Thursday 24 October 2024

Psalm 3

The music in these posts is entirely derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here

Psalm 3: Syllables 162 Longest recitation 10 Tenor e  19.75%
Verse 1 bi-colon-A -- the incipit and inscription are both still part of the psalm; Verse 2 bi-colon-A; Verse 3 bi-colon-f#; note the g on lo, take it up a fifth instead of down a fourth if you find it easy. It suits the drama of the words. Verses, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 are bi-cola-A. Verse 6, tri-colon. The shortness of the phrase from f# to A is striking. The poet awakes and is at rest.

This psalm has a low tenor but several high C's, approximately 15% of the recitation is on C. (The specific summary post(s) for any book will give this information if you are ever looking for it.) C is a note of appeal or grief.

Selah is part of the song too! We can all be Flute in the Midsummer Night's Dream (Act III:1.910), and sing the cues -- (if indeed that's what they are).

A performance of psalm 3 is available here. The notes in the performance are quite different from the music above. I reviewed the Aleppo text against the above. It is identical. None of the changes in the Letteris edition used by the performer that return the melody to the tonic mid-verse are in the Aleppo Codex.

Now that we know this is music and not punctuation, let's get to the clearest and most expressive melody. As I do these psalms, I have it on my process to check all suspicious looking premature returns to the tonic.

1 A psalm of David,
when he ran away from the face of Absalom his son.
א מזמ֥ור לדו֑ד
ב֝ברח֗ו מפנ֤י אבשל֬ום בנֽו
a mzmor ldvid
bborko mpni abwlom bno
2 ♪g Yahweh, how multiplied my straits!
Many arise over me.
ב י֭הוה מֽה־רב֣ו צר֑י
ר֝ב֗ים קמ֥ים עלֽי
b ihvh mh-rbu xrii
rbim qmim ylii
3 Many say of me,
There is no salvation for him in God. Selah.
ג רבים֮ אמר֪ים לנ֫פש֥י
א֤ין יֽשוע֓תה ל֬ו בֽאלה֬ים סֽלה


g rbim aomrim lnpwi
ain iwuyth lo balohim slh

4 But you, Yahweh, a shield about me,
my glory, and lifting high my head.
ד ואת֣ה י֭הוה מג֣ן בעד֑י
כ֝בוד֗י ומר֥ים ראשֽי
d vath ihvh mgn bydi
cbodi umrim rawi
5 ♪g My voice, to Yahweh I call,
and he answers me from his holy hill. Selah.
ה ק֭ולי אל־יהו֣ה אקר֑א
ויֽענ֨ני מה֖ר קדש֣ו סֽלה
h qoli al-ihvh aqra
viynni mhr qodwo slh
6 I lie down and I sleep.
I awake,
for Yahweh supports me.
ו אנ֥י שכ֗בתי וֽא֫יש֥נה
כ֖י יהו֣ה יסמכֽני


v ani wcbti vaiwnh
ci ihvh ismcni

7 I will not fear the multiplicity of people,
that surround set over me.
ז לֽא־א֭ירא מרבב֥ות ע֑ם
אש֥ר ס֝ב֗יב ש֣תו עלֽי
z la-aira mrbbot ym
awr sbib wtu ylii
8 ♪~ Arise Yahweh. Save me my God for you strike all my enemies on the cheek.
The teeth of the wicked you break.
ח ק֘ומ֤ה יהו֨ה הוש֘יע֤ני אלה֗י כֽי־הכ֣ית את־כל־איב֣י ל֑חי
שנ֖י רשע֣ים שבֽרת
k qumh ihvh howiyni alohii ci-hcit at-cl-aoibii lki
wini rwyim wibrt
9 Of Yahweh is the salvation.
On your people your blessing. Selah.
ט ליהו֥ה הישוע֑ה
עֽל־עמך֖ ברכת֣ך סֽלה
T lihvh hiwuyh
yl-ymç brctç slh

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