Monday 14 December 2020

Biblical Hebrew Roots - cm-ct

A sampling of what is in this section: another preposition like c by itself but stand-alone, such and so / indeed, and its homonym gnat, storeroom, bring to heel / subdue, wing / hem, harp, throne, cover, folly / dullard, silver / money, grieve, palm, cover / ark-cover / cover-price / young lion, cr, cherub, vineyard / Carmi / Carmel plantation, limb / bow down, basin / talent, cut, stumble, sorcery, write / inscribe, fine gold, coat, shoulder, encircle / diadem, beat.

cmh Love vcmh1 וְכַמָּ֥הand what isZec 2:6(13)
cmh1 כָּמַ֣הּpinesPsa 63:2(8)
cmhm Location cmhm1 כִּמְהָ֔םKimhamJer 41:17(4)
Person vcmhn1 וְכִמְהָ֖ןand Kimham2Sa 19:41(4)
cmhm2 כִמְהָ֗םKimham2Sa 19:38(12)
כִּמְהָ֔םKimham2Sa 19:39(5)
cmv Prep ucmo2 וּכְמ֥וֹand asIsa 41:25(12)
וּכְמוֹ֙and asGen 19:15(1)
vcmohu2 וְכָמֹ֖הוּand its likeExo 11:6(11)
וְכָמֹהוּ֩and like him2Kgs 23:25(1)
cmo55 כְמ֑וֹthis is howPsa 73:15(4)
כְמוֹasExo 15:8(6) Jer 50:26(7) Psa 90:9(8) Lam 4:6(8)
כְמוֹas ifZec 10:2(16) Job 19:22(3)
כְמוֹlikePsa 58:8(2) Job 6:15(3) Job 40:17(3)
כְּֽמוֹlikePsa 140:4(3)
כְּמ֖וֹlikeIsa 26:18(3) Jer 13:21(15)
כְּמ֗וֹasEze 16:57(4)
כְּמ֣וֹasPsa 58:9(1) Job 38:14(5)
כְּמ֣וֹas whenPsa 58:8(8)
כְּמ֣וֹlikeIsa 30:22(11) Jer 15:18(12) Hos 7:4(3) Psa 29:6(6) Song 7:2(9)
כְּמ֤וֹasPsa 63:6(1) Psa 88:6(3) Psa 141:7(1)
כְּמ֤וֹlikeIsa 26:17(1)
כְּמ֥וֹasZec 10:8(7)
כְּמ֥וֹlikePsa 92:8(3) Job 10:22(3)
כְּמוֹare asPsa 61:7(7)
כְּמוֹasExo 15:5(5) Hos 8:12(5) Psa 58:5(6) Psa 78:13(6) Psa 78:69(2) Job 41:24(3) Neh 9:11(12)
כְּמוֹas ifZec 9:15(11) Zec 10:7(6)
כְּמוֹlikeIsa 41:25(10) Isa 51:6(16) Hos 13:7(3) Psa 29:6(2) Psa 58:10(5) Psa 58:10(7) Psa 79:5(7) Psa 89:47(7) Pro 23:7(2) Job 10:22(9) Job 14:9(6) Job 28:5(7) Job 31:37(4) Song 6:10(4)
כְּמוֹwas as ifHab 3:14(8)
כְּמוֹwho is likeJob 12:3(12)
cmoh4 כָמ֖וֹהָits likeExo 30:38(4)
כָּמ֖וֹהָlike her1Sa 21:10(29)
כָּמ֣וֹהָaccording to itZec 5:3(14)
כָּמ֥וֹהָaccording to itZec 5:3(19)
cmohu22 כָמֹ֖הוּits likeEze 5:9(11)
כָמֹ֗הוּhis like2Kgs 18:5(8)
כָמֹ֙הוּ֙its likeExo 9:18(11) Exo 9:24(12)
כָמֹ֛הוּas itHag 2:3(17)
כָמֹ֣הוּlike himJob 36:22(6)
כָּמֹ֑הוּits likeExo 30:32(9)
כָּמֹ֑הוּlike itDeu 7:26(8) Jer 30:7(7)
כָּמֹ֔הוּits likeExo 30:33(4)
כָּמֹ֔הוּlike itExo 10:14(18)
כָּמֹ֖הוּlike him1Sa 10:24(13)
כָּמֹ֗הוּlike himNeh 13:26(13)
כָּמֹ֗הוּsuch asJoe 2:2(14)
כָּמֹ֙הוּ֙like himJob 1:8(12)
כָּמֹ֙הוּ֙like it2Ch 35:18(4)
כָּמֹ֙הוּ֙such asExo 11:6(8)
כָּמֹ֜הוּlike himJob 2:3(12)
כָּמֹ֥הוּlike hisJob 40:9(6)
כָּמֹֽהוּhis like2Kgs 23:25(22)
כָּמֹֽהוּlike hisNum 23:10(15)
כָּמֹֽהוּlike itDeu 4:32(28)
cmohm3 כְמוֹהֶ֔םlike themJdg 8:18(13)
כְּ֭מוֹהֶםlike themPsa 115:8(1) Psa 135:18(1)
cmoç31 ־כָֽמ֖וֹךָis like youPsa 89:9(5)
־כָמֹ֤כָהis like youExo 15:11(2)
־כָּמ֖וֹךָlike youPsa 86:8(2)
־כָּמ֣וֹךָlike you1Kgs 8:23(6) 2Ch 6:14(6)
־כָּמ֥וֹךָlike youJob 35:8(2)
כָ֫מ֥וֹךָis like youPsa 35:10(6)
כָמ֑וֹךָlike youPsa 50:21(7)
כָמ֖וֹךָyou are likeGen 44:18(18)
כָמ֗וֹךָis like youDeu 33:29(4)
כָמ֙וֹךָ֙is like you1Sa 26:15(9)
כָמ֙וֹךָ֙like you2Ch 18:3(16)
כָמ֛וֹךָlike you1Kgs 22:4(15) 2Kgs 3:7(20)
כָמ֥וֹךָlike you1Kgs 3:13(14)
כָמֽוֹךָis like youPsa 71:19(10)
כָּמֽ֑וֹךָas you doDeu 5:14(26)
כָּמ֑וֹךָas yourselfLev 19:18(10)
כָּמ֑וֹךָlike youDeu 18:18(6)
כָּמ֔וֹךָas yourselfLev 19:34(10)
כָּמ֔וֹךָlike you1Ch 17:20(3)
כָּמ֖וֹךָlike youJer 10:6(2)
כָּמ֗וֹךָlike you2Sa 7:22(8) Mic 7:18(3)
כָּמ֙וֹךָ֙like you1Kgs 3:12(11)
כָּמ֣וֹךָlike youJdg 8:18(12)
כָּמֹ֖כָהis like youExo 15:11(6)
כָּמֽוֹךָlike you1Kgs 3:12(18) Jer 10:7(16)
כָּמֽוֹךָso as you areGen 41:39(15)
כָּמוֹךָ֒like you1Kgs 13:18(6)
cmocm1 כְּֽמוֹכֶ֗םjust like youJob 12:3(4)
cmonu1 כָמ֖וֹנוּlike usIsa 14:10(8)
cmoni14 ־כָמ֣וֹנִיsuch as IIsa 44:7(2)
כָמ֙וֹנִי֙like meJer 49:19(19) Jer 50:44(19)
כָמ֛וֹנִיsuch as INeh 6:11(6)
כָמֽוֹנִיas I amLam 1:21(20)
כָמֽוֹנִיas I haveJdg 9:48(32)
כָּמ֙וֹנִי֙such as INeh 6:11(3)
כָּמ֣וֹנִיlike meIsa 38:19(5)
כָּמ֤וֹנִיlike me2Ch 18:3(15)
כָּמ֧וֹנִיlike me1Kgs 22:4(14) 2Kgs 3:7(19)
כָּמֹ֣נִיlike meJob 9:32(4)
כָּמֽוֹנִיlike me2Sa 9:8(11) Isa 46:9(11)
cnima4 כְּנֵ֖מָאlikewiseEzr 5:4(2) Ezr 5:9(5) Ezr 6:13(14)
כְּנֵֽמָאlikewiseEzr 4:8(13)
cmvw God vlcmow1 וְלִכְמוֹשׁ֙and for Kemosh2Kgs 23:13(19)
cmow4 ־כְּמ֑וֹשׁKemoshNum 21:29(6) Jer 48:46(6)
כְמוֹשׁ֙KemoshJer 48:7(10)
כְּמ֥וֹשׁKemoshJdg 11:24(5)
lcmow2 לִכְמוֹשׁ֙to Kemosh1Kgs 11:7(5) 1Kgs 11:33(8)
mcmow1 מִכְּמ֑וֹשׁof KemoshJer 48:13(3)
cmn Planting vcmon2 וְכַמֹּ֣ןand cuminIsa 28:25(7)
וְכַמֹּ֥ןand cuminIsa 28:27(15)
cmon1 ־כַּמֹּ֖ןcuminIsa 28:27(9)
cms Clothe umcnsi3 וּמִֽכְנְסֵיand breechesLev 6:3(5)
וּמִֽכְנְסֵיand breeches ofLev 16:4(5)
וּמִכְנְסֵ֣יand breeches ofEze 44:18(6)
mcnsi2 ־מִכְנְסֵ֥יbreeches ofExo 39:28(9)
מִכְנְסֵיbreeches ofExo 28:42(3)
Economy cmus1 כָּמֻ֣סstockedDeu 32:34(3)
cmr Sin bmcmoriv1 בְמַכְמֹרָ֣יוinto their own cravingsPsa 141:10(2)
bmcmrto1 בְּמִכְמַרְתּ֑וֹinto its own cravingsHab 1:15(7)
hcmrim2 ־הַכְּמָרִ֗יםthe ascetics2Kgs 23:5(3)
הַכְּמָרִ֖יםthose who craveZep 1:4(18)
ucmriv1 וּכְמָרָיו֙and its asceticsHos 10:5(11)
cmriri1 כִּֽמְרִ֥ירֵיeclipses ofJob 3:5(8)
lmcmrto1 לְמִכְמַרְתּ֑וֹto its own cravingsHab 1:16(6)
mcmr1 מִכְמָ֑רin feverIsa 51:20(8)
ncmru4 ־נִכְמְר֣וּwas fevered1Kgs 3:26(9)
־נִכְמְר֤וּwas feveredGen 43:30(4)
נִכְמְר֥וּfeveredHos 11:8(15)
נִכְמָ֔רוּfeveredLam 5:10(3)
Tool mcmort1 מִכְמֹ֛רֶתa dragnetIsa 19:8(9)
cn Conj ubcn2 וּבְכֵ֞ןand as suchEst 4:16(23)
וּבְכֵ֡ןand in such asEccl 8:10(1)
vcn41 וְ֠כֵןand so1Kgs 10:29(11) 2Ch 1:17(11)
וְכֵ֖ןand soExo 25:9(13) Eze 40:16(11) Hag 2:14(13) 1Ch 23:30(7) 2Ch 35:12(14)
וְכֵ֖ןand so for1Kgs 6:26(6)
וְכֵ֖ןand suchGen 34:7(20)
וְכֵ֞ןand thus2Ch 32:31(1)
וְכֵ֣ןו and soNah 1:12(6)
וְכֵ֣ןand soExo 1:12(6) Num 2:34(13) Deu 22:3(4) Deu 22:3(7) Jdg 7:17(5) 2Sa 12:31(15) 1Kgs 7:18(17) 1Kgs 11:8(1)
וְכֵ֣ןand thusDan 2:24(15) Dan 2:25(8) Dan 4:11(3)
וְכֵ֤ןand soExo 26:4(10) Lev 16:16(10) Eze 45:20(1)
וְכֵ֥ןand soNum 13:33(12) 2Sa 20:18(10) 1Kgs 6:33(1) Nah 1:12(8)
וְכֵ֧ןand soDeu 22:3(1) Eze 41:7(19)
וְכֵ֨ןand soExo 27:11(1) 1Sa 1:7(1) Zec 14:15(1)
וְכֵןand soHag 2:14(7)
וְכֵןand thusEzr 6:2(9)
וְכֵן֙and soJos 11:15(12) 1Ch 20:3(11)
וְכֵן֙and thusDan 6:7(8) Dan 7:5(15) Ezr 5:3(12)
cn526 ־כֵ֑ןis soJob 9:2(4)
־כֵ֑ןso1Sa 5:7(5) Jer 48:30(7)
־כֵ֑ןsuchGen 41:31(9)
־כֵ֔ן--Jer 34:11(3)
־כֵ֔ןso2Kgs 17:9(7)
־כֵ֔ןsuchNum 9:17(7) Jdg 16:4(3) 1Sa 24:6(3) 2Sa 8:1(3) 2Sa 10:1(3) 2Sa 21:18(3) 2Kgs 6:24(3) 1Ch 18:1(3) 1Ch 19:1(3)
־כֵ֕ןsoJdg 6:38(2)
־כֵ֕ןsuchExo 11:1(14)
־כֵ֖ןsoExo 16:17(2) Lev 8:35(16) Lev 10:13(13) Num 12:7(2) 1Sa 9:13(21) 2Sa 3:9(14) 2Sa 24:10(6) Est 3:2(11)
־כֵ֖ןsuchExo 3:20(13) Exo 11:8(16) Lev 16:26(12) Lev 16:28(10)
־כֵ֖ןthus2Sa 18:14(4)
־כֵ֗ן--1Sa 24:9(4)
־כֵ֗ןindeedIsa 1:26(7)
־כֵ֗ןsoExo 8:13(2) Job 3:1(2)
־כֵ֗ןsuchGen 6:4(8) Num 4:15(14) Jos 8:34(2) 2Sa 2:1(3) Jer 16:16(9) Jer 49:6(2)
־כֵ֗ןsuch a thing2Sa 13:1(3)
־כֵ֗ןsuch thatJoe 3:1(3)
־כֵ֛ןsoExo 7:22(2)
־כֵ֛ןsuchJer 46:26(12)
־כֵ֞ןso thatAmo 5:14(8)
־כֵ֞ןsuchNum 8:22(2) 1Kgs 10:12(16)
־כֵ֡ןsuch2Ch 33:14(2)
־כֵ֣ןrightly2Kgs 7:9(6)
־כֵ֣ןsoGen 48:18(6) Jos 4:8(2) 2Sa 20:21(2) 1Kgs 13:9(2) Isa 10:7(7) Jer 8:6(4) Est 1:8(6)
־כֵ֣ןsuchIsa 10:7(3) Jer 21:7(2)
־כֵ֥ןis so2Sa 23:5(3)
־כֵ֥ןrightlyExo 34:32(2)
־כֵ֥ןsoExo 8:3(2) Isa 16:6(10) Jer 48:30(10) Psa 1:4(2) Psa 65:10(13) Job 9:35(6)
־כֵ֥ןsuchGen 15:14(9)
־כֵ֨ןsoExo 8:14(2)
־כֵ֭ןsoPsa 128:4(3)
־כֵֽןsoGen 1:7(17) Gen 1:9(13) Gen 1:11(20) Gen 1:15(9) Gen 1:24(14) Gen 1:30(21) Gen 42:20(11) Exo 14:4(17) 1Kgs 22:22(15) 2Kgs 15:12(17) Jer 23:10(18) Pro 15:7(8) 2Ch 18:21(15)
־כֵֽןsuch things2Sa 21:14(22)
־כֵֽןthus2Ch 32:23(15)
־כֵן֙soGen 45:21(2) Num 5:4(2) Jos 10:26(4) Jdg 21:23(2) 1Kgs 2:7(10) Est 6:10(13)
־כֵן֙suchGen 32:21(15) Num 8:15(2)
־כֵן֙such wasEst 1:13(7)
־כֵן֩soExo 7:20(2)
־כֵן֩suchGen 23:19(2)
־כֵן֮soEzr 10:16(2)
־כֵּ֔ןsuchGen 25:22(6)
־כֵּ֕ןsoGen 47:22(19)
־כֵּ֕ןthereforeEst 9:26(11)
־כֵּ֖ןsoDeu 12:30(20) 1Kgs 20:23(10) Isa 13:7(2) Isa 15:7(2) Isa 30:16(14) Isa 50:7(6) Isa 57:10(11) Job 32:6(13) Song 1:3(8) Neh 2:16(17) Neh 6:13(7)
־כֵּ֖ןthereforeIsa 25:3(2) Jer 31:3(9) Hos 13:6(7) Hab 1:15(9) Lam 1:8(5) Lam 3:24(6)
־כֵּ֖ןthusJer 51:7(13)
־כֵּ֗ןso2Sa 7:27(16) 1Kgs 9:9(21) Isa 15:4(9) Eze 22:4(15) Hos 4:13(16) Pro 6:15(2)
־כֵּ֗ןthereforeGen 21:31(2) Exo 5:8(18) Exo 20:11(20) Deu 5:15(16) 1Sa 23:28(10) 2Sa 5:20(17) Isa 17:10(10) Isa 21:3(2) Isa 24:6(2) Isa 24:6(10) Isa 59:9(2) Jer 31:20(16) Jer 48:11(17) Hos 6:5(2) Psa 42:7(6) 1Ch 14:11(17) 2Ch 16:7(22)
־כֵּ֛ןsoNum 21:27(2) Jer 20:11(6) Jer 48:36(15) Eze 7:20(11)
־כֵּ֛ןthereforeGen 19:22(13) Gen 29:35(11) Gen 30:6(12) Gen 33:17(11) Deu 19:7(2) 2Sa 22:50(2) Hab 1:4(15) Eccl 5:1(19) Neh 6:6(12)
־כֵּ֝֗ןsoJob 20:21(5)
־כֵּ֝֗ןthereforePsa 110:7(5) Psa 119:104(4) Psa 119:129(4) Job 6:3(7) Job 17:4(6)
־כֵּ֞ןsoGen 33:10(15) Deu 10:9(2) Isa 50:7(10) Jer 29:28(3) Jer 44:23(17) Jer 48:36(2) Est 9:19(2)
־כֵּ֞ןthereforeGen 11:9(2) Gen 50:11(15) Deu 15:11(8) Deu 15:15(11) Deu 24:18(11) Deu 24:22(8)
־כֵּ֠ןthereforeExo 16:29(8) Jos 7:26(14)
־כֵּ֡ןsoGen 32:33(2) Jer 38:4(12)
־כֵּ֡ןthereforeJdg 18:12(7) 1Sa 5:5(2) Isa 5:25(2) Isa 16:9(2) Eccl 8:11(9) Est 9:26(2) 2Ch 20:26(12)
־כֵּ֣ןit is soGen 43:11(6)
־כֵּ֣ןsoNum 10:31(8) Jos 14:14(2) Isa 30:16(8) Eze 42:6(10) Hos 4:3(2)
־כֵּ֣ןthereforeJdg 15:19(15) 1Sa 20:29(24) Hag 1:10(2) Psa 46:3(2)
־כֵּ֤ןindeedPsa 119:128(2)
־כֵּ֤ןsoJdg 6:22(14) Psa 1:5(2) Psa 25:8(5)
־כֵּ֤ןsuchNum 14:43(10)
־כֵּ֤ןthereforeGen 26:33(5) Lev 17:12(2) Psa 18:50(2) Psa 45:3(8) Psa 45:8(6)
־כֵּ֥ןsoGen 18:5(10) Gen 19:8(26) Gen 20:6(20) Gen 38:26(8) 2Sa 7:22(2) 2Sa 18:20(19) Jer 5:27(9) Jer 12:8(10) Eze 41:7(15)
־כֵּ֥ןthereforeGen 25:30(15) Gen 29:34(17) Gen 31:48(10) Exo 15:23(12) Isa 22:4(2) Isa 24:15(2) Jon 4:2(15) Psa 45:18(7) Job 9:22(4) Lam 3:21(6) 1Ch 11:7(5)
־כֵּ֨ןthereforeIsa 9:16(2)
־כֵּ֭ןsoPro 7:15(2) Job 22:10(2) Job 23:15(2) Job 34:27(3)
־כֵּ֭ןthereforePsa 119:127(2) Job 42:6(2)
־כֵּֽןsuchExo 10:14(22) Deu 15:17(14) 2Ch 1:12(20)
־כֵּן֙so1Sa 10:12(8) 1Sa 19:24(18) 1Sa 28:18(12) 2Sa 5:8(18) Isa 27:11(14) Jer 10:21(9) Zec 10:2(14) 1Ch 17:25(12) 2Ch 7:22(20)
־כֵּן֙thereforeGen 2:24(2) Gen 10:9(8) Gen 16:14(2) Gen 42:21(19) Exo 5:17(6) Num 18:24(14) Num 21:14(2) Isa 13:13(2) Isa 16:11(2) Jer 48:31(2) Eze 31:5(2) Amo 3:2(8) Hab 1:4(2) Hab 1:16(2)
־כֵּן֩soJer 5:6(2) Eze 44:12(13)
־כֵּן֩thereforeExo 13:15(18)
כֵ֑ןit soJer 5:31(10)
כֵ֔ןsoExo 7:10(7) Deu 12:31(3) Deu 18:14(15) Jos 10:23(2) Neh 5:15(24) 2Ch 8:14(25)
כֵ֔ןsuchGen 45:15(7) 2Kgs 2:10(11)
כֵ֔ןthus2Sa 3:28(4) 2Sa 15:1(3)
כֵ֖ןso1Sa 30:23(5)
כֵ֖ןsuchGen 29:26(5) 2Sa 13:12(10) 1Kgs 10:20(13) 2Ch 9:19(13)
כֵ֗ןsoExo 10:11(2)
כֵ֗ןsuch2Ch 1:12(13)
כֵ֜ןsuch thatZec 11:11(5)
כֵ֞ןsuchGen 25:26(2)
כֵ֤ןso thatExo 10:10(4)
כֵ֤ןsuchExo 10:14(16) Amo 4:5(8)
כֵ֨ןso2Sa 13:18(5) Psa 147:20(3)
כֵֽןsoJdg 2:17(25)
כֵןas suchIsa 33:23(5)
כֵּ֑ןsoJos 9:26(3) 2Kgs 7:20(3) Est 4:16(22)
כֵּ֑ןsuch1Ch 13:4(5)
כֵּ֔ןsoGen 29:28(3) Exo 8:20(3) Num 32:23(4) Deu 4:5(11) 1Sa 6:10(3) 2Sa 5:25(3) Isa 20:2(20) Est 9:14(4)
כֵּ֔ןsuchExo 8:22(6) Deu 12:4(3)
כֵּ֔ןthusJdg 12:6(11)
כֵּ֖ןrightlyGen 50:12(4)
כֵּ֖ןsoExo 6:9(3) Lev 4:20(7) Lev 24:19(8) Lev 24:20(14) Num 8:22(21) Num 14:28(12) Num 15:20(8) Deu 8:20(6) Jos 1:17(6) Jdg 6:40(3) Jdg 15:11(27) 1Sa 1:7(9) 2Sa 9:11(12) 2Sa 16:19(12) 1Kgs 1:37(7) 1Kgs 2:38(10) 1Kgs 22:12(4) Jer 6:7(4) Jer 28:6(5) Jer 39:12(14) Eze 22:22(5) Eze 34:12(9) Zec 1:6(22) Eccl 7:6(6) 2Ch 18:11(4)
כֵּ֖ןso isDeu 22:26(17)
כֵּ֖ןsuchDeu 12:22(8)
כֵּ֖ןsuch it wasJos 21:42(8)
כֵּ֖ןthereforeHab 1:17(2)
כֵּ֗ן--1Sa 10:5(2)
כֵּ֗ןrightlyNum 27:7(1)
כֵּ֗ןsoJos 2:4(8) Isa 31:4(23) Isa 31:5(3) Pro 1:19(1) Pro 6:29(1)
כֵּ֗ןso areJob 8:13(1)
כֵּ֚ןindeedIsa 63:14(7)
כֵּ֚ןsoExo 25:33(15) Exo 26:24(12) Exo 36:29(12) Exo 37:19(15) Num 9:16(1) 2Sa 16:23(12) 1Kgs 1:36(9) Jer 5:19(22) Jer 34:5(10) Eze 12:11(6) Eze 20:36(8) Hos 11:2(3) Zec 8:13(10)
כֵּ֚ןso is2Kgs 18:21(19) Isa 36:6(17)
כֵּ֛ןsoNum 36:5(10) 1Sa 8:8(16) Isa 10:11(6) Isa 26:17(8) Isa 66:22(14) Ezr 10:12(7)
כֵּ֛ןsuchLev 14:36(18)
כֵּ֛ןsuch was2Sa 7:17(7) 1Ch 17:15(7)
כֵּ֜ן--Deu 21:13(16)
כֵּ֝֗ןsoPsa 127:4(4)
כֵּ֠ןsoJdg 5:31(1)
כֵּ֣ןindeedIsa 38:14(3)
כֵּ֣ןrightlyPsa 48:6(3) Psa 48:11(3)
כֵּ֣ןsoGen 41:13(5) Exo 10:29(3) Exo 26:17(9) Exo 36:22(9) Exo 39:43(12) Num 2:17(10) Num 6:21(18) Num 9:14(11) Num 18:28(1) Deu 28:63(10) Jdg 5:15(6) 1Sa 9:13(3) 1Sa 26:24(8) 2Sa 14:17(12) Isa 14:24(9) Isa 20:4(1) Isa 29:8(20) Isa 55:9(5) Isa 55:11(1) Isa 61:11(8) Jer 3:20(5) Jer 13:11(8) Jer 24:8(11) Jer 31:28(10) Jer 32:42(15) Jer 33:22(10) Jer 42:18(15) Eze 15:6(15) Eze 23:44(7) Eze 35:15(8) Eze 42:11(9) Hos 4:7(2) Amo 3:12(14) Hag 2:14(4) Zec 8:15(1) Psa 63:5(1) Psa 90:12(3) Psa 103:15(6) Psa 123:2(12) Eccl 3:19(12) Eccl 5:15(8) Neh 5:12(6) 2Ch 32:17(18)
כֵּ֣ןso isEze 1:28(8)
כֵּ֤ןrightlyPsa 48:9(3)
כֵּ֤ןsoExo 36:11(10) Exo 39:42(7) Deu 20:15(1) 1Kgs 12:32(16) 2Kgs 16:11(12) Isa 52:15(1) Isa 65:8(14) Isa 66:13(5) Eze 22:20(14) Eze 36:38(6) Zec 7:13(6) Psa 42:2(6) Psa 61:9(1) Psa 127:2(10) Pro 24:29(6) Pro 26:1(5) Pro 27:19(4) Job 7:3(1)
כֵּ֤ןsuchPro 24:14(1) Pro 30:20(1)
כֵּ֤ןthusJer 14:10(6) Eze 33:10(8)
כֵּ֥ןindeedIsa 38:13(5) Isa 47:15(1)
כֵּ֥ןsoGen 6:22(8) Gen 18:5(15) Gen 50:3(6) Exo 1:12(4) Exo 7:6(8) Exo 12:28(11) Exo 12:50(12) Exo 27:8(9) Exo 39:32(16) Exo 40:16(8) Lev 27:12(10) Lev 27:14(18) Num 1:54(10) Num 5:4(15) Num 8:4(18) Num 9:5(19) Num 15:14(16) Num 17:26(7) Num 32:31(13) Num 36:10(6) Jos 14:5(6) Jdg 1:7(16) Jdg 7:17(15) Jdg 11:10(13) Jdg 14:10(10) 2Sa 13:35(11) 1Kgs 1:30(20) 1Kgs 20:40(12) Isa 54:9(14) Jer 2:26(5) Jer 5:27(4) Jer 42:5(20) Jer 42:20(22) Joe 2:4(5) Pro 10:26(5) Pro 26:2(5) Job 7:9(4) Song 2:2(4) Song 2:3(4) Est 2:12(18)
כֵּ֥ןthusEze 11:5(11)
כֵּ֭ןsoPsa 63:3(1) Psa 83:16(1)
כֵּֽןindeedGen 42:25(18)
כֵּֽןrightlyJdg 21:14(16)
כֵּֽןsoExo 22:29(1) Exo 23:11(11) Num 2:34(10) Deu 3:21(18) Deu 7:19(16) Jos 5:15(21) Jdg 6:20(18) 2Sa 16:10(21) 1Kgs 20:25(22) 1Kgs 22:8(31) Jer 19:12(1) Jer 24:5(9) Jer 38:12(19) Pro 26:19(1) Pro 27:8(5) Est 2:4(14) 2Ch 18:7(33)
כֵּֽןsuchExo 7:11(12) Est 7:5(17)
כֵּֽןthus1Sa 23:17(23)
כֵּןsoNum 8:20(16) Jos 10:1(17) Jos 10:39(22) Jos 11:15(7) 1Sa 15:33(7) Isa 52:14(5) Jer 18:6(15) Pro 11:19(1) Pro 26:8(4) Eccl 8:10(12)
כֵּן֙soExo 17:6(16) Num 8:3(2) 1Kgs 14:4(2) Neh 8:17(17)
כֵּן֩soJos 23:15(13)
כֵּן֮soEze 12:7(2) Dan 7:23(1)
כֶּ֫ןsoPro 23:7(5)
כֶּֽןsoJob 5:27(4)
כֶּןsoGen 44:10(5) Jos 2:21(3)
כֶּןso is1Sa 25:25(15)
lcn1 לָכֵ֞ןthereforeIsa 53:12(1)
Office cni1 ־כַּנִּ֖יmy roleGen 41:13(10)
cnç1 ־כַּנֶּ֑ךָyour roleGen 40:13(10)
Prep atkbr1 אֶתְחַבַּר֙--2Ch 20:35(3)
cn3 ־כֵ֑ןthis2Ch 24:4(3)
־כֵ֔ןthis1Ch 20:4(3)
־כֵ֡ןthis2Ch 20:1(3)
Wings hcinim1 ־הַכִּנִּ֖יםgnatsExo 8:14(7)
hcinm2 הַכִּנָּ֔םgnatsExo 8:13(13) Exo 8:14(11)
