Tuesday 22 October 2024

Psalm 78

The music in these posts is entirely derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. 

 Syllables 1354 Longest recitation 15 Tenor  A  24.37%

This large poem in the center of the Psalter is of saga length compared to all the other psalms. I ask on first approach whether the music will reveal its aural structure. The tenor is the subdominant, a place of rest 'A', the subdominant, the note defined by atnah. There are sections where the tenor differs.
Verses 1 to 8: Syllables 201 Longest recitation 15 Tenor  f#  21.39%

Verse 1, (tri-colon) in bar 2 observe a pause following the incipit, the first two words. The ole-veyored is the cadence on the supertonic, f#. The two parallel phrases that follow the incipit are 9 syllables each, the first approaching the atnah with no ornamentation, the second returning to the tonic from the subdominant with a revia-mugrash on the f#. There are 18 psalms with verse 1 structured this way. These are: 7, 11, 14, 15, 17, 24, 29 of David; 50, 74, 78, 79, 82 of Asaph; and 86, 101, 110, 141, 143, 145 of David.

The recitation pitch of verses 1, 2 (bi-colon-A), and 3 (bi-colon-A) all stay within the range e:B. Verses 4 (C-bi-colon-A), 5 (tri-colon), 6 (bi-colon-A), extend the range to C. Verse 7 (tri-colon) returns to the range e:B and verse 8 (tri-colon) completes the section with a range d:C.

Verse 8 has a concatenated ornament revia-tsinnor. These occur together in the psalms in 24 verses, but it is slightly unusual to see them on consecutive syllables.

1 An insight of Asaph.
Listen my people to my instruction.
Bend your ears to the sayings of my mouth.
א משכ֗יל לא֫ס֥ף
האז֣ינה ע֭מי תורת֑י
הט֥ו א֝זנכ֗ם לאמרי־פֽי
a mwcil lasf
hazinh ymi torti
hTu aozncm lamri-pi
2 I will open my mouth in a parable.
I will ferment riddles from of old,
ב אפתח֣ה במש֣ל פ֑י
אב֥יעה ח֝יד֗ות מני־קֽדם
b aptkh bmwl pi
abiyh kidot mni-qdm
3 which we have heard and known,
and our ancestors recounted to us.
ג אש֣ר ש֭מענו ונדע֑ם
ו֝אבות֗ינו ספרו־לֽנו
g awr wmynu vndym
vabotinu sipru-lnu
4 ♪C We will not conceal from their children in the generation to follow, recounting the praises of Yahweh,
and his strength and his wonders which he did.
ד ל֤א נכח֨ד מבניה֗ם לד֥ור אחר֗ון מֽ֭ספרים תהל֣ות יהו֑ה
ועזוז֥ו ו֝נפלאות֗יו אש֣ר עשֽה
d la nckd mbnihm ldor akron msprim thilot ihvh
vyzuzo vnplaotiv awr ywh
5 He raised a testimony in Jacob and instruction he set up in Israel,
which he commanded our ancestors,
to make known to their children,
ה וי֤קם עד֨ות בֽיעק֗ב ותורה֮ ש֤ם בישר֫א֥ל
אש֣ר צ֭וה את־אבות֑ינו
ל֝הודיע֗ם לבניהֽם
h viqm ydut biyqob vtorh wm biwral
awr xivvh at-abotinu
lhodiym lbnihm
6 so that the generation to follow will know. The children to be born,
will arise and recount to their children,
ו למ֤ען ידע֨ו ד֣ור א֭חרון בנ֣ים יול֑דו
י֝ק֗מו וֽיספר֥ו לבניהֽם
v lmyn iidyu dor akron bnim iivvldu
iqumu vispru lbnihm
7 so they might set up in God their folly,
and not forget the prodigality of God,
and his commandments observe,
ז ויש֥ימו בֽאלה֗ים כ֫סל֥ם
ול֣א י֭שכחו מֽעללי־א֑ל
ומצות֥יו ינצֽרו
z viwimu balohim cslm
vla iwcku mylli-al
umxvotiv inxoru
8 and not become like their ancestors, a rebellious and provocative generation,
a generation not preparing its heart,
and whose spirit did not believe God.
ח ול֤א יהי֨ו כאבות֗ם דור֮ סור֪ר ומ֫ר֥ה
ד֭ור לא־הכ֣ין לב֑ו
ולא־נאמנ֖ה את־א֣ל רוחֽו
k vla ihiu cabotm dor sorr umorh
dor la-hcin libo
vla-namnh at-al ruko

