Wednesday 9 October 2024


Note that every book in its own pdf is available from this post. There is more variety here than in other large prose books so far. 
Chapter Syllables Max
c d e f g# A B C
1868181.84 4.84 13.36 13.48 17.97 12.10 27.19 9.22The vision of Isaiah, child of Amoz which he gazed on about Judah and Jerusalem,
in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, kings of Judah.
2617331.13 1.13 17.18 8.91 22.04 11.02 26.90 11.67The word that Isaiah child of Amoz gazed on,
about Judah and Jerusalem.
364214.78 1.40 22.59 11.99 19.63 11.21 19.63 12.77For behold the Lord Yahweh of hosts puts aside from Jerusalem and from Judah staff and buttress,
everything to lean on, bread and the whole staff of water:
4216170 1.85 12.04 11.11 14.81 10.65 37.04 12.50And seven women will be resolved on one man in that day, saying, Our bread we will eat and with our shawl we will be clothed,
but let your name be called over us to gather our reproach. S
5933141.82 5.25 17.26 16.51 16.93 10.93 18.54 12.75I will sing, if you will, for my beloved, a song of my beloved for his vineyard.
A vineyard there is for my beloved against an intensely bright destiny of density.
6446232.02 3.81 17.49 14.35 16.59 10.99 26.46 8.30In the year of the death of the king Uzziah, and I saw my Lord sitting on a throne exalted and lifted up,
and his skirts filled the temple.
778721.51 2.67 19.70 14.10 15.12 10.80 27.57 9.53It was in the days of Ahaz, child of Jotham, child of Uzziah king of Judah, Rezin king of Aram went up, and Peqach child of Remalia, king of Israel, to Jerusalem to make war on her,
but he was not able to fight against her.
8700241.29 1.71 17.00 9.14 17.43 11.43 30.57 11.43And said Yahweh to me, Take for yourself a great plaque,
and write on it with a mortal's engraving tool, to Swift-Spoil-Hurried-Loot.
960114.83 2.66 15.97 14.31 17.80 13.48 24.63 10.32The people who walk in the darkness have seen a great light.
Those sitting in the land of the shadow of death, light has illuminated them.
1096415.73 2.49 17.63 14.63 18.88 12.66 17.22 15.77Alas, the lawgivers of mischievous prescription,
and those who inscribe their inscriptions for misery,
1153622.56 .75 15.86 13.62 15.49 10.26 26.87 16.60And a twig will emerge from the stump of Jesse,
and a scion from its roots will be fruitful.
1214472.78 1.39 27.08 15.28 19.44 9.72 18.06 6.25And you will say in that day, I will give you thanks, Yahweh, that you were angry against me.
Your anger turns and you comfort me.
13592100 .84 15.88 13.51 19.93 13.51 18.58 17.74A load about Babel,
that Isaiah child of Amoz gazed on.
14902121.11 3.99 18.40 15.19 18.96 12.31 17.96 12.08For Yahweh will nurture Jacob, and he will still chose Israel, and comfort them on their ground.
The guest will be allied over them, and they will co-inhere over the house of Jacob.
15269123.72 3.35 13.75 10.41 16.73 13.75 23.05 15.24A load about Moab,
for in the night Ar is devastated, Moab is muted, for in the night Qyr is devastated, Moab is muted.
16422134.5 9.00 16.11 10.90 14.69 9.00 25.36 10.43Send a butting lamb to the governor of earth from Sela toward the wilderness,
to the hill of the daughter of Zion.
1745310.88 1.99 17.00 13.25 15.89 11.26 26.27 13.47A load about Damascus.
Behold Damascus, put aside as a city and she is perversely fallen.
18268190 1.12 19.40 14.18 11.94 7.09 22.76 23.51Alas, land of tingling wings,
from beyond the rivers of Cush,
19804261 3.61 16.92 13.31 17.79 11.32 23.63 12.44A load about Egypt.
Behold Yahweh rides upon a thick cloud, fleet, and will come to Egypt, and will totter the good for nothings of Egypt before his face, and the heart of Egypt will melt within it.
20223220 2.24 16.14 10.76 12.11 10.76 36.77 11.21In the year the field marshall came to Ashdod, when Sargon king of Ashur sent him,
and fought against Ashdod and conquered it,
21457161.97 3.28 12.04 13.57 18.60 9.85 26.04 14.66A load about the wilderness of the sea.
As storm-winds in the south renew, from the wilderness one comes from a fearful land.
22738171.36 3.66 15.85 13.01 16.67 15.31 27.24 6.91A load about the gorge of vision.
What is it to you here that you went up, all of you, to the housetops?
23483130 2.48 15.32 11.39 21.12 10.14 26.71 12.84A load about Tyre,
Howl, O ships of Tarshish, for you are devastated of house, of entry. From the land of Kittim it was disclosed to them.
