Owen Chadwick (British clergyman, academic, writer, and prominent historian of Christianity) died on July 17th. His funeral was at Great St Mary's on August 3rd. He warned, citing Augustine, that we must befriend those whom we would study from the past:
Owen Chadwick (British clergyman, academic, writer, and prominent historian of Christianity) died on July 17th. His funeral was at Great St Mary's on August 3rd. He warned, citing Augustine, that we must befriend those whom we would study from the past:
You may suspect, you ought to suspect them all, as sure to mislead you vilely unless your critical sense is ever alert... you need to be inside their minds and to forget the future which they could not know, and to come towards them with the openness of mind, the readiness to listen, which a man gives to a friend.
Ed. note: To be a friend to the e-people in the (mostly) academic Bible blogging community, to remind myself who they are, I have introduced the authors with their own self-description or from their site's about page.
Week 1, the 1st of August, 2015, a Saturday.
August is the hottest month
It's Time for a Septuagint reader, according to Abram K-J ('pastor of a great church in a seaside community near Boston').
Biblical Studies Online (maintained by Prof. James Crossley, St Mary’s University, London and Dr. Deane Galbraith, University of Otago) posts a series of lectures by Jon Levenson on the Akedah. The first demonstrates links to several Psalms and illustrates how the Akedah is reflected in the Passion of Jesus and in medieval plays on the subject.
On the subject of the literal, Deane has posted a lecture by Baruch Schwartz “Moses Wrote This Torah’ [Deuteronomy 31:9]: Did He Really?”.
On Bible Films, Matt Page (Database manager from Loughborough UK) posts one that was missed. "Christians have long debated whether the words from Isaiah 53:2, recited at the start of the film, meant that Jesus was ugly."
Jim West (Professor of Biblical Studies at the Quartz Hill School of Theology and Lecturer in Biblical and Reformation Studies, Ming Hua Theological College.) reminds us of a thesis about time duration in the reign of Saul.
Memory and desire
Jim Davila (Professor of Early Jewish Studies at the Divinity School of the University of St. Andrews) points out a new book from Brill on Hebrew verbs in the Qumran scrolls by Ken Penner. "Penner answers the question of Qumran Hebrew verb form semantics using an empirical method: a database calculating the correlation between each form and each function, establishing that the ancient author’s selection of verb form is determined not by aspect, but by tense or modality." More in an interview with Brian Davidson here. And this will take you time to read about tense, taxis, aspect, and mood. (Ed. note: Water in solid form contracts when heated.)Jim West (Professor of Biblical Studies at the Quartz Hill School of Theology and Lecturer in Biblical and Reformation Studies, Ming Hua Theological College.) reminds us of a thesis about time duration in the reign of Saul.
What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow
Out of this stony rubbish?
Mark Whiting (University of Surrey, Senior lecturer in Metallurgy) completes his series on canon within canon with critical realism as middle ground.
Carpe Scriptura (by Marlowe, with a lifelong interest in world religions and mythologies) introduces Chronicles.
Aren Maeir (Professor at Bar Ilan University and director of the Tell es-Safi/Gath Archaeological Project) posts about נחשף שער העיר גת פלישתים מלפני 3,000 שנה Gate exposed of the Philistine city of Gath dating back 3000 years.
Phillip Long (Grace Bible College, Bible Department, Faculty Member) posts on Psalm 36.
(Come in, under the shadow of this red rock)
And Phil continues here with dread.
Jacob Prahlow (PhD student studying Historical Theology at Saint Louis University) considers Marcion.
And Phil continues here with dread.
I will show you fear in a handful of dust
Larry Hurtado (Professor of New Testament Language, Literature & Theology, University of Edinburgh, retired) posts on emerging orthodoxy.Jacob Prahlow (PhD student studying Historical Theology at Saint Louis University) considers Marcion.
Jacob also begins a pursuit of the eye-witness question.
Ken Schenck (Professor of New Testament in the School of Theology and Ministry at Indiana Wesleyan University) takes up the Wright volume on Paul again.
Jonathan Bernier (PhD Religious Studies, McMaster) posts on Narrative and Chronology.
Bill Heroman (retired Math teacher, an amateur christian historian) argues for peon review.
Jim West points out some arguments for modern culture from Germany.
