Psalms 119: (Verses 65 to 80) Syllables: 277; Longest recitation: 8; Tenor: A 28.26%; Ornament density: 9.8%; Average phrase length: 8.9. |
(Verses 65 to 72) Syllables: 127; Longest recitation: 8; Tenor: A 27.56%;
Ornament density: 11.9%; Average phrase length: 8.4.
(Verses 73 to 80) Syllables: 150; Longest recitation: 7; Tenor: B 30.00%;
Ornament density: 8.1%; Average phrase length: 9.3.
65 ♪g Too well you have dealt with your servant, Yahweh, through your word. (g-1-4-1) | |||
סה ט֭וב עש֣ית עֽם־עבדך֑ י֝הו֗ה כדברֽך |
8 6 |
sh Tob ywit ym-ybdç ihvh cdbrç | |
66 ♪C Teach me good taste and knowledge, for in your commandments I have believed. (C-1-4-1) | |||
סו ט֤וב ט֣עם וד֣עת למד֑ני כ֖י במצות֣יך האמֽנתי |
9 10 |
sv Tub Tym vdyt lmdni ci bmxvotiç hamnti | |
67 ♪B Time past, afflicted I was going astray, but now your promise I have kept. (B-1-4-1) | |||
סז ט֣רם א֭ענה אנ֣י שג֑ג ו֝עת֗ה אמרתך֥ שמֽרתי |
9 9 |
sz Trm aynh ani wogg vyth amrtç wmrti | |
68 Too good are you and doing good. Teach me your statutes. (1-1) | |||
סח טוב־את֥ה ומט֗יב למד֥ני חקֽיך | 12 |
sk Tob-ath umTib lmdni kuqiç | |
69 The presumptuous smear falsehood over me. As for me, with a whole heart I will observe your precepts. (1-4-1) | |||
סט טפל֬ו על֣י ש֣קר זד֑ים א֝נ֗י בכל־ל֤ב אצ֬ר פקודֽיך |
8 11 |
sT Tplu ylii wqr zdim ani bcl-lb axor piqudiç | |
70 Their heart is grossly inert. As for me, in your instruction I will revel. (1-4-1) | |||
ע טפ֣ש כח֣לב לב֑ם א֝נ֗י תורתך֥ שֽעשֽעתי |
7 9 |
y Tpw cklb libm ani tortç wiywyti | |
71 That I was afflicted is good for me, so I will learn your statutes. (1-4-1) | |||
עא טֽוב־ל֥י כי־ענ֑יתי ל֝מ֗ען אלמ֥ד חקֽיך |
5 8 |
ya Tob-li ci-yuniti lmyn almd kuqiç | |
72 The instruction of your mouth is good to me, more than thousands in gold and silver. (1-4-1) | |||
עב טֽוב־ל֥י תורת־פ֑יך מ֝אלפ֗י זה֥ב וכֽסף |
6 8 |
yb Tob-li tort-piç malpi zhb vcsf | |
73 Your hands have made me and established me. Give me understanding and I will teach your commandments. (1-4-1) | |||
עג יד֣יך ע֭שוני וֽיכוננ֑וני ה֝בינ֗ני ואלמד֥ה מצותֽיך |
10 12 |
yg idiç ywuni viconnuni hbinni valmdh mxvotiç | |
74 ♪g Yes - those who fear you when they see me will be glad, for of your word I have hoped. (g-1-4-1) | |||
עד י֭ראיך ירא֣וני וישמ֑חו כ֖י לדברך֣ יחֽלתי |
11 7 |
yd iraiç irauni viwmku ci ldbrç iiklti | |
75 Yet I know Yahweh that righteous are your judgments, and in faithfulness you afflicted me. (1-4-1) | |||
עה יד֣עתי י֭הוה כי־צ֣דק משפט֑יך ו֝אמונ֗ה עניתֽני |
11 8 |
yh idyti ihvh ci-xdq mwpTiç vamunh yinitni | |
76 Your mercy to comfort me, may it be, according to your promise to your servant. (1-4-1) | |||
עו יהי־נ֣א חסדך֣ לנחמ֑ני כאמרתך֥ לעבדֽך |
10 8 |
yv ihi-na ksdç lnkmni camrtç lybdç | |
77 You will come to me in your compassion and I will live, for your instruction is my revel. (1-4-1) | |||
עז יבא֣וני רחמ֣יך ואֽחי֑ה כי־תֽ֝ורתך֗ שֽעשעֽי |
10 7 |
yz iboauni rkmiç vakih ci-tortç wywuyii | |
78 Yon presumptuous will be shamed for in falsehood they subverted me. As for me, I will ponder on your precepts. (1-4-1) | |||
עח יב֣שו ז֭דים כי־ש֣קר עות֑וני א֝נ֗י אש֥יח בפקודֽיך |
10 10 |
yk ibowu zdim ci-wqr yivvtuni ani awik bpiqudiç | |
79 You will let those who fear you turn to me, and those knowing your testimonies. (1-4-1) | |||
עט יש֣ובו ל֣י ירא֑יך ו֝ידע֗י עדתֽיך |
8 7 |
yT iwubu li iraiç viodyi ydotiç | |
80 Yea, let my heart be complete in your statutes, so I will not be ashamed. (1-4-1) | |||
פ יהֽי־לב֣י תמ֣ים בחק֑יך ל֝מ֗ען ל֣א אבֽוש |
9 6 |
p ihi-libi tmim bkuqiç lmyn la abow |
Psalms 119: (Verses 81 to 96) Syllables: 260; Longest recitation: 6; Tenor: A 24.23%; Ornament density: 6.9%; Average phrase length: 8.1. |
(Verses 81 to 88) Syllables: 131; Longest recitation: 6; Tenor: A 27.48%;
Ornament density: 8.4%; Average phrase length: 8.2.
