
Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Ruth 2

Ruth 2: Syllables: 912; Longest recitation: 16; Tenor: B 22.70%;
Ornament density: 14.5%; Average phrase length: 19.8.

1 Now for Naomi there was an acquaintance of her man, a man of valour and ability from the family of Elimelek,
and his name was Boaz. (1-4-1)
א וֽלנעמ֞י מוד֣ע לאיש֗ה א֚יש גב֣ור ח֔יל ממשפ֖חת אלימ֑לך
ושמ֖ו בֽעז
a ulnoymi mody laiwh aiw gibor kil mmwpkt alimlç
uwmo boyz
2 And said Ruth the Moabite to Naomi, Let me go please to the field and glean among the stalks of grain, following that I may find grace in his eyes.
And she said to her, Go my daughter. (1-4-1)
ב ותאמר֩ ר֨ות המואבי֜ה אֽל־נעמ֗י אֽלכה־נ֤א השדה֙ ואלקט֣ה‬ בשבל֔ים‬ אח֕ר אש֥ר אמצא־ח֖ן בעינ֑יו
ות֥אמר ל֖ה לכ֥י בתֽי
b vtamr rut hmoabiih al-noymi alch-na hwdh valqoTh bwibolim akr awr amxa-kn byiniv
vtamr lh lci bti
3 And she went, and she came, and she gleaned in the field, following the reapers.
And she chanced by chance on the part of the field belonging to Boaz, who was of the family of Elimelek. (1-4-1)
ג ות֤לך ותבוא֙ ותלק֣ט בשד֔ה אחר֖י הקצר֑ים
וי֣קר מקר֔ה חלק֤ת השדה֙ לב֔עז אש֖ר ממשפ֥חת אלימֽלך
g vtlç vtboa vtlqT bwdh akri hqoxrim
viiqr mqrha klqt hwdh lboyz awr mmwpkt alimlç
4 And behold Boaz came from Bethlehem. And he said to the reapers, Yahweh be with you.
And they said to him, Yahweh bless you. (1-4-1)
ד והנה־ב֗עז ב֚א מב֣ית ל֔חם וי֥אמר לקוצר֖ים יהו֣ה עמכ֑ם
וי֥אמרו ל֖ו יברכך֥ יהוֽה
d vhnh-boyz ba mbit lkm viamr lqoxrim ihvh yimcm
viamru lo ibrcç ihvh
5 And said Boaz to his lad who was monitoring the reapers,
Whose is that lass? (1-4-1)
ה וי֤אמר ב֙עז֙ לנער֔ו הנצ֖ב על־הקוצר֑ים
למ֖י הנער֥ה הזֽאת
h viamr boyz lnyro hnixb yl-hqoxrim
lmi hnyrh hzat
6 And answered the lad monitoring the reapers and he said,
The lass is Moabite, she who returned with Naomi from Sdeh-Moab. (1-4-1)
ו וי֗ען הנ֛ער הנצ֥ב על־הקוצר֖ים ויאמ֑ר
נער֤ה מֽואביה֙ ה֔יא הש֥בה עֽם־נעמ֖י משד֥ה מואֽב
v viyn hnyr hnixb yl-hqoxrim viamr
nyrh moabiih hia hwbh ym-noymi mwdh moab
7 And she had said, Let me glean, please, and gather among the bales following the reapers.
And she came and she stood from then, the morning, and till this minute, sitting in the house briefly. (1-4-1)
ז ות֗אמר אלקטה־נא֙ ואספת֣י בעמר֔ים אחר֖י הקוצר֑ים
ותב֣וא וֽתעמ֗וד מא֤ז הב֙קר֙ ועד־ע֔תה ז֛ה שבת֥ה הב֖ית מעֽט
z vtamr alqoTh-na vaspti byomrim akri hqoxrim
vtboa vtymod maz hboqr vyd-yth zh wbth hbit myT
8 And said Boaz to Ruth, Do you not hear, my daughter? Do not go to glean in the field of another, and also do not cross beyond this,
and thus stay close with my lasses, (1-4-1)
ח ויאמר֩ ב֨עז אל־ר֜ות הל֧וא שמ֣עת בת֗י אל־תלכי֙ ללקט֙ בשד֣ה אח֔ר וג֛ם ל֥א תעבור֖י מז֑ה
