Sunday 29 September 2024

Book 5 - Psalms 120 to 136 -- The Psalms of Ascent and their doubled summary.

Notice how all these psalms except 136 are all tied together. Each incipit begins on a note other than the tonic, e. This suggests that the psalms recall something prior. Mitchell (2014, The Songs of Ascent) suggests that these blessing psalms hearken back to the Priestly benediction. This follows from the language used. It's clear too that they are all tied to each other.

Psalm 135 is not a psalm of the ascents but it is tied to them by its opening note. Psalm 136 uses 30 of the same roots as 135, 20 of them in the same sequence. Verse 1 of psalm 136 is the same as verse 1 of psalms 106, 107, and 118. It is also found in Jeremiah 33, 1 Chronicles 16 and 2 Chronicles 5, 7, and 20. These words and the celebration of these poems refer to the kindness of God as noted in Exodus 34:6 -- the same keywords we encountered in psalm 85, one of what I called the shofar psalms.
The Psalter is a commentary on Torah - a central revelation is this verse.

6 And Yahweh, passed over before him, and he called, Yahweh, Yahweh, a God compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger and abundant in kindness and truth,
ו ויעב֨ר יהו֥ה על־פניו֮ ויקרא֒ יהו֣ה יהו֔ה א֥ל רח֖ום וחנ֑ון
א֥רך אפ֖ים ורב־ח֥סד ואמֽת
v viybor ihvh yl-pniv viqra ihvh ihvh al rkum vknun
arç apiim vrb-ksd vamt

Truth is in short supply these days...

e - incipit recurs 9 times in this group of psalms. 
PSALM Syllables d e f# g A B C
120 111 .00 27.03 16.22 18.02 23.42 15.32 .00 A song of the ascents.
To Yahweh when I am trouble bound,
I call and he answers me.
121 124 .00 33.06 21.77 8.87 28.23 8.06 .00 A song to the ascents.
I will lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where comes my help?
A - incipit recurs 5 times
122 150 4.00 13.33 10.67 18.67 30.67 20.00 2.67 A song of the ascents, Of David.
I was glad when they said to me,
Up to the house of Yahweh we will walk.
123 97 10.31 28.87 15.46 9.28 17.53 17.53 1.03 A song of the ascents.
To you I lift up my eyes,
the one sitting in the heavens.
124 141 1.42 18.44 29.79 16.31 18.44 15.60 .00 A song of the ascents, of David.
Unless Yahweh had been for us,
May Israel say,
125 125 7.20 23.20 17.60 19.20 13.60 6.40 12.80 A song of the ascents.
Those trusting in Yahweh,
are like mount Zion. It will not be moved. Forever it will persist.
126 120 9.17 19.17 28.33 12.50 15.83 6.67 8.33 A song of the ascents.
When Yahweh turned the captivity of Zion,
we became like dreamers.
C - 127:1 is one of 37 verses in the poetry (28 in the psalms) whose musical phrase ends 'C e '
127 121 3.31 22.31 18.18 4.96 10.74 17.36 23.14 A song of the ascents, of Solomon.
If Yahweh does not build a house, in vain its builders toil in it.
If Yahweh does not keep a city, in vain the vigilant keeps watch.
128 114 1.75 19.30 21.93 14.91 23.68 16.67 1.75 A song of the ascents.
Happy all who fear Yahweh,
who walk in his ways.

129 126 .00 18.25 18.25 19.05 19.84 17.46 7.14 A song of the ascents.
Exceedingly they troubled me from my youth,
may Israel say.
A - unique incipit to rest on A rather than f#
130 133 2.26 18.80 24.81 12.03 28.57 13.53 .00 A song of the ascents.
From the valleys I call to you Yahweh.
131 76 .00 15.79 13.16 26.32 15.79 13.16 15.79 A song of the ascents, Of David.
Yahweh not haughty is my heart nor exalted my eyes,
nor do I walk in great things or in wonders beyond me.
132 322 1.55 23.91 22.67 9.94 30.43 10.87 .62 A song of the ascents.
Yahweh, remember David,
with all his afflictions.
133 78 2.56 25.64 19.23 15.38 15.38 6.41 15.38 A song of the ascents, of David.
Here! How fine and how pleasant it is,
for kin to sit as one.
e = A
134 59 .00 25.42 22.03 13.56 25.42 8.47 5.08 A song of the ascents.
Here! bless Yahweh, all servants of Yahweh,
those standing in the house of Yahweh in the nights.
A - psalms beginning with halleluiah: 106, 111, 112, 113, 146-150
135 385 .52 14.29 15.58 15.32 26.23 21.04 7.01 Hallelu Yah. Praise the name of Yahweh.
Praise O servants of Yahweh,
136 400 .00 14.25 1.00 42.25 7.75 33.50 1.25 Give thanks to Yahweh because it is good,
because forever is his kindness.

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