Saturday, 19 December 2020

Biblical Hebrew Roots - na-ng

A sampling of what is in this section: now / please, bottle, lovely / haunt, oracle, adultery, spurn, prophesy, notice / take note, prophet, lute / skin-bottle / wither / senseless / corpse, ferment, Negev / south / southward, and before / announce / before / before him / before me / before you / clear / conspicuous / evident / from before / herald / in front of / in front of me / tell / told, illuminate / illumination, Nego, gore, perform / string, contagion / touch, plague, wrung out, bring close / brought close / came close / come close / overture / taskmaster.
na Location bnoa1 בְּנֹֽאin NoEze 30:14(9)
vnoa1 וְנֹ֖אand NoEze 30:16(7)
mnoa2 מִנֹּ֔אfrom NoJer 46:25(10)
מִנֹּ֣אthan NoNah 3:8(2)
noa1 נֹֽאNoEze 30:15(10)
Particle lna1 לַ֖נָאfor usEzr 4:14(12)
na405 ־נָ֔אif you willGen 38:25(16)
־נָ֔אpleaseAmo 7:2(12) Amo 7:5(5)
־נָ֕אif you willGen 37:6(4) Isa 5:3(7) Mic 6:1(2)
־נָ֕אpleaseGen 50:4(16)
־נָ֖אif you willGen 12:13(2) Gen 27:2(3) Exo 4:13(5) Num 16:8(6) 1Sa 22:7(7) 1Sa 22:12(4) 1Sa 23:11(14) 2Kgs 9:12(4) Isa 7:13(3) Jer 37:20(3)
־נָ֖אnow2Kgs 18:19(6) Isa 36:4(6)
־נָ֖אpleaseGen 19:18(5) Gen 40:8(15) Exo 11:2(2) Num 10:31(3) Num 14:17(3) 2Sa 14:18(18) Isa 64:8(12) 1Ch 29:20(6)
־נָ֗אif you willGen 37:32(12)
־נָ֗אpleaseNum 14:19(2) Jer 7:12(3) Hag 2:2(2) Job 4:7(2)
־נָ֛אif you will2Kgs 2:9(17)
־נָ֛אnowIsa 1:18(2)
־נָ֛אpleaseGen 30:27(5) Jdg 6:17(4) 2Sa 15:31(11)
־נָ֝֗אpray tellPsa 115:2(5)
־נָ֝אmayPsa 124:1(9) Psa 129:1(7)
־נָ֞אif you willJdg 19:9(18) 1Sa 22:3(11) 1Kgs 13:6(8) 1Kgs 22:13(10) 2Kgs 2:19(7) 2Kgs 20:3(4) Isa 38:3(5) Zec 3:8(2)
־נָ֞אnowGen 16:2(6) 1Sa 23:22(2) 2Kgs 7:13(6)
־נָ֞אpleaseGen 18:30(3) Gen 18:32(3) Jdg 9:2(2) 2Sa 13:6(12) 2Sa 14:2(11) 2Sa 24:2(10) 2Kgs 9:34(6) Jer 25:5(3)
־נָ֠אif you willGen 19:20(2)
־נָ֠אmayGen 19:19(2)
־נָ֠אpleaseGen 22:2(3)
־נָ֡אpleaseJer 35:15(11)
־נָ֣אif you willGen 12:11(11) Jos 7:19(7) Jdg 18:5(4) 2Sa 1:4(8) 1Kgs 20:31(5) 1Kgs 20:32(16) 1Kgs 22:13(19) 2Kgs 1:13(24) 2Kgs 2:2(6) 2Kgs 2:4(6) 2Kgs 2:6(5) 2Kgs 2:16(4) 2Kgs 4:9(5) 2Kgs 5:8(20) 2Kgs 5:17(5) 2Kgs 6:1(7) Jer 5:21(2) Jer 28:15(8) Jer 36:17(6) Jer 37:3(18) Jer 38:20(6) Mic 3:9(2) Job 1:11(3) Job 12:7(3) Job 33:1(3) Job 38:3(2) Job 40:7(2) Job 40:15(2) Job 40:16(2)
־נָ֣אmayPsa 50:22(2) Psa 119:76(2) Psa 119:108(4)
־נָ֣אnow2Sa 20:16(9) 1Kgs 20:7(9) Jer 4:31(14) Jer 45:3(3)
־נָ֣אpleaseGen 15:5(6) Gen 18:4(2) Gen 27:3(3) Gen 27:19(13) Gen 30:14(19) Num 12:6(3) 1Sa 14:17(7) 1Sa 16:17(6) 1Sa 19:2(11) 1Sa 25:25(2) 2Sa 13:13(13) 2Sa 14:2(13) 2Kgs 4:13(4) 2Kgs 4:26(3) Jer 18:11(3) Jer 30:6(2) Jer 44:4(11) Eze 8:8(6) Eze 33:30(21) Jon 1:14(8) Hag 2:15(3) Hag 2:18(2) Job 2:5(3) Job 22:21(2) Job 22:22(2) Lam 1:18(8) Ezr 10:14(2)
־נָ֤אif you willGen 18:27(5) Gen 18:31(3) Gen 44:33(3) Exo 4:6(6) Jdg 13:3(9) 1Sa 9:6(4) 1Sa 16:16(2) 1Sa 16:22(7) 1Sa 28:22(3) 2Sa 1:9(4) 2Sa 19:38(2) 2Kgs 5:15(13) Jer 5:1(5) Dan 9:16(5)
־נָ֤אnowExo 10:11(4) 2Sa 13:25(8) Isa 47:12(2) Jer 37:20(7) Jer 42:2(6)
־נָ֤אpleaseGen 24:14(7) Gen 33:11(2) 1Sa 9:3(12) 1Sa 17:17(6) 1Sa 25:24(10) 2Kgs 18:26(11) Isa 36:11(9) Jer 21:2(2) Song 7:9(7) 2Ch 6:40(4)
־נָ֥אif you willGen 24:2(12) Gen 24:12(7) Gen 45:4(6) Gen 47:29(16) Gen 48:9(14) Exo 34:9(9) Jdg 9:38(20) Jdg 13:8(13) Jdg 15:2(16) Jdg 19:6(12) 2Sa 14:21(6) 2Kgs 5:15(25) Job 13:6(2)
־נָ֥אmayPsa 80:15(4) Psa 118:2(2) Psa 118:3(2)
־נָ֥אnowLam 5:16(5)
־נָ֥אpleaseGen 18:3(9) Gen 19:7(3) Gen 24:43(14) Gen 33:14(2) Gen 47:4(20) Gen 47:29(25) Num 12:12(2) Num 22:16(12) Jos 2:12(3) Jos 7:19(16) Jdg 4:19(4) 1Sa 3:17(8) 1Sa 28:8(17) 2Sa 13:17(7) 2Sa 13:24(7) 2Sa 13:24(11) 2Sa 13:26(5) 1Kgs 17:11(7) 1Kgs 22:5(7) 2Kgs 6:17(6) 2Kgs 6:18(9) Isa 51:21(3) Eze 8:5(6) Jon 4:3(4) Mal 1:9(3) Dan 1:12(2) 2Ch 18:4(7)
־נָ֧אif you will1Sa 16:15(6) 2Ch 18:12(18)
־נָ֧אplease2Sa 14:12(4) Hag 2:11(6)
־נָ֨אif you willGen 19:8(2) Gen 44:18(8) Jdg 6:39(18)
־נָ֨אpleaseGen 13:8(6) Gen 18:3(4) Gen 31:12(3) Gen 33:10(6) Gen 37:14(4) Gen 47:29(11) Gen 50:4(11) Num 12:11(8) Jdg 6:18(2) Jdg 12:6(4) 1Sa 26:11(10) 2Sa 14:11(3) 2Sa 14:18(7) 1Kgs 17:10(18) Isa 47:13(5)
־נָ֬אmayPsa 7:10(2)
־נָ֭אif you willJob 5:1(2) Job 8:8(3) Job 10:9(2) Job 13:18(2) Job 33:2(2) Job 42:4(2)
־נָ֭אmayPsa 118:4(2)
־נָ֭אpleaseJob 6:29(2) Job 32:21(2)
־נָא֙if you willNum 20:10(12) Jdg 19:8(10) 1Sa 14:29(8) 1Kgs 2:17(3) Isa 7:3(6) Jer 28:7(3) Eze 18:25(7) Mic 3:1(3) Neh 1:8(2)
־נָא֙nowGen 27:9(2) 2Kgs 5:7(24) Jer 27:18(10)
־נָא֙pleaseGen 16:2(11) Gen 33:10(4) Jdg 8:5(5) 1Sa 26:19(3) 2Sa 24:10(21) 1Kgs 18:43(5) Jer 18:13(6) Eze 17:12(2) Mic 6:5(3) 1Ch 21:8(14)
־נָא֩if you willDeu 4:32(3)
־נָא֩pleaseExo 33:13(3) Exo 34:9(3) 1Sa 27:5(6)
־נָּ֖אmayPsa 122:8(5)
־נָּ֖אplease2Sa 16:9(16) Neh 5:10(10)
־נָּ֗אif you will1Sa 25:8(16)
־נָּ֗אpleaseDeu 3:25(2)
־נָּ֛אpleaseGen 50:5(17) Jdg 19:11(12) 2Sa 14:17(4) Eccl 2:1(5)
־נָּ֝֗אmay it bePsa 116:14(5) Psa 116:18(5)
־נָּ֣אif you willNum 20:17(2) Isa 5:5(3)
־נָּ֣אnowGen 18:21(2) 2Kgs 7:12(8)
־נָּ֣אpleaseGen 32:30(5) Gen 33:15(4) Gen 37:16(7) Jos 22:26(3) Jdg 11:17(9) Jdg 13:15(7) Jdg 16:6(6) Jdg 16:10(13) 1Sa 9:18(9) 1Sa 10:15(5) 2Sa 14:15(17) 2Kgs 6:2(2) 2Kgs 8:4(10) Jon 1:8(4) 1Ch 21:13(9)
־נָּ֤אif you willNeh 1:11(18)
־נָּ֤אpleaseGen 19:8(11) Jdg 19:24(6) 2Sa 24:14(9) 2Kgs 4:10(2) 2Kgs 5:22(18) Rut 2:2(7)
־נָּ֥אif you willGen 27:21(6) Gen 27:26(6) 2Sa 18:22(12)
־נָּ֥אnowJdg 14:12(5)
־נָּ֥אpleaseGen 40:14(9) Jdg 11:19(14) 1Sa 30:7(9)
־נָּ֨אpleaseNum 22:6(3) Num 23:13(5) Jer 38:25(12)
־נָּ֭אif you willJob 17:3(2)
־נָּא֙if you willGen 38:16(7)
־נָּא֙nowGen 24:42(12)
־נָּא֙pleaseNum 22:17(11) Num 23:27(6) 1Kgs 19:20(9) Rut 2:7(3)
נָ֑אif you willJob 17:10(5)
נָ֑אpleaseJdg 19:23(12) 1Kgs 20:35(11) 1Kgs 20:37(6)
נָ֔אif you willJdg 13:4(3) 2Sa 17:5(4) Jer 36:15(4)
נָ֔אnow2Sa 7:2(7)
נָ֔אpleaseGen 50:17(15) Exo 32:32(8) 2Kgs 18:23(3) Isa 36:8(3)
נָ֔אuncookedExo 12:9(4)
נָ֖אif you will2Kgs 6:3(4) 2Kgs 19:19(5)
נָ֖אnowIsa 19:12(5)
נָ֖אpleaseGen 13:9(6) Gen 24:23(6) Exo 33:18(3) Num 12:13(9) Jdg 10:15(15) 1Sa 15:25(3) 1Sa 25:28(2) 1Kgs 1:12(4)
נָ֗אplease2Sa 13:7(8) Jer 18:11(23)
נָ֛אpleaseGen 24:17(6) Gen 32:12(2) Num 12:13(7) 1Sa 2:36(14) 1Sa 15:30(5) 1Kgs 17:21(13)
נָ֜אpleaseJdg 7:3(3) Jdg 16:28(11) 1Sa 26:8(13)
נָ֜אpray tellMal 1:8(14)
נָ֠אif you willGen 19:2(6) 2Sa 13:28(7) Jer 38:12(8)
נָ֠אpleaseGen 50:17(6) Jer 32:8(14)
נָ֡אif you willNum 16:26(6) 1Sa 20:29(3)
נָ֣אif you willJob 40:10(2) Neh 1:6(2) Neh 1:11(4)
נָ֤אif you will1Ch 21:17(23)
נָ֤אpleaseGen 13:14(10) Exo 10:17(3) Zec 5:5(8)
נָ֥אif you willGen 26:28(10) 2Sa 24:17(21)
נָ֥אpleaseGen 34:8(11) Num 22:19(3) 2Kgs 4:22(6)
נָ֨אpleaseNeh 5:11(2)
נָֽאif you willJer 17:15(9)
נָֽאpleaseGen 24:45(19)
נָאif you willIsa 29:11(16) Isa 29:12(10)
נָא֙if you willGen 25:30(6) 2Sa 2:14(6)
נָא֙now1Kgs 14:2(5) Jer 5:24(5) Zec 1:4(15)
נָא֙pleaseExo 33:13(8) Num 11:15(7) Jdg 1:24(10) 1Sa 20:36(5) 1Kgs 8:26(5) Mal 3:10(12)
נָא֩if you willJdg 19:9(13)
נָא֩pleaseJdg 16:28(9) 2Sa 13:5(14)
נָא֮if you will2Kgs 2:16(13)
נָא֮pleaseJer 38:4(6)
נָּ֑אmayPsa 118:25(4)
נָּ֔אif you will2Sa 18:19(6)
נָּ֖אnow1Sa 20:29(19) 1Ch 22:5(17)
נָּ֗אnow2Sa 17:1(6)
נָּ֗אpleaseExo 4:18(10) 2Sa 15:7(10)
נָּ֜אif you willGen 19:20(11)
נָּ֜אnowSong 3:2(2)
נָּ֞אpleaseExo 3:18(19)
נָּ֡אpleaseExo 5:3(7)
נָּ֣אnowExo 3:3(4)
נָּֽאmayPsa 118:25(8)
נָּאif you willGen 19:2(3)
נָּאpleaseJdg 6:39(13)
נָּא֙if you willIsa 5:1(2)
נָּא֙pleaseJer 40:15(11)
נָּא֩if you will1Kgs 20:31(16)
nad Container bnadç1 בְנֹאדֶ֑ךָin your bottlePsa 56:9(6)
vnad1 וְנֹ֣אדand a bottle of1Sa 16:20(5)
vnadot1 וְנֹאד֥וֹתand bottlesJos 9:4(11)
cnad1 כְּנֹ֣אדlike a bottlePsa 119:83(3)
nad1 ־נֹ֧אודa bottle ofJdg 4:19(11)
nadot1 נֹאד֤וֹתthe bottles ofJos 9:13(2)
nah Joy bnaot1 בִּנְא֣וֹתin lovelinessPsa 23:2(1)
vnavh1 וְֽנָאוָ֔הbut lovelySong 1:5(3)
navh9 ־נָאוֶ֖הlovelyPro 26:1(7)
־נָאוֶ֣הlovelyPro 19:10(2)
־נָאוָ֣הlovelyPro 17:7(2)
נַאֲוָהis lovelyPsa 93:5(5)
נָאוֶ֑הlovelySong 4:3(5)
נָאוֶֽהis lovelySong 2:14(16)
נָאוָ֖הlovelySong 6:4(5)
נָאוָ֥הlovelyPsa 33:1(5) Psa 147:1(9)
navu2 ־נָּאו֨וּlovelyIsa 52:7(2)
נָאו֤וּlovelySong 1:10(1)
naot11 ־נְא֣וֹתthe haunts ofLam 2:2(7)
־נְא֤וֹתthe haunts ofJer 9:9(7)
נְא֣וֹתthe haunts ofJer 23:10(11) Jer 25:37(2) Joe 1:19(7) Joe 2:22(7) Amo 1:2(9) Psa 65:13(2) Psa 74:20(7)
נְא֣וֹתthe loveliness ofPsa 83:13(6)
נְא֥וֹתthe haunts ofJoe 1:20(12)
nam Speak vinamu1 וַֽיִּנְאֲמ֖וּand oracleJer 23:31(8)
unaum3 וּנְאֻ֤םand an oracle of2Sa 23:1(9)
וּנְאֻ֥םand an oracle ofNum 24:3(8) Num 24:15(8)
naum373 נְאֻ֕םan oracle ofNum 24:4(1)
נְאֻ֖םan oracle ofIsa 14:22(3) Isa 14:23(9) Isa 17:3(12) Isa 55:8(8) Isa 59:20(7) Jer 2:22(11) Jer 8:3(17) Jer 25:29(24) Jer 48:25(6) Jer 49:26(11) Jer 51:24(13) Jer 51:39(13) Eze 11:8(6) Eze 11:21(10) Eze 12:25(20) Eze 12:28(17) Eze 13:8(14) Eze 13:16(12) Eze 14:11(20) Eze 14:14(13) Eze 14:23(19) Eze 15:8(8) Eze 16:14(13) Eze 16:19(14) Eze 16:23(8) Eze 16:30(4) Eze 16:58(7) Eze 16:63(17) Eze 18:3(3) Eze 18:9(11) Eze 18:23(5) Eze 18:30(8) Eze 18:32(6) Eze 20:3(22) Eze 20:33(3) Eze 20:36(11) Eze 20:44(16) Eze 21:12(30) Eze 21:18(10) Eze 22:12(15) Eze 22:31(10) Eze 23:34(12) Eze 24:14(15) Eze 25:14(15) Eze 26:5(9) Eze 26:14(14) Eze 26:21(9) Eze 28:10(9) Eze 29:20(13) Eze 30:6(15) Eze 31:18(26) Eze 32:8(11) Eze 32:14(7) Eze 32:16(15) Eze 32:31(13) Eze 32:32(16) Eze 34:15(6) Eze 34:30(11) Eze 34:31(9) Eze 36:14(10) Eze 36:15(16) Eze 38:18(10) Eze 38:21(6) Eze 39:5(8) Eze 39:8(4) Eze 39:10(20) Eze 39:13(10) Eze 39:20(10) Eze 39:29(13) Eze 43:27(18) Eze 44:15(24) Eze 44:27(12) Eze 45:9(19) Eze 45:15(14) Eze 47:23(10) Eze 48:29(10) Amo 4:5(12) Amo 8:3(6) Hag 2:4(22) Hag 2:8(5) Hag 2:9(16) Hag 2:23(18) Zec 1:3(9) Zec 1:16(11) Zec 8:6(16) Zec 8:11(9) Zec 10:12(5) Zec 13:7(8)
נְאֻ֗םan oracle ofNum 24:16(1)
נְאֻ֛םan oracle ofEze 16:8(18) Eze 43:19(11)
נְאֻ֣םan oracle ofJer 30:8(4) Eze 33:11(5) Eze 34:8(3) Zec 13:2(4)
נְאֻ֣םan oracle onPro 30:1(6)
נְאֻ֤םan oracle ofNum 24:3(4) Num 24:15(4) Isa 1:24(2) Psa 110:1(3)
נְאֻ֥םan oracle ofIsa 19:4(11)
נְאֻ֧םan oracle of2Sa 23:1(5)
נְאֻ֨םan oracle ofJer 48:15(9) Jer 51:57(12)
נְאֻֽםan oracleJer 23:31(9)
נְאֻֽםan oracle onPsa 36:2(1)
נְאֻוםan oracle ofJer 7:30(7)
