
Tuesday 27 August 2024

Piling on of accents - even two on one syllable

 This exercise has been exhausting. I have a greater respect than before of just how hard it must be to copy a manuscript. Admittedly, I am juggling many technologies and sometimes they trip themselves up, but I am astonished at how many errors I can make myself without any help.

Here's a table that incidentally shows how Haïik-Vantoura's system can handle the piling on of accents on a single syllable in 2 Kings 17:13. The word 'turn' has a geresh superimposed on a telisha gedolah. Perhaps this is the origin of more extensive melismatic passages. And the music handles it even if it is typographically difficult to read. It looks like a smudge over the shin of wubu.

the piling on of accents on a single syllable in 2 Kings 17:13

13 And Yahweh testified in Israel and Judah by means of every prophet, every visionary, saying, Turn from your evil ways and keep my commandments, my statutes, according to all the instruction that I commanded your ancestors,
and that I sent to you by means of my servants, the prophets.
יג וי֣עד יהו֡ה בישרא֣ל וביהוד֡ה ביד֩ כל־נביא֨י כל־חז֜ה לאמ֗ר ש֝֠בו מדרכיכ֤ם הֽרעים֙ ושמרו֙ מצות֣י חקות֔י ככ֨ל־התור֔ה אש֥ר צו֖יתי את־אבֽתיכ֑ם
וֽאשר֙ של֣חתי אליכ֔ם בי֖ד עבד֥י הנביאֽים
ig viyd ihvh biwral ubihudh bid cl-nbiai cl-kozh lamor wubu mdrcicm hryim vwmru mxvotii kuqotii ccl-htorh awr xivviti at-aboticm
vawr wlkti alicm bid ybdii hnbiaim

Here's a table of selected accents from Zephaniah 1:10a, an example of a common sequence of accents on the same reciting note occurring in 374 verses of the 21 books, and two words from the above verse, saying and turn.
A table of selected accents from Zephaniah 1:10 and 2 Kings 17:13
Here's the data for Zephaniah 1:10.

10 And it will be on that day, an oracle of Yahweh, the voice of an outcry from the fish-gate and of torment from the second,
and a great shattering from the hillocks.
י והיה֩ בי֨ום הה֜וא נאם־יהו֗ה ק֤ול צעקה֙ מש֣ער הדג֔ים וֽילל֖ה מן־המשנ֑ה
וש֥בר גד֖ול מהגבעֽות
i vhih biom hhua naum-ihvh qol xyqh mwyr hdgim villh mn-hmwnh
vwbr gdol mhgbyot
Zephaniah 1:10

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