
Wednesday 19 June 2024

Successions - Genesis 25

 Getting back to the genealogies. The music of Genesis 25 is different from the lists that have gone before.

This is a large chunk of music to work through. Most of the chapter is about births:
  • Qeturah - a host of children and grandchildren but Isaac is isolated.
  • Ishmael - a dozen tribes.
  • Isaac - Esau and Jacob
A few observations. 
  • Verses 1 (21 similar verses with this shape) and 5 (4 similar verses) have no rest point. 
  • The descent to the tonic on הַפִּֽילַגְשִׁים֙ is in the Aleppo codex. The music here is elaborate - a story telling moment.
  • There are no refrains in the chapter. The description of death for Abraham (verse 8 bar 60) and Ishmael (verse 17 bar 141) is threefold: expired, died, and was gathered to his people. But there is no significant musical imitation apart from the last 5 notes.
  • The somewhat rare ornament tarsin (109 in Genesis) is used 5 times in the chapter verse 6, 9, 16, 26, 34 -- These are all significant turns in the story:
    • sending away the children of the courtesans, 
    • the entombment of Abraham, 
    • celebrating the children of Ishmael, 
    • Jacob grasping Esau by the heel, 
    • and Jacob feeding Esau the lentil stew. 

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