
Sunday, 1 December 2024

Psalm 86

Psalms 86: Syllables: 381; Longest recitation: 11; Tenor: f# 27.30%;
Ornament density: 8.4%; Average phrase length: 10.9.

1 A prayer Of David.
Bend Yahweh your ear. Answer me,
for I am poor and in need am I. (1-2-4-1)
א תפל֗ה לד֫ו֥ד
הטֽה־יהו֣ה אזנך֣ ענ֑ני
כֽי־ענ֖י ואבי֣ון אֽני
a tpilh ldvid
hTh-ihvh aoznç ynni
ci-yni vabion ani
2 Guard my being, for under mercy am I. Save your servant. You, my God,
the one trusting in you. (1-4-1)
ב שֽמר֣ה נפשי֮ כֽי־חס֪יד א֥ני הוש֣ע ע֭בדך את֣ה אלה֑י
הבוט֥ח אלֽיך
b womrh npwi ci-ksid ani howy ybdç ath alohii
hboTk aliç
3 Be gracious to me, my Lord,
for to you I call all the day long. (1-4-1)
ג חנ֥ני אדנ֑י
כ֥י אל֥יך א֝קר֗א כל־היֽום
g konni adonii
ci aliç aqra cl-hiom
4 ♪g Make glad the being of your servant,
for to you, my Lord, my being I lift up. (g-1-4-1)
ד ש֭מח נ֣פש עבד֑ך
כ֥י אל֥יך א֝דנ֗י נפש֥י אשֽא
d wmk npw ybdç
ci aliç adonii npwi awa
5 For you, my Lord, are good and forgiving,
and abundant in kindness to all calling on you. (1-4-1)
ה כֽי־את֣ה א֭דני ט֣וב וסל֑ח
ורב־ח֝֗סד לכל־קראֽיך
h ci-ath adonii Tob vslk
vrb-ksd lcl-qoraiç
6 Give ear Yahweh to my prayer,
and attend with the voice of my supplication. (1-4-1)
ו האז֣ינה י֭הוה תפלת֑י
ו֝הקש֗יבה בק֣ול תחנונותֽי
v hazinh ihvh tpilti
vhqwibh bqol tknunotii
7 In the day of my straits I will call on you, for you will answer me. (1-1)
ז בי֣ום צ֭רת֥י אקרא֗ך כ֣י תענֽני 14
z biom xrti aqraç ci tynni
8 There is none like you among the gods, my Lord, and there is nothing like your deeds. (1-1)
ח אין־כמ֖וך באלה֥ים אדנ֗י וא֣ין כֽמעשֽיך 18
k ain-cmoç balohim adonii vain cmywiç
9 All nations whom you made will come, and worship in your presence, my Lord,
and glorify your name. (1-4-1)
ט כל־גוי֤ם אש֥ר עש֗ית יב֤ואו וישתחו֣ו לפנ֣יך אדנ֑י
ו֖יכבד֣ו לשמֽך
T cl-goiim awr ywit iboau viwtkvu lpniç adonii
vicbdu lwmç
10 For you are great and do wonders,
you O God, you alone. (1-4-1)
י כֽי־גד֣ול א֭תה ועש֣ה נפלא֑ות
את֖ה אלה֣ים לבדֽך
i ci-gdol ath vyowh nplaot
ath alohim lbdç
11 ♪~ Instruct me, Yahweh, your way. I will walk in your truth.
Make single my heart to fear your name. (~1-4-1)
יא ה֘ור֤ני יהו֨ה דרכ֗ך אהל֥ך באמת֑ך
יח֥ד ל֝בב֗י לירא֥ה שמֽך
ia horni ihvh drcç ahlç bamitç
ikd lbbi lirah wmç
12 I will thank you, O Lord my God with all my heart,
and I will glorify your name forever. (1-4-1)
יב אודך֤ אדנ֣י א֭להי בכל־לבב֑י
ואכבד֖ה שמך֣ לעולֽם
ib aodç adonii alohii bcl-lbbi
vacbdh wmç lyolm
13 For your kindness is great to me,
and you have delivered my being from Sheol's nether parts. (1-4-1)
יג כֽי־ח֭סדך גד֣ול על֑י
והצ֥לת נ֝פש֗י משא֥ול תחתיֽה
ig ci-ksdç gdol ylii
vhxlt npwi mwaol tktiih
14 O God the presumptuous have arisen over me and an assembly of the ruthless seek my being,
and they do not set you up before them. (1-4-1)
יד אלה֤ים ז֘ד֤ים קמו־על֗י ועד֣ת ע֭ריצים בקש֣ו נפש֑י
ול֖א שמ֣וך לנגדֽם
id alohim zdim qmu-ylii vydt yrixim biqwu npwi
vla wmuç lngdm
15 But you, O Lord God, are compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger and abundant in kindness and truth. (1-4-1)
טו ואת֣ה א֭דני אל־רח֣ום וחנ֑ון
א֥רך א֝פ֗ים ורב־ח֥סד ואמֽת
Tv vath adonii al-rkum vknun
arç apiim vrb-ksd vamt
16 Be present to me and be gracious to me.
Give your strength to your servant,
And salvation to the child of your maidservant. (1-2-4-1)
טז פנ֥ה אל֗י וח֫נ֥ני
תנֽה־עזך֥ לעבד֑ך
ו֝הוש֗יעה לבן־אמתֽך
Tz pnh alii vkonni
tnh-yuzç lybdç
vhowiyh lbn-amtç
17 Make for me a sign of good,
and those hating me will see and be ashamed,
for you Yahweh have helped me and comforted me. (1-2-4-1)
יז עשֽה־עמ֥י א֗ות לט֫וב֥ה
וירא֣ו שנא֣י ויב֑שו
כֽי־את֥ה י֝הו֗ה עזרת֥ני ונחמתֽני
iz ywh-yimi aot lTobh
virau wonaii vibowu
ci-ath ihvh yzrtni vnikmtni

The music in these posts is derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here.

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