Psalms 119: (Verses 129 to 144) Syllables: 251; Longest recitation:
11; Tenor: A 26.80%; Ornament density: 6.8%; Average phrase length: 8.6. |
(Verses 129 to 136) Syllables: 130; Longest recitation: 8; Tenor:
A 28.46%;
Ornament density: 7%; Average phrase length: 8.6.
(Verses 137 to 144) Syllables: 121; Longest recitation: 11; Tenor:
f# 25.62%;
Ornament density: 6.7%; Average phrase length: 8.6.
129 Plentiful of wonders are your
testimonies, therefore my being will observe them. (1-4-1) |
קכט פלא֥ות עדות֑יך על־כ֝֗ן נצר֥תם נפשֽי |
7 8 |
qcT plaot ydvotiç yl-cn nxrtm npwi |
130 ♪g Penetration of your words gives light, giving understanding to the simple. (g-1-1) | |||
קל פ֖תח דבר֥יך יא֗יר מב֥ין פתיֽים | 13 |
ql ptk dbriç iair mbin ptiim | |
131 Parting mouth, gaping, I sigh
heavily, for to your commandments is my longing. (1-4-1) |
קלא פֽי־פ֭ערתי ואשא֑פה כ֖י למצות֣יך יאֽבתי |
7 9 |
qla pi-pyrti vawaph ci lmxvotiç iabti |
132 Put your face to me and be gracious
to me, for judgment to those who love your name. (1-4-1) |
קלב פנה־אל֥י וחנ֑ני כ֝משפ֗ט לאהב֥י שמֽך |
8 10 |
qlb pnh-alii vkonni cmwpT laohbi wmç |
133 ♪g Prepare my footfalls in your
promise, and do not let any mischief dominate me. (g-1-4-1) |
קלג פ֭עמי הכ֣ן באמרת֑ך וֽאל־תשלט־ב֥י כל־אֽון |
10 8 |
qlg pymii hcn bamrtç val-twlT-bi cl-avvn |
134 ♪g Pray ransom me from the
oppression of a human, and I will keep your precepts. (g-1-4-1) |
קלד פ֭דני מע֣שק אד֑ם ו֝אשמר֗ה פקודֽיך |
8 8 |
qld pdni myowq adm vawmrh piqudiç |
135 ♪g Pyre your face on your
servant, and teach me your statutes. (g-1-4-1) |
קלה פ֭ניך הא֣ר בעבד֑ך ו֝למד֗ני את־חקֽיך |
9 8 |
qlh pniç har bybdç vlmdni at-kuqiç |
136 Pouring streams of waters descend
from my eyes, that they do not keep your instruction. (1-4-1) |
קלו פלגי־מ֭ים ירד֣ו עינ֑י ע֝֗ל לא־שמר֥ו תורתֽך |
7 8 |
qlv plgi-mim irdu yinii yl la-wmru tortç |
137 So righteous you are, Yahweh, and upright are your judgments. (1-4-1) |
קלז צד֣יק את֣ה יהו֑ה ו֝יש֗ר משפטֽיך |
6 7 |
qlz xdiq ath ihvh viwr mwpTiç |
138 ♪g Set you have the righteousness of
your testimonies, and much faithfulness. (g-1-4-1) |
קלח צ֭וית צ֣דק עדת֑יך ואמונ֥ה מאֽד |
9 6 |
qlk xivvit xdq ydotiç vamunh maod |
139 Stricken I was for my zeal, for my foes forgot your words. (1-4-1) |
קלט צמת֥תני קנאת֑י כֽי־שכח֖ו דבר֣יך צרֽי |
