
Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Psalm 65

Psalms 65: Syllables: 288; Longest recitation: 9; Tenor: f# 23.61%;
Ornament density: 12.9%; Average phrase length: 10.6.

1 For the leader. A psalm of David. A song. (1-1)
א למנצ֥ח מזמ֗ור לדו֥ד שֽיר 10
a lmnxk mzmor ldvid wir
2 To you mute praise, O God in Zion,
and to you a vow is paid. (1-4-1)
ב לך֤ דֽמי֬ה תהל֓ה אל֘ה֥ים בצי֑ון
ו֝לך֗ ישלם־נֽדר
b lç dumiih thilh alohim bxion
ulç iwulm-ndr
3 The one who hears prayer,
to you will all flesh come. (1-4-1)
ג שמ֥ע תפל֑ה
ע֝ד֗יך כל־בש֥ר יבֽאו
g womy tpilh
ydiç cl-bwr iboau
4 Matters of iniquities prevail from me.
Our transgressions you yourself will cover over. (1-4-1)
ד דבר֣י ע֭ונת ג֣ברו מ֑ני
פ֝שע֗ינו את֥ה תכפרֽם
d dbri yvonot gbru mni
pwyinu ath tcprm
5 Happy the one you have chosen and brought near, who will dwell in your courts.
We will be satisfied in the good of your house,
the holy of your temple. (1-2-4-1)
ה אשר֤י ת֥בח֣ר ותקרב֮ ישכ֪ן חצ֫ר֥יך
נ֭שבעה בט֣וב בית֑ך
ק֝ד֗ש היכלֽך
h awri tbkr utqrb iwcon kxriç
nwbyh bTub bitç
qdow hiclç
6 ♪C Fearful things in righteousness you will answer us, O God of our salvation,
the trust of all the extremes of the earth and remote sea, (C-1-4-1)
ו נ֤ורא֨ות בצ֣דק ת֭עננו אלה֣י ישע֑נו
מבט֥ח כל־קצוי־א֝֗רץ וי֣ם רחקֽים
v noraot bxdq tynnu alohi iwynu
mbTk cl-qxvvi-arx vim rkoqim
7 establishing mountains by his power,
girded with valour, (1-4-1)
ז מכ֣ין הר֣ים בכח֑ו
נ֝אז֗ר בגבורֽה
z mcin hrim bcoko
nazr bgburh
8 soothing the noise of the seas, the noise of their waves, and the tumult of the tribes. (1-1)
ח משב֤יח שא֣ון י֭מים שא֥ון גליה֗ם והמ֥ון לאמֽים 18
k mwbik waon imim waon glihm vhmon laumim
9 And those sitting at the extremes fear from your signs.
You will cause the outgoings of morning and evening to shout for joy. (1-4-1)
ט וי֤ירא֨ו ישב֣י ק֭צות מאותת֑יך
מ֤וצֽאי ב֖קר וע֣רב תרנֽין
T viirau iowbi qxvot maototiç
moxai boqr vyrb trnin
10 You visit the earth and make it bountiful, exceedingly you made it rich. The stream of God is full of water.
You prepare their grain, for so you prepare for her. (1-4-1)
י פק֥דת הא֨רץ ותש֪קק֡ה רב֬ת תעשר֗נה פ֣לג א֭להים מ֣לא מ֑ים
תכ֥ין ד֝גנ֗ם כי־כ֥ן תכינֽה
i pqdt harx vtwoqqha rbt tywrnh plg alohim mla mim
tcin dgnm ci-cn tcinha
11 Ridges you saturate to penetrate her grooves.
In copious showers you make her soft. The growth you will bless. (1-4-1)
יא תלמ֣יה ר֭וה נח֣ת גדוד֑יה
ברביב֥ים ת֝מגג֗נה צמח֥ה תברֽך
ia tlmih rvvh nkt gdudih
brbibim tmoggnh xmkh tbrç
12 ♪g You have crowned a year with your good,
and your tracks drip fatness. (g-1-4-1)
יב ע֭טרת שנ֣ת טובת֑ך
ו֝מעגל֗יך ירעפ֥ון דֽשן
ib yiTrt wnt Tobtç
umygliç irypun dwn
13 ♪g The haunts of the wilderness drip,
and the hillocks attired rejoice. (g-1-4-1)
יג י֭רעפו נא֣ות מדב֑ר
ו֝ג֗יל גבע֥ות תחגֽרנה
ig irypu naot mdbr
vgil gbyot tkgornh
14 Clothed are meadows with flocks, and valleys draped with corn.
They shout in triumph. Also they sing. (1-4-1)
יד לבש֬ו כר֨ים הצ֗אן ועמק֥ים יֽעטפו־ב֑ר
י֝תרועע֗ו אף־ישֽירו
id lbwu crim hxan vymqim iyTpu-br
itroyyu af-iwiru

The music in these posts is derived from the accents in the Hebrew Bible. Introductions - letters, music, text and music, and terminology, are here.

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