נְאֻםan oracle ofGen 22:16(4) Num 14:28(5) 1Sa 2:30(2) 1Sa 2:30(16) 2Kgs 9:26(11) 2Kgs 9:26(17) 2Kgs 19:33(11) 2Kgs 22:19(26) Isa 3:15(8) Isa 14:22(12) Isa 17:6(15) Isa 30:1(4) Isa 31:9(7) Isa 37:34(11) Isa 41:14(9) Isa 43:10(3) Isa 43:12(10) Isa 49:18(11) Isa 52:5(5) Isa 52:5(13) Isa 54:17(19) Isa 66:2(9) Isa 66:17(15) Isa 66:22(12) Jer 1:8(8) Jer 1:15(8) Jer 1:19(9) Jer 2:3(12) Jer 2:9(5) Jer 2:12(8) Jer 2:19(17) Jer 2:29(7) Jer 3:1(26) Jer 3:10(15) Jer 3:12(11) Jer 3:12(20) Jer 3:13(19) Jer 3:14(4) Jer 3:16(8) Jer 3:20(10) Jer 4:1(4) Jer 4:9(4) Jer 4:17(9) Jer 5:9(5) Jer 5:11(9) Jer 5:15(8) Jer 5:18(4) Jer 5:22(4) Jer 5:29(5) Jer 6:12(14) Jer 7:11(15) Jer 7:13(8) Jer 7:19(4) Jer 7:32(5) Jer 8:1(3) Jer 8:13(3) Jer 8:17(13) Jer 9:2(18) Jer 9:5(8) Jer 9:8(6) Jer 9:21(3) Jer 9:23(20) Jer 9:24(4) Jer 12:17(10) Jer 13:11(19) Jer 13:14(8) Jer 13:25(6) Jer 15:3(5) Jer 15:6(4) Jer 15:9(17) Jer 15:20(17) Jer 16:5(22) Jer 16:11(8) Jer 16:14(5) Jer 16:16(5) Jer 17:24(6) Jer 18:6(9) Jer 19:6(5) Jer 19:12(5) Jer 21:7(3) Jer 21:10(9) Jer 21:13(7) Jer 21:14(5) Jer 22:5(9) Jer 22:16(11) Jer 22:24(3) Jer 23:1(8) Jer 23:2(26) Jer 23:4(12) Jer 23:5(4) Jer 23:7(5) Jer 23:11(11) Jer 23:12(16) Jer 23:23(4) Jer 23:24(8) Jer 23:24(17) Jer 23:28(17) Jer 23:29(5) Jer 23:30(5) Jer 23:31(4) Jer 23:32(6) Jer 23:32(24) Jer 23:33(20) Jer 25:7(4) Jer 25:9(8) Jer 25:12(12) Jer 25:31(17) Jer 27:8(28) Jer 27:11(13) Jer 27:15(4) Jer 27:22(9) Jer 28:4(18) Jer 29:9(9) Jer 29:11(10) Jer 29:14(3) Jer 29:14(18) Jer 29:19(7) Jer 29:19(19) Jer 29:23(20) Jer 29:32(27) Jer 30:3(5) Jer 30:10(6) Jer 30:11(4) Jer 30:17(7) Jer 30:21(19) Jer 31:1(3) Jer 31:14(9) Jer 31:16(13) Jer 31:17(4) Jer 31:20(22) Jer 31:27(4) Jer 31:28(15) Jer 31:31(4) Jer 31:32(21) Jer 31:33(12) Jer 31:34(21) Jer 31:36(6) Jer 31:37(22) Jer 31:38(4) Jer 32:5(10) Jer 32:30(20) Jer 32:44(25) Jer 33:14(4) Jer 34:5(21) Jer 34:17(19) Jer 34:22(3) Jer 35:13(19) Jer 39:17(4) Jer 39:18(14) Jer 42:11(13) Jer 44:29(4) Jer 45:5(14) Jer 46:5(15) Jer 46:18(3) Jer 46:23(3) Jer 46:26(16) Jer 46:28(6) Jer 48:12(5) Jer 48:30(3) Jer 48:35(3) Jer 48:38(16) Jer 48:43(7) Jer 48:44(19) Jer 48:47(6) Jer 49:2(5) Jer 49:5(5) Jer 49:6(8) Jer 49:13(4) Jer 49:16(18) Jer 49:30(8) Jer 49:31(8) Jer 49:32(17) Jer 49:37(15) Jer 49:38(8) Jer 49:39(8) Jer 50:4(5) Jer 50:10(7) Jer 50:20(5) Jer 50:21(12) Jer 50:30(11) Jer 50:31(4) Jer 50:35(4) Jer 50:40(9) Jer 51:25(5) Jer 51:26(12) Jer 51:48(14) Jer 51:52(5) Jer 51:53(13) Eze 13:6(6) Eze 13:7(9) Eze 37:14(15) Hos 2:15(17) Hos 2:18(4) Hos 2:23(5) Hos 11:11(10) Joe 2:12(3) Amo 2:11(11) Amo 2:16(8) Amo 3:10(5) Amo 3:13(5) Amo 3:15(13) Amo 4:3(7) Amo 4:6(16) Amo 4:8(15) Amo 4:9(15) Amo 4:10(19) Amo 4:11(16) Amo 6:8(5) Amo 6:14(7) Amo 9:7(8) Amo 9:8(20) Amo 9:12(12) Amo 9:13(4) Oba 1:4(11) Oba 1:8(4) Mic 4:6(3) Mic 5:9(4) Zep 1:2(7) Zep 1:3(18) Zep 1:10(4) Hag 1:13(11) Hag 2:4(4) Hag 2:4(16) Hag 2:14(11) Hag 2:17(13) Hag 2:23(3) Hag 2:23(11) Zec 1:4(25) Zec 2:9(4) Zec 2:10(6) Zec 2:10(14) Zec 2:14(10) Zec 8:17(18) Zec 11:6(8) Zec 12:1(6) Zec 12:4(3) Zec 13:8(4) Mal 1:2(12) 2Ch 34:27(25)
נְאֻםthis is an oracle ofZep 3:8(4)
נְאֻם֙an oracle ofIsa 22:25(3) Isa 56:8(1) Eze 14:16(7) Eze 14:18(7) Eze 14:20(7) Eze 16:43(18) Eze 16:48(3) Eze 20:31(19) Eze 20:40(7) Eze 35:6(4) Eze 36:23(15) Eze 36:32(5) Eze 44:12(17) Amo 8:9(4) Amo 8:11(4) Nah 2:14(3) Nah 3:5(3) Hag 1:9(12) Zec 3:9(16) Zec 3:10(3) Zec 5:4(2)
נְאֻם֩an oracle ofZep 2:9(4)
נְאֻם֮an oracle ofEze 5:11(4) Eze 17:16(3) Eze 35:11(4)
nap Vexation hmnapt1 הַמְּנָאָ֑פֶתthe one who commits adulteryEze 16:32(2)
hnoaf1 הַנֹּאֵ֖ףthe adultererLev 20:10(14)
ubmnapim1 וּבַמְנָ֣אֲפִ֔יםand the adulterersMal 3:5(8)
vhnoapt1 וְהַנֹּאָֽפֶתand the adulteressLev 20:10(15)
vinapu2 וַיְנַֽאֲפוּ֙and committed adulteryJer 29:23(6)
וַיִּנְאָ֔פוּand they committed adulteryJer 5:7(12)
umnapt1 וּמְנָאָ֑פֶתand an adultererHos 3:1(10)
vnaof2 וְֽנָאֹ֔ףand commit adulteryJer 7:9(3)
וְנָאֹ֑ףand adulteryHos 4:2(5)
vnapupih1 וְנַאֲפוּפֶ֖יהָand her adulteriesHos 2:4(14)
vtnaf1 וַתִּנְאַ֥ףand committed adulteryJer 3:9(7)
inaf2 יִנְאַ֖ףcommits adulteryLev 20:10(8)
יִנְאַף֙commits adulteryLev 20:10(3)
mnaf1 מְנָאֵ֖ףadultererIsa 57:3(7)
mnapim4 מְנָ֣אֲפִ֔יםadulterersHos 7:4(2)
מְנָ֣אֲפִ֔יםare adulterersJer 9:1(13)
מְנָֽאֲפִים֙adulterersJer 23:10(2)
מְנָאֲפִ֣יםthose committing adulteryPsa 50:18(7)
mnapt1 מְנָ֫אָ֥פֶתadulteryPro 30:20(4)
naof1 נָא֞וֹףadulteryJer 23:14(5)
naph1 נִֽאֲפָה֙committed adulteryJer 3:8(7)
noaf2 נֹאֵ֣ףadultery withPro 6:32(1)
נֹאֵ֨ףan adultererJob 24:15(2)
noapot3 נֹֽאֲפ֔וֹתthose who commit adulteryEze 23:45(7)
נֹֽאֲפֹת֙adulteressesEze 23:45(12)
נֹאֲפ֔וֹתthose who commit adulteryEze 16:38(3)
niaupiiç1 נִֽאֻפַ֤יִךְyour adulteriesJer 13:27(1)
niaupim1 נִֽאוּפִ֑יםadulteressEze 23:43(3)
niapu2 נִאֵ֑פוּthey have committed adulteryEze 23:37(7)
נִאֵ֗פוּthey have committed adulteryEze 23:37(2)
tnaf2 תִּנְאָֽ֑ףyou will commit adulteryExo 20:14(2) Deu 5:18(2)
tnapnh2 תְנָאַ֔פְנָהthey are adulterersHos 4:14(10)
תְּנָאַֽפְנָהcommit adulteryHos 4:13(20)
nax Vexation vinax2 וַיִּנְאַ֥ץand he has spurnedLam 2:6(11)
וַיִּנְאָ֑ץand he is spurningDeu 32:19(3)
vinx1 וְיָנֵ֤אץand is spurnedEccl 12:5(6)
unaxh2 וּנְאָצָ֖הand blasphemy2Kgs 19:3(9) Isa 37:3(9)
vniaxuni1 וְנִ֣אֲצ֔וּנִיand spurn meDeu 31:20(19)
inax2 יְנָ֘אֵ֤ץwill spurnPsa 74:10(6)
יִ֭נְאַץwill spurnPro 15:5(2)
inaxun1 יִנְאָצ֔וּןhe has spurnedJer 33:24(17)
inaxuni1 יְנַאֲצֻ֖נִיwill spurn meNum 14:11(7)
lmnaxii1 לִֽמְנַאֲצַ֔יto those who spurn meJer 23:17(3)
mnaxii1 ־מְנַאֲצַ֖יwho have spurned meNum 14:23(9)
mnaxiiç1 ־מְנַֽאֲצָ֑יִךְwho spurned youIsa 60:14(11)
mnoax1 מִנֹּאָֽץis spurnedIsa 52:5(19)
nax1 נָאַ֥ץhas spurnedPro 5:12(6)
naxu2 נָ֝אֲצ֗וּthey spurnedPro 1:30(4)
נָאָֽצוּthey spurnedPsa 107:11(7)
naxot2 נֶאָצ֖וֹתblasphemiesNeh 9:18(14) Neh 9:26(18)
naxotiç1 ־נָאָֽצוֹתֶ֗יךָyour blasphemiesEze 35:12(8)
niax3 ־נִאֵ֤ץwill spurn and2Sa 12:14(3)
נִ֘אֵ֥ץspurningPsa 10:3(9)
נִאֵ֖ץdoes spurnPsa 10:13(3)
niaxu5 נִֽאֲצ֛וּspurnedNum 16:30(20)
נִֽאֲצ֛וּthey have spurnedIsa 1:4(14)
נִֽאֲצ֥וּspurnedPsa 74:18(8)
נִֽאֲצוּ֙spurned1Sa 2:17(10)
נִאֵֽצוּthey have spurnedIsa 5:24(25)
niaxt1 נִאַ֙צְתָּ֙blaspheme2Sa 12:14(4)
tnax1 ־תִּנְאַץ֙do spurnJer 14:21(2)
nar Vexation niar1 נִאֵ֣רhe has nullifiedLam 2:7(4)
niart1 נֵ֭אַרְתָּהyou have nullifiedPsa 89:40(1)
nb Location bnob3 בְּנֹ֑בwere at Nob1Sa 22:11(15)
בְּנֹ֜בat Nob2Sa 21:16(2)
בְּנֹ֣בat NobIsa 10:32(3)
nob2 נֹ֖בNobNeh 11:32(2)
נֹ֤בNob1Sa 22:19(2)
nobh2 נֹ֔בֶהtowards Nob1Sa 21:2(3) 1Sa 22:9(15)
nba Speak bhinbao1 בְּהִנָּבְאֽוֹwhen he prophesiesZec 13:3(22)
bhinbaoto1 בְּהִנָּֽבְאֹת֑וֹwhen they prophesyZec 13:4(8)
bnbuat1 בִּנְבוּאַת֙through the prophesying ofEzr 6:14(5)
hinba19 הִנָּבֵ֕אprophesyEze 21:19(4)
הִנָּבֵ֖אprophesyEze 11:4(4) Eze 34:2(3) Eze 36:1(4) Eze 36:6(2) Eze 37:4(3) Eze 37:9(3) Amo 7:15(9)
הִנָּבֵ֛אprophesyEze 13:2(3)
הִנָּבֵ֣אprophesyEze 11:4(2) Eze 34:2(7) Eze 36:3(2) Eze 37:9(6) Eze 38:14(2) Eze 39:1(4)
הִנָּבֵ֤אprophesyEze 21:33(4)
הִנָּבֵ֨אprophesyEze 37:12(2)
הִנָּבֵא֙prophesyEze 21:14(3) Eze 30:2(3)
hinbau1 הִנַּבְּא֣וּthey prophesiedJer 23:13(5)
hmtnbaot1 הַמִּֽתְנַבְּא֖וֹתthose who prophesyEze 13:17(9)
hnbuah1 הַנְּבוּאָה֙the prophecyNeh 6:12(7)
hniba2 הַנִּבָּ֕אprophesy1Ch 25:3(15)
הַנִּבָּ֖אprophesying1Ch 25:2(12)
hnibaim10 הַֽנִבְּאִים֙who prophesyEze 13:16(3)
הַֽנִּבְּאִ֛יםto prophesy1Ch 25:1(10)
הַֽנִּבְּאִ֛יםwho prophesiedEze 38:17(15)
הַֽנִּבְּאִ֤יםthat prophesyJer 27:16(17)
הַֽנִּבְּאִ֥יםprophesyingJer 23:25(6)
הַֽנִּבְּאִ֥יםthat prophesyJer 29:21(15)
הַנִּבְּאִ֣יםprophesyingJer 14:15(7)
הַנִּבְּאִ֣יםthat prophesyJer 23:16(10)
הַנִּבָּאִ֑יםwho prophesyEze 13:2(7)
הַֽנִּבְּאִ֥יםthat prophesyJer 27:15(16)
vhinba9 וְהִנָּבֵ֖אand prophesyEze 6:2(8) Eze 13:17(11) Eze 21:7(10) Eze 25:2(8) Eze 28:21(7) Eze 35:2(8) Eze 38:2(13)
וְהִנָּבֵ֛אand prophesyEze 21:2(10)
וְהִנָּבֵ֣אand prophesyEze 29:2(9)
vhinbati1 וְהִנַּבֵּ֖אתִיand I prophesiedEze 37:10(1)
vhnbuah1 וְהַנְּבוּאָה֮and the prophesy of2Ch 15:8(5)
vhtnbit1 וְהִתְנַבִּ֖יתָand you will prophesy1Sa 10:6(5)
viinba1 וַיִּנָּבֵ֞אand he prophesiedJer 26:20(12)
viinbau1 וַיִּנָּ֨בְא֜וּand prophesiedJer 28:8(8)
vitnba5 וַיִּתְנַבֵּ֔אand he prophesied1Sa 19:23(14)
וַיִּתְנַבֵּ֖אand he prophesied1Sa 10:10(12)
וַיִּתְנַבֵּ֞אand prophesied2Ch 20:37(1)
וַיִּתְנַבֵּ֣אand he prophesied1Sa 18:10(9)
וַיִּתְנַבֵּ֤אand he prophesied1Sa 19:24(5)
vitnbau6 וַיִּֽתְנַבְּא֔וּthat they prophesied1Kgs 18:29(4)
וַיִּֽתְנַבְּא֖וּand they prophesiedNum 11:26(19) 1Sa 19:20(22) 1Sa 19:21(6) 1Sa 19:21(14)
וַיִּֽתְנַבְּא֖וּthat they prophesiedNum 11:25(20)
vnbia1 וְנָבִ֔יאand prophesyDan 9:24(20)
vnibau1 וְנִבְּא֖וּand will prophesyJoe 3:1(10)
vnibat1 וְנִבֵּאתָ֖then you will prophesyEze 4:7(8)
vnibati1 וְנִבֵּ֖אתִיand I prophesiedEze 37:7(1)
iinba3 ־יִנָּבֵ֣אprophesiesZec 13:3(3)
יִנָּבֵ֖אprophesiesJer 28:9(3)
יִנָּבֵֽאwill prophesyAmo 3:8(11)
itnba3 ־יִתְנַבֵּ֥אhe does prophesy1Kgs 22:18(10) 2Ch 18:17(10)
־יִתְנַבֵּ֨אhe does prophesy1Kgs 22:8(17)
chinbai2 כְּהִנָּ֣בְאִ֔יas I prophesiedEze 11:13(2)
כְּהִנָּֽבְאִי֙as I prophesiedEze 37:7(6)
lhinba3 לְהִנָּבֵ֑אprophesyAmo 7:13(6)
לְהִנָּבֵ֑אto prophesyJer 19:14(8)
לְהִנָּבֵ֞אto prophesyJer 26:12(12)
mhtnbot1 מֵֽהִתְנַבּ֔וֹתprophesying1Sa 10:13(2)
mtnba2 מִתְנַבֵּ֨אprophecy2Ch 18:7(17)
מִתְנַבֵּא֙who prophesiedJer 26:20(4)
mtnbaim5 מִֽתְנַבְּאִ֖יםprophesyNum 11:27(8)
מִֽתְנַבְּאִ֖יםwere prophesying1Kgs 22:10(18) 2Ch 18:9(19)
מִֽתְנַבְּאִ֥יםfrom their prophesyingJer 14:14(22)
מִֽתְנַבְּאִֽיםwill prophesy1Sa 10:5(25)
nbuat1 ־נְבוּאַ֞תthe prophesy of2Ch 9:29(14)
nbiia1 נְבִיַּיָּ֔אprophesiedEzr 5:1(7)
niba8 ־נִבָּ֥אhas prophesiedJer 25:13(17)
נִבָּ֑אhe was prophesying1Sa 10:11(10)
נִבָּ֔אprophesiedJer 26:18(4)
נִבָּ֖אhas prophesiedJer 20:1(13)
נִבָּ֜אto prophesyJer 32:3(9)
נִבָּ֨אhas prophesiedJer 29:31(14)
נִבָּֽאprophesiesEze 12:27(16)
נִבָּא֙he prophesiedJer 26:11(15)
nibau4 ־נִבְּא֥וּprophesiedJer 37:19(4)
נִבְּא֣וּprophesiedJer 2:8(14)
נִבְּא֣וּprophesyJer 5:31(2)
נִבָּֽאוּprophesiedJer 23:21(11)
nibai2 ־נִבְּאֵ֞יthose who prophesyJer 23:32(3)
נִבְּאֵ֣יprophesyingJer 23:26(6)
nibaim10 נִבְּאִ֔יםprophesying1Sa 19:20(11)
נִבְּאִ֣יםprophesiedJer 14:14(6)
נִבְּאִ֣יםprophesyJer 14:16(4) Jer 27:10(4)
נִבְּאִ֥יםprophesied1Kgs 22:12(3) 2Ch 18:11(3)
נִבְּאִ֥יםprophesyJer 27:14(17) Jer 27:15(7) Jer 27:16(31) Jer 29:9(4)
nibat2 ־נִבֵּ֥אתָyou have prophesiedJer 20:6(18)
נִבֵּ֗אתָyou have prophesiedJer 28:6(13)
nibit1 נִבֵּ֨יתָhave you prophesiedJer 26:9(2)
tinba4 תִנָּבֵא֙do prophesyJer 11:21(13) Amo 7:16(8)
תִּנָּבֵ֣אprophesyJer 25:30(2)
תִּנָּבֵֽאprophesyAmo 7:12(16)
tinbau1 תִּנָּבְאֽוּdo prophesyAmo 2:12(10)
nbb Character nbub4 נְב֥וּבhollowExo 27:8(1) Exo 38:7(11)
נָ֭בוּבhollowJob 11:12(2)
נָבֽוּבhollowJer 52:21(16)
nbv Location unbo1 וּנְב֖וֹand NeboNum 32:3(8)
nbo12 ־נְב֔וֹNeboJer 48:22(4)
־נְב֖וֹNebo1Ch 5:8(12)
־נְב֗וֹNeboDeu 32:49(7)
־נְב֞וֹNeboNum 32:38(2) Isa 15:2(7)
nbu1 ־נְב֞וּNeboJer 39:3(13)
nbo12 ־נְבוֹ֙NeboJer 48:1(10)
נְב֑וֹNeboEzr 10:43(2)
נְב֔וֹNeboDeu 34:1(7) Isa 46:1(4)
נְב֖וֹNeboEzr 2:29(2)
נְב֛וֹNeboNeh 7:33(2)
נְבֽוֹNeboNum 33:47(8)
nbvzradn Person unbuwzbn1 וּנְבֽוּשַׁזְבָּן֙and NebuzaradanJer 39:13(5)
nbuzradn15 נְבֽוּזַרְאֲדָ֣ןNebuzaradanJer 39:13(2)
נְבֽוּזַרְאֲדָן֙NebuzaradanJer 41:10(19) Jer 52:12(15) Jer 52:30(6)
נְבֽוּזַראֲדָ֥ןNebuzaradanJer 39:9(16)
