
Thursday, 12 December 2024

Psalm 141

Psalms 141: Syllables: 227; Longest recitation: 13; Tenor: e 23.35%;
Ornament density: 14.1%; Average phrase length: 10.8.

1 A psalm of David,
Yahweh, I call to you. Hurry to me.
Give ear to my voice when I call to you. (1-2-4-1)
א מזמ֗ור לד֫ו֥ד
יהו֣ה ק֭ראתיך ח֣ושה ל֑י
האז֥ינה ק֝ול֗י בקראי־לֽך
a mzmor ldvid
ihvh qratiç kuwh li
hazinh qoli bqorai-lç
2 Let my prayer be established, incense in your presence,
a lifting up of my palms, the gifts of evening. (1-4-1)
ב תכ֤ון תפלת֣י קט֣רת לפנ֑יך
מֽשא֥ת כ֝פ֗י מנחת־עֽרב
b ticon tpilti qTort lpniç
mwat cpii mnkt-yrb
3 Set, Yahweh, a guard on my mouth.
Preserve the gateway of my lips. (1-4-1)
ג שית֣ה י֭הוה שמר֣ה לפ֑י
נ֝צר֗ה על־ד֥ל שפתֽי
g with ihvh womrh lpi
nixrh yl-dl wptii
4 Do not bend my heart to a word of evil, wantonly wanton in wickedness with others, workers of mischief,
and let me not partake in their pleasures. (1-4-1)
ד אל־תט־לב֨י לדב֪ר ר֡ע להתע֘ול֤ל עלל֨ות בר֗שע את־איש֥ים פֽעלי־א֑ון
ובל־א֝לח֗ם במנעמיהֽם
d al-tT-libi ldbr ry lhtyoll ylilot brwy at-aiwim poyli-avvn
ubl-alkm bmnymihm
5 Let one who is righteous smite me with kindness. Let him correct me as oil on a head. Let not my head hinder.
For persistent is my prayer in their evils. (1-4-1)
ה יֽהלמֽני צד֨יק ח֡סד וֽיוכיח֗ני ש֣מן ר֭אש אל־ינ֣י ראש֑י
כי־ע֥וד ו֝תפלת֗י ברעותיהֽם
h ihlmni xdiq ksd viocikni wmn raw al-inia rawi
ci-yod utpilti bryotihm
6 When those judging them are remitted by means of a cliff,
then they will hear my promises for they are pleasant. (1-4-1)
ו נשמט֣ו בֽידי־ס֭לע שפטיה֑ם
ושמע֥ו א֝מר֗י כ֣י נעֽמו
v nwmTu bidi-sly wopTihm
vwmyu amrii ci nymu
7 As one slices and splits upon the earth,
scattered are our bones to the mouth of the grave. (1-4-1)
ז כמ֤ו פל֣ח ובק֣ע בא֑רץ
נפזר֥ו ע֝צמ֗ינו לפ֣י שאֽול
z cmo polk uboqy barx
npzru yxminu lpi waol
8 ♪C For to you Yahweh my Lord are my eyes.
In you I take refuge. Do not expose my being. (C-1-4-1)
ח כ֤י אל֨יך יהו֣ה אדנ֣י עינ֑י
בכ֥ה ח֝ס֗יתי אל־תע֥ר נפשֽי
k ci aliç ihvh adonii yinii
bç ksiti al-tyr npwi
9 Guard me from the means of the snare they have set to trap me,
and from the traps of the workers of mischief. (1-4-1)
ט שמר֗ני מ֣ידי פ֭ח י֣קשו ל֑י
ו֝מקש֗ות פ֣עלי אֽון
T womrni midi pk iqwu li
umoqwot poyli avvn
10 Let the wicked fall into their own cravings.
As one I myself yet pass through. (1-4-1)
י יפל֣ו במכמר֣יו רשע֑ים
י֥חד א֝נכ֗י עֽד־אעבֽור
i iiplu bmcmoriv rwyim
ikd anoci yd-aybor

The music in these posts is derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here.

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