Friday 11 October 2024

The Five Scrolls

Note that every book in its own pdf is available from this post.
Chapter Syllables Max
c d e f g# A B C
137318.54 .00 22.79 8.85 17.43 7.51 17.69 25.20The Song of Songs which is of Solomon.
242920.47 3.03 22.14 14.69 17.25 10.72 25.64 6.06I am the crocus of the plain, the lily of the valley.
3332131.2 3.61 22.29 9.64 15.96 10.54 25.60 11.14On my lying down in the nights I sought the one who is my love.
I sought him and did not find him.
4445110 1.35 8.99 11.01 21.57 10.11 23.82 23.15Just look at you, beautiful, my friend. Just look at you, beautiful, your eyes doves from within your headscarf,
your hair like a troop of she-goats curled up on the hillside of Gilead.
544417.9 .68 22.97 9.68 18.47 10.59 26.58 10.14I am come into my garden, my sister perfection. I have foraged my myrrh with my spice. I have eaten my forest with my honey. I have imbibed my wine with my milk.
Eat, friends, imbibe, and be intoxicated, beloved. S
6298110 .00 15.10 10.07 20.81 14.43 21.48 18.12Where has he gone, your beloved, O beautiful among women?
Where has he faced, your beloved, so we may seek him with you?
735519.85 3.10 26.48 9.86 20.85 6.76 23.38 8.73Return, return, she who has peace. Return, return, and we will gaze on you.
What will you gaze on in the one who has peace? A birth between two armies?
840620.49 3.45 21.43 14.53 16.01 8.62 22.41 13.05Who will give you as brother to me, as one who suckled the breasts of my mother.
I would find you outside. I would kiss you. Furthermore none would disdain me.
175713.53 .66 13.87 11.89 14.80 10.57 26.42 21.27It was in the days of the judgment of the judges, and there was a famine in the land.
And there went a man from Bethlehem of Judah to reside in Sdeh-Moab, he, his wife, and his two sons.
2912161.21 2.19 20.83 14.04 14.14 11.51 22.26 13.82Now for Naomi there was an acquaintance of her man, a man of valour and ability from the family of Elimelek,
and his name was Boaz.
3586182.9 5.29 17.58 13.48 17.06 12.80 20.14 10.75And Naomi her mother-in-law said to her,
My daughter, do I not seek for you rest that it may be good for you?
4769242.47 3.25 22.11 9.75 13.91 7.28 26.66 14.56And Boaz ascended to the gate and sat there, and behold the redeemer passed by which Boaz spoke of, and he said, Turn aside, sit here. What a coincidence!
And he turned aside and sat down.
1 849 15 2 2.94 16.61 13.31 13.19 7.42 27.21 17.31 Ah in such solitude sits the city. Abundant with people she is as a widow.
Abundant from the nations, noble among the provinces, she is into forced service. S
2 889 17 .67 2.14 17.10 10.12 13.50 9.45 24.52 22.50 Ah, how my Lord has thickly clouded in his anger the daughter of Zion. He has cast down from heaven to earth the adornment of Israel,
and he has not remembered his footstool in the day of his anger. S
3 886 11 2.71 5.08 24.60 14.45 20.20 .45 8.47 24.04 Am I the one who prevails? He has seen poverty through the sceptre of his fury.
4 611 11 0 .98 13.58 6.71 19.80 13.26 20.95 24.71 Ah how gold is dimmed. The finest gold, the good is mutated.
The stones of the sanctuary are poured out at the top of every street. S
5 366 11 0 .00 27.60 12.84 18.03 .00 22.40 19.13 Remember Yahweh how it is for us. Take note and see our reproach.
148419.62 5.37 18.60 16.53 17.98 12.81 17.15 10.95Things declaimed by David's child, king in Jerusalem.
2871151.38 3.56 18.37 12.86 14.70 9.18 29.51 10.45I myself said in my heart, Go on please. I will spill out gladness and see into good.
And note well, even this is futility.
3597151.01 1.17 18.09 17.59 14.07 8.88 25.46 13.74To everything there is a season,
and a time for every delight under the heavens. P
4499142.2 5.41 19.64 17.03 15.03 8.02 24.85 7.82So I myself turned and I saw all the oppression that is done under the sun.
And note well the tears of the oppressed and there is not for them any comforter, and from the hand of their oppressors is power and there is not for them any comforter.
