Thursday 10 October 2024

The Twelve

Note that every book in its own pdf is available from this post. The tenor of the psalm in Jonah is g. It's a wonderful book to set to its music. Here's an arrangement - never yet performed.
Chapter Syllables Max
c d e f g# A B C
1309170 1.62 16.18 11.33 12.94 13.92 26.21 17.80The word of Yahweh that happened to Hosea, child of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, kings of Judah,
and in the days of Jeroboam, child of Joash, king of Israel.
2850170 1.65 21.65 8.59 16.12 11.41 22.94 17.65Yet the count of the children of Israel will be as the sand of the sea which neither is measured nor counted.
And it will happen in the place where it was said of them, You are not my people, it will be said of them, Children of the living One.
3187181.6 2.14 15.51 13.90 13.90 9.63 38.50 4.81And said Yahweh to me, Still go, love a wife loved by her friend, and an adulterer,
like the love of Yahweh toward the children of Israel, and they who face to other gods, and who love raisin cakes of grapes.
4520241.92 3.85 20.58 9.81 17.31 11.73 27.88 6.92Hear the word of Yahweh, children of Israel,
for Yahweh has a contention with the inhabitants of the land, for there is no truth, and there is no mercy, and there is no knowledge of God in the land.
5433160 1.15 20.79 9.47 18.71 11.55 21.48 16.86Hear this O priests, and attend O house of Israel, and house of the king, lend an ear, for to you is the judgment,
for a snare you are for Mizpah and a net spread over Tabor.
6250110 .80 31.20 12.40 24.40 14.80 11.20 5.20Come and let us return to Yahweh for he tears and he heals,
he strikes and he binds us up.
7443131.35 2.71 19.41 13.09 18.51 12.87 23.48 8.58As I was about to heal Israel, then uncovered was the iniquity of Ephraim and the evil of Samaria, for they work falsehood.
The thief comes. A raiding party pillages outside.
8353200 1.70 20.68 10.20 19.26 11.90 24.93 11.33To your palate, shophar, like an eagle over the house of Yahweh,
because they go beyond my covenant and against my instruction they have transgressed.
9494130 1.42 17.81 11.54 19.64 8.91 25.30 15.38Do not be glad, Israel. No rejoicing as the peoples, for you play the harlot from your God.
You love for a fee over every threshing-floor of grain.
10467161.07 1.50 18.20 9.85 18.42 10.28 28.48 12.21A vine evacuated is Israel, fruit conferred for itself,
As the multitude of its fruit, so is the multitude of altars. As good as its land, is the good of monuments.
1130514.66 1.64 13.77 16.72 18.03 9.84 22.62 16.72When Israel was a youth I loved him,
and out of Egypt I called my child.
1238211.52 2.62 21.20 18.06 20.16 10.73 14.66 12.04Ephraim surrounds me with dissimulation, and with deceit, the house of Israel,
and Judah ever is restless with the One, and with the holy ones is faithful.
13397170 .50 18.64 14.36 19.90 11.08 24.43 11.08When Ephraim spoke nervously, he lifted himself up in Israel,
but he bore guilt in Baal, and he died.
1428416.7 1.41 16.55 10.21 22.54 8.10 29.58 10.92Samaria will bear its guilt, for it was provocative with its God.
By the sword it will fall. Their infants will be dashed to pieces, and their pregnant women will be split in two. P
1538140 1.12 19.14 12.45 18.22 10.04 28.07 10.97The word of Yahweh which happened to Joel, child of Petuel.
2918291.2 2.07 16.01 10.57 15.80 9.59 26.80 17.97Sound a shophar in Zion and raise a shout on my holy hill. Let all inhabitants of the land shudder,
for the day of Yahweh comes, for it is near.
3167162.4 1.20 20.36 5.39 18.56 14.97 30.54 6.59And it will happen after such that I will pour out my spirit over all flesh and your sons and your daughters will prophesy.
Your elders will dream dreams. Your chosen will see visions.
467016.75 1.94 19.10 12.24 15.97 15.52 25.22 9.25For behold in those days and at that time,
that I turn the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,
1509161.18 1.77 13.56 10.22 15.13 15.32 31.24 11.59The words of Amos, who was among the herdsfolk from Tekoa,
on which he gazed over Israel in the days of Uzziah, king of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam, child of Joash, king of Israel, two years before the quake.
2516220 3.10 12.40 12.40 16.28 10.66 23.84 21.32Thus says Yahweh, Over three transgressions of Moab and over four, I will not turn it,
over their incineration of the bones of the king of Edom into lime.