6 9 |
qlT ximttni qnati ci-wcku dbriç xrii |
140 Supremely refined is your promise and your servant loves it. (1-1) | |||
קמ צרופ֖ה אמרתך֥ מא֗ד וֽעבדך֥ אהבֽה | 15 |
qm xruph amrtç maod vybdç ahbh | |
141 Small am I and despised. Your precepts I have not forgotten. (1-4-1) |
קמא צע֣יר אנכ֣י ונבז֑ה פ֝קד֗יך ל֣א שכֽחתי |
8 8 |
qma xyir anoci vnbzh piqudiç la wckti |
142 Saving righteousness, yours, is
righteousness forever, and your instruction is truth. (1-4-1) |
קמב צדקתך֣ צ֣דק לעול֑ם וֽתורתך֥ אמֽת |
8 6 |
qmb xdqtç xdq lyolm vtortç amt |
143 Strain and distress find me out. Your commandments are my revel. (1-4-1) |
קמג צר־ומצ֥וק מצא֑וני מ֝צות֗יך שעשעֽי |
8 8 |
qmg xr-umxoq mxauni mxvotiç wywuyii |
144 ♪g Such righteousness of your testimonies forever let me understand, and I will live. (g-1-1) | |||
קמד צ֖דק עדות֥יך לעול֗ם הבינ֥ני ואחיֽה | 16 |
qmd xdq ydvotiç lyolm hbinni vakih |
Psalms 119: (Verses 145 to 160) Syllables: 259; Longest recitation:
8; Tenor: A 27.80%; Ornament density: 6.9%; Average phrase length: 8.4. |
(Verses 145 to 152) Syllables: 127; Longest recitation: 8; Tenor:
A 25.98%;
Ornament density: 5.5%; Average phrase length: 8.5.
(Verses 153 to 160) Syllables: 132; Longest recitation: 6; Tenor:
A 29.55%;
Ornament density: 8.3%; Average phrase length: 8.3.
145 Queried I with a whole heart, answer me Yahweh. Your statutes I will observe. (1-1) | |||
קמה קר֣אתי בכל־ל֭ב ענ֥ני יהו֗ה חק֥יך אצֽרה | 17 |
qmh qrati bcl-lb ynni ihvh kuqiç axorh | |
146 Queried I you, save me, and I will keep your testimonies. (1-4-1) |
קמו קראת֥יך הושיע֑ני ו֝אשמר֗ה עדתֽיך |
8 8 |
qmv qratiç howiyni vawmrh ydotiç |
147 Quested I in a twilight hour and I
cried for help. Of your word I have hoped. (1-4-1) |
קמז קד֣מתי ב֭נשף ואשו֑עה לדברך֥ יחֽלתי |
11 6 |
qmz qidmti bnwf vawvvyh ldbrç iiklti |
148 Quested my eyes in the night
watches, to ponder on your promise. (1-4-1) |
קמח קדמ֣ו ע֭יני אשמר֑ות ל֝ש֗יח באמרתֽך |
7 8 |
qmk qidmu yinii awmurot lwik bamrtç |
149 ♪g Quest of mine, hear for your
mercy, Yahweh. In your judgments give me life. (g-1-4-1) |
קמט ק֭ולי שמע֣ה כחסד֑ך י֝הו֗ה כֽמשפט֥ך חיֽני |
8 10 |
qmT qoli wmyh cksdç ihvh cmwpTiç kiini |
150 ♪g Quite near are those pursuing an
agenda. From your instruction they are distant. (g-1-4-1) |