Airton José (Professor de Bíblia Hebraica / Antigo Testamento na Faculdade de Teologia da Arquidiocese de Ribeirão Preto, SP. ) reminds us that the Lord's prayer is political.
And here is the one-eyed merchant
Jim Davila points out discoveries in ancient Jerusalem of ancient Mikveh baths and an ancient mansion.Ken Schenck (Professor of New Testament in the School of Theology and Ministry at Indiana Wesleyan University) takes up the Wright volume on Paul again.
Jonathan Bernier (PhD Religious Studies, McMaster) posts on Narrative and Chronology.
Bill Heroman (retired Math teacher, an amateur christian historian) argues for peon review.
Jim West points out some arguments for modern culture from Germany.
I do not find
The Hanged Man
Anatoly Liberman (Professor in the Department of German, Scandinavian and Dutch at the University of Minnesota) writes on the etymology of god.Tommy Wasserman (Associate Professor of New Testament Exegesis at Örebro School of Theology) reviews The Gothic Version of the Gospels and the Pauline Epistles."barbarians are flooding the court and no one is going to get them out again".
To beat the heat, Ayana (teacher of modern Hebrew) says you should order some ice cream.
Johnson Thomaskutty (PhD: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Holland) writes on the dialogical nature of of the prologue to John.
Week 2 Day the 8th.
Stephen Bedard (adjunct faculty at Emmanuel Bible College) notes the falsification of historical reasoning around the sacred scapegoat.
John Hobbins (UM Pastor, see link for more info) comments on Crime and Punishment here.
James McGrath (Clarence L. Goodwin Chair in New Testament Language and Literature at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana) throws us back to an historical post (2011) on being Biblical.
Marg Mowczko (pursuing an MA in Early Christian and Jewish Studies with Macquarie University) writes on Adam's responsibility.
D. Miller, (from Saskatchewan, Associate Professor of New Testament and Early Judaism, Briercrest College and Seminary) reads Romans in reconstructed Greek.
Michael Kok (PhD in Biblical Studies, University of Sheffield) introduces Revelation and Apocalyptic Literature.
140 character conference papers by Travis @WTravisMcMaken (Associate Professor of Religion and Chair of the General Studies Program at Lindenwood University).
Week 4 Day the 22nd.
Jim Davila reports on an ancient Hebrew seal in a 2,000 year old tomb of a female Samaritan fighter found in Russia.
Jim also posts on a Greek manuscript fragment from 6 Ezra with a link to an abstract of his lecture on this topic.
And Noah’s round ark takes to the water on the History blog by livius drusus (but there was no information on this author).
William Brown reflects on Judges.
Jim Davila points to a long comment thread on eyewitnesses (in case you missed it) including several from Richard Bauckham (retired Professor of New Testament Studies at the University of St Andrews).
Bob MacDonald identifies a musical frame in Job 10 and compares shared words in Job 10 and Psalm 39.
Aren Maier posts a new article on Philistine invasion biology. Apparently the Philistines didn't like coriander!
And Joel notes one or two issues with St Cyril on the Song.
Larry Hurtado posts on early Christianity and the sexual abuse of children.
Phil continues with Psalm 73.
Daniel Gullotta reviews the Ancient Gospel or Modern Forgery?: The Secret Gospel of Mark in Debate: Proceedings from the 2011 York University Christian Apocrypha Symposium
Matt Page notes another Brian-like film from 1982.
Daniel McClellan (doctoral student in theology and religion at the University of Exeter) considers the myth of Scriptural Literalism.
James McGrath finishes a series of articles on mythicism.
As we near the end of the month, consider it has been but a day in the life of the community. And it is appropriate to end at this later hour in the day with Compline as Christian Brady (Associate professor of ancient Hebrew and Jewish literature and dean of the Schreyer Honors College at Penn State) invites us to do.
Phil completes Psalm 73.
Ken continues his book review with the chapter on John Goldingay.
Deane posts links to the Oxford 2011 Lecture Series on the King James Bible.
The Jesus Blog posts a summary of the Le Donne / Keith / Bauckham conversation on eye witnesses.
Bob posts on tradition struggling under a falsely engineered explanation of the accents in the Hebrew text.