3472122.33 3.60 16.74 9.53 16.10 12.50 25.21 13.98Hear this matter that Yahweh spoke about you, the children of Israel,
about all the families that I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying,
452318.76 1.91 20.84 13.38 14.34 7.07 22.56 19.12Hear this word, young bulls of Bashan who are in the hill of Samaria, the oppressors of the weak, who damage the needy,
who say to their masters, Come let's party.
5713171.26 4.91 20.20 20.06 16.13 9.68 19.64 8.13Hear this word that I lift up about you, a dirge for the house of Israel.
642823.7 3.50 18.46 16.36 14.25 10.51 23.36 12.85Ho! those without a care in Zion and those trusting in the hill of Samaria,
pierced as heads of the nations. And to them came the house of Israel.
755013.55 1.09 17.45 12.36 14.91 11.64 24.73 17.27Thus he showed me, my Lord Yahweh, and behold, he who fashions the great grub at the start of the coming up of final crop,
and behold, the final crop following the king's mowing.
844522.67 1.80 22.25 8.54 17.08 11.01 23.37 15.28Thus showed me my Lord Yahweh:
and behold a hamper of summer fruit.
962021.97 3.55 22.58 8.71 13.39 9.52 23.87 17.42I have seen my Lord taking a stand over the altar and he said, Strike the capital and the doorway will quake, and find a mark on the head of every one of them, and the stragglers by the sword I will slay.
Haven will not for them be haven and security will not be escape for them.
1668211.35 3.59 22.60 14.07 15.12 9.43 23.05 10.78The vision of Obadiah.
Thus says my Lord, Yahweh of Edom: what is heard we heard from Yahweh and notification into the nations sent, Arise, and let us arise against her in battle.
1607232.31 3.29 18.78 9.56 13.84 9.88 32.62 9.72And the word of Yahweh happened to Jonah [Dove] child of Amittai, saying,
2281102.14 4.27 16.01 11.74 23.49 11.03 11.74 19.57And Yahweh appointed a great fish to swallow up Jonah.
And it happened: Jonah in the innards of the fish three days and three nights.
3341132.05 6.16 19.65 10.26 14.96 12.32 22.87 11.73And the word of Yahweh happened to Jonah a second time, saying,
4396130 2.53 18.43 13.38 14.39 8.33 24.49 18.43And this was evil for Jonah, great evil,
and he was burning with his anger.
150120.8 2.00 15.17 13.97 18.56 12.38 23.75 13.37The word of Yahweh that happened to Micah the Morashite in the days of Jotham Ahaz Hezekiah, kings of Judah,
which he gazed on over Samaria and Jerusalem.
2418141.2 2.87 19.62 10.53 20.10 9.09 20.81 15.79Ho, you who devise mischief and work evil on where they lie down.
In the light of the morning they do it, for it is in the god of their hand.
3409200 .24 12.47 8.80 15.65 11.98 34.47 16.38And I said, Hear if you will, heads of Jacob and dictators of the house of Israel,
is it not for you to know judgment?
4540341.67 4.26 20.56 8.33 13.70 11.85 28.33 11.30And it will be, in the aftermath of the days, the hill of the house of Yahweh will be established as the first of the hills, and it will be itself lifted up among the hillocks,
and peoples will flow together upon it.
5440222.05 2.50 23.64 10.91 19.09 12.73 20.23 8.86But you, Bethlehem Ephratah, being of little account among the thousands of Judah, from you for me comes forth one who is to become governor in Israel,
and whose goings forth came before from the days of eras past.
6475190 1.05 16.00 12.00 15.79 16.21 27.37 11.58Hear if you will what Yahweh is saying.
Arise, contend with the hills. Let the hillocks hear your voice.
758311.34 2.06 13.55 9.61 18.18 11.66 23.16 21.44Alack for me, for I am as the gatherings of summer, as grape-gleanings of a vintage.
There is no cluster to eat. First ripe fruit I desire.
1364142.2 1.10 14.01 10.71 18.68 14.01 18.96 20.33The load of Nineveh,
the record of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite.
243321.69 1.62 25.40 11.78 17.09 15.94 21.48 6.00Behold over the hills are the feet of one who publishes, broadcasting peace. In my festive sacrifices, Judah, be festive. Pay your vows,
for worthlessness will not again pass through you any more. All of it is cut off.
3550141.64 4.73 16.91 9.64 19.27 11.09 23.27 13.45Alas city of blood,
faint with cringing, rent apart, full of unfeeling prey,
1465141.94 4.52 18.06 13.12 17.42 12.04 23.23 9.68The load which Habakkuk the prophet gazed on.