Verses 9 to 20: Syllables 216 Longest recitation 6 Tenor A  23.61%

Verses 9 to 18 are all bi-colon-A. Verse 10 beginning on the B (munah), clearly joins the first two verses. Verse 19 and 20 are each a tri-colon, again paired with verse 20, the opening C joining the verse to the previous verse.

The story is told in the tonality of the e-minor triad. The return to the tonic is either stepwise from the f# to the e or a closing fifth, B to e, 6 each.

9 The children of Ephraim, equipped and ready with bow,
changed in the day of close combat.
ט בֽני־אפר֗ים נושק֥י רומי־ק֑שת
ה֝פכ֗ו בי֣ום קרֽב
T bni-apriim nowqi romi-qwt
hpcu biom qrb
10 ♪B They did not keep the covenant of God,
and in his instruction they would not walk.
י ל֣א ש֭מרו בר֣ית אלה֑ים
ו֝בתורת֗ו מאנ֥ו ללֽכת
i la wmru brit alohim
ubtorto mianu llct
11 And they forgot his prodigality,
and his wonders that he had showed them.
יא וישכח֥ו עלילות֑יו
ו֝נפלאות֗יו אש֣ר הראֽם
ia viwcku ylilotiv
vnplaotiv awr hram
12 ♪B In front of their ancestors he did a wonder,
in the land of Egypt, the field of Zoan.
יב נ֣גד א֭בותם ע֣שה פ֑לא
בא֖רץ מצר֣ים שדה־צֽען
ib ngd abotm ywh pla
barx mxriim wdh-xoyn
13 ♪B He split sea and made them cross over,
and he made waters stand firm in a heap.
יג ב֣קע י֭ם ויֽעביר֑ם
וֽיצב־מ֥ים כמו־נֽד
ig bqy im viybirm
vixb-mim cmo-nd
14 And he guided them in a cloud by day,
and all the night long in the light of fire.
יד וינח֣ם בענ֣ן יומ֑ם
וכל־ה֝ל֗ילה בא֣ור אֽש
id vinkm bynn iomm
vcl-hlilh baor aw
15 He split rocks in the wilderness,
and gave drink as abundant abysses.
טו יבק֣ע צ֭רים במדב֑ר
ו֝י֗שק כתהמ֥ות רבֽה
Tv ibqy xurim bmdbr
viwq cthomot rbh
16 And he brought forth flows from a cliff,
and made waters descend as rivers.
טז ויוצ֣א נוזל֣ים מס֑לע
וי֖ורד כנהר֣ות מֽים
Tz vioxia nozlim msly
viord cnhrot mim
17 But they added still sin against him,
to provoke the Most High in the arid places.
יז ויוס֣יפו ע֭וד לחטא־ל֑ו
לֽמר֥ות ע֝לי֗ון בציֽה
iz viosipu yod lkToa-lo
lmrot ylion bxiih
18 And they tempted God in their heart,
by asking food for themselves.
יח וינסו־א֥ל בלבב֑ם
לֽשאל־א֥כל לנפשֽם
ik vinsu-al blbbm
lwaol-aocl lnpwm
19 And they spoke against God.
They said, Is God able,
to arrange a table in the wilderness?
יט וֽידבר֗ו בֽאל֫ה֥ים
א֭מרו הי֣וכל א֑ל
לער֥ך ש֝לח֗ן במדבֽר
iT vidbru balohim
amru hiucl al
lyroç wulkn bmdbr
20 ♪C Hey! he struck a rock and out gushed water and the torrents overflowed.
Is he even able to give bread?
Or will he prepare meat for his people?
כ ה֤ן הכה־צ֨ור ויז֣ובו מים֮ ונחל֪ים י֫שט֥פו
הגם־ל֭חם י֣וכל ת֑ת
אם־יכ֖ין שא֣ר לעמֽו
c hn hch-xur vizubu mim unklim iwTopu
hgm-lkm iucl tt
am-icin war lymo
Verses 21 to 32: Syllables 224 Longest recitation 10 Tenor e 22.32%

All 12 verses are of type bi-colon-A. Three begin on a note other than the tonic, each of them clearly connected to the thought of the verse just prior. The high C (verse 31) is often a note of high emotion, grief, or joy. Verse 32 contrasts the high with a low tessitura.

