
Saturday 17 August 2024

Singing Genesis 1:1

In the beginning of God's creating,
the heavens and the earth,

א בראש֖ית בר֣א אלה֑ים
א֥ת השמ֖ים וא֥ת האֽרץ


a brawit bra alohim
at hwmiim vat harx

The raw music is implied by those seven marks under the Hebrew text. They translate into this music - Unicode to automated MusicXML. I have added by hand a free adaptation of my translation with underlay in English.

Genesis 1:1 with a free adaptation of the translation for English lyrics

It would be possible to set this as a dance in Hebrew. The rhythm is 3/4. With just a touch of agogic, you have it. Just stretch the time value of a note or two. Sort of like this.

Genesis 1:1 in a dance rhythm 3-4 time

Notice also that the music for the first verse has no accents above the text. Here is the music in the Hebrew Do-Re-Mi. I omit the opening silluq since that is the default starting note.

This too can be arranged in a 3/4 pulse.
Sequence of accents for Genesis 1:1

Here are the notes sung to the syllable names in a zarqa table for the deciphering key for Genesis 1:1.
Genesis 1:1 - the accents as sung to the Hebrew accent names 
In principle, a zarqa table could be arranged for any verse. It would be more convenient if the note names were all one syllable long, but we can use two syllables too since when you sing the first syllable, if the stress is not on that syllable, you keep singing on the prior reciting note. You know where you are and you are tipped off to where you are going. Eventually, the zarqa table will no longer be needed.

Now isn't this a revealing approach. What is the likelihood that I could have done this with a random set of punctuation marks -- next to zero. The deciphering key discovered by Suzanne Haïk-Vantoura applies to every verse in Scripture and reveals astonishing music without fail -- in spite of errors in copying over the last 1000 years.

We have neglected the music to our impoverishment.

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