Andrew Perriman (extension studies tutor for St John’s Nottingham and London School of Theology’s MA in Aspects and Implications of Biblical Interpretation) posts on the end of the world.
David Capes (Thomas Nelson Research Professor in the Department of Theology at HBU) reviews LeDonne's The Wife of Jesus.)
Mark Goodacre (Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at Duke University) summarizes the case against the Jesus' wife fragment.
Deborah Thompson Prince (Faculty, Bellarmine University, Louisville) reviews Teresa Calpino's Women, Work and Leadership in Acts.
Marianne Grohmann (University of Vienna) and Linda S. Schearing (Gonzaga University, Spokane) each review Carol Meyers' Rediscovering Eve: Ancient Israelite Women in Context.
Hélène Dallaire (Denver Seminary) reviews Merrill Morse, Isaiah Speaks: A Voice from the Past for the Present.
James McGrath points out an article on Solomon and peer pressure.
Week 5 Day the 29th.
Daniel Gullotta raises the question of whether there are forgeries in the New Testament.
Deane posts a course from Missouri State University on the Introduction to Hebrew Bible and the University of Chester Guides for PhD Students.
Jude, in a comment, posts the Myriad Virtual Singer, a droid, singing Psalm 119. (Note: every chapter of the Hebrew Bible is as of this carnival available to the public in Music XML as described here. It is possible to use this music to chant or dramatize the liturgy. As of this carnival, the accents are no longer sealed.)
30. The fifth Sunday
Ben Witherington (Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky) is reading N.T.Wright's Paul and his Recent Interpreters chapter 4. (Ed. note: to avoid the obnoxious ads, read Patheos blogs in a vertical half screen.)
Marg posts on extra honour to underdogs from down under.
Tim questions the impact of a 1000% increase in literacy.
Wayne Coppins (Associate Professor of Religion at University of Georgia) translates Eve-Marie Backer on the Construction of History in Mark, Paul, and Luke. This work, Wayne writes, brings "the category of history into connection with Mark and Paul rather than relating it exclusively to Luke, while simultaneously showing with great precision how concrete differences in the authors’ perspectives and approaches resulted in important differences in the ways that they construct ‘history’ in their works."
The September 2015 Biblical Studies Carnival is to be hosted by William Brown (@willhartbrown) at The Biblical Review.
Contact Phil Long at plong42 at if you want to host a carnival. Carnival hosts are needed for October and November 2015.
I began the month with 'one half-formed thought' that the singular poem, T. S. Eliot's poem, The Wasteland could be used as a counterfoil to my immersion in Biblioblog post-land. It was a long overdue review of a poem I was supposed to have read and studied for two if not three classes over 50 years ago.
אֲנִי רוֺצֶה בְּבַקָּשָׁה כַּדּוּר אֶחָד שֶׁל גְּלִידַת וָנִיל
David Koyzis (Musician, Professor of Political Science) reminds us of Psalm 150, Kodaly.
The wind
Crosses the brown land, unheard.
Bosco Peters (B.Theol (Hons) Melbourne College of Divinity) writes on Transfiguration on this day of remembrance.
Jim Gordon (Scottish Baptist minister, an enthusiastic theological educator, a writer and reader, an Aberdeen Football supporter, and seconder of Louis Armstrong's affirmation 'What a Wonderful World') cites Ernst Kaseman.
Poi s'ascose nel foco che gli affina
Quando fiam ceu chelidon--
Then he hid himself in the refining fire/
When shall I become like a swallow
Then he hid himself in the refining fire/
When shall I become like a swallow
![]() |
λεγω, lego |
Depending on the context, logos has a wide variety of meanings: explanation, argument, theory, law or rule of conduct, hypothesis, formula or definition, narrative, oration, communication, conversation, dialogue, oracle, proverb or saying. The context here beckons us to see in Jesus the internal dialogue of God which later developed as a dialogue of God with the world. Hence Jesus is God’s dialogue in flesh.James Crossley posts an interview with Chris Keith (Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity and Director of the Centre for the Social-Scientific Study of the Bible at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, London.) on Social Memory, Form Criticism, and the Criteria for Authenticity.
Week 2 Day the 8th.
Stephen Bedard (adjunct faculty at Emmanuel Bible College) notes the falsification of historical reasoning around the sacred scapegoat.
