
Thursday, 19 December 2024

Ruth 1

Ruth 1: Syllables: 757; Longest recitation: 13; Tenor: B 26.42%;
Ornament density: 14.1%; Average phrase length: 17.1.

1 It was in the days of the judgment of the judges, and there was a famine in the land.
And there went a man from Bethlehem of Judah to reside in Sdeh-Moab, he, his wife, and his two sons. (1-4-1)
א ויה֗י בימי֙ שפ֣ט השפט֔ים ויה֥י רע֖ב בא֑רץ
וי֨לך א֜יש מב֧ית ל֣חם יהוד֗ה לגור֙ בשד֣י מוא֔ב ה֥וא ואשת֖ו ושנ֥י בנֽיו
a vihi bimi wpoT hwopTim vihi ryb barx
vilç aiw mbit lkm ihudh lgur bwdh moab hua vawto uwni bniv
2 And the name of the man was Elimelek, and the name of his wife Naomi, and the name of his two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites from Bethlehem of Judah.
And they came to Sdeh-Moab, and there they were. (1-4-1)
ב וש֣ם הא֣יש א‍ֽלימ֡לך ושם֩ אשת֨ו נעמ֜י וש֥ם שנֽי־בנ֣יו מחל֤ון וכליון֙ אפרת֔ים מב֥ית ל֖חם יהוד֑ה
ויב֥או שדי־מוא֖ב ויֽהיו־שֽם
b vwm haiw alimlç vwm awto noymi vwm wni-bniv mklon vclion aprtim mbit lkm ihudh
viboau wdh-moab vihiu-wm
3 And Elimelek died, Naomi's man.
And she was bereft, she and her two sons. (1-4-1)
ג וי֥מת אלימ֖לך א֣יש נעמ֑י
ותשא֥ר ה֖יא ושנ֥י בנֽיה
g vimt alimlç aiw noymi
vtiwar hia uwni bnih
4 And they took for themselves Moabite wives, the name of the one Orpah, and the name of the second Ruth.
And they settled there for ten years. (1-4-1)
ד וישא֣ו לה֗ם נשים֙ מֽאבי֔ות ש֤ם האחת֙ ערפ֔ה וש֥ם השנ֖ית ר֑ות
וי֥שבו ש֖ם כע֥שר שנֽים
d viwau lhm nwim moabiiot wm hakt yorph vwm hwnit rut
viiwbu wm cywr wnim
5 And they died, even the two of them, Mahlon and Chilion.
And she was bereft, the woman, of her two boys and of her man. (1-4-1)
ה וימ֥ותו גם־שניה֖ם מחל֣ון וכלי֑ון
ותשאר֙ הֽאש֔ה משנ֥י ילד֖יה ומאישֽה
h vimutu gm-wnihm mklon vclion
vtiwar haiwh mwni ildih umaiwh
6 And she arose, she and her daughters in law to return from Sdeh-Moab.
For she had heard in Sdeh-Moab that Yahweh had visited his people to give to them bread. (1-4-1)
ו ות֤קם היא֙ וכלת֔יה ות֖שב משד֣י מוא֑ב
כ֤י שֽמעה֙ בשד֣ה מוא֔ב כֽי־פק֤ד יהוה֙ את־עמ֔ו לת֥ת לה֖ם לֽחם
v vtqm hia vclotih vtwb mwdh moab
ci wmyh bwdh moab ci-pqd ihvh at-ymo ltt lhm lkm
7 And she came out from the place where she was and her two daughters-in-law with her,
and they went on the way to return to the land of Judah. (1-4-1)
ז ותצ֗א מן־המקום֙ אש֣ר היתה־ש֔מה ושת֥י כלת֖יה עמ֑ה
ותל֣כנה בד֔רך לש֖וב אל־א֥רץ יהודֽה
z vtxa mn-hmqom awr hiith-wmh uwti clotih yimh
vtlcnh bdrç lwub al-arx ihudh
