
Saturday, 14 December 2024

Typical beginnings of verses. A couple of surprises.

Here is a list of typical beginnings of the musical structure of poetry verses in the Hebrew Bible. Finally I have worked out a query with Oracle analytical functions which will begin to uncover the patterns of groups of verses. Perhaps I can do a similar query with ends of verses also. Not sure yet if I can fit the whole into just a few envelopes. But you can see that it is not as simple as Gregorian incipits.

It seems to me on first look that the grouping of verses with similar beginnings in overall shape is as follows. It's a lot of data. This is just for the poetry books. I can run a similar query for the prose. The curious case of the first one that repeats is the verse that is all on one reciting tone, but imitates the shofar in its music by varying the tone with the illuy. Can you find it? Its only reciting note is e. See this post from September.

Here are the first beginnings -- next I will try and match them with typical endings. This is done by considering the accents under the text only. You can switch this back to Hebrew terms. These are all sequences of accents that occur under the text. But notice and hear how the tonal values of the reciting notes make things clearer.

Notice that one of these is a verse with only a second half. Can you find it? Hint look for ger-rev as the opening ornament. Full psalm here.

Note also the striking music of Proverbs 30 verse 4. There are things to be found in this puzzle -- shapes and colours that go beyond the abstractions of theology -- and will assist your hermeneutical mind and give you joy. What else is important.

Proverbs 30 Verse 4: Syllables: 44; Longest recitation: 7; Tenor: e 59.09%;
Ornament density: 19%; Average phrase length: 21.
4 ♪C Who ascended to heaven or descended? Who has gathered wind in two handfuls? Who has straitened waters in a shawl? Who has placed all the ends of the earth?
What is his name, and what is the name of his son that you know? (C-1-4-1)
ד מ֤י עלֽה־שמ֨ים ויר֡ד מ֤י אֽסף־ר֨וח בחפנ֡יו מ֤י צֽרר־מ֨ים בשמל֗ה מ֭י הק֣ים כל־אפסי־א֑רץ
מה־שמ֥ו ומֽה־שם־ב֝נ֗ו כ֣י תדֽע
d mi ylh-wmiim viird mi asf-ruk bkopniv mi xrr-mim bwmlh mi hqim cl-apsi-arx
mh-wmo umh-wm-bno ci tdy

Within all these constraints, the composer has chosen some striking melodies.

Poetry verses may start on any of the following notes.