נְבוּזַרְאֲדָ֖ןNebuzaradan2Kgs 25:11(17) 2Kgs 25:20(3) Jer 52:15(19) Jer 52:16(4) Jer 52:26(3)
נְבוּזַרְאֲדָ֛ןNebuzaradanJer 40:1(11)
נְבוּזַרְאֲדָ֣ןNebuzaradanJer 43:6(15)
נְבוּזַרְאֲדָ֥ןNebuzaradanJer 39:10(9) Jer 39:11(8)
נְבוּזַרְאֲדָ֧ןNebuzaradan2Kgs 25:8(15)
nbvcdnxr Person unbucdnaxr1 וּנְבוּכַדְנֶצַּ֣רand NebuchadnezzarDan 3:2(1)
lnbucdnaxr2 לִנְבֻכַדְנֶצַּ֥רto NebuchadnezzarDan 5:18(10)
לִנְבוּכַדְנֶצַּ֖רto NebuchadnezzarDan 3:9(3)
nbucdnaxr54 ־נְבֻכַדְנֶאצַּ֥רNebuchadnezzarJer 28:14(18)
־נְבוּכַדְנֶאצַּ֛רNebuchadnezzarJer 29:3(14)
־נְבוּכַדְנֶאצַּ֣רNebuchadnezzarJer 27:8(9)
־נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּ֖רNebuchadnezzarDan 4:25(4)
־נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר֒NebuchadnezzarDan 4:30(6)
נְבֻֽכַדְנֶאצַּ֣רNebuchadnezzarJer 28:11(14)
נְבֻֽכַדְנֶצַּ֔רNebuchadnezzarDan 2:1(4)
נְבֻֽכַדְנֶצַּ֖רNebuchadnezzarDan 2:1(6)
נְבֻֽכַדְנֶצַּר֙NebuchadnezzarDan 3:14(2) Dan 5:11(19)
נְבֻכַדְנֶאצַּ֖רNebuchadnezzar2Kgs 24:1(3)
נְבֻכַדְנֶאצַּ֣רNebuchadnezzar2Kgs 25:8(11)
נְבֻכַדְנֶאצַּ֥רNebuchadnezzar2Kgs 24:10(5)
נְבֻכַדְנֶאצַּ֨רNebuchadnezzar2Kgs 25:1(10)
נְבֻכַדְנֶצַּֽרNebuchadnezzarDan 1:18(11)
נְבֽוּכַדְנֶאצַּ֔רNebuchadnezzar2Ch 36:10(5)
נְבֽוּכַדְנֶאצַּ֖רNebuchadnezzar2Kgs 25:22(7)
נְבֽוּכַדְנֶאצַּ֛רNebuchadnezzarJer 29:1(22)
נְבֽוּכַדְנֶאצַּר֙NebuchadnezzarJer 27:20(4) 2Ch 36:13(3)
נְבֽוּכַדְנֶצַּ֔רNebuchadnezzarDan 2:28(9)
נְבֽוּכַדְנֶצַּ֔רO NebuchadnezzarDan 3:16(8)
נְבֽוּכַדְנֶצַּ֗רNebuchadnezzarEzr 6:5(9)
נְבֽוּכַדְנֶצַּ֜רNebuchadnezzarDan 3:28(2)
נְבֽוּכַדְנֶצַּר֙NebuchadnezzarDan 2:46(3) Ezr 1:7(10)
נְבוּכַדְנֶאצַּ֖רNebuchadnezzarEst 2:6(14) 2Ch 36:6(3) 2Ch 36:7(5)
נְבוּכַדְנֶאצַּ֥רNebuchadnezzar2Kgs 24:11(2) Jer 27:6(9)
נְבוּכַדְנֶאצַּ֧רNebuchadnezzarDan 1:1(8)
נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּ֑רNebuchadnezzarDan 4:15(6)
נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּ֖רNebuchadnezzarNeh 7:6(9)
נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּ֗רNebuchadnezzarDan 3:26(3) Dan 4:1(2) Dan 4:34(3) Ezr 5:14(10)
נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּ֜רNebuchadnezzarDan 3:19(2) Dan 4:31(4)
נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּ֣רNebuchadnezzarDan 3:1(1) Dan 3:3(17) Dan 3:24(2) Dan 3:31(1) Dan 4:28(11) Dan 5:2(11)
נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּ֥רNebuchadnezzarDan 3:2(20) Dan 3:5(20) Dan 3:7(29) Ezr 2:1(9) Ezr 5:12(11)
נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּֽרNebuchadnezzarDan 3:3(24)
נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר֙NebuchadnezzarDan 3:13(2)
נְבוּכַדנֶאצַּ֤רNebuchadnezzarJer 28:3(16)
nbvcdraxr Person unbucdraxr1 וּנְבוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֣רwhen NebukadretsarJer 34:1(8)
lnbucdraxr5 לִנְבֽוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֑רNebukadretsarJer 52:29(4)
לִנְבֽוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֖רNebukadretsarJer 25:1(20)
לִנְבֽוּכַדְרֶאצַּֽרNebukadretsarJer 32:1(18)
לִנְבֽוּכַדְרֶאצַּר֒NebukadretsarJer 52:30(4)
לִנְבוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֥רNebukadretsarEze 29:19(8)
nbucdraxr27 ־נְבֽוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֣רNebukadretsarJer 25:9(11)
־נְבוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֤רNebukadretsarJer 43:10(13)
־נְבוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֧רNebukadretsarJer 39:5(14)
נְבֽוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֑רNebukadretsarJer 52:28(5)
נְבֽוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֣רNebukadretsarJer 29:21(23) Jer 49:28(6)
נְבֽוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֥רNebukadretsarJer 32:28(13) Jer 46:26(6)
נְבֽוּכַדְרֶאצַּר֙NebukadretsarJer 46:2(16) Jer 46:13(9)
נְבוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֖רNebukadretsarJer 50:17(13)
נְבוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֣רNebukadretsarJer 21:7(25) Jer 24:1(13) Jer 52:12(11) Eze 29:18(3)
נְבוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֤רNebukadretsarJer 49:30(13)
נְבוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֥רNebukadretsarJer 21:2(7) Jer 22:25(11) Jer 35:11(3) Jer 37:1(12) Jer 39:11(2) Eze 30:10(10)
נְבוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֧רNebukadretsarJer 44:30(23) Eze 26:7(10)
נְבוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֨רNebukadretsarJer 39:1(9) Jer 52:4(10)
נְבוּכַדְרֶאצַּר֮NebukadretsarJer 51:34(3)
nbvt Person lnbot1 לְנָב֥וֹתNaboth1Kgs 21:1(7)
nbot21 ־נָב֖וֹתNaboth1Kgs 21:9(8) 1Kgs 21:12(5)
־נָב֗וֹתNaboth1Kgs 21:13(12)
־נָב֣וֹתNaboth1Kgs 21:2(4)
־נָב֨וֹתNaboth1Kgs 21:6(6)
־נָבֽוֹתNaboth1Kgs 21:8(17)
נָב֑וֹתNaboth1Kgs 21:16(6)
נָב֔וֹתNaboth1Kgs 21:18(11) 1Kgs 21:19(22)
נָב֖וֹתNaboth1Kgs 21:3(2) 1Kgs 21:14(6) 1Kgs 21:15(6)
נָב֛וֹתNaboth1Kgs 21:13(17) 1Kgs 21:15(25)
נָב֣וֹתNaboth1Kgs 21:15(16) 2Kgs 9:25(9)
נָב֥וֹתNaboth1Kgs 21:7(21) 1Kgs 21:16(12) 2Kgs 9:21(20)
נָבוֹת֙Naboth1Kgs 21:4(12)
נָבוֹת֩Naboth2Kgs 9:26(5)
nbzb Joy unbzbh1 וּנְבִזְבָּה֙and awardDan 2:6(6)
unbzbitç1 וּנְבָ֥זְבְּיָתָ֖ךְand your awardsDan 5:17(10)
nbk Appeal lnbok1 לִנְבֹּ֑חַto woofIsa 56:10(11)
Location lnobk1 לְנֹ֖בַחto WoofJdg 8:11(7)
nobk1 נֹ֖בַחWoofNum 32:42(10)
Person vnobk1 וְנֹ֣בַחand WoofNum 32:42(1)
nbkz God nbkz1 נִבְחַ֖זNibxaz2Kgs 17:31(3)
nb+ Look abi't4 ־אַבִּ֥יטI will take note ofIsa 38:11(9)
־אַבִּ֥יטI would notice2Kgs 3:14(18)
אַבִּ֔יטI will take noteIsa 66:2(13)
אַבִּֽיטI will take note ofAmo 5:22(12)
bhbi'ti1 בְּ֝הַבִּיטִ֗יtake note ofPsa 119:6(4)
hb't8 הַבֵּ֣טtake note1Kgs 18:43(6) Psa 80:15(5)
הַבֵּ֣טtake note ofJob 35:5(1)
הַבֵּ֤טtake noteIsa 63:15(1)
הַבֵּ֤יטtake notePsa 142:5(1)
הַבֵּ֥טtake note ofPsa 74:20(1)
הַבֶּטtake noteGen 15:5(5) Isa 64:8(11)
hb'ttm1 הִבַּטְתֶּם֙you did take noteIsa 22:11(9)
hbi't4 ־הִבִּ֥יטhe has taken note ofNum 23:21(2)
הִבִּ֣יטtakes notePsa 33:13(2)
הִבִּֽיטtook notePsa 102:20(9)
הַבִּ֖יטyou may take note ofHab 2:15(9)
hbi'th3 הַבִּ֔יטָהsee and take noteLam 3:63(3)
הַבִּ֖יטָהtake noteLam 5:1(6)
הַבִּ֣יטָֽהtake notePsa 13:4(1)
hbi'tu6 הִ֭בִּיטוּnoticedJob 6:19(1)
הִבִּ֣יטוּthey noticedPsa 34:6(1)
הַבִּ֙יטוּ֙take noteIsa 51:1(7) Isa 51:2(1)
הַבִּ֣יטוּlook nowLam 1:12(6)
הַבִּ֥יטוּtake noteIsa 42:18(4)
hmbi't1 הַמַּבִּ֣יטhe takes notePsa 104:32(1)
vabi't1 וְאַבִּיט֙and I took noteIsa 63:5(1)
vabi'th3 וְ֝אַבִּ֗יטָהand I will take note ofPsa 119:15(3)
וְאַבִּ֑יטָהand I will take note ofPsa 119:18(3)
וְאַבִּ֣יטָהand I will take noteIsa 18:4(7)
vhb't1 וְ֝הַבֵּ֗טand take note ofPsa 84:10(4)
vhb'tt1 וְהִבַּטְתָּ֙and you will notice1Sa 2:32(1)
vhbi't2 וְהִבִּ֛יטand they took noticeNum 21:9(14)
וְהַבִּ֥יטand you noticeHab 1:13(5)
vhbi'th2 וְֽהַבִּ֔יטָהand take noteLam 1:11(13) Lam 2:20(3)
vhbi'tu4 וְֽהַבִּ֔יטוּand take noteHab 1:5(3)
וְֽהַבִּ֧יטוּand take noteIsa 51:6(4)
וְהִבִּ֙יטוּ֙and took noteExo 33:8(13)
וְהִבִּ֥יטוּand they will take noteZec 12:10(11)
vib't5 וַיַּבֵּ֔טand he took note1Kgs 18:43(10)
וַיַּבֵּ֕טand he took note1Kgs 19:6(1)
וַיַּבֵּ֤טand took note1Sa 24:9(13) 1Ch 21:21(5)
וַיַּבֵּ֧טand took note1Sa 17:42(1)
vnib't1 וְנִבַּ֤טand take noteIsa 5:30(7)
vtb't3 וַתַּבֵּ֥טand has taken notePsa 92:12(1)
וַתַּבֵּ֥טand took noteGen 19:26(1)
וַתַּבֵּט֙and you took noteIsa 22:8(5)
ibi't5 יַבִּ֑יטhe ... took noteJob 28:24(5)
יַבִּ֑יטhe takes note ofNum 12:8(11)
יַבִּ֑יטit will take noteIsa 8:22(3)
יַבִּ֥יטtakes noteJob 36:25(6)
יַבִּֽיטhe ... noticePsa 94:9(9)
ibi'tu4 יַ֝בִּ֗יטוּnoticePsa 22:18(5)
יַבִּ֑יטוּlet take notePro 4:25(3)
יַבִּ֔יטוּthey do noticeIsa 5:12(12)
יַבִּֽיטוּtake noteJob 39:29(6)
lhbi't1 לְהַבִּ֔יטtake noteJon 2:5(8)
lhbi'tm1 לְהַבִּיטָ֑םwill take note of themLam 4:16(6)
mb'th1 מֶבָּטָ֑הּis her notabilityZec 9:5(10)
mb'tm1 מַבָּטָ֔םtaking note of themIsa 20:5(4)
mb'tnu1 מַבָּטֵ֗נוּour noticeIsa 20:6(9)
mhbi't1 מֵהַבִּ֖יטto take noteExo 3:6(16)
tb't1 ־תַּבֵּ֧טdo take note1Sa 16:7(6)
tbi't5 ־תַּבִּ֣יטdo let yourself take noteGen 19:17(10)
תַבִּ֑יטyou will take notePsa 91:8(3)
תַבִּיט֙do you noticeHab 1:13(11)
תַּבִּ֔יטyou make me noticeHab 1:3(5)
תַּבִּיט֮you take notePsa 10:14(6)
Person nb't25 ־נְבָ֑טNebat1Kgs 15:1(7) 1Kgs 16:31(7) 2Kgs 9:9(8) 2Kgs 17:21(11)
־נְבָ֔טNebat1Kgs 16:26(6) 1Kgs 21:22(7) 1Kgs 22:53(13) 2Kgs 14:24(11) 2Kgs 15:9(13) 2Kgs 15:24(10) 2Kgs 15:28(11) 2Ch 13:6(4)
־נְבָ֗טNebat1Kgs 12:2(5)
־נְבָ֛טNebat2Kgs 3:3(5) 2Kgs 13:2(10) 2Kgs 13:11(11) 2Kgs 15:18(11)
־נְבָ֨טNebat1Kgs 11:26(3)
־נְבָֽטNebat1Kgs 12:15(24) 1Kgs 16:3(13) 2Ch 9:29(23) 2Ch 10:15(24)
־נְבָט֙Nebat2Kgs 10:29(5) 2Kgs 23:15(12) 2Ch 10:2(5)
nbia Office bnbiaiv2 בִנְבִיאָ֖יוin his prophets2Ch 20:20(19)
בִּנְבִאָ֑יוhis prophets2Ch 36:16(8)
bnbiaim5 בַּנְּבִאִֽיםamong the prophets1Sa 10:12(13)
בַּנְּבִיאִ֔יםby the prophetsHos 6:5(4)
בַּנְּבִיאִֽיםamong the prophets1Sa 10:11(23)
בַּנְּבִיאִֽםby prophets1Sa 28:6(12)
בַּנְּבִיאִֽםis among the prophets1Sa 19:24(22)
hmtnba1 הַמִּתְנַבֵּ֖אwho makes himself prophetJer 29:27(7)
hnbia120 ־הַנָּבִ֑יאthe prophetJer 23:37(4) Eze 14:4(27)
־הַנָּבִ֖יאthe prophet1Kgs 13:20(10)
־הַנָּבִ֤יאthe prophetJer 23:33(6)
־הַנָּבִיא֙the prophetEze 14:7(23)
הַנָּבִ֑יאthe prophet1Kgs 1:23(6) Jer 20:2(5) Jer 28:5(6) Jer 28:10(9) Jer 36:8(9) Jer 36:26(21) Jer 46:13(7) Hab 3:1(3) Mal 3:23(7) Psa 51:2(4) 2Ch 29:25(15) 2Ch 35:18(8)
הַנָּבִ֔יאof the prophetJer 28:9(9)
הַנָּבִ֔יאthe prophetDeu 18:22(19) 2Sa 7:2(5) 2Sa 12:25(4) 2Sa 24:11(9) 1Kgs 1:32(9) 1Kgs 14:2(18) 1Kgs 20:38(2) 2Kgs 9:1(2) 2Kgs 14:25(22) 2Kgs 20:14(3) 2Kgs 23:18(12) Isa 39:3(3) Jer 28:5(3) Jer 28:6(3) Jer 34:6(3) Jer 38:9(11) Jer 43:6(26) Jer 45:1(5) Hag 1:12(19) Dan 9:2(16) 1Ch 29:29(15) 2Ch 9:29(12) 2Ch 32:32(11)
הַנָּבִ֕יאthe prophetJer 28:9(1)
הַנָּבִ֖יאthe prophet1Kgs 1:22(7) 2Kgs 5:3(7) 2Kgs 9:4(4) 2Kgs 19:2(16) 2Kgs 20:11(3) Jer 28:11(26) Jer 28:12(15) Jer 28:15(6) Jer 28:17(3) Jer 29:1(7) Jer 37:3(15) Jer 37:6(6) Jer 46:1(7) Jer 47:1(7) Jer 49:34(7) Eze 14:10(6) Hag 1:3(6) Hag 2:1(10) Hag 2:10(12) Zec 1:1(15) Zec 1:7(22) 2Ch 21:12(5) 2Ch 32:20(7) 2Ch 36:12(10)
הַנָּבִ֗יאthe prophet1Kgs 1:44(9) 1Kgs 16:7(6) 2Kgs 20:1(11) Isa 38:1(11) Jer 28:9(7) Jer 32:2(9) Jer 42:2(4) Jer 51:59(5) Hos 9:7(10) Hag 1:1(15) 1Ch 17:1(10) 2Ch 25:16(14)
הַנָּבִ֛יאthe prophet1Kgs 1:34(7) 2Kgs 5:13(9) Jer 28:15(3) Jer 38:10(16) 2Ch 12:15(10)
הַנָּבִ֜יאthe prophetDeu 18:22(3) 1Sa 22:5(3) 1Kgs 1:38(5) 1Kgs 11:29(11) 1Kgs 13:29(2) Jer 28:1(18)
הַנָּבִ֞יאthe prophetJer 23:28(1)
הַנָּבִ֡יאthe prophetDeu 18:20(2)
הַנָּבִ֣יאprophetDeu 13:4(5) Eze 14:9(10)
הַנָּבִ֣יאthe prophet1Kgs 13:29(14)
הַנָּבִ֥יאprophetDeu 18:20(19)
הַנָּבִ֥יאthe prophet1Kgs 13:25(18) 2Ch 13:22(8)
הַנָּבִ֨יאthe prophet1Kgs 1:10(3) 1Kgs 1:45(6)
הַנָּבִֽיאthe prophet1Kgs 14:18(14) 1Kgs 16:12(15) Isa 37:2(19) Jer 29:29(9) Jer 37:2(14) Jer 50:1(12) Hab 1:1(5) 2Ch 26:22(10)
הַנָּבִיא֒the prophet2Ch 15:8(7)