8 And said Naomi to her two daughters-in-law, Go. Return, each to the house of her mother.
May Yahweh deal with you kindly as you have dealt with those who died, and with me. (1-4-1)
ח ות֤אמר נעמי֙ לשת֣י כלת֔יה ל֣כנה ש֔בנה אש֖ה לב֣ית אמ֑ה
י֣עש יהו֤ה עמכם֙ ח֔סד כאש֧ר עשית֛ם עם־המת֖ים ועמדֽי
k vtamr noymi lwti clotih lcnh wobnh aiwh lbit aimh
iyw ihvh yimcm ksd cawr ywitm ym-hmtim vyimdi
9 May Yahweh give to you, and may you find rest, each in the house of her man.
And she kissed them, and they lifted up their voice and wept. (1-4-1)
ט ית֤ן יהוה֙ לכ֔ם ומצ֣אן מנוח֔ה אש֖ה ב֣ית איש֑ה
ותש֣ק לה֔ן ותש֥אנה קול֖ן ותבכֽינה
T iitn ihvh lcm umxanh mnukh aiwh bit aiwh
vtiwq lhn vtiwanh qoln vtbcinh
10 And they said to her,
For with you, we will return to your people. (1-4-1)
י ותאמ֖רנה־ל֑ה
כי־את֥ך נש֖וב לעמֽך
i vtamrnh-lh
ci-aitç nwub lymç
11 And said Naomi, Turn back my daughters. Why would you go with me?
Are there yet to me sons in my inner parts that they might become adults for you? (1-4-1)
יא ות֤אמר נעמי֙ ש֣בנה בנת֔י ל֥מה תל֖כנה עמ֑י
הֽעֽוד־ל֤י בנים֙ בֽמע֔י והי֥ו לכ֖ם לאנשֽים
ia vtamr noymi wobnh bnotii lmh tlcnh yimi
hyod-li bnim bmyii vhiu lcm lanwim
12 ♪C Turn back my daughters. Go, for I am too old to have a man.
For had I said, I am expecting, even if there was tonight a man, and even if I gave birth to sons, (C-1-4-1)
יב ש֤בנה בנתי֙ ל֔כן כ֥י זק֖נתי מהי֣ות לא֑יש
כ֤י אמ֙רתי֙ יש־ל֣י תקו֔ה ג֣ם הי֤יתי הל֙ילה֙ לא֔יש וג֖ם יל֥דתי בנֽים
ib wobnh bnotii lcnh ci zqnti mhiot laiw
ci amrti iw-li tqvvh gm hiiti hlilh laiw vgm ildti bnim
13 as if you could wait until they had grown up, as if you would remain shut up without there being a man.
No my daughters, for my bitterness is much more than yours. For the hand of Yahweh has come out in me. (1-4-1)
יג הלה֣ן תשב֗רנה ע֚ד אש֣ר יגד֔לו הלהן֙ תֽעג֔נה לבלת֖י הי֣ות לא֑יש
א֣ל בנת֗י כֽי־מר־ל֤י מאד֙ מכ֔ם כֽי־יצא֥ה ב֖י יד־יהוֽה
ig hlhn twbrnh yd awr igdlu hlhn tiygnh lblti hiot laiw
al bnotii ci-mr-li maod mcm ci-ixah bi id-ihvh
14 And they lifted up their voice and wept further.
And Orpah kissed her mother-in-law, but Ruth stayed close to her. (1-4-1)
יד ותש֣נה קול֔ן ותבכ֖ינה ע֑וד
ותש֤ק ערפה֙ לחמות֔ה ור֖ות ד֥בקה בֽה
id vtiwanh qoln vtbcinh yod
vtiwq yorph lkmoth vrut dbqh bh
15 And she said, Behold your sister-in-law returns to her people and to her God.
You return following your sister-in-law. (1-4-1)
טו ות֗אמר הנה֙ ש֣בה יבמת֔ך אל־עמ֖ה ואל־אלה֑יה
ש֖ובי אחר֥י יבמתֽך
Tv vtamr hnh wbh ibmtç al-ymh val-alohih