cinim2 כִנִּ֖יםgnatsExo 8:13(20)
כִּ֝נִּ֗יםgnatsPsa 105:31(4)
cn1 ־כֵ֣ןa gnatIsa 51:6(17)
lcinim1 לְכִנִּ֖םgnatsExo 8:12(16)
cnh Family acnh2 אֲכַנֶּ֑הhow to entitleJob 32:22(4)
אֲכַנֶּֽהlet me entitleJob 32:21(9)
icnh1 יְכַנֶּֽהentitle himselfIsa 44:5(15)
cnvotiv1 כְּנָוֺתָ֔יוthe entitledEzr 4:7(8)
Location vcnh1 וְכַנֵּה֙and KannehEze 27:23(2)
Plan acnç1 אֲכַנְּךָ֖I have entitled youIsa 45:4(9)
vcnh1 וְ֭כַנָּהand the canePsa 80:16(1)
cnih Person conihu3 כָּנְיָ֔הוּKonyahJer 22:28(6)
כָּנְיָ֙הוּ֙KonyahJer 37:1(7)
כָּנְיָ֤הוּKonyahJer 22:24(8)
cnma Conj ucnima1 וּכְנֵ֥מָאand thusEzr 5:11(1)
cnni Person cnni1 כְנָ֑נִיKenaniNeh 9:4(12)
cnnihv Person cnnihu3 כְּנַנְיָ֣הוּKonnonyah1Ch 26:29(2)
כָּֽנַנְיָ֙הוּ֙Konnonyah2Ch 31:13(13)
כָּֽנַנְיָ֣הוּKonnonyah2Ch 31:12(9)
cns Harvest hmscnot3 הַֽמִּסְכְּנ֔וֹתstorerooms2Ch 8:4(8)
הַֽמִּסְכְּנוֹת֙storerooms1Kgs 9:19(4) 2Ch 8:6(6)
vcinsti1 וְכִנַּסְתִּ֣יand I will garnerEze 22:21(1)
vcinstim1 וְכִנַּסְתִּ֖יםand have garnered themEze 39:28(10)
vlcnos1 וְלִכְנ֗וֹסand to garnerEccl 2:26(13)
umscnot1 וּמִ֨סְכְּנ֔וֹתand storerooms2Ch 32:28(1)
umtcnwin1 וּ֠מִֽתְכַּנְּשִׁיןand those garneredDan 3:27(1)
icns1 יְכַנֵּֽסhe will garnerPsa 147:2(6)
chtcns1 כְּהִתְכַּנֵּֽסthan one could find in a storeroomIsa 28:20(7)
cons1 כֹּנֵ֣סgarneringPsa 33:7(1)
cnos1 כְּנ֨וֹסgarnerEst 4:16(2)
cnsti1 כָּנַ֤סְתִּיI garneredEccl 2:8(1)
lcnos1 לִכְנ֨וֹסto garnerNeh 12:44(11)
mscnot2 ־מִסְכְּנ֖וֹתthe storerooms of2Ch 16:4(26)
מִסְכְּנֽוֹתfor storerooms2Ch 17:12(11)
mtcnwin1 מִֽתְכַּנְּשִׁ֡יןwere garneredDan 3:3(2)
Protect cnos1 כְּנ֣וֹסto garnerEccl 3:5(5)
lcnos1 לִכְנוֹס֙to garner1Ch 22:2(3)
lmcnw1 לְמִכְנַ֣שׁto garnerDan 3:2(4)
cny Judgment acniy1 אַכְנִ֑יעַI would bring to heelPsa 81:15(3)
hicnyo1 הִכָּנְע֑וֹhe subdued himself2Ch 33:19(16)
hcniy1 ־הִכְנִ֤יעַbrought to heel2Ch 28:19(2)
hcniyhu1 הַכְנִיעֵ֑הוּand subdue itJob 40:12(4)
ubhicnyo1 וּבְהִכָּֽנְע֗וֹand when he subdued himself2Ch 12:12(1)
vhcnyti1 וְהִכְנַ֖עְתִּיand I will subdue1Ch 17:10(8)
viicny3 וַיִּכָּנַ֣עand subdued himself2Ch 33:12(8)
וַיִּכָּנַ֣עand was subduedJdg 8:28(1)
וַיִּכָּנַ֤עbut subdued himself2Ch 32:26(1)
viicnyu7 וְיִכָּנְע֨וּand are brought to heel2Ch 7:14(1)
וַ֝יִּכָּנְע֗וּand they were brought to heelPsa 106:42(3)
וַיִּכָּֽנְעוּ֙and were brought to heelJdg 11:33(14) 1Sa 7:13(1)
וַיִּכָּנְע֥וּand they were brought to heel2Ch 12:6(1)
וַיִּכָּנְע֥וּand were brought to heel2Ch 13:18(1)
וַיִּכָּנֵֽעוּand they were brought to heel1Ch 20:4(17)
vicniym2 וַיַּכְנִיעֵ֑םand subdued them2Sa 8:1(8) 1Ch 18:1(8)
vicny2 וַיַּכְנַ֣עand he will bring to heelPsa 107:12(1)
וַיַּכְנַ֤עand brought to heelJdg 4:23(1)
vticny4 וַתִּכָּנַ֣עand you subdued yourself2Kgs 22:19(4) 2Ch 34:27(4) 2Ch 34:27(15)
וַתִּכָּנַ֤עand was subduedJdg 3:30(1)
vtcny1 וַתַּכְנַ֨עand you subduedNeh 9:24(6)
iicny1 יִכָּנַ֗עbe subduedLev 26:41(12)
icniym1 יַכְנִיעֵ֖םwill subdue themDeu 9:3(14)
chicny1 כְּהִכָּנַ֖עas had subdued himself2Ch 33:23(5)
cnytç1 כִּנְעָתֵ֑ךְyour witsJer 10:17(3)
ncny4 ־נִכְנַ֣עhe has subdued himself1Kgs 21:29(8)
־נִכְנַ֥עhas subdued himself1Kgs 21:29(3)
נִכְנַ֗עhe did subdue himself2Ch 36:12(7)
נִכְנַע֙he did subdue himself2Ch 33:23(2)
ncnyu3 נִֽכְנְע֔וּwere subdued2Ch 30:11(6)
נִכְנְע֖וּthey have subdued themselves2Ch 12:7(11)
נִכְנָ֔עוּthey were brought to heel2Ch 12:7(4)
tcniy1 תַּכְנִ֑יעַyou will subdueIsa 25:5(5)
cnyn Location ucnyn1 וּכְנָֽעַןand CanaanGen 10:6(6)
cnyn87 ־כְּנַ֔עַןCanaanJdg 4:2(6) Isa 23:11(10)
־כְּנַ֖עַןCanaanGen 46:31(18)
־כְּנַ֡עַןCanaanLev 18:3(11)
־כְּנָ֑עַןCanaanGen 13:12(4) Jos 22:9(16) Jdg 4:23(8) Jdg 4:24(10) Psa 105:11(6)
־כְּנָ֔עַןCanaan1Ch 16:18(5)
־כְּנָֽעַןCanaanJdg 4:24(17)
כְנַ֔עַןCanaanGen 9:22(4) Jdg 5:19(7)
כְנַ֖עַןCanaanGen 9:26(7) Gen 9:27(8)
כְנָ֑עַןCanaanPsa 106:38(10)
כְנָֽעַןCanaanGen 9:18(13) Exo 15:15(12)
כְּנַ֔עַןCanaanGen 11:31(24) Gen 12:5(23) Gen 17:8(11) Gen 33:18(8) Gen 35:6(6) Gen 45:25(5) Gen 46:6(9) Gen 46:12(12) Gen 47:13(13) Gen 47:14(10) Gen 50:5(12) Gen 50:13(5) Lev 14:34(5) Lev 25:38(13) Num 13:2(7) Deu 32:49(18) Jos 5:12(16) Jos 22:11(19) Isa 19:18(10) Zep 1:11(8)
כְּנַ֖עַןCanaanGen 42:7(17) Num 34:2(20) Jos 22:32(17) Eze 16:29(6)
כְּנַ֙עַן֙CanaanGen 48:7(8) Jos 21:2(5) Zep 2:5(10)
כְּנַעַן֒CanaanGen 47:15(6)
כְּנָ֑עַןCanaanGen 9:25(3) Gen 16:3(15) Gen 23:2(8) Gen 28:8(6) Gen 36:2(6) Gen 36:6(24) Gen 42:13(11) Gen 42:29(6) Gen 44:8(10) Gen 47:1(15) Gen 47:4(17) Gen 48:3(11) Gen 49:30(10) Exo 6:4(10) Num 13:17(7) Num 32:32(7) Num 33:40(9) Num 34:2(12) Num 35:14(12) Jos 14:1(7) Jos 22:10(7) Jos 24:3(12)
כְּנָֽעַןCanaanGen 12:5(26) Gen 23:19(18) Gen 28:1(14) Gen 28:6(25) Gen 31:18(21) Gen 36:5(16) Gen 37:1(7) Gen 42:5(11) Gen 42:32(14) Gen 45:17(16) Exo 16:35(21) Num 26:19(9) Num 32:30(9) Num 33:51(14) Num 34:29(10) Num 35:10(13) Jdg 3:1(18) Jdg 21:12(22) Psa 135:11(9)
Person ucnyn3 וּכְנַ֗עַןand CanaanGen 10:15(1) 1Ch 1:13(1)
וּכְנָֽעַןand Canaan1Ch 1:8(6)
Work cnyn2 כְּנַ֔עַןshopkeepersEze 17:4(8)
כְּנַ֗עַןshopkeeperHos 12:8(1)
cnynih1 כִּנְעָנֶ֖יהָwhose shopkeepersIsa 23:8(10)
cnynim1 כְּֽנַעֲנִֽיםshopkeepersJob 41:6(6)
lcnyni1 לַֽכְּנַעֲנִֽיto the shopkeepersPro 31:24(6)
cnynh Person ucnynh1 וּֽכְנַעֲנָה֙and Kenaanah1Ch 7:10(9)
cnynh4 ־כְּנַעֲנָ֔הKenaanah1Kgs 22:24(4) 2Ch 18:23(4)
־כְּנַעֲנָ֖הKenaanah1Kgs 22:11(5) 2Ch 18:10(5)
cnyni People bcnyni3 בַּֽכְּנַעֲנִ֑יagainst the CanaaniteJdg 1:9(6)
בַּֽכְּנַעֲנִ֔יagainst the CanaaniteJdg 1:3(9)
בַּֽכְּנַעֲנִ֖יamong the CanaaniteGen 34:30(12)
hcnyni47 ־הַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֔יthe CanaaniteNum 21:3(7)
־הַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֖יthe CanaaniteJos 16:10(4) Jos 17:13(8) Jdg 1:5(10) Jdg 1:17(8) Jdg 1:28(7) Jdg 1:29(5)
־הַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֗יthe CanaaniteJos 17:18(15)
־הַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֛יthe CanaaniteExo 23:28(9) Jdg 1:1(14) 1Kgs 9:16(11)
־הַֽכְּנַעֲנִי֙CanaaniteJos 17:16(11)
־הַֽכְּנַעֲנִי֙the CanaaniteExo 33:2(6) Jdg 1:10(4)
־הַֽכְּנַעֲנִי֙the CanaanitesJdg 3:3(5)
־הַכְּנַעֲנִ֥יthe CanaaniteJdg 1:4(6)
־הַכְּנַעֲנִ֨יthe CanaaniteJos 3:10(13)
־הַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֔יthe CanaaniteGen 15:21(4)
הַֽ֠כְּנַעֲנִיthe CanaaniteExo 13:5(7)
הַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֑יthe CanaaniteJdg 3:5(5) Eze 16:3(10)
הַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֔יthe CanaaniteGen 24:3(13) Gen 24:37(9) Exo 13:11(7) Deu 11:30(10) Jos 17:12(10) Jdg 1:27(29)
הַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֖יthe CanaaniteJdg 1:32(4) Jdg 1:33(14)
הַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֗יthe CanaaniteJos 7:9(2)
הַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֗יthe CanaanitesJos 13:4(4)
הַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֛יthe CanaaniteJdg 1:29(9)
הַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֜יthe CanaaniteJos 16:10(8)
הַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֜יthe CanaanitesGen 50:11(4)
הַֽכְּנַעֲנִי֙the CanaaniteExo 3:8(20) Exo 3:17(8) Num 33:40(2) Deu 1:7(17) Jos 5:1(12) Jos 9:1(19) Jos 11:3(1) Jdg 1:30(11)
הַכְּנַעֲנִ֣יthe CanaaniteDeu 20:17(6)
הַכְּנַעֲנִ֤יthe CanaaniteNum 21:1(2)
הַכְּנַעֲנִ֨יthe CanaaniteNeh 9:8(12)
הַֽכְּנַעֲנִֽיthe CanaaniteGen 10:18(10)
הַֽכְּנַעֲנִי֙the CanaaniteGen 10:19(3)
hcnynim1 הַכְּנַ֣עֲנִ֔יםthe CanaanitesNeh 9:24(11)
hcnynit3 ־הַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֑יתthe CanaaniteExo 6:15(10)
־הַֽכְּנַעֲנִֽיתthe CanaaniteGen 46:10(10)
הַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֑יתthe Canaanite1Ch 2:3(11)
vhcnyni12 וְהַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֑יand the Canaanite2Sa 24:7(7)
וְהַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֔יand the CanaaniteExo 23:23(10) Exo 34:11(13) Num 14:45(3)
וְהַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֖יand the CanaaniteNum 14:25(2)
וְהַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֗יand the CanaaniteJos 24:11(13)
וְהַֽכְּנַעֲנִי֙and the CanaaniteGen 13:7(11) Num 13:29(10) Jos 12:8(9)
וְהַכְּנַעֲנִ֣יand the CanaaniteDeu 7:1(19)
וְהַכְּנַעֲנִ֥יand the CanaaniteNum 14:43(3)
וְהַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֖יand the CanaaniteGen 12:6(10)
cnyni2 כְנַעֲנִ֥יCanaanitesZec 14:21(18)
כְּנַעֲנִ֖יCanaaniteGen 38:2(6)
cnynim1 כְּנַעֲנִים֙the CanaaniteOba 1:20(7)
lcnyni2 לַֽכְּנַעֲנִ֖יof the CanaanitesJos 13:3(11)
לַכְּנַעֲנִ֨יof the CanaanitesEzr 9:1(16)
cnp Clothe bcnf3 בִּכְנַ֣ףin the hem ofHag 2:12(6)
בִּכְנַףto the hem of1Sa 15:27(5)
בִּכְנַף֩by the hem ofZec 8:23(15)
bcnpo1 בִּ֠כְנָפוֹwith his hemHag 2:12(9)
bcnpiiç1 בִּכְנָפַ֙יִךְ֙in your hemsJer 2:34(2)
bcnpiç1 בִּכְנָפֶֽיךָin your hemsEze 5:3(7)
hcnf1 הַכָּנָ֖ףthe hemNum 15:38(17)
cnf6 ־כְּנַ֥ףthe hem of1Sa 24:12(6)
־כְּנַ֨ףthe hem of1Sa 24:12(12)
־כְּנַֽףthe hem of1Sa 24:5(26)
־כָּנָ֖ףthe hem1Sa 24:6(12)
כְּנַ֣ףthe hem ofDeu 27:20(8)
כְּנַ֥ףthe hem ofDeu 23:1(9)
cnpot1 כַּנְפ֥וֹתthe hems ofDeu 22:12(6)
cnpi1 ־כַּנְפֵ֥יthe hems ofNum 15:38(11)
mcnf1 מִכְּנַ֨ףfrom the hem ofIsa 24:16(1)
Wings bcnpot1 בְּכַנְפ֣וֹתthe wings ofJob 38:13(2)
bcnpih2 בִּכְנָפֶ֑יהָin her wingsMal 3:20(8)
בִּכְנָפֶ֑יהָwith her wingsHos 4:19(4)
bcnpihm3 בְּכַנְפֵיהֶ֔םin their wingsZec 5:9(9)
בְּכַנְפֵיהֶם֙their wingsExo 25:20(7) Exo 37:9(7)
bcnpiv1 בִכְנָפָיו֮by its wingsLev 1:17(3)
hcnpiim1 הַכְּנָפַ֙יִם֙wingsEze 17:3(9)
vhcnf2 וְהַכָּנָ֤ףand wing2Ch 3:11(13) 2Ch 3:12(9)
ucnf2 וּכְנַ֨ףand the wing of2Ch 3:12(1)
וּכְנַף֙and the wing of1Kgs 6:27(15)
vcnpi1 וְכַנְפֵי֙and the wings of2Ch 3:11(1)
vcnpihm4 וְכַנְפֵיהֶ֑םand their wingsEze 10:12(5)
וְכַנְפֵיהֶ֖םand their wingsEze 1:8(9)
וְכַנְפֵיהֶ֥םand their wingsEze 1:11(2)
וְכַנְפֵיהֶם֙and their wings1Kgs 6:27(21)
iicnf1 ־יִכָּנֵ֥ףwill cover himself with his wingsIsa 30:20(9)
ccnpi1 כְּכַנְפֵ֣יas the wings ofZec 5:9(12)
cnf18 ־כָּנָ֔ףwingEze 17:23(17)
־כָּנָ֛ףwingEze 39:4(14)
־כָּנָ֜ףwingedEze 39:17(11)
־כָּנָֽףwingGen 7:14(20) 1Kgs 6:27(28)
כְּנַ֤ףthe wingDan 9:27(12)
כְּנַ֤ףthe wing of1Kgs 6:24(3)
כְּנַ֥ףthe wing of1Kgs 6:24(8)
כְּנַ֨ףwing2Ch 3:11(6)
כְּנַףthe wings ofJob 39:13(1)
כְּנַףwing1Kgs 6:27(12)
כָּנָ֔ףwingedDeu 4:17(9) Isa 10:14(16)
כָּנָ֥ףwing1Kgs 6:27(26)
כָּנָֽףa wingPro 1:17(8)
כָּנָֽףwingedPsa 78:27(8) Psa 148:10(6)
כָּנָף֙wingedGen 1:21(18)
cnpot3 ־כַּנְפ֥וֹתthe wings ofJob 37:3(7)
כַּנְפ֥וֹתthe wings ofIsa 11:12(11) Eze 7:2(15)
cnpi13 ־כַּנְפֵ֣יthe wings ofExo 19:4(9) 1Kgs 6:27(9)
־כַּנְפֵיthe wings of2Sa 22:11(7) Psa 18:11(7) Psa 104:3(9)
כַנְפֵיthe wings ofPsa 139:9(2)
כְּנָפִי֙my wingsEze 16:8(9)
כַּנְפֵ֣יthe wings ofEze 3:13(2) Eze 10:5(2) Psa 68:14(5)
כַּנְפֵ֥יthe wings of1Kgs 8:6(17) 2Ch 5:7(17)
כַּנְפֵי֙the wings of2Ch 3:13(1)
cnpihm9 ־כַּ֠נְפֵיהֶםtheir wingsEze 10:19(4)
־כַּנְפֵיהֶ֔םtheir wingsEze 11:22(4)
־כַּנְפֵיהֶ֗םtheir wingsEze 10:16(9)
כַּנְפֵיהֶ֑םare their wingsEze 1:9(5)
כַּנְפֵיהֶ֔םtheir wingsEze 1:8(4)
כַּנְפֵיהֶ֡םtheir wingsEze 1:24(4)
כַּנְפֵיהֶ֣םtheir wingsEze 1:23(3)
כַּנְפֵיהֶֽםtheir wingsEze 10:8(7) Eze 10:21(12)
cnpihn2 כַנְפֵיהֶֽןtheir wingsEze 1:24(17) Eze 1:25(10)
cnpiv9 ־כְּנָפָ֣יוhis wingsPsa 91:4(5)
־כְּנָפָֽיוhis wingsRut 2:12(15)
כְּנָפָ֔יוhis wingsIsa 8:8(10)
כְּנָפָ֖יוhis wingsJer 48:40(9) Jer 49:22(6)
כְּנָפָ֖יוits wings1Kgs 6:24(14)
כְּנָפָ֣יוits wingsJob 39:26(5)
כְּנָפָֽיוits wings1Kgs 6:24(17)
כְּנָפָיו֙its wingsDeu 32:11(8)
cnpiim13 כְנָפַ֑יִםwingsPro 23:5(9)
כְנָפַ֖יִםwingsZec 5:9(11)
כְנָפַ֜יִםtheir wingsExo 25:20(4) Exo 37:9(4)
כְּנָפַ֔יִםtheir two wings1Kgs 8:7(4) 2Ch 5:8(4)
כְּנָפַ֖יִםwingsIsa 6:2(8) Eze 1:6(5) Eze 10:21(6) Eze 17:7(6) Eccl 10:20(18)
כְּנָפַ֛יִםwingsIsa 6:2(6)
כְּנָפָ֑יִםwingsIsa 18:1(4)
cnpiç6 ־כְּנָפֶ֥יךָyour wingsPsa 57:2(9)
כְנָפֶ֙ךָ֙your wingsRut 3:9(9)
כְּ֝נָפֶ֗יךָyour wingsPsa 17:8(6) Psa 36:8(8)
כְּנָפֶ֣יךָyour wingsPsa 61:5(6) Psa 63:8(6)
lcnf2 לִכְנַ֖ףthe wing of2Ch 3:11(18)
לִכְנַ֖ףto the wing of2Ch 3:12(14)
cnr Location cinrot1 כִּֽנֲר֖וֹתHarpsJos 11:2(8)
Music bcinor10 בְכִנּ֑וֹרon a harpPsa 71:22(10)
בְכִנּ֗וֹרon the harpPsa 43:4(10)
בְכִנּֽוֹרupon a harpPsa 147:7(6)
בְּ֝כִנּ֗וֹרon a harpPsa 49:5(5)
בְּ֝כִנּ֗וֹרon the harpPsa 98:5(4)
בְּכִנּ֑וֹרon a harpPsa 33:2(3)
בְּכִנּ֑וֹרon the harpPsa 98:5(3)
בְּכִנּֽוֹרwith a harpPsa 92:4(7)
בַּכִּנּ֑וֹרon the harp1Sa 16:16(10)
בַּכִּנּ֔וֹרon the harp1Ch 25:3(14)
bcinorot2 בְּכִנֹּר֥וֹתwith harps1Ch 15:21(8) 1Ch 25:1(11)
hcinor1 ־הַכִּנּ֖וֹרthe harp1Sa 16:23(10)
ubcinor1 וּבְכִנּֽוֹרand with harpGen 31:27(13)
ubcinorot7 וּבְכִנֹּר֑וֹתand harpsIsa 30:32(11)
וּבְכִנֹּר֔וֹתand harps1Ch 16:5(16)
וּבְכִנֹּר֔וֹתand with harps2Ch 29:25(8)
וּבְכִנֹּר֖וֹתand with harps2Ch 20:28(4)
וּבְכִנֹּר֤וֹתand with harps2Sa 6:5(11)
וּבְכִנֹּרֽוֹתand harpsNeh 12:27(18)
וּבְכִנֹּרוֹת֙and with harps1Ch 13:8(10)
vcinor6 וְ֝כִנּ֗וֹרand harpPsa 149:3(5)
וְכִנּ֑וֹרand harpJob 21:12(3)
וְכִנּ֔וֹרand harp1Sa 10:5(23)
וְכִנּ֗וֹרand harpPsa 57:9(5) Psa 108:3(3)
וְכִנּֽוֹרand harpPsa 150:3(6)
vcinorot6 וְכִנֹּר֔וֹתand harps1Ch 25:6(11) 2Ch 5:12(13)
וְכִנֹּר֖וֹתand harps1Ch 15:16(12)
וְכִנֹּר֥וֹתand harps1Kgs 10:12(11) 2Ch 9:11(11)
וְכִנֹּרֽוֹתand harps1Ch 15:28(15)
cinor5 כִנּ֛וֹרa harpIsa 23:16(2)
כִנּ֜וֹרharpIsa 5:12(2)
כִּנּ֖וֹרa harpPsa 81:3(5)
כִּנּ֖וֹרharpGen 4:21(9)
כִּנּֽוֹרharpIsa 24:8(9)
cinorotinu1 כִּנֹּרוֹתֵֽינוּour harpsPsa 137:2(5)
cinori1 כִּנֹּרִ֑יmy harpJob 30:31(3)
cinoriiç1 כִּנּוֹרַ֔יִךְyour harpsEze 26:13(5)
ccinor1 כַּכִּנּ֖וֹרlike a harpIsa 16:11(5)
cnrvt Location cnrot2 ־כִּנְר֔וֹתKinneroth1Kgs 15:20(27)
כִּנְר֜וֹתKinnerothJos 12:3(4)
cnrt Location vcinrt1 וְכִנָּֽרֶתand KinneretJos 19:35(7)
cinrt2 ־כִּנֶּ֔רֶתKinneretJos 13:27(18)
־כִּנֶּ֖רֶתKinneretNum 34:11(13)
mcinrt1 מִכִּנֶּ֗רֶתfrom KinneretDeu 3:17(4)
cnt Family ucnvvthon4 וּכְנָוָ֣תְה֔וֹןand their confederatesEzr 6:6(8)
וּכְנָוָתְה֑וֹןand their confederatesEzr 4:23(14) Ezr 5:3(11) Ezr 6:13(8)
ucnvvtih1 וּכְנָ֣וָתֵ֔הּand his confederatesEzr 5:6(11)
cnvvthon2 כְּנָוָ֣תְה֔וֹןtheir confederatesEzr 4:17(11)
כְּנָוָתְה֑וֹןtheir confederatesEzr 4:9(8)
csa Rule bcsh1 בַּ֝כֵּ֗סֶהin the full moonPsa 81:4(4)
hcisa7 ־הַ֠כִּסֵּאthe throne1Sa 4:18(8)
־הַכִּסֵּ֔אthe throne1Sa 1:9(12)
־הַכִּסֵּ֜אthe throne1Sa 4:13(6)
הַכִּסֵּ֔אthe throneEze 1:26(13)
הַכִּסֵּ֖אthe throneGen 41:40(11)
הַכִּסֵּֽאthe throneJdg 3:20(19)
הַכִּסֵּא֙the throne1Kgs 7:7(2)
hcsa1 הַ֝כֵּ֗סֶאthe full moonPro 7:20(6)
vcisa3 וְכִסֵּ֣אand a chair2Kgs 4:10(11)
וְכִסֵּ֣אand the throne of1Kgs 2:45(4)
וְכִסֵּ֥אand the throne of1Sa 2:8(10)
vcisao5 וְ֝כִסְא֗וֹand his thronePsa 89:30(4) Psa 89:45(3)
וְכִסְא֕וֹand his throne1Ch 17:14(6)
וְכִסְא֖וֹand his throne2Sa 14:9(14) Psa 89:37(4)
ulcisao1 וּלְכִסְא֜וֹand for his throne1Kgs 2:33(11)
corsvvn1 כָרְסָוָן֙thronesDan 7:9(5)
corsi1 ־כָּרְסֵ֣אhis throneDan 5:20(9)