הַנָּבִיא֙the prophet1Kgs 1:8(7) 1Kgs 20:22(2) 2Kgs 6:12(9) Jer 25:2(4) Jer 28:10(3) Jer 28:12(9) Jer 37:13(17) Jer 38:14(7) Jer 42:4(4) 2Ch 12:5(2)
הַנָּבִיא֮the prophet1Kgs 13:26(2) 1Kgs 18:36(6)
hnbiah5 ־הַנְּבִיאָ֔הthe prophetessIsa 8:3(3)
הַנְּבִיאָ֜הthe prophetessExo 15:20(3) 2Kgs 22:14(10) 2Ch 34:22(7)
הַנְּבִיאָה֙the prophetessNeh 6:14(9)
hnbiaim73 ־הַ֠נְּבִיאִיםthe prophets2Kgs 4:1(5)
־הַ֨נְּבִאִ֔יםthe prophets2Ch 18:11(2)
־הַ֨נְּבִיאִ֔יםthe prophets2Ch 18:9(18)
־הַנְּבִאִ֔יםthe prophets1Kgs 22:12(2) Jer 23:15(7)
־הַנְּבִאִ֖יםthe prophetsJer 23:21(4) Jer 23:30(4)
־הַנְּבִאִ֞יםthe prophetsJer 14:15(6)
־הַנְּבִאִים֮the prophets2Ch 18:5(5)
־הַנְּבִיאִ֑יםthe prophetsJer 26:16(8)
־הַנְּבִיאִ֔יםthe prophets1Kgs 22:10(17) Hos 12:11(3) Mic 3:6(11)
־הַנְּבִיאִ֖יםthe prophets1Kgs 18:20(8) 1Kgs 19:1(15) 2Kgs 6:1(3) Mic 3:5(5) Zec 7:3(9)
־הַנְּבִיאִ֖םthe prophetsJer 23:31(3)
־הַנְּבִיאִ֗יםthe prophetsJer 13:13(22)
־הַנְּבִיאִ֛יםthe prophetsIsa 29:10(11) Zec 13:2(18)
־הַנְּבִיאִ֞יםthe prophets whoEze 13:9(4)
־הַנְּבִיאִ֣יםthe prophetsEze 13:3(7)
־הַנְּבִיאִ֤יםthe prophets2Kgs 2:15(3)
־הַנְּבִיאִ֥יםthe prophets2Kgs 2:3(3) 2Kgs 2:5(3)
־הַנְּבִיאִים֙the prophetsJer 29:1(16) Amo 2:12(6)
־הַנְּבִיאִים֮the prophets1Kgs 22:6(5)
־הַנְּבִיאִם֙the prophets1Sa 28:15(25)
הַנְּבִאִ֔יםthe prophetsJer 23:25(5) Jer 26:5(5)
הַנְּבִאִ֖יםprophetsJer 14:15(23)
הַנְּבִאִ֖יםthe prophetsJer 23:26(5)
הַנְּבִאִ֗יםthe prophetsJer 27:14(5)
הַנְּבִאִ֛יםthe prophetsJer 25:4(7) 2Ch 18:12(11)
הַנְּבִאִ֜יםthe prophetsJer 14:13(6)
הַנְּבִאִ֣יםthe prophetsJer 35:15(6)
הַנְּבִאִים֙the prophetsJer 14:14(5) Jer 23:16(9) Jer 29:19(14)
הַנְּבִיאִ֑יםthe prophets2Kgs 5:22(16) 2Kgs 9:1(6) 2Kgs 17:23(14)
הַנְּבִיאִ֔יםthe prophets2Kgs 4:38(7) Jer 7:25(16) Jer 44:4(6) Zec 1:6(8) Zec 8:9(14) Dan 9:6(5) Neh 6:14(11)
הַנְּבִיאִ֖יםthe prophets2Kgs 21:10(5) Hos 12:11(8)
הַנְּבִיאִ֗יםthe prophets1Kgs 20:35(4) 2Kgs 9:7(9) Jer 8:1(18) Jer 28:8(1)
הַנְּבִיאִ֛יםthe prophets1Kgs 22:13(12) Zec 13:4(5)
הַנְּבִיאִ֞יםthe prophetsJer 5:31(1)
הַנְּבִיאִ֣יםthe prophetsZec 7:7(8) Zec 7:12(15)
הַנְּבִיאִ֨יםthe prophetsZec 1:4(7)
הַנְּבִיאִֽיםthe prophets2Kgs 4:38(18) 2Kgs 17:13(28) 2Kgs 24:2(26) Amo 3:7(13) Dan 9:10(13)
הַנְּבִיאִים֙the prophets1Sa 19:20(10) 2Kgs 2:7(4)
הַנְּבִיאִים֮the prophetsEzr 9:11(5)
ubnbia2 וּבְנָבִ֕יאbut by a prophetHos 12:14(1)
וּבְנָבִ֖יאand by a prophetHos 12:14(7)
ubnbiai2 וּבִנְבִאֵ֨יand in the prophets ofJer 23:14(1)
וּבִנְבִיאֵ֥יand in the prophets ofJer 23:13(1)
ubnbiaii1 וּבִנְבִיאַ֖יand to my prophets1Ch 16:22(4)
vhnbia3 וְהַנָּבִ֣יאand prophetDeu 13:6(1)
וְהַנָּבִ֤יאand the prophetJer 23:34(1) Eze 14:9(1)
vhnbiaim9 וְהַ֨נְּבִאִ֔יםand the prophetsZec 1:5(4)
וְהַנְּבִאִ֖יםand the prophetsJer 26:7(3) Jer 27:15(15)
וְהַנְּבִאִ֛יםand the prophetsJer 26:8(17)
וְהַנְּבִאִים֙and the prophetsJer 26:11(3)
וְהַנְּבִיאִ֔יםand the prophets2Kgs 23:2(13)
וְהַנְּבִיאִ֖יםand the prophetsJer 4:9(13)
וְהַנְּבִיאִים֙and the prophetsJer 5:13(1)
וְהַנְּבִיאִים֙the prophetsJer 2:8(13)
vhtnbi1 וְהִתְנַבִּ֞יand the prophetsEzr 5:1(1)
vlnbiaii1 וְ֝לִנְבִיאַיand to my prophetsPsa 105:15(4)
vlnbiainu1 וְלִנְבִיאֵ֥נוּand for our prophetsNeh 9:32(21)
umnbia1 וּמִנָּבִיא֙from prophetJer 6:13(8)
umtnba1 וּמִתְנַבֵּ֑אthat makes himself prophetJer 29:26(14)
vnbia5 וְנָבִ֖יאand prophetIsa 3:2(5)
וְנָבִ֤יאand prophet1Kgs 13:11(1)
וְנָבִ֥יאand a prophetIsa 9:14(6)
וְנָבִֽיאand prophetLam 2:20(18)
וְנָבִיא֩and prophetIsa 28:7(8)
unbiai3 וּנְבִיאֵ֖יprophets ofJer 23:26(8)
וּנְבִיאֵ֣יbut the prophets of1Kgs 18:22(10)
וּנְבִיאֵ֤יand the prophets of1Kgs 18:19(17)
unbiaih2 וּנְבִיאֶ֖יהָand her prophetsMic 3:11(7)
וּנְבִיאֶ֗יהָand her prophetsEze 22:28(1)
unbiaihm2 וּנְבִֽיאֵיהֶ֑םand their prophetsJer 32:32(15)
וּנְבִיאֵיהֶֽםand their prophetsJer 2:26(13)
lnbia4 לְנָבִ֖יאas a prophet1Sa 3:20(11)
לְנָבִ֖יאas prophet1Kgs 19:16(16)
לַנָּבִ֖יאfor the prophet1Kgs 13:23(10)
לַנָּבִיא֙a prophet1Sa 9:9(14)
lnbiai2 לִנְבִיאֵ֣יto the prophets of1Kgs 18:25(3) Eze 13:2(9)
lnbiaim2 לִנְבִיאִ֔יםprophetsAmo 2:11(3)
לַנְּבִאִ֞יםfor the prophetsJer 23:9(1)
mhnbiaim1 מֵֽהַנְּבִאִ֖יםamong the prophets1Kgs 20:41(12)
mnbia3 מִנָּבִ֑יאfrom prophetJer 18:18(15)
מִנָּבִ֔יאfrom prophetEze 7:26(11)
מִנָּבִיא֙from prophetJer 8:10(15)
mnbiai1 מִנְּבִיאֵ֨יfrom the prophets of1Kgs 18:13(13)
nbia26 ־נָבִ֖יאa prophetAmo 7:14(11)
־נָבִ֛יאa prophetHos 4:5(5)
־נָבִ֣יאa prophetGen 20:7(6) Amo 7:14(7)
־נָבִ֥יאprophetJer 23:11(3)
־נָבִ֧יאprophetJer 14:18(15)
נָבִ֑יאa prophetPsa 74:9(6)
נָבִ֔יאa prophetDeu 13:2(4) 2Ch 25:15(7)
נָבִ֖יאa prophetJdg 6:8(4) 2Kgs 5:8(25) Eze 2:5(12) Eze 33:33(6) Zec 13:5(3)
נָבִ֛יאa prophet1Kgs 18:22(7) 1Kgs 22:7(5) 2Ch 18:6(5)
נָבִ֞יאa prophetHos 9:8(5)
נָבִ֣יאprophet1Kgs 20:13(2)
נָבִ֥יאa prophetJer 1:5(9) 2Ch 28:9(3)
נָבִ֥יאprophetDeu 34:10(3)
נָבִ֨יאa prophetDeu 18:15(1) Deu 18:18(1)
נָבִיא֙a prophet2Kgs 3:11(5)
נָבִיא֮a prophet1Kgs 13:18(5)
nbiah1 נְבִיאָ֔הa prophetJdg 4:4(3)
nbiai12 ־נְבִיאֵ֖יthe prophets of2Kgs 3:13(14)
־נְבִיאֵ֣יprophet of2Kgs 10:19(3)
־נְבִיאֵ֣יthe prophets of1Kgs 18:40(6) 2Kgs 3:13(11)
־נְבִיאֵ֥יthe prophets ofEze 13:2(5)
־נְבִיאֵ֨יprophet2Kgs 17:13(7)
־נְבִיאֵ֨יthe prophets of1Kgs 18:19(12)
נְבִיאֵ֣יprophets ofEze 13:16(1)
נְבִיאֵ֣יthe prophets of1Kgs 18:4(5) 1Kgs 18:13(10) Jer 23:15(17) Eze 38:17(13)
nbiaih4 ־נְבִיאֶ֕יהָher prophetsLam 2:9(13)
נְבִיאֶ֔יהָher prophetsLam 4:13(2)
נְבִיאֶ֙יהָ֙her prophetsEze 22:25(2) Zep 3:4(1)
nbiaiv3 ־נְבִיאָ֑יוhis prophets1Kgs 22:22(8) 2Ch 18:21(8)
־נְבִיאָֽיוhis prophets2Ch 29:25(21)
nbiaiiç1 נְבִיאַ֗יִךְyour prophets'Lam 2:14(1)
nbiaiç7 ־נְבִיאֶ֖יךָyour prophets1Kgs 19:10(16) 1Kgs 19:14(16) Neh 9:30(9)
־נְבִיאֶ֣יךָyour prophets1Kgs 22:23(9) Neh 9:26(10)
נְבִיאֶ֣יךָyour prophets2Ch 18:22(8)
נְבִיאֶ֥יךָyour prophetsEze 13:4(3)
nbiaicm5 ־נְבִיאֵיכֶ֜םyour prophetsJer 27:9(5)
נְבִ֣יאֵיכֶ֔םyour prophetsJer 37:19(2)
נְבִֽיאֵיכֶ֖םyour prophetsJer 2:30(10)
נְבִֽיאֵיכֶ֗םyour prophetsJer 27:16(16)
נְבִֽיאֵיכֶ֥םyour prophetsJer 29:8(11)
nbiaim9 ־נְבִאִ֖יםprophets1Sa 10:10(6) 1Sa 10:11(9)
־נְבִאִ֣יםprophetsJer 27:18(2)
־נְבִיאִ֡יםprophetsNeh 6:7(2)
נְבִאִ֔יםprophets2Ch 24:19(3)
נְבִאִ֖יםprophetsJer 29:15(6)
נְבִאִ֗יםprophets1Kgs 18:4(10)
נְבִיאִ֔יםto be prophetsNum 11:29(12)
נְבִיאִים֙prophets1Sa 10:5(16)
nbiaç1 נְבִיאֶֽךָyour prophetExo 7:1(12)
nbiacm1 נְבִ֣יאֲכֶ֔םa prophet of yoursNum 12:6(7)
nbiia3 נְבִיַּיָּ֥אthe prophetsEzr 5:2(16)
נְבִיָּ֔אthe prophetEzr 6:14(7)
נְבִיָּ֗אthe prophetEzr 5:1(3)
nbivt Person nbiot4 נְבָי֔וֹתNevayot1Ch 1:29(5)
נְבָי֖וֹתNevayotIsa 60:7(7)
נְבָי֛וֹתNevayotGen 28:9(13)
נְבָיֽוֹתNevayotGen 36:3(6)
nbit Person nbiot1 נְבָיֹ֔תNbayotGen 25:13(9)
nbc Water nbci1 ־נִבְכֵיthe fountainheads ofJob 38:16(3)
nbl Bodypart bnblt4 בְנִבְלַ֨תthe corpse ofLev 5:2(9)
בְּנִבְלַ֖תthe corpses ofLev 5:2(17)
בְּנִבְלַ֤תwith the corpses ofJer 16:18(10)
בְּנִבְלַת֙the corpse ofLev 5:2(13)
bnblth1 בְּנִבְלָתָ֖הּits corpseLev 11:39(10)
bnbltm3 בְּנִבְלָתָ֖םtheir corpsesLev 11:24(5) Lev 11:27(15) Lev 11:36(9)
hnbilh5 ־הַנְּבֵלָ֔הthe corpse1Kgs 13:28(16)
־הַנְּבֵלָה֙his corpse1Kgs 13:25(6)
הַנְּבֵלָ֑הcorpse1Kgs 13:25(13)
הַנְּבֵלָ֑הthe corpse1Kgs 13:28(11)
הַנְּבֵלָֽהthe corpse1Kgs 13:24(16)
ubnbltm2 וּבְנִבְלָתָ֖םand their corpsesLev 11:8(4) Deu 14:8(15)
unbilh1 וּנְבֵלָ֨הneither corpseEze 4:14(9)
vnblto1 וְנִבְלָתוֹ֙and his corpseJer 36:30(16)
mnblth1 מִנִּבְלָתָ֔הּfrom the corpseLev 11:40(2)
mnbltm4 מִנִּבְלָתָ֑םtheir corpsesLev 11:25(3)
מִנִּבְלָתָ֔םfrom their corpseLev 11:37(3)
מִנִּבְלָתָ֖םfrom their corpseLev 11:38(7)
מִנִּבְלָתָ֥םfrom their corpseLev 11:35(4)
nbilh5 ־נְ֠בֵלָהcorpseDeu 14:21(4)
־נְבֵלָה֙corpseEze 44:31(2)
נְבֵלָ֧הa corpseLev 22:8(1)
נְבֵלָה֙a corpseLev 7:24(2) Lev 17:15(5)
nbilti1 נְבֵלָתִ֖יmy corpseIsa 26:19(3)
nbliç1 נְבָלֶ֑יךָyour corpsesIsa 14:11(5)
nblt5 ־נִבְלַ֧תthe corpse of1Kgs 13:29(4)
־נִבְלַ֬תthe corpses ofPsa 79:2(3)
נִבְלַ֣תthe corpse of2Kgs 9:37(2)
נִבְלַ֣תthe corpses ofJer 9:21(6)
נִבְלַ֨תthe corpses ofJer 7:33(2)
nblth1 ־נִבְלָתָ֔הּits corpseLev 11:40(10)
nblto6 ־נִבְלָת֔וֹhis corpseJer 26:23(13)
־נִבְלָת֖וֹhis corpse1Kgs 13:30(3)
־נִבְלָת֣וֹhis corpseJos 8:29(16)
־נִבְלָתוֹ֙his corpse1Kgs 13:28(4)
נִבְלָת֜וֹits corpseDeu 21:23(3)
נִבְלָתוֹ֙his corpse1Kgs 13:24(7)
nbltç2 נִבְלָֽתְךָ֙your corpsesDeu 28:26(2)
נִבְלָתְךָ֖your corpse1Kgs 13:22(18)
nbltm6 ־נִבְלָתָ֔םtheir corpsesLev 11:28(3)
־נִבְלָתָ֖םtheir corpsesLev 11:11(8)
־נִבְלָתָם֙their corpsesJer 19:7(17)
נִבְלָתָ֛םtheir corpsesIsa 5:25(14)
נִבְלָתָם֙their corpsesJer 16:4(17) Jer 34:20(9)
Character ucnoblt1 וּכְנֹבֶ֖לֶתand as the witheringIsa 34:4(14)
vnbl1 וַנָּ֤בֶלand we witherIsa 64:5(8)
iibol4 ־יִבּ֑וֹלwitherPsa 1:3(13)
־יִבּ֨וֹלwill witherEze 47:12(12)
יִבּ֑וֹלwithersJob 14:18(4)
יִבּ֔וֹלwill witherIsa 34:4(10)
iibolu2 יִבֹּ֑לוּwill wither2Sa 22:46(3) Psa 18:46(3)
iibolun1 יִבּוֹלֽוּןthey will witherPsa 37:2(7)
cnbol1 כִּנְבֹ֤לas withersIsa 34:4(11)
mnbl1 מְנַבֵּ֣לdemeansMic 7:6(3)
nbol1 נָבֹ֣לwitheringExo 18:18(1)
nbl3 נָ֣בֵֽלwithersIsa 40:7(3) Isa 40:8(3)
נָבֵ֔לwithersJer 8:13(12)
nobl2 נֹבֵ֖לwitheringIsa 28:1(7)
נֹבֵל֙witheringIsa 28:4(3)
tibol1 תִּבֹּ֔לyou will witherExo 18:18(2)
Container hnblim1 הַנְּבָלִֽיםskin-bottlesIsa 22:24(17)
vnbl2 וְנֵ֣בֶלand a skin-bottle of1Sa 1:24(10)
וְנֵ֥בֶלand a skin-bottle of2Sa 16:1(21)
vnbli1 וְנִבְלֵ֥יand the skin-bottles ofJob 38:37(5)
vnblihm1 וְנִבְלֵיהֶ֖םand his jarsJer 48:12(13)
lnbli1 לְנִבְלֵיas skin-bottlesLam 4:2(8)
nbl4 ־נֵ֖בֶלskin-bottleJer 13:12(12) Jer 13:12(22)
נֵ֧בֶלjarIsa 30:14(3)
נֵֽבֶלa skin-bottle of1Sa 10:3(28)
nbli1 נִבְלֵיskin-bottles of1Sa 25:18(7)
Foolish hnblh4 ־הַ֨נְּבָלָ֔הthe senselessnessJdg 20:10(20)
־הַנְּבָלָ֥הsenselessnessJdg 19:23(23) 2Sa 13:12(15)
הַנְּבָלָ֥הsenselessJdg 19:24(19)
hnblot1 הַנְּבָלוֹת֙the senseless womenJob 2:10(5)
hnblim2 הַנְּבָלִ֑יםsenselessEze 13:3(8)
הַנְּבָלִ֖יםthe senseless2Sa 13:13(9)
vinbl1 וַיְנַבֵּ֖לand was senseless withDeu 32:15(10)
vnbl1 וְ֝נָבָ֗לand senselessnessPro 30:22(5)
unblh2 וּנְבָלָ֖הand his senselessness1Sa 25:25(19)
וּנְבָלָ֖הand senselessnessJdg 20:6(12)
vnibltiç1 וְנִבַּלְתִּ֑יךְand make you senselessNah 3:6(4)
lnbl2 לְנָבָ֖לsenselessIsa 32:5(4)
לְנָבָ֣לto the senselessPro 17:7(3)
nbl16 ־נֶבֶל֮senselessPsa 71:22(5)
־נָ֝בָ֗לthe senselessPsa 74:22(8)
־נָ֭בָלthe senselessJob 30:8(2)
נָ֝בָ֗לsenselessPsa 74:18(7)
נָ֝בָ֗לthe senselessPsa 39:9(5)
נָבָ֖לa senseless2Sa 3:33(7)
נָבָ֖לsenselessDeu 32:6(6) Deu 32:21(12)
נָבָ֖לthe senseless1Sa 25:19(9)
נָבָ֣לsenselessPsa 14:1(4) Psa 53:2(2)
נָבָ֣לthe senseless1Sa 25:25(17)
נָבָֽלsenselessJer 17:11(14)
נָבָֽלthe senselessPro 17:21(8)
נָבָל֙senselessIsa 32:6(2)
נָבָל֙the senseless1Sa 25:36(12)
nblh7 ־נְבָלָ֞הsenselesslyGen 34:7(13)
נְבָלָ֑הsenselessnessIsa 9:16(21)
נְבָלָ֔הsenselessnessJob 42:8(26)
נְבָלָ֖הsenselessnessJos 7:15(18)
