4:9(19) Exo 5:2(5) Exo 5:8(4) Exo 7:20(13) Exo 18:8(17) Exo 23:22(8) Exo 28:4(3) Exo 30:37(2) Exo 32:8(5) Exo 32:13(20) Exo 32:33(6) Exo 32:35(6) Exo 33:1(16) Exo 38:8(10) Lev 4:28(5) Lev 5:7(10) Lev 5:23(8) Lev 5:23(13) Lev 7:8(8) Lev 11:2(8) Lev 11:9(5) Lev 11:26(3) Lev 11:34(3) Lev 11:34(12) Lev 11:37(8) Lev 13:58(10) Lev 14:17(3) Lev 14:28(5) Lev 14:41(9) Lev 15:10(4) Lev 15:26(15) Lev 17:5(8) Lev 17:13(15) Lev 18:30(8) Lev 19:22(10) Lev 20:25(17) Lev 22:5(7) Lev 22:5(12) Lev 22:6(2) Lev 23:29(4) Lev 26:40(8) Lev 26:45(5) Lev 27:28(4) Num 4:14(6) Num 5:7(4) Num 6:21(16) Num 11:4(2) Num 13:32(4) Num 15:12(2) Num 16:32(12) Num 18:9(16) Num 18:28(9) Num 30:5(6) Num 35:6(10) Num 35:8(16) Num 35:13(2) Num 35:33(18) Deu 1:17(17) Deu 1:35(12) Deu 5:26(5) Deu 5:28(17) Deu 5:31(12) Deu 6:11(5) Deu 6:11(10) Deu 6:11(15) Deu 7:15(10) Deu 8:3(6) Deu 9:10(14) Deu 9:12(18) Deu 9:18(18) Deu 9:25(10) Deu 9:28(4) Deu 10:2(11) Deu 10:4(9) Deu 10:5(9) Deu 11:6(22) Deu 11:27(3) Deu 12:17(14) Deu 12:31(10) Deu 14:4(3) Deu 14:9(5) Deu 16:10(9) Deu 16:11(16) Deu 17:5(9) Deu 17:10(5) Deu 17:11(4) Deu 18:20(3) Deu 19:14(9) Deu 19:15(12) Deu 22:9(9) Deu 22:24(16) Deu 25:6(3) Deu 25:19(10) Deu 26:13(17) Deu 26:19(6) Deu 27:2(3) Deu 27:15(3) Deu 28:20(13) Deu 28:33(7) Deu 28:36(6) Deu 28:43(2) Deu 28:55(6) Deu 28:57(6) Deu 28:67(13) Deu 28:68(6) Deu 29:24(3) Deu 31:18(10) Deu 34:4(6) Jos 1:15(22) Jos 3:4(17) Jos 7:14(18) Jos 8:5(4) Jos 8:11(4) Jos 9:13(4) Jos 13:3(3) Jos 14:14(14) Jos 19:50(8) Jos 19:51(3) Jos 22:4(17) Jos 22:5(9) Jos 22:9(24) Jos 23:4(14) Jos 23:16(6) Jos 24:13(16) Jdg 2:15(2) Jdg 2:20(13) Jdg 3:1(3) Jdg 4:9(12) Jdg 7:1(7) Jdg 8:4(9) Jdg 8:5(9) Jdg 8:26(5) Jdg 9:24(11) Jdg 9:38(7) Jdg 9:38(16) Jdg 9:44(3) Jdg 11:39(12) Jdg 13:8(10) Jdg 15:14(14) Jdg 15:14(18) Jdg 15:19(20) Jdg 16:7(9) Jdg 16:8(8) Jdg 16:30(20) Jdg 18:27(9) Jdg 18:31(6) Jdg 21:11(3) Jdg 21:14(8) Jdg 21:23(10) 1Sa 1:28(7) 1Sa 2:14(10) 1Sa 2:24(7) 1Sa 3:17(4) 1Sa 5:12(2) 1Sa 6:4(4) 1Sa 7:14(3) 1Sa 9:17(9) 1Sa 12:13(6) 1Sa 12:14(19) 1Sa 12:16(9) 1Sa 13:13(12) 1Sa 14:17(4) 1Sa 14:20(5) 1Sa 17:1(8) 1Sa 22:6(7) 1Sa 22:11(14) 1Sa 24:6(9) 1Sa 26:16(5) 1Sa 27:2(8) 1Sa 29:8(12) 1Sa 30:9(7) 1Sa 30:22(7) 1Sa 30:22(13) 1Sa 30:22(21) 2Sa 2:8(6) 2Sa 3:8(12) 2Sa 3:36(7) 2Sa 6:2(6) 2Sa 7:23(7) 2Sa 8:7(6) 2Sa 8:11(10) 2Sa 12:3(9) 2Sa 12:21(7) 2Sa 13:5(24) 2Sa 13:10(14) 2Sa 13:22(16) 2Sa 14:7(15) 2Sa 14:7(24) 2Sa 14:26(8) 2Sa 16:4(7) 2Sa 17:22(5) 2Sa 20:3(12) 2Sa 20:8(5) 2Sa 20:10(5) 1Kgs 1:41(5) 1Kgs 2:5(11) 1Kgs 3:8(4) 1Kgs 3:28(6) 1Kgs 5:20(17) 1Kgs 7:3(6) 1Kgs 8:20(5) 1Kgs 8:26(7) 1Kgs 8:29(19) 1Kgs 8:33(6) 1Kgs 8:44(8) 1Kgs 8:50(3) 1Kgs 8:50(8) 1Kgs 8:56(9) 1Kgs 8:56(18) 1Kgs 9:3(9) 1Kgs 9:3(16) 1Kgs 9:4(14) 1Kgs 9:7(7) 1Kgs 9:19(5) 1Kgs 9:24(9) 1Kgs 9:25(10) 1Kgs 10:13(9) 1Kgs 11:11(5) 1Kgs 11:33(2) 1Kgs 12:8(10) 1Kgs 13:4(24) 1Kgs 13:11(23) 1Kgs 13:26(3) 1Kgs 14:20(2) 1Kgs 14:22(9) 1Kgs 15:23(11) 1Kgs 15:27(11) 1Kgs 16:13(8) 1Kgs 16:19(3) 1Kgs 16:22(3) 1Kgs 16:24(16) 1Kgs 16:27(4) 1Kgs 16:27(7) 1Kgs 17:9(4) 1Kgs 19:3(9) 1Kgs 21:26(7) 1Kgs 22:39(9) 1Kgs 22:39(13) 1Kgs 22:47(3) 2Kgs 1:18(4) 2Kgs 6:19(16) 2Kgs 7:13(11) 2Kgs 7:13(18) 2Kgs 9:15(8) 2Kgs 9:36(8) 2Kgs 10:30(12) 2Kgs 15:36(4) 2Kgs 16:10(13) 2Kgs 16:17(17) 2Kgs 16:19(4) 2Kgs 17:22(7) 2Kgs 17:37(7) 2Kgs 18:12(2) 2Kgs 19:6(15) 2Kgs 19:16(13) 2Kgs 20:9(13) 2Kgs 20:19(8) 2Kgs 21:7(5) 2Kgs 21:11(14) 2Kgs 21:17(8) 2Kgs 21:21(10) 2Kgs 21:25(4) 2Kgs 22:17(2) 2Kgs 23:11(4) 2Kgs 23:12(3) 2Kgs 23:13(3) 2Kgs 23:13(11) 2Kgs 23:19(6) 2Kgs 25:19(17) 2Kgs 25:22(5) Isa 2:1(2) Isa 7:17(10) Isa 8:18(4) Isa 13:1(3) Isa 28:12(1) Isa 37:6(15) Isa 37:17(14) Isa 38:8(6) Isa 39:8(8) Isa 55:11(4) Isa 66:1(12) Jer 1:1(7) Jer 7:1(2) Jer 7:10(6) Jer 7:12(6) Jer 11:1(2) Jer 13:4(6) Jer 17:4(4) Jer 17:4(11) Jer 18:1(2) Jer 19:4(2) Jer 22:9(3) Jer 28:6(12) Jer 29:25(9) Jer 30:1(2) Jer 32:7(13) Jer 32:9(8) Jer 32:31(12) Jer 32:35(15) Jer 32:43(5) Jer 34:18(17) Jer 35:4(17) Jer 35:8(8) Jer 35:16(10) Jer 35:18(12) Jer 36:13(7) Jer 36:28(12) Jer 37:2(10) Jer 39:9(8) Jer 41:10(17) Jer 41:11(8) Jer 41:11(13) Jer 41:16(14) Jer 42:6(15) Jer 44:1(2) Jer 44:22(11) Jer 46:13(2) Jer 51:48(7) Jer 52:25(17) Eze 2:3(14) Eze 3:10(8) Eze 3:20(19) Eze 4:4(14) Eze 4:10(2) Eze 5:7(10) Eze 6:9(25) Eze 8:17(12) Eze 9:2(8) Eze 9:3(7) Eze 13:19(11) Eze 13:19(16) Eze 16:17(6) Eze 16:54(6) Eze 18:14(9) Eze 18:21(6) Eze 18:22(3) Eze 18:27(4) Eze 18:28(5) Eze 20:26(11) Eze 22:13(6) Eze 23:28(9) Eze 23:37(11) Eze 24:6(10) Eze 33:16(3) Eze 35:11(10) Eze 36:7(13) Eze 36:22(19) Eze 36:31(6) Eze 37:19(13) Eze 39:21(10) Eze 39:23(9) Eze 39:26(7) Eze 42:13(7) Eze 43:3(3) Eze 43:8(16) Eze 44:22(14) Eze 45:13(3) Eze 46:18(13) Hos 1:1(3) Amo 9:15(9) Jon 4:5(16) Mic 1:1(3) Zep 1:1(3) Zec 1:10(8) Zec 2:2(12) Zec 8:16(3) Zec 8:20(6) Mal 3:21(10) Psa 31:8(4) Psa 78:11(4) Psa 89:22(1) Psa 119:39(3) Job 12:10(1) Job 32:3(6) Job 34:27(1) Lam 2:17(7) Eccl 2:10(2) Eccl 5:4(2) Eccl 7:18(2) Eccl 7:21(4) Eccl 8:12(1) Eccl 8:14(3) Eccl 8:14(7) Eccl 8:17(13) Eccl 9:4(3) Eccl 12:1(14) Est 1:15(7) Est 2:6(6) Est 2:6(12) Est 4:11(8) Est 5:8(21) Est 5:11(15) Est 7:8(13) Est 8:5(26) Est 9:3(8) Dan 8:6(6) Dan 9:10(8) Dan 9:12(9) Dan 9:12(15) Dan 9:14(14) Dan 10:7(8) Dan 11:4(12) Ezr 9:11(1) Ezr 10:14(7) Neh 1:6(11) Neh 2:8(8) Neh 2:17(6) Neh 2:18(13) Neh 2:19(17) Neh 4:17(7) Neh 6:16(9) Neh 7:6(7) Neh 8:4(7) Neh 9:17(6) Neh 10:30(11) Neh 13:17(11) 1Ch 2:9(3) 1Ch 5:6(3) 1Ch 6:34(18) 1Ch 10:13(10) 1Ch 11:10(4) 1Ch 11:11(4) 1Ch 16:12(3) 1Ch 18:7(6) 1Ch 29:16(6) 2Ch 1:12(10) 2Ch 2:5(15) 2Ch 2:14(6) 2Ch 6:10(5) 2Ch 6:20(19) 2Ch 6:34(8) 2Ch 6:38(15) 2Ch 7:7(20) 2Ch 7:20(4) 2Ch 7:21(3) 2Ch 8:6(7) 2Ch 8:11(9) 2Ch 9:8(5) 2Ch 9:12(9) 2Ch 10:8(10) 2Ch 16:14(3) 2Ch 18:2(14) 2Ch 22:6(6) 2Ch 23:18(9) 2Ch 29:19(4) 2Ch 29:32(4) 2Ch 30:8(11) 2Ch 32:14(6) 2Ch 32:18(8) 2Ch 32:31(9) 2Ch 33:7(5) 2Ch 34:9(12) 2Ch 34:21(13) 2Ch 34:24(18) 2Ch 34:25(2)
אֲשֶׁ֣רthat areGen 9:10(5) Gen 35:2(13) Exo 3:7(8) Exo 29:29(3) Exo 37:16(4) Exo 39:1(15) Lev 11:10(15) Lev 25:7(3) Lev 25:45(9) Deu 14:29(12) Jos 13:17(4) Jdg 6:2(14) Jdg 7:2(7) 1Sa 23:23(5) 1Sa 27:8(13) 2Sa 23:8(4) Jer 21:4(11) Jer 32:35(5) Jer 40:4(7) Eze 5:6(11) Eze 26:19(11) Eze 27:27(17) Eze 39:4(9) Zec 1:8(13) Est 8:9(26) Est 9:13(11) Dan 1:10(24)
אֲשֶׁ֣רthat isGen 3:3(3) Gen 7:23(5) Gen 13:18(7) Gen 37:22(12) Gen 38:18(11) Exo 9:3(6) Exo 18:18(8) Exo 27:21(5) Exo 29:13(17) Exo 29:22(19) Exo 29:26(6) Exo 29:32(9) Exo 31:7(9) Lev 1:8(13) Lev 1:12(13) Lev 1:17(12) Lev 3:4(6) Lev 3:5(11) Lev 3:10(6) Lev 3:15(6) Lev 4:9(6) Lev 7:4(6) Lev 8:26(3) Lev 9:15(9) Lev 16:15(5) Num 21:13(6) Deu 4:17(4) Deu 5:14(20) Deu 12:12(11) Deu 12:18(19) Deu 16:11(11) Deu 31:12(8) Jos 22:9(14) Jdg 6:25(11) Jdg 6:25(21) Jdg 18:28(14) Jdg 20:4(9) 1Sa 14:2(7) 2Sa 6:3(11) 2Sa 6:4(4) 2Sa 13:23(9) 2Sa 18:18(8) 1Kgs 4:13(10) 1Kgs 4:13(15) 1Kgs 8:64(25) 1Kgs 12:32(11) 2Kgs 5:3(8) 2Kgs 6:12(10) 2Kgs 9:27(20) 2Kgs 10:33(13) 2Kgs 16:14(4) Isa 59:21(8) Jer 32:8(19) Eze 1:25(5) Eze 1:26(3) Ezr 1:3(10) Ezr 2:68(6) Neh 2:8(6) Neh 8:3(5) 1Ch 13:6(9) 2Ch 36:23(21)
אֲשֶׁ֣רthat ofOba 1:20(12)
אֲשֶׁ֣רthat wasGen 47:4(11) Exo 12:22(16) Exo 28:8(3) Exo 39:5(3) Lev 8:16(5) Lev 8:25(9) Lev 8:30(7) Num 11:25(9) Jdg 6:21(7) 1Sa 13:3(6) 1Sa 14:27(12) 1Sa 18:4(5) 2Sa 1:10(13) 2Sa 1:10(17) 2Sa 21:7(13) 2Sa 23:16(11) 1Kgs 2:5(32) 1Kgs 5:13(6) 1Kgs 5:17(16) 1Kgs 11:30(5) 1Kgs 13:32(11) 1Kgs 21:1(9) 2Kgs 14:9(11) 2Kgs 14:9(27) 2Kgs 23:15(4) Jer 36:23(13) Eze 46:19(3) Est 5:2(18) Dan 8:21(7) 1Ch 11:18(10) 2Ch 1:3(7) 2Ch 25:18(11) 2Ch 25:18(27) 2Ch 26:23(11)
אֲשֶׁ֣רthat was of1Kgs 11:25(9)
אֲשֶׁ֣רthat wereGen 23:17(15) Gen 35:4(12) Exo 32:3(7) Num 31:49(10) Jos 8:16(4) Jos 11:2(3) Jos 22:30(9) Jdg 3:19(5) Jdg 4:13(13) 1Sa 14:2(10) 2Sa 18:1(5) 2Sa 20:15(15) 1Kgs 5:30(5) 1Kgs 7:29(3) 1Kgs 8:4(12) 1Kgs 21:8(13) 2Kgs 17:9(5) Jer 29:25(17) Jer 34:8(16) Jer 40:13(7) Jer 41:10(7) Jer 41:13(5) Jer 52:17(4) Est 3:12(20) Est 8:11(5) 1Ch 27:28(4) 2Ch 5:5(11) 2Ch 12:4(5) 2Ch 34:33(8)
אֲשֶׁ֣רthat were of2Kgs 25:13(4)
אֲשֶׁ֣רthat whichLam 2:17(3)
אֲשֶׁ֣רthe one whomPro 3:12(3)
אֲשֶׁ֣רthere isJob 2:4(10)
אֲשֶׁ֣רthoughLam 1:10(12)
אֲשֶׁ֣רto whomEccl 5:18(4) Eccl 6:2(2)
אֲשֶׁ֣רwhatGen 14:24(3) Gen 15:4(11) Gen 38:10(4) Exo 3:14(6) Exo 12:16(17) Exo 16:23(4) Exo 29:33(3) Lev 9:5(3) Deu 1:33(12) Deu 28:62(5) 1Sa 10:7(9) 1Sa 16:4(4) 2Sa 18:21(7) 2Sa 19:20(12) 1Kgs 2:9(10) 1Kgs 10:13(12) 1Kgs 18:12(9) 2Kgs 10:10(18) 2Kgs 22:19(8) Isa 21:10(4) Isa 33:13(3) Isa 41:22(5) Isa 46:10(5) Isa 47:15(4) Eze 5:9(4) Eze 20:32(7)
אֲשֶׁ֣רwhat isNum 8:24(2)
אֲשֶׁ֣רwhenPsa 95:9(1)
אֲשֶׁ֣רwhereGen 20:13(18) Exo 12:13(7) Exo 20:24(17) Lev 18:3(12) Num 23:13(10) Deu 1:31(2) Deu 8:15(9) Deu 16:16(12) Deu 31:11(10) Jos 8:24(11) Jos 10:27(13) Jos 24:17(23) Jdg 18:10(14) 1Sa 19:3(7) 1Sa 23:22(9) 1Sa 26:5(6) 1Sa 26:5(14) 1Sa 29:4(15) 2Sa 7:9(4) 2Sa 11:16(11) 2Sa 17:12(5) 1Kgs 7:7(3) 1Kgs 8:29(11) 1Kgs 8:47(5) 1Kgs 12:2(9) 1Kgs 13:22(7) 2Kgs 23:7(8) Jer 8:3(14) Jer 40:12(6) Jer 42:22(10) Jer 43:5(16) Eze 6:9(5) Eze 34:12(17) Eze 37:21(15) Nah 2:12(7) Job 6:4(5) Rut 3:4(6) Eccl 8:10(11) Dan 9:7(19) Ezr 1:4(5) Neh 1:9(17) 1Ch 17:8(4) 2Ch 6:20(11) 2Ch 6:37(5) 2Ch 10:2(8)