corsiih1 כָּרְסְיֵהּ֙his throneDan 7:9(17)
cisa52 ־כִּ֝סֵּ֗אa thronePro 9:14(5)
־כִּסֵּ֖אa throneIsa 6:1(10) Isa 47:1(11)
־כִּסֵּ֖אthe throne of1Kgs 2:12(4)
־כִּסֵּ֛אthe throne of1Ch 28:5(14)
־כִּסֵּ֣אthe throne of2Sa 3:10(7) 1Kgs 8:20(13) 1Kgs 8:25(21) 1Kgs 10:9(10) 2Kgs 10:3(8) 2Kgs 15:12(14) Jer 22:2(9) Jer 22:30(20) Jer 29:16(9) Jer 36:30(14) 2Ch 6:10(13) 2Ch 6:16(21)
־כִּסֵּ֤אthe throne ofIsa 9:6(7) Est 5:1(18)
־כִּסֵּ֥אthe throne of2Sa 7:13(7) 1Kgs 1:20(13) 1Kgs 1:27(15) 2Kgs 10:30(22) 2Kgs 11:19(26) Jer 33:17(11)
־כִּסֵּ֧אthe throne of1Kgs 9:5(3)
־כִּסֵּ֨אthe throne ofJer 17:25(9) 1Ch 29:23(4)
־כִּסֵּ֬אthronePsa 47:9(8)
־כִּסֵּאthe throne ofPro 20:8(4)
־כִּסֵּא֙the throne of1Kgs 2:24(8)
כִּסֵּ֑אa throneEze 1:26(10) Eze 10:1(13)
כִּסֵּ֔אa throneIsa 16:5(3)
כִּסֵּ֣אthe throne ofDeu 17:18(4) Jer 3:17(5) Jer 14:21(7) Jer 17:12(1) Hag 2:22(2) Psa 94:20(2) Est 1:2(7) 2Ch 7:18(3)
כִּסֵּ֥אthe throne of1Kgs 1:46(5) 1Kgs 2:4(28) 1Kgs 9:5(19) 2Ch 23:20(29)
כִּסֵּ֧אthe throne of2Kgs 25:28(8) 1Ch 22:10(13)
כִּסֵּֽאa thronePro 16:12(8)
כִּסֵּאa throne of1Kgs 10:18(3) 2Ch 9:17(3)
כִּסֵּא֙a throne1Kgs 2:19(20)
cisao31 ־כִּסְא֑וֹhis throne2Kgs 13:13(8) Jer 33:21(12) Zec 6:13(12)
־כִּסְא֔וֹhis throneExo 11:5(10) Exo 12:29(14) 1Kgs 1:37(13) 1Kgs 2:19(18) 1Kgs 22:19(11) 2Kgs 25:28(6) Jer 52:32(6) Zec 6:13(16) Est 3:1(15) 2Ch 18:18(11)
־כִּסְא֖וֹhis throne1Kgs 1:47(19) 1Kgs 3:6(30) 1Ch 17:12(7)
־כִּסְא֗וֹhis throne1Kgs 16:11(5) Jer 22:4(16)
־כִּסְא֜וֹhis throne1Kgs 22:10(9) Jer 13:13(18) 2Ch 18:9(9)
־כִּסְאוֹ֙his throne2Ch 9:8(10)
כִסְא֔וֹhis throneJer 43:10(18)
כִּ֝סְא֗וֹits thronePro 29:14(5)
כִּ֫סְא֥וֹhis thronePsa 11:4(6)
כִּסְא֑וֹhis thronePsa 103:19(4)
כִּסְא֜וֹtheir throneJer 1:15(13)
כִּסְאֽוֹhis thronePsa 9:8(6)
כִּסְאֽוֹis its thronePro 20:28(7) Pro 25:5(7)
כִּסְאֽוֹof his thronePsa 97:2(7)
cisaot2 כִסְא֣וֹתthe thronesPsa 122:5(4)
כִּ֝סְא֗וֹתthe thrones ofPsa 122:5(6)
cisaotm1 כִּסְאוֹתָ֗םtheir thronesEze 26:16(3)
cisai10 ־כִּסְאִ֑יmy throne1Kgs 1:13(23)
־כִּסְאִ֔יmy throne1Kgs 1:35(6)
־כִּסְאִ֖יmy throne1Kgs 1:30(17) 1Kgs 1:48(14)
־כִּסְאִֽיmy throne1Kgs 1:17(17) 1Kgs 1:24(13)
כִסְאִ֖יmy throneJer 49:38(2)
כִּסְאִ֑יmy throneIsa 14:13(10)
כִּסְאִ֔יmy throneIsa 66:1(5)
כִּסְאִ֗יmy throneEze 43:7(7)
cisaç7 ־כִּסְאֶ֔ךָyour throne1Kgs 5:19(20)
כִּֽסְאֲךָ֔your throne2Sa 7:16(7)
כִּסְאֲךָ֖your throneLam 5:19(5)
כִּסְאֲךָ֣your thronePsa 45:7(1) Psa 89:5(8) Psa 93:2(2)
כִּסְאֶ֑ךָyour thronePsa 89:15(4)
cish1 ־כִסֵּ֑הa throneJob 26:9(3)
cs1 ־כֵּ֣סthe throne ofExo 17:16(5)
lcisa11 לְ֝כִסֵּ֗אenthronedPsa 9:5(6)
לְכִסֵּ֕אto the throne ofNeh 3:7(11)
לְכִסֵּ֥אfor a throne ofIsa 22:23(6)
לְכִסֵּ֧אthe throne ofJer 52:32(8)
לְכִסֵּאon thronePsa 132:11(11) Psa 132:12(13)
לַ֠כִּסֵּאto the throne2Ch 9:18(3)
לַכִּסֵּ֑אare on the throneJob 36:7(7)
לַכִּסֵּ֗הto the throne1Kgs 10:19(3)
לַכִּסֵּא֙for the throne2Ch 9:18(6)
לַכִּסֵּה֙for the throne1Kgs 10:19(6)
mcisa1 מִ֨כִּסֵּ֔אthan the throne of1Kgs 1:37(14)
mcisao1 מִכִּסְא֔וֹfrom his throneJon 3:6(7)
mcisaotm1 מִכִּסְאוֹתָ֔םfrom their thronesIsa 14:9(14)
mcisaç1 מִכִּסְאֶ֑ךָthan your throne1Kgs 1:47(20)
csh Protect acsh1 אֲכַסֶּהand will coverJer 46:8(9)
acsnu1 אֲכַסֶּ֔נּוּI will coverEze 32:7(9)
bmcsh3 בְּמִכְסֵ֖הin a covering ofNum 4:8(8) Num 4:11(9) Num 4:12(16)
hicsot1 הִכָּסֽוֹתit should be coveredEze 24:8(12)
hmcsh9 הַֽמְכַסֶּ֣הcoveringExo 29:13(5) Exo 29:22(8) Lev 3:3(8) Lev 3:9(14) Lev 3:14(8) Lev 4:8(10)
הַֽמְכַסֶּ֥הcoveringLev 7:3(10)
הַֽמְכַסֶּ֬הwho coversPsa 147:8(1)
הַֽמְכַסֶּ֤הwill blindfoldGen 18:17(3)
vacsh1 וָאֲכַסֶּ֖הand I coveredEze 16:8(11)
vacsç1 וַאֲכַסֵּ֖ךְand I covered youEze 16:10(7)
vhmcsh1 וְהַֽמְכַסֶּה֙and the coveringLev 9:19(8)
vicusu2 וַיְכֻסּ֖וּand they coveredGen 7:20(7)
וַיְכֻסּ֗וּand coveredGen 7:19(7)
vics5 וַיְכַ֖סand it coveredNum 22:11(5)
וַיְכַ֞סand it coveredExo 10:15(1)
וַיְכַ֣סand he covered inJon 3:6(11)
וַיְכַ֥סand coveredExo 24:15(5) Exo 40:34(1)
vicshu2 וַיְכַסֵּ֔הוּand covered itJos 24:7(13)
וַיְכַסֵּ֥הוּand covered itExo 24:16(7)
vicsu4 וַיְכַסּ֕וּand coveredGen 9:23(12)
וַיְכַסּ֤וּand coveredExo 14:28(3)
וַיְכַסּ֧וּand covered2Ch 5:8(8)
וַיְכַסּוּand coveredPsa 106:11(1)
vicsuhu1 וַיְכַסֻּ֙הוּ֙and they covered him1Kgs 1:1(6)
vitcs2 וַיִּתְכַּ֣סand he covered himself2Kgs 19:1(8) Isa 37:1(8)
vitcsu1 וְיִתְכַּסּ֣וּbut let them be covered inJon 3:8(1)
vcosh1 וְכֹסֶ֖הbut coversPro 12:16(5)
vcish3 וְכִסָּ֣הand will coverLev 16:13(8)
וְכִסָּ֤הbut he coversMal 2:16(8)
וְכִסָּה֙and it will coverExo 10:5(1)
vcishu1 וְכִסָּ֖הוּand will cover itLev 17:13(20)
vcisu5 וְכִ֨סּוּand they will coverNum 4:5(10)
וְכִסּ֞וּand they will coverNum 4:9(4)
וְכִסּ֣וּand they will coverNum 4:8(6) Num 4:11(7) Num 4:12(14)
vcisuç1 וְכִסּ֖וּךְand cover you withEze 26:19(18)
vcisinu1 וְכִסִּ֖ינוּand coverGen 37:26(11)
vcisit1 וְכִסִּ֥יתָand coverDeu 23:14(12)
vcisito1 וְכִסִּית֔וֹthat you cover itIsa 58:7(12)
vcisiti1 וְכִסֵּיתִ֤יand I will coverEze 32:7(1)
vcisth2 וְכִסְּתָ֣הand coversLev 13:12(6)
וְכִסְּתָ֥הand coverEze 7:18(3)
vlmcsh1 וְלִמְכַסֶּ֥הand for coveringIsa 23:18(18)
umcsh3 וּמִכְסֵ֛הand the covering ofExo 26:14(7) Exo 36:19(7) Num 4:25(9)
umcsiç1 וּמְכַסֶּ֖יךָand covers youIsa 14:11(9)
vtcs7 וַ֝תְּכַ֗סand coveredPsa 106:17(5)
וַתְּכַ֖סand coveredExo 8:2(10) 1Sa 19:13(13)
וַתְּכַ֖סand it coveredExo 16:13(5)
וַתְּכַ֖סand you coveredPsa 44:20(5)
וַתְּכַ֤סand coveredNum 16:33(8)
וַתְּכַ֤סand she covered herselfGen 38:14(5)
utcsha1 וּתְכַסֶּ֣הָand will cover herMic 7:10(3)
vtcshu2 וַתְּכַסֵּ֖הוּand she covered himJdg 4:18(16)
וַתְּכַסֵּֽהוּand covered himJdg 4:19(14)
vtcsim1 וַתְּכַסִּ֑יםand covered themEze 16:18(5)
utcsnu1 וּֽתְכַסֵּנוּ֮and covers usJer 3:25(3)
vtcsni1 וַ֝תְּכַסֵּ֗נִיand cover mePsa 55:6(5)
vttcs1 וַתִּתְכָּֽסand covered herselfGen 24:65(16)
icush1 יְכֻסֶּֽהis coveredEccl 6:4(8)
icsh9 יְכַסֶּ֑הhe blindfoldsJob 9:24(7)
יְכַסֶּ֔הhe will coverEze 12:12(14)
יְכַסֶּ֣הhe coversIsa 6:2(11)
יְכַסֶּ֥הcoversPro 10:6(6) Pro 10:11(7)
יְכַסֶּ֥הhe coversIsa 6:2(14)
יְכַסֶּֽהcoverJob 33:17(6)
יְכַסֶּהcoversIsa 60:2(4)
יְכַסֶּהit covers withEze 18:7(14)
icsu1 יְכַסּ֥וּcoverHab 2:14(9)
icsiumu1 יְכַסְיֻ֑מוּhave covered themExo 15:5(2)
icsimo1 יְכַסֵּֽמוֹlet it cover themPsa 140:10(5)
icsç2 יְכַסֵּ֣ךְwill cover youEze 26:10(3)
יְכַסֶּ֔ךָּwill cover youHab 2:17(4)
icsnh1 יְכַסֶּ֔נָּהwill coverEze 30:18(15)
icsnu2 יְכַסֶּ֑נּוּcovered itNum 9:16(5)
יְכַסֶּ֑נּוּdoes cover itExo 21:33(11)
itcsu1 יִתְכַּסּ֖וּthey will cover themselvesIsa 59:6(6)
cosh1 כֹּ֣סֶהcoversPro 12:23(3)
cosu2 כָּסּ֣וּcoveredPsa 80:11(1) Pro 24:31(5)
cish10 ־כִסָּ֣הhe coversJob 15:27(2)
כִסָּה֙it coversNum 22:5(22)
כִּסָּ֤הcoveredNum 9:15(5) Hab 3:3(8)
כִּסָּ֥הcoveredPsa 78:53(7)
כִּסָּֽהhe coversJob 36:30(7)
כִּסָּֽהhe has coveredIsa 29:10(15)
כִּסָּהhe blindfoldsJob 23:17(7)
כִּסָּהhe coversJob 36:32(3)
כִּסָּהit covers withEze 18:16(14)
cishu1 כִסָּ֖הוּcovered itNum 17:7(13)
cisit1 כִּסִּ֖יתָyou coveredPsa 85:3(4)
cisito1 כִּסִּית֑וֹyou covered it withPsa 104:6(3)
cisiti5 ־כִסִּ֗יתִיI did coverPsa 32:5(5)
־כִסִּ֨יתִיdid I coverPsa 40:11(3)
־כִּסִּ֣יתִיI coverJob 31:33(2)
כִסִּֽתִיI take coverPsa 143:9(5)
כִּסֵּ֤תִיI coveredEze 31:15(9)
cisitiç1 כִּסִּיתִ֑יךָI have covered youIsa 51:16(6)
cismo1 כִּסָּ֣מוֹcovered themExo 15:10(3)
cisth4 כִסְּתָ֖הshe had coveredGen 38:15(6)
כִסְּתָ֤הcoversLev 13:13(4)
כִּסְּתָ֖הcovered withPsa 69:8(5)
כִּסְּתָ֥הare covered withJer 51:51(5)
cistoticnh1 ־כִּסְּתוֹתֵיכֶ֙נָה֙your frillsEze 13:20(8)
cistni1 כִּסָּֽתְנִיcovers mePsa 44:16(7)
csui3 כְּס֛וּיthe covering ofNum 4:14(23)
כְּס֣וּיcoveredPsa 32:1(6)
כְּסוּי֙the covering ofNum 4:6(3)
csunu1 כַּסּ֔וּנוּcover usHos 10:8(13)
csut4 כְּ֝ס֗וּתcoveringJob 24:7(6) Job 26:6(5) Job 31:19(7)
כְּס֣וּתa covering ofGen 20:16(11)
csot1 כַּסּ֤וֹתcovering withMal 2:13(4)
csuth1 כְּסוּתָ֥הּher coveringExo 21:10(6)
csuto1 כְסוּתוֹ֙his coveringExo 22:26(3)
csutç1 כְּסוּתְךָ֖your coverDeu 22:12(7)
csutm1 כְּסוּתָֽםto cover themIsa 50:3(6)
cstot1 כְּסָת֜וֹתfrillsEze 13:18(8)
cwit1 כָּשִׂ֑יתָcoveredDeu 32:15(6)
lcsot12 לְכַסּ֖וֹתto coverExo 28:42(5) Hos 2:11(11)
לְכַסּ֗וֹתto cover1Kgs 7:41(12) 1Kgs 7:42(12) 2Ch 4:12(11) 2Ch 4:13(12)
לְכַסּ֣וֹתto coverEze 38:16(6)
לְכַסּ֤וֹתto cover1Kgs 7:18(10)
לְכַסּ֥וֹתto coverEze 38:9(5) Psa 104:9(7)
לְכַסּ֥וֹתto cover withEze 24:7(13)
לְכַסֹּ֨תcoveringNum 4:15(4)
lcsoto1 לְכַסֹּתֽוֹto cover itExo 26:13(16)
mcusot1 מְכֻסּֽוֹתcoveredEze 41:16(17)
mcusim1 מְכֻסִּ֥יםcovered1Ch 21:16(23)
mcsh11 ־מִכְסֵ֖הthe covering ofExo 39:34(7) Num 4:10(7)
־מִכְסֵ֞הthe covering ofExo 39:34(2)
־מִכְסֵ֣הthe covering ofGen 8:13(16)
־מִכְסֵ֥הthe covering ofExo 40:19(8)
מְֽכַסֶּהone coveringPro 17:9(1)
מְכַסֶּ֣הone coveringPro 10:18(1)
מְכַסֶּ֣הone who coversPro 28:13(1)
מְכַסֶּ֥הcoversPro 11:13(7)
מִכְסֶה֙the coveringExo 26:14(2) Exo 36:19(2)
mcshu3 ־מִכְסֵ֑הוּits coverExo 35:11(6)
מִכְסֵ֕הוּits coverNum 3:25(8) Num 4:25(8)
mcsot3 מְכַסּ֔וֹתcoveringEze 1:11(10)
מְכַסּוֹת֙coveringEze 1:23(10) Eze 1:23(14)
mcsim1 מְכַסִּֽיםcoverIsa 11:9(16)
mcsç1 מְכַסֵּֽךְyour coveringEze 27:7(14)
mtcsh1 מִתְכַּסֶּה֙he had covered1Kgs 11:29(14)
mtcsim2 מִתְכַּסִּ֖יםcovered2Kgs 19:2(12) Isa 37:2(13)
ncsth1 נִכְסָֽתָהshe is coveredJer 51:42(7)
ticsh1 תִּכַּסֶּ֣הthe one who coversPro 26:26(1)
tcs1 ־תְּכַס֙do coverNeh 3:37(2)
tcsh6 ־תְכַסֶּ֖הwill you coverDeu 13:9(14)
־תְכַסֶּ֥הwill you coverIsa 26:21(16)
תְכַסֶּ֔הcoverEze 12:6(8)
תְּכַסֶּ֥הcoverJob 21:26(6)
תְּכַסֶּ֥הcoversPro 10:12(7)
תְּכַסֶּהyou cover yourselfDeu 22:12(9)
tcsi1 ־תְּכַסִּ֣יcoverJob 16:18(3)
tcsç4 תְּכַסְּךָ֣will cover youOba 1:10(4)
תְּכַסֵּ֗ךְwill cover youIsa 60:6(3)
תְּכַסֶּֽךָּcover youJob 22:11(7) Job 38:34(6)
csvlt Location vhcsulot1 וְהַכְּסוּלֹ֖תand KesullotJos 19:18(4)
csk Rule csukh2 כְּסוּחָ֑הcut awayPsa 80:17(3)
כַּסּוּחָ֖הcut awayIsa 5:25(15)
csukim1 כְּסוּחִ֖יםcut upIsa 33:12(6)
csil Star ucsil1 וּכְסִ֗ילand OrionAmo 5:8(3)
csil2 כְּסִ֣ילOrionJob 38:31(6)
כְּסִ֥ילOrionJob 9:9(3)
csl Bodypart hcslim5 ־הַכְּסָלִ֑יםthe hipsLev 3:4(10) Lev 3:10(10) Lev 3:15(10) Lev 4:9(10) Lev 7:4(10)
csl1 ־כָֽסֶלa hipJob 15:27(8)
Foolish bcsilim2 בַּכְּסִילִ֑יםdullardsEccl 5:3(11)
בַּכְּסִילִֽיםamong dullardsEccl 9:17(7)
bcslç1 בְכִסְלֶ֑ךָyour follyPro 3:26(4)
hcsil6 ־הַכְּסִ֑ילthe dullardEccl 6:8(6)
־הַכְּסִ֖ילthe dullardEccl 2:16(6)
־הַכְּסִֽילthe dullardEccl 2:16(17)
הַכְּסִ֑ילthe dullardEccl 7:6(8)
הַכְּסִיל֙the dullardEccl 2:15(5) Eccl 4:5(1)
hcsilim2 הַכְּסִילִ֖יםamong the dullardsEccl 4:17(11)
הַכְּסִילִ֖יםthe dullardsEccl 10:15(2)
vhcsil1 וְהַכְּסִ֖ילbut the dullardEccl 2:14(4)
vicslu1 וְיִכְסָ֑לוּand stupidJer 10:8(3)
ucsil6 וּ֝כְסִ֗ילand a dullardPsa 92:7(5)
וּ֝כְסִ֗ילbut a dullardPro 13:16(5) Pro 14:16(5)
וּכְסִ֔ילbut a dullardEccl 4:13(7)
וּכְסִ֖ילbut a dullardPro 21:20(6)
וּכְסִ֥ילbut a dullardPro 15:20(5)
ucsilihm1 וּכְסִ֣ילֵיהֶ֔םand their folliesIsa 13:10(4)
ucsilim4 וּ֝כְסִילִ֗יםand dullardsPsa 94:8(4) Pro 1:22(10) Pro 8:5(4)
וּ֝כְסִילִ֗יםbut dullardsPro 3:35(4)
csil26 ־כְ֭סִילa dullardPro 18:7(2)
־כְּ֝סִ֗ילa dullardPro 17:12(6)
־כְּסִ֑ילa dullardPro 17:16(5)
־כְּסִֽילa dullardPro 26:6(8)
כְ֝סִ֗ילa dullardPro 17:24(6)
כְ֭סִילa dullardPro 18:6(2) Pro 23:9(2) Pro 26:5(2)
כְסִ֑ילa dullardPro 29:11(4)
כְסִ֑ילis stupidPro 28:26(4)
כְסִֽילstupidPro 10:18(8) Pro 19:1(8)
כְּ֝סִ֗ילa dullardPro 26:10(5) Pro 26:11(5)
כְּ֝סִ֗ילstupidPro 10:1(8)
כְּ֭סִילa dullardPro 17:21(2) Pro 18:2(3) Pro 26:4(3)
כְּסִ֑ילa dullardPro 14:7(4) Pro 17:25(4)
כְּסִ֑ילdullardPro 19:13(4)
כְּסִ֖ילa dullard'sEccl 5:2(7)
כְּסִ֖ילthe dullardEccl 10:2(5) Eccl 10:12(6)
כְּסִ֣ילa dullardPro 17:10(5)
כְּסִ֣ילas a dullardPsa 49:11(6)
csilut1 כְּ֭סִילוּתdullardPro 9:13(2)
csilim17 כְ֝סִילִ֗יםdullardsPro 15:2(6) Pro 15:14(6)
כְסִילִ֣יםdullardsPro 13:20(6)
כְסִילִֽיםdullardsPro 26:7(6) Pro 26:9(7)
כְּ֝סִילִ֗יםdullardsPro 12:23(6) Pro 13:19(6) Pro 14:33(6)
כְּסִילִ֖יםdullardsEccl 7:9(8)
כְּסִילִ֖יםdullards areEccl 7:4(6)
כְּסִילִ֣יםdullardsPro 1:32(6) Pro 14:8(6) Pro 14:24(5) Pro 15:7(6)
כְּסִילִֽיםdullardsPro 19:29(6) Pro 26:3(7) Eccl 7:5(8)
csl2 כֵּ֣סֶלis follyPsa 49:14(3)
כֶּ֔סֶלfollyEccl 7:25(11)
cslo1 כִּסְל֑וֹfollyJob 8:14(3)
csli1 כִּסְלִ֑יmy follyJob 31:24(4)
cslii1 ־כְ֭סָלַיmy stupidityPsa 38:8(2)
cslm1 כִּ֫סְלָ֥םtheir follyPsa 78:7(3)
csltç1 כִּסְלָתֶ֑ךָthat is your follyJob 4:6(3)
lcsil6 לִ֭כְסִילfor a dullardPro 10:23(2)
לִכְסִ֣ילof a dullardPro 26:12(6) Pro 29:20(6)
לִכְסִ֣ילto a dullardPro 19:10(3) Pro 26:1(8) Pro 26:8(6)
lcslh1 לְכִסְלָֽהto follyPsa 85:9(15)
Location ucsil1 וּכְסִ֖ילand KsilJos 15:30(2)
cslot1 כִּסְלֹ֖תthe Folly ofJos 19:12(8)
cslv Month bcsliv1 בְּכִסְלֵֽוKislevZec 7:1(14)
csliv1 ־כִּסְלֵיו֙KislevNeh 1:1(7)
cslvn Location cslon1 כְסָל֑וֹןKaselunJos 15:10(15)
Person cslon1 ־כִּסְלֽוֹןKaselunNum 34:21(5)
cslkim Person cslukim2 ־כַּסְלֻחִ֗יםCasluhimGen 10:14(4) 1Ch 1:12(4)
csm Eat vhcusmt1 וְהַכֻּסֶּ֖מֶתand the speltExo 9:32(2)
vcusmim1 וְכֻסְּמִ֗יםand speltEze 4:9(9)
vcusmt1 וְכֻסֶּ֖מֶתand speltIsa 28:25(14)
icsmu1 יִכְסְמ֖וּthey willEze 44:20(8)
csom1 כָּס֥וֹםkeep trimmedEze 44:20(7)
csp Character icsof1 יִכְס֣וֹףthat salivatesPsa 17:12(3)
Love ncsof1 ־נִכְסֹ֥ף--Gen 31:30(5)
ncsf1 נִכְסָֽףached forZep 2:1(5)
ncsph1 נִכְסְפָ֬הachesPsa 84:3(1)
tcsof1 תִכְסֹֽףyou would acheJob 14:15(6)
Mineral bcsf28 בְכֶ֔סֶףfor silver1Kgs 21:15(22)
בְכֶ֖סֶףwith silverIsa 52:3(8)
בְכָ֑סֶףwith silverIsa 48:10(4)
בַכֶּ֑סֶףwith silverPsa 68:14(8)
בַכֶּ֙סֶף֙with silverIsa 43:24(4)
בְּכֶ֔סֶףfor silver1Kgs 21:6(14)
בְּכֶ֖סֶףwith silver2Sa 24:24(23)
בְּכֶ֣סֶףfor moneyLam 5:4(2)
בְּכֶ֣סֶףfor silver1Ch 21:24(9)
בְּכֶ֣סֶףwith silverMic 3:11(8) Psa 105:37(2)
בְּכֶ֤סֶףfor silver1Ch 21:22(13)
בְּכֶ֤סֶףwith silverEze 27:12(6)
בְּכֶ֥סֶףwith silverJer 10:4(1) Ezr 1:4(12)
בְּכֶ֨סֶףfor silverGen 23:9(11)
בְּכֶ֨סֶףwith silverJos 22:8(12)
בַּכֶּ֖סֶףin silverGen 13:2(5)
בַּכֶּ֖סֶףwith silverDeu 2:6(4) Deu 2:6(10) Jer 32:25(9)
בַּכֶּ֙סֶף֙for silverAmo 2:6(14) Amo 8:6(2)
בַּכֶּ֣סֶףwith silverJer 32:44(2)
בַּכֶּ֤סֶףfor silverDeu 2:28(2)
בַּכֶּ֥סֶףfor silverDeu 2:28(6)
בַּכָּ֑סֶףfor silverDeu 14:25(2) Deu 21:14(11)
bcspa1 בְּכַסְפָּ֣אwith silverEzr 7:17(6)
hcsf73 ־הַ֭כֶּסֶףsilverPro 7:20(2)
־הַכֶּ֔סֶףthe silver2Kgs 22:4(8) Jer 32:9(13) Zec 13:9(8) 2Ch 34:14(3)
־הַכֶּ֕סֶףthe silverGen 23:16(9)
־הַכֶּ֖סֶףthe moneyGen 47:14(18)
־הַכֶּ֖סֶףthe silverJdg 17:4(3) 2Kgs 12:10(25) 2Kgs 12:11(15) 2Kgs 12:14(17) 2Kgs 18:15(5) 2Kgs 23:35(12) 2Ch 34:17(3)
־הַכֶּ֗סֶףthe silverLev 27:18(10)
־הַכֶּ֙סֶף֙the moneyGen 47:14(5)
־הַכֶּ֙סֶף֙the silver2Kgs 5:26(15) 2Kgs 12:16(8) 2Kgs 22:9(14) 1Ch 18:11(8)
־הַכֶּ֛סֶףthe silver1Kgs 10:27(4) 2Ch 9:27(4)
־הַכֶּ֜סֶףthe silverGen 43:12(6) 2Kgs 15:20(4)
־הַכֶּ֣סֶףthe silverJos 7:24(8) 2Kgs 12:12(3) 2Kgs 16:8(4)
