Thursday 1 October 2020

The September Carnival

 Brent Niedergall has posted Biblical Studies Carnival 175. This will give your spirit a lift. 

I am listening to a little pastoral Bach as I scan it - and it really scans.

My mind is full of pith this morning. I am a bit like an old orange.
The first thing I note is that God is our bootstrap.
God is not an arbitrary invention but a necessary one.
We are under the power of oligarchs because we worship money.
I have had brushes with nihilism. It is unreal.
We are attacked in our discernment of truth but faithfulness prevails.
Violence is a degradation of the thrust of care in evolution.

Dr. Fauci: "I don't know how to teach you that we must care for each other."

Are there any seeds among the pith?

That's the key - who teaches kindness?

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