אֲשֶׁ֣רwhichGen 35:4(8) Exo 16:16(3) Exo 16:32(5) Lev 25:44(3) Num 13:27(7) Num 30:9(10) Num 30:15(17) Deu 1:8(10) Deu 1:19(10) Deu 1:22(17) Deu 1:31(15) Deu 6:2(11) Deu 11:25(14) Deu 12:1(4) Jos 2:18(12) Jos 8:32(9) Jos 24:13(9) Jos 24:23(6) Jdg 17:2(6) 1Sa 10:2(17) 1Sa 19:22(9) 2Sa 13:15(9) 2Sa 13:15(12) 2Sa 21:8(9) 1Kgs 8:36(14) 1Kgs 8:44(15) 1Kgs 8:48(16) 1Kgs 8:48(20) 1Kgs 8:63(6) 1Kgs 9:7(12) 1Kgs 11:32(11) 1Kgs 11:36(15) 1Kgs 12:8(5) 1Kgs 16:19(13) 1Kgs 16:20(5) 1Kgs 21:22(14) 2Kgs 11:5(5) 2Kgs 12:3(8) 2Kgs 13:25(13) 2Kgs 15:15(5) 2Kgs 17:15(6) 2Kgs 18:16(11) 2Kgs 23:17(22) 2Kgs 24:4(4) Isa 1:1(5) Isa 1:29(4) Isa 17:9(9) Jer 7:23(21) Jer 11:4(1) Jer 27:20(1) Jer 31:33(4) Jer 32:36(11) Jer 42:3(7) Jer 43:10(22) Jer 46:2(14) Eze 5:14(5) Eze 5:15(7) Eze 5:16(7) Eze 13:20(9) Eze 18:31(6) Eze 37:23(12) Eze 47:13(7) Hos 2:15(6) Joe 1:1(3) Hab 1:1(2) Zec 1:12(17) Mal 2:11(12) Psa 8:4(8) Psa 10:6(7) Psa 58:6(1) Psa 71:23(7) Psa 78:3(1) Psa 78:4(11) Psa 78:5(7) Psa 78:68(8) Psa 104:16(6) Psa 105:9(1) Psa 106:38(7) Psa 119:47(3) Psa 119:49(5) Rut 4:1(9) Neh 1:6(27) 1Ch 10:13(4) 2Ch 6:27(14) 2Ch 6:34(15) 2Ch 6:38(19) 2Ch 7:20(10) 2Ch 10:8(5) 2Ch 23:4(3) 2Ch 34:21(19)
אֲשֶׁ֣רwhich areLev 7:20(7) Lev 7:21(19)
אֲשֶׁ֣רwhich isJos 24:30(7) Est 4:16(27)
אֲשֶׁ֣רwhich wasLev 9:18(8) Jdg 6:11(7)
אֲשֶׁ֣רwhoExo 4:28(8) Exo 12:27(6) Exo 25:2(11) Exo 30:33(2) Lev 5:2(3) Lev 17:3(14) Lev 22:5(3) Num 6:21(4) Num 11:20(16) Num 19:18(15) Deu 4:6(9) Deu 22:28(6) Deu 31:13(2) Jos 14:8(2) Jdg 2:7(16) Jdg 10:18(10) 1Sa 14:30(10) 1Sa 14:45(7) 1Sa 25:34(6) 1Sa 25:39(9) 1Sa 30:10(10) 2Sa 10:13(4) 2Sa 21:5(5) 1Kgs 2:24(4) 1Kgs 2:32(7) 1Kgs 8:24(1) 1Kgs 8:38(12) 1Kgs 8:46(7) 1Kgs 11:23(9) 1Kgs 14:16(7) 1Kgs 14:18(9) 1Kgs 15:29(17) 1Kgs 15:30(4) 1Kgs 16:12(9) 1Kgs 16:34(17) 1Kgs 21:25(5) 2Kgs 7:17(19) 2Kgs 10:21(12) 2Kgs 10:29(6) 2Kgs 14:25(15) 2Kgs 17:15(21) 2Kgs 23:15(13) 2Kgs 23:16(25) 2Kgs 24:2(22) Isa 11:11(12) Isa 49:7(20) Isa 50:10(8) Jer 1:16(7) Jer 7:28(5) Jer 10:25(5) Jer 17:5(6) Jer 22:26(5) Jer 23:8(5) Jer 33:8(4) Jer 33:8(10) Jer 41:3(12) Jer 41:13(16) Jer 42:8(10) Eze 12:2(8) Eze 32:27(7) Eze 36:5(17) Eze 36:36(3) Eze 43:19(5) Eze 44:10(9) Eze 48:11(8) Zec 7:14(5) Psa 16:7(4) Psa 38:15(3) Psa 83:13(1) Psa 95:4(1) Psa 139:20(1) Psa 147:9(6) Job 9:15(1) Est 4:11(12) Dan 1:10(10) Dan 9:1(8) Ezr 2:61(9) Neh 5:2(2) Neh 5:3(2) Neh 5:4(2) Neh 7:63(9) 2Ch 1:12(15) 2Ch 2:11(7) 2Ch 2:11(13) 2Ch 6:15(1) 2Ch 6:29(12) 2Ch 6:36(7) 2Ch 7:22(9) 2Ch 20:34(12) 2Ch 30:7(5) 2Ch 32:14(9)
אֲשֶׁ֣רwho areEze 26:6(2)
אֲשֶׁ֣רwho is1Kgs 21:18(7) 2Kgs 18:18(9) Isa 36:3(6)
אֲשֶׁ֣רwho wasJdg 8:31(2) 2Sa 21:16(3) 1Kgs 12:18(6) 1Kgs 18:3(5) Dan 12:7(6) 2Ch 10:18(6)
אֲשֶׁ֣רwho wereLev 18:27(9) 1Kgs 1:8(11) Jer 40:7(5)
אֲשֶׁ֣רwhoeverNum 33:55(9)
אֲשֶׁ֣רwhomGen 43:27(8) Lev 25:27(9) Num 11:16(11) Num 12:1(9) Deu 29:25(8) 1Sa 10:24(7) 2Sa 7:7(13) 2Sa 17:3(8) 2Sa 19:11(2) 1Kgs 7:8(16) 1Kgs 11:34(16) 1Kgs 17:1(12) 2Kgs 3:14(6) 2Kgs 17:27(9) 2Kgs 19:12(5) Isa 37:12(5) Isa 41:8(5) Isa 43:10(6) Isa 50:1(9) Jer 2:28(3) Eze 11:7(7) Eze 16:20(6) Eze 16:37(7) Joe 4:2(16) Zec 1:4(4) Psa 105:26(5) Est 4:5(6) Est 4:11(19) Dan 1:4(2) 1Ch 7:14(4) 2Ch 22:7(16)
אֲשֶׁ֣רwhoseExo 36:2(18) Deu 8:9(13) Isa 7:16(11) Psa 144:8(1) Psa 144:11(6) Pro 2:15(1)
אֲשֶׁ֣רwith which1Kgs 15:30(11) 2Kgs 21:16(17)
אֲשֶׁ֤֣רthat isExo 20:4(7) Deu 5:8(7)
אֲשֶׁ֤ר--Gen 29:8(5) Exo 11:6(7) Eccl 12:1(7) Eccl 12:6(2)
אֲשֶׁ֤רas2Sa 12:6(6) Jer 33:22(1) Psa 106:34(5)
אֲשֶׁ֤רbutDeu 3:24(13) 1Sa 15:20(5)
אֲשֶׁ֤רin whatGen 19:19(9)
אֲשֶׁ֤רin whichEzr 7:11(4)
אֲשֶׁ֤רin whose2Sa 16:8(8)
אֲשֶׁ֤רit is who1Sa 12:6(6)
אֲשֶׁ֤רit will be thatZec 8:23(7)
אֲשֶׁ֤רone whoPsa 24:4(5) Job 34:19(1)
אֲשֶׁ֤רthatGen 3:17(10) Gen 22:16(8) Gen 26:15(3) Gen 26:18(7) Gen 28:13(14) Gen 41:48(7) Gen 44:8(3) Gen 46:6(6) Gen 48:22(8) Exo 3:5(11) Exo 6:8(5) Exo 22:8(16) Exo 25:9(2) Exo 28:38(10) Exo 32:11(13) Exo 32:20(4) Lev 2:11(3) Lev 15:11(2) Lev 20:10(2) Lev 20:11(2) Lev 20:12(2) Lev 20:20(2) Lev 23:10(11) Lev 23:30(3) Num 5:17(9) Num 12:12(5) Num 14:30(6) Num 19:2(17) Num 31:52(5) Num 35:7(3) Num 35:8(2) Num 35:33(5) Num 35:34(5) Deu 1:31(4) Deu 4:2(5) Deu 7:8(8) Deu 9:29(4) Deu 13:1(4) Deu 18:19(3) Deu 18:20(9) Deu 21:3(12) Deu 28:47(2) Deu 32:46(12) Deu 32:50(3) Deu 32:51(14) Deu 34:11(4) Jos 1:7(9) Jos 11:19(4) Jos 19:8(3) Jos 22:16(9) Jdg 2:1(16) Jdg 9:56(6) 1Sa 2:34(4) 1Sa 12:17(16) 1Sa 17:26(11) 1Sa 20:31(4) 2Sa 15:35(10) 2Sa 16:23(3) 1Kgs 3:12(10) 1Kgs 8:18(7) 1Kgs 8:38(5) 1Kgs 8:51(5) 1Kgs 9:19(17) 1Kgs 13:12(12) 1Kgs 13:32(5) 1Kgs 14:15(16) 1Kgs 14:15(23) 1Kgs 16:2(2) 1Kgs 19:18(7) 1Kgs 20:36(4) 1Kgs 21:15(18) 2Kgs 10:24(17) 2Kgs 12:5(20) 2Kgs 14:15(4) 2Kgs 17:29(9) 2Kgs 21:7(19) 2Kgs 23:5(4) 2Kgs 23:16(21) 2Kgs 23:24(13) 2Kgs 25:11(8) Isa 2:20(11) Isa 6:13(9) Isa 7:25(3) Jer 3:8(6) Jer 7:14(7) Jer 11:10(6) Jer 27:8(13) Jer 31:32(3) Jer 32:32(8) Jer 32:40(5) Jer 33:9(15) Jer 38:19(10) Jer 38:22(4) Jer 41:9(10) Jer 42:16(3) Jer 43:6(13) Jer 44:2(12) Jer 44:3(3) Jer 44:9(17) Jer 44:25(19) Jer 45:1(2) Jer 49:20(5) Jer 50:45(5) Jer 52:15(10) Eze 10:22(5) Eze 11:12(5) Eze 14:22(19) Eze 16:43(2) Eze 20:28(4) Eze 20:42(12) Eze 34:2(18) Eze 36:21(5) Eze 37:25(4) Eze 40:20(2) Eze 40:45(5) Eze 40:46(2) Eze 47:14(5) Jon 1:5(10) Mic 5:6(13) Hab 3:16(12) Zep 2:8(7) Hag 2:3(4) Zec 1:15(8) Zec 3:9(4) Mal 2:9(10) Mal 2:14(12) Psa 1:3(7) Psa 55:20(7) Psa 89:52(1) Psa 109:16(2) Psa 144:12(1) Job 19:27(1) Eccl 2:3(20) Eccl 4:3(8) Eccl 8:12(12) Eccl 9:9(11) Est 2:4(2) Est 8:2(5) Dan 9:11(14) Dan 12:1(14) Neh 2:17(9) Neh 4:14(2) 1Ch 4:41(14) 1Ch 12:32(7) 1Ch 17:5(7) 1Ch 29:27(2) 2Ch 1:5(3) 2Ch 1:11(27) 2Ch 2:7(11) 2Ch 2:13(27) 2Ch 6:8(7) 2Ch 6:29(5) 2Ch 8:6(21) 2Ch 10:15(16) 2Ch 21:12(14) 2Ch 29:16(11) 2Ch 33:7(20) 2Ch 33:22(11)
אֲשֶׁ֤רthat are1Kgs 8:59(4) 2Ch 2:6(19)
אֲשֶׁ֤רthat isGen 9:15(4) Lev 7:9(3) Lev 16:2(20) Pro 25:28(6)
אֲשֶׁ֤רthat was2Kgs 14:9(16) Jer 28:1(19) 2Ch 25:18(16)
אֲשֶׁ֤רthat wereJdg 18:22(6) 1Kgs 9:23(4) 2Kgs 25:15(5) Jer 52:19(15)
אֲשֶׁ֤רthat whichJer 41:9(15)
אֲשֶׁ֤רthose who areEze 33:27(12)
אֲשֶׁ֤רwhatExo 10:2(8) 1Sa 16:7(16) 1Kgs 3:13(2)
אֲשֶׁ֤רwhat isLev 27:8(13)
אֲשֶׁ֤רwhenMic 6:12(1)
אֲשֶׁ֤רwhereGen 33:19(5) Exo 8:18(7) Lev 7:2(2) Num 9:17(12) Deu 11:10(15) Deu 14:24(13) Deu 16:11(19) Deu 26:2(19) Jos 22:19(12) 2Kgs 23:8(10) Isa 64:10(4) Jer 42:14(7) Eze 6:13(27) Eze 46:20(5) Eze 46:20(13)
אֲשֶׁ֤רwhichGen 41:50(9) Gen 46:20(5) Num 25:13(9) Num 25:14(5) Num 35:6(3) Deu 4:28(9) Deu 8:20(2) Jos 22:17(6) Jdg 16:29(7) 1Kgs 2:44(10) 1Kgs 8:21(9) Isa 11:10(6) Jer 19:5(11) Jer 49:28(4) Eze 16:52(5) Zec 1:6(4) Psa 148:4(5) Neh 1:10(4) 1Ch 16:16(1) 2Ch 3:1(14) 2Ch 16:14(10)
אֲשֶׁ֤רwhich isDeu 2:36(8)
אֲשֶׁ֤רwhoGen 15:7(5) Gen 19:8(6) Gen 24:15(9) Gen 24:48(10) Exo 18:10(12) Exo 32:1(19) Exo 32:1(26) Exo 32:23(13) Deu 2:25(13) Deu 4:3(12) Deu 11:2(7) Deu 29:21(5) Jos 6:26(10) Jdg 2:10(12) 1Sa 17:13(13) 2Sa 18:28(15) 1Kgs 21:11(6) 2Kgs 17:28(4) Isa 56:4(6) Isa 65:7(7) Jer 34:18(7) Eze 14:5(7) Eze 16:45(10) Eze 44:10(4) Jon 4:11(16) Mal 2:12(4) Psa 1:1(3) Psa 12:5(1) Psa 18:1(5) Psa 64:4(1) Psa 71:20(1) Psa 127:5(3) Psa 140:3(1) Est 1:18(7) Est 2:6(1) Est 6:2(14) Dan 9:6(6) Neh 9:7(5) 1Ch 1:43(3) 2Ch 2:11(22) 2Ch 34:10(13)
אֲשֶׁ֤רwho areJdg 20:13(7)
אֲשֶׁ֤רwho hadEze 9:11(5)
אֲשֶׁ֤רwho isEze 7:15(6)
אֲשֶׁ֤רwhomExo 22:8(26) Deu 18:14(4) Deu 24:11(4) Deu 33:8(7) 2Kgs 17:26(6) Isa 41:9(1) Jer 39:10(4) Psa 88:6(7) Dan 1:11(5)
אֲשֶׁ֤רwhoseGen 17:14(3) Isa 5:28(1) Isa 23:8(7) Eze 17:16(12) Eze 23:20(4) Job 5:5(1)
אֲשֶׁ֥֣רthat isExo 20:10(17)
אֲשֶׁ֥ר--Num 32:17(8) Num 32:23(10) Deu 26:14(19) 1Kgs 17:17(15) 2Kgs 17:20(11) Isa 18:1(5) Jer 45:5(24) Jer 50:29(19) Eze 9:11(13) Eze 31:10(7) Eze 40:1(13) Eze 47:5(14)
אֲשֶׁ֥רasGen 22:18(7) Exo 18:24(7) 2Kgs 17:8(12)
אֲשֶׁ֥רas if2Sa 4:10(16)
אֲשֶׁ֥רby whichZep 3:11(7)
אֲשֶׁ֥רhow1Kgs 14:19(4)
אֲשֶׁ֥רin thatGen 34:27(8) Deu 12:7(12) Deu 28:20(23)
אֲשֶׁ֥רin whatDeu 15:8(11)
אֲשֶׁ֥רis howGen 6:15(2)
אֲשֶׁ֥רis whatExo 29:38(2)
אֲשֶׁ֥רit is thatIsa 8:20(8)
אֲשֶׁ֥רof whichGen 19:21(13)
אֲשֶׁ֥רof whomIsa 49:23(17)
אֲשֶׁ֥רon which2Ch 33:8(9)
אֲשֶׁ֥רthatGen 2:2(13) Gen 2:8(11) Gen 3:1(7) Gen 7:8(6) Gen 8:1(11) Gen 8:6(10) Gen 12:1(13) Gen 14:24(8) Gen 15:14(4) Gen 18:24(15) Gen 20:13(12) Gen 21:25(9) Gen 23:16(10) Gen 24:32(15) Gen 24:42(15) Gen 24:66(7) Gen 26:1(7) Gen 26:3(18) Gen 27:10(5) Gen 27:15(9) Gen 27:27(15) Gen 27:41(7) Gen 30:26(16) Gen 31:18(12) Gen 31:19(10) Gen 31:43(25) Gen 31:51(9) Gen 32:11(6) Gen 35:3(16) Gen 36:5(12) Gen 36:6(21) Gen 37:6(7) Gen 38:30(4) Gen 39:1(14) Gen 41:28(3) Gen 41:36(8) Gen 41:53(5) Gen 42:9(5) Gen 43:2(7) Gen 44:2(15) Gen 44:5(12) Gen 44:34(12) Gen 45:6(10) Gen 50:24(18) Exo 3:20(9) Exo 4:12(8) Exo 4:17(6) Exo 4:28(13) Exo 7:17(17) Exo 18:17(8) Exo 18:20(15) Exo 19:6(10) Exo 20:17(14) Exo 21:1(3) Exo 23:16(5) Exo 23:20(11) Exo 24:12(17) Exo 25:3(3) Exo 25:16(6) Exo 25:21(12) Exo 25:29(6) Exo 26:30(5) Exo 29:27(8) Exo 32:7(10) Exo 32:14(5) Exo 32:32(10) Exo 32:35(10) Exo 33:17(9) Exo 34:1(16) Exo 34:1(21) Exo 34:10(30) Exo 34:12(8) Exo 37:16(15) Exo 38:21(6) Lev 4:13(15) Lev 4:14(3) Lev 4:23(5) Lev 4:27(12) Lev 4:28(15) Lev 5:3(8) Lev 5:5(7) Lev 5:23(18) Lev 5:23(24) Lev 11:12(2) Lev 14:16(8) Lev 14:22(7) Lev 14:27(7) Lev 14:34(6) Lev 14:40(6) Lev 15:5(2) Lev 15:33(9) Lev 16:23(10) Lev 17:10(9) Lev 19:22(15) Lev 20:10(7) Lev 20:21(2) Lev 23:38(12) Lev 25:2(11) Lev 25:45(11) Num 1:5(4) Num 1:17(7) Num 3:31(8) Num 4:9(18) Num 11:12(22) Num 12:11(12) Num 14:23(5) Num 14:31(2) Num 14:31(11) Num 15:2(12) Num 15:18(10) Num 16:31(10) Num 17:4(7) Num 20:14(17) Num 21:34(24) Num 22:40(8) Num 27:17(16) Num 28:3(5) Num 30:7(10) Num 30:9(15) Num 31:32(5) Num 32:11(12) Num 33:7(7) Num 33:55(20) Num 35:4(3) Num 36:3(16) Num 36:4(11) Deu 1:4(7) Deu 1:18(8) Deu 1:36(11) Deu 1:36(16) Deu 2:35(7) Deu 3:2(23) Deu 3:4(10) Deu 3:19(12) Deu 3:20(22) Deu 3:28(17) Deu 4:2(17) Deu 4:5(14) Deu 4:14(13) Deu 4:17(10) Deu 4:23(9) Deu 4:23(17) Deu 4:31(15) Deu 4:46(11) Deu 5:21(15) Deu 5:33(16) Deu 6:1(13) Deu 6:10(19) Deu 6:17(9) Deu 6:20(10) Deu 7:12(18) Deu 8:10(10) Deu 8:16(4) Deu 9:12(11) Deu 10:2(6) Deu 10:21(13) Deu 11:3(5) Deu 11:8(15) Deu 11:17(21) Deu 11:28(21) Deu 12:13(8) Deu 12:14(15) Deu 12:15(11) Deu 13:3(12) Deu 13:14(15) Deu 14:12(2) Deu 14:26(12) Deu 