Psalms 126: Syllables: 120; Longest recitation: 10; Tenor: f# 30.00%; Ornament density: 14.2%; Average phrase length: 9.2. |
1 ♪~ A song of the ascents. When Yahweh turned the captivity of Zion, we became like dreamers. (~1-2-4-1) | |||
א ש֗יר הֽמ֫על֥ות בש֣וב י֭הוה את־שיב֣ת צי֑ון ה֝י֗ינו כחלמֽים |
5 9 6 |
a wir hmylot bwub ihvh at-wibt xion hiinu ckolmim | |
2 ♪C Then our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue a shout of joy, then they said among the nations, Yahweh did greatly with them. (C-1-2-4-1) | |||
ב א֤ז ימל֪א שח֡וק פינו֮ ולשונ֪נו ר֫נ֥ה א֭ז יאמר֣ו בגוי֑ם הגד֥יל י֝הו֗ה לעש֥ות עם־אֽלה |
14 6 10 |
b az iimla wkoq pinu ulwonnu rinh az iamru bgoiim hgdil ihvh lywot ym-alh | |
3 Yahweh did greatly with us. We were glad. (1-1) | |||
ג הגד֣יל י֭הוה לעש֥ות עמ֗נו הי֥ינו שמחֽים | 16 |
g hgdil ihvh lywot yimnu hiinu wmkim | |
4 Turn Yahweh our captivity, as the river channels in the Negev. (1-4-1) | |||
ד שוב֣ה י֭הוה את־שבית֑נו כאפיק֥ים בנֽגב |
9 7 |
d wubh ihvh at-wbitnu capiqim bngb | |
5 Those sowing in tears with a shout of joy they will harvest. (1-1) | |||
ה הזרע֥ים בדמע֗ה ברנ֥ה יקצֽרו | 12 |
h hzoryim bdmyh brinh iqxoru | |
6 ♪~ Walking he will walk and weeping, bearing the trail of seed. Coming he will come with a shout of joy, bearing his sheaves. (~1-2-4-1) | |||
ו ה֘ל֤וך יל֨ך ובכה֮ נש֪א מֽשך־ה֫ז֥רע בא־יב֥וא ברנ֑ה נ֝ש֗א אלמתֽיו |
14 5 6 |
v hloç ilç ubch nowa mwç-hzry boa-iboa brinh nowa alumotiv |
The music in these posts is derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here.
I had to point out an error in the WLC for this psalm because the accidental error illustrates how robust the deciphering key is to handle multiple accents on a syllable. It's unusual, but a composer could imagine it and code it if that was all they had to make the heard melody. Compare this snippet below with bar 34 above.
A melodic accident of extra silluq and illuy accents on boa-iboa |
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