24588171.02 2.55 18.37 13.10 20.24 13.44 18.71 12.59Behold, Yahweh has evacuated the land, and depopulated her,
and made her face wretched, and dispersed her inhabitants.
2537514.53 3.73 16.27 18.67 16.80 9.60 18.40 16.00Yahweh, my God you are, I will exalt you. I will give thanks to your name, for you have done wonders,
advice from afar, dependable faithfulness.
2654110.74 1.66 13.49 15.71 22.00 12.94 16.27 17.19In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah,
A strong city we have. He will set salvation as ramparts and bulwark.
27426221.88 3.29 16.20 16.67 16.20 7.98 28.17 9.62In that day Yahweh will visit with his sword, the intransigent, and the great, and the courageous, against Leviathan, the snake that runs away, and against Leviathan, the snake of crooked ways,
and he will slay the dragon that is in the sea. S
28894281.57 2.91 18.79 10.29 16.55 11.74 26.06 12.08Ah, the crown of the pride of the drunkards of Ephraim, a blossom withering is the estate of his adornment,
that was over the head of the gorge of stout things, smitten with wine.
2980417.87 4.73 18.16 12.06 15.30 11.19 24.13 13.56Alas, Ariel, Ariel, the town of the camp of David,
let them snatch, year in year out, let them strike festive sacrifices.
30112826.71 2.13 18.53 12.77 15.43 10.20 28.10 12.15Ah rebellious children, an oracle of Yahweh, to do counsel, but not from me, to spill out a libation, but not my spirit,
so as to add sin on sin.
31345210 2.03 13.33 15.94 10.72 11.59 33.62 12.75Alas for those who go down to Egypt for help. On horses they lean,
and they trust in chariot for abundance, and in cavalry for they are very numerous, but they do not look on the Holy One of Israel, and Yahweh they do not search out.
32478110 1.67 20.71 12.97 23.22 14.02 16.53 10.88Lo, for righteousness a sovereign will reign,
and re nobility, they will influence for judgment.
33623190 .48 10.75 15.41 18.14 13.00 21.19 21.03Ah devastator, and you were not devastated, and treacherous, and they were not treacherous in it.
As you complete devastation, you will be devastated. As you finish with treachery, they will be treacherous with you. S
34532120 1.50 12.97 12.41 19.17 10.90 18.23 24.81Come near nations to hear, and tribes attend.
Let the land hear and its fullness, the world and all emerging from it.
3531110.96 3.54 23.15 12.54 18.33 8.04 10.61 22.83Wilderness will sing for joy for them, and arid place,
and steppe will rejoice and flourish like a crocus.
36903261.77 4.43 17.72 11.96 12.85 9.86 26.14 15.28It was the fourteenth year of the reign of Hezekiah that Senacherib king of Ashur came up to all the cities of Judah enclosed and occupied them.
371370181.61 4.09 18.10 11.09 15.33 11.02 29.20 9.56And it happened when the king Hezekiah heard, that he ripped his garments.
And he covered himself with sackcloth, and entered the house of Yahweh.
38653181.84 3.68 17.00 12.71 18.84 11.33 27.26 7.35In days those Hezekiah was ill to the point of death,
and Isaiah child of Amoz the prophet came to him, saying to him, Thus says Yahweh, Set in order your house for you will die and not live.
39353443.68 5.95 17.00 12.46 13.31 9.92 34.28 3.40At that time Merodok-Baladan child of Baladan king of Babel sent correspondence and a gift to Hezekiah,
for he had heard that he was ill but was resolute.
40837140 .84 16.61 12.07 19.35 13.26 19.83 18.04Comfort, comfort, my people,
says your God.
4187212.34 1.61 13.42 14.45 17.89 11.47 21.79 19.04Be silent for me, coasts, and let tribes renew power.
Let them come close, then let them speak, and as one for lessons in judgment, let us come near.
4269917.72 1.29 13.73 13.45 18.60 15.74 18.17 18.31Lo, my servant. I will maintain him. My chosen, my very self accepts.
I have given my spirit to him. The judgment of the nations, he will bring forth.
4379417.76 1.39 19.90 11.34 17.00 11.84 17.88 19.90So now, thus says Yahweh who created you, O Jacob, and who fashioned you, O Israel,
Do not fear, for I have redeemed you. I have called in your name. Mine, you are.
4494825.42 2.11 13.92 9.07 16.24 13.08 20.25 24.89So now hear, Jacob, my servant,
and Israel. I have chosen in him.
45851161.41 2.82 18.57 12.57 14.45 8.46 30.20 11.52Thus says Yahweh to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have made resolute, to wrap nations before him. And the loins of sovereigns I will loose,
to open before him portals and gates. They will not be latched.
