Sunday 6 October 2024


Chapter 1 stands out for the tenor of C.
Chapter 9 stands out for having g for the tenor (that note that has the most syllables recited).
Most chapters have the B and the second most common is the e.
The music for the chapters are at the links, ready for analysis - Are there special characteristics of the use of accents that could be noted in these works? How does one sing a song about sacrifice?
Note that every book in its own pdf is available from this post.
Chapter Syllables Max
c d e f g# A B C
1581172.93 3.79 15.66 9.64 18.07 16.18 12.56 21.17And he called to Moses,
and Yahweh spoke to him from the tent of engagement, saying,
2502241.2 3.39 21.91 14.14 19.92 12.15 14.74 12.55And the self that will bring near an oblation, a gift for Yahweh, his oblation will be fine flour,
and he will infuse on it oil and daub on it frankincense.
3579202.07 2.59 14.34 8.12 16.75 19.34 29.36 7.43And if his oblation is an offering of peace offerings,
if it is an oblation from the oxen, whether a male or a female, complete, he will bring it near in the presence of Yahweh.
41219213.04 5.17 14.85 9.60 13.78 13.62 27.81 12.14And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
5971273.6 5.15 16.68 12.77 13.70 11.53 30.18 6.39And if anyone sins and hears the voice of imprecation and is a witness or sees or knows,
if he will not tell, then he will bear his iniquity.
6717171.81 6.14 23.29 11.16 14.64 9.62 18.41 14.92And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
71137282.2 5.45 17.24 12.14 17.24 12.14 23.04 10.55And this is the instruction for the guilt offering.
Holy of holy things it is.
81293291.31 4.64 19.72 10.60 14.54 12.61 22.66 13.92And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
9780152.95 3.33 18.46 10.00 19.23 13.21 17.31 15.51And it was on the eighth day, Moses called for Aaron and for his children,
and for the elders of Israel.
1076718.39 2.48 22.56 11.47 11.99 8.60 29.73 12.78And the children of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, took each his censer and positioned fire in it, so they might set up incense over it.
And they approached the presence of Yahweh with strange fire that he had not commanded them.
111367281.02 2.41 21.73 13.90 17.34 10.53 23.99 9.07And Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying to them.
12262130 2.29 18.32 14.12 15.27 7.63 27.86 14.50And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
132034342.26 4.18 22.42 12.39 13.77 8.75 25.61 10.62And Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying,
141952302.15 5.64 18.80 13.22 15.98 10.40 24.23 9.58And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
151035163.57 8.41 23.00 13.43 18.45 10.05 14.78 8.31And Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying,
161303311.92 6.60 19.88 12.20 14.35 9.44 24.17 11.44And Yahweh spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron,
when they made oblation in the presence of Yahweh and they died.
1759119.51 3.72 16.24 13.03 14.38 8.80 34.52 8.80And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
18781181.66 4.35 18.57 18.82 16.52 9.86 21.64 8.58And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
191018172.16 2.65 20.43 18.37 16.60 9.43 19.55 10.81And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
20945262.86 4.76 20.42 13.02 14.92 7.20 21.69 15.13And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
21641161.25 3.43 18.56 14.51 16.22 9.67 26.05 10.30And Yahweh said to Moses, Say to the priests, the children of Aaron,
and say to them, for a cadaver he will not defile himself among his people.
2294328.95 2.65 21.85 12.94 16.12 9.54 24.71 11.24And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
231444171.59 3.32 18.28 14.96 14.89 9.49 24.38 13.09And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
2463627.63 4.40 18.71 16.35 19.03 11.16 23.43 6.29And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
25168323.95 2.08 18.78 11.71 17.88 10.93 25.37 12.30And Yahweh spoke to Moses on mount Sinai, saying,
261493201.07 2.14 23.78 9.65 17.21 11.12 20.63 14.40You will not make for yourselves what is good for nothing or a graven image and a monument you will not place for yourselves, and an iconic stone you will not permit in your land to worship over it,
for I am Yahweh your God.
271059212.17 3.40 20.40 14.64 14.26 11.14 22.47 11.52And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,

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