
Friday 13 September 2024

Selections from a table of frequencies

 I am stepping through the possibilities that one or more clues to the mode of a psalm may lie in the 'tenor' of the psalm or information in the first verse. I come to the conclusion that there is nothing doing here.

Common words like psalm, or 'for the leader' (as suggested in Werner's book) or specific titles like Gittite, or young women, or flutes or strings are speculative but too rare to be useful. I am listing these tables for your interest - if you are interested. They are selections from the table I posted the other day.

There are several subsets -- overlapping at times: Korah, Asaph, Do not destroy, insight (Maskil), songs of the ascents, lilies,  and Miktam (of gold? etc), and five psalms where the recitation on e, f#, A, and B are all in the 20% range plus or minus 2. Four tenors in one psalm! That's three tenors too many. The terms of Gregorian chant simply do not apply to this music. 

PSALMSyllablesdef#gABCEnglish text - of Korah
42312 3.53 29.49 27.56 8.01 10.26 9.62 11.54For the leader. An insight of the children of Korah.
44495 1.21 20.81 18.18 18.38 19.19 18.38 3.84For the leader. Of the children of Korah, an insight.

45393 .51 24.17 16.54 20.10 13.74 19.59 5.34For the leader upon lilies, of the children of Korah.
An insight. A song of two beloved.

46233 .86 25.32 22.32 18.03 14.59 18.88 .00For the leader of the children of Korah.
For young women. A song.

47173 1.73 19.65 19.08 20.23 12.72 17.34 9.25For the leader. Of the children of Korah. A psalm.
48270 1.11 14.07 18.89 17.41 19.63 15.56 13.33A song. A psalm of the children of Korah.
49358 .00 19.83 12.29 22.35 16.48 20.39 8.66For the leader. Of the children of Korah. A psalm.
84271 5.17 17.34 22.88 15.50 20.66 13.28 5.17For the leader, at the Gittite settlement.
Of the children of Korah. A psalm.
85241 .83 22.82 12.45 15.77 24.48 19.50 4.15For the leader. Of the children of Korah. A psalm.
87116 .00 24.14 13.79 25.00 18.97 15.52 2.59Of the children of Korah. A psalm. A song.

His foundation is on the holy hills.
88377 .00 17.77 14.59 13.26 25.46 25.20 3.71A song. A psalm of the children of Korah.
For the leader in illness to jam.
An insight of Heyman the Ezrahite.
PSALMSyllablesdef#gABCEnglish text - of Asaph
50436 .00 19.95 13.53 17.43 21.79 19.95 7.34A psalm of Asaph.
The God of Gods, Yahweh, spoke and he called earth
from the rising of the sun to its going down.
73472 .00 17.80 20.97 14.41 26.48 16.31 4.03A psalm of Asaph.
Surely God is good to Israel, to the pure in heart.
74463 .00 18.57 25.49 20.09 14.25 17.28 4.32An insight of Asaph.
Why O God? will you reject us in perpetuity?
Will your anger fume against the sheep of your pasture?
75210 1.43 19.52 16.19 16.67 25.71 15.71 4.76For the leader. Do not destroy.
A psalm of Asaph. A song.
76222 .45 19.82 16.67 18.47 17.57 26.58 .45For the leader. On strings.
A psalm of Asaph. A song.
77391 .51 20.46 18.41 12.02 19.44 23.27 5.88For the leader. For Jeduthun. Of Asaph, a psalm.
781354 .37 19.72 17.06 15.95 24.37 17.73 4.80An insight of Asaph.
Listen my people to my instruction.
Bend your ears to the sayings of my mouth.
79341 2.93 23.17 22.87 10.85 11.14 15.84 13.20A psalm of Asaph.
O God the nations have come into your inheritance. They have defiled even your holy temple.
They have set up Jerusalem in shambles.
80379 .00 18.21 19.00 9.76 24.80 21.90 6.33For the leader. On lilies.
A testimony of Asaph, a psalm.
81310 .00 21.29 11.61 20.97 22.58 20.00 3.55For the leader on musing, of Asaph.

