Monday 7 October 2024


Note that every book in its own pdf is available from this post. There are poetic chapters of Deuteronomy, 32 and 33, but the tenor is still the same. The tenor of the final chapter is e -- almost as if the constant dominant tenor on B is reaching a final close.

These posts will tell you just how much analysis has to be done to characterize this music and the explicit structure it suggests in every chapter.
Chapter Syllables Max
c d e f g# A B C
11615261.3 3.03 16.66 13.37 16.72 10.90 25.82 12.20These are the words that Moses spoke to all Israel across the Jordan,
in the wilderness, in the steppe, in the forefront of Suf, between Paran and Tophel and Laban and Hazerot and Di Zahab.
21218231.72 4.27 23.81 11.90 15.11 7.88 22.25 13.05So we faced about and we began to migrate towards the wilderness, by the way of the sea of reeds, as Yahweh has spoken to me,
and we circled the hill of Seir many days. S
31076232.23 4.09 17.84 11.62 14.50 8.27 30.02 11.43And we faced about and ascended by way of Bashan,
and Og, king of Bashan, came forth and encountered us, he and all with him, to battle at Edrei.
41962342.5 4.54 18.04 10.04 13.86 10.09 29.20 11.72And now, Israel, hear the statutes and the judgments that I am teaching you to do,
so that you may live and go in and possess the land which Yahweh the God of your ancestors is giving to you.
51130233.19 5.58 16.28 11.86 11.68 7.61 35.13 8.67And Moses called to all Israel and he said to them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and the judgments that I speak in your ears today,
that you may learn them and keep watch to do them.
6828342.17 6.04 13.65 14.49 16.79 11.11 30.56 5.19And this is the commandment, the statutes, and the judgments which Yahweh your God commanded for teaching you,
to do in the land that you will cross over toward to possess it.
71046402.2 4.11 19.22 10.42 14.53 10.71 23.90 14.91When Yahweh your God will conduct you to the land that you are going toward to possess it,
and has cleared out many nations from your presence, the Hittite, and the Girgashite, and the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite, seven abundant nations, and more numerous than you.
8740211.49 3.51 21.89 12.57 15.41 10.54 23.24 11.35All the commandment that I am commanding you today you will keep watch to do,
so that you will live and increase and go in and possess the land which Yahweh swore to your ancestors.
91216201.4 2.88 18.91 12.42 13.57 10.20 29.69 10.94Hear O Israel, you cross over the Jordan today, to come to possess nations greater and more numerous than you,
cities great and fortified into the heavens.
10780181.54 4.62 16.03 12.82 14.23 11.03 29.23 10.51At that time said Yahweh to me, Sculpt your two tablets of stone like the first and come up to me towards the hill,
and construct your ark of lumber.
111233192.84 4.87 20.44 10.46 15.09 10.54 23.44 12.33And you will love Yahweh your God,
and you will keep his watch and his statutes and his judgments and his commandments every day.
121302271.23 2.00 21.27 9.14 13.36 15.36 30.49 7.14These are the statutes and the judgments which you will keep watch to do in the land that Yahweh the God of your ancestors has given to you to possess,
all the days that you live over the ground.
13799223.38 5.38 21.28 10.64 12.89 10.51 27.53 8.39All the word that I myself have commanded you, it you will keep to do.
You will not add to it, nor will you subtract from it. P
14855291.05 1.75 21.29 13.57 16.02 7.49 32.05 6.78Children of Yahweh your God you are.
You will not self-slash, and you will not set baldness between your eyes for the dead.
15842222.02 2.85 19.95 8.91 13.30 9.74 25.06 18.17At the end of seven years, you will make a remittance.
16843371.78 5.81 14.59 14.12 12.81 9.49 35.82 5.58Keep the month of Abib and do the Passover of Yahweh your God,
for in the month of Abib Yahweh your God brought you forth from Egypt at night.
17832221.2 4.45 16.71 12.62 12.86 9.01 28.97 14.18You will not offer to Yahweh your God bull or lamb in which there is a spot, any thing injured,
for an abomination to Yahweh your God it is. S
18699191.29 2.58 21.03 15.31 16.31 12.16 23.89 7.44There will not be for the priests, the Levites, all the band of Levi, a share or inheritance with Israel.
The offerings by fire of Yahweh, and his inheritance, they will eat.
1975418.8 3.85 22.28 15.25 14.72 8.62 24.80 9.68When Yahweh your God has cut off the nations whose land Yahweh your God is giving to you,
and you dispossess them, and you have settled in their cities and in their houses,
2074416.81 5.11 18.95 11.96 15.32 11.16 24.33 12.37When you go out to war against your enemies, and you see horses and chariot of a people more abundant than you, you will not fear them,
for Yahweh, your God is with you, who brought you up from the land of Egypt.
2181122.99 2.59 21.45 13.07 15.54 12.95 23.30 10.11If there is found one who is profaned in the ground that Yahweh your God is giving to you to possess, having fallen in the field,
(it is not known who struck him),
22100930.99 3.57 19.13 13.58 14.57 10.51 24.28 13.38You will not see the bull of your brother, or his lamb enticed away. You will not obscure yourself from them.
You will return them to your kin.
23773192.33 4.53 17.34 15.91 17.34 13.07 21.86 7.63A man will not take the wife of his father,
and he will not uncover the hem of his father. S
24762132.62 3.28 15.88 13.25 15.62 10.63 20.34 18.37If a man takes a woman and marries her,
and it happens that she finds no grace in his eyes, for he has found in her something exposed, then let him write her a record of being cut off, to give into her hand, and let him send her from his house.
25612261.14 3.27 20.10 11.27 17.48 15.03 22.55 9.15When there is contention between persons, and they make overture for judgment, then they will judge them.
And they will justify the righteous one and will condemn the wicked one.
26837214.3 5.38 20.07 9.32 13.50 11.95 24.97 10.51And it will be that when you come to the land that Yahweh your God is giving to you as inheritance,
and you possess it and you inhabit it.
27744231.21 4.44 18.01 14.65 15.05 12.77 22.85 11.02And Moses and the elders of Israel commanded the people, saying,
Keep all the commandment that I myself have commanded you today.
282451291.39 3.26 18.16 13.30 15.18 10.98 25.38 12.36And it will happen that if to hear, you hear with the voice of Yahweh your God to keep and to do all his commandments that I am commanding you today,
then Yahweh your God will give you the highest status over all the nations of the earth.
291056201.52 3.69 21.88 11.46 13.54 9.94 26.52 11.46And Moses called to all Israel and he said to them,
You yourselves have seen all that Yahweh has done in your sight in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh and to all his servants and to all his land,
30864222.66 6.71 14.47 12.27 13.77 12.04 26.62 11.46And it will be that when all these words come over you, the blessing and the denial, that I gave before you,
that you will turn to your heart among all the nations toward whom Yahweh your God had banished you,
311286271.01 3.50 15.86 10.96 13.06 9.10 33.98 12.52And Moses went,
and spoke these words to all Israel.
32139616.64 1.86 17.69 12.54 19.63 13.04 20.63 13.97Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak,
and hear, O earth, the promises of my mouth. R
3381014.86 1.48 15.31 11.73 19.75 11.48 20.99 18.40And this is the blessing with which Moses the man of God blessed the children of Israel,
in the face of his death.
34391113.58 5.63 29.41 11.51 14.32 10.49 17.65 7.42And Moses ascended from the steppes of Moab to mount Nebo, the top of Pisgah that faces Jericho.
And Yahweh showed him all the land, the Gilead to Dan,

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