
Monday 16 May 2016

Glutton for punishment

I am thinking of another book. What's the process I use for translation? Here's a sketched outline. What have I left out?
  1. Some helpful and also possibly hindering sites
    •  BLB
      • Good fundamental idea
      • Overlaid with poor theology
      • Dysfunctional glossary
      • Old scholarship for the lexicon
    • S4all
      • Good fundamental idea
      • Base pages are not distracting
      • Did not try the software
    • Mechon-Mamre
      • Good Hebrew-English layout
      • Good Hebrew search using Google
    • Aleppo codex
    • Leningrad codex
    • Google synonym processor
    • Hebrew-Latin concordance
    • Grammar books and other old things
    • Helpful scholars
    • All the professional software from Microsoft
  2. A powerful database toolset
    • GX-Leaf
      • Interactive and fast development
      • Security
      • Web service interface
      • Key memory and auditing
      • Tailored translation tests
      • Data design built in but can access anything
      • Need all sorts of searches related to language forms in English and Hebrew
    • SQL developer
      • Loading base data
      • Automated batch translation
      • Music statistical analysis
      • Many other routines, e.g. roots, grammar, music
    • Backup and recovery
  3. 10 minutes in the life of a translator
    • Remembering where you were
    • Deciding where to go next
    • Searching by gloss, by root, by phrase, by word
    • Word by word
    • Building the sentence, words, phrases, idiom
    • Pulse, rhythm, feel, impact
    • Figuring out domains
    • Resolving conflicts and roots
    • Relearning grammar - all sorts of subtopics
    • Parts of speech - the troubled identity of prepositions
    • Checking the music
    • Reviewing the draft
    • Looking at unknowns
    • Publishing 
    • Correcting
    • Taking your temperature (status)
    • Fixing incorrect processes and other distractions
    • Publishing for real 
    • Learning speech with Google translate (hilarious!)

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