21 So Yahweh heard and he was furious, and fire was ignited in Jacob,
and even anger ascended against Israel.
כא לכ֤ן שמ֥ע יהו֗ה וֽיתעב֥ר ו֭אש נשק֣ה ביעק֑ב
וגם־א֝֗ף על֥ה בישראֽל
ca lcn wmy ihvh vitybr vaw niwqh biyqob
vgm-af ylh biwral
22 ♪C For they did not believe in God,
and they did not trust in his salvation.
כב כ֤י ל֣א ה֭אמינו באלה֑ים
ול֥א ב֝טח֗ו בֽישועתֽו
cb ci la haminu balohim
vla bTku biwuyto
23 For he had commanded the skies from above,
and the gateways of heaven he opened.
כג ויצ֣ו שחק֣ים ממ֑על
ודלת֖י שמ֣ים פתֽח
cg vixv wkqim mmyl
vdlti wmiim ptk
24 And he rained on them manna to eat,
and the grain of heaven he gave to them.
כד וימט֬ר עליה֣ם מ֣ן לאכ֑ל
ודגן־ש֝מ֗ים נ֣תן לֽמו
cd vimTr ylihm mn lacol
udgn-wmiim ntn lmo
25 ♪B The bread of the mighty each ate.
Victuals he sent among them to satiation.
כה ל֣חם א֭בירים א֣כל א֑יש
ציד֬ה של֖ח לה֣ם לשֽבע
ch lkm abirim acl aiw
xidh wlk lhm lwoby
26 He sprung an east wind in the heavens,
and drove a south wind in his strength.
כו יס֣ע ק֭דים בשמ֑ים
וינה֖ג בעז֣ו תימֽן
cv isy qdim bwmiim
vinhg byuzo timn
27 And he rained meat on them as dust,
and winged fowl as the sand of the seas.
כז וימט֬ר עליה֣ם כעפ֣ר שא֑ר
וֽכח֥ול י֝מ֗ים ע֣וף כנֽף
cz vimTr ylihm cypr war
uckol imim yof cnf
28 ♪g And he made it fall within their camp,
surrounding their dwellings.
כח ו֭יפל בק֣רב מחנ֑הו
ס֝ב֗יב למשכנתֽיו
ck vipl bqrb mknhu
sbib lmwcnotiv
29 And they ate and were sated utterly,
and he let their desires come to them.
כט ויאכל֣ו וישבע֣ו מא֑ד
ו֝תֽאות֗ם יב֥א להֽם
cT viaclu viwbyu maod
vtavvtm ibia lhm
30 They were not a stranger to their desires.
While their food was in their mouths,
ל לא־זר֥ו מתאות֑ם
ע֝֗וד אכל֥ם בפיהֽם
l la-zru mtavvtm
yod aoclm bpihm
31 and the anger of God ascended in them, and slew among their stoutest,
and the chosen of Israel were bowed down.
לא וא֤ף אלה֨ים ע֘ל֤ה בה֗ם וֽ֭יהרג במשמניה֑ם
ובחור֖י ישרא֣ל הכרֽיע
la vaf alohim ylh bhm vihrog bmwmnihm
ubkuri iwral hcriy
32 In all this they sinned,
and still did not believe in his wonders.
לב בכל־ז֭את חֽטאו־ע֑וד
ולֽא־ה֝אמ֗ינו בנפלאותֽיו
lb bcl-zat kTau-yod
vla-haminu bnplaotiv

Verses 33 to 42:  Syllables 168 Longest recitation 7 Tenor e  25.00%

Verses 33 to 34 are bi-colon-A. Verses 35 to 37 g-bi-colon-A. Verse 38 is a tri-colon. Verses 39 to 42 follow this pattern. The verses beginning on g (tifha) connect these sections together. The tri-colon is a centerpiece.