John Hobbins (UM Pastor, see link for more info) comments on Crime and Punishment here.
James McGrath (Clarence L. Goodwin Chair in New Testament Language and Literature at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana) throws us back to an historical post (2011) on being Biblical.
By the waters of Leman I sat down and wept
9.Marg Mowczko (pursuing an MA in Early Christian and Jewish Studies with Macquarie University) writes on Adam's responsibility.
D. Miller, (from Saskatchewan, Associate Professor of New Testament and Early Judaism, Briercrest College and Seminary) reads Romans in reconstructed Greek.
Michael Kok (PhD in Biblical Studies, University of Sheffield) introduces Revelation and Apocalyptic Literature.
Unreal City, ... I had not thought death had undone so many
Paul Allen (Concordia University Theological Studies, Faculty Member) considers whether a single epistemology can bridge science and theology.
Robert Miles (Lecturer in the School of Humanities at the University of Auckland, New Zealand) posts the unbelievable. Is this a post, a podcast, or a tweet?
Jacob Prahlow reviews Marvin Pate's 40 questions about the Historical Jesus.
Marg considers the Greek tradition behind the weaker vessel.
Phil continues his series on the Psalms with part of the wicked acrostic.
James McGrath takes on the process of canon formation with a game of politics, compromise, and consensus-building. He also has a dinner invitation here.
Jacob Prahlow posts on Marcion's role in the formation of the canon.
Daniel Gullotta (budding New Testament scholar and early Christian historian committed to the secular study of ancient religion) interviews Hector Avalos (Religious Studies Professor at Iowa State University).
OUP (multiple authors) comments on Acts of God.
Bob MacDonald (retired database specialist and business owner, student of Hebrew, musician) posts on economics, politics, and Haggai.
More politics on Trump and menstruation from Jim Davila.
Ken Schenck continues his preview of an upcoming book with the chapter on Bruggemann.
Anatoly also via OUP considers the etymology of God in the Gothic 4th century translation of the Scriptures here. guþ (þ, the letter called thorn, had the value of Engl. th in thin)
Phil Long reviews Peter: False Disciple and Apostate according to Saint Matthew by Robert H. Gundry.
P. Funari (Professor of historical archeology, Campinas, Brazil) has reviewed Mulheres na Bíblia Hebraica. In: Eliézer Serra Braga. (Org.). Santas e Sedutoras, as heroinas na Bíblia Hebraica.
James McGrath reviews William Dever's The Lives of Ordinary People in Israel.
Rachel Held Evans (New York Times best-selling author) writes on girls and boys toys re reception history of um. er... Genesis or Paul?
James Pate (Ph.D. student at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion) comments on a post from carnival LXXXVI (פו) - a simple one-liner.
Joel Watts (Ph.D. student at the University of the Free State) shares some comic relief.
Bosco Peters reflects on pilgrimage and travelling light.
Larry Berhendt (ex-ex attorney and current software engineer) distinguishes etiology from prescription in Genesis 2:24 and points out the critical technique of defamiliarization as a strategy for teaching.
Mackenzie Reynolds (Rabbinical student) reflects on Elul and the religious, political, and personal consequences.
John Cook (Associate Professor of Old Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary) has some newly enhanced freely usable resources for Beginning Biblical Hebrew.
Jim West, with a nice copy of Zwingli's handwriting on screen, points out new articles in Bible and Interpretation: William Lyons (University of Bristol) on redefining Biblical Studies as reception history and Jerry Sumney (Professor of Biblical Studies, Lexington Theological Seminary) on the Rhetoric of Paul.
Edith Humphrey (William F. Orr Professor of New Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary) explains the Dormition and Translation of the Holy Theotokos.
Week 3 Day the 15th.
Jim Davila links to Esther Eshel (Associate Professor in the Bible department at Bar Ilan University) on the oldest known copy of the Decalogue. Neither accent nor niqqud in the images.
Patrick Finglass (Professor of Greek, University of Nottingham) points out the value of a comma here.
16. Mid-month, a Sunday.
Tim Bulkeley (Old Testament teacher, Carey Baptist College, the NZ Baptist Seminary, retired) reposts on Yahweh as midwife.