נְבָלָ֜הsenselessnessJer 29:23(4)
נְבָלָ֣הsenselessnessIsa 32:6(3)
נְבָלָה֙senselessnessDeu 22:21(15)
nbluth1 ־נַבְלֻתָ֖הּher senselessnessHos 2:12(4)
nblt1 ־נָבַ֥לְתָּyou have been senselessPro 30:32(2)
noblt1 נֹבֶ֣לֶתsenselessIsa 1:30(4)
tnbl1 ־תְּנַבֵּ֖לdo make senselessJer 14:21(6)
Music bnbl3 בְּנֵ֣בֶלwith lutePsa 150:3(5)
בְּנֵ֥בֶלon a lutePsa 33:2(4)
בְּנֵ֥בֶלon lutePsa 144:9(6)
bnblim5 בִּנְבָלִ֖יםwith lutes1Ch 15:20(9) 1Ch 15:28(14) 1Ch 25:1(12)
בִּנְבָלִ֣יםwith lutes2Ch 29:25(7)
בִּנְבָלִ֥יםwith lutes2Ch 20:28(3)
hnbl3 הַנֵּ֥בֶלO lutePsa 57:9(4) Psa 108:3(2)
הַנָּ֑בֶלthe luteAmo 6:5(4)
ubnblim3 וּבִנְבָלִ֣יםand with lutes1Ch 13:8(11) 2Ch 5:12(12)
וּבִנְבָלִים֙and with lutes2Sa 6:5(12)
vnbl1 וָנֶ֗בֶלand luteIsa 5:12(3)
unblim2 וּנְבָלִ֖יםand lutes1Kgs 10:12(12) 2Ch 9:11(12)
nbl3 ־נָ֑בֶלa lutePsa 92:4(4)
־נָֽבֶלlutePsa 81:3(8)
נֵ֤בֶלlute1Sa 10:5(20)
nbliç1 נְבָלֶ֖יךָyour lutesAmo 5:23(6)
nblim4 נְבָלִ֣יםlutes1Ch 25:6(10)
נְבָלִ֥יםlutesNeh 12:27(17) 1Ch 15:16(11)
נְבָלִים֙lutes1Ch 16:5(15)
Person cnbl1 כְנָבָל֙as Nabal1Sa 25:26(17)
lnbl1 לְנָבָ֛לto Nabal1Sa 25:34(18)
mnbl1 מִנָּבָ֔לfrom Nabal1Sa 25:37(5)
nbl16 ־נָבָ֔לNabal1Sa 25:5(12)
־נָבָ֖לNabal1Sa 25:38(7) 1Sa 27:3(17)
־נָבָ֗לNabal1Sa 25:25(12)
־נָבָ֛לNabal1Sa 25:9(6)
־נָבָ֡לNabal1Sa 25:36(4)
נָבָ֔לNabal1Sa 25:3(3) 1Sa 25:14(3) 1Sa 25:39(22)
נָבָ֖לNabal1Sa 25:4(6)
נָבָ֗לNabal1Sa 25:39(15)
נָבָ֜לNabal1Sa 25:10(2)
נָבָ֣לNabal2Sa 3:3(5)
נָבָ֥לNabal1Sa 30:5(9) 2Sa 2:2(11)
נָבָל֒Nabal1Sa 25:39(5)
nbl+ Location nbl't1 נְבַלָּֽטNeballatNeh 11:34(3)
nby Eat abiyh2 אַבִּ֣יעָהI will fermentPro 1:23(4)
אַבִּ֥יעָהI will fermentPsa 78:2(4)
hmbuy1 ־הַמַּבּ֔וּעַthe fontEccl 12:6(13)
ibiy4 יַבִּ֖יעַfermentsEccl 10:1(4)
יַבִּ֣יעַֽfermentsPsa 19:3(3)
יַבִּ֥יעַfermentsPro 15:2(7) Pro 15:28(7)
ibiyu2 יַבִּ֑יעוּzealous inPsa 145:7(4)
יַבִּ֣יעוּthey bubble upPsa 94:4(1)
ibiyun1 יַבִּ֘יע֤וּןwhat they fermentPsa 59:8(2)
lmbuyi1 לְמַבּ֣וּעֵיwill ferment withIsa 35:7(5)
mbuyi1 ־מַבּ֥וּעֵיtumblingIsa 49:10(13)
noby1 נֹ֝בֵ֗עַbubblesPro 18:4(7)
tbynh1 תַּבַּ֣עְנָהtumbling from ... isPsa 119:171(1)
ngb Location bngb2 בְּנֶ֣גֶבis in the Negev ofJdg 1:16(14)
בַּנֶּֽגֶבin the NegevPsa 126:4(6)
hngb11 ־הַנֶּ֗גֶבthe NegevDeu 34:3(2)
הַנֶּ֑גֶבthe NegevNum 13:29(4) Jer 32:44(20)
הַנֶּ֔גֶבthe NegevNum 21:1(6) Jer 33:13(6) Eze 21:3(3)
הַנֶּ֙גֶב֙the NegevJos 15:19(7) Jdg 1:15(8)
הַנֶּ֜גֶבthe NegevOba 1:19(2)
הַנֶּֽגֶבthe NegevGen 24:62(10) Oba 1:20(17)
hngbh1 הַנֶּֽגְבָּהsouthwardGen 13:1(11)
ubngb1 וּבַנֶּ֑גֶבand in the NegevJos 12:8(6)
vhngb3 וְהַנֶּ֖גֶבand the NegevJdg 1:9(9)
וְהַנֶּ֥גֶבand the NegevZec 7:7(16)
וְהַנֶּ֨גֶבand the NegevJos 10:40(7)
mngb4 ־מִנֶּ֜גֶבfrom the NegevJos 15:3(3)
מִנֶּ֖גֶבfrom the NegevJos 15:3(9)
מִנֶּ֖גֶבfrom the southNum 34:4(11)
מִנֶּ֗גֶבfrom the NegevJos 19:34(11)
ngb1 ־נֶ֕גֶבthe NegevEze 48:16(10)
ngbh2 ־נֶֽגְבָּהtoward the NegevZec 14:4(27)
נֶ֥גְבָּהtoward the NegevExo 26:18(8)
Measure bngb5 בַנֶּ֑גֶבagainst the southDan 11:29(4)
בַנֶּגֶב֮in the southNum 13:22(2)
בַּנֶּ֔גֶבinto the southNum 13:17(12)
בַּנֶּ֖גֶבin the southNum 33:40(7)
בַּנֶּ֙גֶב֙in the southIsa 21:1(5)
bngbh1 בַּנֶּ֑גְבָּהin the southJos 15:21(10)
hngb15 ־הַנֶּ֔גֶבthe southJer 17:26(13)
־הַנֶּ֖גֶבthe southDan 11:5(3)
־הַנֶּ֗גֶבthe southDan 11:6(6)
־הַנֶּ֙גֶב֙the southJos 11:16(10)
־הַנֶּ֥גֶבthe southDan 8:9(11)
הַנֶּ֑גֶבthe southDan 11:14(7)
הַנֶּ֔גֶבsouthGen 20:1(5)
הַנֶּ֔גֶבthe south1Sa 20:41(6) Dan 11:9(4) Dan 11:11(3) Dan 11:40(6)
הַנֶּ֗גֶבthe southDan 11:25(10)
הַנֶּ֙גֶב֙the southDan 11:15(10)
הַנֶּ֛גֶבthe southJer 13:19(2)
הַנֶּגֶב֮the southDan 11:25(6)
hngbh1 הַנֶּֽגְבָּהsouthwardGen 12:9(5)
ubngb1 וּבַנֶּ֖גֶבand southwardDeu 1:7(13)
vhngb1 וְהַנֶּגֶב֮and of the south2Ch 28:18(5)
umngb1 וּמִנֶּ֖גֶבand southJdg 21:19(19)
vngbh6 וְנֶ֕גְבָּהand southwardEze 48:10(18)
וְנֶ֖גְבָּהand southwardEze 48:17(7)
וָנֶ֑גְבָּהand southwardGen 28:14(9)
וָנֶ֖גְבָּהand southwardGen 13:14(19)
וָנֶ֗גְבָּהand southwardDan 8:4(7)
וָנֶֽגְבָּהand southward1Ch 9:24(8)
lngbh1 לַנֶּ֥גְבָּהsouthward1Ch 26:17(7)
mngb11 מִנֶּ֔גֶבfrom the southJos 15:8(9) Jos 18:5(9)
מִנֶּ֖גֶבfrom the southGen 13:3(3) Jos 15:7(15) 1Sa 14:5(8) Eze 47:1(22)
מִנֶּ֜גֶבfrom the southNum 34:4(4)
מִנֶּ֥גֶבfrom the southJos 18:13(19) Eze 21:3(31) Eze 21:9(14)
מִנֶּֽגֶבfrom the southEze 40:2(15)
ngb27 ־נֶ֖גֶבthe south1Sa 30:27(6)
־נֶ֖גֶבthe south of1Sa 27:10(15)
־נֶ֙גֶב֙the south1Sa 30:1(11)
־נֶ֛גֶבsouthNum 34:3(4)
־נֶ֣גֶבthe south of1Sa 27:10(12) 1Sa 30:14(9)
־נֶ֤גֶבthe south of1Sa 27:10(9)
־נֶ֥גֶבthe south of2Sa 24:7(10)
־נֶגֶב֩southernNum 35:5(11)
נֶ֑גֶבthe southJos 19:8(11) Isa 30:6(3)
נֶ֔גֶבsouthNum 34:3(13) Eze 46:9(15) Eze 46:9(19)
נֶ֔גֶבsouthwardJos 15:2(4)
נֶ֖גֶבsouthward toZec 14:10(7)
נֶ֣גֶבsouthExo 38:9(5)
נֶ֣גֶבthe southEze 47:19(2) Eze 48:28(6)
נֶ֥גֶבsouthExo 36:23(8)
נֶ֥גֶבsouth ofJos 11:2(7)
נֶ֧גֶבsouth of1Sa 30:14(3)
נֶֽגֶבsouthExo 27:9(6)
נֶֽגֶבsouthernEze 21:2(14)
נֶֽגֶבsouthwardJos 15:4(14) 1Kgs 7:39(22)
נֶֽגֶבthe southJos 18:19(22)
ngbh17 ־נֶ֕גְבָּהsouthwardJos 18:15(2)
־נֶ֗גְבָּהsouthwardEze 48:33(2)
נֶ֑גְבָּהsouthwardJos 18:19(19) 1Ch 26:15(3)
נֶ֔גְבָּהsouthwardJos 18:13(8) Jos 18:16(22)
נֶ֖גְבָּהsouthwardJos 15:1(12)
נֶ֗גְבָּהsouthwardJos 18:14(6) 1Kgs 7:25(14) 2Ch 4:4(14)
נֶ֣גְבָּהsouthwardJos 17:9(5)
נֶ֣גְבָּהsouthward wasJos 17:10(1)
נֶֽגְבָּהsouthwardExo 40:24(11) Jos 15:2(11) Eze 47:19(16) 2Ch 4:10(8)
נֶגְבָּה֒southwardJos 18:14(14)
ngd Look hgdt1 הִגַּ֑דְתָּהyou have told itJdg 14:16(16)
vhgidh1 וְהִגִּ֣ידָהand tell2Sa 17:17(8)
vigidha1 וְיַגִּידֶ֤הָand will make it clearIsa 44:7(4)
igidu1 יַגִּֽידוּwill be conspicuousPsa 145:4(6)
cngdo2 כְּנֶגְדּֽוֹas conspicuous to itGen 2:18(12) Gen 2:20(15)
lngdcm1 לְנֶגְדְּכֶם֙conspicuous before youIsa 1:7(7)
mngd3 מִנֶּ֔גֶדconspicuouslyGen 21:16(15)
מִנֶּ֖גֶדconspicuousDeu 32:52(2)
מִנֶּ֗גֶדconspicuouslyGen 21:16(4)
mngdo1 מִנֶּגְדּ֑וֹout of its sightPsa 10:5(7)
ngid1 נַגִּיד֙we will beJer 36:16(14)
Modifier mngd2 מִנֶּ֔גֶדaloofOba 1:11(3)
מִנֶּ֖גֶדaloof2Kgs 2:7(7)
Office hmgid1 הַמַּגִּ֔ידa herald2Sa 15:13(2)
hngid3 הַנָּגִ֑ידthe herald1Ch 27:4(9)
הַנָּגִ֣ידwas the herald1Ch 12:28(2)
הַנָּגִ֤ידherald2Ch 19:11(12)
ulngid1 וּלְנָגִ֖ידand heraldry was1Ch 5:2(5)
umgid1 וּמַגִּ֖ידand heraldJer 51:31(5)
vngid1 וְנָגִ֣ידand herald2Ch 32:21(8)
lngid9 לְנָגִ֔ידas herald1Ch 28:4(17)
לְנָגִ֖ידas herald1Sa 25:30(13) 2Sa 5:2(26)
לְנָגִ֣ידherald2Ch 11:22(8)
לְנָגִ֥ידas herald1Ch 29:22(16)
לְנָגִֽידas herald1Sa 10:1(17)
לְנָגִיד֙as herald1Sa 9:16(9) 1Sa 13:14(12)
לִנְגִ֨ידto the herald ofEze 28:2(4)
mgid1 מַגִּ֑ידheraldJer 51:31(7)
ngid23 ־נָ֝גִ֗ידa heraldJob 31:37(5)
־נָגִֽידherald1Ch 13:1(8)
נְגִ֖דherald ofNeh 11:11(12)
נְגִ֖ידherald of1Ch 9:11(12)
נְגִ֣ידherald of2Ch 28:7(11)
נְגִ֥ידherald of2Ch 31:13(20)
נְגִ֥ידthe herald ofDan 11:22(7)
נְגִידa herald of2Kgs 20:5(5)
נָגִ֔ידheraldDan 9:25(11) 1Ch 11:2(26) 1Ch 27:16(5)
נָגִ֔ידheralded2Sa 7:8(17) 1Kgs 1:35(13) 1Kgs 14:7(15) 1Kgs 16:2(7) 1Ch 17:7(18)
נָגִ֖ידheralded2Ch 6:5(24)
נָגִ֖ידwas herald1Ch 26:24(6)
נָגִ֛ידas herald2Sa 6:21(15)
נָגִ֤ידthe heraldDan 9:26(13)
נָגִ֥ידa heraldIsa 55:4(5)
נָגִ֨ידherald1Ch 9:20(4)
נָגִיד֙was herald2Ch 31:12(8)
ngidi1 נְגִידֵי֙heralds of2Ch 35:8(10)
ngidim1 נְגִידִ֔יםheralds2Ch 11:11(6)
Prep vngd8 וְנֶ֣גֶדand before1Sa 12:3(6) 1Sa 15:30(9) Rut 4:4(9)
וְנֶ֣גֶדand in front ofEze 42:3(6) Neh 3:10(7)
וְנֶ֥גֶדand before2Sa 12:12(13) Isa 5:21(4) Isa 24:23(12)
vngdm1 וְנֶגְדָּ֗םand in front of themNeh 12:37(4)
lngd12 לְנֶ֖גֶדin front ofNeh 11:22(16)
לְנֶ֣גֶדbefore2Kgs 1:13(15) Psa 5:6(4) Psa 18:25(7) Psa 36:2(9) Psa 101:7(11) Job 4:16(6)
לְנֶ֣גֶדis beforePsa 26:3(3)
לְנֶ֥גֶדbefore2Sa 22:25(6) Psa 101:3(3) Neh 3:37(11)
לְנֶ֥גֶדin front ofNeh 3:28(7)
lngdo1 לְנֶגְדּ֔וֹbefore himJos 5:13(11)
lngdi9 לְנֶגְדִּ֑יare before me2Sa 22:23(4) Psa 18:23(4)
לְנֶגְדִּ֑יbefore meHab 1:3(8)
לְנֶגְדִּ֔יbefore meDan 10:16(14)
לְנֶגְדִּ֖יin front of meDan 8:15(11)
לְנֶגְדִּ֣יin front of mePsa 16:8(3)
לְנֶגְדִּֽיin my presenceNum 22:32(20)
לְנֶגְדִּֽיis before mePsa 39:2(11)
לְנֶגְדִּי֙in front of meDan 10:13(5)
lngdç2 לְנֶגְדֶּ֑ךָbefore youPsa 90:8(3)
לְנֶגְדֶּֽךָbefore youGen 33:12(5)
lngdm5 לְנֶגְדָּ֔םbefore themNeh 12:24(9)
לְנֶגְדָּ֖םbefore themNeh 12:9(4)
לְנֶגְדָּ֗םbefore them1Ch 5:11(3)
לְנֶגְדָּ֣םbefore themPsa 54:5(11)
לְנֶגְדָּֽםbefore themPsa 86:14(11)
mngd16 מִ֭נֶּגֶדbeforePro 14:7(2)
מִנֶּ֑גֶדbeforeDeu 28:66(5)
מִנֶּ֔גֶדclearly2Kgs 4:25(14)
מִנֶּ֔גֶדfrom before2Kgs 2:15(6)
מִנֶּ֔גֶדin front ofJdg 9:17(8)
מִנֶּ֕גֶדavoidingNum 2:2(10)
מִנֶּ֕גֶדfrom beforeNeh 3:19(11)
מִנֶּ֖גֶדbefore1Sa 26:20(6)
מִנֶּ֜גֶדfrom beforeNeh 3:27(6)
מִנֶּ֣גֶדaway fromPsa 38:12(3)
מִנֶּ֣גֶדfrom beforeIsa 1:16(6) Jon 2:5(4) Neh 3:25(4)
מִנֶּ֤גֶדfrom beforeAmo 9:3(10)
מִנֶּ֥גֶדfrom beforeJer 16:17(12)
מִנֶּ֪גֶדfrom beforePsa 31:23(5)
ngd52 ־נֶ֙גֶד֙what is in front ofNeh 3:16(12)
־נֶ֥גֶדin front ofEze 42:1(15)
נֶ֖גֶדbeforePsa 138:1(5)
נֶ֖גֶדin front of1Kgs 8:22(6) Isa 61:11(14) Lam 3:35(4) Neh 3:30(17) 2Ch 6:12(5)
נֶ֖גֶדtowardsDan 6:11(13)
נֶ֚גֶדin front ofNeh 3:31(10) 2Ch 6:13(23)
נֶ֛גֶדin front ofNeh 8:3(14)
נֶ֜גֶדwhat is in front ofNeh 3:26(6)
נֶ֝֗גֶדbeforePsa 31:20(10)
נֶ֣גֶדare beforePro 15:11(3)
נֶ֣גֶדbeforeJos 8:11(9) Psa 22:26(7)
נֶ֣גֶדin front ofGen 31:32(8) Num 25:4(13) Jos 8:35(12) Eze 40:23(4) Eze 42:3(1) Psa 78:12(1) Neh 3:23(5) Neh 3:29(6) Neh 13:21(8)
נֶ֤גֶדbefore2Ch 8:14(15)
נֶ֤גֶדin front ofExo 34:10(6) 1Kgs 21:13(13)
נֶ֥גֶדbefore1Sa 15:30(6) 1Sa 16:6(8) Psa 119:46(3) Rut 4:4(7)
נֶ֥גֶדin front ofGen 31:37(13) Exo 19:2(11) Deu 31:11(16) Jos 3:16(25) 2Sa 12:12(10) Eze 40:13(12) Hos 7:2(10) Joe 1:16(2) Psa 23:5(4) Eccl 6:8(11) Neh 7:3(23)
נֶ֥גֶדis in front ofExo 10:10(15)
נֶ֧גֶדheralded with1Ch 9:38(7)
נֶ֧גֶדin front ofEze 41:16(7) 1Ch 8:32(7)
נֶ֧גֶדis in front ofEze 42:1(12)
נֶ֨גֶדin front of1Sa 12:3(4)
נֶֽגֶדbeforePsa 109:15(2)
נֶגֶד֩beforeJos 8:33(10)
ngdh2 נֶגְדָהbeforePsa 116:14(4) Psa 116:18(4)
ngdo11 נֶ֫גְדּ֥וֹbefore himPsa 18:13(2)
נֶגְדּ֑וֹbefore him2Sa 22:13(2) Isa 40:17(4) Job 26:6(3)
נֶגְדּ֑וֹbefore itEccl 4:12(6)
נֶגְדּ֔וֹbefore itJer 31:39(5)
נֶגְדּ֔וֹin front of himJos 6:20(22)
נֶגְדּֽוֹbefore itIsa 47:14(17)
נֶגְדּֽוֹin front of himJos 6:5(21)
נֶגְדּוֹ֒before him1Kgs 21:10(6) 1Kgs 21:13(7)
ngdi6 נֶגְדִּ֑יin front of mePsa 44:16(4)
נֶגְדִּ֖יin front of meIsa 49:16(6)
נֶגְדִּ֗יbefore meJob 10:17(3)
נֶגְדִּ֣יin front of mePsa 51:5(6)
נֶגְדִּ֣יis before mePsa 38:18(6)
נֶגְדִּֽיbefore mePsa 89:37(6)
ngdç8 נֶ֝גְדְּךָ֗before you arePsa 69:20(6)
נֶגְדְּךָ֥before you arePsa 38:10(2)
נֶגְדֶּ֑ךָbefore youGen 47:15(18) Psa 39:6(7)
נֶגְדֶּ֔ךָbefore youIsa 59:12(4)
נֶגְדֶּֽךָare before youPsa 119:168(7)
נֶגְדֶּֽךָbefore youPsa 88:2(7) Pro 4:25(6)
ngdm1 נֶגְדָּ֗םin front of them1Kgs 20:27(10)
ngid1 נָגֵ֤דwas in frontDan 7:10(4)
