Sunday 13 October 2024


Note that every book in its own pdf is available from this post.
Chapter Syllables Max
c d e f g# A B C
1 Chronicles
1992131.61 2.62 18.35 20.06 23.99 9.27 18.04 6.05Adam Seth Enosh.
21221151.8 3.28 18.43 16.95 20.15 9.42 22.11 7.86These are the children of Israel,
Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah, Issachar and Zebulun,
3543224.05 4.79 21.73 14.92 20.81 9.94 18.97 4.79And these are the children of David that were born to him in Hebron,
the firstborn, Amnon of Axinoam the Jezreelite, second, Daniel of Abigail the Carmelite,
41135211.76 2.73 19.65 12.33 19.21 9.87 24.85 9.60The children of Judah,
Perez, Hetsron, and Carmi, and Hur, and Shobal.
5816301.59 2.94 23.28 14.71 14.71 12.75 21.69 8.33And the children of Reuben, the firstborn of Israel, (for he was the firstborn, but he profaned the bunk of his father). His birthright was given to the children of Joseph, child of Israel,
and not through the genealogy of the firstborn.
6151920.99 3.29 30.48 12.44 23.17 9.61 14.88 5.13The children of Levi,
Gershom, Kohath, and Merari.
71099282.73 3.09 18.38 13.28 17.74 9.65 25.02 10.10And to the children of Issachar, Tola and Puah, Yeshuv and Shimron, four. S
8753192.92 3.85 23.90 18.86 23.24 8.37 16.73 2.12And Benjamin had Bela his firstborn,
Ashbel the second, and Axarax the third,
91201172.75 3.83 24.48 13.57 19.90 11.57 20.57 3.33And all Israel was enrolled by genealogy. And behold, it is written in the record of the kings of Israel,
and Judah, who were exiled to Babel in their trespass. S
10488191.23 3.69 17.62 8.20 15.78 12.50 25.82 15.16And the Philistines fought against Israel,
and the man of Israel withdrew from the presence of Philistines, and the profaned fell on mount Gilboa.
111248162 3.85 24.28 10.74 18.11 8.33 20.03 12.66And all Israel collected themselves to David toward Hebron, saying,
Behold, your bone and your flesh we are.
121260322.46 3.02 23.25 11.03 15.40 9.21 24.84 10.79And these are they who came to David, to Tsiqlag, while he contained himself from the face of Saul, child of Kish.
And they were among the valiant, helpers in the battle.
13504432.98 5.56 15.48 10.91 17.46 10.71 25.60 11.31And David consulted with the chiefs of thousands and of hundreds for every herald.
14489141.64 2.25 22.29 13.70 18.00 9.20 17.59 15.34And Hiram the king of Tyre sent messengers to David and cedar trees and artificers of sidewall and artificers of timber,
to build for him a house.
1595632.63 2.93 25.31 9.62 16.53 12.34 26.78 5.86And he made for himself houses in the city of David,
and prepared a place for the ark of God, and stretched out for it a tent.
161018271.18 1.77 22.69 12.87 18.17 7.96 16.99 18.37And they brought the ark of God and exhibited it in the midst of the tent that David had stretched out for it.
And they came near with burnt offerings and peace offerings in the presence of God.
1795420.84 3.67 22.01 11.84 15.62 11.84 20.86 13.31And it happened that as David sat in his house,
that David said to Nathan the prophet, Behold I myself sit in a house of cedar, but the ark of the covenant of Yahweh is under curtains.
1857618.69 3.99 20.49 11.28 15.28 8.85 18.23 21.18And it was after such that David struck the Philistines and subdued them,
and he took Gath and her built-up areas from the hand of the Philistines.
19786272.42 2.93 18.45 7.12 13.87 12.09 28.88 14.25And it was after such that Nachas, king of the children of Ammon, died,
and his son reigned in his stead.
20327221.83 4.89 25.69 8.87 14.07 7.03 32.42 5.20And it was the time of the turning of the year, at the time the kings go forth, and Joab led the force of the host and destroyed the land of the children of Ammon, and came and besieged Rabbah, and David sat in Jerusalem.
And Joab struck Rabbah and overthrew it.
211121192.14 3.48 20.61 11.06 14.09 9.37 24.09 15.17And an accuser stood up over Israel,
and he incited David to fathom Israel.
22730291.92 3.97 14.93 12.33 13.29 9.73 31.51 12.33And David said, This is itself the house of Yahweh God,
and this, the altar for a burnt offering for Israel. P
23859302.33 4.77 19.21 13.15 17.35 9.31 24.10 9.78And David was old and sated with days,
and Solomon his son reigned over Israel.
2475522.79 1.06 28.74 9.93 17.88 7.81 25.30 8.48And for the children of Aaron, their divisions,
the children of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.
