
Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Psalm 138

Psalms 138: Syllables: 182; Longest recitation: 8; Tenor: g 21.98%;
Ornament density: 9.4%; Average phrase length: 10.1.

1 Of David. I will give you thanks with all my heart.
Before gods I will sing you a psalm. (1-4-1)
א לדו֨ד אודך֥ בכל־לב֑י
נ֖גד אלה֣ים אזמרֽך
a ldvid aodç bcl-libi
ngd alohim azmrç
2 I will worship in your holy temple and give thanks to your name over your kindness, and over your truth,
for you magnify your promise over all your name. (1-4-1)
ב אשתחו֨ה אל־היכ֪ל קדשך֡ וא֘וד֤ה את־שמ֗ך על־חסדך֥ ועל־אמת֑ך
כֽי־הגד֥לת על־כל־ש֝מך֗ אמרתֽך
b awtkvvh al-hicl qodwç vaodh at-wmç yl-ksdç vyl-amitç
ci-hgdlt yl-cl-wmç amrtç
3 In the day I called and you answered me,
you made me bold with strength within me. (1-4-1)
ג בי֣ום ק֭רֽאתי וֽתענ֑ני
תרהב֖ני בנפש֣י עֽז
g biom qrati vtynni
trhibni bnpwi yoz
4 Yahweh, all kings of the earth will give you thanks,
for they have heard the promises of your mouth. (1-4-1)
ד יוד֣וך י֭הוה כל־מלכי־א֑רץ
כ֥י ש֝מע֗ו אמרי־פֽיך
d ioduç ihvh cl-mlci-arx
ci wmyu amri-piç
5 ♪g And they will sing of the ways of Yahweh,
for great is the glory of Yahweh. (g-1-4-1)
ה ו֭ישירו בדרכ֣י יהו֑ה
כ֥י־ג֝ד֗ול כב֣וד יהוֽה
h viwiru bdrci ihvh
ci-gdol cbod ihvh
6 For exalted is Yahweh yet he sees the humble,
and the haughty he knows from afar. (1-4-1)
ו כי־ר֣ם י֭הוה ושפ֣ל ירא֑ה
ו֝גב֗ה ממרח֥ק יידֽע
v ci-rm ihvh vwpl irah
vgboh mmrkq iidy
7 Though I walk in close combat with trouble, you give me life.
Over the anger of my enemies you extend your hand,
and you save me by your right hand. (1-2-4-1)
ז אם־אל֤ך בק֥רב צר֗ה תח֫י֥ני
ע֤ל א֣ף א֭יבי תשל֣ח יד֑ך
ות֖ושיע֣ני ימינֽך
z am-alç bqrb xrh tkiini
yl af aoibii twlk idç
vtowiyni iminç
8 Yahweh will obliterate concerning me.
Yahweh your kindness is forever.
Do not slacken with what your hands have made. (1-2-4-1)
ח יהוה֮ יגמ֪ר ב֫עד֥י
י֭הוה חסדך֣ לעול֑ם
מעש֖י יד֣יך אל־תֽרף
k ihvh igmor bydi
ihvh ksdç lyolm
mywi idiç al-trf

The music in these posts is derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here.

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