(Verses 89 to 96) Syllables: 129; Longest recitation: 6; Tenor: g 28.68%;
Ornament density: 5.4%; Average phrase length: 8.1.
81 Faints my being for your salvation. Of your word I have hoped. (1-4-1) | |||
פא כלת֣ה לתשועתך֣ נפש֑י לדברך֥ יחֽלתי |
8 6 |
pa clth ltwuytç npwi ldbrç iiklti | |
82 Faint my eyes for your promise, saying, When will you comfort me? (1-4-1) | |||
פב כל֣ו ע֭יני לאמרת֑ך ל֝אמ֗ר מת֥י תֽנחמֽני |
9 9 |
pb clu yinii lamrtç lamor mtii tnkmni | |
83 For I have become like a bottle in vapour. Your statutes I have not forgotten. (1-4-1) | |||
פג כֽי־ה֭ייתי כנ֣אד בקיט֑ור ח֝ק֗יך ל֣א שכֽחתי |
8 7 |
pg ci-hiiti cnad bqiTor kuqiç la wckti | |
84 For how are the days of your servant? When will you do judgment against my persecutors? (1-4-1) | |||
פד כמ֥ה ימֽי־עבד֑ך מת֬י תעש֖ה ברדפ֣י משפֽט |
7 10 |
pd cmh imi-ybdç mtii tywh brodpii mwpT | |
85 For me the presumptuous dig ditches, that are not of your instruction. (1-4-1) | |||
פה כֽרו־ל֣י זד֣ים שיח֑ות א֝ש֗ר ל֣א כתורתֽך |
7 8 |
ph cru-li zdim wikot awr la ctortç | |
86 Faithful are all your commandments. In falsehood they persecute me. Help me. (1-4-1) | |||
פו כל־מצות֥יך אמונ֑ה ש֖קר רדפ֣וני עזרֽני |
8 9 |
pv cl-mxvotiç amunh wqr rdpuni yozrni | |
87 ♪g For scarcely they consume me in the earth, but as for me, I do not forsake your precepts. (g-1-4-1) | |||
פז כ֭מעט כל֣וני בא֑רץ ו֝אנ֗י לא־עז֥בתי פקודֽיך |
8 10 |
pz cmyT ciluni barx vani la-yzbti piqudiç | |
88 For your mercy give me life, and I will keep the testimony of your mouth. (1-4-1) | |||
פח כחסדך֥ חי֑ני ו֝אשמר֗ה עד֥ות פֽיך |
7 8 |
pk cksdç kiini vawmrh ydut piç | |
89 LORD (Yahweh) forever your word, stands firm in heaven. (1-4-1) | |||
פט לעול֥ם יהו֑ה ד֝ברך֗ נצ֥ב בשמֽים |
5 9 |
pT lyolm ihvh dbrç nixb bwmiim | |
90 Lo from generation to generation is your faithfulness. You established earth and she stands. (1-4-1) | |||
צ לד֣ר ו֭דר אמונת֑ך כונ֥נת א֝֗רץ וֽתעמֽד |
9 9 |
x ldor vdor amuntç connt arx vtymod | |
91 ♪g Living in your judgments they stand this day, for they all are your servants. (g-1-4-1) | |||
צא לֽ֭משפטיך עמד֣ו הי֑ום כ֖י הכ֣ל עבדֽיך |
9 7 |
xa lmwpTiç ymdu hiom ci hcol ybdiç | |
92 Love, unless your instruction is my revel, then I have perished in my poverty. (1-4-1) | |||
צב לול֣י ת֭ורתך שעשע֑י א֝֗ז אב֥דתי בעניֽי |
9 7 |
xb luli tortç wywuyii az abdti byonii | |
93 ♪g Let me never forget your precepts, for in them you have made me live. (g-1-4-1) | |||
צג ל֭עולם לא־אשכ֣ח פקוד֑יך כ֥י ב֝֗ם חייתֽני |
10 6 |
xg lyolm la-awck piqudiç ci bm kiitni | |
94 Love, to you I myself belong, save me, for your precepts I have searched out. (1-4-1) | |||
צד לֽך־א֭ני הושיע֑ני כ֖י פקוד֣יך דרֽשתי |
7 8 |
xd lç-ani howiyni ci piqudiç drwti | |
95 ♪C Lying in wait for me to make me perish are the wicked. Your testimonies I will understand. (C-1-4-1) | |||
צה ל֤י קו֣ו רשע֣ים לאבד֑ני ע֝דת֗יך אתבונֽן |
10 7 |
xh li qivu rwyim labdni ydotiç atbonn | |
96 Lo, to all consummation I saw an end. Very spacious are your commandments. (1-4-1) | |||
צו לֽכל־ת֭כלה רא֣יתי ק֑ץ רחב֖ה מצותך֣ מאֽד |
8 8 |
xv lcl-tclh raiti qx rkbh mxvvtç maod |
The music in these posts is derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here.
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