14:29(23) Deu 15:18(19) Deu 16:17(7) Deu 16:21(11) Deu 16:22(5) Deu 17:9(7) Deu 17:10(17) Deu 18:19(8) Deu 18:21(8) Deu 18:22(13) Deu 19:3(8) Deu 19:8(15) Deu 19:14(5) Deu 20:14(17) Deu 20:18(9) Deu 21:3(16) Deu 21:14(16) Deu 23:20(11) Deu 23:24(10) Deu 26:3(4) Deu 26:11(13) Deu 26:15(13) Deu 28:27(8) Deu 28:34(5) Deu 28:35(9) Deu 28:36(11) Deu 28:45(19) Deu 28:52(10) Deu 28:53(7) Deu 28:54(13) Deu 28:67(17) Deu 29:2(3) Deu 29:15(14) Deu 29:21(9) Deu 30:1(10) Deu 31:5(8) Deu 31:16(26) Deu 31:21(30) Deu 31:29(11) Jos 1:7(21) Jos 1:9(14) Jos 2:17(8) Jos 2:20(9) Jos 4:20(6) Jos 5:15(13) Jos 6:17(22) Jos 7:11(7) Jos 8:26(5) Jos 8:27(11) Jos 9:10(17) Jos 13:4(6) Jos 20:6(13) Jos 21:43(7) Jos 23:15(8) Jos 24:27(19) Jos 24:31(22) Jos 24:33(10) Jdg 2:10(20) Jdg 6:26(18) Jdg 8:18(8) Jdg 8:35(10) Jdg 11:28(9) Jdg 18:5(9) Jdg 18:6(9) Jdg 18:29(8) Jdg 20:9(4) Jdg 20:10(21) Jdg 20:12(12) 1Sa 1:17(11) 1Sa 1:27(10) 1Sa 2:20(17) 1Sa 8:9(13) 1Sa 8:11(6) 1Sa 9:19(17) 1Sa 9:23(7) 1Sa 12:13(4) 1Sa 16:19(12) 1Sa 17:27(10) 1Sa 20:23(2) 1Sa 20:36(8) 1Sa 21:8(15) 1Sa 24:6(13) 1Sa 24:20(15) 1Sa 25:11(8) 1Sa 26:16(29) 1Sa 27:11(20) 1Sa 28:21(21) 1Sa 30:16(14) 2Sa 1:11(8) 2Sa 2:6(13) 2Sa 4:8(19) 2Sa 6:17(10) 2Sa 7:12(11) 2Sa 9:1(6) 2Sa 12:6(12) 2Sa 14:18(11) 2Sa 15:22(14) 2Sa 15:36(15) 2Sa 16:21(9) 2Sa 17:10(20) 2Sa 20:5(9) 1Kgs 1:45(16) 1Kgs 2:27(12) 1Kgs 2:44(13) 1Kgs 5:13(10) 1Kgs 6:12(22) 1Kgs 8:34(11) 1Kgs 8:40(11) 1Kgs 9:1(15) 1Kgs 9:6(11) 1Kgs 9:12(7) 1Kgs 10:4(9) 1Kgs 10:6(7) 1Kgs 10:7(19) 1Kgs 11:13(16) 1Kgs 12:32(30) 1Kgs 13:5(8) 1Kgs 13:9(17) 1Kgs 13:21(21) 1Kgs 14:7(10) 1Kgs 14:22(13) 1Kgs 15:12(9) 1Kgs 15:22(15) 1Kgs 16:15(17) 1Kgs 16:25(8) 1Kgs 16:30(9) 1Kgs 16:32(6) 1Kgs 18:26(24) 1Kgs 19:18(13) 1Kgs 20:10(19) 1Kgs 21:11(16) 1Kgs 22:17(10) 1Kgs 22:38(15) 2Kgs 2:13(5) 2Kgs 2:22(8) 2Kgs 3:2(13) 2Kgs 3:9(17) 2Kgs 6:12(17) 2Kgs 9:37(10) 2Kgs 10:17(13) 2Kgs 17:13(19) 2Kgs 17:19(12) 2Kgs 18:19(18) 2Kgs 19:4(20) 2Kgs 20:15(15) 2Kgs 21:3(5) 2Kgs 21:8(8) 2Kgs 22:16(16) 2Kgs 22:18(18) 2Kgs 23:19(20) 2Kgs 23:24(28) 2Kgs 24:3(13) 2Kgs 24:7(18) 2Kgs 25:14(13) 2Kgs 25:28(10) Isa 14:3(11) Isa 36:4(18) Isa 37:4(19) Isa 38:7(12) Isa 38:8(19) Isa 39:4(15) Isa 60:12(4) Jer 2:13(16) Jer 3:6(8) Jer 3:18(15) Jer 5:17(16) Jer 7:7(6) Jer 7:9(12) Jer 8:17(7) Jer 9:12(7) Jer 11:10(24) Jer 13:4(4) Jer 13:6(15) Jer 13:10(21) Jer 16:10(26) Jer 16:15(14) Jer 16:15(20) Jer 18:8(5) Jer 18:8(11) Jer 18:10(10) Jer 19:3(21) Jer 19:15(18) Jer 20:17(1) Jer 22:28(19) Jer 23:27(7) Jer 23:34(4) Jer 24:2(13) Jer 24:3(17) Jer 24:8(3) Jer 25:8(7) Jer 26:2(20) Jer 26:4(12) Jer 26:5(6) Jer 26:12(22) Jer 26:13(13) Jer 28:7(6) Jer 28:9(2) Jer 29:1(4) Jer 29:8(19) Jer 29:17(18) Jer 29:22(7) Jer 32:42(22) Jer 33:9(27) Jer 33:14(10) Jer 34:11(9) Jer 35:17(20) Jer 36:28(17) Jer 36:32(19) Jer 38:21(7) Jer 38:27(13) Jer 40:10(8) Jer 41:16(34) Jer 42:3(12) Jer 42:10(18) Jer 42:17(23) Jer 44:4(17) Jer 49:19(25) Jer 49:20(10) Jer 50:21(16) Jer 50:37(9) Jer 50:44(25) Jer 50:45(10) Jer 52:20(12) Jer 52:28(3) Jer 52:32(10) Eze 3:3(12) Eze 3:23(11) Eze 5:7(21) Eze 8:4(7) Eze 8:6(12) Eze 10:15(5) Eze 10:20(3) Eze 11:12(14) Eze 11:24(13) Eze 11:25(8) Eze 13:12(9) Eze 13:20(23) Eze 15:2(10) Eze 16:36(19) Eze 16:51(15) Eze 20:43(15) Eze 22:13(10) Eze 22:14(7) Eze 23:19(8) Eze 24:21(20) Eze 28:25(21) Eze 32:9(10) Eze 33:29(13) Eze 35:12(9) Eze 36:28(3) Eze 40:22(6) Eze 40:49(10) Eze 42:15(9) Eze 43:3(14) Eze 44:13(16) Eze 44:14(9) Eze 47:5(4) Eze 48:9(2) Hos 2:14(9) Joe 4:1(7) Amo 5:26(10) Jon 3:2(11) Jon 3:8(15) Zec 11:2(6) Zec 11:10(11) Zec 14:12(10) Zec 14:15(10) Mal 3:17(7) Psa 3:7(5) Psa 89:52(5) Psa 119:158(4) Pro 25:1(5) Job 37:12(7) Rut 2:2(12) Rut 2:11(24) Rut 3:1(10) Lam 1:7(8) Eccl 1:10(11) Eccl 4:1(7) Eccl 4:3(14) Eccl 4:15(11) Eccl 6:1(3) Eccl 7:20(6) Eccl 7:21(9) Eccl 7:22(7) Eccl 8:9(10) Eccl 8:12(17) Eccl 8:16(10) Eccl 10:15(4) Eccl 11:5(16) Est 2:10(12) Est 3:1(19) Est 6:8(4) Est 6:10(23) Est 8:3(19) Est 10:2(8) Dan 8:26(4) Dan 9:7(23) Dan 9:8(8) Ezr 2:1(7) Ezr 2:63(4) Ezr 10:18(4) Neh 1:7(12) Neh 1:8(5) Neh 2:12(23) Neh 5:11(14) Neh 7:65(4) Neh 8:12(14) Neh 9:12(12) Neh 9:19(24) Neh 12:1(4) Neh 13:14(9) 1Ch 3:1(5) 1Ch 16:1(9) 1Ch 16:41(6) 1Ch 17:11(12) 1Ch 18:11(10) 1Ch 21:8(7) 1Ch 23:5(9) 2Ch 2:6(23) 2Ch 2:16(11) 2Ch 6:17(7) 2Ch 6:19(14) 2Ch 6:31(13) 2Ch 6:39(14) 2Ch 7:19(7) 2Ch 8:4(9) 2Ch 8:8(7) 2Ch 8:12(9) 2Ch 9:3(8) 2Ch 9:5(6) 2Ch 9:6(19) 2Ch 11:15(7) 2Ch 15:8(17) 2Ch 16:6(13) 2Ch 17:2(13) 2Ch 18:16(10) 2Ch 20:11(8) 2Ch 25:9(9) 2Ch 28:11(5) 2Ch 31:19(11) 2Ch 33:3(5) 2Ch 33:15(11) 2Ch 34:26(17) 2Ch 36:14(16)
אֲשֶׁ֥רthat areGen 6:4(20) Deu 16:14(12) Deu 28:23(3) Deu 29:16(10) 2Sa 7:9(17) 2Sa 17:16(20) Zec 4:2(22) 1Ch 17:8(16)
אֲשֶׁ֥רthat had1Kgs 13:20(11)
אֲשֶׁ֥רthat isGen 9:16(16) Gen 9:17(14) Gen 14:15(10) Gen 41:48(17) Gen 49:29(15) Gen 49:30(5) Exo 16:1(11) Lev 3:5(8) Lev 11:2(12) Lev 15:31(12) Lev 16:13(13) Lev 16:18(4) Num 11:17(8) Deu 13:7(15) Jos 11:4(9) Jos 13:30(14) Jdg 10:8(20) Jdg 18:10(20) Jdg 19:14(8) 1Sa 13:5(14) 1Sa 29:1(10) 2Sa 2:16(15) 2Sa 2:18(14) 2Sa 9:8(10) 2Sa 23:15(10) Isa 7:18(7) Isa 27:1(20) Rut 4:3(5) Ezr 1:2(21) Ezr 1:3(20) Ezr 1:4(20) Ezr 1:5(18) Ezr 7:27(14) 1Ch 11:17(10) 2Ch 11:10(7) 2Ch 32:9(22)
אֲשֶׁ֥רthat of2Ch 3:1(10)
אֲשֶׁ֥רthat wasGen 37:23(15) Gen 49:28(15) Exo 29:21(4) Lev 18:28(11) Deu 2:36(15) Jdg 4:11(14) Jdg 6:11(9) Jdg 9:6(16) 2Sa 13:19(8) 1Kgs 4:19(15) 1Kgs 20:19(9) 2Kgs 1:2(6) 2Kgs 14:11(16) 2Kgs 25:13(12) Isa 28:4(6) Jer 36:23(22) Jer 52:17(12) Eze 41:9(13) 1Ch 16:39(10) 2Ch 25:21(13)
אֲשֶׁ֥רthat wereGen 7:22(8) Gen 23:17(17) Gen 46:31(16) Exo 19:16(20) Jdg 7:11(16) 1Sa 13:22(11) 1Kgs 2:5(35) 1Kgs 10:28(3) 1Kgs 16:22(8) 2Kgs 19:12(15) Isa 37:12(15) Jer 41:12(16) Eze 38:22(18) 1Ch 12:21(16) 2Ch 1:16(3)
אֲשֶׁ֥רthat were at2Kgs 10:29(16)
אֲשֶׁ֥רthat whichHag 1:11(14)
אֲשֶׁ֥רthings that arePsa 35:11(4)
אֲשֶׁ֥רthoseZec 13:6(9)
אֲשֶׁ֥רwhatExo 4:15(16) Exo 6:1(7) Exo 19:4(3) Exo 34:11(4) Exo 34:34(18) Deu 18:17(5) Jdg 14:6(16) 1Sa 10:8(22) 2Sa 7:3(6) Isa 21:6(9) Eze 48:22(6) Jon 2:10(6) Zec 8:17(16) Psa 69:5(10) Rut 3:4(17) Eccl 7:13(10) 1Ch 17:2(6)
אֲשֶׁ֥רwhat isJob 27:11(5)
אֲשֶׁ֥רwhenGen 40:13(17) Lev 4:22(1) 1Kgs 3:19(6) 1Kgs 22:25(7) 2Ch 18:24(7)
אֲשֶׁ֥רwhereGen 40:3(11) Exo 12:30(16) Exo 21:13(10) Lev 4:33(11) Lev 18:3(4) Num 5:3(13) Num 21:15(3) Num 32:38(15) Num 35:26(9) Num 35:34(9) Deu 14:25(9) Deu 17:8(22) Jos 9:27(17) 1Sa 14:11(13) 1Sa 20:37(6) 2Sa 8:11(14) 2Sa 15:21(14) Isa 55:11(18) Jer 22:26(10) Jer 23:8(17) Jer 35:7(25) Eze 4:13(11) Eze 11:17(15) Eze 20:34(9) Eze 20:41(13) Eze 37:25(8) Eccl 9:10(15)
אֲשֶׁ֥רwherever2Sa 8:6(17) 2Sa 8:14(18) 1Ch 18:6(15) 1Ch 18:13(14)
אֲשֶׁ֥רwhichGen 3:23(9) Gen 5:29(13) Gen 11:5(8) Gen 11:6(17) Gen 21:29(10) Gen 32:13(11) Gen 34:1(5) Gen 35:4(19) Gen 35:12(3) Gen 50:15(17) Exo 3:9(12) Exo 10:15(17) Exo 18:11(10) Exo 19:7(12) Lev 6:21(3) Lev 7:11(5) Num 5:8(15) Num 14:11(17) Num 20:24(10) Num 27:12(13) Deu 1:22(22) Deu 1:46(6) Deu 3:21(23) Deu 6:1(5) Deu 6:23(11) Deu 7:19(12) Deu 9:23(11) Deu 9:26(11) Deu 11:10(12) Deu 12:11(27) Deu 12:28(7) Deu 15:2(9) Deu 16:7(4) Deu 17:3(14) Deu 17:15(5) Deu 19:17(12) Deu 22:12(8) Deu 28:52(22) Jdg 2:7(23) Jdg 7:19(21) Jdg 16:26(12) 1Sa 2:29(5) 1Sa 8:18(6) 1Sa 15:14(10) 2Sa 21:8(22) 1Kgs 3:21(15) 1Kgs 7:40(15) 1Kgs 7:51(4) 1Kgs 8:27(17) 1Kgs 8:43(30) 1Kgs 8:58(11) 1Kgs 10:5(10) 1Kgs 11:11(13) 1Kgs 12:13(10) 1Kgs 14:26(18) 2Kgs 13:14(5) 2Kgs 17:15(12) 2Kgs 20:18(5) 2Kgs 22:4(12) Isa 1:29(8) Isa 39:7(5) Isa 62:8(18) Jer 9:13(7) Jer 11:11(9) Jer 20:14(3) Jer 34:18(13) Jer 38:16(23) Eze 17:20(12) Eze 20:43(8) Eze 36:23(7) Eze 39:8(9) Hos 2:1(7) Joe 2:25(13) Psa 119:48(5) Lam 1:12(12) Neh 9:34(14) 1Ch 16:40(14) 2Ch 1:3(15) 2Ch 4:11(14) 2Ch 6:11(9) 2Ch 6:18(19) 2Ch 6:33(31) 2Ch 9:4(11) 2Ch 12:9(23) 2Ch 21:7(10) 2Ch 34:11(12)
אֲשֶׁ֥רwhich isJos 15:7(14) 1Kgs 7:48(14) Song 1:1(3)
אֲשֶׁ֥רwhoGen 35:26(10) Gen 36:31(3) Gen 40:5(16) Gen 46:22(4) Exo 1:8(6) Exo 12:40(4) Exo 22:15(5) Exo 29:30(7) Exo 32:4(13) Exo 32:8(19) Exo 32:23(6) Exo 35:22(18) Lev 7:7(7) Lev 21:3(5) Num 14:29(13) Num 26:64(9) Num 31:18(4) Num 31:35(5) Num 33:1(5) Deu 17:14(19) Deu 17:15(21) Deu 25:9(17) Deu 30:7(12) Jos 5:6(16) Jos 8:17(7) Jos 13:10(6) Jos 13:21(9) Jos 18:2(4) Jdg 4:2(7) Jdg 14:20(5) 1Sa 14:21(16) 1Sa 28:9(11) 2Sa 2:4(18) 2Sa 17:22(17) 1Kgs 5:14(12) 1Kgs 8:30(7) 1Kgs 11:34(19) 1Kgs 12:8(13) 1Kgs 12:28(16) 1Kgs 12:31(9) 1Kgs 13:26(23) 1Kgs 14:14(7) 1Kgs 16:33(16) 1Kgs 17:16(11) 1Kgs 22:53(14) 2Kgs 1:7(6) 2Kgs 14:24(12) 2Kgs 15:9(14) 2Kgs 15:24(11) 2Kgs 15:28(12) 2Kgs 17:2(9) 2Kgs 23:22(8) Isa 11:16(5) Isa 29:22(8) Isa 51:17(5) Isa 65:10(10) Isa 65:20(8) Jer 10:25(10) Jer 17:7(3) Jer 22:11(15) Jer 27:13(13) Eze 13:3(9) Eze 29:3(17) Eze 36:4(26) Eze 48:11(5) Zep 2:3(7) Psa 66:20(3) Psa 79:6(10) Psa 107:2(4) Psa 140:5(8) Eccl 7:19(6) Eccl 12:7(10) Dan 12:6(5) Ezr 9:11(19) Neh 6:14(12) Neh 9:18(10) Neh 11:3(4) 1Ch 2:7(6) 1Ch 9:2(3) 1Ch 14:4(4) 1Ch 21:19(5) 2Ch 6:21(7) 2Ch 36:13(5)
אֲשֶׁ֥רwho isGen 44:15(15) Deu 24:14(9) 1Kgs 16:9(14) Isa 22:15(13)
אֲשֶׁ֥רwho was1Kgs 13:26(11)
אֲשֶׁ֥רwhoeverDeu 29:14(13)
אֲשֶׁ֥רwhomGen 6:2(14) Gen 24:3(14) Gen 24:24(8) Gen 24:47(12) Gen 43:29(13) Exo 6:5(8) Exo 18:9(10) Exo 23:27(9) Exo 28:3(7) Exo 33:1(10) Num 11:21(8) Num 16:5(19) Num 17:20(3) Deu 12:2(10) Deu 31:4(11) Jos 2:10(24) Jos 4:4(7) Jos 24:17(28) Jdg 10:14(5) 1Sa 17:45(20) 1Sa 25:25(28) 2Sa 7:15(9) 1Kgs 13:23(11) 1Kgs 18:15(6) 2Kgs 19:10(11) Isa 37:10(11) Isa 66:13(2) Jer 30:9(8) Jer 37:1(10) Eze 23:9(8) Joe 3:5(18) Psa 86:9(3) Est 6:6(9) Est 6:7(6) Est 6:9(13) Est 6:9(27) Est 6:11(18) Dan 11:39(7) 1Ch 4:18(21) 1Ch 17:6(12) 2Ch 1:11(31)
