
Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Psalm 99

Psalms 99: Syllables: 201; Longest recitation: 9; Tenor: f# 24.38%;
Ornament density: 14.4%; Average phrase length: 11.2.

1 Yahweh reigns. Let peoples shudder.
He sits on the cherubim. Let the earth be displaced. (1-4-1)
א יהו֣ה מ֭לך ירגז֣ו עמ֑ים
יש֥ב כ֝רוב֗ים תנ֥וט האֽרץ
a ihvh mlç irgzu ymim
iowb crubim tnuT harx
2 ♪g Yahweh is great in Zion,
and he is himself exalted over all the peoples. (g-1-4-1)
ב י֭הוה בצי֣ון גד֑ול
ור֥ם ה֝֗וא על־כל־הֽעמֽים
b ihvh bxion gdol
vrm hua yl-cl-hymim
3 Let them confess your great and fearful name. He is holy. (1-1)
ג יוד֣ו ש֭מך גד֥ול ונור֗א קד֥וש הֽוא 12
g iodu wmç gdol vnora qdow hua
4 And the king's strength loves judgment.
You yourself establish uprightness.
Judgment and righteousness in Jacob, you yourself make. (1-2-4-1)
ד וע֥ז מלך֮ משפ֪ט א֫ה֥ב
א֭תה כונ֣נת מישר֑ים
משפ֥ט ו֝צדק֗ה ביעק֤ב את֬ה עשֽית
d vyoz mlç mwpT ahb
ath connt miwrim
mwpT uxdqh biyqob ath ywit
5 Exalt Yahweh our God, and worship at his footstool. He is holy. (1-1)
ה רֽוממ֡ו יה֘ו֤ה אלה֗ינו וֽ֭השתחוו להד֥ם רגל֗יו קד֥וש הֽוא 21
h rommu ihvh alohinu vhwtkvu lhdom rgliv qdow hua
6 ♪~ Moses and Aaron among his priests and Samuel among those calling on his name.
They called on Yahweh and he himself answered them. (~1-4-1)
ו מ֘ש֤ה ואהר֨ן בֽכהנ֗יו ו֭שמואל בקרא֣י שמ֑ו
קר֥אים אל־י֝הו֗ה וה֣וא יענֽם
v mwh vahron bcohniv uwmual bqorai wmo
qorim al-ihvh vhua iynm
7 In the pillar of cloud he spoke to them.
They kept his testimonies and the statute he gave them. (1-4-1)
ז בעמ֣וד ע֭נן ידב֣ר אליה֑ם
שמר֥ו ע֝דת֗יו וח֣ק נֽתן־לֽמו
z bymud ynn idbr alihm
wmru ydotiv vkoq ntn-lmo
8 Yahweh our God, you yourself answered them.
A God of forbearance you were to them,
but avenging their wantonness. (1-2-4-1)
ח יהו֣ה אלהינו֮ את֪ה ענ֫ית֥ם
א֣ל נ֭שא הי֣ית לה֑ם
ו֝נק֗ם על־עלילותֽם
k ihvh alohinu ath ynitm
al nowa hiit lhm
vnoqm yl-ylilotm
9 Exalt Yahweh our God and worship at his holy hill,
for holy is Yahweh our God. (1-4-1)
ט רֽוממ֡ו יה֘ו֤ה אלה֗ינו ו֭הֽשתחוו לה֣ר קדש֑ו
כֽי־ק֝ד֗וש יהו֥ה אלהֽינו
T rommu ihvh alohinu vhwtkvu lhr qodwo
ci-qdow ihvh alohinu

The music in these posts is derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here.

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