33 And he finished their days in futility,
and their years in vexation.
לג ויכל־בה֥בל ימיה֑ם
ו֝שנות֗ם בבהלֽה
lg vicl-bhbl imihm
uwnotm bbhlh
34 When he slew them then they searched him out,
and they turned and sought early for God.
לד אם־הרג֥ם ודרש֑והו
ו֝ש֗בו ושֽחרו־אֽל
ld am-hrgm udrwuhu
vwbu vwikru-al
35 ♪g And they remembered for God is their rock,
and God the Most High their redeemer.
לה וֽ֭יזכרו כֽי־אלה֣ים צור֑ם
וא֥ל ע֝ליון גאלֽם
lh vizcru ci-alohim xurm
val ylion goalm
36 But they seduced him with their mouth,
and with their tongue they lied to him.
לו ויפת֥והו בפיה֑ם
ו֝בלשונ֗ם יכזבו־לֽו
lv viptuhu bpihm
ublwonm iczbu-lo
37 ♪g And their heart was not prepared from him,
and they did not believe in his covenant.
לז ו֭לבם לא־נכ֣ון עמ֑ו
ול֥א נ֝אמנ֗ו בבריתֽו
lz vlibm la-ncon yimo
vla namnu bbrito
38 But he compassionate, he covered over iniquity and did not destroy,
but many times his anger turned,
and did not arouse all his heat,
לח וה֤וא רח֨ום יכפ֥ר עון֮ וֽלא־י֫שח֥ית
ו֭הרבה להש֣יב אפ֑ו
ולֽא־י֝עיר כל־חמתֽו
lk vhua rkum icpr yvon vla-iwkit
vhrbh lhwib apo
vla-iyir cl-kmto
39 ♪g for he remembered that they are flesh,
a walking wind which does not return.
לט ו֭יזכר כי־בש֣ר ה֑מה
ר֥וח ה֝ול֗ך ול֣א ישֽוב
lT vizcor ci-bwr hmh
ruk holç vla iwub
40 ♪g How much they provoked him in the wilderness,
and caused him pain in the wasteland.
מ כ֭מה ימר֣והו במדב֑ר
י֝עציב֗והו בֽישימֽון
m cmh imruhu bmdbr
iyxibuhu biwimon
41 And they turned back and tempted God,
and constrained the Holy One of Israel.
מא ויש֣ובו וינס֣ו א֑ל
וקד֖וש ישרא֣ל התוו
ma viwubu vinsu al
uqdow iwral htvu
42 They did not remember even his hand,
the day he ransomed them from trouble.
מב לא־זכר֥ו את־יד֑ו
י֝֗ום א‍ֽשר־פד֥ם מני־צֽר
mb la-zcru at-ido
iom awr-pdm mni-xr
Verses 43 to 53: Syllables 148 Longest recitation 9 Tenor A  31.76%
You can see that verse 50 is the tri-colon in this group. All the others are bi-colon-A.