אֲשֶׁ֥רwhoseGen 1:11(14) Gen 1:12(11) Gen 24:37(10) Deu 28:49(12) Deu 28:60(7) Jos 24:15(26) Jdg 6:10(11) 2Sa 17:10(5) 1Kgs 8:39(12) Isa 2:22(5) Isa 58:11(14) Eze 3:6(9) Eze 20:14(8) Psa 8:2(8) Rut 3:2(5) 2Ch 6:30(12)
אֲשֶׁ֥רwith which1Kgs 15:26(9) 1Kgs 15:34(9) 1Kgs 16:26(8) 2Kgs 10:31(16) 2Kgs 23:26(15) Zec 11:13(9)
אֲשֶׁ֥רwith whomJos 10:25(16)
אֲשֶׁ֧ר--1Sa 30:4(10) Eze 34:21(10)
אֲשֶׁ֧רin thatDeu 15:14(7)
אֲשֶׁ֧רthatGen 3:11(10) Exo 5:21(7) Lev 2:8(4) Lev 4:22(10) Lev 10:1(19) Lev 11:33(10) Lev 27:29(3) Num 4:12(6) Num 31:23(14) Deu 4:1(8) Deu 4:8(12) Deu 5:1(14) Deu 5:31(16) Deu 11:13(7) Deu 11:27(9) Deu 11:28(12) Deu 11:32(8) Deu 13:6(24) Deu 14:10(2) Deu 26:11(4) Deu 27:1(12) Deu 28:64(14) Deu 32:46(7) Jos 1:2(16) Jos 22:30(13) 1Sa 26:11(13) 1Sa 26:16(13) 1Kgs 3:8(8) 1Kgs 8:28(14) 1Kgs 9:21(6) 1Kgs 10:3(13) 2Kgs 20:3(6) Isa 7:23(7) Isa 19:15(5) Isa 38:3(7) Jer 7:14(3) Jer 19:4(12) Jer 25:29(4) Jer 29:11(6) Jer 38:1(16) Jer 43:1(13) Jer 51:64(9) Amo 3:1(14) Eccl 4:9(5) Dan 1:8(5) Neh 2:5(11) 1Ch 4:33(3) 2Ch 9:2(11) 2Ch 15:13(2)
אֲשֶׁ֧רthat isNum 3:26(7) Num 22:5(8) Jos 13:9(8) Jos 13:16(11) 1Sa 12:21(6) Jer 44:27(11)
אֲשֶׁ֧רthat was1Kgs 9:26(7)
אֲשֶׁ֧רthat were1Kgs 8:5(14) 2Ch 5:6(13)
אֲשֶׁ֧רthoughLev 26:35(6)
אֲשֶׁ֧רwhatGen 41:25(10) Gen 41:28(7) Jdg 11:24(3)
אֲשֶׁ֧רwhereDeu 12:2(6) Jos 24:13(4) Jer 30:11(12) Jer 46:28(16) Eze 43:7(12) Eze 46:24(6)
אֲשֶׁ֧רwhichDeu 4:1(19) Deu 11:22(9) 2Kgs 19:6(17) Isa 37:6(17) Eccl 3:11(12)
אֲשֶׁ֧רwhoExo 20:2(4) Deu 5:6(4) Deu 6:12(7) Deu 27:26(2) Jdg 21:12(9) 1Sa 25:32(8) Jer 16:14(12) Jer 23:7(12) Mic 5:7(14) Est 7:9(15) Dan 11:38(7) 2Ch 7:14(3)
אֲשֶׁ֧רwhoeverJer 43:11(6)
אֲשֶׁ֧רwhomDeu 30:1(18) Deu 30:3(11) 1Sa 29:5(4) Isa 19:25(1) Jer 25:15(20)
אֲשֶׁ֨ר--Num 32:31(8) Deu 28:51(8) Jos 7:8(6) Jdg 21:5(5) 2Sa 9:11(6) 1Kgs 20:28(13) Jer 44:23(2) Mic 7:9(8) Eccl 12:2(2) 2Ch 7:22(3)
אֲשֶׁ֨רasGen 47:22(14)
אֲשֶׁ֨רfor1Kgs 15:5(1) Eze 39:29(6)
אֲשֶׁ֨רin that2Kgs 17:4(6)
אֲשֶׁ֨רit is thatJer 50:7(9)
אֲשֶׁ֨רof whichExo 18:3(4) Jdg 20:31(16) 2Kgs 17:12(3) 2Kgs 21:7(8) 2Ch 33:7(9)
אֲשֶׁ֨רof whomExo 1:15(6)
אֲשֶׁ֨רone whoIsa 29:12(4)
אֲשֶׁ֨רsuch asExo 10:6(9)
אֲשֶׁ֨רsuch thatEst 9:1(26)
אֲשֶׁ֨רthatGen 2:19(21) Gen 6:4(9) Gen 6:22(4) Gen 9:2(13) Gen 18:19(4) Gen 21:12(13) Gen 24:3(7) Gen 25:12(6) Gen 31:16(4) Gen 31:16(13) Gen 39:19(7) Gen 42:21(10) Gen 50:5(8) Exo 9:18(8) Exo 12:25(6) Exo 12:39(4) Exo 13:3(9) Exo 13:5(12) Exo 13:12(10) Exo 14:13(17) Exo 16:15(20) Exo 16:32(17) Exo 18:14(14) Exo 29:46(6) Exo 32:13(6) Exo 35:26(3) Exo 36:3(7) Exo 39:32(11) Exo 40:16(4) Lev 4:3(10) Lev 5:4(11) Lev 5:6(7) Lev 6:3(13) Lev 7:25(7) Lev 10:11(8) Lev 11:10(2) Lev 13:46(3) Lev 15:9(3) Lev 15:20(2) Lev 17:5(2) Lev 17:15(3) Lev 18:5(6) Lev 20:6(2) Lev 20:9(4) Lev 20:13(2) Lev 20:14(2) Lev 20:15(2) Lev 20:22(14) Lev 22:2(15) Lev 22:3(12) Lev 25:31(3) Lev 27:9(3) Lev 27:9(9) Num 1:54(5) Num 4:37(9) Num 4:41(10) Num 4:45(6) Num 6:4(5) Num 8:4(13) Num 9:5(14) Num 9:18(13) Num 10:32(8) Num 14:7(9) Num 15:23(11) Num 17:5(5) Num 18:19(4) Num 18:24(6) Num 18:26(13) Num 22:38(14) Num 34:2(15) Num 34:13(9) Num 36:13(4) Deu 1:1(3) Deu 1:3(15) Deu 1:30(9) Deu 1:39(2) Deu 3:20(12) Deu 4:10(2) Deu 4:10(18) Deu 4:10(24) Deu 4:13(5) Deu 4:19(19) Deu 4:26(14) Deu 4:40(6) Deu 4:45(5) Deu 6:10(8) Deu 7:11(8) Deu 7:16(5) Deu 8:1(3) Deu 9:2(6) Deu 9:5(22) Deu 11:4(7) Deu 11:6(9) Deu 11:10(3) Deu 11:11(2) Deu 11:21(8) Deu 12:8(4) Deu 12:21(15) Deu 12:29(7) Deu 16:4(13) Deu 16:18(7) Deu 17:2(14) Deu 17:14(5) Deu 20:14(6) Deu 20:18(2) Deu 23:5(3) Deu 25:18(1) Deu 26:2(6) Deu 26:2(9) Deu 26:3(18) Deu 27:4(9) Deu 28:11(12) Deu 28:13(18) Deu 28:14(5) Deu 28:48(4) Deu 28:50(4) Deu 28:55(14) Deu 28:56(4) Deu 28:57(15) Deu 31:7(19) Deu 31:13(13) Deu 31:13(18) Deu 31:21(22) Deu 32:38(1) Deu 32:47(16) Deu 32:49(19) Deu 32:51(2) Jos 1:13(4) Jos 1:14(6) Jos 2:10(19) Jos 4:7(3) Jos 8:35(8) Jos 9:24(10) Jos 11:23(7) Jos 14:1(8) Jos 18:14(9) Jos 23:14(21) Jos 24:32(13) Jdg 2:17(17) Jdg 2:20(7) 1Sa 6:17(4) 1Sa 14:4(3) 1Sa 14:14(4) 1Sa 15:15(5) 1Sa 24:19(10) 1Sa 25:26(7) 1Sa 26:21(13) 1Sa 29:3(19) 2Sa 2:5(13) 2Sa 3:30(7) 2Sa 6:8(4) 2Sa 7:11(3) 2Sa 7:23(23) 2Sa 7:25(5) 2Sa 8:10(14) 2Sa 9:9(10) 2Sa 20:11(8) 1Kgs 2:4(6) 1Kgs 2:11(2) 1Kgs 3:11(5) 1Kgs 5:19(16) 1Kgs 5:21(13) 1Kgs 6:2(2) 1Kgs 7:45(11) 1Kgs 8:9(7) 1Kgs 8:16(3) 1Kgs 8:66(17) 1Kgs 9:9(3) 1Kgs 12:10(4) 1Kgs 12:15(15) 2Kgs 6:10(6) 2Kgs 8:29(8) 2Kgs 10:36(2) 2Kgs 20:11(10) 2Kgs 21:11(2) 2Kgs 21:15(2) 2Kgs 21:15(12) 2Kgs 22:13(25) 2Kgs 23:15(8) 2Kgs 23:19(9) Isa 16:13(3) Isa 19:17(7) Isa 28:4(14) Isa 31:7(10) Isa 65:16(1) Isa 66:22(7) Jer 7:12(8) Jer 7:25(3) Jer 10:1(4) Jer 11:17(14) Jer 14:1(1) Jer 18:4(3) Jer 19:9(14) Jer 20:15(3) Jer 23:39(10) Jer 24:5(14) Jer 25:2(1) Jer 25:5(12) Jer 26:3(10) Jer 27:8(4) Jer 27:11(2) Jer 29:1(20) Jer 30:4(3) Jer 36:14(16) Jer 36:27(13) Jer 42:5(15) Jer 42:6(8) Jer 42:20(18) Jer 44:21(4) Jer 46:1(1) Jer 47:1(1) Jer 49:34(1) Jer 50:1(2) Eze 6:9(8) Eze 12:12(16) Eze 12:14(2) Eze 20:11(9) Eze 32:24(17) Eze 36:4(20) Eze 39:17(21) Eze 42:1(11) Eze 44:12(2) Amo 3:1(5) Amo 5:1(5) Zec 7:7(4) Zec 7:12(9) Zec 14:4(8) Zec 14:18(12) Rut 2:19(21) Eccl 3:10(4) Eccl 7:29(5) Eccl 8:9(15) Eccl 8:14(10) Eccl 8:15(5) Eccl 9:1(12) Eccl 9:10(2) Est 1:19(15) Est 4:3(5) Est 4:7(11) Est 5:13(8) Est 6:8(9) Est 8:17(8) Est 9:1(11) Est 9:1(18) Dan 9:2(10) Dan 10:12(10) Ezr 9:11(8) Ezr 10:8(2) Neh 2:3(10) Neh 8:14(4) Neh 13:7(5) Neh 13:22(3) 1Ch 12:16(3) 1Ch 17:10(2) 1Ch 17:23(4) 1Ch 18:10(13) 1Ch 22:13(10) 1Ch 26:26(8) 1Ch 28:12(3) 1Ch 29:30(6) 2Ch 6:5(3) 2Ch 7:6(9) 2Ch 7:10(15) 2Ch 8:1(5) 2Ch 8:2(2) 2Ch 10:10(4) 2Ch 13:8(17) 2Ch 24:22(6) 2Ch 25:13(3) 2Ch 32:17(13) 2Ch 34:21(23) 2Ch 34:28(14) 2Ch 35:3(13)
אֲשֶׁ֨רthat isGen 49:30(2) Num 4:26(9) Deu 4:48(2) Jos 7:2(6)
אֲשֶׁ֨רthat wasExo 19:18(6) Jer 20:2(10) Eze 41:15(7)
אֲשֶׁ֨רthat wereGen 40:7(5)
אֲשֶׁ֨רthat whichIsa 52:15(10)
אֲשֶׁ֨רthose whomNum 33:4(4)
אֲשֶׁ֨רto whichDeu 30:18(12)
אֲשֶׁ֨רto whomExo 6:26(4)
אֲשֶׁ֨רwhatGen 42:14(5) Num 9:20(2) Num 23:12(5) Num 24:14(7) Jos 9:3(5) 1Sa 15:16(9) 1Sa 25:8(18) 1Kgs 8:25(10) 2Kgs 19:11(5) 2Kgs 19:20(13) Isa 37:11(4) Eze 8:12(6) Eze 12:25(6) Eze 12:28(13) Dan 11:24(6) 2Ch 6:16(10)
אֲשֶׁ֨רwhenNum 5:29(4) Deu 2:22(7) 1Kgs 8:31(2) Isa 31:4(12) 2Ch 35:20(4)
אֲשֶׁ֨רwhereGen 31:13(5) Gen 31:13(9) Exo 29:42(9) Lev 14:13(5) Num 21:16(5) Deu 8:9(2) Deu 12:21(5) Deu 31:16(17) 2Sa 21:12(21) 1Kgs 21:19(17) 2Kgs 6:1(9) Jer 17:19(10) Jer 19:13(12) Jer 19:14(4) Jer 29:7(5) Jer 29:14(14) Jer 32:37(5) Eze 42:13(14)
אֲשֶׁ֨רwherever1Sa 18:5(4)
אֲשֶׁ֨רwhichGen 44:5(3) Gen 46:15(4) Exo 14:31(6) Exo 17:5(13) Exo 24:8(12) Exo 35:29(11) Lev 7:38(1) Lev 11:34(5) Lev 15:4(3) Lev 16:9(5) Lev 27:34(3) Num 14:27(14) Num 30:17(3) Num 32:4(2) Deu 4:27(9) Deu 4:40(20) Deu 4:46(14) Deu 5:33(3) Deu 6:6(4) Deu 8:2(5) Deu 9:19(6) Deu 11:24(3) Deu 12:18(8) Deu 17:1(7) Deu 19:9(8) Deu 30:16(1) Deu 33:1(3) Jos 1:3(3) Jos 14:9(9) 1Sa 2:23(7) 1Sa 6:8(12) 1Sa 6:18(17) 2Sa 12:15(9) 1Kgs 8:9(12) 2Kgs 17:15(23) 2Kgs 17:34(18) 2Kgs 18:21(12) 2Kgs 24:13(16) Isa 36:6(10) Isa 53:12(10) Jer 28:3(14) Jer 33:24(10) Eze 40:42(21) Rut 4:11(17) Rut 4:12(11) Eccl 8:17(18) Ezr 1:7(8) 2Ch 5:10(10)
אֲשֶׁ֨רwhoGen 24:7(4) Gen 36:24(8) Exo 18:10(5) Lev 17:3(5) Lev 17:13(9) Lev 20:2(13) Lev 20:16(2) Lev 22:18(19) Lev 26:13(4) Num 9:6(3) Num 15:41(4) Num 24:4(5) Num 26:9(11) Num 26:59(7) Num 26:63(6) Num 31:50(6) Deu 1:39(7) Deu 4:42(4) Deu 19:4(8) Deu 20:5(8) Jos 2:19(13) Jdg 11:31(3) 1Sa 14:21(6) 1Sa 17:37(4) 1Sa 25:33(5) 2Sa 6:20(18) 2Sa 6:21(7) 1Kgs 1:48(9) 1Kgs 8:56(3) 1Kgs 9:9(8) 1Kgs 9:21(2) 1Kgs 12:9(11) 1Kgs 13:4(8) 2Kgs 15:12(4) 2Kgs 20:18(2) Isa 30:10(1) Isa 39:7(2) Isa 66:19(18) Jer 16:15(5) Jer 28:8(2) Jer 33:9(10) Eze 44:15(5) Zec 11:5(1) Ezr 3:12(7) Ezr 7:27(5) Neh 5:13(11) 2Ch 8:8(3) 2Ch 10:9(11)
אֲשֶׁ֨רwhoeverJdg 6:31(14) Jer 15:2(12) Zec 14:17(2)
אֲשֶׁ֨רwhomGen 10:14(5) Gen 24:14(3) Gen 30:26(6) Gen 31:32(2) Gen 44:9(1) Gen 44:10(7) Exo 36:2(12) Lev 15:18(2) Lev 21:17(8) Num 5:30(3) Jos 5:6(21) Jos 12:1(4) 2Sa 16:18(7) 2Kgs 12:16(5) 2Kgs 16:3(12) Isa 30:32(6) Jer 1:2(1) Jer 8:2(7) Jer 29:3(8) Jer 42:9(8) Eze 23:40(7) 1Ch 1:12(5) 1Ch 6:16(2)
אֲשֶׁ֨רwhoseExo 35:29(4) Lev 16:27(7) Jos 24:31(11) Jdg 2:7(11) 2Kgs 18:22(10) Isa 18:7(19) Isa 36:7(10) Eze 20:9(11) Eze 32:23(1) Amo 2:9(6)
אֲשֶׁ֨רwith whichJer 21:4(13) Zec 14:12(4)
אֲשֶׁ֪רwhoPsa 79:6(5)
אֲשֶֽׁר--Num 20:17(20) Num 21:22(15) Deu 2:29(12) 2Sa 17:13(17) Eze 5:9(8) Hos 5:15(6)
אֲשֶֽׁרthatExo 9:19(14) Exo 29:1(3) Lev 5:26(11) Num 15:30(2) Jos 7:14(12) 1Sa 2:22(13) 1Sa 30:21(6) 1Kgs 2:26(29) 1Kgs 9:15(4) Isa 29:11(8) Jer 29:19(2) Jer 34:14(9) Amo 4:7(24) Job 36:28(1) Eccl 9:3(4) Eccl 9:6(15) Est 1:20(4) Neh 1:2(12) Neh 1:3(4)
אֲשֶֽׁרthat areGen 8:17(3) 2Kgs 23:8(28)
אֲשֶֽׁרthat ofOba 1:20(6)
אֲשֶֽׁרwhatExo 16:5(11) Exo 16:23(17) 1Sa 13:14(19) 1Sa 16:3(7) 1Kgs 20:22(13)
אֲשֶֽׁרwhere1Sa 30:31(5) 2Sa 15:32(6) Jer 24:9(13)
אֲשֶֽׁרwherever2Sa 7:7(2) 1Ch 17:6(2)
אֲשֶֽׁרwhoDeu 24:4(5) Eze 44:25(15) Job 22:16(1)
אֲשֶֽׁרwhoever isNum 15:14(6)
אֲשֶֽׁרwhom2Sa 15:2(11) 2Sa 15:4(11)
אֲשֶׁר--Gen 27:44(6) Gen 30:30(3) Gen 33:14(16) Exo 24:14(8) Exo 32:20(10) Exo 35:16(7) Exo 38:30(14) Exo 39:39(7) Lev 23:2(9) Lev 23:4(6) Num 11:20(5) Deu 2:14(7) Deu 3:20(2) Deu 9:21(16) Deu 24:8(8) Deu 28:37(7) Jos 1:15(2) Jos 1:17(2) Jos 3:17(16) Jos 9:16(6) Jos 10:11(20) Jdg 19:23(14) 2Sa 15:15(7) 2Sa 19:31(10) 1Kgs 8:43(8) 1Kgs 10:7(5) 2Kgs 1:16(7) 2Kgs 17:23(2) 2Kgs 21:16(9) 2Kgs 23:20(6) Isa 50:1(14) Job 4:19(5) Rut 2:21(10) Rut 2:21(19) Rut 4:15(13) Eccl 2:3(13) Neh 2:7(17) Neh 4:5(8) 1Ch 19:5(18) 2Ch 6:33(9) 2Ch 9:6(5)
אֲשֶׁרagainst whomMal 1:4(21)
אֲשֶׁרamong whomEze 29:13(14)
אֲשֶׁרandNum 22:30(8)
אֲשֶׁרasGen 26:5(2) Num 14:40(12) Jos 20:2(11) 1Sa 15:20(11) 2Kgs 4:17(9) Jer 32:19(5) Dan 1:18(3) 2Ch 35:18(15)