־הַכֶּ֤סֶףthe silver2Sa 8:11(8) 1Kgs 7:51(17) 2Kgs 23:35(20) 2Ch 5:1(16)
־הַכֶּ֥סֶףthe silverJdg 17:2(15) Ezr 8:25(4)
־הַכֶּ֧סֶףthe silver2Ch 1:15(4)
־הַכֶּ֨סֶףthe silver1Kgs 15:18(5)
־הַכֶּסֶף֩the silverJdg 17:3(12) 2Kgs 20:13(10) Isa 39:2(9)
־הַכֶּסֶף֮the silver2Ch 34:9(8)
־הַכָּ֑סֶףthe silverNum 3:50(7) Num 31:22(5)
הַכֶּ֔סֶףsilverExo 38:27(4) Eccl 12:6(6)
הַכֶּ֔סֶףthe moneyGen 47:18(16)
הַכֶּ֔סֶףthe pieces of silverZec 11:13(14)
הַכֶּ֔סֶףthe silverNum 3:48(2)
הַכֶּ֖סֶףsilver2Kgs 12:11(5)
הַכֶּ֖סֶףthe silver2Kgs 22:7(5) Jer 32:10(7) Hag 2:8(2) Est 3:11(4)
הַכֶּ֖סֶףthe silver piecesJdg 16:18(27) Jdg 17:3(5)
הַכֶּ֗סֶףsilver2Ch 24:11(14)
הַכֶּ֗סֶףthe moneyGen 47:15(2)
הַכֶּ֗סֶףthe silverGen 44:2(4) Est 4:7(10) 2Ch 24:14(8)
הַכֶּ֙סֶף֙the silverGen 43:18(10) Deu 14:25(4) 1Ch 28:14(10)
הַכֶּ֛סֶףsilver1Ch 28:17(12)
הַכֶּ֜סֶףthe silver piecesJdg 17:2(5)
הַכֶּ֡סֶףthe silverDeu 14:26(2)
הַכֶּ֣סֶףthe silverJos 6:24(8)
הַכֶּ֤סֶףsilver1Ch 28:15(11)
הַכֶּ֤סֶףthe silverNeh 5:11(10)
הַכֶּ֥סֶףthe silverEzr 8:30(5)
הַכֶּסֶף֩the silverEzr 8:33(4)
הַכָּ֑סֶףsilverEccl 7:12(5)
הַכָּֽסֶףsilverSong 1:11(7) 1Ch 28:16(10)
הַכָּֽסֶףthe silverJer 32:9(17)
ubcsf5 ־וּ֠בַכֶּסֶףand in silver2Ch 2:13(12)
וּבְכֶ֛סֶףand in silverDan 11:38(13)
וּבַכֶּ֖סֶףand in silverExo 31:4(5) Exo 35:32(5)
וּבַכֶּ֜סֶףand in silver2Ch 2:6(8)
vhcsf9 ־וְ֠הַכֶּסֶףand the silver2Kgs 14:14(5)
וְהַכֶּ֔סֶףand the silverDan 11:43(4)
וְהַכֶּ֖סֶףbut silverEccl 10:19(7)
וְהַכֶּ֡סֶףand the silver2Ch 25:24(3)
וְהַכֶּ֣סֶףand the silver2Kgs 23:35(1)
וְהַכֶּ֤סֶףand the silverEzr 8:28(8)
וְהַכֶּ֥סֶףand the silverJos 7:22(9)
וְהַכֶּ֥סֶףand the silver isJos 7:21(23)
וְהַכֶּ֨סֶףand silver1Ch 29:2(8)
vccsf1 וְכַכָּ֑סֶףand as silverMal 3:3(12)
vcsf32 וְ֝כֶ֗סֶףand silverJob 27:17(4)
וְכֶ֕סֶףand silverEzr 2:69(10) Neh 7:70(10)
וְכֶ֖סֶףand silverIsa 46:6(4) Job 22:25(4) Neh 7:71(9) 1Ch 28:16(8)
וְכֶ֗סֶףand silver1Ch 22:14(10) 1Ch 29:7(11)
וְכֶ֛סֶףand the silver ofExo 38:25(1)
וְכֶ֣סֶףand silverGen 24:35(11) Deu 17:17(8) 2Ch 17:11(6)
וְכֶ֣סֶףand the silver of2Kgs 12:17(3)
וְכֶ֥סֶףand silverDeu 8:13(4)
וְכֶ֥סֶףand the silverGen 43:12(1)
וְכֶ֧סֶףand silverGen 43:22(1)
וְכֶ֨סֶףand silverHos 2:10(11)
וָכֶ֔סֶףand silver1Kgs 10:22(17) Hab 2:19(14) 2Ch 9:21(17)
וָכֶ֖סֶףand silverExo 25:3(7) Exo 35:5(13) Eze 28:4(8) 1Ch 18:10(26) 2Ch 9:14(13)
וָכֶ֗סֶףand silverEze 16:13(3) Est 1:6(15)
וָכֶ֛סֶףand silverZec 14:14(11)
וָכָ֑סֶףand silver1Ch 29:3(9) 2Ch 24:14(19)
וָכָֽסֶףand silverPsa 119:72(7)
vcspa4 וְכַסְפָּ֔אand silverDan 5:2(8)
וְכַסְפָּ֛אand silverDan 5:4(6)
וְכַסְפָּא֒and silverEzr 5:14(8) Ezr 6:5(7)
vlcsf2 וְלַכֶּ֔סֶףand for silverEzr 1:11(4)
וְלַכֶּ֣סֶףand of silver1Ch 29:5(3)
ulcspi1 וּלְכַסְפִּ֣יand for my silver1Kgs 20:7(20)
umcspi1 וּמִכַּסְפִּי֙and from my silverEze 16:17(5)
ccsf1 כַכָּ֑סֶףas silverPro 2:4(3)
csf211 ־כֶ֔סֶףsilverExo 26:19(3) Exo 36:24(3) Ezr 3:7(2)
־כֶ֖סֶףsilverExo 11:2(13) 2Ch 24:11(33)
־כֶ֗סֶףsilver2Kgs 5:5(16)
־כֶ֙סֶף֙moneyIsa 55:2(3)
־כֶ֙סֶף֙silverNum 7:84(15) 2Kgs 12:8(18) Ezr 1:9(7)
־כֶ֛סֶףmoneyIsa 55:1(16)
־כֶ֛סֶףsilverExo 3:22(7) Exo 12:35(9)
־כֶ֥סֶףsilver2Sa 8:10(27) Ezr 8:26(10)
־כֶ֧סֶףsilverEzr 1:6(6)
־כֶ֨סֶףsilverGen 24:53(4)
־כָ֑סֶףsilver2Kgs 12:14(15) Psa 68:31(10) Job 31:39(5)
־כָֽסֶףpieces of silver2Kgs 6:25(18)
־כָֽסֶףsilverExo 26:32(14) Exo 36:36(14)
־כְּסַף֮silverEzr 7:22(2)
־כֶּ֔סֶףsilver2Kgs 5:22(21) 2Kgs 18:14(28) 2Ch 27:5(17)
־כֶּ֖סֶףsilverGen 17:27(7) 1Kgs 20:39(33) 2Kgs 23:33(15) 2Ch 36:3(10)
־כֶּ֖סֶףsilver in2Kgs 25:15(9) Jer 52:19(19)
־כֶּ֗סֶףsilverEst 3:9(10) 1Ch 19:6(14)
־כֶּ֗סֶףthe silver2Kgs 12:5(19)
־כֶּ֙סֶף֙silverGen 17:12(12) 2Kgs 12:9(5) Isa 13:17(7) Zec 9:3(6) 1Ch 29:4(10)
־כֶּ֛סֶףsilverGen 23:15(7)
־כֶּ֛סֶףthe silverGen 43:15(7)
־כֶּ֣סֶףmoneyExo 22:24(2)
־כֶּ֣סֶףsilverNum 7:13(3) Num 7:19(5) Num 7:25(3) Num 7:31(3) Num 7:37(3) Num 7:43(3) Num 7:49(3) Num 7:55(3) Num 7:61(3) Num 7:67(3) Num 7:73(3) Num 7:79(3) Eccl 2:8(4)
־כֶּ֣סֶףthe silver ofExo 30:16(3)
־כֶּ֧סֶףthe silver ofNum 3:51(4)
־כָּ֑סֶףsilverExo 12:44(5) 2Kgs 15:19(12) Pro 3:14(5) Pro 8:10(4)
־כָּֽסֶףsilverPsa 66:10(6) 2Ch 25:6(9)
כְסַ֑ףsilverDan 2:32(10)
כֶ֔סֶףpieces of silver2Sa 18:11(17)
כֶ֔סֶףsilverIsa 60:17(8) Song 3:10(3)
כֶ֖סֶףin silver1Kgs 21:2(30)
כֶ֖סֶףmoneyNeh 5:4(5)
כֶ֖סֶףsilverNah 2:10(2) Est 1:6(10)
כֶ֗סֶףsilverDeu 22:19(4)
כֶ֙סֶף֙moneyExo 20:23(5)
כֶ֙סֶף֙silverEzr 1:10(5)
כֶֽסֶףsilverZec 6:11(2)
כֶֽסֶףthe silver ofGen 43:21(10)
כֶסֶף֩silver1Kgs 10:25(6) 2Ch 9:24(6)
כָֽסֶףsilverZep 1:11(12)
כְּסַ֣ףthe silverEzr 7:15(2) Ezr 7:16(2)
כֶּ֔סֶףpieces of silverJdg 9:4(4) 2Sa 18:12(11) 2Kgs 6:25(13)
כֶּ֔סֶףsilverGen 23:16(18) Gen 45:22(10) Exo 26:25(5) Exo 27:17(6) Exo 36:30(5) Exo 38:17(7) Exo 38:17(13) Exo 38:19(7) Num 7:13(10) Num 7:19(12) Num 7:25(10) Num 7:31(10) Num 7:37(10) Num 7:43(10) Num 7:49(10) Num 7:55(10) Num 7:61(10) Num 7:67(10) Num 7:73(10) Num 7:79(10) Num 7:85(5) Num 10:2(5) 1Kgs 10:29(7) Mal 3:3(4) Eccl 5:9(5) 2Ch 1:17(7)
כֶּ֖סֶףmoneyExo 21:34(4)
כֶּ֖סֶףsilverGen 44:8(15) Lev 27:3(15) Deu 23:20(5) Jdg 5:19(13) 1Sa 2:36(9) 2Kgs 15:20(16) Isa 40:19(8) Eze 22:18(16)
כֶּ֗סֶףsilverJos 7:21(9) 1Kgs 10:21(15) Ezr 8:26(4) 2Ch 9:20(15)
כֶּ֗סֶףthe silverGen 44:8(2)
כֶּ֙סֶף֙pieces of silverGen 20:16(6)
כֶּ֙סֶף֙silverExo 35:24(4) 2Kgs 12:14(7) Eze 22:22(2) Eccl 5:9(2)
כֶּ֙סֶף֙silver piecesJdg 17:10(14)
כֶּ֛סֶףsilverNum 18:16(6)
כֶּ֜סֶףsilverNum 7:84(11) 2Kgs 5:23(10) 2Ch 24:5(13)
כֶּ֜סֶףsilver piecesJdg 17:4(8)
כֶּ֡סֶףsilverEze 22:20(2)
כֶּ֣סֶףmoneyExo 22:16(7)
כֶּ֣סֶףsilverExo 21:32(7) Num 7:85(10) Num 22:18(13) Num 24:13(7) Jos 6:19(2) 1Kgs 15:19(12) Isa 2:7(3) Jer 6:30(1) Jer 10:9(1) Eze 38:13(18) Psa 12:7(5) Psa 115:4(2) Psa 135:15(3) Pro 10:20(1) Pro 26:23(1) Job 28:15(7) Neh 5:10(7) 2Ch 16:2(3) 2Ch 16:3(11)
כֶּ֣סֶףthe money forGen 44:2(10)
כֶּ֣סֶףthe silver ofNum 3:49(4) 2Kgs 12:5(12)
כֶּ֤סֶףmoneyExo 22:6(6)
כֶּ֤סֶףsilver2Sa 21:4(6) 2Kgs 7:8(15)
כֶּ֤סֶףsilver forGen 23:13(14)
כֶּ֤סֶףthe silverLev 25:50(11)
כֶּ֤סֶףthe silver of2Kgs 12:17(1)
כֶּ֥סֶףsilverDeu 29:16(8) 1Kgs 15:15(8) 2Ch 15:18(8)
כֶּ֥סֶףthe silver of2Kgs 12:5(15)
כֶּ֧סֶףsilverDan 11:8(8)
כֶּ֨סֶףsilverDeu 7:25(7)
כֶּ֨סֶףthe silver of2Kgs 12:5(6)
כֶּֽסֶףsilverLev 5:15(18) Lev 27:15(8) Neh 5:15(13)
כֶּֽסֶףsilver ofLev 27:19(10)
כֶּֽסֶףthe silver ofGen 44:1(16)
כָּ֑סֶףmoneyIsa 55:1(9)
כָּ֑סֶףsilverGen 37:28(16) Exo 26:21(3) Exo 27:17(8) Exo 36:26(3) Exo 38:17(10) Lev 27:6(13) Deu 22:29(8) 1Sa 9:8(12) 1Kgs 16:24(8) 2Kgs 25:15(10) Jer 52:19(20) Pro 25:11(4) Job 27:16(4) Song 8:9(7)
כָּ֑סֶףsilver piecesIsa 7:23(13) Hos 3:2(5)
כָּֽסֶףmoneyGen 47:15(21) Gen 47:16(10) Exo 21:11(10)
כָּֽסֶףof silverJdg 16:5(24)
כָּֽסֶףpieces of silverZec 11:12(15) Song 8:11(14)
כָּֽסֶףsilverExo 27:10(9) Exo 27:11(16) Exo 38:10(9) Exo 38:11(13) Exo 38:12(13) Exo 38:19(11) Lev 27:6(18) Lev 27:16(16) Job 3:15(8)
cspa4 כַסְפָּֽאsilverDan 5:23(18)
כַּסְפָּ֣אthe silverDan 2:35(7) Dan 2:45(16)
כַּסְפָּ֥אthe silverEzr 7:18(8)
cspo9 ־כַּסְפּ֔וֹhis moneyGen 42:27(11)
־כַּסְפּ֔וֹits moneyExo 21:35(15)
־כַּסְפּ֖וֹhis moneyGen 42:35(8)
כַסְפּ֔וֹhis silverIsa 2:20(7)
כַסְפּ֔וֹits silverIsa 31:7(7)
כַסְפּ֖וֹhis moneyExo 21:21(10)
כַּסְפּ֔וֹhis moneyGen 17:23(13)
כַּסְפּ֔וֹhis silverLev 22:11(6)
כַּסְפּ֤וֹhis moneyPsa 15:5(1)
cspi2 ־כַּסְפִּ֥יmy silverJoe 4:5(2)
כַּסְפִּ֔יmy silverGen 42:28(5)
cspihm2 כַּסְפֵּיהֶ֛םtheir silverGen 42:35(13)
כַּסְפֵּיהֶם֙the silver ofGen 42:25(8)
cspç6 ־כַּסְפְּךָ֔your silverLev 25:37(2)
כַסְפֶּ֔ךָyour silverIsa 30:22(5)
כַּסְפְּךָ֥your silver1Kgs 20:3(7)
כַּסְפְּךָ֧your silver1Kgs 20:5(13)
כַּסְפֵּ֖ךְyour silverIsa 1:22(1)
כַּסְפֶּ֑ךָyour silverGen 17:13(6)
cspcm1 כַּסְפְּכֶ֖םyour silverGen 43:23(13)
cspm5 ־כַּסְפָּ֨םtheir silverZep 1:18(2)
כַּסְפָּ֞םtheir silverEze 7:19(1)
כַּסְפָּ֣םtheir silverHos 8:4(8)
כַּסְפָּ֥םtheir silverIsa 60:9(11)
כַּסְפָּ֨םtheir silverEze 7:19(7)
cspnu3 ־כַּסְפֵּֽנוּour silverGen 31:15(11)
כַּסְפֵּ֖נוּour silverGen 43:21(14) Gen 43:22(11)
lcsf8 לְכֶ֤סֶףof silver2Ch 21:3(6)
לְכֶ֨סֶףfor silver2Ch 32:27(10)
לַ֭כֶּסֶףfor silverPro 17:3(2) Pro 27:21(2)
לַכֶּ֔סֶףfor silver1Ch 29:5(4)
לַכֶּ֛סֶףof silver1Ch 22:16(2)
לַכֶּ֜סֶףfor silver1Ch 29:2(9)
לַכֶּ֣סֶףfor silverJob 28:1(3)
lcspm1 לְכַסְפָּ֗םtheir silverHos 9:6(10)
mcsf5 מִכֶּ֖סֶףfrom the silver ofLev 25:51(8)
מִכֶּ֥סֶףover silverPro 22:1(5)
מִכֶּ֥סֶףthan silverPro 8:19(6)
מִכָּ֑סֶףfrom silverPro 25:4(3)
מִכָּֽסֶףthan silverPro 16:16(9)
mcspm1 מִכַּסְפָּ֤םtheir silverHos 13:2(7)
ncspt1 נִכְסַ֖פְתָּהyour achingGen 31:30(6)
cspia Location bcsipia2 בְּכָסִפְיָ֖אat KasaphyaEzr 8:17(6)
בְּכָסִפְיָ֣אin KasaphyaEzr 8:17(16)
cyn Time ucyn3 וּכְעַ֞ןand nowDan 5:15(1) Ezr 5:17(1)
וּכְעַ֤ןand nowDan 2:23(12)
cyn10 ־כְּעַ֛ןnowEzr 5:16(15)
כְּעַ֗ןnowEzr 4:13(1) Ezr 4:14(1)
כְּעַ֛ןnowDan 5:12(22)
כְּעַ֞ןnowDan 3:15(1) Dan 4:34(1)
כְּעַ֡ןnowDan 5:16(10) Ezr 6:6(1)
כְּעַ֣ןnowDan 6:9(1)
כְּעַן֙nowEzr 4:21(1)
cys Grief acyism1 אַכְעִיסֵֽםI will grieve themDeu 32:21(13)
acys1 אֶכְעַ֖סI will grieveEze 16:42(9)
bcys1 בְכַ֥עַסwith griefPsa 31:10(7)
bcyso1 בְּכַעְס֕וֹin his grievous behaviour1Kgs 15:30(10)
hcyis2 הִכְעִ֔יסhe grieved1Kgs 15:30(12)
הִכְעִ֥יסprovokes to griefHos 12:15(1)
hcyisu1 הִכְעִ֖יסוּthey have provoked griefNeh 3:37(10)
hcyiso1 הִכְעִיס֖וֹgrieved him2Kgs 23:26(16)
hcyisuni1 הִכְעִס֛וּנִיhave they grieved meJer 8:19(16)
hcyisni5 הַכְעִיסֵ֔נִיI was grieved2Kgs 22:17(8) 2Ch 34:25(8)
הַכְעִיסֵ֛נִיI was grievedJer 25:7(7)
הַכְעִסֵֽנִיthey may grieve meJer 7:18(20) Jer 32:29(25)
hcys1 ־הַכַּ֙עַס֙the grief1Kgs 21:22(13)
hcysim1 ־הַכְּעָסִ֔יםthe grief2Kgs 23:26(14)
hcyst1 הִכְעַ֔סְתָּyou have caused grief with1Kgs 21:22(15)
hmcyisim1 הַמַּכְעִיסִ֥יםthat grieveIsa 65:3(2)
vhcysti1 וְהִ֨כְעַסְתִּ֔יand I will grieveEze 32:9(1)
vicyisu2 וַ֭יַּכְעִיסוּand they grieved himPsa 106:29(1)
וַיַּכְעִ֖סוּand they grievedJdg 2:12(20)
vicyisuhu1 וַיַּכְעִיס֥וּהוּand they grieved himPsa 78:58(1)
vicys4 וַיִּכְעַ֖סand grievedNeh 3:33(12)
וַיִּכְעַ֨סand was grieved2Ch 16:10(1)
וַיַּכְעֵ֕סand grieved2Ch 28:25(10)
וַיַּכְעֵ֗סand grieved1Kgs 22:54(6)
vciysth1 וְכִֽעֲסַ֤תָּהand grieved her1Sa 1:6(1)
vcys6 וְכַ֥עַסbut griefPro 27:3(5)
וְכָעַ֥סand griefEccl 5:16(6)
וְכָעָ֗סand will grievePsa 112:10(3)
וָכַ֙עַס֙and griefEccl 2:23(5)
וָכַ֨עַסand griefPsa 10:14(5)
וָכָֽעַסand griefPro 21:19(7)
vcysi1 וְכַעְסִ֖יand grief1Sa 1:16(11)
icyisuhu1 יַכְעִיסֻֽהוּthey grieved himDeu 32:16(4)
ciysuni1 כִּעֲס֖וּנִיthey have grieved meDeu 32:21(5)
cys8 ־כַּ֔עַסgrief1Sa 1:6(4)
־כָּ֑עַסgriefEccl 1:18(5)
כַ֔עַסgriefEccl 7:9(6)
כַּ֖עַסis griefEccl 7:3(2)
כַּ֙עַס֙griefEccl 11:10(2)
כַּ֣עַסgriefPro 17:25(1)
כַּ֣עַסthe grief ofEze 20:28(24)
כַּ֤עַסthe grief ofDeu 32:27(2)
cyso1 כַּעְס֑וֹits griefPro 12:16(4)
cysç1 כַּֽעַסְךָ֣your griefPsa 85:5(5)
cyw1 ־כָּ֑עַשׂgriefJob 5:2(4)
cywi1 כַּעְשִׂ֑יmy griefJob 6:2(4)
cywç1 כַּֽ֭עַשְׂךָyour griefJob 10:17(5)
lhcyis6 לְהַכְעִ֔יסfor grievous behaviour2Kgs 23:19(13)
לְהַכְעִ֖יסthat grieved2Kgs 17:11(13)
לְהַכְעִ֗יסthat grieved1Kgs 16:13(14) 1Kgs 16:26(12)
לְהַכְעִֽיסthat was grievous2Kgs 21:6(15)
לְהַכְעִיס֙that grieved1Kgs 16:33(8)
lhcyiso6 לְהַכְעִיס֖וֹto grieve himDeu 31:29(25)
לְהַכְעִיסֽוֹto grieve himDeu 4:25(18) Deu 9:18(24) 2Kgs 17:17(15) 2Ch 33:6(20)
לְהַכְעִיסוֹ֙to grieve him1Kgs 16:7(21)
lhcyisni8 לְהַכְעִיסֵ֔נִיto grieve me1Kgs 14:9(13) Eze 8:17(21)
לְהַכְעִיסֵ֖נִיto grieve me1Kgs 16:2(18)
לְהַכְעִיסֵֽנִיto grieve meEze 16:26(11)
לְהַכְעִסֵ֔נִיto grieve meJer 32:32(10) Jer 44:3(5)
לְהַכְעִסֵ֖נִיto grieve meJer 11:17(17)
לְהַכְעִסֵ֙נִי֙to grieve meJer 44:8(1)
lcyos1 לִכְע֑וֹסgriefEccl 7:9(4)
mcyisim4 מַכְעִיסִ֖יםgrieving1Kgs 14:15(27)
מַכְעִסִ֖יםdo grieveJer 7:19(3)
מַכְעִסִ֖יםgrief2Kgs 21:15(8)
מַכְעִסִ֥יםgrieveJer 32:30(16)
mcys2 מִכַּ֣עַסfrom griefPsa 6:8(2)
מִכַּ֥עַסfrom griefDeu 32:19(4)
mcyw1 מִכַּ֣עַשׂfrom griefJob 17:7(2)
tcyisu1 ־תַכְעִ֤יסוּyou will grieveJer 25:6(10)
tcyisnh1 תַּכְעִסֶ֑נָּהshe grieved her1Sa 1:7(10)
cp Bodypart bcf11 בְכַףinto the palm ofPro 6:3(8)
בַכַּף֙by the palmEze 29:7(3)
בְּכַ֥ףinto the palm ofJer 12:7(11)
בְּכַףby the sole of2Kgs 19:24(7) Isa 37:25(6)
בְּכַףin the palm ofGen 32:26(7) Gen 32:33(19) Isa 62:3(8)
בְּכַףinto the palm ofJdg 6:13(29)
בַּכַּ֖ףwith a palmEze 21:29(17)
בַּכָּ֑ףby a palmEze 21:16(5)
bcpo6 בְכַפּ֖וֹinto his palm2Kgs 18:21(17) Isa 36:6(15)
בְכַפּ֜וֹin his palm1Sa 19:5(4)
בְּכַפּ֖וֹin its palmIsa 28:4(19)
בְּכַפּ֗וֹin his palm2Sa 18:14(10)
בְּכַפּֽוֹin his palmExo 4:4(15)
bcpi4 בְכַפִּ֣יin the palm of my handPsa 119:109(2)
בְכַפִּי֙in my palmJdg 12:3(7)
בְּכַפִּ֔יin my palm1Sa 28:21(17)
בְּכַפִּֽיin my palmJob 13:14(8)
bcpihm2 בְּכַפֵּיהֶֽםis in their palmsIsa 59:6(13) Jon 3:8(16)
bcpii3 בְּכַפַּ֔יis in my palm1Ch 12:18(22)
בְּכַפָּ֑יis in my palmJob 16:17(4)
בְּכַפָּֽיin my palmPsa 7:4(9)
bcpç1 בְכַפְּךָ֜with your palmEze 6:11(6)
hcf2 הֲ֠כַףis the palm ofJdg 8:6(4) Jdg 8:15(13)
ubcpii1 וּ֝בְכַפַּ֗יthen to my palmJob 31:7(10)
vcipto1 וְ֝כִפָּת֗וֹand its palmJob 15:32(4)
vcf2 וְ֝כַ֗ףand palmJob 29:9(4)
וְכַ֣ףand the sole ofEze 1:7(4)
vcpot2 וְכַפּ֥וֹתand the palms of2Kgs 9:35(10) Dan 10:10(8)
vcpih1 וְ֝כַפֶּ֗יהָand her palmsPro 31:19(4)
vcpiv2 וְכַפָּ֖יוand his palms1Kgs 8:54(19)
וְכַפָּ֣יוand his palms2Kgs 4:34(12)
umcf4 וּמִכַּ֤ףand from the palm of2Kgs 20:6(7) Isa 38:6(1)
וּמִכַּ֥ףand from the palm of2Sa 22:1(15)
וּמִכַּף֙and from the palm of2Kgs 16:7(18)
ccf2 כְּכַףlike palm1Kgs 18:44(7)
כְּכַף֙as a sole ofEze 1:7(6)
cf25 ־כָ֑ףa lapping palmPsa 98:8(3)
־כָ֑ףa palmPsa 47:2(4) Pro 22:26(4)
־כָ֔ףa palm2Kgs 11:12(15)
־כָֽף--Isa 55:12(15)
־כַּ֣ףthe palm ofGen 32:33(12) Lev 14:18(5) Lev 14:29(6)
־כַּ֥ףthe palm ofGen 40:11(16) Gen 40:21(10) Lev 14:15(7) Lev 14:26(6)
־כָּ֑ףpalmEze 21:19(8)
כַ֖ףa palmEccl 4:6(3)
כַףa palmPro 10:4(3)
כַףa palm of1Kgs 17:12(12)
כַףthe sole ofDeu 28:56(7)
כַף֙a palmNah 3:19(10)
כַּ֣ףpalmEze 21:19(6)
כַּ֥ףthe palm of1Sa 25:29(21)
כַּֽףthe sole ofDeu 11:24(5) Jos 1:3(5)
כַּףthe palm ofGen 32:26(10)
כַּףthe sole ofDeu 2:5(11)
כָּ֑ףa palmPro 17:18(5)
cph2 ־כַּפָּ֑הּher palmDeu 25:12(3)
כַּ֭פָּהּknown is her palmPro 31:20(1)
cpo6 ־כַּפּ֖וֹhis palmLev 14:16(10) Lev 14:27(9)
־כַּפּ֗וֹhis palmLev 14:17(5) Lev 14:28(7)
כַפּ֥וֹhis palmPsa 129:7(3)
כַפּוֹ֙his palmLev 9:17(5)
cpot7 ־כַּפּ֥וֹתthe soles ofIsa 60:14(8)
כַּפּ֣וֹתthe palms of1Sa 5:4(15)
כַּפּ֣וֹתthe soles ofJos 3:13(3) Eze 43:7(10) Mal 3:21(7)
כַּפּ֥וֹתthe soles of1Kgs 5:17(23)
כַּפּוֹת֙the soles ofJos 4:18(11)
cpi10 ־כַּפִּ֔יmy palmExo 33:23(3) Eze 21:22(6)
־כַּפֵּ֣יthe palms ofNum 6:19(18)
כַפִּ֔יmy palmEze 22:13(3)
כַפִּ֛יwith my palmExo 33:22(8)
כַפִּי֙my palmEze 21:22(4)
כַּפֵּ֣יthe palms ofExo 29:24(4) Exo 29:24(7) Lev 8:27(5) Lev 8:27(8)
cpih4 ־כַּפֶּ֗יהָher palmsNum 5:18(13)
כַ֝פֶּ֗יהָher palmsPro 31:16(5)
כַּפֶּ֑יהָher palmsJer 4:31(12)
כַּפֶּֽיהָher handiworkPro 31:13(6)
