Tuesday 27 September 2022

Vowels and stress in one popup - if you need them

 Here's what can make the initial reading easier. And you can ignore the popups when you no longer need them. These also include the Hebrew accents. They will look like a small dot on the page, but they do contain accentual information. For instance viamr can be either narrative or future depending on the vowel pattern, and the stress is on the second syllable when narrative but on the third syllable when future. And see how the vowels are different. We saw this word in Genesis 12, the first word: viamr.

The same letters occur in Isaiah 58. Verse 9, the 6th word. viamr. Click to popup the vowels and the accent. Click again to close the popup.

Then you will call and Yahweh will answer. You will cry and he will say, Here am I,
if you put aside from your midst your hegemony, the extending of a finger, and the word of mischief.

You can see that the music will show you the tense of the verb.

Isaiah 58:9

Here is the full verse with popups on every word.
So now we can hide the vowels, but we can also see them for new patterns. 

Some combinations are not going to be easy to explain. twvvy occurs twice ony in the Bible, here and in Job 24:12. This instance lacks the furtive patah. Job includes it. The music lyric is correct in both cases. But the vowel algorithm is too simplistic to recognize that these are different. Worse, the concordance links them together. I must find an explanation. In a later post.

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