Psalms 119: (Verses 97 to 112) Syllables: 256; Longest recitation: 8; Tenor: e 25.39%; Ornament density: 8.9%; Average phrase length: 8.6. |
(Verses 97 to 104) Syllables: 129; Longest recitation: 8; Tenor: e 24.03%;
Ornament density: 8.5%; Average phrase length: 8.7.
(Verses 105 to 112) Syllables: 127; Longest recitation: 8; Tenor: e 26.77%;
Ornament density: 9.4%; Average phrase length: 8.5.
97 My - how I love your instruction. All the day long it is my pondering. (1-4-1) | |||
צז מֽה־אה֥בתי תורת֑ך כל־ה֝י֗ום ה֣יא שיחתֽי |
8 7 |
xz mh-ahbti tortç cl-hiom hia wikti | |
98 ♪g Making me wiser than my enemies by your commandment, for it is mine forever. (g-1-4-1) | |||
צח מ֭א֣יבי תחכמ֣ני מצות֑ך כ֖י לעול֣ם היא־לֽי |
11 6 |
xk maoibii tkcmni mxvotç ci lyolm hia-li | |
99 Midst all my teachers I have insight, for your testimonies are my pondering. (1-4-1) | |||
צט מכל־מלמד֥י השכ֑לתי כ֥י ע֝דות֗יך ש֣יחה לֽי |
8 9 |
xT mcl-mlmdii hwclti ci ydvotiç wikh li | |
100 More than the aged I understand, for your precepts I have observed. (1-4-1) | |||
ק מזקנ֥ים אתבונ֑ן כ֖י פקוד֣יך נצֽרתי |
6 8 |
q mzqnim atbonn ci piqudiç nxrti | |
101 Missing every path of evil I have restrained my feet, so that I will keep your word. (1-4-1) | |||
קא מכל־א֣רח ר֭ע כל֣אתי רגל֑י ל֝מ֗ען אשמ֥ר דברֽך |
10 9 |
qa mcl-aork ry cliti rglii lmyn awmor dbrç | |
102 Mid your judgments I have not been stubborn, for you yourself have instructed me. (1-4-1) | |||
קב ממשפט֥יך לא־ס֑רתי כי־א֝ת֗ה הורתֽני |
8 6 |
qb mmwpTiç la-srti ci-ath horitni | |
103 More than gratifying to my palate, your promise than honey to my mouth. (1-1) | |||
קג מה־נמלצ֣ו ל֭חכי אמרת֗ך מדב֥ש לפֽי | 15 |
qg mh-nmlxu lkici amrtç mdbw lpi | |
104 Minding your precepts I have discernment, therefore I have hated every path of falsehood. (1-4-1) | |||
קד מפקוד֥יך אתבונ֑ן על־כ֝֗ן שנ֤אתי כל־א֬רח שֽקר |
8 10 |
qd mpiqudiç atbonn yl-cn wnati cl-aork wqr | |
105 Nigh a lamp to my feet is your word, and light to my pathway. (1-4-1) | |||
קה נר־לרגל֥י דבר֑ך ו֝א֗ור לנתיבתֽי |
8 6 |
qh nr-lrgli dbrç vaor lntibti | |
106 Now I have sworn and I will arise to it, to keep the judgments of your righteousness. (1-4-1) | |||
קו נשב֥עתי ואקי֑מה ל֝שמ֗ר משפט֥י צדקֽך |
8 8 |
qv nwbyti vaqiimh lwmor mwpTi xdqç | |
107 Near to much poverty am I, Yahweh. Give me life according to your word. (1-4-1) | |||
קז נענ֥יתי עד־מא֑ד י֝הו֗ה חי֥ני כדברֽך |
7 9 |
qz nyniti yd-maod ihvh kiini cdbrç | |
108 Now the freewill offerings of my mouth, may you accept, Yahweh, and your judgments teach me. (1-4-1) | |||
קח נדב֣ות פ֭י רצה־נ֣א יהו֑ה וֽמשפט֥יך למדֽני |
8 8 |
qk ndbot pi rxh-na ihvh umwpTiç lmdni | |
109 Now my being is in the palm of my hand continually, and your instruction I have not forgotten. (1-4-1) | |||
קט נפש֣י בכפ֣י תמ֑יד ו֝ת֥ורתך֗ ל֣א שכֽחתי |
7 8 |
qT npwi bcpi tmid vtortç la wckti | |
110 Netted the wicked a snare for me, but from your precepts I did not wander. (1-4-1) | |||
קי נתנ֬ו רשע֣ים פ֣ח ל֑י ו֝מפקוד֗יך ל֣א תעֽיתי |
7 10 |
qi ntnu rwyim pk li umpiqudiç la tyiti | |
111 Near are your testimonies, my inheritance forever, for the joy of my heart are they. (1-4-1) | |||
קיא נח֣לתי עדות֣יך לעול֑ם כֽי־שש֖ון לב֣י הֽמה |
10 7 |
qia nklti ydvotiç lyolm ci-wwon libi hmh | |
112 Nuanced have I my heart to do your statutes, forever with foot firmly planted. (1-1) | |||
קיב נט֣יתי ל֭בי לעש֥ות חק֗יך לעול֥ם עֽקב | 16 |
qib nTiti libi lywot kuqiç lyolm yqb |
Psalms 119: (Verses 113 to 128) Syllables: 258; Longest recitation: 10; Tenor: A 28.29%; Ornament density: 5.8%; Average phrase length: 8.3. |
(Verses 121 to 128) Syllables: 125; Longest recitation: 10; Tenor: A 26.40%;
Ornament density: 5.6%; Average phrase length: 8.3.