cpihm1 כַּפֵּיהֶ֔םtheir palmsLev 8:28(5)
cpiv14 ־כַּפָּ֑יוhis palmsNum 24:10(8)
־כַּפָּ֔יוhis palms2Kgs 4:34(14)
־כַּפָּ֗יוhis palmsJdg 14:9(3)
־כַּפָּ֗יוits pawsLev 11:27(4)
כַּ֝פָּ֗יוhis palmsPsa 81:7(4)
כַּ֭פָּיוhis palmsPsa 9:17(6)
כַּפָּ֖יוhis palmsExo 9:33(8) 2Ch 6:13(28) 2Ch 6:29(18)
כַּפָּ֖יוhis palms to1Kgs 8:22(11)
כַּפָּ֖יוtheir palms1Kgs 8:38(18)
כַּפָּ֣יוhis open palmsPsa 78:72(5)
כַּפָּֽיוhis palms2Ch 6:12(10)
כַּפָּיו֙its palmsIsa 33:15(9)
cpii12 ־כַפַּ֗יmy palmsPsa 119:48(2)
־כַּפַּ֖יmy palmExo 9:29(9)
־כַּפַּי֙my palms2Sa 18:12(9)
כַפַּ֖יmy palmEzr 9:5(12)
כַפָּֽיmy palmsPsa 63:5(6) Psa 88:10(11)
כַּ֝פַּ֗יmy palmsPsa 141:2(6)
כַּפַּ֖יmy palmsGen 20:5(16)
כַּפַּ֛יmy palmsGen 31:42(18)
כַּפָּ֑יmy palmsPsa 26:6(3)
כַּפָּֽיmy palmsPsa 73:13(7) Job 9:30(7)
cpiiç1 כַּפַּ֗יִךְyour palmsLam 2:19(14)
cpiim8 ־כַּפַּ֖יִםpalmsIsa 49:16(3)
־כַּפַּ֥יִםtheir palmsPsa 91:12(2) Job 36:32(2)
־כַּפָּ֔יִםopen palmsLam 3:41(4)
כַפַּ֗יִםpalmsPsa 24:4(2)
כַּפַּ֙יִם֙with open palmLam 2:15(3)
כַּפַּ֙יִם֙with open palmsMic 7:3(3)
כַּפָּֽיִםtheir palmsHag 1:11(24)
cpiç5 כַּ֭פֶּיךָyour palmsPsa 128:2(2)
כַּפֶּ֑יךָyour palmsJob 10:3(8)
כַּפֶּֽיךָyour open palmPro 6:1(7)
כַּפֶּֽיךָyour open palmsJob 22:30(6)
כַּפֶּֽךָyour palmsJob 11:13(7)
cpicm2 כַפֵּיכֶם֙your palmsIsa 59:3(2)
כַּפֵּיכֶ֗םyour palmsIsa 1:15(2)
cpimo1 כַפֵּ֑ימוֹits open palmJob 27:23(3)
cpinu1 כַּ֝פֵּ֗ינוּour palmsPsa 44:21(6)
cpç3 כַּ֭פְּךָyour palmJob 13:21(1)
כַּפֶּ֑ךָyour palmJob 41:8(3)
כַּפֶּֽכָהyour palmPsa 139:5(6)
lcf2 לְכַףfor the sole ofGen 8:9(5) Deu 28:65(8)
mcf19 מִכַּ֖ףfrom the palmPsa 71:4(5)
מִכַּ֖ףfrom the palm of2Ch 30:6(27) 2Ch 32:11(14)
מִכַּ֖ףfrom the slap ofMic 4:10(20)
מִכַּ֣ףfrom the palm ofJdg 6:14(11) 2Sa 14:16(7) 2Sa 19:10(11) 2Sa 19:10(15) 2Kgs 16:7(15)
מִכַּ֤ףfrom the sole of2Sa 14:25(10)
מִכַּ֥ףfrom the palm of1Sa 4:3(24) 2Sa 22:1(12) Jer 15:21(5) Ezr 8:31(15)
מִכַּ֥ףfrom the slap ofPsa 18:1(16)
מִכַּ֥ףfrom the sole ofDeu 28:35(13) Job 2:7(11)
מִכַּףfrom the palm ofHab 2:9(10)
מִכַּףfrom the sole ofIsa 1:6(1)
Planting ciph2 כִּפָּ֥הpalm branchIsa 9:13(6) Isa 19:15(9)
cpot1 כַּפֹּ֣תpalm branches ofLev 23:40(8)
Tool hcf1 הַכַּ֖ףthe spoonsNum 7:86(9)
hcpot5 ־הַכַּפּ֗וֹתthe spoons2Kgs 25:14(8) Jer 52:18(10)
־הַכַּפֹּת֙the spoonsNum 4:7(12)
־הַכַּפּוֹת֙the spoonsJer 52:19(12)
הַכַּפּ֖וֹתthe spoonsNum 7:86(14)
vhcpot2 וְהַכַּפּ֥וֹתand the spoons1Kgs 7:50(4) 2Ch 4:22(3)
vcpot1 וְכַפּ֔וֹתand spoons2Ch 24:14(16)
vcpotiv1 וְכַפֹּתָ֗יוand its spoonsExo 25:29(3)
cf12 כַּ֥ףspoonNum 7:14(1) Num 7:20(1) Num 7:26(1) Num 7:32(1) Num 7:38(1) Num 7:44(1) Num 7:50(1) Num 7:56(1) Num 7:62(1) Num 7:68(1) Num 7:74(1) Num 7:80(1)
cpot3 כַּפּ֥וֹתspoonsNum 7:84(18)
כַּפּ֥וֹתthe handles ofSong 5:5(12)
כַּפּ֨וֹתthe spoonsNum 7:86(1)
cpotiv1 ־כַּפֹּתָיו֙its spoonsExo 37:16(10)
Wild ubcpim1 וּבַכֵּפִ֖יםand into burrowsJer 4:29(10)
vcpim1 וְכֵפִֽיםand burrowsJob 30:6(6)
cph Character icph1 יִכְפֶּהmay pacifyPro 21:14(3)
cpis City vcpis1 וְכָפִ֖יסand knotHab 2:11(5)
cpirh Location vhcpirh1 וְהַכְּפִירָ֔הand KepyrahJos 9:17(11)
cpirh2 כְּפִירָ֣הKepyrahEzr 2:25(4) Neh 7:29(4)
cpl Measure bcpl1 בְּכֶ֥פֶלin the doubleJob 41:13(5)
vticpl1 וְתִכָּפֵ֞לlet be doubledEze 21:19(9)
cpul3 כָּפ֑וּלdoubledExo 28:16(3)
כָּפ֖וּלdoubleExo 39:9(3)
כָּפֽוּלdoubleExo 39:9(11)
cpliim2 ־כִפְלַ֪יִםare a doubleJob 11:6(6)
כִּפְלַ֖יִםdoubleIsa 40:2(17)
cpn Poor ubcpn1 וּבְכָפָ֗ןand in penuryJob 30:3(2)
ulcpn1 וּלְכָפָ֣ןand penuryJob 5:22(2)
cpp Vexation aicf1 אִכַּ֖ףand disturb myselfMic 6:6(4)
hcpupim1 ־הַכְּפוּפִֽיםthe disturbedPsa 145:14(7)
hlcof1 הֲלָכֹ֨ףto disturbIsa 58:5(9)
cpupim1 כְּפוּפִ֑יםthe disturbedPsa 146:8(6)
cpf1 כָּפַ֪ףdisturbedPsa 57:7(4)
cpr Animal bcprim1 בַּכְּפָרִֽיםamong lion cubsSong 7:12(6)
hcpirim1 הַ֭כְּפִירִיםthe young lionsPsa 104:21(1)
vhcpir1 וְהַכְּפִ֜ירor the cubIsa 31:4(9)
vccpir2 וְ֝כִכְפִ֗ירand like a cubPsa 17:12(5)
וְכַכְּפִ֖ירand like a cubHos 5:14(5)
ucpir1 וּכְפִ֤ירand young lionIsa 11:6(10)
ucpiriiç1 וּכְפִירַ֖יִךְand your cubsNah 2:14(9)
ccpir5 כִּכְפִ֖ירlike a young lionMic 5:7(11)
כִּכְפִ֥ירlike a lion cubPro 28:1(6)
כַּ֭כְּפִירas a lion cub'sPro 19:12(2) Pro 20:2(2)
כַּכְּפִ֖ירlike a young lionJer 25:38(2)
ccpirim2 כַּכְּפִירִ֤יםlike young lionsIsa 5:29(5)
כַּכְּפִרִ֣יםlike cubsJer 51:38(2)
cpir8 ־כְפִ֥ירa young lionEze 41:19(7)
כְּפִ֣ירa cubJdg 14:5(11)
כְּפִ֣ירa young lionEze 19:3(4) Eze 19:6(4)
כְּפִ֣ירyoung lionPsa 91:13(6)
כְּפִ֤ירa young lionAmo 3:4(8)
כְּפִ֥ירa young lionEze 19:5(9)
כְּפִ֥ירyoung lion ofEze 32:2(11)
cpirih1 ־כְּפִרֶ֙יהָ֙her young lionsEze 38:13(6)
cpirim7 כְפִירִ֣יםcubs'Job 4:10(6)
כְפִרִ֔יםyoung lionsJer 2:15(3)
כְּ֝פִירִ֗יםyoung lionsPsa 58:7(6)
כְּ֭פִירִיםcubs - young lionsPsa 34:11(1)
כְּפִירִ֔יםyoung lionsZec 11:3(9)
כְּפִירִ֣יםthe cubsJob 38:39(5)
כְּפִרִ֖יםyoung lionsEze 19:2(9)
lcpirim1 לַכְּפִרִ֑יםfor the cubsNah 2:12(6)
mcpirim1 מִ֝כְּפִירִ֗יםfrom the young lionsPsa 35:17(7)
Container ucpori1 וּכְפֹרֵ֤יand crocks ofEzr 8:27(1)
cpori2 כְּפ֤וֹרֵיcrocks ofEzr 1:10(4)
כְּפוֹרֵ֤יcrocks ofEzr 1:10(1)
Hide bcpirim1 בַּכְּפִירִ֖יםin coverNeh 6:2(9)
ubcprim1 וּבַכְּפָרִים֙and in the coverings1Ch 27:25(11)
vicpr1 וַיְכַפֵּ֖רand covered overNum 17:12(17)
vcupr1 וְכֻפַּ֤רand will be covered overIsa 28:18(1)
vcipr2 וְכִפֶּ֣רand cover overNum 6:11(7)
וְכִפֶּ֥רbut he will cover overDeu 32:43(11)
ucpor3 וּכְפ֔וֹרby cover1Ch 28:17(10)
וּכְפֹ֥רand the covering overJob 38:29(5)
וּכְפֽוֹרby cover1Ch 28:17(15)
vcpr2 וְכַפֵּ֣רand cover overNum 17:11(19)
וְכַפֵּ֥רand cover overPsa 79:9(9)
vcprt1 וְכָֽפַרְתָּ֥cover overGen 6:14(10)
vlcpori2 וְלִכְפוֹרֵ֥יand for the covers of1Ch 28:17(11)
וְלִכְפוֹרֵ֨יand for the covers of1Ch 28:17(6)
ulcpr1 וּלְכַפֵּ֣רand to coverDan 9:24(13)
icupr2 ־יְ֠כֻפַּרwill be coveredIsa 22:14(6)
יְכֻפַּ֣רis covered overPro 16:6(3)
icpr1 יְכַפֵּ֥רhe covered overPsa 78:38(3)
icprnh1 יְכַפְּרֶֽנָּהwill cover it overPro 16:14(7)
itcpr1 ־יִתְכַּפֵּ֞רwill be covered1Sa 3:14(6)
copr2 כֹּ֣פֶרa coverPro 21:18(1)
כֹּ֣פֶרcovered1Sa 6:18(12)
cpr1 כַּפֵּר֩coverDeu 21:8(1)
cprh1 כַּפְּרָ֑הּto cover itIsa 47:11(12)
lcpor2 לִכְפ֣וֹרcover1Ch 28:17(9)
לִכְפ֥וֹרcover1Ch 28:17(14)
tcupr1 תְּכֻפָּֽרis covered overIsa 6:7(13)
tcpr1 ־תְּכַפֵּר֙do cover overJer 18:23(10)
tcprm1 תְכַפְּרֵֽםyou will cover overPsa 65:4(7)
Location vhcpirh1 וְהַכְּפִירָ֖הand CubJos 18:26(2)
ucpr1 וּכְפַ֧רand KefarJos 18:24(1)
Offer acpr1 אֲכַפֵּ֔רwill I make a cover-price2Sa 21:3(9)
acprh2 אֲכַפְּרָ֖הI will make a cover-priceExo 32:30(16)
אֲכַפְּרָ֣הI will make a cover-priceGen 32:21(9)
bcopr1 בַּכֹּֽפֶרan over-coveringGen 6:14(14)
bcpri1 בְּכַפְּרִיwhen I make a cover-priceEze 16:63(12)
bcprç1 בְּכַפֶּרְךָ֖when you have made a cover-priceExo 29:36(10)
hcipurim7 ־הַכִּפֻּרִ֔יםthe cover-pricesExo 29:36(6)
הַכִּפֻּרִ֔יםthe cover-offeringsLev 25:9(9) Num 5:8(14)
הַכִּפֻּרִ֗יםthe cover-pricesExo 30:10(9) Exo 30:16(4)
הַכִּפֻּרִ֣יםthe cover-offeringsLev 23:27(7)
הַכִּפֻּרִים֙the cover-pricesNum 29:11(7)
hcport25 ־הַכַּפֹּ֑רֶתthe ark-coverExo 35:12(6)
־הַכַּפֹּ֔רֶתthe ark-coverExo 25:20(9) Exo 25:20(15) Exo 26:34(3) Exo 37:9(9) Exo 37:9(15)
־הַכַּפֹּ֖רֶתthe ark-coverExo 31:7(8) Lev 16:15(23)
־הַכַּפֹּ֛רֶתthe ark-coverExo 25:19(11) Exo 25:21(3) Exo 37:8(10) Exo 40:20(14) Lev 16:13(12)
־הַכַּפֹּֽרֶתthe ark-coverLev 16:2(29)
הַכַּפֹּ֖רֶתthe ark-coverLev 16:14(8)
הַכַּפֹּ֗רֶתthe ark-coverExo 25:22(7) Exo 30:6(10) Lev 16:14(11)
הַכַּפֹּ֙רֶת֙the ark-coverNum 7:89(14)
הַכַּפֹּ֜רֶתthe ark-coverLev 16:2(19)
הַכַּפֹּֽרֶתthe ark-coverExo 25:18(10) Exo 37:7(10) Exo 39:35(7) Lev 16:15(25) 1Ch 28:11(15)
vicpr2 וַיְכַפֵּ֖רand made a cover-priceNum 25:13(12)
וַיְכַפֵּ֧רand made a cover-priceNum 8:21(11)
vcipr30 וְכִפֶּ֕רand make a cover-priceLev 14:19(5)
וְכִפֶּ֣רand he will make a cover-priceLev 16:16(1)
וְכִפֶּ֣רand make a cover-priceLev 12:7(4) Lev 16:18(7)
וְכִפֶּ֣רand will make a cover-offeringNum 15:25(1) Num 15:28(1)
וְכִפֶּ֤רand has made the cover-priceLev 16:17(12)
וְכִפֶּ֤רand will make a cover-priceExo 30:10(1)
וְכִפֶּ֥רand he will make a cover-priceLev 16:6(8) Lev 16:11(8) Lev 16:24(17)
וְכִפֶּ֥רand make a cover-priceLev 14:53(11)
וְכִפֶּ֥רand will make a cover-priceLev 4:31(17) Lev 5:6(17) Lev 12:8(18) Lev 14:18(11) Lev 14:20(8)
וְכִפֶּ֧רand will make a cover-offeringLev 14:31(13)
וְכִפֶּ֧רand will make a cover-priceLev 4:20(10)
וְכִפֶּ֨רand will make a cover-priceLev 4:26(9) Lev 4:35(18) Lev 5:10(6) Lev 5:26(1) Lev 15:15(8) Lev 15:30(9) Lev 16:32(1)
וְכִפֶּר֙and he will make a cover-priceLev 16:33(1)
וְכִפֶּר֩and will make a cover-priceLev 5:13(1) Lev 5:18(10) Lev 19:22(1)
vciprthu1 וְכִפַּרְתָּֽהוּand its cover-priceEze 43:20(16)
vciprtm1 וְכִפַּרְתֶּ֖םand you will make a cover-priceEze 45:20(8)
vcpr2 וְכַפֵּ֣רand the cover-priceLev 9:7(21)
וְכַפֵּ֥רand the cover-priceLev 9:7(13)
ulcpr2 וּלְכַפֵּ֖רand to make a cover-priceNum 8:19(17)
וּלְכַפֵּר֙and to make a cover-price1Ch 6:34(14)
vnicpr1 וְנִכַּפֵּ֥רand will be a cover-priceDeu 21:8(14)
icupr2 ־יְכֻפַּ֗רthere is cover-priceNum 35:33(16)
יְכֻפַּ֣רwill find a cover-priceIsa 27:9(3)
icpr9 יְכַפֵּ֑רhe will make a cover-priceLev 16:33(10)
יְכַפֵּ֤רhe will make a cover-priceExo 30:10(12)
יְכַפֵּ֥רa cover-price isLev 16:30(4)
יְכַפֵּ֥רmake a cover-price2Ch 30:18(24)
יְכַפֵּ֥רwill make a cover-priceLev 5:16(15)
יְכַפֵּֽרhe will make a cover-priceLev 16:33(17)
יְכַפֵּֽרis the cover-priceLev 17:11(18)
יְכַפֶּרhe makes the cover-offeringNum 5:8(16)
יְכַפֶּרmakes the cover-offeringLev 7:7(8)
icpru1 יְכַפְּרוּ֙they will make a cover-priceEze 43:26(3)
copr10 ־כֹּ֑פֶרcover-pricePro 6:35(5)
־כֹּ֖פֶרa cover-priceExo 21:30(2)
־כֹּ֝֗פֶרcover-priceJob 36:18(7)
כֹ֔פֶרa cover-priceNum 35:32(3) 1Sa 12:3(24) Amo 5:12(10)
כֹ֙פֶר֙a cover-priceNum 35:31(3)
כֹֽפֶרa cover-priceJob 33:24(7)
כֹּ֣פֶרthe cover-price ofPro 13:8(1)
כֹּ֧פֶרcover-priceExo 30:12(10)
cupr1 כֻּפַּ֣רwas the cover-priceExo 29:33(4)
copro1 כָּפְרֽוֹthe cover-pricePsa 49:8(9)
coprç1 כָפְרְךָ֙for your cover-priceIsa 43:3(9)
cipurim1 כִּפֻּרִים֙cover-offeringsLev 23:28(10)
cport2 כַפֹּ֖רֶתan ark-cover ofExo 25:17(2)
כַּפֹּ֖רֶתan ark-cover ofExo 37:6(2)
lcpr25 לְכַפֵּ֖רa cover-priceExo 30:15(13) Exo 30:16(20) Lev 17:11(11)
לְכַפֵּ֖רas a cover-price2Ch 29:24(7)
לְכַפֵּ֖רfor a cover-priceNum 8:12(16)
לְכַפֵּ֖רfor the cover-priceNeh 10:34(12)
לְכַפֵּ֖רto make the cover-priceNum 28:22(4) Num 28:30(4) Num 29:5(5) Eze 45:17(24)
לְכַפֵּ֞רto make a cover-priceLev 16:34(6)
לְכַפֵּ֣רa cover-priceLev 16:10(11)
לְכַפֵּ֣רfor a cover-priceLev 14:21(12)
לְכַפֵּ֣רto make a cover-priceLev 16:27(11) Eze 45:15(12)
לְכַפֵּ֣רto make the cover-priceLev 23:28(12)
לְכַפֵּ֥רa cover-priceLev 1:4(8) Lev 8:15(22) Lev 14:29(12) Num 31:50(15)
לְכַפֵּ֥רas a cover-priceLev 10:17(19)
לְכַפֵּ֥רfor a cover-priceNum 15:28(10)
לְכַפֵּ֥רto make a cover-priceLev 6:23(9) Lev 16:17(8)
לְכַפֵּ֥רto make the cover-priceLev 8:34(8)
mcpr1 מִכַּפֵּ֣רmaking a cover-priceLev 16:20(2)
tcpr1 תְּכַפֵּר֙you will make a cover-priceExo 29:37(3)
Planting hcopr1 הַכֹּ֤פֶרhennaSong 1:14(2)
cprim1 כְּפָרִ֖יםhennaSong 4:13(7)
Water ccpor1 כַּכְּפֹ֖רas frostExo 16:14(11)
cpor1 כְּ֝פ֗וֹרfrostPsa 147:16(4)
cpw Fear hcpiwni1 הִכְפִּישַׁ֖נִיhe has made me cowerLam 3:16(4)
cpt Bound cpitu1 כְּפִ֙תוּ֙were boundDan 3:21(4)
lcpth1 לְכַפָּתָ֔הto bindDan 3:20(7)
mcptin2 מְכַפְּתִ֔יןboundDan 3:24(16)
מְכַפְּתִֽיןboundDan 3:23(13)
cptvr Location cptor1 כַפְתּֽוֹרCaphtorJer 47:4(21)
mcptor2 מִכַּפְתּ֔וֹרfrom CaphtorDeu 2:23(8)
מִכַּפְתּ֖וֹרfrom CaphtorAmo 9:7(17)
cptr City bcptorih1 בְּכַפְתֹּרֶ֖יהָin her capitalsZep 2:14(11)
hcotrt4 ־הַכֹּתֶ֛רֶתthe capital2Kgs 25:17(17)
־הַכּוֹתֶ֛רֶתthe capitalsJer 52:22(12)
הַכֹּתֶ֥רֶתcapitalJer 52:22(5)
הַכֹּתֶרֶת֮the capital2Kgs 25:17(11)
hcptor1 הַכַּפְתּ֜וֹרthe capitalAmo 9:1(9)
vcptor6 וְכַפְתֹּ֕רand a capitalExo 25:35(11) Exo 37:21(11)
וְכַפְתֹּ֡רand a capitalExo 25:35(1) Exo 37:21(1)
וְכַפְתֹּר֙and a capitalExo 25:35(6) Exo 37:21(6)
cptor4 כַּפְתֹּ֣רcapitalExo 25:33(6) Exo 25:33(13) Exo 37:19(6) Exo 37:19(13)
cptorih4 כַּפְתֹּרֶ֖יהָits capitalsExo 25:34(5) Exo 37:20(5)
כַּפְתֹּרֶ֥יהָits capitalsExo 25:31(11) Exo 37:17(13)
cptorihm2 כַּפְתֹּרֵיהֶ֥םtheir capitalsExo 25:36(1) Exo 37:22(1)
Person cptorim3 ־כַּפְתֹּרִֽיםCaphtorimGen 10:14(10) 1Ch 1:12(10)
כַּפְתֹּרִים֙CaphtorimDeu 2:23(6)
cr Animal bcrim1 בְּכָרִ֤יםin butting lambsEze 27:21(8)
hcrim1 ־הַכָּרִים֙the butting lambs1Sa 15:9(12)
ccrim1 כְּכָרִ֣יםlike butting lambsJer 51:40(2)
cr2 ־כַ֥רa butting lambIsa 16:1(2)
כָּֽרthe butting lamb1Sa 7:11(13)
crim3 כָּרִ֔יםbutting lambs2Kgs 3:4(11)
כָּרִ֤יםbutting lambsEze 39:18(9)
כָּרִים֙butting lambsIsa 34:6(8)
Defense crim3 כָּרִ֖יםbattering-ramsEze 4:2(15)
כָּרִים֙battering-ramsEze 21:27(6) Eze 21:27(14)
Flourish cr1 כַּ֥רa meadowIsa 30:23(18)
crim4 כָרִ֨יםmeadowsPsa 65:14(2)
כָּרִ֑יםmeadowsPsa 37:20(7)
כָּרִ֜יםmeadowsDeu 32:14(7)
כָּרִים֙of the meadowsAmo 6:4(9)
Tool bcr1 בְּכַ֥רin the furniture ofGen 31:34(6)
crbl Clothe vcrblthon1 וְכַרְבְּלָתְה֖וֹןtheir hatsDan 3:21(7)
mcurbl1 מְכֻרְבָּ֣לhatted1Ch 15:27(2)
crh Cut vacrha1 וָאֶכְּרֶ֣הָso I bargainedHos 3:2(1)
vacrot2 וְאֶכְרֹ֞תand I will gouge2Kgs 19:23(14) Isa 37:24(14)
vtcru1 וְ֝תִכְר֗וּand you would gougeJob 6:27(5)
icru1 יִכְר֣וּwill bargainJob 41:6(1)
cari1 כָּ֝אֲרִ֗יthey gougePsa 22:17(7)
Work atcriit1 אֶתְכְּרִיַּ֥תwas concernedDan 7:15(1)
vicrh1 וַיִּכְרֶ֨הand he dug up2Kgs 6:23(1)
vicru1 וַיִּכְרוּand dugGen 26:25(10)
umcrh1 וּמִכְרֵהand -digsZep 2:9(18)
iicrh1 יִכָּרֶ֖הis dugPsa 94:13(6)
icrh1 ־יִכְרֶ֥הdigsExo 21:33(7)
corh2 כֹּֽרֶהone who digsPro 26:27(1)
כֹּרֶ֣הdigs upPro 16:27(3)
crh3 כֵּרָ֣הhe dug2Kgs 6:23(3)
כָּ֭רָֽהhe digsPsa 7:16(2)
כָּֽרָהhe dug2Ch 16:14(4)
cru4 ־כָר֤וּthey have dugJer 18:22(10)
־כָר֥וּthey have dugJer 18:20(6)
כָּֽרוּdigPsa 119:85(1)
כָּר֣וּthey have dugPsa 57:7(6)
cruh1 כָּר֙וּהָ֙dug herNum 21:18(4)
crot1 כְּרֹ֥תdigs forZep 2:6(5)
crit1 כָּרִ֣יתָyou have dugPsa 40:7(6)
criti1 כָּרִ֤יתִיI have dugGen 50:5(9)
tcru1 תִּכְר֧וּyou will bargain forDeu 2:6(8)
crvb Holy hcrub15 הַכְּר֔וּבthe cherubEze 10:4(5)
הַכְּר֖וּבcherub1Kgs 6:24(9) 1Kgs 6:25(3)
הַכְּר֗וּבthe cherubEze 10:14(7)
הַכְּר֣וּבcherub1Kgs 6:26(2) 1Kgs 6:27(16) Eze 10:9(15)
הַכְּר֣וּבthe cherubEze 10:9(10)
הַכְּר֤וּבcherub2Ch 3:12(2)
הַכְּר֥וּבcherub1Kgs 6:26(7) 2Ch 3:11(19) 2Ch 3:12(15)
הַכְּר֨וּבthe cherubEze 10:7(2)
הַכְּרוּב֙cherub1Kgs 6:24(4)
הַכְּרוּב֙the cherubEze 9:3(6)
hcrubim40 ־הַכְּרֻבִ֖יםthe cherubimExo 25:19(14) Exo 37:8(13)
־הַכְּרֻבִ֗יםthe cherubimGen 3:24(9)
־הַכְּרוּבִ֖יםthe cherubim1Kgs 6:28(3)
־הַכְּרוּבִ֜יםthe cherubim1Kgs 6:27(3)
־הַכְּרוּבִ֥יםthe cherubim1Kgs 6:32(16)
־הַכְּרוּבִֽיםthe cherubimEze 10:18(9)
הַכְּרֻבִ֑יםthe cherubimNum 7:89(21) 1Sa 4:4(12)