אֲשֶׁרas ifJer 44:14(15)
אֲשֶׁרforJos 9:20(12)
אֲשֶׁרfor whomJob 39:6(1)
אֲשֶׁרfor whom there isLev 14:32(3)
אֲשֶׁרfrom whomLev 22:4(21)
אֲשֶׁרhe who was2Kgs 10:5(2)
אֲשֶׁרhowGen 30:29(9) Jdg 9:9(7) Jdg 9:17(1) 2Kgs 14:28(8)
אֲשֶׁרin thatJos 17:14(19) 2Sa 14:22(21) Hos 14:4(14)
אֲשֶׁרin whichNum 6:5(13)
אֲשֶׁרin whomNum 27:18(12)
אֲשֶׁרis the one thatEccl 4:3(4)
אֲשֶׁרis whatGen 49:28(8) Jer 33:16(9)
אֲשֶׁרof which1Kgs 22:31(7)
אֲשֶׁרof whomJer 39:17(10) Jer 42:11(6)
אֲשֶׁרsoPsa 95:11(1)
אֲשֶׁרthatGen 1:30(11) Gen 2:3(13) Gen 2:22(6) Gen 5:5(5) Gen 6:7(6) Gen 6:17(12) Gen 6:17(19) Gen 7:5(4) Gen 7:8(12) Gen 7:15(10) Gen 9:12(6) Gen 12:5(17) Gen 13:4(4) Gen 13:15(5) Gen 16:15(9) Gen 19:5(8) Gen 19:12(13) Gen 20:3(13) Gen 21:2(8) Gen 21:22(15) Gen 21:23(12) Gen 22:2(8) Gen 22:3(22) Gen 24:44(11) Gen 24:54(5) Gen 25:5(5) Gen 25:7(6) Gen 25:10(2) Gen 26:18(21) Gen 28:4(13) Gen 28:15(6) Gen 28:18(7) Gen 28:22(3) Gen 30:2(9) Gen 30:18(6) Gen 30:33(12) Gen 30:35(14) Gen 31:43(13) Gen 35:6(13) Gen 39:3(7) Gen 39:6(14) Gen 39:8(14) Gen 39:17(10) Gen 41:43(5) Gen 43:26(8) Gen 45:27(13) Gen 46:5(16) Gen 46:18(4) Gen 46:25(4) Gen 47:14(12) Gen 48:6(2) Gen 48:9(7) Exo 1:14(14) Exo 4:21(11) Exo 4:30(6) Exo 5:14(5) Exo 7:20(22) Exo 8:8(13) Exo 8:17(22) Exo 10:2(13) Exo 11:8(13) Exo 12:22(6) Exo 14:13(12) Exo 15:26(18) Exo 16:8(16) Exo 18:9(6) Exo 19:8(7) Exo 20:12(11) Exo 21:30(9) Exo 23:13(2) Exo 24:3(20) Exo 24:7(9) Exo 25:40(4) Exo 29:35(6) Exo 30:38(2) Exo 31:11(9) Exo 34:10(21) Exo 35:1(12) Exo 36:1(22) Exo 36:4(12) Exo 36:5(11) Exo 39:42(2) Lev 4:35(23) Lev 5:10(10) Lev 5:13(6) Lev 5:18(15) Lev 5:22(12) Lev 5:24(3) Lev 6:11(12) Lev 6:13(5) Lev 6:20(2) Lev 7:19(2) Lev 7:20(2) Lev 7:27(3) Lev 8:36(7) Lev 11:9(8) Lev 11:21(11) Lev 11:23(4) Lev 11:32(2) Lev 11:39(5) Lev 13:45(2) Lev 13:51(17) Lev 15:6(4) Lev 15:12(3) Lev 15:20(8) Lev 15:23(8) Lev 15:26(3) Lev 17:8(9) Lev 18:24(10) Lev 20:17(2) Lev 20:18(2) Lev 20:23(5) Lev 20:25(20) Lev 21:18(4) Lev 21:21(3) Lev 22:15(8) Lev 22:18(26) Lev 22:20(2) Lev 25:30(13) Lev 25:42(4) Lev 25:55(8) Lev 26:40(12) Lev 27:26(3) Lev 27:32(6) Num 2:34(5) Num 4:49(15) Num 5:9(7) Num 5:10(7) Num 6:18(17) Num 8:20(10) Num 11:5(4) Num 13:2(8) Num 13:16(4) Num 13:31(2) Num 13:32(23) Num 14:14(13) Num 14:16(10) Num 14:22(9) Num 14:24(13) Num 14:34(3) Num 14:36(2) Num 15:22(9) Num 15:39(19) Num 18:12(9) Num 18:13(5) Num 18:15(6) Num 18:21(11) Num 19:13(6) Num 19:16(2) Num 19:20(2) Num 19:22(2) Num 20:12(23) Num 20:24(15) Num 22:17(6) Num 22:20(19) Num 22:35(12) Num 23:26(11) Num 27:17(1) Num 30:1(7) Num 30:5(18) Num 30:6(10) Num 30:8(10) Num 30:10(5) Num 30:12(13) Num 32:7(10) Num 32:9(17) Num 32:39(11) Num 34:17(4) Num 35:17(4) Num 35:18(5) Num 35:23(4) Num 35:31(6) Deu 1:4(14) Deu 1:14(6) Deu 1:20(7) Deu 1:25(13) Deu 1:41(10) Deu 2:12(17) Deu 2:14(2) Deu 2:29(18) Deu 2:37(15) Deu 3:24(18) Deu 4:9(11) Deu 4:18(8) Deu 4:34(21) Deu 4:44(3) Deu 5:16(18) Deu 6:18(14) Deu 7:1(7) Deu 7:13(18) Deu 7:19(3) Deu 8:13(9) Deu 9:7(13) Deu 9:16(14) Deu 9:21(3) Deu 9:26(14) Deu 9:28(13) Deu 10:11(13) Deu 11:12(2) Deu 11:29(8) Deu 11:31(10) Deu 12:1(17) Deu 12:9(10) Deu 12:10(6) Deu 12:26(11) Deu 13:3(4) Deu 14:9(8) Deu 14:26(4) Deu 15:7(10) Deu 16:5(8) Deu 16:20(9) Deu 17:2(6) Deu 17:11(8) Deu 17:11(16) Deu 17:12(2) Deu 18:9(6) Deu 18:16(2) Deu 20:20(3) Deu 20:20(17) Deu 21:17(12) Deu 22:3(12) Deu 22:24(24) Deu 23:21(15) Deu 25:15(16) Deu 26:10(8) Deu 27:2(9) Deu 28:8(12) Deu 28:53(14) Deu 28:63(21) Deu 29:15(5) Deu 29:15(10) Deu 30:5(6) Deu 30:16(21) Deu 31:20(5) Deu 31:23(17) Deu 32:52(11) Jos 1:6(11) Jos 1:15(12) Jos 1:16(6) Jos 1:18(12) Jos 2:3(11) Jos 2:10(4) Jos 3:4(13) Jos 4:10(20) Jos 4:23(1) Jos 5:1(17) Jos 5:4(3) Jos 6:25(23) Jos 7:14(6) Jos 8:35(5) Jos 10:28(17) Jos 10:30(15) Jos 10:32(16) Jos 10:32(19) Jos 10:35(10) Jos 10:35(16) Jos 10:37(13) Jos 10:37(19) Jos 10:37(27) Jos 10:39(14) Jos 11:11(5) Jos 11:15(19) Jos 14:6(17) Jos 14:12(7) Jos 15:46(4) Jos 21:9(11) Jos 21:44(6) Jos 21:45(7) Jos 22:2(16) Jos 22:28(15) Jos 23:1(5) Jos 24:15(16) Jos 24:20(14) Jdg 3:2(10) Jdg 3:4(11) Jdg 7:4(26) Jdg 7:19(5) Jdg 9:34(5) Jdg 9:48(8) Jdg 9:48(25) Jdg 13:10(12) Jdg 13:11(13) Jdg 13:13(7) Jdg 13:14(2) Jdg 13:14(17) Jdg 14:17(5) Jdg 15:19(5) Jdg 18:24(4) Jdg 19:22(27) Jdg 20:36(15) 1Sa 2:32(5) 1Sa 3:13(11) 1Sa 3:17(23) 1Sa 6:15(8) 1Sa 6:15(10) 1Sa 8:7(9) 1Sa 8:8(3) 1Sa 9:5(8) 1Sa 9:6(12) 1Sa 9:6(24) 1Sa 12:1(10) 1Sa 12:7(11) 1Sa 14:24(13) 1Sa 14:28(13) 1Sa 14:47(18) 1Sa 15:2(11) 1Sa 18:15(3) 1Sa 20:40(7) 1Sa 21:3(16) 1Sa 22:23(6) 1Sa 24:5(28) 1Sa 24:11(7) 1Sa 24:19(5) 1Sa 25:6(9) 1Sa 25:7(8) 1Sa 25:27(4) 1Sa 25:30(7) 1Sa 27:7(4) 1Sa 29:10(6) 1Sa 30:2(4) 1Sa 31:7(4) 2Sa 1:4(11) 2Sa 3:20(13) 2Sa 3:21(19) 2Sa 3:23(4) 2Sa 7:22(13) 2Sa 11:20(16) 2Sa 11:27(16) 2Sa 13:16(9) 2Sa 14:15(2) 2Sa 14:19(20) 2Sa 14:31(14) 2Sa 15:7(14) 2Sa 15:14(5) 2Sa 15:30(15) 2Sa 16:14(5) 2Sa 17:7(8) 2Sa 17:12(20) 2Sa 17:25(15) 2Sa 17:29(9) 2Sa 18:32(16) 2Sa 19:8(24) 2Sa 19:20(16) 2Sa 19:25(23) 2Sa 19:39(13) 2Sa 21:14(15) 2Sa 24:2(7) 1Kgs 1:9(9) 1Kgs 1:33(15) 1Kgs 2:43(9) 1Kgs 4:2(3) 1Kgs 6:12(3) 1Kgs 8:36(21) 1Kgs 8:40(5) 1Kgs 9:10(5) 1Kgs 9:13(5) 1Kgs 10:10(18) 1Kgs 10:11(4) 1Kgs 10:14(4) 1Kgs 10:24(10) 1Kgs 10:27(11) 1Kgs 11:27(3) 1Kgs 11:37(5) 1Kgs 12:4(13) 1Kgs 12:9(18) 1Kgs 12:32(22) 1Kgs 12:33(4) 1Kgs 12:33(14) 1Kgs 13:11(14) 1Kgs 13:12(16) 1Kgs 13:14(14) 1Kgs 13:21(5) 1Kgs 15:3(5) 1Kgs 15:5(11) 1Kgs 15:13(7) 1Kgs 15:20(11) 1Kgs 16:7(17) 1Kgs 18:24(10) 1Kgs 18:26(4) 1Kgs 18:38(15) 1Kgs 20:34(4) 1Kgs 21:4(9) 1Kgs 22:54(12) 2Kgs 1:4(6) 2Kgs 1:6(12) 2Kgs 1:6(33) 2Kgs 1:16(23) 2Kgs 1:17(4) 2Kgs 2:14(5) 2Kgs 3:27(5) 2Kgs 7:15(11) 2Kgs 8:4(15) 2Kgs 8:5(6) 2Kgs 8:5(31) 2Kgs 8:12(10) 2Kgs 10:5(16) 2Kgs 10:10(9) 2Kgs 10:19(20) 2Kgs 10:30(6) 2Kgs 11:9(5) 2Kgs 12:5(8) 2Kgs 12:13(14) 2Kgs 12:19(8) 2Kgs 14:3(10) 2Kgs 15:3(6) 2Kgs 15:34(6) 2Kgs 16:11(7) 2Kgs 16:13(13) 2Kgs 16:16(5) 2Kgs 18:3(6) 2Kgs 18:4(14) 2Kgs 18:35(5) 2Kgs 19:21(3) 2Kgs 19:33(2) 2Kgs 21:8(20) 2Kgs 21:11(11) 2Kgs 22:20(15) 2Kgs 23:12(8) 2Kgs 23:12(14) 2Kgs 23:17(15) 2Kgs 23:18(13) 2Kgs 23:25(6) 2Kgs 23:32(6) 2Kgs 23:37(6) 2Kgs 24:9(6) 2Kgs 24:19(6) 2Kgs 25:16(6) Isa 8:12(5) Isa 19:16(13) Isa 19:17(16) Isa 20:6(10) Isa 30:13(11) Isa 30:23(4) Isa 30:24(8) Isa 36:20(6) Isa 37:22(3) Isa 37:34(2) Isa 49:3(6) Isa 58:2(9) Isa 59:21(11) Isa 63:7(8) Isa 63:7(15) Jer 5:9(9) Jer 5:29(9) Jer 7:11(6) Jer 7:14(12) Jer 7:30(12) Jer 9:8(10) Jer 11:5(5) Jer 12:14(10) Jer 16:11(4) Jer 19:2(14) Jer 20:14(7) Jer 20:16(5) Jer 21:1(2) Jer 22:27(3) Jer 23:28(2) Jer 24:10(13) Jer 25:1(2) Jer 25:13(8) Jer 25:13(16) Jer 26:19(20) Jer 28:9(10) Jer 29:14(24) Jer 29:32(23) Jer 30:2(12) Jer 30:3(18) Jer 32:1(2) Jer 32:8(17) Jer 32:22(6) Jer 32:34(4) Jer 33:5(9) Jer 34:1(2) Jer 34:8(2) Jer 34:10(6) Jer 34:15(16) Jer 35:1(2) Jer 35:4(13) Jer 35:10(6) Jer 35:15(26) Jer 35:18(24) Jer 36:2(10) Jer 36:4(15) Jer 36:6(5) Jer 36:7(14) Jer 36:8(6) Jer 36:31(20) Jer 37:19(3) Jer 38:28(7) Jer 40:1(2) Jer 40:10(20) Jer 41:3(4) Jer 41:7(15) Jer 41:14(4) Jer 41:17(5) Jer 42:4(15) Jer 42:16(13) Jer 42:17(4) Jer 42:21(10) Jer 43:5(12) Jer 44:10(12) Jer 44:12(5) Jer 44:16(2) Jer 44:17(7) Jer 46:2(8) Jer 51:24(9) Jer 51:59(2) Jer 52:2(6) Jer 52:18(15) Eze 4:9(20) Eze 5:16(10) Eze 6:9(13) Eze 8:13(8) Eze 10:11(11) Eze 12:10(14) Eze 12:27(8) Eze 13:14(4) Eze 14:7(7) Eze 15:6(11) Eze 16:19(2) Eze 17:3(14) Eze 18:22(9) Eze 18:24(8) Eze 18:24(15) Eze 18:24(23) Eze 18:26(9) Eze 20:6(11) Eze 20:9(8) Eze 20:15(12) Eze 20:29(5) Eze 21:9(2) Eze 22:4(2) Eze 22:4(6) Eze 23:30(8) Eze 24:24(6) Eze 26:2(4) Eze 26:17(18) Eze 29:18(27) Eze 29:20(2) Eze 32:23(14) Eze 32:29(6) Eze 33:13(16) Eze 35:15(6) Eze 36:18(6) Eze 36:27(7) Eze 38:8(17) Eze 39:19(8) Eze 39:21(14) Eze 40:4(13) Eze 42:7(2) Eze 42:13(18) Eze 42:14(12) Eze 43:3(6) Eze 43:11(4) Eze 44:19(13) Eze 46:4(2) Eze 48:29(3) Hos 12:9(14) Joe 4:5(1) Joe 4:19(11) Amo 2:4(22) Jon 3:10(13) Mic 7:20(6) Zep 3:7(11) Hag 1:9(17) Hag 2:18(14) Zec 2:4(10) Zec 6:6(1) Zec 6:10(18) Psa 1:3(15) Psa 78:43(1) Psa 112:8(6) Psa 115:3(4) Psa 135:6(2) Job 37:17(1) Job 42:11(21) Rut 2:11(9) Rut 2:19(15) Rut 3:5(4) Rut 3:6(5) Rut 3:11(6) Eccl 3:11(18) Eccl 4:16(6) Eccl 5:17(2) Eccl 5:17(6) Eccl 5:17(20) Eccl 6:2(13) Eccl 6:10(7) Eccl 7:26(7) Eccl 8:15(21) Eccl 9:9(5) Eccl 9:9(24) Est 3:4(18) Est 4:8(5) Est 4:17(5) Est 5:4(13) Est 5:5(15) Est 5:12(12) Est 6:14(13) Est 7:9(11) Est 8:6(6) Est 8:7(18) Est 8:8(14) Est 9:23(8) Est 9:25(10) Dan 1:20(5) Dan 8:20(2) Dan 9:12(4) Ezr 7:6(10) Neh 2:10(11) Neh 2:13(16) Neh 5:9(5) Neh 5:14(3) Neh 5:17(10) Neh 5:19(6) Neh 9:15(17) Neh 9:29(14) Neh 9:35(5) Neh 9:35(11) Neh 9:36(6) Neh 9:37(4) 1Ch 5:25(9) 1Ch 6:50(15) 1Ch 13:10(7) 1Ch 17:20(8) 1Ch 17:21(21) 1Ch 19:9(9) 1Ch 21:29(3) 1Ch 29:19(14) 2Ch 1:15(13) 2Ch 2:4(2) 2Ch 2:8(7) 2Ch 5:10(6) 2Ch 6:25(12) 2Ch 6:27(21) 2Ch 6:31(7) 2Ch 9:9(16) 2Ch 9:10(6) 2Ch 9:13(4) 2Ch 9:23(11) 2Ch 9:27(11) 2Ch 10:4(12) 2Ch 10:9(18) 2Ch 12:3(10) 2Ch 12:5(8) 2Ch 16:4(11) 2Ch 18:30(7) 2Ch 19:10(3) 2Ch 23:8(6) 2Ch 25:10(4) 2Ch 25:27(2) 2Ch 26:4(6) 2Ch 27:2(6) 2Ch 28:15(3) 2Ch 29:2(6) 2Ch 31:21(3) 2Ch 32:7(13) 2Ch 34:4(7) 2Ch 34:16(14) 2Ch 35:24(9) 2Ch 36:8(5)
אֲשֶׁרthat areGen 33:14(11) Exo 4:18(14) Exo 7:18(2) Jdg 9:33(12) 2Sa 17:2(12) Jer 29:8(12) Eze 26:18(8) Eze 27:27(13) Psa 16:3(2)
אֲשֶׁרthat isGen 23:9(6) Gen 23:11(8) Gen 23:17(11) Gen 23:20(4) Gen 49:32(4) Exo 7:17(13) Lev 1:5(19) Lev 4:7(24) Lev 4:18(21) Lev 9:8(9) Lev 16:6(6) Lev 16:11(6) Lev 16:11(16) Lev 25:30(11) Num 4:25(11) Num 14:8(13) Num 31:23(3) Deu 3:12(8) Deu 14:21(6) Deu 14:27(2) Deu 28:23(8) Jos 8:18(7) Jos 12:9(6) Jos 15:7(10) Jos 18:17(9) Jdg 6:25(25) Jdg 6:30(18) 2Sa 17:11(13) 2Sa 20:11(12) 1Kgs 4:20(5) 1Kgs 13:3(16) Eze 12:12(2) Nah 3:8(9) Rut 3:15(4) Neh 2:8(16) 2Ch 35:21(24)