Michael Kok shares handouts on Criteria for the New Testament Canon.
Marg posts on Junia among the apostles.
Phil Long invites a consideration of four words in Psalm 49.
Jim Davila points out a database for verbs in the DSS.
Paul Davidson (a professional Japanese-English translator) explores the disjunctions in the order of John's Gospel.
Robert Myles (Lecturer in the School of Humanities at the University of Auckland) is advertising from down under. (Ed. note: I usually try to avoid ads, but... Warning, down under classification is PG or MA 15+ probably not RC.)
Ben Stanhope (Philosophy student at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) refutes universalism.
Deane posts two podcasts from Larry Hurtado on High Christology (first one starts at about 11 minutes in).
Larry Hurtado posts a pre-publication paper on who read the Early Christian Apocrypha.
SBL announces new content on the Ask a Scholar site of Bible Odyssey:
Wil Gafney on Hagar, Stephen Cook on the rise of resurrection beliefs, Jacqueline Hidalgo on Postcolonial critiques of archaeology, Billie Jean Collins on Egyptians and Hittites, Jennifer Koosed on the death of Jezebel, Daniel McClellan on names of God, Shuichi Hasegawa on the House of Omri, Byron McCane on sarcophagi, Cory Crawford on the function of place, Brent Landau asks: Was Luke a historian?, Tremper Longman III on Proverbs. (Information on all these scholars is available from each cited article.)
Alan Nadler (Professor of Religion and the Director of the Jewish Studies Program at Drew University) reviews Shaul Magid’s Hasidism Incarnate including an analysis of Chagall's White Crucifixion.
Daniel Kirk (Associate Professor of New Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary) writes on freedom and identity.
Anthony B Pinn (Professor of Humanities and Professor of Religion at Rice University) writes on African American music and its use of Scriptural Lyrics.
Jim West points out an interview with Jeffrey Gibson.
David Koyzis posts a performance of Psalm 138 by the Ensemble Sweelinck.
Ken Schenck continues his book review with the chapter on James Dunn.
Anatoly Liberman continues his exploration of the etymology of God.
Lloyd Pietersen (Adjunct, Theology, Newman University) lectures on An Anarchist Reading of Romans 13 with a brief history including references to Tolstoy, Chomsky, Ellul, and Mark Twain among many, and a review of anarchy in the Bible from Judges to the Sermon on the Mount., Full notes available at the link.
Thalia Rowden (minister West Baptist Church, New Plymouth) hosts a guest post on women in the Bible from Lindy Jacomb (theology student at Carey Baptist College).
Robert Cargill (Assistant Professor of Classics and Religious Studies at The University of Iowa) on Numbers 5 and induced abortion (rated RC).
Daniel Gulotta writes on obscurity and fame in the ancient world.
Phil Long continues his reading of Psalms of Psalm 49.
William Brown (BA in Biblical Literature from Northwest University) posts on Exodus and Leviticus, A Parallel Reading, Part III.
Paul Allen (Concordia University Theological Studies, Faculty Member) considers whether a single epistemology can bridge science and theology.
Robert Miles (Lecturer in the School of Humanities at the University of Auckland, New Zealand) posts the unbelievable. Is this a post, a podcast, or a tweet?
Jacob Prahlow reviews Marvin Pate's 40 questions about the Historical Jesus.
Marg considers the Greek tradition behind the weaker vessel.
Phil continues his series on the Psalms with part of the wicked acrostic.
James McGrath takes on the process of canon formation with a game of politics, compromise, and consensus-building. He also has a dinner invitation here.
Jacob Prahlow posts on Marcion's role in the formation of the canon.
Daniel Gullotta (budding New Testament scholar and early Christian historian committed to the secular study of ancient religion) interviews Hector Avalos (Religious Studies Professor at Iowa State University).
Then spoke the thunder
Datta: what have we given?
Datta: what have we given?
OUP (multiple authors) comments on Acts of God.
Bob MacDonald (retired database specialist and business owner, student of Hebrew, musician) posts on economics, politics, and Haggai.
More politics on Trump and menstruation from Jim Davila.
My friend, blood shaking my heart
Eric Jobe (Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago) explores the mythology of Psalm 93.Ken Schenck continues his preview of an upcoming book with the chapter on Bruggemann.