הַכְּרֻבִ֔יםthe cherubimExo 25:22(10) 2Kgs 19:15(10) Isa 37:16(6) Eze 10:1(8) Eze 10:7(11)
הַכְּרֻבִ֖יםthe cherubim2Sa 6:2(22)
הַכְּרֻבִ֛יםthe cherubim1Kgs 8:7(9)
הַכְּרֻבִ֤יםthe cherubim1Ch 28:18(8)
הַכְּרֻבִֽיםcherubim1Kgs 6:25(10)
הַכְּרֻבִֽיםthe cherubimExo 25:20(18) Exo 37:9(18)
הַכְּרֻבִים֒the cherubim1Kgs 6:27(10)
הַכְּרֻבִים֩the cherubimExo 25:20(2) Exo 37:9(2)
הַכְּרוּבִ֑יםthe cherubimEze 10:15(2)
הַכְּרוּבִ֔יםthe cherubimEze 10:5(3) Eze 10:16(2) 2Ch 3:11(2)
הַכְּרוּבִ֖יםthe cherubim1Ch 13:6(18)
הַכְּרוּבִ֛יםthe cherubim2Ch 5:8(9)
הַכְּרוּבִ֜יםthe cherubimEze 10:16(7)
הַכְּרוּבִ֣יםcherubim2Ch 3:13(2)
הַכְּרוּבִ֣יםthe cherubimEze 10:19(2) Psa 80:2(8)
הַכְּרוּבִ֥יםthe cherubimEze 41:20(5)
הַכְּרוּבִֽיםthe cherubim1Kgs 8:6(18) 2Ch 5:7(18)
הַכְּרוּבִים֒the cherubimEze 10:9(6)
הַכְּרוּבִים֙the cherubim1Kgs 8:7(2) Eze 11:22(2) 2Ch 5:8(2)
vhcrubim1 וְהַכְּרֻבִ֗יםand the cherubimEze 10:3(1)
ucrub2 וּכְרוּבand cherubExo 25:19(6) Exo 37:8(5)
ucrubim1 וּכְרוּבִ֔יםand cherubim1Kgs 7:29(8)
crub7 ־כְּ֭רוּבa cherubPsa 18:11(3)
־כְּר֔וּבcherubEze 28:14(2)
־כְּר֖וּבa cherub2Sa 22:11(3)
־כְּר֣וּבcherubEze 41:18(6)
כְּר֣וּבcherubEze 28:16(11)
כְּר֨וּבcherubExo 25:19(2)
כְּרוּבcherubExo 37:8(1)
crubim18 כְרֻבִ֖יםcherubim ofExo 37:7(3)
כְרוּבִ֖יםcherubim of1Kgs 6:23(4)
כְרוּבִ֖יםthe cherubimEze 10:20(12)
כְּ֝רוּבִ֗יםthe cherubimPsa 99:1(6)
כְּרֻבִ֖יםcherubim ofExo 25:18(3)
כְּרֻבִ֛יםcherubimExo 26:1(12) Exo 36:8(17)
כְּרֻבִֽיםcherubimExo 26:31(13) Exo 36:35(14)
כְּרוּבִ֖יםcherubim1Kgs 7:36(7) Eze 41:18(2) 2Ch 3:7(10)
כְּרוּבִ֣יםcherubim1Kgs 6:29(9) Eze 41:25(6)
כְּרוּבִ֣יםthe cherubim2Ch 3:10(5)
כְּרוּבִ֧יםcherubim1Kgs 6:32(8)
כְּרוּבִֽיםcherubim2Ch 3:14(10)
כְּרוּבִים֙cherubim1Kgs 6:35(2)
lcrub3 לִכְר֔וּבto cherubEze 41:18(7)
לַכְּר֗וּבthe cherubEze 10:2(13)
לַכְּרֽוּבper cherubEze 41:18(10)
lcrubim4 לַכְּרֻבִ֑יםof the cherubimEze 10:8(2)
לַכְּרֻבִ֔יםof the cherubimEze 10:2(19)
לַכְּרוּבִ֑יםof the cherubimEze 10:6(13)
לַכְּרוּבִ֗יםof the cherubimEze 10:7(6)
Location crub2 כְּר֥וּבCherubEzr 2:59(7) Neh 7:61(7)
crz Appeal vhcrizu1 וְהַכְרִ֣זֽוּand they made a proclamationDan 5:29(12)
vcroza1 וְכָרוֹזָ֖אand the crierDan 3:4(1)
cri People hcri1 ־הַכָּרִ֨יthe Karians2Kgs 11:19(6)
lcri1 לַכָּרִי֙of the Karians2Kgs 11:4(9)
crit Location crit2 כְּרִ֔יתKerit1Kgs 17:3(8) 1Kgs 17:5(8)
crcb Place crcob1 כַּרְכֹּ֥בthe shelf ofExo 27:5(4)
crcubo1 כַּרְכֻּבּ֛וֹits shelfExo 38:4(8)
crcm Planting vcrcom1 וְכַרְכֹּ֗םand saffronSong 4:14(2)
crcmiw Location bcrcmiw1 בְּכַרְכְּמִ֑שׁin KarkemishJer 46:2(13)
ccrcmiw1 כְּכַרְכְּמִ֖ישׁas KarkemishIsa 10:9(2)
Person bcrcmiw1 בְּכַרְכְּמִ֖ישׁagainst Karkemish2Ch 35:20(14)
crcs Person vcrcs1 וְכַרְכַּ֔סand KarkasEst 1:10(14)
crm Eat bcrm3 בְכָ֑רֶםin a vineyardIsa 1:8(5)
בְּכֶ֣רֶםin the vineyard of1Kgs 21:18(10)
בְּכֶ֣רֶםinto a vineyard ofDeu 23:25(3)
bcrmi1 בְּכַרְמֵ֖יin the vineyards ofSong 1:14(5)
bcrmim1 בַּכְּרָמִֽיםin the vineyardsJdg 21:20(8)
hcrm5 ־הַכֶּ֖רֶםthe vineyardSong 8:11(8)
־הַכָּ֑רֶםthe vineyardNeh 3:14(11)
הַכֶּ֔רֶםthe vineyardIsa 3:14(10)
הַכֶּ֖רֶםthe vineyardJer 6:1(11)
הַכָּֽרֶםthe vineyardDeu 22:9(12)
hcrmim4 ־הַ֨כְּרָמִ֔יםthe vineyards1Ch 27:27(2)
־הַכְּרָמִ֔יםthe vineyardsJdg 21:21(11) Song 1:6(14)
הַכְּרָמִ֑יםthe vineyardsNum 22:24(5)
ubcrm2 וּבְכֶ֔רֶםor the vineyardNum 20:17(7) Num 21:22(6)
ubcrmim1 וּבַכְּרָמִ֥יםand in the vineyardsIsa 16:10(6)
vcormicm1 וְכֹרְמֵיכֶֽםand your vine-dressersIsa 61:5(8)
vcormim1 וְכֹֽרְמִ֗יםand vine-dressers2Ch 26:10(15)
vcrm4 וְכֶ֖רֶםand the vineyard ofJob 24:6(4)
וְכֶ֣רֶםnor vineyardJer 35:7(7)
וְכֶ֧רֶםand vineyardJer 35:9(5)
וָכָ֑רֶםor vineyardNum 16:14(13)
vcrmicm2 וְכַרְמֵיכֶ֖םand your vineyards1Sa 8:15(2)
וְכַרְמֵיכֶ֛םand your vineyardsAmo 4:9(7)
vcrmilo1 וְכַרְמִלּ֔וֹand his vineyardIsa 10:18(3)
ucrmim5 וּכְרָמִ֔יםand vineyards1Sa 22:7(16)
וּכְרָמִ֖יםand vineyardsJer 32:15(12)
וּכְרָמִ֗יםand vineyards2Kgs 18:32(13)
וּכְרָמִֽיםand vineyardsIsa 36:17(13)
וּכְרָמִים֙or vineyards2Kgs 5:26(19)
ucrminu4 וּכְרָמֵ֖ינוּand our vineyardsNeh 5:5(22)
וּכְרָמֵ֖ינוּbut our vineyardsSong 2:15(8)
וּכְרָמֵ֥ינוּand our vineyardsNeh 5:3(5)
וּכְרָמֵֽינוּand our vineyardsNeh 5:4(9)
vcrmç2 וְכַרְמְךָ֖and your vineyardLev 25:4(12)
וְכַרְמְךָ֙and your vineyardLev 19:10(1)
cormim1 כֹּֽרְמִ֔יםvineyardsJoe 1:11(4)
crm18 ־כֶ֔רֶםvineyardExo 22:4(6) Isa 5:10(4)
־כֶּ֖רֶםthe vineyard of1Kgs 21:7(20)
־כֶּ֛רֶםthe vineyard of1Kgs 21:16(11)
־כֶּ֝֗רֶםthe vineyard ofPro 24:30(7)
־כֶּ֣רֶםthe vineyard of1Kgs 21:15(15)
־כֶּ֥רֶםvineyardJdg 15:5(12)
כֶ֖רֶםa vineyard1Kgs 21:6(21)
כֶ֜רֶםthe vineyard ofIsa 5:7(2)
כָ֑רֶםa vineyardMic 1:6(6)
כֶּ֖רֶםa vineyard1Kgs 21:2(22)
כֶּ֙רֶם֙a vineyardDeu 20:6(5)
כֶּ֛רֶםa vineyardIsa 5:1(7)
כֶּ֣רֶםa vineyardSong 8:11(1)
כֶּ֥רֶםa vineyardIsa 27:2(3)
כֶּ֧רֶםa vineyard1Kgs 21:1(5)
כָּֽרֶםa vineyardGen 9:20(6) Pro 31:16(7)
crmo1 כַּרְמ֖וֹhis vineyardExo 22:4(16)
crmi7 ־כַּרְמִֽיmy vineyard1Kgs 21:6(28)
־כַּרְמֵ֣יthe vineyards ofJdg 14:5(8)
כַרְמִ֔יmy vineyardJer 12:10(4)
כַּרְמִ֥יvineyardSong 1:6(15)
כַּרְמִֽיmy vineyardIsa 5:3(10)
כַּרְמֵיvineyardsAmo 5:11(16)
כָּרְמִ֥יmy vineyardSong 8:12(1)
crmih1 ־כְּרָמֶ֙יהָ֙her vineyardHos 2:17(4)
crmihm2 ־כַּרְמֵיהֶם֙their vineyardsJdg 9:27(5)
כַּרְמֵיהֶ֥םtheir vineyardsNeh 5:11(6)
crmicm1 ־כַּרְמֵיכֶ֧םyour vineyards1Sa 8:14(4)
crmim18 ־כְּרָמִ֖יםvineyardsAmo 5:17(2)
כְרָמִ֑יםvineyardsPsa 107:37(4)
כְרָמִ֔יםvineyardsIsa 65:21(5) Jer 31:5(3) Eze 28:26(7) Amo 9:14(11) Zep 1:13(11)
כְרָמִ֖יםvineyards2Kgs 19:29(15) Isa 37:30(15)
כְּרָמִ֑יםvineyardsSong 2:15(7)
כְּרָמִ֔יםvineyardsJdg 11:33(10)
כְּרָמִ֤יםvineyardsJos 24:13(14)
כְּרָמִ֥יםvineyardsDeu 6:11(13) Deu 28:39(1) Jer 39:10(16)
כְּרָמִ֧יםvineyardsNeh 9:25(13)
כְּרָמִֽיםvineyardsJob 24:18(12) Eccl 2:4(8)
crmç6 ־כַּרְמְךָ֙your vineyard1Kgs 21:6(13)
־כַּרְמְךָ֜your vineyard1Kgs 21:2(9)
כַּרְמְךָ֔your vineyardDeu 24:21(3)
כַּרְמְךָ֖your vineyardLev 19:10(5) Deu 22:9(3)
כַּרְמֶ֑ךָyour vineyardLev 25:3(8)
lcormim2 לְכֹֽרְמִ֖יםfor the vineyards2Kgs 25:12(6)
לְכֹרְמִ֖יםfor the vineyardsJer 52:16(7)
lcrmo1 לְכַרְמ֑וֹfor his vineyardIsa 5:1(6)
lcrmi2 לְכַרְמִ֑יfor my vineyardIsa 5:5(9)
לְכַרְמִ֔יfor my vineyardIsa 5:4(4)
lcrmim1 לַכְּרָמִ֔יםto the vineyardsSong 7:13(2)
lcrmç1 לְכַרְמְךָ֖for your vineyardExo 23:11(13)
wbcrmim1 שֶׁבַּכְּרָמִים֙the vineyards1Ch 27:27(6)
Flourish crm1 כֶּ֥רֶםa vineyardDeu 28:30(11)
crmi Person hcrmi1 הַכַּרְמִֽיCarmitesNum 26:6(6)
vcrmi4 וְכַרְמִ֔יand CarmiExo 6:14(12)
וְכַרְמִ֖יand Carmi1Ch 4:1(5)
וְכַרְמִֽיand CarmiGen 46:9(6) 1Ch 5:3(8)
crmi3 ־כַּרְמִ֧יCarmiJos 7:18(8)
־כַּרְמִי֩CarmiJos 7:1(9)
כַּרְמִ֑יCarmi1Ch 2:7(2)
lcrmi1 לְכַרְמִ֕יto CarmiNum 26:6(4)
crml Location bcrml4 בַכַּרְמֶ֗לwere in Carmel1Sa 25:2(4)
בְּכַרְמֶל֙with CarmelJos 19:26(5)
בַּכַּרְמֶֽלin Carmel1Sa 25:2(18) 1Sa 25:7(21)
hcrml9 הַכַּרְמֶ֑לCarmel1Kgs 18:19(10) 2Kgs 2:25(5) 2Kgs 4:25(8)
הַכַּרְמֶ֔לCarmelAmo 9:3(4)
הַכַּרְמֶ֖לCarmelJer 50:19(7)
הַכַּרְמֶ֖לthe plantationIsa 35:2(12)
הַכַּרְמֶֽלCarmel1Kgs 18:20(11) Amo 1:2(13)
הַכַּרְמֶל֙Carmel1Kgs 18:42(9)
hcrmlh2 הַכַּרְמֶ֑לָהto Carmel1Sa 25:40(6)
הַכַּרְמֶ֙לָה֙to Carmel1Sa 15:12(11)
ubcrml1 וּבַכַּרְמֶ֔לand in Carmel2Ch 26:10(17)
vhcrml2 וְהַכַּרְמֶ֖לand the plantationIsa 29:17(8) Isa 32:15(9)
uccrml1 וּכְכַרְמֶ֖לand as CarmelJer 46:18(11)
vcrml2 וְכַרְמֶ֔לand CarmelNah 1:4(9)
וְכַרְמֶֽלand CarmelIsa 33:9(12)
ccrml1 כַּכַּרְמֶ֔לlike CarmelSong 7:6(3)
crml1 כַּרְמֶ֖לCarmelJos 15:55(2)
crmlh1 כַרְמֶ֙לָה֙to Carmel1Sa 25:5(9)
lcrml1 לַכַּרְמֶ֖לof CarmelJos 12:22(6)
People hcrmli5 הַֽכַּרְמְלִ֑יthe Carmelite2Sa 3:3(6)
הַֽכַּרְמְלִ֔יthe Carmelite2Sa 23:35(2) 1Ch 11:37(2)
הַֽכַּרְמְלִֽיthe Carmelite1Sa 30:5(10) 2Sa 2:2(12)
hcrmlit2 הַֽכַּרְמְלִֽיתthe Carmelite1Sa 27:3(18) 1Ch 3:1(16)
Work bcrml1 בַּכַּרְמֶ֥לin the plantationIsa 32:16(5)
hcrml3 ־הַכַּרְמֶ֔לthe plantationIsa 16:10(5)
הַכַּרְמֶ֔לa plantationJer 2:7(5)
הַכַּרְמֶ֖לthe plantation inJer 4:26(3)
vcrml2 וְכַרְמֶ֖לand plantation food2Kgs 4:42(13)
וְכַרְמֶ֜לnor from the plantationLev 23:14(3)
crmilo2 כַּרְמִלּֽוֹits plantation2Kgs 19:23(23) Isa 37:24(23)
crml2 כַּרְמֶ֑לa plantationMic 7:14(10)
כַּרְמֶ֔לplantationLev 2:14(10)
lcrml2 לַכַּרְמֶ֑לinto a plantationIsa 29:17(7)
לַכַּרְמֶ֔לa plantationIsa 32:15(8)
mcrml1 מִכַּרְמֶ֖לfrom your plantationJer 48:33(4)
crn Person ucrn2 וּכְרָֽןand CranGen 36:26(7) 1Ch 1:41(9)
crsm Violence icrsmnh1 יְכַרְסְמֶ֣נָּֽהwastes herPsa 80:14(1)
cry Bodypart hcryiim2 ־הַכְּרָעַ֖יִםthe limbsLev 8:21(4)
־הַכְּרָעָ֑יִםthe limbsLev 9:14(5)
vhcryiim1 וְהַכְּרָעַ֖יִםand its limbsLev 1:13(2)
ucryiv2 וּכְרָעָ֔יוand its limbsExo 29:17(7)
וּכְרָעָ֖יוand its limbsLev 1:9(2)
cryiv2 ־כְּרָעָ֑יוits limbsLev 4:11(10)
־כְּרָעָ֖יוits limbsExo 12:9(14)
cryiim1 כְרָעַ֙יִם֙limbsLev 11:21(13)
Praise icry1 יִכְרַ֖עdid bow downEst 3:2(17)
Rule hcriy1 הִכְרִֽיעַwere bowed downPsa 78:31(9)
hcriyhu1 הַכְרִיעֵ֑הוּmake it bow downPsa 17:13(5)
hcry1 הַכְרֵ֣עַbowed downJdg 11:35(10)
hcrytini1 הִכְרַעְתִּ֔נִיI am made to bow downJdg 11:35(11)
vacryh1 וָֽאֶכְרְעָה֙I bowed downEzr 9:5(8)
vicry2 וַיִּכְרַ֖עand he bowed down2Kgs 9:24(13)
וַיִּכְרַ֥עand bowed down2Kgs 1:13(12)
vicryu1 וַיִּכְרְעוּ֩and they bowed down2Ch 7:3(11)
vncryh1 וְנִכְרָ֑עָהand bow downPsa 95:6(3)
vtcry1 וַתִּכְרַ֣עand she bowed down1Sa 4:19(16)
icry1 ־יִכְרַ֥עbows downJdg 7:5(24)
icryu2 יִ֭כְרְעוּwill bowPsa 22:30(7)
יִכְרְע֣וּwill bow downPsa 72:9(2)
icryun1 יִכְרְע֥וּןlet bow downJob 31:10(5)
cory1 כֹּרֵ֥עַbowing downEst 3:5(6)
coryot1 כֹּרְע֣וֹתbowed downJob 4:4(5)
coryim1 כֹּרְעִ֤יםbowed downEst 3:2(7)
cry7 כָרַע֙he bows downIsa 10:4(2)
כָּרַ֔עhe bowed downJdg 5:27(11)
כָּרַ֣עbowing downJdg 5:27(8)
כָּרַ֥עbows downIsa 46:1(1)
כָּרַ֥עhe bowed downJdg 5:27(3)
כָּרַ֨עhe bows downNum 24:9(1)
כָּרַ֨עhe is bowed downGen 49:9(7)
cryu5 ־כָֽרְעוּ֙have bowed down1Kgs 19:18(9)
כָֽרְעוּ֙they bow downIsa 46:2(2)
כָּרְע֗וּbowed down2Ch 29:29(3)
כָּרְע֣וּare bowed downPsa 20:9(2)
כָּרְע֥וּbowed downJdg 7:6(13)
cryiim1 כְרָעַ֖יִםshanksAmo 3:12(10)
mcroy1 מִכְּרֹ֣עַfrom bowing down1Kgs 8:54(16)
tcriy2 תַּכְרִ֖יעַyou will bow downPsa 18:40(4)
תַּכְרִ֥יעַyou will bow down2Sa 22:40(4)
tcry1 תִּכְרַ֣עwill bow downIsa 45:23(11)
tcryu1 תִּכְרָ֔עוּwill bow downIsa 65:12(6)
tcrynh1 תִּ֭כְרַעְנָהthey bow downJob 39:3(1)
crps Planting crps1 כַּרְפַּ֣סcottonEst 1:6(2)
crr Eat vcicr2 וְכִכַּ֨רand round loaf ofExo 29:23(1)
וְכִכַּרand a round loaf of1Sa 2:36(10)
cicrot2 כִּכְּר֣וֹתround loaves ofJdg 8:5(6) 1Sa 10:3(24)
Joy umcrcr1 וּמְכַרְכֵּר֙and gyrating2Sa 6:16(18)
mcrcr1 מְכַרְכֵּ֥רgyrated2Sa 6:14(2)
Measure bcicriim1 בְּכִכְּרַ֣יִםfor two talents of1Kgs 16:24(7)
hcicr8 ־הַכִּכָּ֞רthe basin ofDeu 34:3(4)
־הַכִּכָּר֙the basinNeh 12:28(5)
הַכִּכָּ֔רtalents2Ch 25:9(8)
הַכִּכָּ֔רthe basinGen 13:12(8) Gen 19:29(6) 2Sa 18:23(10)
הַכִּכָּ֖רtalentsExo 38:27(15)
הַכִּכָּֽרthe basinNeh 3:22(5)
vcicr2 וְכִכַּ֥רand a talent of2Kgs 23:33(16) 2Ch 36:3(11)
cicr34 ־כִּכַּ֣רthe basin ofGen 13:10(8) Gen 13:11(6)
־כִּכַּ֫רa talent ofPro 6:26(6)
כִכַּרa talent of1Kgs 20:39(32) Jer 37:21(11)
כִכַּרtalents of2Kgs 23:33(14) 2Ch 25:6(8) 2Ch 36:3(9)
כִכָּֽרtalentsEzr 8:26(15)
כִּכַּ֣רtalents ofExo 38:27(3) 1Kgs 10:10(5) 2Ch 8:18(20) 2Ch 9:9(5)
כִּכַּ֤רa talent of2Sa 12:30(8)
כִּכַּ֥רa talent ofZec 5:7(2)
כִּכַּ֥רof a talent of1Kgs 10:14(13)
כִּכַּ֥רtalents of1Kgs 9:14(6) 2Kgs 18:14(30)
כִּכַּרa talent of2Kgs 5:22(20) 1Ch 16:3(9) 1Ch 20:2(10)
כִּכַּרtalents of2Kgs 15:19(11) 2Kgs 18:14(27) Est 3:9(9) 1Ch 19:6(13) 1Ch 29:4(9) 2Ch 27:5(16)
כִּכָּ֑רtalentsExo 38:25(5) Exo 38:29(4)
כִּכָּ֑רtalents of1Kgs 9:28(9)
כִּכָּ֔רtalentsExo 38:24(13)
כִּכָּ֛רof a talent ofExo 25:39(1) Exo 37:24(1)
כִּכָּ֥רa talentExo 38:27(16)
cicri3 כִּכְּרֵ֥יtalents of1Ch 29:4(3) 2Ch 9:13(13)
כִּכְּרֵיtalents of2Kgs 5:5(15)
cicriim2 כִּכְּרַ֨יִםtwo talents of2Kgs 5:23(9)
כִּכָּרָ֑יִםtwo talents2Kgs 5:23(5)
cicrim7 כִּכָּרִ֑יםtalents1Ch 29:7(19)
כִּכָּרִ֔יםtalents1Ch 22:14(13)
כִּכָּרִ֣יםtalents1Ch 29:7(6)
כִּכָּרִ֤יםtalents1Ch 22:14(7)
כִּכָּרִֽיםtalents1Ch 29:7(23)
כִּכָּרִים֙talentsEzr 8:26(5) 1Ch 29:7(12)
ccrin1 כַּכְּרִ֣יןtalentsEzr 7:22(3)
lcicrim2 לְכִכָּרִ֑יםtalentsEzr 8:26(12)
לְכִכָּרִ֖יםfor talents2Ch 3:8(19)
Valley bcicr2 בְּכִכַּ֤רin the basin of1Kgs 7:46(1) 2Ch 4:17(1)
hcicr3 ־הַכִּכָּ֑רthe basinGen 19:17(15) Gen 19:25(7)
הַכִּכָּ֑רthe basinGen 19:28(10)
crwna Location crwna1 כַּרְשְׁנָ֤אKarshenaEst 1:14(3)
crt Cut acrot5 אֶֽכְרָתwill I cutJos 9:7(11)
אֶכְר֥וֹתI will cutIsa 61:8(14)
אֶכְרֹ֣תI will cut1Sa 11:2(6)
אֶכְרֹ֥תI will cut2Sa 3:13(4)
אֶכְרֹת֩I will cutJer 31:33(5)
acrit3 ־אַכְרִ֤יתI will cut off1Sa 2:33(3)
אַכְרִ֞יתI will cut offZec 13:2(7)
אַכְרִ֨יתI will cut offNah 1:14(10)
bhicrt1 בְּהִכָּרֵ֖תand are cut offPsa 37:34(9)
bhcrit2 בְּהַכְרִ֣יתwhen cut off1Kgs 18:4(2)
בְּהַכְרִ֤תwhen has cut off1Sa 20:15(10)
bcorti1 בְּכָרְתִי֩I cut off1Sa 24:12(10)
bcrot1 בִּכְרָתthat is in league1Sa 22:8(9)
hocrt1 הָכְרַ֥תcut off isJoe 1:9(1)
hicrot1 הֲיִכְרֹ֣תwill he cutJob 41:4(1)
hicrt1 הִכָּרֵ֧תcut offNum 15:31(8)
hcort1 הַכֹּרֵ֖תcuttersIsa 14:8(11)
hcrit3 ־הִכְרִ֥יתhe had cut off1Kgs 11:16(10)
הִכְרִ֛יתcut off1Sa 28:9(12)
הַכְרִ֣יתyou cut offJer 44:8(15)
hcritu1 הִכְרִ֔יתוּthey had cutJdg 4:24(13)
hcritç1 הַכְרִיתֶֽךָto cut you offIsa 48:9(9)
hcrti3 ־הִכְרַ֥תִּיI have cut offEze 21:9(3)
הִכְרַ֔תִּיI have cut offJos 23:4(15)
הִכְרַ֣תִּיI have cut offZep 3:6(1)
vacrit1 וָאַכְרִ֥יתand I cut off1Ch 17:8(6)
vacrith1 וָאַכְרִ֥תָהand I cut off2Sa 7:9(6)
vacrth1 וְאֶכְרְתָ֤הand I will cutIsa 55:3(8)
vhcrith1 וְהִכְרִ֙יתָה֙and cut offLev 26:22(8)
vhcritu1 וְהִכְרִ֥יתוּand cut offJos 7:9(8)
vhcrti30 וְהִכְרַתִּ֖יand I will cut offEze 25:16(11) Eze 30:15(7) Mic 5:10(1) Zec 9:6(4)
וְהִכְרַתִּ֞יand I will cut offZep 1:4(9)
וְהִכְרַתִּ֣יand I will cut offZep 1:3(12)
וְהִכְרַתִּ֣יthen I will cut off1Kgs 9:7(1)
וְהִכְרַתִּ֤יand I will cut off1Kgs 14:10(8) 2Kgs 9:8(5) Amo 1:5(4) Amo 1:8(1) Nah 2:14(12)
וְהִכְרַתִּ֤יthen I will cut off1Kgs 21:21(7)
וְהִכְרַתִּ֥יand I will cut offLev 17:10(19) Lev 20:3(7) Lev 20:6(15) Eze 14:13(19) Eze 14:17(11) Eze 21:8(12) Eze 25:13(10) Eze 29:8(10) Eze 35:7(7) Amo 2:3(1) Mic 5:11(1)
וְהִכְרַתִּ֥יthat I will cut offMic 5:9(6)
וְהִכְרַתִּ֧יand I will cut offMic 5:12(1)
וְהִכְרַתִּ֨יand I will cut offLev 20:5(8) Isa 14:22(6)
וְהִכְרַתִּיand I will cut offZec 9:10(1)
וְהִכְרַתִּי֙and I will cut offLev 26:30(4)
vhcrtiv1 וְהִכְרַתִּ֖יוand I will cut it offEze 14:8(8)
vhcrtiç1 וְהִכְרַתִּ֙יךָ֙and I will cut you offEze 25:7(10)
vicrot23 וַיִּכְרָתand he cut1Kgs 20:34(21)
וַיִּכְרָתand he cut off1Sa 17:51(12)
וַיִּכְרֹ֖תand he cut2Kgs 23:14(4)
וַיִּכְרֹ֛תand he cut off1Sa 24:5(24)
וַיִּכְרֹ֣תand cut2Sa 5:3(8)
וַיִּכְרֹ֣תand he cut2Ch 34:31(5)
וַיִּכְרֹ֤תand cut2Ch 23:16(1)
וַיִּכְרֹ֤תand cut off1Kgs 15:13(11) 2Ch 15:16(12)
