
Monday 30 September 2013

Course on the psalms has taken shape quickly

My course on the psalms has taken shape - I have learned to upload videos myself! and I even put together a playlist so you can find the psalm to be heard at the beginning of each session. (But who would use such things when ads are inserted into them?) If you want to take the course - go ahead and do it - it is free. The only cost to you is the learning time (priceless) and the cost of a copy of the book (cheap). You can use any Psalter or translation of the psalms in any Bible but it will be harder to do the exercises because you won't have the recurrence tables - and you would benefit from them.

The blogger editor keeps losing my playlist - can you believe it?  What did my playlist do to get lost - so the six psalms for the six sessions are the following:

  1. Purcell, Jehova quam multi sunt hostes mei? (Psalm 3)
  2. Bairstow, Lord thou hast been our refuge (Psalm 90 and others)
  3. Handel, Dixit Dominus (Psalm 110)
  4. Bernstein, Psalms 2 / 23
  5. Gibbons, Psalm 47 O Clap Your Hands Together
  6. Vantoura, Psalm 96 - Sing to יהוה a New Song

All six video sessions are uploaded. If you want to use the course for adult education in a church - please let me know with a comment. I am happy to answer questions or even participate remotely. If there is a version 2 of the video - use that one and ignore version 1.

I have taught bits of this course live in several places - but the whole is new in this form - I expect it will change over time and grow once I have taught it live, something which I hope will happen soon in my own home town.

If you want me to teach the course - I will if we can figure out how to get me where I need to be for the amount of time needed. We could squeeze the course into two days - but it is more effective over several weeks of learning.

My motivation is to spread the word about how good the Psalms are.

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