82144 .00 22.92 27.78 18.75 15.28 12.50 2.78A psalm of Asaph.
God takes a stand in the divine assembly,
in the close combat of gods he judges.
83314 .00 22.29 18.79 19.75 21.02 16.88 1.27A song. A psalm of Asaph.
PSALMSyllablesdef#gABCEnglish text - Do not destroy
37726 .55 16.94 12.12 22.59 24.24 17.08 6.47Of David.
About evildoers do not burn.
Do not be jealous over doers of injustice.
57260 3.08 14.62 20.00 11.92 14.62 23.85 11.92For the leader. Do not destroy. Of David, a miktam,
when he ran away from the face of Saul in the cave.

58235 1.28 21.28 34.47 11.06 11.06 19.57 1.28For the leader. Do not destroy. Of David, a miktam.
59409 2.93 20.29 22.00 17.11 13.94 18.34 5.38For the leader. Do not destroy.
Of David, a miktam,
when Saul sent and they watched the house to have him executed.

75210 1.43 19.52 16.19 16.67 25.71 15.71 4.76For the leader. Do not destroy.
A psalm of Asaph. A song.
PSALMSyllablesdef#gABCEnglish text - An insight
32258 3.88 27.91 19.38 11.24 15.50 15.50 6.59Of David, an insight.
Happy transgression borne away, sin covered.
42312 3.53 29.49 27.56 8.01 10.26 9.62 11.54For the leader. An insight of the children of Korah.
44495 1.21 20.81 18.18 18.38 19.19 18.38 3.84For the leader. Of the children of Korah, an insight.

45393 .51 24.17 16.54 20.10 13.74 19.59 5.34For the leader upon lilies, of the children of Korah.
An insight. A song of two beloved.

52221 2.26 23.08 25.34 12.67 13.57 18.55 4.52For the leader. An insight of David.
53168 5.36 31.55 22.62 8.93 13.69 13.69 4.17For the leader. In illness. An insight of David.
54157 .00 12.10 17.20 22.93 24.20 14.01 9.55For the leader. On strings. An insight of David.
55470 .85 17.66 18.72 18.09 14.04 18.30 12.34For the leader. On strings. An insight of David.
74463 .00 18.57 25.49 20.09 14.25 17.28 4.32An insight of Asaph.
Why O God? will you reject us in perpetuity?
Will your anger fume against the sheep of your pasture?
781354 .37 19.72 17.06 15.95 24.37 17.73 4.80An insight of Asaph.
Listen my people to my instruction.
Bend your ears to the sayings of my mouth.
88377 .00 17.77 14.59 13.26 25.46 25.20 3.71A song. A psalm of the children of Korah.
For the leader in illness to jam.
An insight of Heyman the Ezrahite.
89949 .00 18.44 21.07 19.70 20.55 18.12 2.11An insight. Of Ethan the Ezrahite.

142173 7.51 21.97 17.92 11.56 13.87 17.34 9.83An insight Of David,
when he was in the cave. A prayer.
PSALMSyllablesdef#gABCEnglish text - lilies
45393 .51 24.17 16.54 20.10 13.74 19.59 5.34For the leader upon lilies, of the children of Korah.
An insight. A song of two beloved.

69734 .68 19.62 18.12 13.90 21.25 20.30 6.13For the leader. Upon lilies. Of David.