First note(s) Patterns Verses Comments
e 521 3,169 There are only 5 possible starting pitches for the poetry
f 48 72
g 50 687
B 39 235
C 156 302
e 1 8
e d 52 70 25 two note sequences are used out of a possible 30
e f 114 734
e g 52 472
e A 1 1
e B 118 1537
e C 183 347
f d 1 1
f e 25 33
f g 3 5
f A 3 15
f B 9 11
f C 7 7
g e 13 29
g f 9 32
g A 5 7
g B 23 619
B e 5 11
B g 29 204
B A 5 20
C d 27 30
C e 39 53
C f 30 42
C g 10 18
C A 1 1
C B 49 158
First note(s) Patterns Verses Sample verse Music Pattern (97 of a possible 140: 20*6+5*4)
Reciting notes except A may be repeated and
d never occurs following A in the poetry.
e 18Psalms 36:1e ill,e ill,e
e d e 89Psalms 14:2e rev,tsi,d e ole,f# g B ^A ger,e
e d f 3450Psalms 3:3e tsi,d ole,f# C e shl,ill,e ill,e
e d g 11Psalms 122:4e qad,d paz,g B ^A ger-rev,B e
e d B 22Psalms 5:12e qad,d paz,B g B ^A e f# ger-rev,f# e
e d C 78Psalms 27:6e qad,d paz,C e ill,e rev,B g B ^A f# ger-rev,e
e f d 2224Psalms 14:3e f# tsi,d ole,f# C e ^A ger-rev,e
e f e 35149Psalms 2:7e rev,e ole,f# e rev,zar,f# f# ^A ger-rev,f# e
e f g 825Psalms 15:1e rev,ole,f# g B ^A e ger-rev,B e
e f A 19488Psalms 1:4e f# ^A f# ger-rev,e f# e
e f B 1733Psalms 4:5e rev,e ole,f# B g e rev,B e
e f C 1315Psalms 6:3e f# tsi,C ole,f# f# ^A g B e
e g e 1118Psalms 7:5e g e f# ^A g B e
e g f 1247Psalms 3:7e g f# ^A f# ger-rev,B e
e g A 742Psalms 26:4e g ^A f# ger-rev,B e
e g B 22365Psalms 5:4e rev,g B ^A f# ger-rev,e
e A B 11Psalms 102:28e ^A ger-rev,B e
e B d 1721Psalms 4:9e B tsi,d ole,f# e B B ^A ger-rev,e
e B e 2735Psalms 13:4e B e g B ^A f# ger-rev,f# e
e B f 22Psalms 45:8e B tsi,ole,f# C paz,B g f# rev,e
e B g 57872Psalms 1:6e B g B ^A g B e
e B A 15607Psalms 2:4e B B ^A ger-rev,e
e C d 1314Psalms 27:2e C qad,tsi,d ole,f# B B ^A g B e
e C e 5578Psalms 6:7e C e rev,B g ^A ger-rev,f# e
e C f 5074Psalms 5:3e C ill,rev,f# ^A e ger-rev,e
e C g 1643Psalms 4:2e paz,C zar,C rev,g B ^A ger-rev,f# e
e C A 11Proverbs 6:27e C shl,ill,^A ger-rev,B e
e C B 48137Psalms 1:5e C B g ^A ger-rev,f# e
f d f 11Psalms 140:12f# tsi,d ole,f# f# ^A ger-rev,e
f e 14Psalms 40:1ger-rev,f# e
f e d 11Proverbs 8:34f# e tsi,d e ole,f# B g C ^A ger-rev,f# e
f e f 1113Psalms 22:26f# rev,e ole,f# f# ^A f# ger-rev,B e
f e g 11Psalms 147:1f# qad,e g B ^A ger,f# e
f e A 58Psalms 2:2f# qad,rev,f# e ^A ger,e
f e B 33Psalms 40:5f# e rev,B g ^A e f# ger-rev,f# e
f e C 33Psalms 1:1f# e rev,C f# tsi,d ole,f# B g f# ^A f# ger-rev,B e
f g f 11Psalms 31:19f# rev,ole,f# g f# rev,f# e
f g B 24Psalms 112:1f# qad,g B ^A ger-rev,f# e
f A e 14Psalms 38:23f# ^A ger-rev,e
f A f 16Psalms 56:4f# ^A ger-rev,f# e
f A g 15Psalms 92:2rev,f# ^A g B e
f B d 23Psalms 14:7f# B tsi,d ole,f# B g B ^A f# ger-rev,f# e
f B g 56Psalms 22:17f# rev,ole,f# B g ^A ger-rev,f# e
f B A 11Psalms 88:1f# rev,ole,f# B B ^A ger-rev,f# e
f B C 11Psalms 51:19f# B tsi,C ole,f# f# ^A ger-rev,B e
f C e 22Psalms 117:2f# zar,C qad,rev,e f# rev,e
f C f 11Psalms 24:8f# tsi,C ole,f# g B ^A ger-rev,f# e
f C B 44Psalms 56:10f# qad,zar,C B g B ^A ger-rev,e f# e
g e f 34Psalms 37:23g e f# rev,f# e
g e A 22Psalms 106:29g e ^A ger-rev,e
g e B 823Psalms 3:2g e B ^A ger-rev,f# e
g f e 323Psalms 9:1g f# rev,f# e
g f A 45Psalms 77:8g f# ^A e g B e
g f B 24Psalms 26:11g f# rev,B e
g A e 11Job 13:12g ^A ger-rev,e
g A f 12Job 38:16g ^A f# ger-rev,e
g A g 12Psalms 107:32g ^A g B e
g A B 11Job 37:16g ^A ger-rev,B e
g A C 11Psalms 68:30g ^A C g B e
g B e 720Psalms 33:20g B e ^A g B e
g B f 11Proverbs 28:17g B f# ger-rev,e
g B A 15598Psalms 2:1g B ^A ger-rev,e
B e g 410Psalms 105:28B e g ^A ger-rev,e
B e B 11Proverbs 13:8B e B ^A ger-rev,f# e
B g e 614Psalms 7:16B g e ^A ger-rev,B e
B g f 34Psalms 37:27B g rev,f# e
B g A 651Psalms 22:29B g ^A ger-rev,e
B g B 14135Psalms 6:9B g B ^A e f# ger-rev,B e
B A e 22Proverbs 16:3B B ^A ger-rev,e
B A f 210Psalms 18:23B B ^A ger-rev,f# e
B A g 18Psalms 49:8rev,B B ^A g B e
C d e 88Psalms 59:4C d e paz,rev,B B ^A g B e
C d f 1518Psalms 5:10C d paz,tsi,d ole,f# e f# ^A ger-rev,e
C d B 22Psalms 11:2C d paz,ill,rev,B B ^A f# ger-rev,e
C d C 22Psalms 125:3C d paz,C rev,tsi,d e ole,f# paz,g qad,ill,e
C e 11Psalms 135:21zar,C qad,rev,zar,C e rev,e
C e d 77Psalms 22:25C e qad,d paz,ill,rev,B B ^A e g B e
C e f 1219Psalms 5:5C C e zar,f# ^A g B e
C e g 610Psalms 40:7C qad,e rev,g B ^A f# ger-rev,B e
C e A 11Proverbs 16:10C e ^A ger-rev,B e
C e B 912Psalms 3:8zar,C qad,zar,C rev,e B B ^A g B e
C e C 33Proverbs 30:4C e qad,paz,C e qad,paz,C e qad,rev,g B ^A f# e ger-rev,B e
C f d 44Psalms 31:14C qad,f# tsi,d ole,f# B B ^A g B e
C f e 1116Psalms 1:2C f# f# rev,ole,f# e f# rev,f# e
C f g 66Psalms 27:11C f# rev,ole,f# g B ^A ger-rev,e
C f A 512Psalms 9:21zar,C qad,rev,ole,f# f# ^A g B e
C f B 44Psalms 40:13C f# qad,paz,ill,rev,B g B ^A f# e f# ger-rev,f# e
C g e 11Psalms 57:9C rev,g e f# rev,f# e
C g f 37Psalms 41:14zar,C qad,zar,C rev,g f# rev,zar,f# e
C g B 610Psalms 7:7zar,C qad,rev,g B ^A f# ger-rev,f# e
C A e 11Proverbs 1:9C C shl,ill,^A ger-rev,e
C B d 66Psalms 57:7C B tsi,d ole,f# B B ^A g B e
C B e 56Psalms 29:9C qad,B tsi,e d ole,f# ^A ger-rev,f# e
C B f 11Psalms 32:4C B tsi,f# rev,ole,f# f# ^A g B e
C B g 2375Psalms 10:5zar,C qad,rev,B g ^A ger-rev,f# e
C B A 1167Psalms 2:5C B B ^A e f# e
C B C 33Psalms 24:10C B tsi,C ole,f# f# ^A C g B e

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