Sunday 6 October 2024


I have decided to continue examining all 24 books in this summary format. I want to identify those chapters that stand out because they do not have the dominant as tenor. Then ask why? In Exodus, the dominant is dominant and there are a few chapters with the e as tenor. The tonic e is the second most frequent as tenor in the prose books.

Who knows what else might turn up? No one has done any such analysis before as far as I am aware.
Note that every book in its own pdf is available from this post.
Chapter Syllables Max
c d e f g# A B C
1 585 14 2.74 3.93 20.85 12.99 18.80 9.57 20.68 10.43 And these are the names of the children of Israel when they came toward Egypt,
with Jacob, each person and his household came.
2 800 16 1.38 2.75 15.13 11.38 17.63 11.63 26.13 14.00 And there went a man of the house of Levi,
and he took a daughter of Levi.
3 958 21 .63 4.80 16.49 10.75 12.73 11.48 29.54 13.57 And Moses was tending the sheep of Jethro his father-in-law, a priest of Midian,
and he drove the flock behind the wilderness and came to the hill of the gods toward Horeb.
4 1062 20 1.51 2.64 22.32 11.39 15.16 9.04 25.71 12.24 And Moses answered and he said, But lo, they will not believe me, and they will not hear my voice,
for they will say, Yahweh has not appeared to you.
5 746 31 3.35 4.29 17.16 11.26 16.49 8.98 26.41 12.06 And after Moses and Aaron came, and they said to Pharaoh,
Thus says Yahweh the God of Israel, Send out my people that they may make a festival to me in the wilderness.
6 948 31 2.53 3.69 20.46 13.50 17.62 7.70 25.21 9.28 And Yahweh said to Moses, Now you will see what I will make of Pharaoh,
for by a resolute hand he will send them out, and with a resolute hand he will expel them from his land. S
7 996 21 1.41 4.82 18.98 11.85 16.16 12.15 21.89 12.75 And Yahweh said to Moses, See, I have made you God to Pharaoh,
and Aaron your brother is your prophet.
8 1038 25 .87 3.08 16.38 12.43 15.41 11.85 26.20 13.78 And Yahweh said to Moses, Say to Aaron, Stretch out your hand with your rod over the rivers, over the canals, and over the pools,
and make the frogs ascend over the land of Egypt.
9 1210 17 .91 5.04 18.84 11.98 15.62 12.56 22.98 12.07 And Yahweh said to Moses, Go in to Pharaoh,
and speak to him, Thus says Yahweh the God of the Hebrews, send my people out that they may serve me.
10 1100 29 .64 3.27 20.73 12.09 13.73 8.64 30.00 10.91 And Yahweh said to Moses, Go in to Pharaoh,
for I have myself made his heart heavy, and the heart of his servants, in order to set these my signs within him,
11 390 18 .51 4.10 15.38 11.03 13.59 10.26 32.56 12.56 And Yahweh said to Moses, one further touch I will bring on Pharaoh and on Egypt. After such he will send you out from this.
When he dismisses, consumed, he will expel you from this.
12 1720 22 1.63 5.47 18.60 14.59 14.65 10.00 22.85 12.21 And Yahweh said to Moses and to Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying,
13 761 30 1.58 6.04 21.42 10.38 14.45 10.51 23.52 12.09 And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
14 1132 19 1.24 1.94 20.14 8.57 16.34 10.60 26.86 14.31 And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
15 757 19 2.38 3.43 20.74 14.93 16.51 9.91 15.59 16.51 Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this particular song to Yahweh and they said, saying,
I will sing to Yahweh, for pride is proud. Horse and its rider he has deceived in the sea.
16 1261 19 2.14 3.49 19.11 11.34 14.83 9.75 25.38 13.96 And they pulled out from Elim, and all the assembly of the children of Israel came to the wilderness of Sin that is between Elim and Sinai,
on the fifteenth day of the second month of their emergence from the land of Egypt.
17 578 16 1.56 5.19 18.34 12.11 15.05 10.73 19.55 17.47 And all the assembly of the children of Israel pulled out from the wilderness of Sin for their migrations at the mandate of Yahweh,
and they camped in Rephidim and there was no water to imbibe for the people.
18 947 25 .74 4.44 15.84 13.31 15.95 10.45 22.70 16.58 When Jethro, a priest of Midian, father-in-law of Moses, heard all that God had done for Moses and for Israel with him,
that Yahweh brought out Israel from Egypt,
19 834 15 2.88 4.20 16.43 13.67 16.43 9.83 22.30 14.27 In the third month of the coming out of the children of Israel from the land of Egypt,