2585150 .85 10.43 12.31 20.00 12.48 24.10 19.83On my watch I will stand and I will station myself on the fortification.
And I will be on lookout to see what he will speak in me and what I will bring back concerning my correction.
3524160 1.15 14.89 11.07 19.47 10.69 20.61 22.14The prayer of Habakkuk the prophet,
over a reel.
1619191.29 2.26 20.52 14.70 16.80 7.75 24.56 12.12The word of Yahweh that happened to Zephaniah, child of Cushi, child of Gedoliah, child of Amariah, child of Hezekiah,
in the days of Amon's child, Josiah, king of Judah.
250022.6 2.00 15.00 9.40 13.80 9.40 32.20 17.60Assemble yourselves together and assemble together,
O nation not ached for.
3642252.8 3.74 15.26 9.03 14.95 13.24 29.13 11.84Alas for her that is flighty and sullied,
for the suppressing city!
1570262.11 3.33 13.86 13.86 14.91 10.70 33.16 8.07In the second year of Darius the king, in the sixth new moon on the first day of the month,
it happened that Yahweh spoke by the hand of Haggai, the prophet, to Zerubbabel child of Shealtiel, viceroy of Judah, and to Joshua, child of Yehotsedek, the great priest, saying,
2854333.51 4.68 15.57 8.55 14.17 12.30 27.05 14.17In the seventh, on the twenty first of the month,
it happened that Yahweh spoke by the hand of Haggai the prophet, saying,
1658191.06 2.58 14.59 10.79 13.83 7.60 40.88 8.66In the eighth new moon in the second year of Darius,
it happened that Yahweh spoke to Zechariah, child of Berechiah, child of Iddo the prophet, saying,
2502271.2 5.58 14.94 14.54 19.12 8.96 28.09 7.57And I lifted up my eyes and I saw.
And behold, four horns.
3393231.02 4.07 17.30 9.92 11.45 11.96 31.81 12.47And he showed me Joshua the great priest standing in the presence of the angel of Yahweh,
and the accuser standing at his right hand to accuse him.
443620.92 2.06 15.37 15.37 16.74 11.93 26.38 11.24And the angel of the one speaking in me turned,
and aroused me, as a person who is roused from its sleep.
5365180 3.29 18.63 13.42 17.81 10.96 28.22 7.67And I turned and I lifted up my eyes and I saw,
and behold a flying scroll.
6515200 .97 20.19 14.95 15.15 13.01 26.99 8.74And I turned and I lifted up my eyes and I saw, and behold, four chariots came out from between two of the hills,
and the hills were hills of brass.
745819.66 1.97 21.83 11.57 13.97 10.92 27.07 12.01And it was in the fourth year of Darius, the king,
the word of Yahweh happened to Zechariah on the fourth of the ninth month, Kislev.
8852261.06 3.05 15.14 10.09 12.91 12.09 31.34 14.32And the word of Yahweh of hosts happened, saying,
9533231.31 .94 21.95 10.51 15.95 12.20 23.83 13.32A load, the matter of Yahweh in the land of Hadrak and Damascus, his resting-place,
for to Yahweh is the eye of a human and all the sceptres of Israel.
1040814.74 2.21 23.77 9.07 14.95 11.27 23.77 14.22Ask from Yahweh rain in the time of the maturing rain, Yahweh making thunderbolts,
and rain showers he will give to them, to each one for herbs in the field.
1158220.69 1.55 17.35 14.95 15.98 13.75 25.43 10.31Open Lebanon your gateways,
and fire will devour your cedars.
12544142.57 4.96 13.79 11.40 13.97 11.03 27.02 15.26A load, the matter of Yahweh over Israel,
an oracle of Yahweh, stretching out the heavens, and founding earth, and fashioning the spirit of a human within it. P
13355205.07 3.10 14.37 13.52 13.24 8.45 27.61 14.65In that day there will be a fountain opened for the house David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
for a sin offering and for sequestering.
14861191.16 2.44 22.88 10.34 12.89 11.61 31.71 6.97Behold, a day comes of Yahweh,
and divided are your spoils among you.
1567300 3.70 16.58 10.41 11.46 12.52 29.81 15.52A load of the matter of Yahweh, to Israel,
by the hand of Malachi.
263117.79 1.74 13.47 12.36 13.63 10.78 29.79 17.43So now to you this commandment, O priests.
387927.91 1.93 15.02 8.87 14.45 12.86 28.33 17.63Behold me, I will send my messenger, and he will face a journey before me.
And suddenly he will come to his temple, the Lord whom you are seeking, and the messenger of the covenant whom you delight in. Behold he comes, says Yahweh of hosts.

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