וַיִּכְרֹ֥תand cutJos 9:15(5)
וַיִּכְרֹ֥תand he cut2Kgs 23:3(5) Eze 17:13(4)
וַיִּכְרֹ֥תso was in league1Sa 20:16(1)
וַיִּכְרֹ֧תand he cut off2Sa 10:4(10) 1Ch 19:4(7)
וַיִּכְרֹ֧תso cut1Sa 18:3(1)
וַיִּכְרֹ֨תand cutJos 24:25(1) 2Kgs 11:17(1) 2Kgs 17:35(1) 2Ch 23:3(1)
וַיִּכְרֹת֙and cut fromJdg 9:48(15)
וַיִּכְרֹת֩and cut2Kgs 11:4(16) 1Ch 11:3(8)
vicrt3 וְיַכְרֵ֖תthat he may cut offPsa 109:15(5)
וַיַּכְרֵ֤תand he cut offJos 11:21(5)
וַיַּכְרֵ֨תso will cut offIsa 9:13(1)
vicrtu10 וְיִכְרְת֤וּand they will cut2Sa 3:21(14)
וְיִכְרְתוּthat they cut1Kgs 5:20(3)
וַֽיִּכְרְת֞וּand they cut off2Sa 20:22(7)
וַֽיִּכְרְתוּ֙and they cut off1Sa 31:9(1)
וַיִּכְרְת֥וּand they cutGen 21:27(7) Gen 21:32(1) 1Kgs 5:26(14)
וַיִּכְרְת֧וּand cut1Sa 23:18(1)
וַיִּכְרְת֨וּand cutJdg 9:49(1)
וַיִּכְרְת֨וּand they cutNum 13:23(5)
vicrtuhu1 וַיִּכְרְתֻ֧הוּso have cut him offEze 31:12(1)
vcrut1 וְכָר֔וּתor the cutLev 22:24(4)
vcrot1 וְכָר֨וֹתand you cutNeh 9:8(6)
ucrut1 וּכְר֥וּתor cut offDeu 23:2(5)
ucrutot1 וּכְרֻת֥וֹתand cuttings1Kgs 7:2(20)
vcrt3 וְכָרַ֖תand cut off2Kgs 18:4(8)
וְכָרַ֤תand are cut offIsa 18:5(10)
וְכָרָ֑תָּand cutDeu 20:20(12)
vcrtu1 וְכָֽרְתוּ֙and they will cutJer 22:7(6)
vcrti5 וְכָרַתִּ֗יwhen I will cutJer 31:31(6)
וְכָרַתִּ֤יand I will cutJer 32:40(1) Eze 34:25(1) Eze 37:26(1)
וְכָרַתִּ֨יand I will cutHos 2:20(1)
ulhcrit2 וּלְהַכְרִ֖יתand to cut offJer 44:11(13)
וּלְהַכְרִ֥יתand to cut offIsa 10:7(12)
vncritnh1 וְנַכְרִיתֶ֣נָּהand let us cut her offJer 48:2(10)
vncrt6 וְנִכְרַ֖תwill be cut offExo 30:33(10) Exo 30:38(7)
וְנִכְרַ֖תָּand you will be cut offOba 1:10(6)
וְנִכְרַ֛תand you will cut offLev 17:4(19)
וְנִכְרַ֛תwill be cut offLev 17:9(10)
וְנִכְרַת֙and will be cut offIsa 22:25(13)
vncrth18 וְנִכְרְתָ֖הand is cut offJer 7:28(16)
וְנִכְרְתָ֖הwill be cut offLev 23:29(10)
וְנִכְרְתָ֛הand will be cut offNum 19:13(14)
וְנִכְרְתָ֛הthen will be cut offLev 7:20(11) Lev 7:25(12) Num 19:20(6)
וְנִכְרְתָ֛הwill be cut offGen 17:14(9) Exo 31:14(16) Lev 7:21(21) Lev 7:27(7) Lev 19:8(9) Num 9:13(11) Num 15:30(14)
וְנִכְרְתָ֞הthen will be cut offExo 12:19(11) Lev 22:3(19)
וְנִכְרְתָ֞הwill be cut offExo 12:15(15)
וְנִכְרְתָ֥הand let us cutGen 26:28(15)
וְנִכְרְתָה֙and will be cut offZec 9:10(6)
vncrtu4 וְנִ֨כְרְת֔וּthat they will be cut offLev 20:17(20)
וְנִכְרְת֖וּand will be cut offIsa 29:20(6)
וְנִכְרְת֛וּwill be cut offLev 18:29(8)
וְנִכְרְת֥וּand will be cut offLev 20:18(18)
vncrtnu1 וְנִכְרְתֶ֙נּוּ֙and let us cut himJer 11:19(15)
vtcrot2 וַתִּכְרָתand you have cutIsa 57:8(12)
וַתִּכְרֹת֙and she cutExo 4:25(4)
vtcrtu1 וַתִּכְרְת֤וּand you had cutJer 34:15(12)
iicrt23 ־יִ֭כָּרֵתit is cut offJob 14:7(6)
־יִכָּרֵ֣תlet there be cut off2Sa 3:29(10)
־יִכָּרֵ֣תthere will be cut offJer 33:17(6)
־יִכָּרֵ֣תwill be cut offZep 3:7(8)
־יִכָּרֵ֤תwill be cut off1Kgs 2:4(24) 1Kgs 9:5(15) 2Ch 7:18(11)
־יִכָּרֵ֥תwill there be cut offJer 33:18(4)
־יִכָּרֵ֧תcut offIsa 48:19(8)
־יִכָּרֵ֧תis cut offRut 4:10(16)
־יִכָּרֵ֧תwill be cut offGen 9:11(6)
־יִכָּרֵ֨תwill be cut off1Kgs 8:25(15) Jer 35:19(9) 2Ch 6:16(15)
־יִכָּרֵ֨תwill be cut off fromJos 9:23(5)
יִכָּֽרֶתwill be cut offOba 1:9(5)
יִכָּרֵ֑תit was cut offNum 11:33(6)
יִכָּרֵ֖תwill be cut offZec 14:2(21)
יִכָּרֵ֥תwill be cut offDan 9:26(5)
יִכָּרֵֽתbe cut offIsa 55:13(15)
יִכָּרֵֽתhe will be cut offHos 8:4(14)
יִכָּרֵֽתwill be cut offLev 17:14(24) Isa 56:5(16)
iicrtu5 יִכָּרְת֖וּwill be cut offZec 13:8(9)
יִכָּרֵ֑תוּwill be cut offIsa 11:13(6) Pro 2:22(3)
יִכָּרֵֽתוּthey are cut offPsa 37:22(6)
יִכָּרֵֽתוּwill be cut offMic 5:8(7)
iicrtun2 יִכָּ֣רֵת֔וּןwill be cut off fromJos 3:13(16)
יִכָּרֵת֑וּןwill be cut offPsa 37:9(3)
icrotu2 יִכְרֹ֔תוּthey cutHos 12:2(14)
יִכְרֹֽתוּthey cutPsa 83:6(7)
icrit3 ־יַכְרִ֞יתhas cut offDeu 19:1(2)
־יַכְרִית֩will cut offDeu 12:29(2)
יַכְרִ֛יתwill cut off1Kgs 14:14(8)
icrt2 יַכְרֵ֣תwill cut offPsa 12:4(1)
יַכְרֵ֨תwill cut offMal 2:12(1)
cort3 כֹּרֵ֣תcutExo 34:10(4)
כֹּרֵ֥תhas cut withDeu 29:11(9)
כֹּרֵת֙do cutDeu 29:13(5)
corth2 כָּרְתָ֤הcut2Sa 3:12(11)
כֹּרָ֑תָהwas cut offJdg 6:28(12)
corti1 כֹּרְתֵ֖יthose who cut asPsa 50:5(4)
cortim1 כֹּרְתִ֥יםwere in leagueNeh 10:1(4)
crot3 כְּרָתcut1Sa 11:1(14)
כְּרֹת֩had cutJer 34:8(9)
כָּרֹ֣תto cutHos 10:4(5)
crutot3 כְּרֻתֹ֣תcut1Kgs 7:12(8)
כְּרֻתֹ֥תcut1Kgs 6:36(9)
כְּרֻתוֹת֙were cut off1Sa 5:4(17)
critut3 כְּרִית֤וּתthe cutting off ofIsa 50:1(7)
כְּרִיתֻת֙being cut offDeu 24:1(20) Deu 24:3(7)
critutih1 כְּרִיתֻתֶ֖יהָher cutting offJer 3:8(14)
crt19 ־כָרַּ֣תcutEze 16:4(6)
־כָּרַ֥תcutDeu 9:9(9)
־כָּרַ֥תhe cutDeu 28:69(18)
כָרַ֖תhe has cut offJdg 6:30(16)
כָּ֭רַתhe cut withPsa 105:9(2)
כָּרַ֔תhe cut1Sa 24:6(10)
כָּרַ֖תhe cutDeu 4:23(10) 2Ch 6:11(10) 2Ch 21:7(11)
כָּרַ֣תhe cutDeu 29:24(11)
כָּרַ֣תhe cut with2Kgs 17:15(7)
כָּרַ֤תcutExo 24:8(13) 1Kgs 8:9(13) 2Ch 5:10(11)
כָּרַ֥תcutDeu 5:2(3)
כָּרַ֥תdid cutDeu 5:3(4)
כָּרַ֧תcutGen 15:18(3)
כָּרַת֙he cut1Kgs 8:21(10)
כָּרַת֙he cut with1Ch 16:16(2)
crtu9 ־כָּרְת֥וּcutNum 13:24(10)
־כָּרְת֥וּthey had cutJos 9:16(7)
crto1 כְּרָת֔וֹthey cutJer 10:3(9)
crtu9 כִּרְת֣וּcutJer 6:6(6)
כִּרְת֤וּcut offJer 50:16(1)
כִּרְתוּcutJos 9:6(16) Jos 9:11(19)
כָּרְת֖וּthey cutJer 34:18(14)
כָּרְת֣וּthey cutJer 34:18(18)
כָּרְת֤וּthey will cut offJer 46:23(1)
crti11 ־כָּרַ֤תִּיI cutHag 2:5(4)
־כָּרַ֥תִּיI cut2Kgs 17:38(3)
כָּרַ֖תִּיI have cutDeu 31:16(27) Jer 11:10(25) Zec 11:10(12)
כָּרַ֗תִּיI cut2Ch 7:18(6)
כָּרַ֙תִּי֙I cutJer 31:32(4)
כָּרַ֣תִּֽיI have cutPsa 89:4(1)
כָּרַ֣תִּיI have cutJob 31:1(2)
כָּרַ֤תִּֽיI cutJer 34:13(7)
כָּרַ֧תִּיI have cutExo 34:27(15)
crtim2 ־כְּרֵתִ֑יםthose who cut offEze 25:16(13)
כְּרֵתִ֑יםthose who are cut offZep 2:5(6)
crtnu1 כָּרַ֤תְנֽוּwe have cutIsa 28:15(3)
lhcrit12 לְהַכְרִ֑יתcut offPsa 109:13(3)
לְהַכְרִ֖יתto cut offEze 17:17(14) Oba 1:14(5) Psa 34:17(5) 2Ch 22:7(19)
לְהַכְרִ֤יתto cut offJer 9:20(7) Jer 47:4(8)
לְהַכְרִ֥יתto cut offEze 14:19(11) Eze 14:21(19) Psa 101:8(6)
לְהַכְרִ֨יתto cut offJer 44:7(16)
לְהַכְרִית֙to cut offExo 8:5(11)
lhcrito1 לְהַכְרִית֔וֹto cut it offJer 51:62(8)
lcorti1 לְֽכֹרְתֵ֣יto the cutters of2Ch 2:9(3)
lcrot6 לִכְר֖וֹתhow to cut2Ch 2:7(14)
לִכְר֣וֹתis to cut2Ch 29:10(4)
לִכְרָתhe cutsIsa 44:14(1)
לִכְרָתto cut1Kgs 5:20(27)
לִכְרֹ֛תto cutDeu 28:69(9)
לִכְרֹ֣תto cutDeu 19:5(11)
ncrot1 נִכְרֹ֨תwill cut2Ch 2:15(2)
ncrit1 נַכְרִ֖יתcut off1Kgs 18:5(21)
ncrt5 נִֽכְרָתlet us cutEzr 10:3(2)
נִכְרַ֖תit is cut offJoe 1:5(11)
נִכְרָ֑תcut offJoe 1:16(5)
נִכְרָֽתis cut offNah 2:1(21)
נִכְרָֽתwill be cut offPsa 37:28(13)
ncrth2 נִכְרְתָ֥הlet us cutGen 31:44(3)
נִכְרָֽתָהis to be cut offPsa 37:38(6)
ncrtu4 נִכְרְת֖וּcut off areZep 1:11(9)
נִכְרְת֖וּwere cut offJos 4:7(13)
נִכְרְת֜וּwere cut offJos 4:7(4)
נִכְרָ֑תוּcut offJos 3:16(22)
ticrt5 ־תִכָּרֵ֥תwill be cut offGen 41:36(13)
תִכָּרֵֽתwill be cut offPro 23:18(7) Pro 24:14(11)
תִּכָּרֵ֛תwill be cut offNum 15:31(9)
תִּכָּרֵֽתwill be cut offPro 10:31(7)
tcrot7 ־תִכְרֹ֥תto cutDeu 7:2(10)
־תִכְרֹ֥תyou will cutExo 23:32(2)
־תִּכְרֹ֤תyou cutExo 34:12(4)
־תִּכְרֹ֥תyou cutExo 34:15(2)
תִכְרֹ֑תyou will cutDeu 20:19(22)
תִּכְרֹֽתyou will cut offJdg 6:25(27) Jdg 6:26(19)
tcrotun1 תִּכְרֹתֽוּןyou will cut offExo 34:13(10)
tcrit2 ־תַכְרִ֧תyou will cut off1Sa 20:15(2)
־תַּכְרִ֥יתyou will cut off1Sa 24:22(6)
tcritu1 ־תַּכְרִ֕יתוּdo cut offNum 4:18(2)
tcritç1 תַּכְרִיתֵ֣ךְwill cut you offNah 3:15(4)
tcrtu1 ־תִכְרְת֤וּyou will cutJdg 2:2(3)
crti People hcrti4 ־הַכְּרֵתִ֖יthe Cheretites2Sa 15:18(7) 2Sa 20:23(10) 1Ch 18:17(5)
הַכְּרֵתִ֛יthe Cheretites1Sa 30:14(4)
vhcrti4 וְהַכְּרֵתִ֖יand the Cheretites1Kgs 1:44(13)
וְהַכְּרֵתִ֖יboth the Cheretites2Sa 8:18(4)
וְהַכְּרֵתִ֥יand the Cheretites2Sa 20:7(5)
וְהַכְּרֵתִי֙and the Cheretites1Kgs 1:38(9)
cwd Location cwd1 ־כֶּ֣שֶׂדKesedGen 22:22(2)
cwdi People hcwdim32 ־הַכַּשְׂדִּ֔יםthe Chaldeans2Kgs 25:25(22) Jer 21:4(21) Jer 33:5(4) Jer 37:14(7) Jer 38:19(13) Jer 38:23(8) Hab 1:6(5)
־הַכַּשְׂדִּ֖יםthe ChaldeansJer 32:5(15) Jer 37:13(20) Jer 41:3(11)
־הַכַּשְׂדִּ֜יםthe ChaldeansJer 21:9(11)
־הַכַּשְׂדִּים֙the ChaldeansJer 38:2(13) Jer 43:3(12)
הַכַּשְׂדִּ֑יםthe Chaldeans2Kgs 25:24(10) Jer 32:4(7) Jer 37:9(11) Jer 40:9(13)
הַכַּשְׂדִּ֔יםthe ChaldeansJer 35:11(14) Jer 37:8(2) Jer 37:11(4) Jer 38:18(12) Jer 40:10(7) Jer 41:18(2)
הַכַּשְׂדִּ֖יםthe ChaldeansJer 39:8(8)
הַכַּשְׂדִּ֗יםthe ChaldeansJer 32:28(11) Jer 32:29(2)
הַכַּשְׂדִּ֛יםthe ChaldeansDan 2:4(2)
הַכַּשְׂדִּ֜יםthe ChaldeansJer 37:5(6)
הַכַּשְׂדִּֽיםthe ChaldeansJer 22:25(15) Jer 32:25(15) Jer 32:43(15)
הַכַּשְׂדִּים֙the ChaldeansJer 32:24(9)
vcwdii1 וְכַשְׂדָּֽיor ChaldeanDan 2:10(30)
vcwdim3 וְכַשְׂדִּ֖יםand the ChaldeansIsa 43:14(13)
וְכַשְׂדִּ֥יםand the Chaldeans2Kgs 25:4(15) Jer 52:7(18)
vlcwdim1 וְלַכַּשְׂדִּ֔יםand the ChaldeansDan 2:2(7)
csdah1 כַּסְדָּאָ֑הthe ChaldeanEzr 5:12(14)
cwdah1 כַשְׂדָּאָֽהthe ChaldeansDan 5:30(6)
cwdai3 כַשְׂדָּאֵ֤יthe ChaldeansDan 2:10(2)
כַּשְׂדָּאֵ֖יthe ChaldeansDan 4:4(5) Dan 5:7(6)
cwdain2 כַּשְׂדָּאִ֑יןChaldeansDan 3:8(8)
כַּשְׂדָּאִין֙ChaldeansDan 5:11(24)
cwdim40 ־כַּשְׂדִּ֑יםthe ChaldeansIsa 47:1(13) Isa 47:5(6)
־כַּשְׂדִּ֖יםthe ChaldeansJer 50:35(3)
־כַּשְׂדִּ֗יםthe ChaldeansEze 23:23(4)
־כַּשְׂדִּ֜יםthe ChaldeansJer 39:5(3)
־כַּשְׂדִּים֙the Chaldeans2Kgs 25:5(3) Jer 52:8(3)
כַשְׂדִּ֑יםthe Chaldeans2Kgs 25:13(16) Jer 52:17(16)
כַשְׂדִּ֔יםChaldeaJer 51:35(11)
כַשְׂדִּ֔יםthe ChaldeansEze 23:14(10)
כַשְׂדִּ֖יםthe ChaldeansJer 50:10(2)
כַשְׂדִּ֗יםChaldeaJer 51:24(5)
כַשְׂדִּֽיםthe Chaldeans2Kgs 25:26(14)
כַשְׂדִּים֩Chaldean2Kgs 24:2(6)
כַּשְׂדִּ֑יםChaldeaNeh 9:7(10)
כַּשְׂדִּ֑יםthe ChaldeansIsa 13:19(7) Jer 25:12(18) Jer 50:1(9) Jer 50:45(14) Jer 51:4(4)
כַּשְׂדִּ֔יםChaldeaGen 15:7(8)
כַּשְׂדִּ֔יםthe Chaldeans2Kgs 25:10(8) Jer 52:14(9) Eze 12:13(11) Eze 23:15(13)
כַּשְׂדִּ֖יםthe ChaldeansJer 24:5(20) Jer 50:8(5) Eze 1:3(11)
כַּשְׂדִּ֗יםChaldeaGen 11:31(21)
כַּשְׂדִּ֗יםthe ChaldeansIsa 23:13(3) 2Ch 36:17(5)
כַּשְׂדִּ֞יםChaldeansJob 1:17(7)
כַּשְׂדִּֽיםChaldeaGen 11:28(10) Jer 51:54(7)
כַּשְׂדִּֽיםthe ChaldeansIsa 48:14(15) Jer 50:25(16) Dan 1:4(25) Dan 9:1(12)
כַּשְׂדִּים֙the ChaldeansJer 37:10(6)
cwdimh3 כַשְׂדִּ֙ימָה֙towards ChaldeaEze 11:24(4)
כַּשְׂדִּ֑ימָהand the ChaldeansEze 16:29(7)
כַּשְׂדִּֽימָהtowards ChaldeaEze 23:16(8)
lcwdai1 לְכַשְׂדָּאֵ֔יto the ChaldeansDan 2:5(4)
mcwdim1 מִכַּשְׂדִּים֒from the ChaldeansIsa 48:20(4)
cwl Bound hcwil1 הִכְשִׁ֣ילhe has made stumbleLam 1:14(9)
hcwltm1 הִכְשַׁלְתֶּ֥םyou have made to stumbleMal 2:8(5)
hmcwolim1 הַמִּכְשֹׁלִ֔יםtheir stumblingEze 21:20(5)
hncwl1 הַנִּכְשָׁ֥לone who stumbledZec 12:8(9)
ubhicwlm1 וּבְהִכָּ֣שְׁלָ֔םbut when they stumbleDan 11:34(1)
ubicwlo1 וּ֝בִכָּשְׁל֗וֹand when he stumblesPro 24:17(5)
vhmcwlh1 וְהַמַּכְשֵׁלָ֥הso stumbling will beIsa 3:6(12)
vhmcwlot1 וְהַמַּכְשֵׁל֖וֹתand the stumbling-blocks areZep 1:3(9)
vicwiluhu1 וַיַּכְשִׁיל֣וּהוּand they will be tiedPsa 64:9(1)
vicwilum1 וַיַּכְשִׁל֤וּםand they have made themselves stumbleJer 18:15(6)
vcwl3 וְכָשַׁ֤לand will stumbleIsa 31:3(12) Jer 50:32(1)
וְכָשַׁ֧לand will stumbleHos 4:5(3)
vcwlu5 וְכָ֣שְׁלוּand they will stumbleJer 6:21(11)
וְכָ֥שְׁלוּand will stumbleIsa 8:15(1)
וְכָשְׁל֖וּand they stumbleNah 3:3(14)
וְכָשְׁל֤וּand stumbleIsa 28:13(19)
וְכָשְׁל֧וּand they will stumbleLev 26:37(1)
vcwlt1 וְכָשַׁלְתָּ֣but you will stumbleHos 4:5(1)
ulhcwil1 וּלְהַכְשִֽׁילand to cause stumbling2Ch 25:8(17)
ulmcwol1 וּלְמִכְשׁ֨וֹלor a stumbling-block of1Sa 25:31(6)
umcwol3 וּמִכְשׁ֣וֹלand the stumbling-block ofEze 14:3(9) Eze 14:7(16)
וּמִכְשׁ֤וֹלand the stumbling-block ofEze 14:4(20)
vncwl1 וְנִכְשַׁ֥לand he will stumbleDan 11:19(5)
vncwlu2 וְנִכְשְׁל֞וּand they will stumbleDan 11:33(5)
וְנִכְשָֽׁלוּand they will stumbleDan 11:14(14)
vncwlim1 וְנִכְשָׁלִ֖יםand they that stumble1Sa 2:4(4)
iicwl1 ־יִכָּ֣שֶׁלwill make it stumbleEze 33:12(17)
iicwlu14 יִכָּ֥שְׁלוּstumbleHos 14:10(15)
יִכָּֽשְׁל֗וּthey will stumbleDan 11:35(3)
יִכָּֽשְׁלוּ֙will stumbleHos 5:5(7)
יִכָּשְׁל֖וּthey will stumbleJer 6:15(18) Jer 8:12(17) Jer 20:11(8) Jer 31:9(12) Nah 2:6(3)
יִכָּשְׁל֥וּlet them stumblePsa 9:4(4)
יִכָּשְׁל֥וּwill stumblePro 24:16(7)
יִכָּשֵׁ֑לוּwill stumbleDan 11:41(5)
יִכָּשֵֽׁלוּthey will stumbleIsa 40:30(6) Isa 63:13(6) Pro 4:19(7)
icwilu1 יַכְשִֽׁילוּthey have caused stumblingPro 4:16(11)
icwilç1 יַכְשִֽׁילְךָ֤will make you stumble2Ch 25:8(8)
cowl5 ־כּוֹשֵׁ֔לwho stumbled2Ch 28:15(21)
־כּוֹשֵׁל֙who stumbleIsa 5:27(4)
כּ֭וֹשֵׁלone who is stumblingJob 4:4(1)
כּוֹשֵׁ֑לstumbleJer 46:16(2)
כּוֹשֵֽׁלwho stumbledPsa 105:37(6)
cowlot1 כֹּשְׁל֖וֹתstumblingIsa 35:3(5)
ciwlon1 כִ֝שָּׁל֗וֹןa stumblePro 16:18(5)
cwl3 כָּשַׁ֣לstumblesPsa 31:11(7)
כָּשַׁ֥לwill stumbleHos 5:5(9)
כָּשַׁל֙faltersNeh 4:4(3)
cwlh2 ־כָשְׁלָ֤הhas stumbledIsa 59:14(8)
כָשְׁלָה֙has stumbledIsa 3:8(2)
cwlu6 כָשְׁל֣וּthey stumbledPsa 27:2(11)
כָּ֝שְׁל֗וּthey stumbledPsa 107:12(4)
כָּשְׁל֖וּthey stumbledJer 46:6(12)
כָּשְׁל֣וּstumblePsa 109:24(2)
כָּשָׁ֔לוּstumbleJer 46:12(10)
כָּשָֽׁלוּstumbleLam 5:13(6)
cwlnu1 כָּשַׁ֤לְנוּwe stumbleIsa 59:10(7)
cwlt1 כָשַׁ֖לְתָּyou have stumbledHos 14:2(7)
lhcwilo1 לְהַכְשִׁיל֖וֹa stumbling-block2Ch 28:23(20)
lmcwol2 לְמִכְשׁ֖וֹלa stumbling-blockEze 18:30(18)
לְמִכְשׁ֣וֹלa stumbling-block forEze 44:12(10)
mucwlim1 מֻכְשָׁלִים֙stumblingJer 18:23(18)
mcwol6 ־מִכְשׁ֥וֹלthe stumbling-block ofEze 7:19(22)
מִכְשׁ֖וֹלthe stumbling-blockIsa 57:14(7)
מִכְשׁ֛וֹלa stumbling-blockEze 3:20(7)
מִכְשׁ֜וֹלof stumblingIsa 8:14(6)
מִכְשֹׁ֑לa stumbling-blockLev 19:14(8)
מִכְשֽׁוֹלstumblingPsa 119:165(7)
mcwolim1 מִכְשֹׁלִ֑יםstumbling-blocksJer 6:21(10)
ticwl1 תִכָּשֵֽׁלyou will stumblePro 4:12(8)
tcwili1 ־תַכְשִׁ֣לִיyou will make stumbleEze 36:15(14)
Tool bcwil1 בְּכַשִּׁ֥ילwith axesPsa 74:6(4)
cwp Covenant bcwpih1 בִּכְשָׁפֶֽיהָinto her sorceriesNah 3:4(12)
bmcwpim1 בַּֽמְכַשְּׁפִים֙against the sorcerersMal 3:5(7)
vciwf1 וְֽכִשֵּׁ֔ףand sorcery2Ch 33:6(11)
ucwpih1 וּכְשָׁפֶ֖יהָand her sorceries2Kgs 9:22(16)
vlmcwpim2 וְלַֽמְכַשְּׁפִ֑יםand to the sorcerersExo 7:11(5)
וְלַֽמְכַשְּׁפִים֙and the sorcerersDan 2:2(6)
umcwf1 וּמְכַשֵּֽׁףor sorceryDeu 18:10(12)
cwpiiç2 כְּשָׁפַ֔יִךְyour sorceriesIsa 47:9(14) Isa 47:12(5)
cwpicm1 ־כַּשָּׁפֵיכֶ֑םyour sorcerersJer 27:9(13)
cwpim2 כְשָׁפִ֖יםsorceryMic 5:11(2)
כְּשָׁפִ֑יםsorceriesNah 3:4(7)
mcwph1 מְכַשֵּׁפָ֖הa sorcererExo 22:17(1)
cwr Harvest bcowrot1 בַּכּוֹשָׁר֑וֹתinto successPsa 68:7(7)
bciwor1 בַכִּישׁ֑וֹרto successPro 31:19(3)
hcwr1 הַכְשֵׁ֖רto succeedEccl 10:10(11)
ubcwron1 וּבְכִשְׁר֑וֹןand in successEccl 2:21(7)
vcwr1 וְכָשֵׁ֤רand succeedEst 8:5(10)
icwr1 יִכְשָׁר֙will succeedEccl 11:6(14)
cwron2 ־כִּשְׁר֣וֹןsuccessfulEccl 4:4(8)
־כִּשְׁרוֹן֙is successEccl 5:10(6)
ctb Speak actbnh1 אֶכְתֲּבֶ֑נָּהI will write itJer 31:33(20)
actob1 אֶ֨כְתָּבI writeHos 8:12(1)
bcotbo1 בְּכָתְבוֹ֩when he had writtenJer 45:1(10)