וכ֥ה תדבק֖ין עם־נערתֽי
k viamr boyz al-rut hloa wmyt bti al-tlci llqoT bwdh akr vgm la tyburi mzh
vch tdbqin ym-nyrotii
9 Your eyes on the field where they reap, and you go behind them. Have I not commanded the lads not to touch you?
And when you thirst, you go to the vessels and imbibe from what the lads have drawn. (1-4-1)
ט עינ֜יך בשד֤ה אשר־יקצרון֙ והל֣כת‬ אחריה֔ן הל֥וא צו֛יתי את־הנער֖ים לבלת֣י נגע֑ך
וצמ֗ת והלכת֙ אל־הכל֔ים ושת֕ית מאש֥ר ישאב֖ון הנערֽים
T yiniiç bwdh awr-iqxorun vhlct akrihn hloa xivviti at-hnyrim lblti nogyç
vxmit vhlct al-hclim vwtit mawr iwabun hnyrim
10 And she fell on her face and prostrated herself to the earth,
and she said to him, Why do I find grace in your eyes that you would recognize me, and I am an alien? (1-4-1)
י ותפל֙ על־פנ֔יה ותשת֖חו א֑רצה
ות֣אמר אל֗יו מדוע֩ מצ֨אתי ח֤ן בעינ֙יך֙ להכיר֔ני ואנכ֖י‪ ‬נכריֽה
i vtipol yl-pnih vtwtku arxh
vtamr aliv mduy mxati kn byiniç lhcirni vanoci nocriih
11 And Boaz answered and said to her, It has been clearly evident to me all that you have done for your mother-in-law after the death of your man.
And you forsook your father and your mother and the land that gave you birth, and went to a people that you did not know before the day before yesterday. (1-4-1)
יא וי֤ען ב֙עז֙ וי֣אמר ל֔ה הג֨ד הג֜ד ל֗י כ֤ל אשר־עשית֙ את־חמות֔ך אחר֖י מ֣ות איש֑ך
ותעזב֞י אב֣יך‪‬ ואמ֗ך וא֙רץ֙ מֽולדת֔ך ות֣לכ֔י אל־ע֕ם אש֥ר לא־יד֖עת תמ֥ול שלשֽום
ia viyn boyz viamr lh hugd hugd li col awr-ywit at-kmotç akri mot aiwç
vtyzbi abiç vaimç varx moldtç vtlci al-ym awr la-idyt tmol wlwom
12 Yahweh make full payment for your work,
and let your wages be full payment from Yahweh the God of Israel, to whom you have come to take refuge under his wings. (1-4-1)
יב ישל֥ם יהו֖ה פעל֑ך
ותה֨י משכרת֜ך שלמ֗ה מע֤ם יהוה֙ אלה֣י ישרא֔ל אשר־ב֖את לחס֥ות תֽחת־כנפֽיו
ib iwlm ihvh poylç
uthi mwcurtç wlmh mym ihvh alohi iwral awr-bat lksot tkt-cnpiv
13 ♪~ And she said, Let me find grace in your eyes my lord, for you have comforted me, for you have spoken to the heart of your handmaid,
and I myself am not one of your handmaids. (~1-4-1)
יג ו֠תאמר אמצא־ח֨ן בעינ֤יך אדני֙ כ֣י נֽחמת֔ני וכ֥י דב֖רת על־ל֣ב שפחת֑ך
ואֽנכי֙ ל֣א אהי֔ה כאח֖ת שפחתֽיך
ig vtamr amxa-kn byiniç adoni ci nikmtni vci dibrt yl-lb wpktç
vanoci la ahih cakt wpkotiç
14 And Boaz said to her, At the time of eating come close here, and eat of the bread and dip your morsel in the vinegar.
And she sat at the side of the reapers and he plied her with parched grain, and she ate and she was sated and had leftovers. (1-4-1)
יד ויאמר֩ ל֨ה ב֜עז לע֣ת הא֗כל ג֤שֽי הלם֙ ואכ֣לת מן־הל֔חם וטב֥לת פת֖ך בח֑מץ
ות֙שב֙ מצ֣ד הקֽוצר֔ים ויצבט־ל֣ה קל֔י ות֥אכל ותשב֖ע ותתֽר
id viamr lh boyz lyt haocl gowi hlom vaclt mn-hlkm vTblt pitç bkomx
vtwb mxd hqoxrim vixboT-lh qli vtacl vtwby vtotr
15 And she arose to glean,
and Boaz commanded his lads, saying, Even between the bales let her glean, and do not humiliate her. (1-4-1)
טו ות֖קם ללק֑ט
ויצו֩ ב֨עז את־נער֜יו לאמ֗ר ג֣ם ב֧ין העמר֛ים תלק֖ט ול֥א תכלימֽוה
Tv vtqm llqT
vixv boyz at-nyriv lamor gm bin hyomrim tlqT vla tclimuh
16 And even pilfer, pilfer for her from the bundles,
and discard them and let her glean, and do not rebuke her. (1-4-1)