on this day, they entered the wilderness of Sinai.
20 734 26 1.91 4.77 20.84 11.31 15.26 8.58 26.84 10.49 And God spoke all these words, saying, S
21 951 15 .74 4.52 18.82 16.40 15.67 11.36 22.50 9.99 And these are the judgments that you will put before them.
22 770 22 .78 4.42 22.99 17.79 19.35 8.70 16.75 9.22 If one who digs hard is found stealing and is struck and dies,
there is no bloodshed for him.
23 963 30 1.77 3.53 18.07 12.67 17.55 10.49 25.75 10.18 You will not bear a report worth nothing.
You will not set your hand with one who is wicked to be a violent witness.
24 601 18 1 2.83 15.14 13.64 16.64 13.31 25.46 11.98 And to Moses he said, Ascend to Yahweh, you and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel,
and worship from a distance.
25 1119 28 2.14 3.57 18.14 13.32 18.32 12.24 23.15 9.12 And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
26 1274 24 1.57 1.88 18.29 11.07 15.62 11.85 27.55 12.17 And the dwelling, you will construct with ten curtains,
of fine twined linen and amethyst, and purple, and crimson scarlet. Cherubim to interleave with a damask, you will construct with them.
27 697 23 2.3 4.73 21.66 9.18 14.49 11.76 26.54 9.33 And you will make the altar of acacia lumber.
Five cubits, length, five cubits, breadth, a square the altar will be. Three cubits, its height.
28 1454 22 3.09 4.88 18.29 11.35 16.16 13.55 24.28 8.39 And you, bring near with you, Aaron your brother and his children with him from among the children of Israel, to be priest to me,
Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, the children of Aaron.
29 1594 38 1.94 4.08 18.95 11.92 15.62 11.79 22.77 12.92 And this is the thing that you will do to them to sanctify them to serve as priests to me,
take one young bull of the herd, two rams, complete,
30 1123 22 1.87 4.72 18.79 12.73 19.06 11.22 23.42 8.19 And you will construct an altar for burning the smoke of incense.
With acacia lumber you will make it.
31 540 17 2.96 5.56 17.22 15.93 19.63 10.19 22.96 5.56 And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
32 1296 20 .77 1.00 19.68 13.12 14.66 9.88 25.46 15.43 And the people saw that Moses was reticent to descend from the hill.
And the people convened against Aaron, and they said to him, Arise. Make for us a God who will walk before us, for this Moses, the man, who brought us up from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.
33 831 23 .72 2.53 24.67 8.90 13.48 14.44 18.53 16.73 And Yahweh spoke to Moses, Go and ascend from this, you and the people whom you have brought up from the land of Egypt,
to the land that I swore to Abraham, to Yitschaq, and to Jacob, saying, To your seed I will give it.
34 1227 26 .81 2.44 16.87 14.10 15.73 11.08 23.63 15.32 And Yahweh said to Moses, Sculpt your two tablets of stone like the first,
and I will write upon the tablets the things that were upon the former tablets that you broke.
35 1060 23 3.4 6.32 16.70 12.08 19.81 14.34 20.09 7.26 And Moses convened all the assembly of the children of Israel, and he said to them,
These are the things that Yahweh commanded you to do.
36 1287 27 1.94 3.81 15.77 11.73 15.70 9.79 30.46 10.80 So Betsalel and Aholiab constructed, and every person wise of heart in whom Yahweh gave wisdom and acumen, to know how to do all the lines of work of the service of the sanctuary,
for all that Yahweh commanded.
37 890 28 1.46 4.38 14.27 13.26 16.63 12.58 24.83 12.58 And Betsalel made the ark of acacia lumber,
two cubits and a half, its length, and a cubit and a half, its breadth, and a cubit and a half, its height.
38 1045 23 4.4 6.32 18.09 11.67 13.88 12.44 22.30 10.91 And he constructed the altar of the burnt offering, acacia lumber,
five cubits its length, five cubits its breadth, a square, three cubits its height.
39 1344 20 2.6 5.95 19.72 11.68 16.89 12.05 23.66 7.44 And from the amethyst and the purple, and the crimson scarlet, they made pleated garments to minister in the sanctuary,
and they made the garments of the sanctuary that are for Aaron, as Yahweh commanded Moses. P
40 1022 25 1.27 6.07 22.21 12.43 20.65 13.60 18.20 5.58 And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,

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