wubi akri ibmtç
16 And Ruth said, Do not compel me to forsake you, to turn back from following you.
For where you go, I go, and wherever you stop over, I stop over, your people, my people, and your God, my God. (1-4-1)
טז ות֤אמר רות֙ אל־תפגעי־ב֔י לעזב֖ך לש֣וב מאחר֑יך
כ֠י אל־אש֨ר תלכ֜י אל֗ך ובאש֤ר תל֙יני֙ אל֔ין עמ֣ך עמ֔י ואלה֖יך אלהֽי
Tz vtamr rut al-tpgyi-bi lyozbç lwub makriiç
ci al-awr tlci alç ubawr tlini alin ymç ymi valohiiç alohii
17 Where you die, I die, and there I will be entombed.
Thus Yahweh do to me and thus add more, for only death will separate me and you. (1-4-1)
יז באש֤ר תמ֙ותי֙ אמ֔ות וש֖ם אקב֑ר
כה֩ יעש֨ה יהו֥ה לי֙ וכ֣ה יס֔יף כ֣י המ֔ות יפר֖יד בינ֥י ובינֽך
iz bawr tmuti amut vwm aiqbr
ch iywh ihvh li vch iosif ci hmvvt iprid bini ubinç
18 And she saw that she was sure to go with her,
and she left off speaking with her. (1-4-1)
יח ות֕רא כֽי־מתאמ֥צת ה֖יא לל֣כת את֑ה
ותחד֖ל לדב֥ר אלֽיה
ik vtra ci-mtamxt hia llct aith
vtkdl ldbr alih
19 And the two of them went till they came to Bethlehem.
And it was as they came to Bethlehem that all the city was excited concerning them, and the women said, Is this Naomi? (1-4-1)
יט ותל֣כנה שתיה֔ם עד־בא֖נה ב֣ית ל֑חם
ויה֗י כבא֙נה֙ ב֣ית ל֔חם ותה֤ם כל־העיר֙ עליה֔ן ותאמ֖רנה הז֥את נעמֽי
iT vtlcnh wtihm yd-boanh bit lkm
vihi cboanh bit lkm vtihom cl-hyir ylihn vtamrnh hzat noymi
20 And she said to them, Do not call me Naomi.
Call me Mara, for bitter is the Sufficient to me, excessively. (1-4-1)
כ ות֣אמר אליה֔ן אל־תקר֥אנה ל֖י נעמ֑י
קר֤אן לי֙ מר֔א כי־המ֥ר שד֛י ל֖י מאֽד
c vtamr alihn al-tqranh li noymi
qranh li mrh ci-hmr wdii li maod
21 I myself full went away, and empty Yahweh has returned me.
Why call me Naomi, for Yahweh has answered me, and the Sufficient brought trouble to me. (1-4-1)
כא אני֙ מלא֣ה הל֔כתי וריק֖ם השיב֣ני יהו֑ה
ל֣מה תקר֤אנה לי֙ נעמ֔י וֽיהוה֙ ע֣נה ב֔י ושד֖י ה֥רֽע‪‬ לֽי
ca ani mlah hlcti vriqm hwibni ihvh
lmh tqranh li noymi vihvh ynh bi vwdii hry li
22 So Naomi returned, and Ruth, the Moabite, her daughter-in-law with her. She returned from Sdeh-Moab.
And they came to Bethlehem at the commencement of the harvest of barley. (1-4-1)
כב ות֣שב נעמ֗י ור֨ות המואבי֤ה כלתה֙ עמ֔ה הש֖בה משד֣י מוא֑ב
וה֗מה ב֚או ב֣ית ל֔חם בתחל֖ת קצ֥יר שערֽים
cb vtwb noymi vrut hmoabiih clth yimh hwbh mwdh moab
vhmh bau bit lkm btkilt qxir wyorim

The music in these posts is derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here.

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