Monday 7 October 2024


What stood out for me in this chapter was the long recitative in verse 6. Where would you breathe? Here we see segol, pazer, azla, as well as zaqef-qatan as possible breathing spots. And several more possible breaks for dramatic effect: revia, tsinnor, telisha-qetana.

Note that every book in its own pdf is available from this post. So you can analyze any chapter that catches your ear.

A long recitation
6 And again the children of Israel did evil in the eyes of Yahweh,
and they served Baalim and Ashtaroth,
and the gods of Aram and the gods of Sidon,
and the gods of Moab and the God of the children of Ammon,
and the gods of the Philistines,
and they forsook Yahweh and did not serve him.
ו ויס֣פו בנ֣י ישרא֗ל לעש֣ות הרע֮ בעינ֣י יהוה֒
ויעבד֣ו את־הבעל֣ים ואת־העשתר֡ות
ואת־אלה֣י ארם֩ ואת־אלה֨י ציד֜ון
וא֣ת אלה֣י מוא֗ב ואת֙ אלה֣י בני־עמ֔ון
וא֖ת אלה֣י פלשת֑ים
ויעזב֥ו את־יהו֖ה ול֥א עבדֽוהו

v viosipu bni iwral lywot hry byini ihvh
viybdu at-hbylim vat-hywtrot
vat-alohi arm vat-alohi xidon
vat alohi moab vat alohi bni-ymon
vat alohi plwtim
viyzbu at-ihvh vla ybduhu
Chapter Syllables Max
c d e f g# A B C
11253382 2.39 16.92 11.25 15.16 10.30 31.52 10.45And it was after the death of Joshua, and the children of Israel asked Yahweh, saying,
Who will go up for us to the Canaanite to start to fight him?
2887331.69 3.49 16.35 9.02 15.90 10.82 28.75 13.98And the messenger of Yahweh went up from Gilgal to Bokim,
and said, I made you go up from Egypt and I brought you to the land that I swore to your ancestors, and I said, I will not thwart my covenant with you forever.
31144231.05 2.53 21.50 9.97 14.86 10.84 24.91 14.34And these are the nations that Yahweh had let rest to prove, with them, Israel,
all who did not know all the wars of Canaan.
4966194.24 3.52 24.43 10.77 12.94 9.32 22.67 12.11And again the children of Israel did evil in the eyes of Yahweh.
And Ehud died.
5888131.01 1.46 16.89 12.16 19.37 8.90 23.87 16.33Then sang Deborah and Baraq, child of Abinoam,
in that day, saying, S
61592322.45 2.64 18.40 10.99 13.63 10.11 24.81 16.96And the children of Israel did evil in the eyes of Yahweh,
and Yahweh gave them into the hand of Midian seven years.
71197211.67 4.09 18.63 10.78 11.45 12.03 25.65 15.71And Jerubbaal (he is Gideon) rose up early and all the people that were with him, and they encamped by the spring of Apprehension.
And the army of Midian was north of him from the hillock of Moreh in the valley. S
8124826.88 3.85 20.03 13.38 14.18 13.06 23.64 10.98And they said to him, each of Ephraim, What is this thing that you have done to us without calling to us when you went to fight in Midian?
And they contended with him resolutely.
92094331.81 3.06 18.48 10.79 14.76 11.75 25.26 14.09And Abimelek, child of Jerubbaal, went towards Shechem to the kin of his mother,
and he spoke to them, and to all the families of the house of the father of his mother, saying,
1065062.46 2.00 20.15 12.31 14.15 10.31 30.62 10.00And after Abimelek, there arose to save Israel Tola, child of Puah, child of Dodo, a man of Issachar,
and he sat in Shamir in mount Ephraim.
111532231.83 2.48 16.64 10.31 14.23 12.14 29.96 12.40Jephthah of the Gilead was valiant and forceful, and he was a child of a woman of harlotry.
And Gilead had Jephthah.
1255217.36 3.62 12.50 13.41 14.67 13.22 24.82 17.39And the men of Ephraim mobilized and passed through the north,
and they said to Jephthah, Why did you pass through to fight with the children of Ammon, and you did not call us to go with you? Your house we will incinerate over you with fire.
13911221.76 4.83 15.70 15.81 13.83 8.45 28.54 11.09And again the children of Israel did evil in the eyes of Yahweh,
and Yahweh gave them into the hand of the Philistines a forty year span. P
14805271.12 2.73 12.05 11.80 12.92 9.19 39.13 11.06And Sampson went down to Timnah,
and saw a woman in Timnah from the daughters of the Philistines.
1577831.9 2.96 17.22 10.80 12.60 9.64 32.39 13.50And it was from the days in the days of the wheat harvest, and Sampson visited his wife with a young kid of the she-goats, and he said, I will go in to my wife, the inner room.
But her father would not permit him to come in.
161373301.24 3.06 15.44 9.47 13.40 11.14 31.97 14.28And Sampson went to Gaza,
and saw there a woman of harlotry, and he came to her.
17455321.32 2.64 16.92 15.60 16.04 6.59 31.21 9.67And there was a man from mount Ephraim, and his name was Mikayahu [Who-is-like-Yah].
181279351.56 2.66 17.90 10.32 13.84 10.48 33.93 9.30In those days there was no king in Israel.
And in those days, the sceptre of the Danites sought for itself to settle an inheritance. For until that day the inheritance had not fallen to it among the sceptres of Israel. P
191288241.4 2.17 18.32 9.16 13.66 12.27 28.57 14.44And it happened in those days, (and there was no king in Israel),
that there was a man, a Levite, residing by the flanks of mount Ephraim, and he took for himself a wife, a courtesan from Bethlehem of Judah.
201830251.26 3.93 24.54 11.86 13.33 10.22 22.62 12.24And all the children of Israel went forth and convened the assembly as one person from Dan and to Beer-Sheva and the land of the Gilead,
to Yahweh at Mizpah.
21905171.55 4.97 20.44 12.82 15.69 12.71 23.87 7.96And the men of Israel had sworn in Mizpah, saying,
Not one of us will give his daughter to Benjamin as wife.

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