אֲשֶׁרthat wasExo 7:21(2) Num 21:32(11) Jos 8:18(17) Jdg 3:20(8) Jdg 6:28(10) 1Sa 14:43(17) 1Sa 17:40(15) 2Sa 18:9(25) 1Ch 10:7(5) 2Ch 1:13(4) 2Ch 3:15(11)
אֲשֶׁרthat wereGen 7:19(11) Gen 19:11(3) Gen 32:8(9) Jdg 9:35(12) Jdg 9:45(12) Jdg 16:30(16) Jdg 18:7(9) 1Sa 30:4(4) 1Sa 30:21(19) 2Sa 3:31(8) 2Sa 12:31(3) 1Kgs 7:41(5) 2Kgs 23:8(22) 2Kgs 23:16(6) Jer 40:11(4) Jer 41:16(8) Jer 52:20(9) Eze 41:6(10) Rut 4:11(4) Est 3:2(4) Est 3:3(4) Est 9:15(3) Est 9:18(2) Neh 5:15(3) 1Ch 20:3(3) 2Ch 8:10(4)
אֲשֶׁרthat whichGen 28:15(20) Exo 32:34(7) Job 15:18(1)
אֲשֶׁרthose2Ch 17:19(6)
אֲשֶׁרto whomJer 14:16(2) Jer 41:2(20) Jer 41:18(15)
אֲשֶׁרwhatGen 9:24(6) Gen 18:19(23) Gen 27:45(8) Gen 33:9(9) Gen 41:55(17) Gen 49:1(10) Exo 16:5(6) Exo 16:23(13) Lev 10:3(6) Lev 14:31(2) Num 6:21(11) Num 9:21(2) Num 24:13(20) Deu 4:3(4) Deu 7:18(7) Deu 9:7(5) Deu 21:16(7) Deu 24:9(3) Deu 25:17(3) Jos 13:32(2) Jos 14:1(2) Jos 24:7(17) Jdg 18:27(4) 1Sa 15:2(7) 1Sa 25:35(5) 1Sa 28:2(9) 1Sa 28:8(23) 1Sa 28:9(8) 1Sa 30:23(8) 1Sa 31:11(7) 2Sa 18:4(4) 2Sa 19:38(20) 2Sa 21:11(4) 1Kgs 2:5(5) 1Kgs 5:22(8) 1Kgs 8:24(7) 1Kgs 11:10(14) 1Kgs 18:13(5) 1Kgs 20:9(9) 1Kgs 22:46(5) 2Kgs 5:20(17) 2Kgs 7:12(11) 2Kgs 18:14(14) Isa 5:5(6) Jer 7:12(15) Jer 15:4(13) Jer 23:25(3) Jer 45:4(8) Jer 45:4(13) Jer 51:12(19) Eze 2:8(6) Eze 2:8(19) Eze 3:1(6) Mic 6:1(4) Rut 2:17(7) Rut 2:18(7) Rut 2:18(13) Eccl 2:12(14) Eccl 5:3(13) Est 2:1(12) Est 2:1(15) Est 9:23(4) Dan 8:19(5) Dan 10:14(4) Neh 3:35(6) 1Ch 4:10(22) 2Ch 6:15(7) 2Ch 9:12(12)
אֲשֶׁרwhat is1Sa 12:24(13) 1Ch 21:24(14)
אֲשֶׁרwhat wasGen 34:28(8)
אֲשֶׁרwhateverLev 13:54(5) Lev 13:57(18)
אֲשֶׁרwhenJos 14:10(20) Jer 27:9(14) Psa 139:15(5) 2Ch 15:16(8)
אֲשֶׁרwhereGen 2:11(10) Gen 13:3(9) Gen 13:14(15) Gen 19:27(6) Gen 19:29(19) Gen 35:13(5) Gen 35:14(5) Gen 35:27(11) Gen 39:20(10) Exo 6:4(14) Exo 12:7(12) Exo 18:5(11) Exo 20:21(8) Lev 4:24(9) Lev 11:33(4) Lev 13:52(18) Num 13:19(3) Num 13:19(13) Num 20:13(4) Num 33:54(15) Num 35:25(14) Deu 12:5(5) Deu 12:11(3) Deu 12:14(4) Deu 14:23(6) Deu 15:20(8) Deu 16:2(8) Deu 16:6(5) Deu 16:15(7) Deu 18:6(8) Deu 18:6(18) Deu 23:17(5) Jos 4:3(22) Jos 20:6(27) Jdg 19:26(9) Jdg 20:22(9) 1Sa 3:3(9) 1Sa 20:19(7) 2Sa 2:23(21) 2Sa 6:2(15) 1Kgs 5:23(12) 1Kgs 7:8(2) 1Kgs 8:21(5) 1Kgs 17:19(12) 1Kgs 21:18(12) 2Kgs 12:6(13) 2Kgs 17:33(11) 2Kgs 18:7(5) Jer 13:7(9) Jer 22:12(3) Jer 23:3(8) Jer 29:18(17) Jer 44:8(9) Eze 8:3(25) Eze 11:16(18) Eze 12:16(14) Eze 21:35(5) Eze 36:20(4) Eze 47:9(26) Eze 47:23(3) Hos 2:1(14) Joe 4:7(5) Psa 84:4(8) Psa 104:17(1) Rut 2:9(3) Neh 4:6(13) 1Ch 13:6(19) 2Ch 6:11(5)
אֲשֶׁרwhere is1Sa 10:5(6)
אֲשֶׁרwhere was1Sa 9:10(11)
אֲשֶׁרwhere wereExo 9:26(4)
אֲשֶׁרwherever2Sa 15:20(10)
אֲשֶׁרwhichGen 1:29(19) Gen 21:9(7) Gen 21:23(19) Gen 24:5(19) Exo 7:15(14) Exo 35:4(11) Lev 8:5(7) Lev 9:6(5) Lev 11:32(19) Lev 11:35(2) Lev 15:4(10) Lev 15:17(5) Lev 15:22(5) Lev 15:24(14) Lev 17:2(14) Lev 23:37(4) Num 13:24(9) Num 19:2(4) Num 25:18(6) Num 31:21(12) Num 36:6(3) Deu 4:32(6) Deu 8:1(16) Deu 8:18(16) Deu 9:9(8) Deu 12:26(3) Deu 21:8(4) Deu 28:21(11) Deu 28:69(17) Deu 29:21(20) Deu 30:2(8) Jos 4:10(11) Jos 4:23(17) Jos 24:32(4) 1Kgs 8:44(19) 1Kgs 8:48(23) 1Kgs 13:17(17) 1Kgs 14:21(18) 1Kgs 16:7(28) 2Kgs 14:6(10) 2Kgs 16:18(4) 2Kgs 17:11(6) 2Kgs 17:38(2) 2Kgs 18:6(8) 2Kgs 19:28(14) 2Kgs 21:21(4) 2Kgs 22:13(20) 2Kgs 23:26(8) 2Kgs 23:27(17) Isa 1:30(7) Isa 22:25(15) Isa 37:29(14) Jer 11:4(18) Jer 11:8(19) Jer 31:32(13) Jer 34:5(7) Jer 35:14(7) Jer 51:60(6) Eze 16:14(10) Eze 16:52(9) Eze 18:24(20) Eze 36:21(10) Eze 36:22(22) Eze 46:9(28) Mic 1:1(14) Hag 2:5(3) Psa 31:20(4) Psa 35:8(6) Psa 66:14(1) Psa 80:16(2) Psa 105:5(3) Job 38:23(1) Rut 4:12(5) Est 6:4(18) Est 7:10(6) Est 9:22(2) Dan 9:18(10) Neh 2:8(21) Neh 2:18(6) Neh 8:1(20) Neh 9:23(8) 1Ch 15:3(14) 2Ch 5:1(4) 2Ch 6:34(19) 2Ch 6:38(22) 2Ch 8:11(25) 2Ch 12:13(19) 2Ch 25:4(10)
אֲשֶׁרwhoGen 14:20(4) Gen 34:14(12) Gen 46:27(3) Exo 20:7(13) Exo 21:8(5) Exo 35:23(3) Lev 17:8(12) Lev 19:36(14) Lev 20:24(19) Lev 21:19(3) Lev 22:3(6) Lev 25:38(4) Num 3:3(7) Num 9:13(2) Num 14:15(9) Num 35:25(23) Deu 5:11(13) Deu 10:21(5) Deu 19:4(4) Deu 20:6(3) Deu 20:7(3) Deu 22:25(15) Deu 23:9(2) Deu 23:16(6) Deu 24:3(17) Jos 1:18(3) Jos 2:19(3) Jos 13:12(5) Jdg 6:31(4) Jdg 7:5(11) Jdg 7:5(23) Jdg 9:24(17) 1Sa 10:19(6) 1Sa 17:25(15) 1Sa 22:2(8) 1Sa 30:17(17) 2Sa 2:3(2) 2Sa 4:9(15) 2Sa 15:6(7) 2Sa 15:18(15) 2Sa 16:11(10) 2Sa 18:28(19) 1Kgs 1:29(6) 1Kgs 8:48(9) 1Kgs 12:6(6) 1Kgs 14:9(4) 1Kgs 22:13(2) 2Kgs 3:3(6) 2Kgs 3:11(21) 2Kgs 7:13(25) 2Kgs 10:24(13) 2Kgs 13:2(11) 2Kgs 13:11(12) 2Kgs 15:18(12) 2Kgs 22:15(10) 2Kgs 25:25(23) Isa 13:17(6) Isa 51:23(4) Jer 5:22(10) Jer 32:20(1) Jer 41:2(7) Eze 16:59(10) Eze 32:30(7) Eze 47:22(9) Joe 2:26(9) Joe 3:5(3) Amo 1:1(3) Amo 9:12(8) Jon 1:9(11) Zec 4:1(7) Psa 7:1(3) Psa 40:5(3) Psa 46:9(5) Psa 71:19(5) Psa 115:8(5) Psa 135:18(5) Job 9:17(1) Ezr 2:2(1) Neh 6:11(7) Neh 9:26(12) 1Ch 4:22(6) 1Ch 19:14(4) 1Ch 21:17(12) 2Ch 6:38(9) 2Ch 10:6(6) 2Ch 10:10(11) 2Ch 14:12(4) 2Ch 18:12(2) 2Ch 22:9(18) 2Ch 34:23(10)
אֲשֶׁרwho areJdg 9:32(6)
אֲשֶׁרwho is2Kgs 19:2(4) Isa 37:2(4)
אֲשֶׁרwho was2Kgs 18:37(5) Isa 36:22(5)
אֲשֶׁרwho were2Kgs 2:5(4) 2Kgs 2:15(4)
אֲשֶׁרwho were at2Kgs 2:3(4)
אֲשֶׁרwhoeverJos 15:16(3) Jdg 1:12(3)
אֲשֶׁרwhomGen 21:3(8) Gen 24:40(4) Gen 33:5(15) Gen 45:4(13) Exo 33:12(17) Lev 16:32(3) Num 16:7(12) Num 22:6(23) Num 24:12(9) Deu 7:19(22) Deu 24:5(22) Jdg 2:21(10) Jdg 4:22(15) 1Sa 16:3(12) 1Sa 21:10(6) 1Kgs 17:20(10) 1Kgs 21:25(11) 2Kgs 5:16(4) 2Kgs 17:34(24) Jer 20:6(17) Jer 22:25(6) Jer 25:17(10) Jer 29:4(9) Jer 29:20(7) Jer 29:22(14) Jer 34:16(12) Jer 38:9(13) Eze 9:6(11) Eze 23:7(9) Eze 23:22(13) Eze 23:28(12) Eze 38:17(7) Zec 12:10(14) Mal 3:1(12) Mal 3:1(17) Psa 41:10(4) Psa 47:5(8) Psa 69:27(3) Psa 94:12(3) Job 40:15(4) Rut 2:12(11) Lam 2:22(13)
אֲשֶׁרwhoseGen 38:25(9) Gen 44:16(21) Exo 35:21(4) Lev 14:35(2) Deu 4:7(5) Deu 4:8(4) Deu 19:17(4) 1Sa 10:26(9) 1Kgs 3:26(3) 2Kgs 7:2(3) 2Kgs 7:17(5) 2Kgs 8:1(5) 2Kgs 8:5(12) Isa 18:2(26) Isa 31:9(9) Isa 45:1(6) Jer 49:12(6) Eze 20:22(11) Eze 21:30(6) Eze 21:32(11) Eze 21:34(13) Psa 26:10(1) Psa 33:12(3) Psa 95:5(1) Job 3:23(2) Job 8:14(1) Job 30:1(7) Est 7:5(13) Dan 10:1(9)
אֲשֶׁרwith which2Kgs 13:6(7)
אֲשֶׁר֙--2Kgs 25:4(11) Jer 52:7(14) 2Ch 33:11(7)
אֲשֶׁר֙asGen 22:14(8)
אֲשֶׁר֙butEccl 6:12(14)
אֲשֶׁר֙of which2Kgs 21:4(5) 2Ch 33:4(5)
אֲשֶׁר֙thatGen 1:7(8) Gen 11:7(6) Gen 25:18(5) Gen 32:33(10) Gen 35:5(7) Gen 50:10(5) Exo 11:7(13) Lev 14:18(3) Lev 14:29(4) Lev 25:44(8) Lev 26:46(5) Num 21:11(7) Num 31:42(4) Deu 4:21(16) Deu 4:40(10) Deu 6:3(5) Deu 10:17(13) Deu 13:7(23) Deu 13:8(3) Deu 15:4(12) Deu 19:2(7) Deu 19:10(7) Deu 19:14(12) Deu 20:16(5) Deu 21:23(19) Deu 24:4(24) Deu 26:1(6) Deu 28:61(6) Deu 29:11(6) Deu 29:22(20) Jos 1:11(24) Jos 3:7(12) Jos 18:3(14) Jos 18:7(20) Jos 18:16(6) Jos 23:13(27) Jos 23:15(28) Jdg 2:12(16) Jdg 10:8(15) Jdg 11:26(9) 1Sa 3:11(10) 1Sa 9:23(10) 2Sa 2:24(13) 2Sa 7:14(9) 1Kgs 10:9(5) 2Kgs 21:12(13) Isa 38:7(6) Jer 11:3(10) Jer 13:25(8) Jer 16:13(8) Jer 27:5(9) Jer 33:10(8) Jer 44:3(11) Joe 2:25(5) Zec 4:12(9) Eccl 8:11(1) Neh 2:7(14) Neh 13:19(12)
אֲשֶׁר֙that areExo 32:2(7) Jos 24:15(19) 2Sa 10:16(6) 2Kgs 22:5(13) Jer 7:31(4) Eze 42:3(3) Est 9:20(11)
אֲשֶׁר֙that isGen 1:29(11) Gen 23:17(4) Gen 33:18(6) Gen 35:6(4) Exo 30:6(11) Lev 4:18(7) Num 7:89(15) Num 21:20(3) Num 22:36(11) Deu 32:49(8) Jos 3:16(12) 1Kgs 8:64(8) Eze 40:40(13) Eze 47:16(4) 2Ch 7:7(6)
אֲשֶׁר֙that was1Sa 14:19(8) Jer 38:6(11) Eze 10:1(5) Eze 10:7(9)
אֲשֶׁר֙that wereJos 8:13(6) Jdg 18:22(8) 1Kgs 7:18(13) 1Kgs 7:19(2) Eze 42:11(5) Eze 42:12(3) Zec 7:3(4) 2Ch 2:16(6)
אֲשֶׁר֙that whichEze 29:20(10)
אֲשֶׁר֙whatLev 6:20(11) Isa 37:21(13)
אֲשֶׁר֙when1Sa 25:11(13)
אֲשֶׁר֙whichNum 34:13(13) Deu 29:24(10) Deu 34:12(7) 1Kgs 2:31(13) Jer 7:31(14)
אֲשֶׁר֙who1Kgs 8:15(6) 2Kgs 17:14(8) Zec 14:18(17) Zec 14:19(8) Rut 2:20(7) 2Ch 6:4(6)
אֲשֶׁר֙who areAmo 4:1(6)
אֲשֶׁר֙who wereGen 40:5(13)
אֲשֶׁר֙whomDeu 34:10(7) 2Sa 3:14(15) 1Kgs 14:24(9) 1Kgs 21:26(10) 2Kgs 17:8(4) 2Kgs 21:2(7) 2Kgs 21:9(10) Jer 9:15(3) 2Ch 28:3(12) 2Ch 33:2(7) 2Ch 33:9(11)
אֲשֶׁר֙whoseDeu 19:1(7)
אֲשֶׁר֙with whichLam 1:12(15)
אֲשֶׁר֩--1Sa 11:7(12)
אֲשֶׁר֩for1Sa 20:42(6) 1Sa 26:23(8)
אֲשֶׁר֩in whichEst 8:11(1)
אֲשֶׁר֩thatGen 30:38(9) Gen 49:30(11) Lev 5:16(2) Num 1:44(3) Num 3:39(4) Num 4:46(3) Deu 4:32(11) Deu 11:9(6) Deu 12:1(8) Deu 13:13(5) Deu 15:19(3) Deu 18:22(1) Deu 21:1(5) Deu 27:3(10) Deu 30:20(17) Jos 5:1(6) Jos 9:1(5) Jos 13:8(6) Jos 24:14(12) Jdg 4:14(9) Jdg 6:13(16) Jdg 7:4(16) 2Sa 2:11(4) 1Kgs 4:12(9) 1Kgs 11:42(2) Isa 6:11(7) Jer 29:23(2) Jer 29:31(13) Eze 1:28(3) Eze 20:13(12) Eze 20:21(13) Eze 26:17(12) Eze 31:14(2) Est 6:2(3) Dan 9:21(7) Dan 10:11(8) Neh 8:14(9) 1Ch 17:21(7) 2Ch 1:11(5)
אֲשֶׁר֩that isDeu 2:36(2) Jos 12:2(8) Jos 13:9(2) Jos 13:16(5)
אֲשֶׁר֩that wasEze 41:12(2) 2Ch 3:4(2)
אֲשֶׁר֩to whomJer 40:5(11)
אֲשֶׁר֩whenJos 4:21(6)
אֲשֶׁר֩whereGen 35:15(6) Lev 6:18(11) Num 13:32(12) Jer 32:29(15) Jer 41:9(2) 2Ch 33:19(8)
אֲשֶׁר֩whereverEze 1:12(7) Eze 1:20(2)
אֲשֶׁר֩whichExo 14:12(4) Lev 6:23(3) Lev 7:36(1) Lev 16:10(2) Jos 5:6(29) Jos 12:7(4) Jer 29:19(9) Amo 1:1(7) Mal 3:22(5) Est 9:22(8)
אֲשֶׁר֩who2Sa 21:12(15) 1Kgs 12:10(12) 1Kgs 14:8(12) 2Kgs 17:36(5) Jer 38:16(10) Eze 14:4(14) Hab 2:5(9) Dan 9:15(4)
אֲשֶׁר֩who wereEst 9:16(3)
אֲשֶׁר֩whomGen 17:21(6) Gen 48:15(6) Exo 35:21(8) Exo 35:24(11) Exo 36:1(8) Jos 13:21(12) Jdg 8:15(9) 1Kgs 18:31(10) 2Kgs 19:4(10) Isa 37:4(9) Eze 11:15(11) Est 2:15(8)
אֲשֶׁר֩whoseGen 44:17(7) Deu 29:17(11) Est 6:13(20)
אֲשֶׁר֩whose isGen 7:22(2)
אֲשֶׁר֩with whichGen 1:21(11)
אֲשֶׁר֮that are2Kgs 23:13(7)