Rule ngid2 נָגִ֖ידand aristocratJer 20:1(8)
נָגִ֗ידan aristocratPro 28:16(1)
ngidim2 ־נְגִידִ֥יםthe aristocratsJob 29:10(2)
נְגִידִ֑יםaristocratsPsa 76:13(3)
Speak agid13 ־אַגִּ֣ידI have announcedPsa 71:18(9)
אַגִּ֑ידI will make clearPsa 38:19(3)
אַגִּ֖ידI will make clearIsa 57:12(2)
אַגִּ֣ידI make clearJer 38:15(6) Dan 10:21(2) Dan 11:2(3)
אַגִּ֣ידI will announcePsa 75:10(2)
אַגִּ֣ידI will make clearJer 42:4(19)
אַגִּ֥ידI have announcedPsa 71:17(6)
אַגִּ֥ידI will make clear1Sa 9:19(19)
אַגִּ֥ידwould I make clear1Sa 20:9(18)
אַגִּֽידI will announcePsa 142:3(6)
אַגִּֽידwill I tellJdg 14:16(25)
agidh2 אַגִּ֥ידָהI will announce themPsa 40:6(12)
אַגִּֽידָהI will tell2Kgs 7:12(7)
agidnu1 אַגִּידֶ֑נּוּI would tell himJob 31:37(3)
hgd14 ־הַגֵּ֣ד--Jdg 14:12(9)
־הַגֵּ֥ד--1Sa 22:22(12)
הַ֝גֵּ֗דmake it clearJob 38:4(5)
הַ֝גֵּ֗דtellJob 38:18(5)
הַגֵּ֛דtellEze 40:4(22)
הַגֵּ֤דannounceEze 43:10(4)
הַגֵּ֤דhe made it clear1Sa 10:16(5)
הַגֵּ֤ידsure to make clearJer 36:16(13)
הַגֵּ֥דtell2Sa 18:21(5)
הַגֶּדmake clearJer 42:20(23)
הַגֶּדtell1Sa 23:11(13) 2Sa 1:4(7) 2Kgs 9:12(3) Jer 36:17(5)
hgdt7 ־הִגַּ֣דְתָּdid you make clearGen 12:18(11)
־הִגַּ֣דְתָּhave toldJdg 16:15(15)
־הִגַּ֣דְתָּtellGen 31:27(7)
־הִגַּ֣דְתָּyou did make clearGen 21:26(13)
הִגַּ֣דְתָּhave you announced toJob 26:4(3)
הִגַּ֣דְתָּyou have made it clear1Sa 24:19(2) 2Sa 19:7(8)
hgdti9 ־הִגַּ֣דְתִּיI had toldNeh 2:12(8)
הִ֭גַּדְתִּיI made clearJob 42:3(8)
הִגַּ֔דְתִּיI made clearIsa 48:3(3)
הִגַּ֖דְתִּיI did tellJdg 14:16(23)
הִגַּ֤דְתִּיI announceDeu 26:3(10) Deu 30:18(1) Isa 43:12(2)
הִגַּ֥דְתִּיI announceIsa 21:10(11)
הִגַּֽדְתִּיI did tellNeh 2:16(19)
hgid23 ־הִגִּ֣ידhe did make clear1Sa 10:16(15)
־הִגִּ֣ידhe did tellJdg 14:9(16)
־הִגִּ֣ידhe had made clearJdg 16:18(4)
־הִגִּ֤ידmade it clearIsa 41:26(2)
־הִגִּ֥ידhe did tellJdg 13:6(24)
־הִגִּ֥ידhe had made it clearEst 3:4(16)
־הִגִּ֥ידhe has made clearJdg 16:18(17)
הִגִּ֖ידhas told2Kgs 4:27(25)
הִגִּ֖ידhe did make clear1Kgs 10:3(15) 2Ch 9:2(13)
הִגִּ֖ידhe had made it clearJon 1:10(19)
הִגִּ֣ידhe had toldGen 31:20(9)
הִגִּ֣ידis knownPsa 111:6(3)
הִגִּ֣ידmade clearIsa 48:14(6)
הִגִּ֣ידmade it clearGen 3:11(3)
הִגִּ֣ידsomeone told2Sa 15:31(2)
הִגִּ֥ידhe has made clearGen 41:25(13)
הִגִּ֥ידhe has made it clearMic 6:8(1)
הִגִּ֧ידtold1Sa 25:14(4)
הִגִּ֨ידhad made it clearEst 6:2(4)
הִגִּֽידhe did tell1Sa 14:1(21)
הִגִּיד֙--1Sa 10:16(6)
הִגִּיד֙he did tellJdg 14:6(12)
hgidh18 ־הִגִּ֣ידָהhad made clearEst 2:10(2)
־הִגִּ֣ידָהshe did tell1Sa 25:36(20)
־הִגִּ֥ידָהhad made clearEst 8:1(18)
הִגִּֽידָהshe did tell1Sa 25:19(11)
הִגִּידָ֗הּmaking it clearIsa 45:21(11)
הַגִּ֣ידָהmake clearSong 1:7(1)
הַגִּ֣ידָהmake it clearRut 4:4(18)
הַגִּ֣ידָהtellJdg 16:13(12)
הַגִּ֥ידָהmake it clearGen 29:15(9) 1Sa 14:43(5)
הַגִּֽידָהmake clear1Sa 10:15(4)
הַגִּֽידָהmake it clearJer 38:25(11)
הַגִּֽידָהtellGen 32:30(4) Gen 37:16(6) Jdg 16:6(5) Jdg 16:10(12) 1Sa 9:18(8)
הַגִּידָהmake it clearJon 1:8(3)
hgidu17 ־הִגִּ֥ידוּthey had made clearEst 3:6(8)
הִגִּ֖ידוּthey make evidentIsa 3:9(7)
הִגִּ֣ידוּmake evidentPsa 97:6(1)
הִגִּ֣ידוּthey announced2Sa 19:9(7)
הַגִּ֙ידוּ֙announceJer 20:10(7)
הַגִּ֙ידוּ֙make evidentIsa 41:23(1)
הַגִּ֜ידוּmake evidentIsa 41:22(10)
הַגִּ֣ידוּmake clearIsa 45:21(1)
הַגִּ֣ידוּmake it clearGen 24:49(9) Gen 24:49(13) Jer 4:5(1) Jer 48:20(7)
הַגִּ֤ידוּannounceJer 46:14(1)
הַגִּ֤ידוּmake clearIsa 48:20(7)
הַגִּ֥ידוּevident isPsa 9:12(5)
הַגִּ֥ידוּmake clearJer 5:20(1)
הַגִּ֨ידוּmake it clearJer 50:2(1)
hgidi2 הַגִּ֣ידִיtell2Kgs 4:2(7)
הַגִּ֥ידִיtellGen 24:23(5)
hugd10 ־הֻגַּ֤דwas it told1Kgs 18:13(2)
־הֻגַּדwas told1Kgs 10:7(11)
הֻגֵּ֨ד--Jos 9:24(6)
הֻגֵּ֨דclearlyRut 2:11(5)
הֻגַּ֗דwas told1Sa 23:13(13)
הֻגַּ֜דit has been evidentRut 2:11(6)
הֻגַּ֤דit has been evidentJos 9:24(7)
הֻגַּ֥דhas it been evidentIsa 40:21(6)
הֻגַּדis made clearIsa 21:2(3)
הֻגַּדwas told2Ch 9:6(11)
higid1 הֲיַגִּ֥ידwill it announcePsa 30:10(9)
hmgid5 הַמַּגִּ֣ידthat told2Sa 1:5(5) 2Sa 1:13(5) 2Sa 18:11(4)
הַמַּגִּ֣ידwho told2Sa 1:6(3)
הַמַּגִּיד֩one told2Sa 4:10(2)
vagid4 וָאַגִּ֣דand I have made clear1Ch 17:10(12)
וָאַגִּ֤ידI toldIsa 48:5(1)
וָאַגִּ֥דso I have made clearJer 42:21(1)
וָאַגִּ֨ידand I told ofNeh 2:18(1)
vagidh4 וְאַגִּ֣ידָהand I will tellGen 46:31(9) Gen 49:1(7) 1Sa 15:16(6)
וְאַגִּ֧ידָהand I will tellJer 33:3(4)
vhgd3 וְהַגֵּ֣דand make clearEze 23:36(11)
וְהַגֵּ֤דand make clearIsa 58:1(8)
וְהַגֶּדand tellJos 7:19(15)
vhgdt2 וְהִגַּדְתָּ֣and make clear1Sa 8:9(9)
וְהִגַּדְתָּ֣and you will make clearExo 13:8(1)
vhgdti4 וְהִגַּ֖דְתִּיand made it clearIsa 44:8(8)
וְהִגַּ֣דְתִּיI will tellNum 23:3(15)
וְהִגַּ֣דְתִּיfor I have made it clear1Sa 3:13(1)
וְהִגַּ֥דְתִּיand I will tell1Sa 19:3(17)
vhgdtm1 וְהִגַּדְתֶּ֣םand you will tellGen 45:13(1)
vhgid3 וְהִגִּ֤ידso makes clear2Sa 7:11(13)
וְהִגִּ֥ידand he makes clearLev 14:35(5)
וְהִגִּ֥ידand he will make clear1Sa 9:8(16)
vhgidu5 וְהִגִּ֖ידוּand tell2Sa 17:17(12)
וְהִגִּ֣ידוּand they will make clearDeu 17:9(12)
וְהִגִּ֥ידוּand they will make clearIsa 66:19(27)
וְהַגִּ֥ידוּand make clearJer 31:10(5)
וְהַגִּ֨ידוּand make clear2Sa 17:16(4)
vhugd1 וְהֻֽגַּדand it is made clearDeu 17:4(1)
vigd49 וְיַגֶּדand let him make clearJdg 14:15(10)
וְיַגֶּדand let make clearJer 42:3(1)
וְיַגֶּדand make evidentJob 11:6(1)
וְיַגֶּדand they will make it evidentJob 12:7(8)
וַיַּ֨גֶּדand he told1Sa 19:18(8)
וַיַּגֵּ֖דand he made it clearEst 2:22(4)
וַיַּגֵּ֖דand he toldGen 14:13(3) Gen 37:5(4) 2Sa 17:18(4)
וַיַּגֵּ֖דand it was told2Sa 18:10(4)
וַיַּגֵּ֞דand made it clear2Kgs 22:10(1) 2Ch 34:18(1)
וַיַּגֵּ֣דand he made it clearEst 4:9(3)
וַיַּגֵּ֣דand he toldGen 47:1(3) Gen 48:2(1) 2Sa 18:25(3)
וַיַּגֵּ֣דand told2Sa 11:18(3) 2Sa 11:22(4)
וַיַּגֵּ֣דthen he makes evidentJob 36:9(1)
וַיַּגֵּ֤דand announced2Kgs 9:18(18) 2Kgs 9:20(1)
וַיַּגֵּ֤דand made clearExo 4:28(1)
וַיַּגֵּ֤דand told1Sa 19:2(1) 1Kgs 19:1(1)
וַיַּגֵּ֤דthen he made evidentJer 38:27(8)
וַיַּגֵּ֤דthen made evidentJer 36:13(1)
וַיַּגֵּ֥דand he made it clearNum 11:27(3)
וַיַּגֵּ֥דand he toldGen 9:22(8)
וַיַּגֵּ֥דand made clearExo 19:9(20) 1Sa 22:21(1)
וַיַּגֵּ֥דand told1Sa 4:14(14) 2Kgs 5:4(2)
וַיַּגֵּ֨דand he made clearDeu 4:13(1)
וַיַּגֵּ֨דand toldGen 29:12(1)
וַיַּגֵּ֪דand he makes it clearPsa 52:2(4)
וַיַּגֵּד֙and toldJdg 14:2(2)
וַיַּגֶּדand he toldJdg 16:17(1) 2Kgs 4:31(16)
וַיַּגֶּדand it was told2Kgs 10:8(3)
וַיַּגֶּדand made clear1Sa 3:18(1) 1Sa 19:7(4) 1Kgs 10:3(1) 2Ch 9:2(1)
וַיַּגֶּדand made it clear1Sa 14:43(9) 2Sa 14:33(5) 2Sa 24:13(5) 1Kgs 18:16(5) Est 4:7(1)
וַיַּגֶּדthat he toldJdg 14:17(12)
vigdç1 וְיַגֵּ֔דְךָand he will make it clear to youDeu 32:7(10)
vigidh1 וְיַגִּדָ֑הּto make it clearJer 9:11(12)
vigidu44 וְיַגִּ֣ידוּand tellIsa 41:22(2)
וְיַגִּ֣ידוּand they will tell1Sa 25:8(4)
וְיַגִּ֣ידוּand will announcePsa 22:32(2)
וְיַגִּ֥ידוּso let them tellIsa 19:12(4)
וַ֭יַּגִּידוּand will announcePsa 64:10(4)
וַיַּגִּ֕ידוּand they told2Kgs 7:11(3)
וַיַּגִּ֖דוּand they made clearJdg 4:12(1)
וַיַּגִּ֖דוּand they toldJdg 9:42(6) 2Sa 17:21(7) 2Kgs 7:15(17)
וַיַּגִּ֖ידוּand toldExo 16:22(14)
וַיַּגִּ֙ידוּ֙and they announcedJer 36:20(11)
וַיַּגִּ֛ידוּand announced1Sa 11:9(17)
וַיַּגִּ֜דוּand told1Sa 18:24(1)
וַיַּגִּ֣דוּand they made clearGen 26:32(7) 1Sa 25:12(7) 2Kgs 18:37(18)
וַיַּגִּ֣דוּand they toldJdg 9:7(1) 1Sa 18:20(7) 1Sa 19:21(1) 1Sa 23:25(5)
וַיַּגִּ֣ידוּand they made clearGen 42:29(7) Isa 36:22(18)
וַיַּגִּ֣ידוּand they told2Kgs 9:36(2) Est 4:4(5)
וַיַּגִּ֣ידוּand will make evidentPsa 50:6(1)
וַיַּגִּ֣ידוּso they made clearEst 4:12(1)
וַיַּגִּ֣ידוּso they toldEst 3:4(9)
וַיַּגִּ֤דוּand they told2Sa 2:4(12) 2Sa 10:5(1) 2Sa 11:10(1)
וַיַּגִּ֤דוּthat they told1Sa 24:2(7)
וַיַּגִּ֤דוּthey told2Sa 3:23(7)
וַיַּגִּ֤ידוּand they made clear1Kgs 20:17(9) 2Kgs 7:10(6)
וַיַּגִּ֤ידוּand they told1Sa 14:33(1) 1Kgs 1:23(1) 1Kgs 2:39(15)
וַיַּגִּ֤ידוּand told2Ch 20:2(2)
וַיַּגִּ֥דוּand they told1Sa 23:1(1)
וַיַּגִּ֥דוּand they were made clear1Sa 17:31(6)
וַיַּגִּ֨דוּand they toldGen 45:26(1)
וַיַּגִּ֨דוּand told1Sa 18:26(1)
וַיַּגִּ֨ידוּand they told1Ch 19:5(2)
viugd24 וַיֻּגַּ֖דand it was toldJos 10:17(1) Jdg 9:25(16) Jdg 9:47(1) 2Sa 19:2(1) 2Sa 21:11(1) 1Kgs 2:41(1)
וַיֻּגַּ֗דand it was made clearIsa 7:2(1)
וַיֻּגַּ֗דand it was told2Sa 6:12(1)
וַיֻּגַּ֞דand it was told1Kgs 2:29(1)
וַיֻּגַּ֣דand it was told1Sa 23:7(1) 1Sa 27:4(1) 1Ch 19:17(1)
וַיֻּגַּ֣דand was told2Sa 10:17(1)
וַיֻּגַּ֣דand were toldGen 27:42(1)
וַיֻּגַּ֤דand it was told1Kgs 1:51(1)
וַיֻּגַּ֥דand it was toldGen 31:22(1) Gen 38:13(1) 1Sa 19:19(1)
וַיֻּגַּ֥דthat it was announcedGen 22:20(5)
וַיֻּגַּ֨דand it was made clear1Sa 15:12(6)
וַיֻּגַּ֨דthat it was toldGen 38:24(4)
וַיֻּגַּדand it was told2Kgs 6:13(8) 2Kgs 8:7(9)
וַיֻּגַּד֙and it was toldExo 14:5(1)
ulhgid1 וּלְהַגִּ֣ידand to make clearEst 4:8(14)
umgid1 וּמַגִּ֤ידand makes clearAmo 4:13(7)
vngd2 וַנַ֨גֶּדwe toldGen 43:7(14)
וַנַּ֨גֶּדwe toldGen 44:24(7)
vngidh1 וְנַגִּ֖ידָהand tell2Kgs 7:9(25)
vngidnu1 וְנַגִּידֶ֔נּוּand we will announce itJer 20:10(8)
vtgd11 וְתַגֵּ֖ידand you make clearExo 19:3(15)
וַתַּ֨גֶּדand she made clearRut 3:16(8)
וַתַּגֵּ֖דand she toldGen 24:28(3)
וַתַּגֵּ֣דand she made clearRut 2:19(12)
וַתַּגֵּ֣דand she told2Sa 11:5(4)
וַתַּגֵּ֣דand toldJdg 13:10(4) 1Sa 19:11(10)
וַתַּגֵּ֥דand he toldJdg 14:17(16)
וַתַּגֵּ֥דand toldGen 29:12(13)
וַתַּגֵּד֙and she told2Kgs 4:7(2)
וַתַּגֶּדthat told1Sa 25:37(6)
igid20 ־יַגִּ֣ידwill make evidentEccl 6:12(16)
־יַגִּ֣ידwill tellJob 21:31(2)
יַגִּ֖ידhe will tellLev 5:1(15)
יַגִּ֖ידhe would tell1Sa 22:22(13)
יַגִּ֣ידcan heraldIsa 43:9(9)
יַגִּ֣ידhe tellsJob 17:5(2)
יַגִּ֣ידhe will make clearRut 3:4(14)
יַגִּ֣ידhe will make evident1Kgs 14:3(11)
יַגִּ֣ידhe will tell1Sa 9:6(20)
יַגִּ֣ידmakes clearHos 4:12(5)
יַגִּ֣ידmakes it evidentJob 36:33(1)
יַגִּ֣ידwill make evidentPro 12:17(3)
יַגִּ֣ידwill tell1Sa 20:10(6)
יַגִּ֥ידwill announceEccl 8:7(10) Eccl 10:14(13)
יַגִּ֥ידwill make evidentPsa 51:17(5)
יַגִּֽידlet him make clearIsa 21:6(11)
יַגִּֽידwill tellPro 29:24(9)
יַגִּיד֙tells2Kgs 6:12(12)
יַגֵּ֥ידwill announceEccl 10:20(19)
igidu6 ־יַגִּ֥דוּthey should tell1Sa 27:11(10)
־יַגִּ֥ידֽוּthey have made clearDeu 17:11(17)
יַגִּ֑ידוּhave made evidentJob 15:18(3)
יַגִּ֣ידֽוּthey have made evidentDeu 17:10(6)
יַגִּ֥ידוּlet them make clearIsa 44:7(13)
יַגִּֽידוּmake evidentIsa 42:12(6)
lhgid25 לְ֭הַגִּידto announcePsa 92:16(1)
לְהַגִּ֔ידto make clearDan 9:23(7)
לְהַגִּ֖ידto tellJob 33:23(9)
לְהַגִּ֣ידto announceGen 32:6(9) Gen 43:6(6) 1Sa 4:13(19) 1Kgs 1:20(8) Psa 92:3(1)
לְהַגִּ֣ידto make clearJer 50:28(6)
לְהַגִּ֣ידto tellJdg 14:13(4)
לְהַגִּ֤ידto announceMic 3:8(10) Ezr 2:59(12) Neh 7:61(12)
לְהַגִּ֥ידto announceDeu 5:5(8)
לְהַגִּ֥ידto make clearDan 2:2(8)
לְהַגִּ֥ידto make it clear2Kgs 9:15(27)