קנ ק֭רבו רדפ֣י זמ֑ה מתורתך֥ רחֽקו |
6 7 |
qn qrbu rodpi zimh mtortç rkqu |
151 Quite near are you, Yahweh, and all your commandments are truth. (1-4-1) |
קנא קר֣וב את֣ה יהו֑ה וֽכל־מצות֥יך אמֽת |
6 8 |
qna qrob ath ihvh vcl-mxvotiç amt |
152 ♪B Quite from of old I knew from
your testimonies, for you founded them forever. (B-1-4-1) |
קנב ק֣דם י֭דעתי מעדת֑יך כ֖י לעול֣ם יסדתֽם |
10 7 |
qnb qdm idyti mydotiç ci lyolm isdtm |
153 Regard my poverty and rescue me, for your instruction I do not forget. (1-4-1) |
קנג ראֽה־עני֥י וחלצ֑ני כי־תֽ֝ורתך֗ ל֣א שכֽחתי |
8 7 |
qng rah-yonii vklxni ci-tortç la wckti |
154 Reason my reason and redeem me. Of your promise give me life. (1-4-1) |
קנד ריב֣ה ר֭יבי וגאל֑ני לאמרתך֥ חיֽני |
8 7 |
qnd ribh ribi ugalni lamrtç kiini |
155 Remote from the wicked is
salvation, for your statutes they do not search out. (1-4-1) |
קנה רח֣וק מרשע֣ים ישוע֑ה כי ח֝קיך ל֣א דרֽשו |
8 8 |
qnh rkoq mrwyim iwuyh ci kuqiç la drwu |
156 Richly abundant are your
compassions Yahweh. According to your judgments give me life. (1-4-1) |
קנו רחמ֖יך רב֥ים יהו֑ה כֽמשפט֥יך חיֽני |
8 8 |
qnv rkmiç rbim ihvh cmwpTiç kiini |
157 ♪g Running after me are many
foes. From your testimonies I do not swerve. (g-1-4-1) |
קנז ר֭בים רדפ֣י וצר֑י מ֝עדות֗יך ל֣א נטֽיתי |
7 9 |
qnz rbim rodpii vxrii mydvotiç la nTiti |
158 Regarding the treacherous I was
upset, that your promise they disregard. (1-4-1) |
קנח רא֣יתי ב֭גדים וֽאתקוט֑טה אש֥ר א֝מרתך֗ ל֣א שמֽרו |
10 9 |
qnk raiti bogdim vatqoTTh awr amrtç la wmru |
159 ♪g Regard for your precepts I
love. Yahweh, according to your mercy give me life. (g-1-4-1) |
קנט ר֭אה כי־פקוד֣יך אה֑בתי י֝הו֗ה כֽחסדך֥ חיֽני |
9 9 |
qnT rah ci-piqudiç ahbti ihvh cksdç kiini |
160 Right true is your word, and forever is every judgment of your righteousness. (1-4-1) |
קס ראש־דברך֥ אמ֑ת ו֝לעול֗ם כל־משפ֥ט צדקֽך |
6 9 |
qs raw-dbrç amt ulyolm cl-mwpT xdqç |
Psalms 119: (Verses 161 to 176) Syllables: 271; Longest recitation: 7; Tenor: B 23.25%; Ornament density: 4.4%; Average phrase length: 8.5. |
(Verses 161 to 168) Syllables: 130; Longest recitation: 7; Tenor: g 30.00%;
Ornament density: 3.8%; Average phrase length: 8.1.
(Verses 169 to 176) Syllables: 141; Longest recitation: 7; Tenor: B 29.79%;
Ornament density: 5%; Average phrase length: 8.8.