5590172.03 3.90 20.51 14.07 15.59 8.81 24.92 10.17Do not be brash with your mouth or do not let your heart rush headlong to bring something forth before the face of God,
for this God is in the heavens but you are on the earth therefore let your somethings be few.
6361230 5.82 18.28 16.07 15.24 10.80 28.81 4.99There is an evil that I have seen under the sun,
and frequent it is with the human.
7717131.53 3.07 14.50 16.32 19.53 10.32 24.55 10.18A good name may be compared with good oil,
and the day of death with the day of its birth.
8616241.14 3.57 22.40 11.69 13.31 7.31 27.92 12.66Who is as the shrewd and who knows the key to a word?
The shrewdness of a human enlightens its face and the strength of its face is transformed.
9702212.71 2.42 17.52 12.96 11.68 9.40 29.20 14.10Because all this I gave to my heart and to bore into all this, that the righteous and the shrewd and their service, are in the hand of this God.
Neither love nor hate does the human know of the whole of what is in their faces.
10464140 2.16 15.52 17.67 21.12 13.36 23.06 7.11A dead fly ferments a stink in perfumer's oil.
Rarely from shrewdness, from glory, is a little silliness.
11322161.55 3.42 14.91 21.74 14.91 9.63 27.64 6.21Send your bread on the face of the waters,
for in many days you will find it.
12448141.34 1.56 14.73 10.49 18.30 10.94 24.55 18.08Remember your creator in the days of your prime,
while have not yet come the days of evil or years touch that you say, There is no delight in them for me.
1886281.24 2.14 16.37 9.59 12.75 8.13 34.65 15.12And it was in the days of Ahasuerus,
(this is Ahasuerus who reigned from India to Cush, one hundred and twenty seven provinces),
21029212.43 3.98 17.88 10.50 11.18 8.45 29.25 16.33Following these words, the heat of the king Ahasuerus having subsided,
he remembered Vashti and what she had done, and what was adjudicated against her.
3727331.65 4.68 14.99 10.18 11.14 11.69 33.70 11.97After these things the king Ahasuerus promoted Haman child of Hammedatha the Agagite and lifted him up.
And set his throne above all the nobility that were with him.
466321.45 3.47 23.08 10.26 12.22 7.84 28.81 13.88And Mordecai knew all that was done and Mordecai ripped his garments, and he clothed himself with sackcloth and ashes,
and came forth into the midst of the city and he appealed an appeal, great and bitter.
5609211.31 3.61 16.26 9.85 12.64 12.97 30.38 12.97And it was on the third day and Esther clothed herself with royalty, and she stood in the court of the house of the king, the presence opposite the house of the king.
And the king sat on the throne of his kingdom in the house of the royal estates opposite the door of the house.
662727.48 1.44 15.47 10.05 11.80 12.12 30.46 18.18In that night, sleep fled the king,
and he said to bring the record of the memorials of the words of the days, and they were recited in the presence of the king.
7448311.56 4.24 14.06 8.48 13.17 8.71 34.60 15.18And the king and Haman came to imbibe with Esther the queen.
886832.92 1.96 20.74 5.88 10.83 8.06 35.25 16.36In that day the king Ahasuerus gave to Esther the queen, the house of Haman, the adversary of the Judeans.
And Mordecai came in the presence of the king, for Esther had made clear who he was to her.
91314372.36 3.73 19.41 10.12 11.95 9.59 32.42 10.43And in the twelfth new moon (this is the month of Adar) on its thirteenth day, that the word of the king and the dictate touched that it should be done,
in the day that the enemies of the Judeans relied on having authority among them, (but it was overturned such that the Judeans had authority among those hating them),
1011424.88 2.63 14.04 14.04 12.28 5.26 47.37 3.51So the king Ahasuerus set in place taxation over the earth and the islands of the sea.

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