Thursday 3 October 2024

The tenor of Genesis.

If you have been following this saga for the last several months, this result is fascinating: - the tenor for the 50 chapters of Genesis is 0ver 75% B. There are 10 chapters on e, 2 on g, and 38 on B.

This is a huge difference from the Psalms. Story telling is announcement. Poetry is greater variety. Notice the two on g - chapter 49 -- all poetry and chapter 10 -- one of the successions chapters. It's possible that one or two of the e chapters would flip to B if there are an excess of meteg's in the text. 

I wonder if the tone of chapter 49 and the successions chapters should exclude g# from the 'mode' (see later post for this question). I have added the missing c column (not applicable to the Psalms) and the Max column is the longest recitation without a change in reciting pitch in the chapter.
Chapter Max Syllables c d e f g# A B C
1 34 1025 .98 2.73 16.20 12.49 12.88 7.41 35.32 12.00 In the beginning of God's creating,
the heavens and the earth,
2 15 766 1.44 4.18 22.72 12.27 16.32 11.75 21.15 10.18 And the heavens and the earth were finished and all their hosts.
3 17 810 2.47 2.84 17.65 11.11 14.44 14.44 27.04 10.00 But the snake was crafty among all the living of the field that Yahweh God constructed,
and it said to the woman, Indeed that God said, You will not eat from every tree of the garden.
4 14 743 .4 1.62 16.69 13.32 19.25 10.90 24.50 13.32 And the one from the humus knew Eve his wife,
and she became big and she gave birth to Cain, and she said, I have acquired someone with Yahweh.
5 21 827 1.81 .85 22.13 11.85 16.69 9.79 24.30 12.58 This is the record of the successions of Adam,
in the day of God's creating Adam in the likeness of God's constructing him.
6 20 715 2.66 5.03 22.52 14.55 14.97 10.91 20.28 9.09 And it happened that humanity started to multiply over the face of the ground,
and daughters were born to them.
7 16 765 2.22 5.49 23.79 11.90 16.73 11.11 19.61 9.15 And Yahweh said to Noah, You come, you and all your house into the barge,
for you I have seen righteous in my presence in this generation.
8 20 734 2.18 4.50 23.43 12.81 16.08 12.13 19.21 9.67 And God remembered Noah and all the living, and all the cattle, that were with him on the barge,
and God made a wind pass through over the earth, and the waters subsided.
9 20 797 1.25 2.26 25.97 13.68 16.69 11.04 19.07 10.04 And God blessed Noah and his children,
and said to them, Be fruitful and increase and fill the earth.
10 13 683 2.34 3.66 21.67 14.93 24.60 13.03 15.37 4.39 And these are the successions of the children of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japhet.
And there were born to them children after the deluge.
11 21 860 .35 1.51 16.28 14.30 20.58 10.93 27.67 8.37 And all the earth was one language,
and of words a unity.
12 28 623 .48 3.05 15.73 12.20 15.41 11.56 21.67 19.90 And Yahweh said to Abram, Go for yourself from your land, and from your kindred, and from the house of your ancestors,
to the land that I will show you.
13 24 535 1.68 3.36 24.11 8.97 18.13 11.59 24.86 7.29 And Abram came up from Egypt, he, his wife, and all that were his, and Lot with him, southward.
14 27 788 1.27 1.52 21.83 9.26 15.86 12.69 29.44 8.12 And it happened in the days of Amraphel the king of Shinar, Ariok the king of Eliasar,
Kedarlaomer the king of Elam, and Tidal the king of nations,
15 26 595 1.85 2.69 17.65 13.45 16.13 11.26 26.39 10.59 After these things, it happened that Yahweh spoke to Abram in a vision to say,
Do not fear, Abram. I am your shield, your very abundant wage.
16 14 497 1.61 3.42 19.32 14.89 14.89 11.47 19.92 14.49 And Sarai, the wife of Abram, did not give birth for him,
and she had a handmaid, an Egyptian, and her name was Hagar.
17 18 858 1.63 5.01 17.48 11.66 15.97 12.70 26.69 8.86 And Abram was a child of ninety nine years.
And Yahweh appeared to Abram, and said to him, I am the One, the Sufficient. Walk in my presence and become complete.
18 14 1055 .85 3.89 18.29 13.08 16.30 12.23 20.57 14.79 And Yahweh appeared to him by the oak of Mamre,
and he was sitting at the door of the tent as the day was hot.
19 16 1311 2.36 2.67 22.35 9.61 15.79 10.76 23.34 13.12 And two messengers came towards Sodom in the evening, and Lot was seated at the gate of Sodom,
and Lot stared and arose to encounter them, and he prostrated himself, nostrils earthward.
20 20 639 3.29 3.91 21.44 11.42 16.43 10.95 23.16 9.39 So Abraham migrated from there toward the land of south,
and settled between Qadesh and Shur, and he resided in Gerar.
21 20 997 3.21 4.61 19.26 13.24 17.75 10.23 22.37 9.33 And Yahweh visited Sarah as he promised,
and Yahweh did for Sarah as he had spoken.
22 22 863 .7 2.09 26.07 10.66 15.99 9.15 21.44 13.90 And it was following these things that this God tempted Abraham,
and said to him, Abraham. And he said, Here am I.
23 15 630 3.49 5.87 19.52 11.27 14.13 10.48 22.86 12.38 And the life of Sarah was a hundred and twenty seven years,
the years of the life of Sarah.
