Sunday 6 October 2024


In Numbers, 10 chapters have a tenor that is not on the B. Chapter 33, the migrations, has 16 short verses that are of the shape: e g# ^A e g# e. Over half the verses avoid the notes B and C. This low tessitura seems to allow g# to emerge as the tenor. Chapter 23 has C as its tenor. Perhaps this is the result of the poetry of the foreigner Balaam. Chapter 2 is also repetitive and with 11 verses of lower tessitura. The rhythms result in some extra notes on the g# both when getting to the subdominant rest (A) and returning to the tonic e. Note that every book in its own pdf is available from this post.
Chapter Syllables Max
c d e f g# A B C
11459253.02 2.47 16.79 12.89 18.78 10.08 23.71 12.27And Yahweh spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the tent of engagement,
on the first of the second month in the second year of their emergence from the land of Egypt, saying,
2889145.17 5.06 16.54 9.00 24.75 14.85 20.81 3.82And Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying,
31481222.43 4.19 20.59 11.95 19.58 11.34 23.90 6.01And these are the successions of Aaron and Moses,
on the day Yahweh had spoken with Moses on mount Sinai.
41608221.37 3.23 18.16 9.83 16.60 14.49 26.00 10.32And Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying,
51061181.13 3.49 22.05 16.40 13.10 8.39 19.04 16.40And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
679715.75 2.38 14.43 13.55 15.68 11.92 27.73 13.55And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
72540211.85 5.31 16.65 13.03 17.05 5.71 30.71 9.69And it was on the day of the consummation by Moses of the raising up of the dwelling and he anointed it and he sanctified it and all its vessels, and the altar and all its vessels,
and he anointed them and he sanctified them.
8843211.42 2.73 21.12 12.10 14.47 13.29 21.71 13.17And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
9827212.78 5.80 18.50 13.54 13.66 8.71 25.88 11.12And Yahweh spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai in the second year of their emergence from the land of Egypt, in the first new moon, saying,
10957351.57 3.76 23.20 8.25 21.84 14.84 20.17 6.37And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
111282321.4 3.43 18.25 10.92 14.74 8.66 27.77 14.82And the people were whining of evil in the ears of Yahweh.
And Yahweh heard and his anger burned, and the fire of Yahweh was kindled among them, and it devoured at the outskirts of the camp.
12454171.32 2.86 18.28 11.67 17.40 11.67 25.77 11.01And Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses over the topic of the Cushite woman whom he had taken,
for a Cushite woman, he had taken.
1390018.56 2.11 17.44 12.78 16.33 10.67 28.33 11.78And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
14146627.95 2.93 19.03 11.87 15.83 12.55 26.74 10.10And all the assembly lifted up and put forth their voice,
and the people wept in that night.
15122130.9 4.67 19.49 14.58 17.85 9.09 24.98 8.44And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
16115420.95 3.81 19.06 14.12 16.03 11.27 20.62 14.12And he took, Korah child of Yitshar child of Kohath child of Levi,
and Dathan and Abiram, the children of Eliab and On child of Peleth, the children of Reuben,
17915211.53 4.15 27.76 11.04 14.21 7.65 24.04 9.62And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
181238212.75 3.96 21.89 12.60 13.97 9.69 24.23 10.90And Yahweh said to Aaron, You and your children and your father's house with you, you will bear the iniquity of the sanctuary.
And you and your children with you, you will bear the iniquity of your priesthood.
19794222.02 5.79 17.38 12.59 12.85 12.97 23.05 13.35And Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying,
20983182.95 4.37 19.84 12.11 15.36 8.34 24.42 12.61And they came, the children of Israel, all the assembly of the wilderness of Zin, in the first new moon and the people settled in Qadesh,
and Miriam died there and she was entombed there.
21110824.99 2.17 20.76 8.48 17.33 12.45 23.92 13.90And the Canaanite king, Arad, inhabitant of the Negev, heard that Israel came by way of Atarym.
And he fought with Israel, and carried some of them into captivity.
221439201.04 3.68 17.93 14.66 14.32 9.45 24.53 14.38And the children of Israel pulled out,
and encamped in the steppes of Moab from beyond the Jordan by Jericho. S
2387323.69 2.06 16.95 15.01 17.64 11.00 17.41 19.24And Balaam said to Balak, Build for me here seven altars,
and prepare for me here seven young bulls and seven rams.
24738231.36 2.85 23.17 15.31 17.89 13.01 19.65 6.78And Balaam saw that it was good in the eyes of Yahweh to bless Israel, and he did not go as he had, time after time, to encounter augury,
but set his face to the wilderness.
2553020.57 3.77 24.72 12.64 19.43 11.70 17.36 9.81And Israel settled in Shittim,
and the people started to play the harlot with the daughters of Moab.
261810272.21 3.65 14.97 7.96 25.25 12.54 26.08 7.35And Yahweh said to Moses and to Eleazar child of Aaron the priest, saying,
2773222.41 5.05 17.08 14.07 16.94 9.29 30.05 7.10Then came near the daughters of Tselofexad, child of Xefar, child of Gilead, child of Makir, child of Manasseh, of the families of Manasseh, child of Joseph.
And these are the names of his daughters, Maxelah No`ah and Hoglah and Milcah and Tirzah.
28885103.95 4.41 18.87 10.96 20.00 12.66 18.98 10.17And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
291123177.93 7.03 20.66 8.19 17.28 11.67 20.21 7.03And in the seventh month on the first of the month, a holy convocation it will be for you.
All the lines of work for service you will not do. A day of jubilation it will be for you.
3057028.7 7.89 20.88 15.44 15.44 10.88 23.16 5.61And Moses talked to the children of Israel,
according to everything that Yahweh commanded Moses. P
311612182.42 5.02 24.26 14.21 17.25 12.03 16.94 7.88And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
321320432.58 4.77 14.92 11.59 18.86 13.71 19.55 14.02And abundant livestock there was for the children of Reuben and for the children of Gad, very numerous.
And they saw the land of Yazer and the land of Gilead, and behold, the place was a place for livestock.
33125927.56 3.26 23.19 10.41 25.42 17.95 15.01 4.21These are the migration orders of the children of Israel who emerged from the land of Egypt with their hosts,
by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
3471511.98 4.34 17.90 15.80 19.30 12.31 21.26 8.11And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
351095211.28 6.30 17.35 12.69 16.44 9.04 25.66 11.23And Yahweh spoke to Moses in the steppes of Moab,
at the Jordan by Jericho, saying,
36528182.46 5.30 18.94 11.93 12.69 8.52 32.77 7.39And they approached the heads of the fathers of the families of the children of Gilead, child of Makir, child of Manasseh, from the family of the children of Joseph,
and they spoke before Moses and before the principals, the heads of the fathers of the children of Israel.

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