Anatoly also via OUP considers the etymology of God in the Gothic 4th century translation of the Scriptures here. guþ (þ, the letter called thorn, had the value of Engl. th in thin)
Phil Long reviews Peter: False Disciple and Apostate according to Saint Matthew by Robert H. Gundry.
P. Funari (Professor of historical archeology, Campinas, Brazil) has reviewed Mulheres na Bíblia Hebraica. In: Eliézer Serra Braga. (Org.). Santas e Sedutoras, as heroinas na Bíblia Hebraica.
James McGrath reviews William Dever's The Lives of Ordinary People in Israel.
Rachel Held Evans (New York Times best-selling author) writes on girls and boys toys re reception history of um. er... Genesis or Paul?
Stockings, slippers, camisoles, and stays
Bible History (via BAS staff) reports on Codex Sinaiticus and the parts that are missing.James Pate (Ph.D. student at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion) comments on a post from carnival LXXXVI (פו) - a simple one-liner.
Joel Watts (Ph.D. student at the University of the Free State) shares some comic relief.
Bosco Peters reflects on pilgrimage and travelling light.
In the faint moonlight, the grass is singing
14.Mackenzie Reynolds (Rabbinical student) reflects on Elul and the religious, political, and personal consequences.
John Cook (Associate Professor of Old Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary) has some newly enhanced freely usable resources for Beginning Biblical Hebrew.
Jim West, with a nice copy of Zwingli's handwriting on screen, points out new articles in Bible and Interpretation: William Lyons (University of Bristol) on redefining Biblical Studies as reception history and Jerry Sumney (Professor of Biblical Studies, Lexington Theological Seminary) on the Rhetoric of Paul.
Edith Humphrey (William F. Orr Professor of New Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary) explains the Dormition and Translation of the Holy Theotokos.
Week 3 Day the 15th.
Patrick Finglass (Professor of Greek, University of Nottingham) points out the value of a comma here.
16. Mid-month, a Sunday.
Tim Bulkeley (Old Testament teacher, Carey Baptist College, the NZ Baptist Seminary, retired) reposts on Yahweh as midwife.
Michael Kok shares handouts on Criteria for the New Testament Canon.
Marg posts on Junia among the apostles.
Phil Long invites a consideration of four words in Psalm 49.
Speak to me. Why do you never speak. Speak.
James McGrath reviews Jodi Magness' Stone and Dung Oil and Spit.Jim Davila points out a database for verbs in the DSS.
Of thunder of spring over distant mountains
Larry Hurtado comments on Bruce Longnecker's The Cross before Constantine.Of thunder of spring over distant mountains
Paul Davidson (a professional Japanese-English translator) explores the disjunctions in the order of John's Gospel.
Robert Myles (Lecturer in the School of Humanities at the University of Auckland) is advertising from down under. (Ed. note: I usually try to avoid ads, but... Warning, down under classification is PG or MA 15+ probably not RC.)
Ben Stanhope (Philosophy student at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) refutes universalism.
Deane posts two podcasts from Larry Hurtado on High Christology (first one starts at about 11 minutes in).
Who is the third who walks always beside you?
18.Larry Hurtado posts a pre-publication paper on who read the Early Christian Apocrypha.
SBL announces new content on the Ask a Scholar site of Bible Odyssey:
Wil Gafney on Hagar, Stephen Cook on the rise of resurrection beliefs, Jacqueline Hidalgo on Postcolonial critiques of archaeology, Billie Jean Collins on Egyptians and Hittites, Jennifer Koosed on the death of Jezebel, Daniel McClellan on names of God, Shuichi Hasegawa on the House of Omri, Byron McCane on sarcophagi, Cory Crawford on the function of place, Brent Landau asks: Was Luke a historian?, Tremper Longman III on Proverbs. (Information on all these scholars is available from each cited article.)
dark labyrinths indeed
Jim West notes Melanchthon's wedding anniversary and his favorite portrait by Hans Holbein the younger.Alan Nadler (Professor of Religion and the Director of the Jewish Studies Program at Drew University) reviews Shaul Magid’s Hasidism Incarnate including an analysis of Chagall's White Crucifixion.
Daniel Kirk (Associate Professor of New Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary) writes on freedom and identity.
