Friday, 15 August 2014

Out of the Hospital

The 9 days of my hospitalization were remarkable for the care shown by the staff and the competency by those who conducted care and the operation I required to keep on going. I am now home. The link will tell you more than you might need to know about the human body.

I was moved by the experience but I don't know if I can write about it. Nonetheless, my disabled son asked me if I was in touch with God during the operation and I said yes. Coming out of the anesthetic and being under the influence of morphine is quite psychedelic. But my Hebrew improved during this period and there were remarkable visions. I said something in Latin too but right now I cannot remember it. The Hebrew was all from the psalms - all about refuge and hope. During the entire 9 days I had the Brahms Requiem in my head - these words with their music: Denn alles Fleisch ist wie Gras und alle Herrlichkeit des Menschen wie des Grases Blumen. (Isaiah 40:6).

God has words for our falling apart also. Fear not little flock...

Thank you readers for all the prayers. I will continue my recovery at home and gradually get back to work - but no heavy lifting for several weeks. And so many more appointments! (I will spare you the details - but I hope to get my cataracts removed soon.)