Saturday 19 June 2021

Starting Psalms 10

Christopher Page says that HP does not have a happy cheery view of life. Ha- ha indeed. :)

We can see our destructive behaviour so clearly these days. Far more of us have become aware of how we exploit transient labour and how we take for granted the essential workers. I grant that we have little control over their working circumstances.

See this article in the Atlantic for instance. 

As you may know, I have written a cantata on the book of Jonah based on the music embedded in the Hebrew text. It is about 20 minutes long. It amazes me how suitable these given melodies were to the English words.

Jonah threatens Nineveh (Cargill) whose evil had come up in Yahweh's face - in your face as the current saying goes, Nineveh is to be 'changed' (not 'destroyed' but 'changed' as in the threat today of 'climate change'). And the king pays attention and all his advisors, and they fast, and so do the animals, and Yahweh changes his mind to Jonah's horror. 

I won't draw any conclusion, because the book of Jonah doesn't, but the story might get the world to change - who is the king who will remove their majestic garments and put on sackcloth for the benefit of his subjects and all the cattle as well?

For more on Jonah and climate change and a link to the cantata, see this post. On writing the cantata, see this post.

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