Anthony B Pinn (Professor of Humanities and Professor of Religion at Rice University) writes on African American music and its use of Scriptural Lyrics.
Jim West points out an interview with Jeffrey Gibson.
David Koyzis posts a performance of Psalm 138 by the Ensemble Sweelinck.
This music crept by me upon the waters
19.Ken Schenck continues his book review with the chapter on James Dunn.
Anatoly Liberman continues his exploration of the etymology of God.
Lloyd Pietersen (Adjunct, Theology, Newman University) lectures on An Anarchist Reading of Romans 13 with a brief history including references to Tolstoy, Chomsky, Ellul, and Mark Twain among many, and a review of anarchy in the Bible from Judges to the Sermon on the Mount., Full notes available at the link.
There is the empty chapel, only the wind’s home.
Mark Whiting tweets on a translation of Barth's Academic Lectures on Ephesians by Ross M. Wright (begins on page 44 of the thesis).Thalia Rowden (minister West Baptist Church, New Plymouth) hosts a guest post on women in the Bible from Lindy Jacomb (theology student at Carey Baptist College).
Robert Cargill (Assistant Professor of Classics and Religious Studies at The University of Iowa) on Numbers 5 and induced abortion (rated RC).
Daniel Gulotta writes on obscurity and fame in the ancient world.
Phil Long continues his reading of Psalms of Psalm 49.
I think we are in rats’ alley
Where the dead men lost their bones.
Erhard Gerstenberger (Professor, Faculty of Protestant Theology, University of Marburg) reviews Dennis Tucker's work on Book 5 of the Psalter.Where the dead men lost their bones.
William Brown (BA in Biblical Literature from Northwest University) posts on Exodus and Leviticus, A Parallel Reading, Part III.
140 character conference papers by Travis @WTravisMcMaken (Associate Professor of Religion and Chair of the General Studies Program at Lindenwood University).
Dry bones can harm no one.
Continuing a conversation from Carnival C (ק), here is a long comment by BLT's J.K. Gayle ('PhD Rhetoric Texas Christian U. Recovering from "the church," "the patriarchy," and the Western "Academy."').

Here is no water but only rock
and Phil has a review of Mark J. Boda, Return To Me: A Biblical Theology of Repentance.
Jim West points to a critique of de Vaux and an impossible staircase.
Bob MacDonald explains how the music of the te'amim supports the grammatical structure of Proverbs chapter 2.
Jim West points to a critique of de Vaux and an impossible staircase.
Bob MacDonald explains how the music of the te'amim supports the grammatical structure of Proverbs chapter 2.
![]() |
Mrs Noah c 1985 missing a tooth and (still) fond of gin |
Jim Davila reports on an ancient Hebrew seal in a 2,000 year old tomb of a female Samaritan fighter found in Russia.
Jim also posts on a Greek manuscript fragment from 6 Ezra with a link to an abstract of his lecture on this topic.
Fear death by water
Tim Bulkeley posts on Mrs. Noah.And Noah’s round ark takes to the water on the History blog by livius drusus (but there was no information on this author).
William Brown reflects on Judges.
Jim Davila points to a long comment thread on eyewitnesses (in case you missed it) including several from Richard Bauckham (retired Professor of New Testament Studies at the University of St Andrews).
I could not
Speak, and my eyes failed
24.Speak, and my eyes failed
Phil continues his posts on the Psalms with Psalm 73.
Andrew Bernhard (Master of Studies, Oxford University) calls for closure on the gospel of Jesus' wife. See also Jim Davila's post. And that of Christian Askeland(Assistant Research Professor of Christian Origins (JWHC), Indiana Wesleyan University).
Unstoppered, lurked her strange synthetic perfumes
Unguent, powdered, or liquid—troubled, confused
Jim West notes a book on John's use of Ezekiel.
Bob MacDonald identifies a musical frame in Job 10 and compares shared words in Job 10 and Psalm 39.
Aren Maier posts a new article on Philistine invasion biology. Apparently the Philistines didn't like coriander!
And Joel notes one or two issues with St Cyril on the Song.
Jug Jug
26.Larry Hurtado posts on early Christianity and the sexual abuse of children.
Phil continues with Psalm 73.