(Verses 113 to 120) Syllables: 133; Longest recitation: 8; Tenor: A 30.08%;
Ornament density: 6%; Average phrase length: 8.3.
113 Schismatics I hate, and your instruction I have loved. (1-4-1) | |||
קיג סעפ֥ים שנ֑אתי וֽתורתך֥ אהֽבתי |
6 7 |
qig sypim wnati vtortç ahbti | |
114 Secret mine and my shield are you. Of your word I have hoped. (1-4-1) | |||
קיד סתר֣י ומגנ֣י א֑תה לדברך֥ יחֽלתי |
8 6 |
qid stri umgini ath ldbrç iiklti | |
115 Stay from me, you evildoers, for I will observe the commandments of my God. (1-4-1) | |||
קטו סֽורו־ממ֥ני מרע֑ים ו֝אצר֗ה מצו֥ת אלהֽי |
7 8 |
qTv suru-mmni mryim vaxrh mxvot alohii | |
116 Support me according to your promise so I will live. Let me not be ashamed of my reliance. (1-4-1) | |||
קטז סמכ֣ני כאמרתך֣ ואחי֑ה ואל־ת֝ביש֗ני משברֽי |
10 9 |
qTz somcni camrtç vakih val-tbiwni mwbri | |
117 Sustain me and I will be saved, and I will look to your statutes continually. (1-4-1) | |||
קיז סעד֥ני ואוש֑עה ואשע֖ה בחק֣יך תמֽיד |
9 9 |
qiz sydni vaivvwyh vawyh bkuqiç tmid | |
118 ♪g Suspended have you all who stray from your statutes, for falsehood is their deceit. (g-1-4-1) | |||
קיח ס֭לית כל־שוג֣ים מחק֑יך כי־ש֝֗קר תרמיתֽם |
10 5 |
qik slit cl-wogim mkuqiç ci-wqr trmitm | |
119 Swill you eradicated all the wicked of the earth, so I have loved your testimonies. (1-4-1) | |||
קיט סג֗ים השב֥ת כל־רשעי־א֑רץ ל֝כ֗ן אה֥בתי עדתֽיך |
9 9 |
qiT sigim hwbt cl-rwyi-arx lcn ahbti ydotiç | |
120 Shivers from your dread my flesh, and your judgments I fear. (1-4-1) | |||
קכ סמ֣ר מפחדך֣ בשר֑י וֽממשפט֥יך ירֽאתי |
9 9 |
qc smr mpkdç bwri ummwpTiç irati | |
121 ♪g I have dealt judgment and righteousness. Do not leave me to those oppressing me. (g-1-4-1) | |||
קכא ע֭שיתי משפ֣ט וצ֑דק בל־ת֝ניח֗ני לעֽשקֽי |
8 8 |
qca ywiti mwpT vxdq bl-tnikni lyowqii | |
122 Insure your servant for good. Do not let the presumptuous oppress me. (1-4-1) | |||
קכב ער֣ב עבדך֣ לט֑וב אֽל־יעשק֥ני זדֽים |
7 7 |
qcb yrob ybdç lTob al-iywquni zdim | |
123 ♪g I - I - my eyes - faint for your salvation, and for the promise of your righteousness. (g-1-4-1) | |||
קכג ע֭יני כל֣ו לישועת֑ך ולאמר֥ת צדקֽך |
9 6 |
qcg yinii clu liwuytç ulamrt xdqç | |
124 I ask you to deal with your servant according to your mercy, and your statutes to teach me. (1-1) | |||
קכד עש֖ה עם־עבדך֥ כחסד֗ך וחק֥יך למדֽני | 17 |
qcd ywh ym-ybdç cksdç vkuqiç lmdni | |
125 I am your servant, let me understand, that I may know your testimonies. (1-4-1) | |||
קכה עבדך־א֥ני הבינ֑ני ו֝אדע֗ה עדתֽיך |
8 7 |
qch ybdç-ani hbinni vadyh ydotiç | |
126 ♪g It is time to act, Yahweh. Your instruction they have thwarted. (g-1-4-1) | |||
קכו ע֭ת לעש֣ות ליהו֑ה ה֝פ֗רו תורתֽך |
6 7 |
qcv yt lywot lihvh hpru tortç | |
127 I have loved your commandments therefore, above gold and above pure gold. (1-4-1) | |||
קכז על־כ֭ן אה֣בתי מצות֑יך מזה֥ב ומפֽז |
9 6 |
qcz yl-cn ahbti mxvotiç mzhb umpz | |
128 Indeed all your precepts, all I find upright. Every path of falsehood I hate. (1-4-1) | |||
קכח על־כ֤ן כל־פק֣ודי כ֣ל יש֑רתי כל־א֖רח ש֣קר שנֽאתי |
10 8 |
qck yl-cn cl-piqudi col iiwrti cl-aork wqr wnati |
The music in these posts is derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here.
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