24 22 2177 1.52 3.72 15.89 12.68 16.54 11.67 21.45 16.54 And Abraham was old when it comes to days,
and Yahweh blessed Abraham in everything.
25 14 964 1.45 5.91 18.98 14.00 18.46 10.37 18.26 12.55 And again Abraham: and he took a wife, and her name, Qeturah.
26 20 1121 .62 1.43 19.98 10.79 14.63 11.33 26.14 15.08 And there was a famine in the land, besides the first famine that was in the days of Abraham,
and Yitschaq went to Abimelek, the king of the Philistines, to Gerar.
27 18 1516 1.12 4.49 22.43 14.45 15.24 11.35 20.38 10.55 And it was when Yitschaq was old and his eyes were dim from seeing,
and he called Esau his older son and said to him, My child. And he said to him, Here am I.
28 21 768 .65 2.21 19.79 12.24 14.71 12.50 29.04 8.85 And Yitschaq called to Jacob and blessed him,
and commanded him, saying to him, You will not take a wife from the daughters of Canaan.
29 17 1048 .86 1.62 16.32 11.64 16.03 10.31 29.39 13.84 And Jacob lifted up his feet,
and came to the land of the children of the east.
30 23 1311 1.68 3.97 16.32 11.82 16.17 9.99 28.53 11.52 And Rachel saw that she did not give birth for Jacob. And Rachel was jealous of her sister.
And she said to Jacob, Provide me sons, and if there is nothing, I am dead.
31 22 1791 1.79 4.13 16.19 16.47 15.63 10.61 26.52 8.65 And he heard the words of the sons of Laban, saying, Jacob has taken all that was our father's,
and from what was our father's, he has dealt himself all this glory.
32 23 1072 2.71 4.20 19.50 11.75 16.32 9.14 25.93 10.45 And Laban rose up early in the morning, and kissed his sons and his daughters, and blessed them,
and Laban went and returned to his place.
33 14 624 1.92 4.49 20.99 11.86 15.22 12.66 24.20 8.65 And Jacob lifted up his eyes, and he saw and behold, Esau coming, and with him four hundred men,
and he distributed the juveniles to Leah and to Rachel and to both handmaids.
34 24 987 1.42 3.65 23.81 11.25 15.20 10.33 21.07 13.27 And Dinah went out, the daughter of Leah, which she gave birth to for Jacob,
to see among the daughters of the land.
35 17 882 .34 2.95 22.45 13.27 15.99 8.62 23.58 12.81 And God said to Jacob, Arise. Go up to Bethel and settle there,
and make there an altar to the One who appeared to you when you ran from the face of Esau your brother.
36 40 1110 2.25 3.60 15.77 18.47 17.39 9.73 24.86 7.93 And these are the successions of Esau. He is Edom.
37 28 1194 1.17 2.51 20.69 10.39 15.91 11.39 22.95 14.99 And Jacob settled in the land where his father was guest,
in the land of Canaan.
38 18 942 1.8 3.18 18.26 13.27 16.35 11.36 26.75 9.02 And it happened at that time that Judah went down from his kin,
and he bent to a man, an Adullamite, and his name was Xirah [Mr Burns].
39 15 769 2.08 2.99 21.72 13.39 15.08 12.48 19.90 12.35 And Joseph was brought down toward Egypt.
And Potiphar, eunuch of Pharaoh, chief of the slaughter, an Egyptian man, bought him from the hand of the Ishmaelites that brought him down there.
40 18 716 2.09 5.31 15.78 12.71 15.92 16.06 23.18 8.94 And it was following these things. The cupbearer of the king of Egypt and the baker sinned,
against their lord, the king of Egypt.
41 19 1809 2.54 4.31 15.81 13.65 17.08 10.61 23.33 12.66 And it happened at the end of two years,
and Pharaoh dreamed, and behold he stood by the Nile.
42 26 1244 1.85 4.42 16.56 13.10 15.27 11.74 25.48 11.58 And Jacob saw that there was crushed corn in Egypt,
and Jacob said to his children, Why are you looking at one another?
43 26 1197 1 4.68 19.47 12.61 14.12 11.28 24.06 12.78 And the famine was heavy in the earth.
44 26 1079 1.2 3.34 18.26 12.88 15.57 16.22 22.80 9.73 And he commanded who was over his house, saying, Fill the satchels of the men with food, as they would be able to bear,
and set the silver of each in the mouth of his satchel.
45 22 924 1.62 4.76 19.48 12.12 15.58 13.42 22.84 10.17 And Joseph could not repress himself for all those standing firm by him, and he called, Have every man go out from me.
And no one stood with him when Joseph made himself known to his brothers.
46 20 993 3.12 4.03 16.52 13.29 18.03 10.78 22.66 11.58 So Israel migrated and all that were his, and he came to Beer-Sheva,
and offered sacrifices to the God of his father Yitschaq.
47 28 1237 .89 2.51 15.20 12.37 14.39 8.41 33.39 12.85 And Joseph came and he told Pharaoh, saying, My father and my brothers and their flocks and their herds and all that is theirs, have come from the land of Canaan.
And behold, they are in the land of Goshen.
48 21 827 1.69 3.87 17.78 12.45 14.39 12.21 22.61 14.99 And it was after these things that he said to Joseph, Behold your father is ill.
And he took two of his children with him, Manasseh and Ephraim.
49 12 859 1.16 2.33 16.41 13.27 20.37 14.67 19.91 11.87 And Jacob called to his children,
and said, Gather yourselves, and I will tell you what will encounter you in the aftermath of the days.
50 22 865 1.16 3.12 17.80 13.06 15.72 10.29 27.86 10.98 And Joseph fell in the presence of his father,
and wept over him, and kissed him.

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