אֲ‍ֽשֶׁר--Psa 78:42(6)
אֲ‍ֽשֶׁרas1Sa 24:5(7)
אֲ‍ֽשֶׁרthatDeu 27:3(14) 1Kgs 6:22(12) Jer 23:6(9) Jer 52:25(6) Eze 37:20(3) Eze 41:9(3) Eze 47:9(5) Eze 48:8(11) Psa 1:4(7)
אֲ‍ֽשֶׁרwas2Kgs 25:19(6)
אֲ‍ֽשֶׁרwhichDeu 28:69(4)
אֲ‍ֽשֶׁרwhoEze 32:24(11) Rut 4:15(10)
אֲ‍ֽשֶׁרwhoseLev 21:10(4)
אֲֽשֶׁרthatNeh 9:32(16)
bawr15 בַּאֲשֶׁ֕רin thatEccl 7:2(10)
בַּאֲשֶׁ֖רin thatEccl 3:9(4)
בַּאֲשֶׁ֛רthatJon 1:8(6)
בַּאֲשֶׁ֣רamong whatIsa 56:4(11)
בַּאֲשֶׁ֣רin thatGen 39:9(13)
בַּאֲשֶׁ֣רwhereJdg 5:27(10)
בַּאֲשֶׁ֣רwhereverJdg 17:8(8) 1Sa 23:13(10) 2Kgs 8:1(15)
בַּאֲשֶׁ֤רwhereRut 1:17(1)
בַּאֲשֶׁ֥רin thatGen 21:17(26) Gen 39:23(10) Eccl 8:4(1)
בַּאֲשֶׁ֥רin whichIsa 47:12(6)
בַּאֲשֶׁ֥רwhereverJdg 17:9(16)
vawr107 וַֽאֲשֶׁרand whatGen 39:23(13)
וַֽאֲשֶׁר֙and those who areEze 33:27(16)
וַֽאֲשֶׁר֙and whomJer 8:2(11)
וַאֲשֶׁ֖רand whereJer 17:19(15)
וַאֲשֶׁ֖רand who2Sa 21:5(7) Jer 33:8(13)
וַאֲשֶׁ֖רand whoeverMic 4:6(9)
וַאֲשֶׁ֛רand thatNeh 10:31(1)
וַאֲשֶׁ֛רand those who areEze 33:27(23)
וַאֲשֶׁ֛רbut whoZep 1:6(5)
וַאֲשֶׁ֣רand how1Kgs 14:19(6) 2Kgs 14:15(7)
וַאֲשֶׁ֣רand thatNum 27:17(9) 1Kgs 22:46(7) 2Kgs 20:20(6) Neh 8:15(1)
וַאֲשֶׁ֣רand that were1Sa 31:7(7)
וַאֲשֶׁ֣רand those by2Ch 34:22(3)
וַאֲשֶׁ֣רand whatDeu 11:4(1) Jos 2:10(14) Eze 41:9(9) Neh 7:71(1)
וַאֲשֶׁ֣רand whichExo 29:27(10)
וַאֲשֶׁ֣רand whoDeu 11:2(10) Jos 24:31(16) Mic 3:3(1)
וַאֲשֶׁ֣רand who isEze 7:15(10)
וַאֲשֶׁ֣רand whomJer 8:2(14)
וַאֲשֶׁ֣רnor what1Sa 21:3(19)
וַאֲשֶׁ֣רor thatDeu 18:20(13)
וַאֲשֶׁ֤רand by which1Kgs 16:13(10)
וַאֲשֶׁ֤רand thatNum 27:17(4)
וַאֲשֶׁ֤רand whatEccl 10:14(9)
וַאֲשֶׁ֤רand whenLev 25:33(1)
וַאֲשֶׁ֤רand whereverJer 40:11(9)
וַאֲשֶׁ֤רand whoGen 24:7(13) Jer 23:28(7)
וַאֲשֶׁ֤רand whoeverJer 15:2(15) Jer 15:2(18) Jer 43:11(9)
וַאֲשֶׁ֤רand whomJer 8:2(9)
וַאֲשֶׁ֤רand whoseLev 16:32(6)
וַאֲשֶׁ֥֣רor that isExo 20:4(13)
וַאֲשֶׁ֥רand thatNum 12:11(14) Num 27:17(7) Deu 6:3(8) Eccl 3:15(5) Est 6:8(13)
וַאֲשֶׁ֥רand that were2Kgs 10:29(19)
וַאֲשֶׁ֥רand that whichIsa 44:7(11) Isa 52:15(15) Hag 2:14(17)
וַאֲשֶׁ֥רand thoseNeh 6:17(11)
וַאֲשֶׁ֥רand whatGen 34:11(10) Deu 11:5(1) 1Kgs 16:5(4) Jer 32:24(16) Mic 6:14(10) Job 3:25(5)
וַאֲשֶׁ֥רand whichPsa 41:9(5)
וַאֲשֶׁ֥רand whoJdg 16:24(17) 1Kgs 14:16(9) 1Kgs 15:30(6)
וַאֲשֶׁ֥רand whoeverJer 15:2(21) Jer 43:11(12)
וַאֲשֶׁ֥רand whomNum 22:6(26) Jer 8:2(16)
וַאֲשֶׁ֥רand whoseEze 17:16(16)
וַאֲשֶׁ֥רbut whoExo 9:21(1) Eze 18:18(8)
וַאֲשֶׁ֥רeven thoseIsa 55:1(6)
וַאֲשֶׁ֥רnor that2Kgs 18:5(12)
וַאֲשֶׁ֥רor that isDeu 5:8(13)
וַאֲשֶׁ֥רor whoExo 30:33(5)
וַאֲשֶׁ֥ר֩or that isDeu 5:8(10)
וַאֲשֶׁ֧רand it is whoJos 24:17(13)
וַאֲשֶׁ֧רand thatJer 44:23(4)
וַאֲשֶׁ֧רand who1Sa 12:6(12) 1Kgs 2:24(11)
וַאֲשֶׁ֨רand how2Kgs 14:28(10)
וַאֲשֶׁ֨רand that which2Kgs 20:17(8) Isa 17:8(7) Isa 39:6(8)
וַאֲשֶׁ֨רand whatDeu 11:6(1)
וַאֲשֶׁ֨רand whenLev 6:20(6)
וַאֲשֶׁ֨רand whoGen 24:7(10) Jer 23:8(7)
וַאֲשֶׁ֨רand whomJer 9:11(7)
וַאֲשֶׁ֨רbut whatDeu 15:3(4)
וַאֲשֶׁ֨רin thatJer 33:5(13)
וַאֲשֶׁ֨רor whomLev 15:32(4)
וַאֲשֶׁ֪רand those who were2Kgs 10:5(5)
וַאֲשֶֽׁרand that isEze 42:1(14)
וַאֲשֶׁרand that were2Kgs 25:15(8) Jer 52:19(18)
וַאֲשֶׁרand who1Kgs 14:8(15)
וַאֲשֶׁרand who isDeu 33:29(10)
וַאֲשֶׁר֙andJdg 20:42(10)
וַאֲשֶׁר֙and who hadDan 1:4(16)
וַאֲשֶׁר֙but whoExo 21:13(1)
וַאֲשֶׁר֙but whoeverMic 3:5(13)
וַאֲשֶׁר֩and thatDeu 23:5(12)
וַאֲשֶׁר֩and whatNeh 5:18(1)
וַאֲשֶׁר֩thatDeu 19:5(1)
וַֽאֲשֶׁ֥רand those whoGen 7:23(23)
וַֽאֲשֶׁ֥ר֩or that isExo 20:4(10)
וַֽאֲשֶׁר֙and that2Kgs 17:13(23)
ubawr4 וּבַאֲשֶׁ֤רwhereverRut 1:16(14)
וּבַאֲשֶׁ֥רand in whatIsa 65:12(17)
וּבַאֲשֶׁ֥רand whatIsa 66:4(18)
וּבַאֲשֶׁ֥רand whereverJob 39:30(4)
vcawr15 וְכַֽאֲשֶׁר֙and ifEze 37:18(1)
וְכַֽאֲשֶׁר֙and when2Sa 12:21(14)
וְכַאֲשֶׁ֛רand asJdg 2:15(12) Est 9:31(14)
וְכַאֲשֶׁ֣רand asDan 1:13(10)
וְכַאֲשֶׁ֣רand in that2Ch 21:7(13)
וְכַאֲשֶׁ֤רand asNum 14:19(8) Deu 29:12(14)
וְכַאֲשֶׁ֥רand asJos 10:39(26) Isa 14:24(11)
וְכַאֲשֶׁ֥רand ifEst 4:16(30)
וְכַאֲשֶׁ֥רbut asExo 17:11(8)
וְכַאֲשֶׁ֨רandGen 26:29(8)
וְכַאֲשֶׁ֨רor asIsa 29:8(10)
וְכַאֲשֶׁר֙but asExo 1:12(1)
vlawr15 וְלַֽאֲשֶׁ֖רand thoseJos 17:16(19)
וְלַֽאֲשֶׁר֙and to those who were1Sa 30:29(3)
וְלַאֲשֶׁ֖רand to one for whomEccl 9:2(12)
וְלַאֲשֶׁ֖רand to those who were1Sa 30:29(6) 1Sa 30:31(1)
וְלַאֲשֶׁ֣רand to those who were1Sa 30:29(1)
וְלַאֲשֶׁ֥רand to those who areGen 47:24(13)
וְלַאֲשֶׁ֥רand to those who were1Sa 30:27(4) 1Sa 30:27(7) 1Sa 30:28(3) 1Sa 30:28(5) 1Sa 30:30(3) 1Sa 30:30(6)
וְלַאֲשֶׁ֧רand to those who were1Sa 30:28(1) 1Sa 30:30(1)
cawr495 כַאֲשֶׁ֣רasIsa 66:22(2)
כַאֲשֶׁ֣רthat asNeh 4:1(2) Neh 6:1(2)
כַאֲשֶׁרthat asDeu 2:16(2) Zec 7:13(2)
כַאֲשֶׁרthat whatJdg 7:17(13)
כַּ֝אֲשֶׁ֗רasPsa 56:7(6)
כַּ֝אֲשֶׁ֗רfor it is thatPsa 33:22(5)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁ֖רasGen 43:17(3) 2Kgs 24:13(23)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁ֤רasOba 1:16(2)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁרas2Kgs 21:13(14) Psa 51:2(5)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁרas atIsa 23:5(1)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁרthat2Sa 16:16(2)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁרthat asNeh 4:9(2)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁרwhen1Sa 12:8(1)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁר֙according to whatJer 39:12(11)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁר֙asJdg 2:15(9) 1Sa 23:11(7) 1Kgs 8:20(15) Jer 27:13(8) Eze 2:2(4) Joe 3:5(14) Mal 3:17(13)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁר֙that as1Sa 24:2(2)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁר֙whenJdg 8:33(2)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֖רasGen 24:51(10) Gen 34:22(15) Gen 41:54(6) Gen 47:11(16) Exo 5:13(9) Exo 7:10(8) Exo 7:13(7) Exo 7:22(12) Exo 8:11(12) Exo 8:15(14) Exo 8:23(9) Exo 16:24(5) Lev 9:7(23) Lev 9:21(11) Lev 10:5(7) Lev 10:15(19) Num 3:16(7) Num 20:9(7) Num 20:27(3) Num 23:2(3) Num 23:30(3) Deu 1:11(11) Deu 6:19(6) Deu 11:25(17) Deu 12:21(19) Deu 15:6(5) Deu 18:2(10) Deu 26:18(8) Deu 28:9(6) Deu 29:12(11) Deu 31:3(17) Jos 8:6(12) Jos 13:6(20) Jos 13:14(13) Jos 13:33(12) Jos 14:12(27) Jos 22:4(6) Jos 23:10(12) Jdg 9:33(18) Jdg 11:36(11) Jdg 15:10(14) 1Sa 24:5(19) 1Sa 28:17(4) 2Sa 7:10(16) 2Sa 24:19(5) 1Kgs 5:26(5) Isa 24:2(13) Job 29:25(8) Neh 5:12(8) 1Ch 17:9(16) 1Ch 22:11(11) 2Ch 30:7(12)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֖רas wasJos 14:7(18)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֖רsoEccl 9:2(18)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֖רsuch asGen 27:14(8)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֖רthanGen 41:21(12)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֖רwhenJdg 11:7(16)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֛ר--Jos 2:7(11)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֛רaccording to what is1Sa 2:35(5)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֛רasGen 17:23(26) Gen 21:4(9) Exo 9:12(9) Exo 9:35(9) Exo 13:11(8) Exo 16:34(1) Exo 33:11(8) Exo 34:4(13) Exo 39:1(17) Exo 39:5(15) Exo 39:7(10) Exo 39:21(19) Exo 39:26(10) Exo 39:29(11) Exo 39:31(9) Exo 39:43(9) Exo 40:19(12) Exo 40:21(14) Exo 40:23(7) Exo 40:25(5) Exo 40:27(5) Exo 40:29(15) Exo 40:32(9) Lev 8:9(17) Lev 8:13(14) Lev 8:17(13) Lev 8:21(20) Lev 8:29(14) Lev 9:10(13) Lev 16:34(15) Num 1:19(1) Num 2:33(7) Num 3:42(3) Num 3:51(11) Num 15:36(12) Num 22:8(9) Num 27:11(19) Num 27:22(3) Num 27:23(6) Num 31:7(4) Num 31:31(5) Num 31:41(9) Num 31:47(22) Num 36:10(1) Deu 2:1(7) Deu 2:14(23) Deu 9:3(19) Deu 34:9(18) Jos 4:12(13) Jos 4:14(12) Jos 9:21(12) Jos 11:20(21) Jdg 2:22(13) 2Sa 17:12(10) 1Kgs 9:2(6) 1Kgs 14:10(19) 1Kgs 21:11(9) Isa 25:11(4) Jer 13:5(4) Eze 10:10(5) Eze 23:18(9) Job 42:9(9) Est 2:20(7) Est 2:20(16) 1Ch 15:15(7) 2Ch 23:3(15) 2Ch 29:8(11)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֛רas when1Sa 26:20(17)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֛רin thatExo 10:10(7)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֛רis asEze 1:16(11)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֛רthatJdg 6:27(7) 2Kgs 14:5(2) 2Ch 25:3(2)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֛רthat as1Ch 17:1(2)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֛רthat whenGen 30:25(2)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֛רwhatExo 1:17(7)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֣רasGen 21:1(5) Gen 32:3(3) Exo 7:20(5) Exo 12:25(10) Lev 4:10(1) Lev 4:21(9) Lev 24:19(6) Num 17:12(3) Num 21:34(19) Deu 3:2(18) Deu 3:6(3) Deu 12:20(7) Deu 31:4(4) Jos 4:8(5) Jos 4:23(11) Jos 8:5(13) Jos 8:31(1) Jos 10:40(20) Jos 11:12(16) Jos 14:10(6) Jos 23:8(6) Jdg 1:7(14) Jdg 6:27(12) 1Sa 24:14(1) 2Sa 19:4(7) 1Kgs 2:24(15) 1Kgs 2:31(5) 1Kgs 9:5(8) 1Kgs 11:38(26) 2Kgs 8:19(10) 2Kgs 17:23(9) 2Kgs 21:3(14) Isa 31:4(6) Isa 55:10(2) Isa 66:20(20) Jer 39:4(2) Jer 40:3(4) Eze 12:7(3) Eze 12:11(4) Eze 16:48(12) Eze 16:59(8) Eze 24:22(2) Eze 37:7(2) Eze 37:10(2) Mic 3:3(12) Zec 7:3(15) Pro 24:29(3) Job 29:4(1) Est 6:10(10) Ezr 4:3(22) Neh 6:3(15) 1Ch 17:13(13) 1Ch 24:19(11) 2Ch 7:18(5)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֣רas for whatEccl 8:7(7)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֣רas it isEccl 9:2(2)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֣רas thoughZec 10:6(13)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֣רfor asHos 7:12(1) Job 4:8(1) Job 10:19(1)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֣רit is as1Kgs 5:19(8)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֣רthat1Sa 6:6(12) 1Sa 8:6(5)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֣רthat asGen 27:40(8) Jdg 3:18(2) Neh 13:19(2)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֣רwhenGen 18:33(3) 1Sa 