161 ♪g Sultans persecute me for nothing, but from your word my heart stands in dread. (g-1-4-1) | |||
קסא ש֭רים רדפ֣וני חנ֑ם ו֝מדברך֗ פח֥ד לבֽי |
8 8 |
qsa wrim rdpuni kinm umdbrç pkd libi | |
162 ♪B Singing I joy over your promise, as finding abundant spoil. (B-1-4-1) | |||
קסב ש֣ש א֭נכי על־אמרת֑ך כ֝מוצ֗א של֥ל רֽב |
9 6 |
qsb ww anoci yl-amrtç cmoxa wll rb | |
163 ♪B Scandal I hate and abhor. Your instruction I love. (B-1-4-1) | |||
קסג ש֣קר ש֭נאתי ואתע֑בה תורתך֥ אהֽבתי |
10 6 |
qsg wqr wnati vatybh tortç ahbti | |
164 ♪B Seven times a day do I praise you, for the judgments of your righteousness. (B-1-4-1) | |||
קסד ש֣בע ב֭יום הללת֑יך ע֝֗ל משפט֥י צדקֽך |
8 7 |
qsd wby biom hilltiç yl mwpTi xdqç | |
165 Such abundant peace to those who love your instruction, and there is for them no stumbling. (1-4-1) | |||
קסה של֣ום ר֭ב לאהב֣י תורת֑ך ואֽין־ל֥מו מכשֽול |
11 6 |
qsh wlom rb laohbi tortç vain-lmo mcwol | |
166 Steadfast my reliance on your salvation Yahweh, and your commandments I have done. (1-4-1) | |||
קסו שב֣רתי לֽישועתך֣ יהו֑ה וֽמצות֥יך עשֽיתי |
9 8 |
qsv wibrti liwuytç ihvh umxvotiç ywiti | |
167 Shelters my being your testimonies, and I love them much. (1-4-1) | |||
קסז שֽמר֣ה נ֭פשי עדת֑יך ואהב֥ם מאֽד |
8 6 |
qsz wmrh npwi ydotiç vaohbm maod | |
168 So I shelter your precepts and your testimonies, for all my ways are before you. (1-4-1) | |||
קסח שמ֣רתי פ֭קודיך ועדת֑יך כ֖י כל־דרכ֣י נגדֽך |
12 8 |
qsk wmrti piqudiç vydotiç ci cl-drcii ngdç | |
169 To your presence let my shout of joy come near, Yahweh. According to your word, give me understanding. (1-4-1) | |||
קסט תקר֤ב רנת֣י לפנ֣יך יהו֑ה כדברך֥ הבינֽני |
11 7 |
qsT tqrb rinti lpniç ihvh cdbrç hbinni | |
170 To your presence let my supplication come. According to your promise deliver me. (1-4-1) | |||
קע תב֣וא תחנת֣י לפנ֑יך כ֝אמרתך֗ הצילֽני |
10 8 |
qy tboa tkinti lpniç camrtç hxilni | |
171 Tumbling from my lips is praise, for you have taught me your statutes. (1-4-1) | |||
קעא תב֣ענה שפת֣י תהל֑ה כ֖י תלמד֣ני חקֽיך |
9 8 |
qya tbynh wptii thilh ci tlmdni kuqiç | |
172 ♪B Tongue of mine will answer your promise, for all your commandments are righteous. (B-1-4-1) | |||
קעב ת֣ען ל֭שוני אמרת֑ך כ֖י כל־מצות֣יך צֽדק |
9 8 |
qyb tyn lwoni amrtç ci cl-mxvotiç xdq | |
173 There your hand will be to help me, for your precepts I have chosen. (1-4-1) | |||
קעג תהֽי־ידך֥ לעזר֑ני כ֖י פקוד֣יך בחֽרתי |
8 8 |
qyg thi-idç lyozrni ci piqudiç bkrti | |
174 To your salvation I have longed to come, Yahweh, and your instruction is my revel. (1-4-1) | |||
קעד תא֣בתי לישועתך֣ יהו֑ה ו֝ת֥ורתך֗ שעשעֽי |
9 8 |
qyd tabti liwuytç ihvh vtortç wywuyii | |
175 To live let my being and it will praise you, and from your judgments you will help me. (1-4-1) | |||
קעה תֽחי־נ֭פשי וֽתהֽלל֑ך וֽמשפט֥ך יעזרֽני |
8 9 |
qyh tki-npwi uthllç umwpTiç iyzruni | |
176 Time and again I wander like a newborn lamb that is perishing. Seek your servant, for your commandments I do not forget. (1-4-1) | |||
קעו תע֗יתי כש֣ה א֭בד בק֣ש עבד֑ך כ֥י מ֝צות֗יך ל֣א שכֽחתי |
12 9 |
qyv tyiti cwh aobd bqw ybdç ci mxvotiç la wckti |
The music in these posts is derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here.
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