2576127.79 2.23 21.29 19.19 11.96 5.39 22.34 16.82And David and the chiefs of the host differentiated for the service of the children of Asaph and Heyman and Jeduthun, to prophesy with harps, with lutes and with cymbals,
and the counts of the men of trade for their service were:
26968152.79 2.69 22.11 11.78 15.70 10.12 22.52 12.29Of the divisions of the gatekeepers,
of the Korahites, Meshelemiah, child of Qore, from the children of Asaph.
27109045.83 1.47 17.98 12.94 16.51 17.16 23.94 9.17And the children of Israel, for their count, the heads of the ancestors, and the chiefs of thousands and of hundreds, and their overseers, ministered to the king for all matters of the divisions that came in and went out month by month for every month of the year.
One division, twenty four thousand. P
28954312.73 4.82 18.55 10.59 12.89 7.55 30.40 12.47And David convened all the chiefs of Israel, the chiefs of the bands, and the chiefs of the divisions ministering to the king, and the chiefs of thousands, and the chiefs of hundreds, and the chiefs of all the property and acquisitions for the king and for his children, with the eunuchs and the valiant, and for all of valour and ability, to Jerusalem.
291227362.12 3.42 17.11 8.72 13.45 7.91 30.64 16.63And David the king said to all the congregation, Solomon my son, the one whom God has chosen, is a youth and is tender,
and the line of work is great, because not for a human are the temple precincts, but for Yahweh God.
2 Chronicles
1690232.32 4.06 17.54 8.84 13.33 7.97 29.13 16.81And Solomon child of David was resolved concerning his kingdom,
and Yahweh his God was with him and made him to be greatly ascendant.
281335.86 3.08 21.28 9.72 11.32 6.64 34.44 12.67And Solomon counted seventy thousand men to bear burdens, and eighty thousand men to hew in the hill,
and the leaders over them were three thousand six hundred. P
3603151.49 2.16 19.57 12.11 13.76 10.78 25.37 14.76And Solomon started building the house of Yahweh in Jerusalem on the hill Moriah, that of the appearance to David his father,
which David had prepared in the place at the threshing-floor of I Shout With Joy the Jebusite.
4802354.36 4.86 15.71 12.59 12.59 8.60 32.42 8.85And he made the altar of brass, twenty cubits its length and twenty cubits its breadth,
and ten cubits its height. S
5603344.15 4.31 18.41 12.11 11.11 9.12 30.68 10.12And all the lines of work were whole which Solomon had constructed for the house of Yahweh.
And Solomon brought the holy things of David his father, and the silver and the gold and all the vessels, he gave into the treasuries of the house of God. P
61808281 2.05 18.03 10.90 13.61 9.35 31.58 13.50Then Solomon said,
Yahweh is said to dwell in dark turbulence.
7960341.35 2.19 14.90 8.54 13.33 10.63 35.31 13.75And as Solomon finished praying, the fire descended from the heavens and it devoured the burnt offering and the sacrifices,
and the glory of Yahweh filled the house.
8699273 3.43 24.75 13.02 11.73 5.01 26.90 12.16And it happened at the end of twenty years that Solomon had built the house of Yahweh and his house.
91213211.98 5.03 16.08 10.14 14.51 10.31 29.76 12.20And the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, and she went to prove Solomon with riddles in Jerusalem, with excessively glorious wealth, and camels bearing spices, and gold abundant, and precious stone.
And she went to Solomon and spoke with him all that was with her heart.
10755271.19 2.38 24.50 9.01 13.64 10.99 25.56 12.72And Rehoboam went to Shechem,
for to Shechem all Israel had come to make him king.
11714252.94 4.06 24.51 12.18 17.93 9.52 23.81 5.04And Rehoboam entered Jerusalem and convened the house of Judah and Benjamin, a hundred and eighty thousand chosen,
to make war to fight with Israel to restore the kingdom to Rehoboam. P
12617252.43 5.02 18.31 9.24 14.91 10.05 24.47 15.56And it happened when Rehoboam had established the kingdom and had encouraged himself, he forsook the instruction of Yahweh,
and all Israel with him. P
1393916.85 3.30 19.38 10.76 14.06 10.22 29.61 11.82In year of the eighteenth of king Jeroboam,
and Abijah reigned over Judah.
14540340 1.48 19.26 9.63 15.37 10.56 32.41 11.30And Asa did what is good and what is upright in the eyes of Yahweh his God.
15626211.28 3.04 23.96 12.62 17.57 8.95 22.20 10.38And Azariah child of Oded, the spirit of God was upon him.