80379 .00 18.21 19.00 9.76 24.80 21.90 6.33For the leader. On lilies.
A testimony of Asaph, a psalm.
PSALMSyllablesdef#gABCEnglish text - Songs of the ascents
120111 .00 27.03 16.22 18.02 23.42 15.32 .00A song of the ascents.
To Yahweh when I am trouble bound,
I call and he answers me.
121124 .00 33.06 21.77 8.87 28.23 8.06 .00A song to the ascents.
I will lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where comes my help?
122150 4.00 13.33 10.67 18.67 30.67 20.00 2.67A song of the ascents, Of David.
I was glad when they said to me,
Up to the house of Yahweh we will walk.
12397 10.31 28.87 15.46 9.28 17.53 17.53 1.03A song of the ascents.
To you I lift up my eyes,
the one sitting in the heavens.
124141 1.42 18.44 29.79 16.31 18.44 15.60 .00A song of the ascents, of David.
Unless Yahweh had been for us,
May Israel say,
125125 7.20 23.20 17.60 19.20 13.60 6.40 12.80A song of the ascents.
Those trusting in Yahweh,
are like mount Zion. It will not be moved. Forever it will persist.
126120 9.17 19.17 28.33 12.50 15.83 6.67 8.33A song of the ascents.
When Yahweh turned the captivity of Zion,
we became like dreamers.
127121 3.31 22.31 18.18 4.96 10.74 17.36 23.14A song of the ascents, of Solomon.
If Yahweh does not build a house, in vain its builders toil in it.
If Yahweh does not keep a city, in vain the vigilant keeps watch.
128114 1.75 19.30 21.93 14.91 23.68 16.67 1.75A song of the ascents.
Happy all who fear Yahweh,
who walk in his ways.
129126 .00 18.25 18.25 19.05 19.84 17.46 7.14A song of the ascents.
Exceedingly they troubled me from my youth,
may Israel say.
130133 2.26 18.80 24.81 12.03 28.57 13.53 .00A song of the ascents.
From the valleys I call to you Yahweh.
13176 .00 15.79 13.16 26.32 15.79 13.16 15.79A song of the ascents, Of David.
Yahweh not haughty is my heart nor exalted my eyes,
nor do I walk in great things or in wonders beyond me.
132322 1.55 23.91 22.67 9.94 30.43 10.87 .62A song of the ascents.
Yahweh, remember David,
with all his afflictions.
13378 2.56 25.64 19.23 15.38 15.38 6.41 15.38A song of the ascents, of David.
Here! How fine and how pleasant it is,
for kin to sit as one.
13459 .00 25.42 22.03 13.56 25.42 8.47 5.08A song of the ascents.
Here! bless Yahweh, all servants of Yahweh,
those standing in the house of Yahweh in the nights.
PSALMSyllablesdef#gABCEnglish text - miktam
16216 .93 24.07 21.76 12.96 21.76 14.35 4.17From gold, concerning atonement, through inscription, of David.
Keep me O God for I take refuge in you.
56278 4.68 20.14 10.79 17.99 20.86 18.35 7.19For the leader. On the dove dumbed by distances. Of David. A miktam,
when the Philistines in Gath grasped him.

57260 3.08 14.62 20.00 11.92 14.62 23.85 11.92For the leader. Do not destroy. Of David, a miktam,
when he ran away from the face of Saul in the cave.

58235 1.28 21.28 34.47 11.06 11.06 19.57 1.28For the leader. Do not destroy. Of David, a miktam.
59409 2.93 20.29 22.00 17.11 13.94 18.34 5.38For the leader. Do not destroy.
Of David, a miktam,
when Saul sent and they watched the house to have him executed.

60279 .72 15.41 11.47 16.85 17.20 29.75 8.60For the leader on a lily. A witness.
A miktam of David, for teaching.
PSALMSyllablesdef#gABCEnglish text - evenly matched psalms
22616 1.62 20.13 20.62 14.77 19.81 20.29 2.76For the leader on the hart of the dawn. A psalm of David.
44495 1.21 20.81 18.18 18.38 19.19 18.38 3.84For the leader. Of the children of Korah, an insight.

66376 .00 19.95 18.09 18.35 19.15 18.88 5.59For the leader. A song. A Psalm.

Raise a shout to God all the earth.
69734 .68 19.62 18.12 13.90 21.25 20.30 6.13For the leader. Upon lilies. Of David.

89949 .00 18.44 21.07 19.70 20.55 18.12 2.11An insight. Of Ethan the Ezrahite.

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