לְהַגִּ֥ידto tellJdg 14:14(11) 2Sa 12:18(9) 2Sa 15:28(10) Job 1:15(13) Job 1:16(20) Job 1:17(24) Job 1:19(19)
לְהַגִּ֧ידto announce1Kgs 18:12(13)
לְהַגִּיד֙to make clearJer 51:31(8)
lmgidi1 לְמַגִּידֵ֖יto those who toldJdg 14:19(16)
lngd1 לְנֶ֣גֶדto make clearPro 21:30(7)
lngdi1 לְנֶגְדִּ֣יwhich are evident to mePsa 50:8(6)
mgdt1 מַגֶּ֤דֶתhad made clearEst 2:20(3)
mgid9 ־מַגִּ֗ידmaking clearIsa 41:26(10)
מַגִּ֔ידam making clearIsa 42:9(6)
מַגִּ֖ידannouncesJer 4:15(3)
מַגִּ֖ידmaking clearIsa 45:19(17)
מַגִּ֖ידto make it clearGen 41:24(12)
מַגִּ֣ידmaking evidentPsa 147:19(1)
מַגִּ֤ידmaking clearIsa 46:10(1)
מַגִּ֥ידis evidence ofZec 9:12(7)
מַגִּ֥ידis evident fromPsa 19:2(7)
mhgid1 מֵהַגִּ֥ידto make clear1Sa 3:15(12)
mngd3 מִנֶּ֛גֶדevidence2Kgs 3:22(9)
מִנֶּ֨גֶדevidentJdg 20:34(2)
מִנֶּֽגֶדclearly2Sa 18:13(13)
mngdi1 מִנֶּגְדִּ֔יfrom announcing meSong 6:5(3)
ngd1 נֶ֣גֶדmade clear toPsa 52:11(9)
ngdh1 נֶגְדָּ֑הּannouncedAmo 4:3(4)
ngdm1 נֶגְדָּ֔םannouncing2Ch 7:6(23)
ngidim1 ־נְגִידִ֣יםevidencePro 8:6(3)
tgid6 ־תַגִּ֥ידwill you make clearEze 24:19(5) Eze 37:18(8)
־תַגִּֽידshe make it clearEst 2:10(14)
תַגִּיד֙you make it clearJer 16:10(3)
תַּגִּ֕ידyou will make clear to2Sa 15:35(14)
תַּגִּ֣ידwill you tell2Sa 13:4(12)
tgidu7 ־תַּגִּ֔ידוּdo make it clearMic 1:10(3)
־תַּגִּ֣ידוּdo make it clear2Sa 1:20(2)
־תַּגִּ֣ידוּyou will make clearSong 5:8(10)
תַגִּ֑ידוּwill you make it clearIsa 48:6(6)
תַגִּ֔ידוּyou do tellJos 2:14(9)
תַּגִּ֣ידוּwill you make clear2Kgs 6:11(14)
תַּגִּידוּ֩you will make clearJdg 14:12(10)
tgidi1 ־תַּגִּ֖ידִיyou tellJos 2:20(2)
ngh Light bnogha1 בְּנָגְהָ֑אilluminationDan 6:20(5)
hnogh1 הַנֹּ֙גַהּ֙the illuminationEze 1:28(10)
ulnogh1 וּלְנֹ֕גַהּand for illuminationIsa 60:19(8)
vnogh5 וְנֹ֙גַהּ֙and illuminationHab 3:4(1)
וְנֹ֛גַהּand illumination ofIsa 4:5(13)
וְנֹ֣גַהּand luminousEze 1:13(13)
וְנֹ֥גַֽהּand illuminationEze 1:4(12) Eze 1:27(18)
igih3 ־יַגִּ֥יהַwill illuminateIsa 13:10(13)
יַגִּ֥יהַּwill illuminate2Sa 22:29(6) Psa 18:29(7)
iigh1 ־יִ֝גַּ֗הּto illuminateJob 18:5(6)
cnogh1 כַנֹּ֙גַהּ֙as illuminationIsa 62:1(11)
lngohot1 לִנְגֹה֖וֹתfor illuminationIsa 59:9(13)
lnogh2 לְנֹ֖גַהּat the illumination ofHab 3:11(8)
לְנֹ֥גַהּto the illumination ofIsa 60:3(5)
mnogh3 מִנֹּ֖גַהּfrom the luminous2Sa 22:13(1)
מִנֹּ֗גַהּfrom the luminousPsa 18:13(1)
מִנֹּ֥גַהּfrom the luminous2Sa 23:4(8)
ngh2 נָ֣גַֽהּwill illuminateJob 22:28(7)
נָגַ֥הּhas illuminatedIsa 9:1(11)
nogh4 ־נֹ֖גַהּthe illumination ofEze 10:4(16)
־נֹ֥גַֽהּilluminationAmo 5:20(9)
נֹ֑גַהּilluminatingPro 4:18(4)
נֹ֙גַהּ֙illuminationIsa 50:10(12)
noghm2 נָגְהָֽםtheir illuminationJoe 2:10(11) Joe 4:15(6)
Person vnogh2 וְנֹ֥גַהּand Illumination1Ch 3:7(1) 1Ch 14:6(1)
ngv Person ngo15 ־נְג֛וֹNegoDan 3:26(13)
נְג֑וֹNegoDan 2:49(14) Dan 3:12(14) Dan 3:13(10) Dan 3:14(9) Dan 3:19(12) Dan 3:20(11) Dan 3:23(7)
נְג֔וֹNegoDan 3:16(5) Dan 3:22(19) Dan 3:28(10)
נְג֔וֹאNegoDan 3:29(18)
נְג֖וֹNegoDan 3:26(25) Dan 3:30(7)
נְגֽוֹNegoDan 1:7(15)
ngk Destroy iigk4 ־יִגַּ֨חgoresExo 21:28(2)
יִגַּ֥חgoresExo 21:32(3)
יִגָּ֑חit had goredExo 21:31(6)
יִגָּ֖חit had goredExo 21:31(3)
ingk1 יְנַגַּ֥חhe will push back toDeu 33:17(10)
itngk1 יִתְנַגַּ֤חwill push backDan 11:40(3)
mngk1 מְנַגֵּחַ֩pushing backDan 8:4(4)
ngk2 נַגָּ֥חhad goredExo 21:36(5)
נַגָּ֨חhad goredExo 21:29(3)
nngk1 נְנַגֵּ֑חַwe will push backPsa 44:6(3)
tngk2 תְּנַגַּ֥חyou will push back1Kgs 22:11(13) 2Ch 18:10(13)
tngku1 תְּנַגְּח֖וּyou have goredEze 34:21(6)
ngn Music bnginot6 בִּ֭נְגִינוֹתon stringsPsa 6:1(2)
בִּנְגִינ֗וֹתon stringsPsa 4:1(2)
בִּנְגִינֹ֑תon stringsPsa 76:1(2)
בִּנְגִינֹ֗תon stringsPsa 54:1(2) Psa 55:1(2) Psa 67:1(2)
bnginotii1 בִּנְגִינוֹתָֽיon my stringsHab 3:19(11)
hmngn1 הַֽמְנַגֵּ֔ןperformed2Kgs 3:15(7)
unginot1 וּ֝נְגִינ֗וֹתwith the warblings ofPsa 69:13(5)
unginotii1 וּנְגִנוֹתַ֧יand my accompanimentsIsa 38:20(3)
vnign2 וְנִגֵּ֣ןand he performed1Sa 16:23(11)
וְנִגֵּ֥ןhe will perform1Sa 16:16(17)
cngn1 כְּנַגֵּ֣ןwhen the musician2Kgs 3:15(6)
lngn1 לְנַגֵּ֔ןwho performs1Sa 16:17(10)
mngintm2 מִנְּגִינָתָֽםfrom their stringsLam 5:14(5)
מַנְגִּינָתָֽםtheir musicLam 3:63(5)
mngn4 מְנַגֵּ֑ןmusic2Kgs 3:15(4)
מְנַגֵּ֣ןmusic1Sa 16:16(9)
מְנַגֵּ֥ןperformed music1Sa 18:10(13) 1Sa 19:9(13)
ngint1 ־נְגִינַ֬תstringsPsa 61:1(3)
nginti1 נְגִינָתִ֗יmy musicPsa 77:7(2)
ngintm2 נְגִינָתָ֖םtheir string to playLam 3:14(5)
נְגִינָתָ֣םtheir musicJob 30:9(2)
ngn4 נַ֝גֵּ֗ןperformPsa 33:3(6)
נַ֠גֵּןperformance1Sa 16:18(12)
נַגֵּ֑ןone who performsEze 33:32(8)
נַגֵּן֙performIsa 23:16(8)
nognim1 נֹגְנִ֑יםthe orchestraPsa 68:26(4)
nngn1 נְנַגֵּ֛ןwe will performIsa 38:20(4)
Place bgt2 בְּגַֽתin the vatIsa 63:2(6)
בַּגַּ֔תby the vatJdg 6:11(17)
gitot1 ־גִּתּ֣וֹתvatsNeh 13:15(6)
gt2 גַּ֔תvat isJoe 4:13(10)
גַּ֚תin a vatLam 1:15(11)
ngy Approach bnogyo1 בְּנָגְעוֹin his touchingLev 15:23(12)
gy1 גַּ֖עtouchPsa 144:5(5)
hgiy7 הִגִּ֑יעַis contagiousSong 2:12(6)
הִגִּ֖יעַhad touchedEst 9:26(22)
הִגִּ֣יעַhe has touchedLam 2:2(14)
הִגִּ֣יעַtouchesEze 7:12(3)
הִגִּ֥יעַhe will touchIsa 25:12(6)
הִגִּ֧יעַtouchedEst 9:1(12)
הִגִּֽיעַtouching2Ch 28:9(28)
hgiyu2 הִגִּ֑יעוּwere touchedEst 6:14(6)
הִגִּֽיעוּhas touchedPsa 88:4(7)
hgiynu1 ־הַגִּיעֵ֖נוּwe join1Sa 14:9(7)
hgyt1 הִגַּ֖עַתְּyou have a touchEst 4:14(22)
hnogy20 ־הַנֹּגֵ֔עַtouchingLev 15:22(2)
־הַנֹּגֵ֖עַtouchingLev 15:21(2)
־הַנֹּגֵ֗עַthe one who touchedNum 19:18(19)
־הַנֹּגֵ֗עַtouchingLev 15:10(2)
־הַנֹּגֵ֡עַwho touchesNum 19:13(2)
־הַנֹּגֵ֥עַthat touchesExo 19:12(13)
־הַנֹּגֵ֥עַtouchingExo 29:37(13) Exo 30:29(7) Lev 11:24(4) Lev 11:26(17) Lev 11:27(14) Lev 15:19(14) Pro 6:29(9)
־הַנֹּגֵ֧עַtouchingLev 11:31(7)
־הַנּוֹגֵ֥עַtouchingLev 15:27(2)
הַנֹּגֵ֜עַwho touchesGen 26:11(7)
הַנֹּגֵ֣עַwho touchesZec 2:12(14)
הַנֹּגֵ֥עַone who touchesNum 19:11(1)
הַנֹּגֵ֥עַwho touchesLev 11:39(9)
הַנּוֹגֵ֤עַis the one who touchesAmo 9:5(4)
hnogyim1 הַנֹּֽגְעִים֙who have touchedJer 12:14(8)
hnogyt1 הַנֹּגַ֖עַתwho touchesNum 19:22(8)
ubhgiy2 וּבְהַגִּ֡יעַnow to touchEst 2:12(1)
וּבְהַגִּ֣יעַnow to touchEst 2:15(1)
ubngyim1 וּבִנְגָעִ֥יםand with touchesPsa 89:33(4)
vgy2 וְגַ֖עand touchJob 1:11(5)
וְגַ֥עand touchJob 2:5(5)
vhgiyu1 וְהִגִּ֣יעוּor touchEccl 12:1(12)
vhgytihu1 וְהִגַּעְתִּ֥יהוּand touch itEze 13:14(7)
vhgytm1 וְהִגַּעְתֶּ֤םand touchExo 12:22(8)
vhnogy3 וְהַנֹּגֵ֖עַand one who touchesLev 15:7(1)
וְהַנֹּגֵ֙עַ֙and the one who touchesNum 19:21(10)
וְהַנֹּגֵ֙עַ֙or who touchesLev 22:4(15)
vigiy1 וְיַגִּ֑יעַand touchesDan 12:12(3)
vigiyu1 וַ֝יַּגִּ֗יעוּand they will touchPsa 107:18(5)
vigy2 וַיַּגַּ֖עand he touchedJer 1:9(5)
וַיַּגַּ֣עand he touchedIsa 6:7(1)
viigy11 וְיִגַּ֣עand touches2Sa 5:8(8)
וַיִּ֨גַּעthen he touchedDan 8:18(7)
וַיִּגַּ֖עso he touchedGen 32:26(6)
וַיִּגַּ֤עand touchedJon 3:6(1)
וַיִּגַּ֤עto touch2Kgs 13:21(15)
וַיִּגַּ֥עand touchedJdg 6:21(9)
וַיִּגַּעand touched1Kgs 19:7(5)
וַיִּגַּעthen touchedDan 10:18(2)
וַיִּגַּע֙and at the touch ofEzr 3:1(1) Neh 7:72(12)
וַיִּגַּע֙and touchedJob 1:19(7)
vingy2 וַיְנַגַּ֨עand touched2Kgs 15:5(1)
וַיְנַגַּ֨עbut touched withGen 12:17(1)
ungoy1 וּנְגֹ֣עַand from touchingExo 19:12(10)
vngy1 וְנָגַ֣עand he touchHag 2:12(8)
vngyh1 וְנָגְעָ֥הbut touchesJer 4:10(15)
vnogy1 וְנֹגֵ֥עַbut what touchesLev 11:36(8)
vtgy1 וַתַּגַּ֖עand touchedExo 4:25(8)
vtigy2 וַתִּגַּ֖עand touchedEst 5:2(22)
וַתִּגַּ֤עand touched1Kgs 6:27(11)
igiy3 ־יַגִּ֣יעַwill touchZec 14:5(5)
יַגִּ֑יעַtouchingIsa 8:8(7)
יַגִּֽיעַtouchJob 20:6(7)
igiyu2 יַגִּֽיעוּthey will touchPsa 32:6(15)
יַגִּֽיעוּwere joinedIsa 30:4(7)
iigy14 ־יִגַּ֖עwill touchJob 5:19(6)
־יִגַּ֜עtouchesNum 19:16(3)
־יִגַּ֤עtouchesLev 7:19(3)
־יִגַּ֥עtouchesLev 6:11(13) Lev 6:20(3)
־יִגַּ֧עtouchHag 2:13(4)
־יִגַּעtouchesLev 15:12(4) Num 19:22(3)
יִגַּ֔עtouchesLev 22:5(4)
יִגַּ֖עhe touchesPsa 104:32(4)
יִגַּ֖עtouchesLev 15:5(3)
יִגַּ֣עtouching2Sa 23:7(2)
יִגַּעtouchesLev 15:11(3)
יִגַּע֙he touchesLev 5:3(3)
iigyu2 ־יִגְּע֥וּthey will touchNum 4:15(20)
יִגְּע֖וּto touchLam 4:14(8)
inugyu1 יְנֻגָּֽעוּthey are touchedPsa 73:5(7)
cgyt1 כְגַ֨עַתwill touchEze 17:10(5)
lgyt1 לָגַ֥עַתtouch2Sa 14:10(10)
lngoy3 לִנְגּ֣וֹעַtouchJob 6:7(2)
לִנְגֹּ֥עַto touchGen 20:6(23) Jos 9:19(16)
mgiy7 מַגִּ֔יעַtouchedEst 4:3(9) Est 8:17(12)
מַגִּ֕יעַtouched2Ch 3:11(17)
מַגִּ֖יעַtouched2Ch 3:12(6)
מַגִּ֣יעַtouchDan 8:7(2)
מַגִּ֣יעַtouchedGen 28:12(7)
מַגִּ֤יעַare touchedEccl 8:14(11)
mgiyi1 מַגִּיעֵ֥יthose who joinIsa 5:8(2)
mgyt1 מַגַּ֙עַת֙touched2Ch 3:11(10)
nguy1 נָ֭גוּעַtouchedPsa 73:14(2)
ngy7 ־נָגַ֤עtouchesJer 51:9(11)
־נָגַ֥עtouched1Sa 10:26(10)
נֶ֤גַעtouchExo 11:1(6)
נָגַ֖עit touchesJer 4:18(11)
נָגַ֛עit touchesMic 1:9(8)
נָגַ֥עhas touchedIsa 6:7(6)
נָגַע֙he touchedGen 32:33(18)
ngyh4 ־נָגְעָ֥הhad touchedJdg 20:41(10)
נָ֣גְעָהhas touched1Sa 6:9(21) Job 19:21(8)
נָ֣גְעָהtouchedDan 10:10(3)
ngyu1 נָגָ֑עוּthey touchJer 48:32(13)
ngyç1 נִגְעֶ֑ךָyour touchPsa 39:11(3)
ngynuç1 נְגַֽעֲנ֔וּךָwe have touched youGen 26:29(7)
nogy6 נֹגֵ֖עַtouchedDan 10:16(5)
נֹגֵ֖עַtouchesZec 2:12(16)
נֹגֵ֣עַtouched1Kgs 19:5(9) Dan 9:21(13)
נֹגֵ֣עַwho touchedNum 31:19(11)
נוֹגֵ֖עַtouchingDan 8:5(15)
nogyot1 נֹגְעֹ֖תtouched1Kgs 6:27(25)
nogyç1 נָגְעֵ֑ךְto touch youRut 2:9(12)
nogyt2 ־נֹגַ֥עַתtouchedJdg 20:34(16)
נֹגַ֖עַתtouched1Kgs 6:27(18)
nigyo1 נִגְּע֖וֹhad touched him2Ch 26:20(19)
wmgiy1 שֶׁמַּגִּ֥יעַthat are touchedEccl 8:14(17)
tgiy1 תַגִּ֣יעhe has joined toLev 5:7(3)
tigy6 ־תִגַּ֣עtouchesLev 7:21(3)
־תִגַּ֨עwill touchExo 19:13(2)
־תִגָּ֗עshe will touchLev 12:4(11)
תִּגַּ֥עit touchesJob 4:5(6)
תִּגַּעtouchesLev 22:6(3)
תִּגַּע֮touchesLev 5:2(4)
tigyu8 ־תִּגְּע֖וּdo touchNum 16:26(13)
־תִּגְּע֥וּdo touchPsa 105:15(2)
־תִּגְּעוּ֙do touch1Ch 16:22(2)
־תִּגָּ֑עוּtouchIsa 52:11(7)
־תִּגָּ֔עוּdo touchLam 4:15(8)
תִגְּע֖וּyou will touchGen 3:3(12)
תִגָּ֑עוּyou will touchLev 11:8(6)
תִגָּֽעוּyou will touchDeu 14:8(17)
Illness bngy2 בְּנֶֽגַעin the contagion ofDeu 24:8(2)
בַּנֶּ֜גַעin the contagionLev 13:3(8)
hngy39 ־הַנֶּ֔גַעthe contagionLev 14:36(11)
־הַנֶּ֖גַעthe contagionLev 13:4(19) Lev 13:17(10) Lev 13:50(7)
־הַנֶּ֗גַעthe contagionLev 13:30(4) Lev 13:55(6) Lev 14:37(3)
־הַנֶּ֙גַע֙the contagionLev 13:43(6)
־הַנֶּ֜גַעthe contagionLev 13:51(3)
־הַנֶּ֣גַעthe contagionLev 13:3(4)
־הַנֶּגַע֮the contagionLev 13:32(4)
־הַנָּ֑גַעthe contagionLev 13:13(11) Lev 13:50(4)
הַנֶּ֔גַעthe contagionLev 13:6(9) Lev 13:12(11) Lev 13:53(7) Lev 13:56(6)
הַנֶּ֖גַעthe contagionLev 13:5(11) Lev 13:6(12) Lev 13:17(5) Lev 13:51(23) Lev 14:39(8) Lev 14:44(6)
הַנֶּ֗גַעthe contagionLev 13:45(4)
הַנֶּ֙גַע֙the contagionLev 13:3(12) Lev 13:5(6) Lev 13:51(8) Lev 14:37(5) Lev 14:43(3) Lev 14:48(9)
הַנֶּ֜גַעthe contagionLev 13:49(2)
הַנֶּ֤גַעthe contagionLev 13:55(10)
הַנֶּ֥גַעthe contagionLev 13:46(4)
הַנָּ֑גַעthe contagionLev 13:52(21) Lev 13:54(7) Lev 13:58(14) Lev 14:40(8)
הַנָּֽגַעthe contagionLev 13:57(20) Lev 14:48(21)