43 That he had set up in Egypt his signs,
and his portents in the field of Zoan.
מג אשר־ש֣ם ב֭מצרים אֽתות֑יו
ו֝מופת֗יו בשדה־צֽען
mg awr-wm bmxriim aototiv
umoptiv bwdh-xoyn
44 That he changed their canals to blood,
so their flows they could not imbibe.
מד ויהפ֣ך ל֭דם יאריה֑ם
ו֝נזליה֗ם בל־ישתיֽון
md vihpoç ldm iaorihm
vnozlihm bl-iwtiun
45 He sent a swarm of flies at them and it ate them,
and frogs and he destroyed them.
מה ישל֬ח בה֣ם ע֭רב ויאכל֑ם
ו֝צפרד֗ע ותשחיתֽם
mh iwlk bhm yrob viaclm
uxprdy vtwkitm
46 And he gave to the caterpillar their produce,
and their labour to a swarm.
מו וית֣ן לחס֣יל יבול֑ם
וֽ֝יגיע֗ם לארבֽה
mv viitn lksil ibulm
vigiym larbh
47 He slew their vines with hail,
and their sycamore with sleet.
מז יהר֣ג בבר֣ד גפנ֑ם
ו֝שקמות֗ם בֽחנמֽל
mz ihrog bbrd gpnm
vwqmotm bknml
48 And he imprisoned their kine to the hail,
and their acquisitions to the fire-brands.
מח ויסג֣ר לבר֣ד בעיר֑ם
ו֝מקניה֗ם לרשפֽים
mk visgr lbrd byirm
umqnihm lrwpim
49 He sent them his fierce anger, fury and indignation and trouble,
by sending messengers of evil.
מט ישלח־ב֨ם חר֬ון אפ֗ו עבר֣ה וז֣עם וצר֑ה
מ֝של֗חת מלאכ֥י רעֽים
mT iwlk-bm kron apo ybrh vzym vxrh
mwlkt mlaci ryim
50 He leveled a pathway for his anger.
He did not keep back their being from death,
and he imprisoned their lives to the pestilence.
נ יפל֥ס נת֗יב לא֫פ֥ו
לא־חש֣ך ממ֣ות נפש֑ם
ו֝חית֗ם לד֥בר הסגֽיר
n ipls ntib lapo
la-kwç mmvvt npwm
vkitm ldbr hsgir
51 And he struck all the firstborn in Egypt,
head of the vigour in the tents of Ham.
נא וי֣ך כל־בכ֣ור במצר֑ים
ראש֥ית א֝ונ֗ים באהלי־חֽם
na viç cl-bcor bmxriim
rawit aonim baohli-km
52 And he sprung his people like sheep,
and drove them like a troop in the wilderness.
נב ויס֣ע כצ֣אן עמ֑ו
וֽינהג֥ם כ֝ע֗דר במדבֽר
nb visy cxan ymo
vinhgm cydr bmdbr
53 And he guided them in trust and they were not in dread,
and their enemies the sea covered.
נג וינח֣ם ל֭בטח ול֣א פח֑דו
ואת־א֝ויביה֗ם כס֥ה היֽם
ng vinkm lbTk vla pkdu
vat-aoibihm cish him
Verses 54 to 64:  Syllables 200 Longest recitation 10 Tenor A  28.00%
This section continues the previous section. It begins with a g-bi-colon-A. Three similar verses are evident below. The remaining 8 verses are also of type bi-colon-A, paired cola around a mid-verse cadence on the subdominant.

54 ♪g And he conducted them to the border of his holiness,
whose right hand acquired this hill.
נד ו֭יביאם אל־גב֣ול קדש֑ו
הר־ז֝֗ה קנת֥ה ימינֽו
nd vibiam al-gbul qodwo
hr-zh qnth imino
55 And he expelled the nations before their faces, and let fall in pledge an inheritance,
and made the sceptres of Israel dwell in their tents.
נה ויג֤רש מפניה֨ם גוי֗ם וֽ֭יפילם בח֣בל נחל֑ה
וישכ֥ן ב֝אהליה֗ם שבט֥י ישראֽל
nh vigrw mpnihm goiim vipilm bkbl nklh
viwcn baohlihm wbTi iwral
56 But they tempted and they provoked God Most High,
and his testimonies they did not keep.
נו וינס֣ו ו֭ימרו את־אלה֣ים עלי֑ון
ו֝עדות֗יו ל֣א שמֽרו
nv vinsu vimru at-alohim ylion
vydotiv la wmru
57 And they were spineless and acted treacherously like their ancestors.
They were changed like an unready bow.
נז ויס֣גו וֽ֭יבגדו כאבות֑ם
נ֝הפכ֗ו כק֣שת רמיֽה
nz viisogu vibgdu cabotm
nhpcu cqwt rmiih
58 And they grieved him with their high places,
and with their graven images moved him to jealousy.
נח ויכעיס֥והו בבמות֑ם
ו֝בפסיליה֗ם יקניאֽוהו
nk vicyisuhu bbmotm
ubpsilihm iqniauhu
59 God heard and was furious,
and he refused utterly in Israel.
נט שמ֣ע א֭להים וֽיתעב֑ר
וימא֥ס מ֝א֗ד בישראֽל
nT wmy alohim vitybr
vimas maod biwral
60 ♪g So he abandoned the dwelling in Shiloh,
the tent where he dwelt among humanity.
ס ו֭יטש משכ֣ן של֑ו
א֝֗הל שכ֥ן באדֽם
s viiTow mwcn wilh
aohl wicn badm
61 And he gave his strength into captivity,
and his adornment into the hand of trouble.
סא וית֣ן לשב֣י עז֑ו
וֽתפארת֥ו ביד־צֽר
sa viitn lwbi yuzo
vtparto bid-xr
62 And he imprisoned with the sword his people,
and with his inheritance he was furious.
סב ויסג֣ר לח֣רב עמ֑ו
ו֝בנחלת֗ו התעבֽר
sb visgr lkrb ymo
ubnklto htybr
63 His young men fire devoured,
and his maidens were not praiseworthy.
סג בחור֥יו אֽכלה־א֑ש
ו֝בתולת֗יו ל֣א הולֽלו
sg bkuriv aclh-aw
ubtulotiv la hullu
64 ♪g His priests fell by the sword,
and his widows did not weep.
סד כ֭הניו בח֣רב נפ֑לו
ו֝אלמנת֗יו ל֣א תבכֽינה
sd cohniv bkrb nplu
valmnotiv la tbcinh
Verses 65 to 72: Syllables 143 Longest recitation 7 Tenor A  23.78%