Daniel Gullotta reviews the Ancient Gospel or Modern Forgery?: The Secret Gospel of Mark in Debate: Proceedings from the 2011 York University Christian Apocrypha Symposium
Matt Page notes another Brian-like film from 1982.
Daniel McClellan (doctoral student in theology and religion at the University of Exeter) considers the myth of Scriptural Literalism.
James McGrath finishes a series of articles on mythicism.
Are you alive, or not? Is there nothing in your head?
27.As we near the end of the month, consider it has been but a day in the life of the community. And it is appropriate to end at this later hour in the day with Compline as Christian Brady (Associate professor of ancient Hebrew and Jewish literature and dean of the Schreyer Honors College at Penn State) invites us to do.
If there were water, we would stop and drink
Jim Davila notes never to trust a headline.Phil completes Psalm 73.
Ken continues his book review with the chapter on John Goldingay.
Deane posts links to the Oxford 2011 Lecture Series on the King James Bible.
The Jesus Blog posts a summary of the Le Donne / Keith / Bauckham conversation on eye witnesses.
Bob posts on tradition struggling under a falsely engineered explanation of the accents in the Hebrew text.
Andrew Perriman (extension studies tutor for St John’s Nottingham and London School of Theology’s MA in Aspects and Implications of Biblical Interpretation) posts on the end of the world.
David Capes (Thomas Nelson Research Professor in the Department of Theology at HBU) reviews LeDonne's The Wife of Jesus.)
Mark Goodacre (Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at Duke University) summarizes the case against the Jesus' wife fragment.
“What are you thinking of? What thinking? What?
“I never know what you are thinking. Think.”
Marianne Grohmann (University of Vienna) and Linda S. Schearing (Gonzaga University, Spokane) each review Carol Meyers' Rediscovering Eve: Ancient Israelite Women in Context.
Hélène Dallaire (Denver Seminary) reviews Merrill Morse, Isaiah Speaks: A Voice from the Past for the Present.
James McGrath points out an article on Solomon and peer pressure.
Week 5 Day the 29th.
Daniel Gullotta raises the question of whether there are forgeries in the New Testament.
Deane posts a course from Missouri State University on the Introduction to Hebrew Bible and the University of Chester Guides for PhD Students.
Jude, in a comment, posts the Myriad Virtual Singer, a droid, singing Psalm 119. (Note: every chapter of the Hebrew Bible is as of this carnival available to the public in Music XML as described here. It is possible to use this music to chant or dramatize the liturgy. As of this carnival, the accents are no longer sealed.)
30. The fifth Sunday
Ben Witherington (Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky) is reading N.T.Wright's Paul and his Recent Interpreters chapter 4. (Ed. note: to avoid the obnoxious ads, read Patheos blogs in a vertical half screen.)
These fragments I have shored against my ruins
Marg posts on extra honour to underdogs from down under.
Tim questions the impact of a 1000% increase in literacy.
Wayne Coppins (Associate Professor of Religion at University of Georgia) translates Eve-Marie Backer on the Construction of History in Mark, Paul, and Luke. This work, Wayne writes, brings "the category of history into connection with Mark and Paul rather than relating it exclusively to Luke, while simultaneously showing with great precision how concrete differences in the authors’ perspectives and approaches resulted in important differences in the ways that they construct ‘history’ in their works."
Scott McKnight (Professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary in Lombard, IL) recalls his experience in the Great Alexandrian library.
Graças a Airton José da Silva para continuar a numeração dos carnavais.
We are now at carnival number נז*ב = קיד [that is 57 * 2= 114]
Graças a Airton José da Silva para continuar a numeração dos carnavais.
We are now at carnival number נז*ב = קיד [that is 57 * 2= 114]
Shall I at least set my lands in order?
The September 2015 Biblical Studies Carnival is to be hosted by William Brown (@willhartbrown) at The Biblical Review.
Contact Phil Long at plong42 at if you want to host a carnival. Carnival hosts are needed for October and November 2015.
I began the month with 'one half-formed thought' that the singular poem, T. S. Eliot's poem, The Wasteland could be used as a counterfoil to my immersion in Biblioblog post-land. It was a long overdue review of a poem I was supposed to have read and studied for two if not three classes over 50 years ago.
(Well now that’s done: and I’m glad it’s over)