46373140 .00 14.21 8.58 18.77 15.82 23.59 19.03Bel bows down. Nebo ducks. Their idols are on an animal or a beast.
Your carts are onerous, a load for the exhausted.
47498151.61 2.61 14.66 14.06 15.86 10.24 26.71 14.26Come down, and sit on dust, virgin daughter of Babel. Sit on the earth without a throne, daughter of the Chaldeans,
for not again will they proclaim you tender and delicate.
48649141.69 2.47 14.33 12.17 17.72 12.33 19.41 19.88Hear this, O house of Jacob, who are called by the name of Israel, and from the waters of Judah, emerged,
who swear in the name of Yahweh, and in the God of Israel, they remember, not in truth and not in righteousness.
49908170 .00 16.41 11.78 16.30 12.67 25.77 17.07Pay heed, coasts, to me and attend, you tribes from afar,
Yahweh from a belly called me. From the inner parts of my mother, he remembered my name.
5038612.52 1.04 17.88 10.62 13.21 6.22 34.97 15.54Thus says Yahweh, Where is the record of the cutting off of your mother, whom I have dismissed? or to whom among my creditors have I sold you?
Lo, in your iniquities you sold yourselves, and in your transgressions your mother was dismissed.
51810311.73 2.84 19.38 10.49 15.19 9.88 25.43 15.06Hear me pursuers of righteousness, seekers of Yahweh,
Take note to the rock from which you are hewn and to the drilled pit from which you were quarried.
52446162.02 4.71 15.70 14.35 16.37 9.42 16.59 20.85Be roused, be roused, be clothed with your strength, Zion.
Be clothed with the garments of your adornment, Jerusalem, city of holiness, for not again will the fore-skinned or the unclean come into you any more.
53405200 1.23 17.28 11.85 15.31 9.88 26.17 18.27Who believes what we heard?
And the arm of Yahweh, to whom disclosed?
54535132.99 3.93 15.33 16.07 17.57 14.95 17.20 11.96Shout for joy, O barren who has not given birth.
Erupt in a shout of joy and be bright, she who has not writhed in birth, for in abundance are the children of the desolate over the children of the married, says Yahweh.
55453210 .88 14.57 11.92 16.34 8.39 22.74 25.17Ho! all thirsty, come to the water, even those without their money.
Come, break, and eat. And come, break even without money, even without price, wine and milk.
56413161.69 2.18 17.19 8.72 15.50 9.93 26.39 18.40Thus says Yahweh, Keep judgment and do righteousness,
because my salvation is near to come and my righteousness to be disclosed.
5760613.83 1.16 16.17 18.15 19.31 13.04 18.65 12.71The righteous one perishes and there is no one to set it to heart,
and others of kindness are gathered, and there are none discerning that from the presence of the evil the righteous one is gathered.
58565160 .53 12.92 10.80 12.74 13.45 20.53 29.03Proclaim aloud. Do not keep back. Like a shophar, lift high your voice,
and make clear to my people their transgression, and to the house of Jacob, their sin.
59718161.11 .97 19.08 9.47 16.57 9.33 16.43 27.02Lo, not shortened is the hand of Yahweh to save,
and not heavy is his ear to hear.
60735122.31 2.04 15.10 12.93 15.92 10.88 19.86 20.95Arise, be light, for your light has come,
and the glory of Yahweh over you is risen.
6140817.49 1.23 10.54 6.62 14.46 9.31 29.90 27.45The spirit of my Lord Yahweh is upon me,
because Yahweh anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted. He sent me to bandage the broken of heart, to proclaim to the captives, liberty, and to the bound, opening of prison.
62401192.24 3.24 17.46 9.73 15.96 11.47 19.20 20.70For the sake of Zion I will not be calm, and for the sake of Jerusalem, I will not be quiet,
until her righteousness comes forth as illumination, and her salvation as a torch that is kindled.
63592130 2.87 16.05 16.05 15.88 9.12 22.80 17.23Who is this coming from Edom, leavened garments from Bozrah, this, honoured in his clothing, stooped by the abundance of his power?
I who speak in righteousness, abundant to save.
64331131.21 .00 19.64 13.29 19.34 11.18 17.82 17.52As incandescent fire sizzles, fire makes water simmer, to make known your name to your foes.
From your presence, nations shudder,
65873152.75 2.52 21.53 9.74 15.58 7.67 25.09 15.12I was searched out, but they had not asked. I was found, but they had not sought.
I said, Behold me, behold me, with a nation not called by my name.
66930382.26 4.52 18.06 10.97 15.48 9.89 27.42 11.40Thus says Yahweh, The heavens my throne, and the earth my footstool,
where is this house that you will build for me, and where is this place of my rest?

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