1:24(3) 2Sa 20:12(21)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֤רasExo 17:10(3) Exo 40:15(3) Lev 4:20(3) Lev 8:31(21) Lev 16:15(16) Num 2:17(8) Deu 2:22(1) Deu 26:15(16) 2Sa 7:15(5) 2Sa 16:19(8) 1Kgs 2:38(6) 1Kgs 21:11(13) 2Kgs 7:17(15) 2Kgs 8:18(5) 2Kgs 10:15(16) Isa 11:16(8) Isa 14:24(7) Isa 26:9(9) Jer 7:15(5) Jer 12:16(12) Jer 19:11(15) Jer 32:42(5) Eze 15:6(6) Eze 20:36(1) Amo 9:9(11) Oba 1:15(8) Zec 14:5(11) Psa 48:9(1) Eccl 4:17(3) Eccl 5:14(1) Dan 9:13(1) Neh 5:6(4) 2Ch 2:2(8) 2Ch 7:17(5) 2Ch 21:6(5)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֤רas thatAmo 2:13(5)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֤רin that1Sa 28:18(1)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֤רthat asGen 43:2(2) Exo 32:19(2) Neh 6:16(2) Neh 7:1(2)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֥רaccording to whatJon 1:14(21)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֥רafterJdg 16:22(5)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֥רasGen 18:5(17) Gen 21:1(10) Gen 27:19(9) Gen 32:32(4) Gen 34:12(7) Gen 40:22(5) Gen 44:1(12) Gen 50:6(7) Gen 50:12(5) Exo 2:14(11) Exo 12:32(6) Lev 8:34(1) Lev 10:18(13) Lev 18:28(7) Num 14:17(6) Num 14:28(9) Num 15:14(14) Num 27:13(8) Num 32:25(11) Num 32:27(9) Deu 1:19(15) Deu 1:31(8) Deu 1:44(9) Deu 4:5(6) Deu 5:12(6) Deu 5:16(6) Deu 5:32(3) Deu 6:16(6) Deu 6:25(14) Deu 10:5(13) Deu 10:9(13) Deu 13:18(17) Deu 16:10(11) Deu 19:8(7) Deu 19:19(3) Deu 20:17(10) Deu 24:8(13) Deu 26:19(16) Deu 27:3(23) Jos 1:3(10) Jos 1:17(14) Jos 3:7(15) Jos 6:22(20) Jos 10:28(25) Jos 10:30(23) Jos 11:9(4) Jos 23:5(12) Jos 24:5(9) Jdg 6:36(11) Jdg 6:37(24) Jdg 8:8(11) 1Sa 2:16(10) 1Sa 4:9(8) 1Sa 8:1(2) 1Sa 17:20(11) 1Sa 20:13(23) 2Sa 5:25(4) 2Sa 7:25(15) 2Sa 13:29(5) 2Sa 15:26(10) 1Kgs 3:14(7) 1Kgs 8:25(31) 1Kgs 8:57(5) 1Kgs 11:38(16) 2Kgs 2:19(11) 2Kgs 15:9(5) 2Kgs 21:20(5) 2Kgs 23:27(9) Isa 9:2(10) Isa 10:11(2) Isa 20:3(3) Jer 7:14(16) Jer 17:22(15) Jer 18:4(13) Jer 26:11(19) Jer 42:2(22) Jer 44:13(6) Jer 50:15(16) Jer 50:18(15) Eze 16:50(7) Eze 24:18(10) Eze 41:25(8) Eze 43:22(11) Eze 46:7(8) Eze 46:12(21) Eze 48:11(14) Amo 5:14(13) Hag 1:12(20) Dan 9:12(21) 1Ch 17:23(14) 2Ch 6:16(31) 2Ch 33:22(5)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֥רas ifIsa 51:13(15)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֥רeven asLam 1:22(7)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֥רin thatGen 43:14(16) Eze 35:11(16) Mic 3:4(13)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֥רlikeDeu 28:49(8)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֥רsuch asGen 27:4(4) Gen 27:9(16)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֥רthat asGen 12:11(2) Gen 24:52(2) Gen 41:13(2) Num 33:56(2)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֥רwas as if2Sa 16:23(7)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֥רwhen2Sa 20:13(1) Jer 38:28(11)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֧רasDeu 2:12(12) Jdg 7:5(16) 1Sa 6:6(5)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֧רas --Rut 1:8(14)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֧רthat asGen 20:13(2) Jer 31:28(2)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֧רwhen2Kgs 5:26(6) Neh 3:33(2)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֨רasGen 12:4(3) Exo 7:6(4) Exo 12:28(5) Exo 12:50(5) Exo 27:8(5) Lev 4:31(5) Lev 4:35(5) Lev 24:20(10) Lev 27:14(14) Num 5:4(10) Num 11:12(15) Num 17:5(23) Num 17:26(3) Deu 2:29(1) Deu 8:5(5) Deu 12:22(2) Deu 28:29(4) Jos 4:8(14) Jos 8:2(4) Jos 8:33(29) Jos 10:1(13) Jos 10:39(19) Jos 11:15(1) Jos 14:2(3) Jos 14:5(1) Jos 21:8(10) Jdg 16:9(13) 1Sa 15:33(3) 1Sa 26:24(2) 2Sa 3:9(9) 1Kgs 1:37(1) 1Kgs 8:53(9) 1Kgs 9:4(5) 1Kgs 12:12(9) 1Kgs 14:15(5) 2Kgs 17:41(15) Isa 65:8(4) Jer 5:19(15) Jer 23:27(11) Jer 44:17(16) Jer 44:30(16) Zec 1:6(14) Eccl 11:5(1) 2Ch 10:12(9)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֨רas ifDeu 23:24(5) Amo 5:19(1)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֨רfor asIsa 52:14(1)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֨רfor thatEccl 8:16(1)
כַּאֲשֶׁ֨רthat asGen 24:22(2) Gen 27:30(2) Exo 17:11(2) Zec 8:14(6)
כַּאֲשֶׁרasDeu 4:33(8) Jos 23:15(2) 1Kgs 20:34(14) 2Kgs 7:7(12) 2Kgs 7:10(26) Jer 2:36(10) Jer 43:12(12) Jer 48:13(4) Hos 9:13(2)
כַּאֲשֶׁרeven asDeu 30:9(20)
כַּאֲשֶׁרthat asDeu 28:63(2) Jos 4:1(2) Jos 5:8(2) Jdg 11:5(2) Neh 4:6(2)
כַּאֲשֶׁר֙asJos 13:8(13) Jdg 15:11(24) 2Kgs 17:26(24) Isa 10:10(1) 2Ch 6:10(15)
כַּאֲשֶׁר֙in thatGen 26:29(5)
כַּאֲשֶׁר֙that asGen 40:14(5)
כַּאֲשֶׁר֩asNum 8:22(14) Num 26:4(5) Deu 1:21(10) Deu 6:3(11) 2Sa 10:2(9) 1Kgs 1:30(2) Jer 13:11(2) Jer 42:18(8) Amo 3:12(4) Est 9:31(7)
כַּאֲשֶׁר֩as whenDeu 22:26(10)
כַּאֲשֶׁר֩in thatNum 27:14(1) Eccl 5:3(1)
כַּאֲשֶׁר֩such that1Kgs 3:6(11)
כַּאֲשֶׁר֩that asGen 29:10(2) Isa 29:8(2) Zec 8:13(2)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁ֖רasJdg 1:20(5)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁ֛רasGen 7:9(10) Gen 7:16(7) Lev 8:4(3) Lev 24:23(18) Num 8:3(10)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁ֣רasExo 23:15(9)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁ֥רasGen 8:21(31) 1Ch 14:16(3)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁ֨רasExo 21:22(14) Jos 1:5(8)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁרasGen 37:23(2) Deu 32:50(10)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁרthat asJos 4:11(2)
כַּֽאֲשֶׁר֙asJos 14:11(4)
lawr23 לַ֠אֲשֶׁרfor one whoJdg 21:5(18)
לַֽאֲשֶׁ֣רto who wasGen 43:16(7) Gen 44:4(9)
לַֽאֲשֶׁר֙to who was2Kgs 10:22(2)
לַאֲשֶׁ֖רfor one whoMal 3:18(9)
לַאֲשֶׁ֖רto the one whoNum 5:7(14)
לַאֲשֶׁ֖רto whomJer 27:5(18)
לַאֲשֶׁ֛רto whomIsa 31:6(2)
לַאֲשֶׁ֣רthatIsa 8:23(4)
לַאֲשֶׁ֤רinto whoseJob 12:6(7)
לַאֲשֶׁ֤רwhichJer 38:20(9)
לַאֲשֶׁ֥רfor whatGen 27:8(5)
לַאֲשֶׁ֥רfor whoeverExo 16:16(16)
לַאֲשֶׁ֥רfor whomEze 23:40(13)
לַאֲשֶׁ֥רthatIsa 2:8(7)
לַאֲשֶׁ֥רto those who areIsa 49:9(4)
לַאֲשֶׁ֥רto whomLev 27:24(5)
לַאֲשֶׁ֥רwhomJer 50:20(19)
לַאֲשֶׁ֧רto those who were1Sa 30:27(1)
לַאֲשֶׁ֨רto whomLev 5:24(13)
לַאֲשֶׁ֨רto whomever isAmo 6:10(9)
לַאֲשֶׁרto whomLev 27:24(8)
לַֽאֲשֶׁ֤רthose who areJos 17:16(15)
mawr16 מֵֽאָשֵׁ֔רis fromJos 17:7(4)
מֵאֲשֶׁ֖רfrom whatExo 5:11(6)
מֵאֲשֶׁ֖רmore than2Kgs 6:16(8)
מֵאֲשֶׁ֥רfromJer 40:7(26)
מֵאֲשֶׁ֥רfrom the one who1Ch 17:13(15)
מֵאֲשֶׁ֥רfrom whatLev 14:30(10) Isa 47:13(13) Rut 2:9(18)
מֵאֲשֶׁ֥רfrom what isExo 29:27(14)
מֵאֲשֶׁ֥רthanJos 10:11(24) Jdg 16:30(24)
מֵאֲשֶׁ֥רthan that2Sa 18:8(13)
מֵאֲשֶׁ֥רthatNum 6:11(9)
מֵאֲשֶׁ֨רbut thatEccl 3:22(5)
מֵאֲשֶׁ֨רfrom whichIsa 43:4(1)
מֵאֲשֶׁ֨רthatEst 4:11(26)
Walk awuri1 אַשֻּׁרִי֮my stepsJob 31:7(3)
awuriv1 אֲשֻׁרָיוhis stepsPsa 37:31(6)
awurii3 אֲ֭שֻׁרַיmy stepsPsa 17:5(2)
אֲשֻׁרָֽיmy stepsPsa 40:3(11) Psa 73:2(7)
awurinu2 אֲשֻׁרֵ֗ינוּour stepsPsa 44:19(6)
אַ֭שֻּׁרֵינוּour stepsPsa 17:11(1)
bawuro1 בַּ֭אֲשֻׁרוֹin his stepsJob 23:11(1)
vawr1 וְאַשֵּׁ֖רand stepPro 23:19(5)
lawuro1 לַאֲשֻׁרֽוֹits stepsPro 14:15(7)
awral Person awrial2 אַשְׂרִיאֵ֖לAsrael1Ch 7:14(3)
אַשְׂרִיאֵל֙AsraelJos 17:2(11)
vawral1 וַאֲשַׂרְאֵֽלand Asrael1Ch 4:16(6)
vawrial1 וְאַ֨שְׂרִיאֵ֔לand AsraelNum 26:31(1)
awralh Person vawralh1 וַאֲשַׂרְאֵ֖לָהand Asarelah1Ch 25:2(6)
awrali People hawriali1 הָֽאַשְׂרִֽאֵלִ֑יthe AsraelitesNum 26:31(3)
awrh Covenant awrh4 אֲשֵׁירָ֗הa fetish2Kgs 17:16(13)
אֲשֵׁרָ֖הa fetish ofDeu 16:21(4)
אֲשֵׁרָֽהa fetish2Kgs 23:15(30)
אֲשֵׁרָה֙a fetish2Kgs 21:3(13)
awrot1 אֲשֵׁר֔וֹתfetishes2Ch 33:3(13)
awrihm1 ־אֲשֵׁ֣רֵיהֶ֔םtheir fetishes1Kgs 14:15(26)
awriv1 ־אֲשֵׁרָ֖יוits fetishesExo 34:13(9)
awriç1 אֲשֵׁירֶ֖יךָyour fetishesMic 5:13(2)
awrim1 אֲשֵׁרִ֖יםfetishesIsa 27:9(20)
hawrh9 ־הָֽאֲשֵׁרָ֑הthe fetish2Kgs 18:4(10)
־הָאֲשֵׁרָ֑הa fetish1Kgs 16:33(4)
־הָאֲשֵׁרָ֥הthe fetishJdg 6:25(24)
־הָאֲשֵׁרָה֩a fetish2Kgs 23:6(3)
הָֽאֲשֵׁרָה֙the fetish1Kgs 18:19(18)
הָאֲשֵׁרָ֔הthe fetish2Kgs 13:6(14)
הָאֲשֵׁרָ֖הthe fetishJdg 6:26(17) 2Kgs 21:7(4)
הָאֲשֵׁרָ֥הthe fetishJdg 6:30(17)
hawrot2 ־הָאֲשֵׁרֽוֹתtheir fetishesJdg 3:7(16)
הָאֲשֵׁרוֹת֙the fetishes2Ch 19:3(8)
hawrim7 ־הָאֲשֵׁרִ֑יםthe fetishes2Kgs 23:14(6)
־הָאֲשֵׁרִ֖יםthe fetishes2Ch 17:6(10) 2Ch 24:18(9)
־הָאֲשֵׁרִ֤יםthe fetishes2Ch 34:7(5)
־הָאֲשֵׁרִֽיםthe fetishes2Ch 14:2(11)
הָאֲשֵׁרִ֡יםthe fetishes2Ch 31:1(13)
הָאֲשֵׁרִ֣יםthe fetishes2Ch 33:19(13)
vawrihm3 וַאֲשֵֽׁירֵהֶם֙and their fetishesDeu 7:5(10)
וַאֲשֵֽׁרֵיהֶם֙and their fetishesDeu 12:3(7)
וַאֲשֵׁרֵיהֶ֖םand their fetishesJer 17:2(4)
vawrim2 וַאֲשֵׁרִ֑יםand fetishes1Kgs 14:23(7) 2Kgs 17:10(4)
vhawrh1 וְהָאֲשֵׁרָ֥הand the fetishJdg 6:28(9)
vhawrim3 וְ֠הָאֲשֵׁרִיםand the fetishes2Ch 34:4(11)
וְהָ֣אֲשֵׁרִ֔יםand the fetishes2Ch 34:3(22)
וְהָאֲשֵׁרִ֖יםeither the illicit happinessIsa 17:8(12)
vlawrh1 וְלָֽאֲשֵׁרָ֔הand for the fetish2Kgs 23:4(21)
lawrh2 לַאֲשֵׁרָ֖הfor her fetish2Ch 15:16(10)
לָאֲשֵׁרָֽהfor the fetish2Kgs 23:7(13)
awri People hawri1 הָאָ֣שֵׁרִ֔יthe AsheritesJdg 1:32(2)
awrna City vauwrna2 וְאֻשַּׁרְנָ֥אor structureEzr 5:3(22) Ezr 5:9(15)
awtavl Location awtaol3 אֶשְׁתָּא֥וֹלEshtaolJos 15:33(2)
אֶשְׁתָּאֹ֔לEshtaolJdg 16:31(14)
אֶשְׁתָּאֹֽלEshtaolJdg 13:25(10)
vawtaol2 וְאֶשְׁתָּא֖וֹלand EshtaolJos 19:41(5)
וְאֶשְׁתָּאֹ֑לand EshtaolJdg 18:8(5)
umawtaol2 וּמֵֽאֶשְׁתָּאֹ֗לand from EshtaolJdg 18:2(12)
וּמֵאֶשְׁתָּאֹ֑לand from EshtaolJdg 18:11(6)
awtali People vhawtauli1 וְהָאֶשְׁתָּ֖אֻֽלִֽיand the Eshtaulites1Ch 2:53(11)
awtvn Person awton1 אֶשְׁתּֽוֹןEshton1Ch 4:11(9)
vawton1 וְאֶשְׁתּ֗וֹןand Eshton1Ch 4:12(1)
awtmy Location awtmoy2 ־אֶשְׁתְּמֹ֖עַEshtemoaJos 21:14(6) 1Ch 6:42(16)
bawtmoy1 בְּאֶשְׁתְּמֹֽעַin Eshtimot1Sa 30:28(6)
Person awtmoy1 אֶשְׁתְּמֹֽעַEshtemoa1Ch 4:17(15)
vawtmoy1 וְאֶשְׁתְּמֹ֖עַand Eshtemoa1Ch 4:19(9)

Count of words: 7263.

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