טז וג֛ם של־תש֥לו ל֖ה מן־הצבת֑ים
ועזבת֥ם ולקט֖ה ול֥א תגערו־בֽה
Tz vgm wol-twolu lh mn-hxbtim
vyzbtm vliqTh vla tgyru-bh
17 And she gleaned in the field till evening.
And she beat out what she had gleaned, and there was about an ephah of barley. (1-4-1)
יז ותלק֥ט בשד֖ה עד־הע֑רב
ותחבט֙ א֣ת אשר־לק֔טה ויה֖י כאיפ֥ה שערֽים
iz vtlqT bwdh yd-hyrb
vtkboT at awr-liqTh vihi caiph wyorim
18 And she lifted it up and came to the city, and her mother-in-law saw what she had gleaned.
And she brought out and gave to her what she had left over after she was sated. (1-4-1)
יח ותשא֙ ותב֣וא הע֔יר ות֥רא חמות֖ה א֣ת אשר־לק֑טה
ותוצא֙ ותתן־ל֔ה א֥ת אשר־הות֖רה משבעֽה
ik vtiwa vtboa hyir vtra kmoth at awr-liqTh
vtoxa vtitn-lh at awr-hotirh mwobyh
19 And her mother-in-law said to her, Where did you glean today and how did you make out? May the one who recognized you be blessed.
And she made clear to her mother-in-law that she had made out with him. And she said, The name of the man that I made out with today is Boaz. (1-4-1)
יט ותאמר֩ ל֨ה חמות֜ה איפ֨ה לק֤טת היום֙ וא֣נה עש֔ית יה֥י מכיר֖ך בר֑וך
ותג֣ד לחמות֗ה א֤ת אשר־עשתה֙ עמ֔ו ות֗אמר ש֤ם האיש֙ אש֨ר עש֧יתי עמ֛ו הי֖ום בֽעז
iT vtamr lh kmoth aiph liqTt hiom vanh ywit ihi mcirç bruç
vtgd lkmoth at awr-ywth yimo vtamr wm haiw awr ywiti yimo hiom boyz
20 And Naomi said to her daughter-in-law, Blessed be he of Yahweh who has not forsaken his kindness for the living and the dead.
And Naomi said to her, Near to us is the man. Our redeemer is he. (1-4-1)
כ ות֨אמר נעמ֜י לכלת֗ה בר֥וך הוא֙ ליהו֔ה אשר֙ לא־עז֣ב חסד֔ו את־החי֖ים ואת־המת֑ים
ות֧אמר ל֣ה נעמ֗י קר֥וב ל֙נו֙ הא֔יש מֽגאל֖נו הֽוא
c vtamr noymi lclth bruç hua lihvh awr la-yzb ksdo at-hkiim vat-hmtim
vtamr lh noymi qrob lnu haiw mgoalinu hua
21 And Ruth the Moabite said,
For he even said to me, With my lads stay close till they even finish all my harvest. (1-4-1)
כא ות֖אמר ר֣ות המואבי֑ה
ג֣ם כי־אמ֣ר אל֗י עם־הנער֤ים אשר־לי֙ תדבק֔ין ע֣ד אם־כל֔ו א֥ת כל־הקצ֖יר אשר־לֽי
ca vtamr rut hmoabiih
gm ci-amr alii ym-hnyrim awr-li tdbqin yd am-cilu at cl-hqxir awr-li
22 And Naomi said to Ruth her daughter-in-law,
It is good, my daughter, to go out with his lasses, that none compel you into another field. (1-4-1)
כב ות֥אמר נעמ֖י אל־ר֣ות כלת֑ה
ט֣וב בת֗י כ֤י תצאי֙ עם־נ֣ערות֔יו ול֥א יפגעו־ב֖ך בשד֥ה אחֽר
cb vtamr noymi al-rut clth
Tob bti ci txai ym-nyrotiv vla ipgyu-bç bwdh akr
23 So she stayed close with the lasses of Boaz, to glean till the consummation of the barley harvest and the wheat harvest.
And she settled with her mother-in-law. (1-4-1)
כג ותדב֞ק בנער֥ות ב֙עז֙ ללק֔ט עד־כל֥ות קצֽיר־השער֖ים וקצ֣יר הֽחט֑ים
ות֖שב את־חמותֽה
cg vtdbq bnyrot boyz llqT yd-clot qxir-hwyorim uqxir hkiTim
vtwb at-kmoth

The music in these posts is derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here.

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