ubngyi1 וּבְנִגְעֵ֖יand with the contagion of2Sa 7:14(14)
vhngy1 וְהַנֶּ֣גַעand the contagionLev 13:55(13)
viingyu1 וַיִּנָּֽגְע֛וּand made as if contagionJos 8:15(1)
vngy1 וְ֝נֶ֗גַעand contagionPsa 91:10(5)
cngy1 כְּנֶ֕גַעas contagionLev 14:35(8)
lngy2 לְנֶ֣גַעthe contagion ofLev 13:2(14)
לָנֶ֔גַעto contagionDeu 17:8(14)
nguy1 נָג֛וּעַcontagionIsa 53:4(9)
ngy24 ־נֶ֖גַעcontagion1Kgs 8:37(21) 2Ch 6:28(21)
־נֶ֣גַעa contagion ofLev 13:31(5)
־נֶ֥גַעcontagion ofLev 14:54(4)
־נֶ֥גַעthe contagion ofLev 13:31(20)
־נָֽגַעcontagionDeu 21:5(20)
נֶ֖גַעa contagionLev 13:42(6)
נֶ֙גַע֙contagionDeu 17:8(13)
נֶ֣גַעa contagionLev 13:47(5)
נֶ֣גַעa contagion ofLev 13:9(1) Lev 14:32(5) Lev 14:34(12)
נֶ֣גַעcontagion1Kgs 8:38(15)
נֶ֥גַעa contagionLev 13:22(8)
נֶ֥גַעa contagion ofLev 13:3(16) Lev 13:25(20) Lev 13:27(12) Lev 13:49(17)
נֶ֥גַעcontagionIsa 53:8(14)
נֶֽגַעa contagion ofLev 13:20(13) Lev 13:59(3)
נֶֽגַעcontagionPro 6:33(1)
נֶֽגַעthe contagion ofLev 14:3(10)
נָ֑גַעa contagionLev 13:29(7)
ngyo2 נִגְעֽוֹis his contagionLev 13:44(10)
נִגְעוֹ֙their contagion2Ch 6:29(15)
ngyu2 נָגָ֖עוּis contagionIsa 16:8(13)
נָגָֽעוּis their contagionHos 4:2(9)
ngyi1 נִגְעִ֣יmy contagionPsa 38:12(4)
ngyim1 נְגָעִ֥יםcontagionsGen 12:17(5)
ngp Illness agof1 אֶגּֽוֹףI will plaguePsa 89:24(5)
bhingf1 בְּֽהִנָּגֵ֞ףwhen are plagued1Kgs 8:33(1)
bmgph4 בְּמַגֵּפָ֑הwith a plagueEze 24:16(9)
בַּמַּגֵּפָ֑הfrom the plagueNum 25:9(3)
בַּמַּגֵּפָ֔הfrom the plagueNum 17:14(3)
בַּמַּגֵּפָ֖הby the plagueNum 14:37(7)
bnogpo1 בְּנָגְפּ֥וֹwhen he plaguedExo 12:27(13)
hmgph12 ־הַמַּגֵּפָ֖הthe plagueNum 25:18(21)
הַמַּגֵּפָ֑הthe plagueNum 25:19(3)
הַמַּגֵּפָ֔הthe plagueNum 25:8(18)
הַמַּגֵּפָ֖הthe plagueNum 31:16(15) 2Sa 24:21(19) 2Sa 24:25(13) 1Ch 21:22(18)
הַמַּגֵּפָ֗הthe plagueZec 14:12(3) Zec 14:18(11)
הַמַּגֵּפָ֧הthe plague2Sa 18:7(10)
הַמַּגֵּפָֽהthe plagueNum 17:13(7) Psa 106:30(5)
hngf3 הַנֶּ֖גֶףthe plagueNum 17:12(12) Jos 22:17(14)
הַנָּֽגֶףthe plagueNum 17:11(27)
vagof1 וָאֶגֹּ֣ףand I plaguedJos 24:5(6)
vhmgph1 וְהַמַּגֵּפָ֖הand the plagueNum 17:15(9)
viigof5 וַיִּגֹּ֣ףand plagued2Sa 12:15(5)
וַיִּגֹּ֤ףand plagued2Ch 14:11(1)
וַיִּגֹּ֥ףand plaguedExo 32:35(1)
וַיִּגֹּ֧ףthat plagued1Sa 25:38(4)
וַיִּגֹּ֨ףand plaguedJdg 20:35(1)
viigphu1 וַיִּגְּפֵ֥הוּand plagued him2Ch 13:20(8)
viingf5 וַיִּנָּ֤גֶףand was plagued1Sa 4:10(3) 2Sa 2:17(8)
וַיִּנָּ֥גֶףand was plagued2Kgs 14:12(1) 2Ch 25:22(1)
וַיִּנָּ֥גֶףfor was plagued1Sa 4:2(7)
viingpu3 וַיִּנָּ֤גְפוּand were plagued2Sa 18:7(1)
וַיִּנָּגְפ֖וּand they were plagued1Sa 7:10(18)
וַיִּנָּגֵֽפוּand they were plagued2Ch 20:22(16)
vngf1 וְנָגַ֧ףand will plagueIsa 19:22(1)
vngpu1 וְנָ֨גְפ֜וּand plagueExo 21:22(4)
vnigptm1 וְנִגַּפְתֶּ֖םand you will be plaguedLev 26:17(4)
iigof3 ־יִגֹּ֧ףwill plagueExo 21:35(2)
יִגֹּ֤ףwill plagueZec 14:12(5) Zec 14:18(13)
iigopnu1 יִגָּפֶ֑נּוּwill plague him1Sa 26:10(8)
iingf1 ־יִנָּגֵ֞ףare plagued2Ch 6:24(2)
itngpu1 יִֽתְנַגְּפ֥וּyou stubJer 13:16(8)
cmgph1 כַּמַּגֵּפָ֖הas plagueZec 14:15(14)
lmgph1 לְמַגֵּפָֽהthat they should be plagued1Ch 21:17(30)
lngof2 לִנְגֹּ֣ףto plagueExo 12:23(3)
לִנְגֹּֽףfor plagueExo 12:23(24)
mgph5 ־מַגֵּפָ֥הplague1Sa 6:4(18)
מַגֵּפָ֔הa plague2Sa 17:9(18)
מַגֵּפָ֥הa plague1Sa 4:17(9) 2Ch 21:14(4)
מַגֵּפָֽהa plaguePsa 106:29(5)
mgpotii1 ־מַגֵּפֹתַי֙my plaguesExo 9:14(8)
mgpt1 מַגֵּפַ֣תthe plague ofZec 14:15(3)
ngof1 נָגֹ֣ףplagueIsa 19:22(5)
ngf5 נֶ֔גֶףplagueNum 8:19(25)
נֶ֖גֶףplagueExo 30:12(18)
נֶ֙גֶף֙plagueExo 12:13(18)
נֶ֠גֶףto stubIsa 8:14(4)
נָגַ֤ףplagued2Ch 13:15(9)
ngpo1 נְגָפ֨וֹplagued him2Ch 21:18(4)
ngpnu1 נְגָפָ֧נוּdid plague us1Sa 4:3(9)
nogf2 נֹגֵ֛ףwill plagueExo 7:27(7) 2Ch 21:14(3)
nigof1 נִגּ֨וֹףthey will be plaguedJdg 20:39(16)
nigf3 נִגַּ֖ףthey were plagued2Sa 10:15(4)
נִגָּ֥ף--Jdg 20:39(17)
נִגָּף֮plagueDeu 28:25(3)
nigpu4 נִגְּפוּ֙they were plagued2Sa 10:19(7) 1Ch 19:19(5)
נִגְּפוּ֮they were plagued1Ch 19:16(4)
נִגָּ֑פוּthey were plaguedJdg 20:36(5)
nigpim2 נִגָּפִ֖יםto be plaguedDeu 28:7(7)
נִגָּפִ֥יםplaguedJdg 20:32(4)
tigof2 ־תִּגֹּ֖ףyou stubPsa 91:12(5)
תִגּֽוֹףwill be plaguedPro 3:23(7)
tingpu2 תִּנָּ֣גְפ֔וּyou will be a plagueNum 14:42(8)
תִּנָּֽגְפ֔וּyou will be a plagueDeu 1:42(14)
ngr Water hnigrim1 הַנִּגָּרִ֣יםwrung out2Sa 14:14(5)
vhgirm1 וְהַגִּרֵם֮and wring them outJer 18:21(6)
vhgrti1 וְהִגַּרְתִּ֤יand I will wring outMic 1:6(7)
vigr1 וַיַּגֵּ֪רand he wrings outPsa 75:9(9)
vtgr1 וַתַּגֵּ֥רand you have wrung outEze 35:5(6)
igiruhu1 יַגִּירֻ֥הוּthey will be wrung outPsa 63:11(1)
nigrh2 נִ֭גְּרָהwrung outPsa 77:3(7)
נִגְּרָ֛הwrung outLam 3:49(2)
nigrot1 נִ֝גָּר֗וֹתwrung outJob 20:28(4)
ngw Approach bgwt1 בְּגֶ֥שֶׁתwhen come closeNum 8:19(26)
bgwtm3 בְגִשְׁתָּ֤םwhen they come closeExo 28:43(11) Exo 30:20(10)
בְּגִשְׁתָּ֖םwhen they come close toNum 4:19(7)
gowu3 גֹּ֣שֽׁוּcome close1Sa 14:38(3)
גֹּ֣שׁוּcome closeJos 3:9(6)
גֹּ֧שׁוּcome close2Ch 29:31(8)
gowi1 גֹּ֤שִֽׁיcome closeRut 2:14(6)
gw2 גֶּשׁcome closeGen 19:9(2)
גַּ֣שׁcome close2Sa 1:15(6)
gwh3 גְּשָׁהcome closeGen 27:21(5) Gen 27:26(5) Isa 49:20(9)
gwu2 גְּשׁ֣וּcome close1Kgs 18:30(5)
גְּשׁוּcome closeGen 45:4(5)
gwto1 ־גִּשְׁתּ֖וֹhe came closeGen 33:3(9)
hgiwh5 הַגִּ֖ישָׁהcome close with1Sa 14:18(4) 1Sa 23:9(12)
הַגִּ֤שָׁהbring it closeGen 27:25(2)
הַגִּ֨ישָׁהbring close2Kgs 4:6(7)
הַגִּֽישָׁהcome close with1Sa 30:7(8)
hgiwu5 הִגִּ֧ישׁוּthey brought close2Sa 17:29(6)
הַגִּ֙ישׁוּ֙make overture withIsa 41:21(5)
הַגִּ֣ישׁוּbring close1Sa 14:34(7)
הַגִּ֣שׁוּbring close1Sa 13:9(3)
הַגִּ֤ישׁוּbring close1Sa 15:32(3)
hgwtm1 הִֽגַּשְׁתֶּםhave you brought closeAmo 5:25(3)
hugwu1 הֻגָּ֔שׁוּwere brought close2Sa 3:34(7)
hnigwim1 הַנִּגָּשִׁ֥יםwho make overtureExo 19:22(3)
htngwu1 הִֽתְנַגְּשׁ֥וּcome closeIsa 45:20(3)
vguw1 וְג֣וּשׁand lumpJob 7:5(4)
ugwu1 וּגְשׁ֖וּand make overtureJer 46:3(4)
vhgiwh1 וְהִגִּישָׁ֖הּthen he will come closeLev 2:8(11)
vhgiwo2 וְהִגִּישׁ֤וֹthen will bring him closeExo 21:6(1)
וְהִגִּישׁוֹ֙or he will bring him closeExo 21:6(5)
vhgiwu1 וְהַגִּ֔ישׁוּand bring closeIsa 45:21(2)
vigiwu3 וַיַּגִּ֖שׁוּand they made overture withExo 32:6(5)
וַיַּגִּ֙ישׁוּ֙and they brought close2Ch 29:23(1)
וַיַּגִּ֨שׁוּand came close1Sa 14:34(22)
vigw6 וַיַּגֵּ֕שׁand he brought closeLev 8:14(1)
וַיַּגֵּ֖שׁand came closeGen 48:13(15)
וַיַּגֵּ֤שׁand he brought closeGen 48:10(8)
וַיַּגֵּ֧שׁand came close1Sa 30:7(12)
וַיַּגֶּשׁand he brought it closeGen 27:25(10)
וַיַּגַּֽשׁand he came closeJdg 6:19(20)
viigw19 וַיִּגַּ֖שׁhe made overture1Sa 17:40(20)
וַיִּגַּ֛שׁand he made overtureJdg 9:52(7)
וַיִּגַּ֞שׁand made overture1Kgs 20:28(1)
וַיִּגַּ֞שׁmade overture1Kgs 18:36(4)
וַיִּגַּ֣שׁand made overture2Sa 10:13(1)
וַיִּגַּ֣שׁthat came closeGen 29:10(16)
וַיִּגַּ֤שׁand made overture1Kgs 20:22(1)
וַיִּגַּ֤שׁand they came close to1Sa 30:21(21)
וַיִּגַּ֥שׁand came closeGen 18:23(1)
וַיִּגַּ֥שׁand made overture1Sa 9:18(1) 1Sa 17:16(1)
וַיִּגַּ֧שׁand came closeGen 27:22(1)
וַיִּגַּ֨שׁand came closeGen 44:18(1)
וַיִּגַּ֨שׁand made overture1Kgs 18:21(1) 1Ch 19:14(1)
וַיִּגַּ֨שׁbut came close2Kgs 4:27(9)
וַיִּגַּשׁ֙and he came closeGen 27:27(1)
וַיִּגַּשׁ֙and made overture1Kgs 22:24(1) 2Ch 18:23(1)
viigwu12 וַֽיִּגְּשׁ֔וּand made overtureJos 8:11(7)
וַֽיִּגְּשׁ֖וּand they came closeGen 19:9(18)
וַֽיִּגְּשׁ֗וּand made overtureJos 21:1(1)
וַֽיִּגְּשׁוּ֙and they came closeGen 43:19(1) Jer 42:1(1)
וַיִּגְּשׁ֣וּand came close2Kgs 5:13(1)
וַיִּגְּשׁ֤וּand they made overtureNum 32:16(1)
וַיִּגְּשׁ֥וּand came close1Kgs 18:30(7)
וַיִּגְּשׁ֨וּand came close2Kgs 2:5(1)
וַיִּגְּשׁ֨וּand made overtureJos 14:6(1)
וַיִּגְּשׁ֨וּthey came closeEzr 4:2(1)
וַיִּגָּ֑שׁוּand they came closeGen 45:4(8)
vlgwt1 וְלָגֶ֙שֶׁת֙nor come closeEze 44:13(6)
umgiw1 וּמַגִּ֣ישׁand making overture withMal 2:12(10)
vnigw4 וְנִגַּ֣שׁand he will come closeJer 30:21(8)
וְנִגַּ֤שׁwhen will bumpAmo 9:13(6)
וְנִגַּ֥שׁwill come closeDeu 20:2(5)
וְנִגַּ֨שׁand will come closeExo 24:2(1)
vnigwh1 וְנִגְּשָׁ֨הthen will come closeDeu 25:9(1)
vnigwu2 וְנִגְּשׁ֣וּand will come closeDeu 21:5(1)
וְנִגְּשׁ֥וּand they make overtureDeu 25:1(6)
vtgiwun1 וַתַּגִּישׁ֖וּןand bring closeAmo 6:3(4)
vtgw2 וַתַּגֵּ֥שׁand she came close2Sa 13:11(1)
וַתַּגֵּ֧שׁand she came close1Sa 28:25(1)
vtigw1 וַתִּגַּ֧שׁand came closeGen 33:7(1)
vtigwnh1 וַתִּגַּ֧שְׁןָthen came closeGen 33:6(1)
igiwu1 יַגִּ֙ישׁוּ֙let them make overtureIsa 41:22(1)
igw1 יַגֵּ֥שׁcan make overture toJob 40:19(6)
iigw6 יִגַּ֔שׁwill make overtureLev 21:21(10)
יִגַּ֖שׁhe will make overtureLev 21:21(21) Lev 21:23(9)
יִגַּ֥שׁlet him make overtureExo 24:14(18) Isa 50:8(11)
יִגָּֽשׁit will make overturePsa 91:7(8)
iigwu5 ־יִגְּשׁ֤וּthey will come closeEze 44:13(2)
יִגְּשׁ֣וּlet make overtureJoe 4:9(8)
יִגְּשׁוּ֙let them come closeIsa 41:1(7)
יִגַּ֑שׁוּthey are brought closeJob 41:16(3)
יִגָּ֑שׁוּthey will come closeExo 24:2(8)
lgwt2 לָגֶ֙שֶׁת֙make overtureJdg 20:23(13)
לָגֶ֥שֶׁתto come closeJer 30:21(17)
mgiwi1 מַגִּישֵׁ֥יthose who come close withMal 3:3(15)
mgiwim3 מַגִּישִׁ֤יםin making overtureMal 1:7(1)
מַגִּשִׁ֥יםbrought them close2Kgs 4:5(9)
מַגִּשִׁ֥יםthey made overture with1Kgs 5:1(13)
mgwt1 מִגֶּ֥שֶׁתto come closeExo 34:30(13)
mugw1 מֻגָּ֛שׁwill be brought closeMal 1:11(12)
nigw4 נִגַּ֣שׁcame closeExo 20:21(5)
נִגַּ֥שׁcame closeGen 33:7(7)
נִגַּשׁ֙come closeIsa 29:13(5)
נִגַּשׁ֮came close1Kgs 20:13(4)
nigwu3 נִגְּשׁ֔וּmade overture1Sa 7:10(6)
נִגְּשׁ֖וּcame closeExo 34:32(3)
נִגְּשׁ֨וּcame closeEzr 9:1(3)
nigwtm2 נִגַּשְׁתֶּ֖םdid you come close2Sa 11:21(18)
נִגַּשְׁתֶּ֥םdid you come close2Sa 11:20(9)
tgiw1 ־תַגִּ֧ישׁwill come closeAmo 9:10(8)
tgiwu1 תַגִּ֛ישׁוּyou make overture withMal 1:8(8)
tgiwun1 ־תַגִּשׁ֨וּןyou make overtureMal 1:8(2)
tigw1 ־תִּגַּשׁdo come closeIsa 65:5(5)
tigwu2 ־תִּגְּשׁ֖וּyou are to make overtureExo 19:15(9)
־תִּגַּ֔שׁוּyou are to make overtureEze 9:6(15)
Violence bnogwihm1 בְּנֹגְשֵׂיהֶֽםin their taskmastersIsa 14:2(18)
hnogw1 הַנֹּגֵ֣שׂthe taskmasterIsa 9:3(9)
hnogwim1 ־הַנֹּגְשִׂ֣יםthe taskmastersExo 5:6(6)
vhnogwim1 וְהַנֹּגְשִׂ֖יםand the taskmastersExo 5:13(1)
vnogwiiç1 וְנֹגְשַׂ֖יִךְand your taskmastersIsa 60:17(18)
vnigw1 וְנִגַּ֣שׂand will harassIsa 3:5(1)
iigow1 ־יִגֹּ֤שׂit will exact fromDeu 15:2(13)
ngw1 נָגַ֞שׂexacted2Kgs 23:35(18)
nogw6 ־נוֹגֵ֖שׂtaskmasterZec 10:4(11)
נ֝וֹגֵ֗שׂa taskmasterJob 39:7(5)
נֹגֵ֑שׂwho harassZec 9:8(10)
נֹגֵ֔שׂthe exploiterIsa 14:4(10)
נֹגֵֽשׂan exactingJob 3:18(7)
נוֹגֵ֖שׂexacting taxes forDan 11:20(5)
nogwi2 נֹגְשֵׂ֤יthe taskmasters ofExo 5:10(2)
נֹגְשֵׂ֥יthe taskmasters ofExo 5:14(8)
nogwiv2 נֹֽגְשָׂ֔יוhis taskmastersExo 3:7(14)
נֹגְשָׂ֣יוits taskmastersIsa 3:12(2)
nigw3 נִגַּ֖שׂwere harassed1Sa 13:6(8) 1Sa 14:24(3)
נִגַּ֨שׂhe is harassedIsa 53:7(1)
tigow1 תִּגֹּ֑שׂyou exactDeu 15:3(3)
tngowu1 תִּנְגֹּֽשׂוּyou are exploitingIsa 58:3(16)

Count of words: 3008.