bctb4 בִּכְתָ֔בin writing2Ch 2:10(5)
בִּכְתָ֖בin the writtenDan 10:21(6)
בִּכְתָ֗בin the writing of2Ch 35:4(5)
בִּכְתָ֛בin writing1Ch 28:19(2)
bctob1 בִּכְת֣וֹבwhen he inscribesPsa 87:6(3)
bctubim1 בַּכְּתֻבִ֔יםamong those writtenNum 11:26(15)
bmctb2 ־בְּמִכְתָּ֖בin writingEzr 1:1(23) 2Ch 36:22(23)
hcotbim1 הַכֹּתְבִ֖יםthat wroteJer 32:12(16)
hctb2 הַכְּתָ֗בthe writingEst 3:14(2) Est 8:13(2)
hctub8 ־הַכָּת֔וּבthat is writtenJos 23:6(7)
־הַכָּת֖וּבthat is writtenJos 8:34(11)
־הַכָּת֖וּבthe writingJos 1:8(15) 2Ch 34:21(32)
־הַכָּת֥וּבthat is written2Kgs 22:13(35)
־הַכָּת֥וּבthose writtenIsa 4:3(10)
־הַכָּתוּב֙that is writtenJer 25:13(13) 1Ch 16:40(11)
hctubh4 הַכְּתוּבָ֕הthose writtenDeu 30:10(9)
הַכְּתוּבָ֕הwrittenDeu 29:20(10)
הַכְּתוּבָ֖הwrittenDeu 29:19(18) Deu 29:26(11)
hctubot1 הַכְּתוּב֣וֹתthat are written2Ch 34:24(15)
hctubim6 הַכְּתֻבִ֖יםthat is written2Kgs 23:3(28)
הַכְּתֻבִ֖יםwrittenJer 51:60(17)
הַכְּתֻבִ֣יםthat were written2Kgs 23:24(25)
הַכְּתוּבִ֖יםwrittenDeu 28:58(10) 2Ch 34:31(26)
הַכְּתוּבִ֨יםwritten1Ch 4:41(3)
vactob2 וְאֶכְתֹּב֙and I will writeDeu 10:2(1)
וָאֶכְתֹּ֤בand I wroteJer 32:10(1)
ubctb1 וּבִכְתָ֤בand in the writing ofEze 13:9(13)
ubmctb1 וּבְמִכְתַּ֖בand in the writing of2Ch 35:4(9)
vhmctb1 וְהַמִּכְתָּ֗בand the writingExo 32:16(5)
viictb6 וְיִכָּתֵ֛בand be writtenEst 1:19(9)
וַ֠יִּכָּתֵבand was inscribedMal 3:16(11)
וַיִּכָּתֵ֗בand it was writtenEst 2:23(8)
וַיִּכָּתֵ֣בand they wroteEst 3:12(10) Est 8:9(14)
וַיִּכָּתֵ֥בand was writtenEzr 8:34(4)
viictbun1 וְיִכָּתְב֣וּןso may be writtenJob 19:23(4)
victbu2 וְיִכְתְּב֥וּand they will describeJos 18:4(10)
וַיִּכְתְּב֣וּand they wroteExo 39:30(8)
victbuh1 וַיִּכְתְּב֧וּהָand described itJos 18:9(5)
victbm3 וַֽיִּכְתְּבֵ֔םand he wrote themDeu 4:13(11)
וַֽיִּכְתְּבֵ֗םand he wrote themDeu 5:22(18)
וַֽיִּכְתְּבֵ֡םand wrote them1Ch 24:6(1)
victob19 וַיִּכְתָּבand he wroteJos 8:32(1)
וַיִּכְתֹּ֗בand he wroteEst 8:10(1)
וַיִּכְתֹּ֣בand he inscribedExo 34:28(15)
וַיִּכְתֹּ֣בand he wrote1Sa 10:25(8) 2Kgs 10:6(1)
וַיִּכְתֹּ֣בand wroteExo 24:4(1) Deu 31:9(1) Jer 51:60(1)
וַיִּכְתֹּ֣בso wroteEst 9:20(1)
וַיִּכְתֹּ֤בand he wroteJer 36:32(11)
וַיִּכְתֹּ֤בand wroteJos 24:26(1)
וַיִּכְתֹּ֥בand he wrote2Sa 11:15(1)
וַיִּכְתֹּ֥בand inscribedDeu 31:22(1)
וַיִּכְתֹּ֥בthat wrote2Sa 11:14(3)
וַיִּכְתֹּ֨בand he describedJdg 8:14(6)
וַיִּכְתֹּ֨בand he inscribedDeu 10:4(1)
וַיִּכְתֹּ֨בand wroteNum 33:2(1) Jer 36:4(7)
וַיִּכְתֹּב֩and wrote2Kgs 10:1(5)
vcotbim1 וְכֹתְבִ֑יםand writtenNeh 10:1(6)
vctb4 וְ֠כָתַבand will writeNum 5:23(1)
וְכָ֨תַבand he writesDeu 24:3(4)
וְכָ֨תַבthat he will writeDeu 17:18(6)
וְכָ֨תַבthen let him writeDeu 24:1(17)
uctb1 וּכְתָב֙and the writing ofEzr 4:7(13)
uctba1 וּכְתָבָ֥אand the writing isDan 5:24(8)
vctbu1 וְכִתְב֤וּand describeJos 18:8(15)
vctbn1 וְכָֽתְבָן֙and they wroteDan 5:5(8)
vctbt3 וְכָתַבְתָּ֣and writeJer 36:2(5)
וְכָתַבְתָּ֣and you will writeDeu 27:3(1) Deu 27:8(1)
vctbti1 וְכָתַבְתִּי֙and I will writeExo 34:1(11)
uctbtm2 וּכְתַבְתָּ֛םand you will write themDeu 6:9(1) Deu 11:20(1)
vctub2 וְכָת֣וּבand writtenEze 2:10(8)
וְכָת֥וּבand wroteEccl 12:10(6)
vctob1 וְכָת֨וֹבand writeJer 32:44(4)
uctob5 וּכְת֣וֹבand writeEze 37:16(17)
וּכְתֹ֖בand writeEze 43:11(22)
וּכְתֹ֣בand writeJer 36:28(6)
וּכְתֹ֤בand writeIsa 8:1(8) Eze 37:16(8)
uctobt1 וּכְתֹ֣בֶתand writingLev 19:28(6)
umctbim1 וּֽמְכַתְּבִ֥יםand those who inscribeIsa 10:1(5)
vnctb1 וְנִכְתָּ֖בand it is writtenEst 9:32(7)
vtctob3 וַ֠תִּכְתֹּבand wroteEst 9:29(1)
וַתִּכְתֹּ֤בand she wrote1Kgs 21:8(1)
וַתִּכְתֹּ֥בand she wrote1Kgs 21:9(1)
iictb2 יִכָּתֵ֖בlet it be writtenEst 3:9(5)
יִכָּתֵ֞בlet it be writtenEst 8:5(17)
iictbu4 ־יִכָּתֵֽבוּlet them be writtenPsa 69:29(7)
יִכָּ֫תֵ֥בוּwere writtenPsa 139:16(7)
יִכָּתֵ֔בוּthey will be writtenEze 13:9(17)
יִכָּתֵ֔בוּwill be writtenJer 17:13(9)
ictbm1 יִכְתְּבֵֽםcould describe themIsa 10:19(7)
ictob1 יִכְתֹּ֤בwill inscribeIsa 44:5(10)
cotb1 כֹּתֵ֥בwroteJer 36:18(12)
cotbh1 כָתְבָ֥הּwriteIsa 30:8(3)
cotbm2 כָּ֝תְבֵ֗םwrite themPro 3:3(8) Pro 7:3(4)
citbu1 כִּתֵּֽבוּfor their inscriptionsIsa 10:1(7)
cctb1 כִּכְתָ֖בas written inEzr 6:18(11)
cctbh3 כִּכְתָבָ֔הּaccording to its writingEst 1:22(10) Est 3:12(30) Est 8:9(36)
cctbm2 כִּכְתָבָ֖םaccording to their writingEst 8:9(42) Est 9:27(19)
cctub16 כַכָּת֑וּבas it is written2Ch 30:18(16)
כַכָּת֣וּבas it is written2Ch 25:4(6)
כַּכָּת֑וּבas it is writtenEzr 3:4(5)
כַּכָּת֕וּבas it is written2Kgs 23:21(11) Ezr 3:2(19)
כַּכָּת֖וּבare as written2Ch 35:26(5)
כַּכָּת֖וּבas are written2Ch 31:3(13)
כַּכָּת֖וּבas it is written1Kgs 2:3(13) Neh 10:35(23) Neh 10:37(5) 2Ch 35:12(11)
כַּכָּת֛וּבas it is written2Ch 23:18(18)
כַּכָּת֣וּבas it is written2Kgs 14:6(6)
כַּכָּתֽוּבas it is writtenNeh 8:15(26) 2Ch 30:5(22)
כַּכָּתוּב֙as it is writtenJos 8:31(9)
cmctb1 כַּמִּכְתָּ֣בlike inscriptionDeu 10:4(4)
ctb14 ־כְתָ֞בthe writingEst 8:8(13)
־כָּתַ֥בhad writtenEst 9:23(9)
כְתַ֔בhe wroteDan 7:1(15)
כְתָֽבrequisitionEzr 7:22(20)
כְּ֠תַבwroteDan 6:26(4)
כָּ֝תַ֗בhad writtenJob 31:35(11)
כָּתַ֔בhe wroteJos 8:32(10) 2Ch 32:17(2)
כָּתַ֗בhe wroteEst 8:5(27)
כָּתַ֛בwrote2Ch 26:22(6)
כָּתַ֣בhe wrote2Kgs 17:37(8)
כָּתַ֥בwroteJer 36:27(14)
כָּתַ֨בwroteEzr 4:7(3)
כָּתַב֙wrote2Ch 30:1(9)
ctba7 כְתָבָ֖אthe writingDan 5:25(2)
כְּתָבָ֑אthe writingDan 6:9(6)
כְּתָבָ֖אthe writingDan 6:10(7)
כְּתָבָ֜אthe writingDan 5:16(13)
כְּתָבָא֙the writingDan 5:8(8) Dan 5:17(14) Dan 6:11(6)
ctbh3 ־כְתָבָ֤הwritingDan 5:15(7)
כָתְבָֽהwroteDan 5:5(23)
כְּתָבָ֣הwritingDan 5:7(18)
ctbu5 כְּתַ֛בוּwroteEzr 4:8(6)
כִּתְב֞וּwriteJer 22:30(4)
כִּתְב֤וּyou writeDeu 31:19(2)
כִּתְב֨וּyou writeEst 8:8(2)
כָּתְב֣וּthey wroteEzr 4:6(5)
ctbm2 כְתָבָ֛םtheir registerEzr 2:62(3) Neh 7:64(3)
ctbt4 ־כָּתַֽבְתָּyou have writtenJer 36:6(6)
כָּתַ֛בְתָּyou have writtenJer 36:17(9)
כָּתַ֨בְתָּhave you writtenJer 36:29(16)
כָּתָֽבְתָּyou have writtenExo 32:32(11)
ctbti2 כָתַ֣בְתִּיhave I writtenPro 22:20(2)
כָּתַ֖בְתִּיI have writtenExo 24:12(18)
ctub12 כָת֔וּבis inscribedDeu 28:61(8)
כָת֗וּבinscribedEst 6:2(2)
ctob6 כְּת֣וֹבwriteHab 2:2(4)
כְּתָֽבthe writing ofEst 4:8(3)
כְּתָבwriteExo 34:27(5) Jer 30:2(7) Eze 24:2(3)
כְּתֹ֨בwriteExo 17:14(5)
ctub12 כָּת֗וּבinscribedPsa 149:9(4)
כָּת֣וּבinscribedNeh 8:14(2) Neh 13:1(9)
כָּת֣וּבwrittenNeh 6:6(1)
כָּת֥וּבinscribedDan 12:1(28) Neh 7:5(19)
כָּת֥וּבis inscribedPsa 40:8(7)
כָּת֥וּבwas inscribed inEzr 4:7(15)
כָּתוּב֙inscribed1Kgs 21:11(14) Dan 9:13(2)
ctubh6 כְתוּבָ֖הit is written2Sa 1:18(7) Isa 65:6(2)
כְתוּבָ֖הwas writtenEze 2:10(5)
כְתוּבָ֖הwrittenJos 10:13(11)
כְּתוּבָ֛הis writtenJer 17:1(3)
כְּתוּבָה֙is writtenDan 9:11(15)
ctubim57 כְתוּבִ֗יםwritten1Kgs 14:29(9) 1Kgs 15:23(15) 2Kgs 1:18(8)
כְּתֻבִ֔יםare written1Kgs 11:41(10)
כְּתֻבִ֖יםwrittenExo 31:18(14) Deu 9:10(8)
כְּתֻבִ֗יםthey are written2Kgs 15:15(8)
כְּתֻבִֽיםare writtenExo 32:15(17)
כְּתֻבִים֙writtenExo 32:15(11)
כְּתוּבִ֔יםare written2Ch 28:26(8)
כְּתוּבִ֔יםit is written1Ch 9:1(5)
כְּתוּבִ֔יםwritten2Ch 24:27(9) 2Ch 25:26(8) 2Ch 27:7(8) 2Ch 33:19(18) 2Ch 35:27(5)
כְּתוּבִ֕יםare writtenNeh 12:23(5) 2Ch 13:22(6)
כְּתוּבִ֖יםinscribed asNeh 12:22(7)
כְּתוּבִ֖יםwritten2Ch 35:25(19)
כְּתוּבִ֗יםthey are written2Kgs 15:11(5) 2Kgs 15:26(8) 2Kgs 15:31(8)
כְּתוּבִ֗יםwritten1Kgs 14:19(9) 1Kgs 15:7(9) 1Kgs 15:31(9) 1Kgs 16:5(9) 1Kgs 16:14(9) 1Kgs 16:20(9) 1Kgs 16:27(11) 1Kgs 22:39(17) 1Kgs 22:46(11) 2Kgs 8:23(9) 2Kgs 10:34(11) 2Kgs 12:20(9) 2Kgs 13:8(10) 2Kgs 13:12(16) 2Kgs 14:15(15) 2Kgs 14:18(6) 2Kgs 14:28(20) 2Kgs 15:6(9) 2Kgs 15:21(9) 2Kgs 15:36(8) 2Kgs 16:19(8) 2Kgs 20:20(18) 2Kgs 21:17(12) 2Kgs 21:25(8) 2Kgs 23:28(9) 2Kgs 24:5(9) Est 10:2(13) 1Ch 29:29(7) 2Ch 9:29(8) 2Ch 20:34(7) 2Ch 32:32(6) 2Ch 36:8(10)
כְּתוּבִ֜יםwritten2Ch 12:15(7)
כְּתוּבִים֙written2Ch 16:11(7)
ctib2 ־כְּתִ֥יבwrittenEzr 6:2(10)
כְּתִ֣יבwrittenEzr 5:7(5)
lctob2 לִכְתֹּ֛בwritingDeu 31:24(4)
לִכְתֹּ֨בto describeJos 18:8(8)
mctb4 מִכְתַּ֤בwas the writing ofExo 32:16(6)
מִכְתַּב֙writingExo 39:30(10)
מִכְתָּ֔בwriting2Ch 21:12(3)
מִכְתָּ֖בthe writing ofIsa 38:9(1)
nctb2 ־נִכְתָּ֣בis writtenEst 8:8(15)
נִכְתָּ֔בit was writtenEst 3:12(37)
nctub1 נִכְתֻּ֥בwe will writeEzr 5:10(7)
nctm1 נִכְתָּ֤םinscribedJer 2:22(8)
tictb1 תִּכָּ֣תֶבwill be writtenPsa 102:19(1)
tctbu1 תִּכְתְּב֤וּwill describeJos 18:6(2)
tctob4 ־תִכְתֹּ֣בyou writeJob 13:26(2)
־תִּכְתֹּ֧בyou wroteEze 37:20(4)
תִּכְתֹּ֖בyou will writeNum 17:17(22) Num 17:18(4)
ctim Location citiim2 כִתִּיִּים֙KittimJer 2:10(4)
כִּתִּיִּֽיםKittimEze 27:6(11)
citim4 כִּתִּ֔יםKittimNum 24:24(3)
כִּתִּ֖יםKittimIsa 23:1(11)
כִּתִּים֙KittimIsa 23:12(10) Dan 11:30(4)
Person citim2 כִּתִּ֖יםKittimGen 10:4(5) 1Ch 1:7(5)
ctl City bcutlia1 בְּכֻתְלַיָּ֑אin its embankmentsEzr 5:8(17)
cotlnu1 כָּתְלֵ֔נוּour embankmentSong 2:9(11)
ctl1 ־כְתַ֥לthe embankment ofDan 5:5(14)
ctliw Location vctliw1 וְכִתְלִֽישׁand KitlishJos 15:40(3)
ctm Speak bctm4 בְּכֶ֣תֶםin the fine gold ofPsa 45:10(7) Job 28:16(3)
בְּכֶ֥תֶםin fine goldJob 28:19(5)
בְּכֶ֥תֶםin the finest goldDan 10:5(12)
hctm1 הַכֶּ֣תֶםthe finest goldLam 4:1(5)
vlctm1 וְ֝לַכֶּ֗תֶםor to fine goldJob 31:24(5)
ctm2 ־כָ֑תֶםfine goldPro 25:12(4)
כֶּ֣תֶםis fine goldSong 5:11(2)
mctm7 מִ֫כְתָּ֥םa miktamPsa 59:1(5)
מִכְתָּ֑םa miktamPsa 56:1(7) Psa 57:1(5)
מִכְתָּ֖םa miktamPsa 60:1(5)
מִכְתָּ֥םfrom gold concerning atonement through inscriptionPsa 16:1(1)
מִכְתָּֽםa miktamPsa 58:1(5)
מִכֶּ֥תֶםthan the finest gold ofIsa 13:12(5)
ctn Clothe bcutvnotm1 בְּכֻתֳּנֹתָ֔םin their coatsLev 10:5(3)
hcutont3 ־הַכֻּתֹּ֔נֶתthe coatExo 29:5(8)
־הַכֻּתֹּ֖נֶתthe coatGen 37:31(10)
־הַכֻּתֹּ֗נֶתthe coatLev 8:7(4)
hcotnot1 ־הַכָּתְנֹ֥תcoats ofExo 39:27(3)
hctont2 הַכְּתֹ֣נֶתthe coats ofExo 28:39(2)
הַכְּתֹ֧נֶתthe coat ofGen 37:32(13)
vcotnot2 וְכָתְנֹ֥תand coatsEzr 2:69(14) Neh 7:71(12)
uctont1 וּכְתֹ֧נֶתand coat2Sa 13:19(6)
cutvnot4 כֻתֳּנֹ֔תcoatsExo 28:40(4)
כֻּתֳּנֹֽתcoatsExo 29:8(5) Exo 40:14(6)
כֻּתֳּנֹת֙coatsLev 8:13(7)
cutonto2 ־כֻּתָּנְתּ֔וֹfrom his coatGen 37:23(11)
כֻּתָּנְתּ֔וֹhis coat2Sa 15:32(15)
cutonti2 ־כֻּתָּנְתִּ֔יmy coatSong 5:3(3)
כֻתָּנְתִּ֣יmy coatJob 30:18(6)
cutontç1 כֻּתָּנְתֶּ֗ךָyour coatIsa 22:21(2)
cotnot2 כָּתְנ֥וֹתcoats ofGen 3:21(6)
כָּתְנוֹת֙coatsNeh 7:69(14)
ctont7 ־כְּתֹ֣נֶתcoatGen 37:31(3) Gen 37:32(3)
־כְּתֹ֥נֶתcoatGen 37:23(13)
כְּתֹ֣נֶתa coat2Sa 13:18(2)
כְּתֹ֣נֶתthe coat ofGen 37:33(3)
כְּתֹ֥נֶתa coatGen 37:3(14)
כְּתֹֽנֶתa coat ofLev 16:4(1)
ctp Bodypart bctf3 בְכָתֵ֤ףon the shoulder ofIsa 11:14(2)
בַּכָּתֵ֑ףon a shoulder2Ch 35:3(23)
בַּכָּתֵ֖ףon a shoulderNum 7:9(9)
bctpm1 בִּכְתֵפָ֥םon their shoulders1Ch 15:15(12)
hctf4 ־הַכָּתֵ֑ףthe shoulderExo 38:14(6)
־הַכָּתֵ֖ףthe shoulderEze 47:2(18)
־הַכָּתֵ֣ףthe shoulderEze 40:40(2) Eze 40:40(11)
hctpot1 הַכְּתֵפֹ֣תthe shoulder-brackets1Kgs 7:30(14)
ubctf1 וּבְכָתֵף֙and with shoulderEze 34:21(3)
uctont1 וּכְתֹ֥נֶתand a shoulder-strapExo 28:4(8)
vctf1 וְכָתֵ֑ףand shoulderEze 24:4(8)
vctpot1 וְכִתְפ֣וֹתand the shoulder ofEze 41:2(5)
vlctf2 וְלַכָּתֵ֣ףand for shoulderExo 38:15(1)
וְלַכָּתֵף֙and for shoulderExo 27:15(1)
ctf29 ־כֶּ֙תֶף֙the shoulder ofEze 40:44(10) Eze 40:44(18)
־כֶּ֣תֶףthe shoulder ofJos 15:11(4) Jos 18:19(4) Eze 40:18(3) Eze 46:19(5)
־כֶּ֤תֶףshoulderJos 15:8(7)
־כֶּ֤תֶףshoulder of2Kgs 11:11(10) 2Ch 23:10(12)
־כֶּ֤תֶףthe shoulder ofJos 18:13(6) Jos 18:16(20) 1Kgs 7:39(6) Eze 25:9(5)
־כֶּ֥תֶףshoulder of1Kgs 6:8(5)
־כֶּ֥תֶףthe shoulder ofNum 34:11(11) Jos 18:18(3) 1Kgs 7:39(11)
־כֶּ֧תֶףthe shoulder ofJos 15:10(10)
־כֶּ֨תֶףthe shoulder ofJos 18:12(11) Isa 30:6(15)
־כָּתֵ֑ףshoulderEze 29:7(8)
־כָּתֵ֖ףshoulderEze 29:18(17)
־כָּתֵ֤ףa shoulderEze 12:6(3) Eze 12:12(5)
־כָּתֵ֥ףa shoulderIsa 49:22(19)
־כָּתֵ֥ףthe shoulderEze 12:7(18)
־כָּתֵ֨ףa shoulderIsa 46:7(3)
כָתֵ֖ףa shoulderZec 7:11(4)
כָתֵף֙a shoulderNeh 9:29(20)
ctpot11 ־כִּתְפ֖וֹתthe shoulders ofEze 41:26(7)
־כִּתְפ֥וֹתthe shoulders ofExo 28:25(12)
־כִּתְפֹ֥תthe shoulder-straps ofExo 39:18(12)
כְתֵפֹ֣תshouldersExo 28:7(2)
כִתְפ֨וֹתshoulders ofExo 28:27(9)
כִתְפֹ֨תthe shoulder-straps ofExo 39:20(8)
כְּתֵפ֔וֹתshoulder-brackets1Kgs 7:34(2)
כְּתֵפֹ֣תshoulder-brackets1Kgs 7:30(10)
כְּתֵפֹ֥תshouldersExo 39:4(1)
כִּתְפֹ֣תthe shoulder-straps ofExo 28:12(6) Exo 39:7(4)
ctpi1 כְּ֭תֵפִיmy shoulderJob 31:22(1)
ctpih1 כְּתֵפֶֽיהָits shoulder1Kgs 7:34(10)
ctpiv4 ־כְּתֵפָ֑יוhis shouldersJdg 16:3(20)
כְתֵפָ֖יוhis shouldersExo 28:12(20)
כְּתֵיפָ֖יוhis shouldersDeu 33:12(13)
כְּתֵפָֽיוhis shoulders1Sa 17:6(8)
lctf2 לְכֶ֣תֶףof the shoulder ofEze 40:41(7)
לַכָּתֵ֑ףfor the shoulderExo 27:14(5)
mctf5 מִכֶּ֤תֶףthe shoulder ofEze 47:1(19)
מִכֶּ֧תֶףon the shoulder of2Ch 4:10(4)
מִכֶּ֨תֶףfrom shoulder of2Kgs 11:11(6) 2Ch 23:10(8)
מִכֶּ֨תֶףon shoulder of1Kgs 7:39(17)
ctr Protect bctr1 בְּכֶ֣תֶרin a diademEst 1:11(7)
hcotrot6 ־הַכֹּֽתָרֹת֙the diadems1Kgs 7:18(12)
הַכֹּֽתָר֔וֹתthe diadems2Ch 4:12(15) 2Ch 4:13(16)
הַכֹּֽתָרֹ֔תthe diadems1Kgs 7:41(16) 1Kgs 7:42(16)
הַכֹּתָרֹ֛תthe diadems1Kgs 7:41(4)
hcotrt3 הַכֹּתֶ֣רֶתdiadem1Kgs 7:16(13)
הַכֹּתֶ֥רֶתdiadem1Kgs 7:16(18) 1Kgs 7:20(17)
vhcotrot1 וְהַכֹּתָר֛וֹתand the diadems2Ch 4:12(4)
vcotrot2 וְכֹֽתָרֹ֗תand the diadems1Kgs 7:19(1)
וְכֹתָרֹ֗תand the diadems1Kgs 7:20(1)
vcotrt2 וְכֹתֶ֨רֶתand encircling2Kgs 25:17(7) Jer 52:22(1)
ictiru2 יַכְתִּ֣רוּlet encirclePsa 142:8(8)
יַכְתִּ֥רוּlet encirclePro 14:18(5)
cotrot1 כֹתָרֹ֜תdiadems1Kgs 7:16(2)
citru1 כִּתְּר֤וּthey encircledJdg 20:43(1)
citruni1 כִּתְּרֽוּנִיencircled mePsa 22:13(6)
ctr3 כֶּ֥תֶרa diademEst 6:8(15)
כֶּֽתֶרa diademEst 2:17(14)
כַּתַּרencircleJob 36:2(1)
lcotrot1 לַכֹּ֣תָרֹ֔תfor the diadems1Kgs 7:17(7)
lcotrt4 לַכֹּתֶ֖רֶתfor diadem1Kgs 7:18(19)
לַכֹּתֶ֣רֶתfor diadem1Kgs 7:17(13)
לַכֹּתֶ֤רֶתof the diadem1Kgs 7:31(3)
לַכֹּתֶ֥רֶתfor diadem1Kgs 7:17(16)
mctir1 מַכְתִּ֣ירencirclesHab 1:4(11)
ctw Work bmctw1 בַּֽמַּכְתֵּ֡שׁin a crumblerPro 27:22(5)
tctow1 תִּכְתּֽוֹשׁyou crumblePro 27:22(2)
ctt Destroy bmcitto1 בִמְכִתָּתוֹ֙from its beatingIsa 30:14(10)
vacot1 וָאֶכֹּ֨תand I beatDeu 9:21(11)
victu1 וַֽיַּכְּת֥וּand they beatDeu 1:44(12)
victum1 וַֽיַּכְּת֖וּםand beat themNum 14:45(8)
vcuttu1 וְכֻתְּת֥וּand they will beat2Ch 15:6(1)
vcitt1 וְכִתַּת֩and beat2Kgs 18:4(11)
vcittu3 וְכִתְּת֨וּand they will beatIsa 2:4(7) Mic 4:3(10)
וְכִתְּתוּ֙and they will beatZec 11:6(20)
vctut1 וְכָתוּת֙or the beatenLev 22:24(2)
vctoti1 וְכַתּוֹתִ֣יand I have beatenPsa 89:24(1)
iuct1 יֻכַּתthe beating ofIsa 24:12(5)
iuctu3 יֻכַּ֑תּוּthey are beatenJob 4:20(3)
יֻכַּ֔תּוּbeatenJer 46:5(8)
יֻכַּ֗תּוּwill be beatenMic 1:7(3)
cotu1 כֹּ֤תּוּbeatJoe 4:10(1)
citt1 כִּתַּ֣תhad beaten2Ch 34:7(7)
ctut1 כָּת֖וּתbeatenIsa 30:14(5)
ctit5 כָּתִ֑יתbeaten1Kgs 5:25(13)
כָּתִ֖יתbeatenExo 27:20(11) Lev 24:2(10) Num 28:5(7)
כָּתִית֙beatenExo 29:40(5)

Count of words: 3938.

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