Sunday 31 January 2016

Biblical Studies Carnival #120

Tim Bulkeley has posted a thorough carnival even with footnotes to slow us down.

I have noted particularly and added to my reader the Sri Lankan blog of Vinoth Ramachandra. He is noting the past though not clearly enough the future implications of the world's being ruled by 62 men. Here is an irony worth reading on Sanders visiting Liberty University: I can only hope that a Jew like Bernie Sanders will help these Christians go back and read the Hebrew Bible.

This will take time to work through...

Consistent with this comment though is another quote from Travis McMaken also linked in the carnival: “Christianity” in North America—i.e., those who claim to worship this same God, Yahweh, as vectored by way of Jesus Christ—serves as just this sort of justification for those who have wealth, isolating them from God’s demand for solidarity with the poor. Solidarity, not charity. 

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