1660716.99 1.98 16.47 8.40 14.00 9.39 36.90 11.86In the thirty sixth year of the reign of Asa, Baasha king of Israel came up to Judah and built Ramah,
so as to prevent going out or coming in to Asa king of Judah.
17630212.7 5.87 21.43 13.97 18.89 9.84 19.68 7.62And Jehoshaphat his son reigned in his stead,
and was resolute concerning Israel.
181307221.45 3.44 24.41 10.48 13.62 10.71 25.02 10.86And there were for Jehoshaphat riches and glory in abundance,
and he made an alliance with Ahab.
19462321.95 2.60 19.91 10.82 12.12 5.41 37.66 9.52And Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, returned to his house in peace to Jerusalem. S
201458282.74 3.98 23.80 10.36 14.20 10.29 27.23 7.41And it was after this the children of Moab came, and the children of Ammon, and with them from the Ammonites, against Jehoshaphat to war.
2176619.91 3.92 18.54 11.62 14.10 9.27 28.59 13.05And Jehoshaphat was laid out with his ancestors and was entombed with his ancestors in the city of David,
and Jehoram his son reigned in his stead.
22593252.53 5.40 19.39 9.61 11.47 10.12 33.39 8.09And the inhabitants of Jerusalem made Achaziah, his youngest son, king in his stead, for all those first in line, the raiding party that came with the Arabians to the camp, had slain.
And Achaziah reigned, child of Jehoram king of Judah. P
2396646.52 2.48 22.05 10.46 10.46 9.01 33.23 11.80And in the seventh year Jehoiada was encouraged, and he took the chiefs of hundreds, of Azariah child of Jeroham, of Yishmaeil child of Yehoxanan, and of Azariah child of Obed, and Maaseyah child of Adiyah, and Elishaphat child of Zikri, with him into covenant.
241135322.03 4.58 19.12 9.07 12.78 8.55 34.89 8.99A child of seven years, Joash began to reign, and forty years he reigned in Jerusalem,
and the name of his mother was Zibiah from Beer-Sheva.
25123135.24 2.11 17.22 9.75 12.51 8.29 30.63 19.25A child of twenty five years, Amaziah reigned, and twenty nine years he reigned in Jerusalem.
And the name of his mother was Jehoaddan from Jerusalem.
26932212.68 2.15 20.39 7.62 14.59 6.97 29.94 15.67And all the people of Judah took Uzziah, and he was a child of sixteen years,
and made king him instead of his father Amaziah.
27301181 2.99 18.60 7.64 16.61 8.31 33.55 11.30A child of twenty five years was Jotham when he began to reign, and sixteen years he reigned in Jerusalem.
And the name of his mother was Yerushah, the daughter of Zadok.
281116281.7 3.23 24.46 8.87 14.25 7.62 28.41 11.47A child of twenty years Ahaz was when he began to reign, and sixteen years he reigned in Jerusalem,
and he did not do what is upright in the eyes of Yahweh like David his father.
291412321.84 2.90 18.20 9.42 15.30 9.49 29.04 13.81Hezekiah began to reign as a child of twenty five years, and twenty nine years, he reigned in Jerusalem,
and the name of his mother was Abijah, the daughter of Zachariah.
301124201.96 3.38 21.44 8.81 13.26 8.10 31.49 11.57And Hezekiah sent over all Israel and Judah, and also wrote letters to Ephraim and Manasseh, to come to the house of Yahweh in Jerusalem,
to do the Passover of Yahweh, the God of Israel.
31955353.35 3.35 17.17 8.80 14.55 9.42 33.09 10.26And as all this was finished, all Israel that were found came forth to the cities of Judah, and they shattered the monuments, and they chopped down the fetishes, and they broke down the high places, and the altars from all Judah and Benjamin, and in Ephraim and Manasseh, until they finished.
And all the children of Israel returned, each to its holding, to their own cities. P
32139827.86 2.72 24.54 8.51 13.38 8.51 31.19 10.30After these truthful matters, Senacherib king of Ashur came.
And he entered Judah, and encamped against the enclosed cities, and said he would split them for himself.
33955241.05 3.35 18.85 11.20 14.14 7.96 31.31 12.15A child of twelve years was Manasseh when he began to reign,
and fifty five years he reigned in Jerusalem. S
341529321.57 2.88 18.97 8.11 13.02 10.20 36.95 8.31A child of eight years Josiah was when he began to reign,
and thirty one years he reigned in Jerusalem.
351180241.19 3.64 22.12 9.66 13.64 11.02 27.46 11.27And Josiah did in Jerusalem the Passover of Yahweh,
and they butchered the Passover on the fourteenth of the first month.
36920181.74 3.04 20.54 9.24 14.24 10.22 29.02 11.96And the people of the land took Jehoahaz, child of Josiah,
and made him king instead of his father in Jerusalem.

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