Similar in structure to the last section. No tri-colon in the group. The verses starting on a note other than the tonic are always evident from the text the way I have formatted it with the ♪ (see vs 67 below).

This psalm tells the story of Israel's exit from the world of Egypt and entrance into the land to the focus on Judah and David.

65 And my Lord awoke as from sleep,
as valour shouting from wine.
סה ויק֖ץ כיש֥ן אדנ֑י
כ֝גב֗ור מתרונ֥ן מיֽין
sh viiqx ciwn adonii
cgibor mtronn miin
66 And he struck his foes back,
a reproach ever he gave them.
סו ויך־צר֥יו אח֑ור
חרפ֥ת ע֝ול֗ם נ֣תן לֽמו
sv viç-xriv akor
krpt yolm ntn lmo
67 ♪g And he refused the tent of Joseph,
and the sceptre of Ephraim he did not choose.
סז ו֭ימאס בא֣הל יוס֑ף
וֽבש֥בט א֝פר֗ים ל֣א בחֽר
sz vimas baohl iosf
ubwbT apriim la bkr
68 ♪g But he chose the sceptre of Judah,
the hill of Zion which he loved.
סח ו֭יבחר את־ש֣בט יהוד֑ה
אֽת־ה֥ר צ֝י֗ון אש֣ר אהֽב
sk vibkr at-wbT ihudh
at-hr xion awr ahb
69 And he built as exalted, his sanctuary,
as the earth he founded forever.
סט וי֣בן כמו־ר֭מים מקדש֑ו
כ֝א֗רץ יסד֥ה לעולֽם
sT viibn cmo-rmim mqdwo
carx isdh lyolm
70 ♪g And he chose in David his servant,
and took him from the sheepfolds.
ע ו֭יבחר בדו֣ד עבד֑ו
ו֝יקח֗הו מֽמכלא֥ת צֽאן
y vibkr bdvid ybdo
viiqkhu mmclaot xan
71 From behind those giving suck he conducted him,
to shepherd in Jacob his people,
and in Israel his inheritance.
עא מאח֥ר על֗ות ה֫ביא֥ו
ל֭רעות ביעק֣ב עמ֑ו
ו֝בישרא֗ל נחלתֽו
ya makr ylot hbiao
lryot biyqob ymo
ubiwral nklto
72 ♪g And he shepherded them as the completeness of his heart,
and in the discernments of his open palms he guided them.
עב ו֭ירעם כת֣ם לבב֑ו
ובתבונ֖ות כפ֣יו ינחֽם
yb virym ctom lbbo
ubtbunot cpiv inkm

Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here. That I have done this psalm tells me that the tools I have at my disposal are sufficient to the task of presenting the psalms and possibly the music of the entire Bible one chapter at a time.

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